I got a few Scientologist’s to leave by asking them how can they get out of doubt regarding Scientology when it is HIGH CRIME to investigate Scientologist’s and the leader, founder and Organization.
Think about it. They did. I then said – Look at what Scientology does not want you to look at and see for yourself…other wise you will be in doubt forever because you don’t have all the DATA. LOL
That question poked huge holes in their bubbles and I heard air escaping.
I kept my TR’s IN IN IN while this was happening.
I asked them why type of Organization that preached “TRUTH” won’t let you look at everything and decide for yourself?
Is there something the Organization is hiding.
Then – with that insouciant glare of “certainty” I said – LOOK and THINK for yourself.
The idiocy of the doubt formula! The missing options are to reject both groups one is comparing or support both groups.
The full range of options for a dichotomy (such as looking at two different groups) would be to: choose A over B; choose B over A; choose A and B; reject A and B.
Or refuse to play Ron’s silly game of contrived statistical analysis. First Ron straitjacketed his follower’s understanding of ethics to one branch’s fork. Instead of considering both deontology (roughly, duty) and consequentialism (roughly, ends justifies the means), he picked a subgenre of consequentialism called utilitarianism (roughly, greatest good for the greatest number). To this he weaseled in strains of deontology/duty to the in group. Then he further constrained logical analysis by writing policy that ignored two of the four possible outcomes when weighing a choice between two things. Crudely put, the doubt formula changed the odds of the person sticking with Scientology to 1:2 rather than 1:4. Once having stacked the deck in his favor, Ron’s overall structure created huge pressure to choose Scientology over the other option/group through the indoctrination that there was no possible greater good than the one group who held the answers to mankind’s immortality and all the problems of life. The odds of the doubt formula coming out as it did in the Regraded Being column today were thus reduced to maybe 1:1.001 — a slight chance that someone may choose that Scientology is the lesser of two evils — oops, the greatest good.
Regraded Being’s comics ought to be put in a comic book, and given away at Lynn Cambell’s “Shear Perfection” shop on Catalina!
Today’s comic strip is particularly relevant to be shared with staff of all Ideal Orgs and Sea Org orgs.
For years I’ve daydreamed and I got this idea from reading it years ago on alt.religion.scientology, to have a HalfWay House near the complex for Sea Orgers to escape to.
And the title on the front door would be
“Doubt House”
Have a “Doubt House” halfway house and lounge, within walking distance like along Fountain between the complex and the Anthony Building.
So that anyone walking from the complex to the Anthony Building would see it.
Have a lounge where people could come in, and see all the ex member books, etc.
Let Sea Orgers come in and do some reading up to properly do their Doubt Formulas.
Lure people in with hope…then re ignite and refresh their “ruin” with mind control tactics – which puts them in confusion – then promise them help. This “trick” bypasses and suspends critical thinking.
Welcome back, Regraded Being! We missed you last Friday, glad you have returned. Great strip, as always. How do you make those characters look so cute? I always have a feeling of affinity for your Sea Org people. (and yes, “affinity” is a real word in common usage – it’s not an exclusive word to Scientology)
And really, if you ARE in doubt about something, you really shouldn’t be punished for it. “Are you in doubt about the powers of OT?” “well I don’t really know. The E.P. says one thing, but I’ve never really seen it in real life”. “OK you, go scrub floors with a tooth brush”. There can be many grey areas with “doubt”. Sometimes you just don’t have enough data to know either way. To say absolutely that one is in this “condition” is really a generality. Sometimes you just don’t know. You know, fuck you, I want to help people and planet earth etc, but quit punishing me for it. And if I’m in doubt, show me otherwise. Talk about forced agreement. Geese!
The cult seems bent on dead agenting Ron’s book. Their slime is everywhere! The site is: Ron Miscavige – Shameless. This must be quite tough for the dwarf. He’s failing his little girly man arms of his, but, all he’s doing is slapping himself. Ron Mascavige Sn., you are one OT Dude!
And I agree wholeheartedly! But, CPO, the main antagonist is a full blown sociopath who only thinks of himself and no one else. He couldn’t care less about his father…or anyone else for that matter. It’s all about Him.
SO 1: So, how’s your day going?
SO 2: Let me check with Him and I’ll let you know how my day is going.
Hi OSD,Hi I am still marveling that cos has never backed away from Always Attack attack…They have forked tongues and speak out of both sides of the mouth.Ron Sr.had every right and then some to publish his book how he wanted it to be.We all have that right.He is a good siprit and I do now after brushing the cobwebs out of my brain recall, I liked his skill with the instrument he played.In Sea Org trumpet? I did play the Apollo Stars record many many times.After I blew it did not resonate as it had when in.RonSr is talented.
Cos Hurts! After all the years and posting here and listening and reading the amazing piece by that author on fear recently,I feel with all my being their EP is hurt,confusion,disconnection,bankruptcy,non-medical care,lies and betrayal and shovel more money to David.This is all they do.Over and Over.Can’t forget OT9 & OT10 either lol!
It gets lonely here in BR too.I want to play laugh and be with y’all in Cali Away from Hollyweird Blvd,Temple St and LRH Way.Your place would be Heaven.Just no Obsidian Rocks yet for me I hope and pray.Not ready to go still have stuff to do.Love your posts always.XO Ann B.
All of this greatest good for the greatest number of dynamics is a load of shit. I like the policy of “look after number one”. If number one is a good person and does great things for his family, group, mankind, wildlife etc., then what’s good for him should be followed. Of course if he is an a-hole he may as well just stay in the cult. Not much is going to help him anyway. That is my view, after a scotch on a Friday afternoon.
@CPO The ‘end justifies the means’ is a long standing computation by groups to justify behavior that is unjustifiable, to try to dominate when their logic is wrong, and to think that they are in the right when in fact they are going against all that is natural. In other words, a 3rd Dynamic service facsimile. A more damning quote that exposes the phrase came from Sophocles in the play Electra:”The end excuses any evil”
An interesting (to me anyway) stance that some of the new-age Pagan magicians take is: White magic is that magic practiced with the recipient’s agreement and cooperation, whereas Black Magic is practiced without the recipient’s knowledge or approval. What I see from the cherch’s actions these days clearly falls deeply in the Black magic categories.
Hi jrfool,A good post.In my experience I would say concerning cos’s actions today falling deeply into Black magic,or any thing really categories I do agree.If I may add ” same as it ever was”.. Always
If Hubbard sold knowledge instead of untenable assertions he would have lauded doubt as a beneficial thing. Doubt causes one to question and thus acquire deeper understanding of knowledge. Scientology isn’t knowledge, it is unsubstantiated doctrine. That means in order to get that all-important scientology CERTAINTY you have to accept the doctrine not question it.
And there you have Hubbard’s made-to-fail mechanism. You can’t have certainty without doubt just as you can’t have light without dark. Certainty isn’t knowledge, it is belief. Doubt will lead you to knowledge, certainty will not. Disconnection, fair game, sec-checks…those are all strategies to combat that monkey on the back of scientological certainty: Doubt. Doubt will always lead to inquiry and that is curtains for scientology doctrine. Hubbard was afraid of doubt just as he was afraid of ‘reasonable’. Survival of scientology doctrine depends upon fanatical acceptance therefore having a reasonable doubt is a capital offense.
What is interesting in the Doubt formula is the line which says ‘Join or remain in or befriend the one which progresses toward the greatest good for the greatest number of dynamics and announce the fact publicly to both sides.’
Now if you were to announce publicly that you wish to leave scientology this immediately makes you a suppressive person per the policy letter in the link below:
There was something liberating in announcing to everyone I knew that the Flag Service Org and David Miscavige were a bunch of money grubbing squirrels. We sent our announcement to every one concerned (over 100 people).
A lot of disconnections. A lot of “how could you?”
Then a lot of phone calls from people who wanted a session to help handle their upsets with the Co$.
It’s funny, RB, that if anyone inside the organization were to actually do the formula they would have to come to the same conclusion as good old Ralph.
Just as a passing comment, the “Condition Formulas”, are the most incomplete method/procedure that I have ever used and worked with, SPECIALLY the Doubt formula/condition. They do contain some truth in them, but are VERY far from being complete. I always said to the Sups that there was something VERY wrong with the way that the condition of Doubt had been redacted by LRH. Of course, they just robotically replied, “Go clear your OWN ‘M/Us’ on it”. But I always felt that it was confusing, and that it lacked some essential elements. In fact, using such a formula, many times, ironically enough, just hang others at Doubt all by itself.
Why ? because usually a person at Doubt – which is defined as “when one can’t make up one’s mind about anything”, is facing a suppression of some kind, an “intention v/s intention” scenario. And into that state, is frequently VERY difficult to actually and objectively look and analyze the activities and intentions of others. Usually, one just becomes reasonable with outpoints. And there is always a case manifestation which is causing the Doubt to remain in the first place.
But for lack of anything better, a much better way to go about it would be (just off the cuff) something like (for anyone having doubts regarding any group to which he belongs to) :
1. What are the STATED intentions and purposes of that group ?
2. Are those intentions and purposes constructive ones, not in ANY way violating the civil and Human Rights of others ? If “Yes”, continue with #3. If “No”, how come are you with them in the first place? Meditate on that, and discover why are you supporting destructive actions. Use whatever method available including the Danger Formula (which is a good tool to locate/handle the out-ethics Why), writing your own O/Ws, a priest, whatever, but get out of there FAST first, and handle the reasons later.
3. What are the activities that that group is ACTUALLY carrying out daily ? Go and actually investigate it objectively and unbiasedly.
4. Do those activities ALIGN with the STATED intentions and purposes of that group ?
5. If #4 was “No”, and the group are just carrying out actions that violates civil and Human Rights, just GET OUT OF THERE FAST!!!, and stop being an accessory to criminal/destructive acts. PUBLICLY expose such group including formal filings of complaints as applicable to the agencies that concern it.
6. If #4 was “No”, but those activities are not representative of any violations of civil and Human Rights, then :
A. Decide if those activities align with your OWN intentions/purposes by clearly
writing them first. If they align, then you should feel comfortable and fine by now. If
they do not align then,
B. Change from group in an orderly/responsible way where the BEST solution to
EVERY individual/aspect of this scene in taken into account. In other words, do not
carry out selfish “solutions”, but keep the Golden Rule in : Do not do to others
what you would not want them to do to you.
Good one RB.
Condition formulas are one of the most overused, abused and ridiculously unreliable aspects with that group of people known as Scientologists. Within any command structure you are subject to the whims and actions of those higher up in command. If they screw up, don’t know what they are doing or are assholes, assigning “conditions” to lower personnel is folly. It’s akin to police investigating themselves. Scientology higher ups use condition assignments as make wrongs (to introvert), or as cover ups for their own or the system’s inadequacies, or worse, to justify their existence and the exercising of power over people. People are reliant on orders in everyday life in one form or another. Scientology’s orders come from a dipstick like Miscavige interposed over a group system that doesn’t work, nuff said on that except nothing good comes from being a member of a Scientology organisation, and of that there is no doubt.
Self-determinism indeed, a Scientologist wouldn’t know what that is even if it bit ’em in the butt! They need to leave that organisation before they have any chance to work out what it is and come to realize they are entitled to some.
When I still gave a damn about conscientiously applying that stuff and while mid way through my Doubt formula on the organization – having by then become familiar with Marty’s blog and others – I received a message from someone who’d got wind of my ‘predicament’ imploring me with the argument that, on the basis of all the ‘amazing 4th dynamic work’ the church was involved with alone, there really was only one choice before me (so no choice really) and that that should be my conclusion.
Upon reflection, I couldn’t really thank him enough for that marvelous piece of ‘helpful’ evaluation as it did indeed highlight for me the inherent flaws in this ‘priceless tech’.
RB’s wonderful satire here reminded me of this and reflects it perfectly as usual.
If this formula is actually done honestly and exactly by the book with regards that organization, one cannot help but come to the conclusion that one should indeed leave it (which is also, rather ironically, a case of no real choice…..although that may seem a tad hypocritical…god, the irony is exponential!)
Last night while working towards Enemy status I thought of an alternative version of Incident 2 for the Church of Eternal Truth in my novel.
70 million years ago this part of the galaxy was ruled by a wise and just being known as the Primary. The Primary was betrayed by his Adjutant, who in turn began a reign of terror throughout the galaxy. Dissenters were brought to Earth and dropped at the North Pole where they were vaporized by hydrogen bombs along with the polar ice cap. The disembodied sprits of the victims were processed to block memories of the event and their previous lives. But the Loyalists (Loyal Officers) overthrew the Adjutant and placed him into permanent confinement. The Primary would be reincarnated as RLH (LRH) and as the first Awakened Being would lead Mankind back to the light of Eternal Truth.
At some point the Primary will identify the protagonist as the reincarnation of the Adjutant.
Although the FBI had agreed to remain quiet on his identity other witnesses to the incident were talking to the press. The most common description was of a teenage boy who acted with the skill and determination of a veteran soldier. Also on the aircraft were two members of the Star Command of the Church of Eternal Truth. Mike and Mark were dressed casually as they traveled in coach class on church business. They fully believed that they had witnessed an Awakened Being in action and they wrote a report on the incident to their commanding officer.
The Doubt formula is what got both feet out the door then finding out that you had left as well Mike was the moment I really snapped out of it and realized I made the correct decision. Thank You for all you do Mr. Rinder.
Yes! Hooray for the Doubt Formula! I, too, assigned it to myself as a group member (not staff, public) of the Church of Scientology, and applied it. Bingo, presto, alakazam, out the door! Meaning “out the door” in my own mind, formulating my exit strategy. Let’s give a hand to LRH for the tech, it really works! (Oh, excuse me! And you too, COB! Sorry ๐
Hi RB, Great to see you today! Wow I had not read the Liability and Doubt formula in years and years. Thought I would have them memorized.lol. After re-reading them I got ice cold and had to put on a sweater for awhile,it is 88 degrees in Baton Rouge today.That is how good your posts are! XO XO Always, Ann B.
Just saw an attack ad regarding Ron Miscavige Sn. Whoa, were they over the top! I’m surprised they haven’t said that Ron Sn. is actually Lucifer! Would that be a hoot or what! I mean….wait….what? Oh that’s right, Hubbard said HE was Lucifer! I guess they both can’t be Lucifer.
Valerie and OSD, this is getting complicated, as my father’s 3rd wife also has this title. “Apparently, Lucifer took a female body this lifetime” was how it was explained to me… yes, this needs to be sorted out. I’m bringing chocolate chip cookies.
Ok everyone! Listen up! I’ll bring the wine, of course, and Aqua is bringing chocolate chip cookies. The rest of your bring your favorite dish. Oh! And we all dress like da Devil! I sitting here out on my deck drinking wine and, well, you know, the other thing I like, imagining my deck filled with your posters! All having a great time! It’s lonely out here…
Hi Aquamarine, I hear your post. My late Dad had three wives after my Mom.During the divorce proceedings at the end to divorce #4, the Judge called her the Devil in female form which was totally correct.Alot of us SPs DBs bitter defrocked apostates have had crazy experiences with whatever is called devil,be it dentist doctor lawyer or those I know and “love” still toiling away for David.xo Ann B.
One Grey Goose and tonic (u have very good taste in vodka) coming right up! I’ll even buy the bottle for you! And, as a Scot, that’s tough to do. We’ll meet on my deck.
Damn, I was thinking of doing both at once. That’s how I remember doing it in my 20s. Hmmmm maybe THAT explains why I spent more time off than on the board.
Holy fucking shit! I was right! And you just confirmed it, Mike. Keeping Satan Working! It was right in front of me the entire time! Whoa!!! Big blow down…
ROTFLMAO!!! Whew! Now that’s some funny shit! But when it all falls apart for the cult, your presence will be required on my deck. It’ll be a Lucifer Party! Let your badness show….
RB you’ve mad my day, I hadn’t laughed so much in some time. “I am not really in doubt about the Church of Scientology’ neither am I. I was standing on the right bank of the Seine river in the late afternoon yesterday telling my self how happy I was and how many enjoyable things I had done since I quit the vampire bubble.
When a staff members stats went down they were denied auditing, the exact thing needed to get their stats up.
The auditors I mixed with generally agreed that application of the Doubt formula would require that the cherch not be supported and the tech supported.
And, since the aim of most auditing was to get the individual to find out ‘more-better’ WHO they are then it was generally unappreciated that the conditions seemed to offer an alternative route by directing the individual in Enemy to find out on their own WHO they are. The logical conclusion to that cognition is that one does not need a cherch to find out WHO you are.
Perfect. Also accurate as to one could NEVER nail someone senior for being an idiot or unproductive. El Con carefully set it up that way in order to protect hisself from internal criticism. CMO continued to exist because they were top of the heap and untouchable even though most there were far less competent than those working directly with public at org level.
The mistake Hubbard made is that doubt comes after liability .. only in his universe it was reversed ..you can only fall into liability if you fail to handle doubt ..
Thanks RB for the proper outcome. Does posting on Marty & Mike’s blog back in 2010 count as step 6 of doubt ‘announce the fact to both sides’. I guess so.
Interesting indeed. It’s been so long since I read the conditions. If anyone in the bubble actually read and applied the conditions honestly, there would be no one left in the bubble.
Ralph couldn’t get out of non-existence in scientology because he had to find out who he was. Once he figured out that he was a free human being, the rest came easy.
Good on his senior for teaching him that the best way to have wins in scientology is to apply the conditions in reverse and escape.
I remained in ‘hung up at doubt’ known to all for some 25 years. There are steps to handle that but not one MAA or C/S could get it done even with paid cash auditing. In 2004/5 I finally got the list done but no auditor in Pac was qualified to do the why finding at the end. One guy at ASHO was but needed glasses 1st. The church does not use it’s own tech. To that degree I have no idea if it would have worked. Looking back a few years later I realized that in the state of indoctrination I was in there is no way I could have done step 1.
I got a few Scientologist’s to leave by asking them how can they get out of doubt regarding Scientology when it is HIGH CRIME to investigate Scientologist’s and the leader, founder and Organization.
Think about it. They did. I then said – Look at what Scientology does not want you to look at and see for yourself…other wise you will be in doubt forever because you don’t have all the DATA. LOL
That question poked huge holes in their bubbles and I heard air escaping.
I kept my TR’s IN IN IN while this was happening.
I asked them why type of Organization that preached “TRUTH” won’t let you look at everything and decide for yourself?
Is there something the Organization is hiding.
Then – with that insouciant glare of “certainty” I said – LOOK and THINK for yourself.
They did. They left.
It is easy and effortless to use the truth.
The idiocy of the doubt formula! The missing options are to reject both groups one is comparing or support both groups.
The full range of options for a dichotomy (such as looking at two different groups) would be to: choose A over B; choose B over A; choose A and B; reject A and B.
Or refuse to play Ron’s silly game of contrived statistical analysis. First Ron straitjacketed his follower’s understanding of ethics to one branch’s fork. Instead of considering both deontology (roughly, duty) and consequentialism (roughly, ends justifies the means), he picked a subgenre of consequentialism called utilitarianism (roughly, greatest good for the greatest number). To this he weaseled in strains of deontology/duty to the in group. Then he further constrained logical analysis by writing policy that ignored two of the four possible outcomes when weighing a choice between two things. Crudely put, the doubt formula changed the odds of the person sticking with Scientology to 1:2 rather than 1:4. Once having stacked the deck in his favor, Ron’s overall structure created huge pressure to choose Scientology over the other option/group through the indoctrination that there was no possible greater good than the one group who held the answers to mankind’s immortality and all the problems of life. The odds of the doubt formula coming out as it did in the Regraded Being column today were thus reduced to maybe 1:1.001 — a slight chance that someone may choose that Scientology is the lesser of two evils — oops, the greatest good.
Great Regraded Being issue as always!
Regraded Being’s comics ought to be put in a comic book, and given away at Lynn Cambell’s “Shear Perfection” shop on Catalina!
Today’s comic strip is particularly relevant to be shared with staff of all Ideal Orgs and Sea Org orgs.
For years I’ve daydreamed and I got this idea from reading it years ago on alt.religion.scientology, to have a HalfWay House near the complex for Sea Orgers to escape to.
And the title on the front door would be
“Doubt House”
Have a “Doubt House” halfway house and lounge, within walking distance like along Fountain between the complex and the Anthony Building.
So that anyone walking from the complex to the Anthony Building would see it.
Have a lounge where people could come in, and see all the ex member books, etc.
Let Sea Orgers come in and do some reading up to properly do their Doubt Formulas.
Lure people in with food and toilet paper.
Lure people in with hope…then re ignite and refresh their “ruin” with mind control tactics – which puts them in confusion – then promise them help. This “trick” bypasses and suspends critical thinking.
Welcome back, Regraded Being! We missed you last Friday, glad you have returned. Great strip, as always. How do you make those characters look so cute? I always have a feeling of affinity for your Sea Org people. (and yes, “affinity” is a real word in common usage – it’s not an exclusive word to Scientology)
And really, if you ARE in doubt about something, you really shouldn’t be punished for it. “Are you in doubt about the powers of OT?” “well I don’t really know. The E.P. says one thing, but I’ve never really seen it in real life”. “OK you, go scrub floors with a tooth brush”. There can be many grey areas with “doubt”. Sometimes you just don’t have enough data to know either way. To say absolutely that one is in this “condition” is really a generality. Sometimes you just don’t know. You know, fuck you, I want to help people and planet earth etc, but quit punishing me for it. And if I’m in doubt, show me otherwise. Talk about forced agreement. Geese!
The cult seems bent on dead agenting Ron’s book. Their slime is everywhere! The site is: Ron Miscavige – Shameless. This must be quite tough for the dwarf. He’s failing his little girly man arms of his, but, all he’s doing is slapping himself. Ron Mascavige Sn., you are one OT Dude!
OSD, I grew up differently than these dicks. I don’t care what some cult demands, I would never disparage my old man. Terrible.
And I agree wholeheartedly! But, CPO, the main antagonist is a full blown sociopath who only thinks of himself and no one else. He couldn’t care less about his father…or anyone else for that matter. It’s all about Him.
SO 1: So, how’s your day going?
SO 2: Let me check with Him and I’ll let you know how my day is going.
Hi OSD,Hi I am still marveling that cos has never backed away from Always Attack attack…They have forked tongues and speak out of both sides of the mouth.Ron Sr.had every right and then some to publish his book how he wanted it to be.We all have that right.He is a good siprit and I do now after brushing the cobwebs out of my brain recall, I liked his skill with the instrument he played.In Sea Org trumpet? I did play the Apollo Stars record many many times.After I blew it did not resonate as it had when in.RonSr is talented.
Cos Hurts! After all the years and posting here and listening and reading the amazing piece by that author on fear recently,I feel with all my being their EP is hurt,confusion,disconnection,bankruptcy,non-medical care,lies and betrayal and shovel more money to David.This is all they do.Over and Over.Can’t forget OT9 & OT10 either lol!
It gets lonely here in BR too.I want to play laugh and be with y’all in Cali Away from Hollyweird Blvd,Temple St and LRH Way.Your place would be Heaven.Just no Obsidian Rocks yet for me I hope and pray.Not ready to go still have stuff to do.Love your posts always.XO Ann B.
All of this greatest good for the greatest number of dynamics is a load of shit. I like the policy of “look after number one”. If number one is a good person and does great things for his family, group, mankind, wildlife etc., then what’s good for him should be followed. Of course if he is an a-hole he may as well just stay in the cult. Not much is going to help him anyway. That is my view, after a scotch on a Friday afternoon.
Hi clearlypissedoff, I think you are remarkable and you are an inspiration for me too.xo Ann B.
@CPO The ‘end justifies the means’ is a long standing computation by groups to justify behavior that is unjustifiable, to try to dominate when their logic is wrong, and to think that they are in the right when in fact they are going against all that is natural. In other words, a 3rd Dynamic service facsimile. A more damning quote that exposes the phrase came from Sophocles in the play Electra:”The end excuses any evil”
An interesting (to me anyway) stance that some of the new-age Pagan magicians take is: White magic is that magic practiced with the recipient’s agreement and cooperation, whereas Black Magic is practiced without the recipient’s knowledge or approval. What I see from the cherch’s actions these days clearly falls deeply in the Black magic categories.
Hi jrfool,A good post.In my experience I would say concerning cos’s actions today falling deeply into Black magic,or any thing really categories I do agree.If I may add ” same as it ever was”.. Always
Hi jrfool,Edit or any thing really along those categories..Sorry
If Hubbard sold knowledge instead of untenable assertions he would have lauded doubt as a beneficial thing. Doubt causes one to question and thus acquire deeper understanding of knowledge. Scientology isn’t knowledge, it is unsubstantiated doctrine. That means in order to get that all-important scientology CERTAINTY you have to accept the doctrine not question it.
And there you have Hubbard’s made-to-fail mechanism. You can’t have certainty without doubt just as you can’t have light without dark. Certainty isn’t knowledge, it is belief. Doubt will lead you to knowledge, certainty will not. Disconnection, fair game, sec-checks…those are all strategies to combat that monkey on the back of scientological certainty: Doubt. Doubt will always lead to inquiry and that is curtains for scientology doctrine. Hubbard was afraid of doubt just as he was afraid of ‘reasonable’. Survival of scientology doctrine depends upon fanatical acceptance therefore having a reasonable doubt is a capital offense.
What is interesting in the Doubt formula is the line which says ‘Join or remain in or befriend the one which progresses toward the greatest good for the greatest number of dynamics and announce the fact publicly to both sides.’
Now if you were to announce publicly that you wish to leave scientology this immediately makes you a suppressive person per the policy letter in the link below:
‘Public disavowal of Scientology or Scientologists in good standing with Scientology organizations.’
Disavowal simply means the denial of any responsibility or support for something.
It’s little wonder that they actively encourage disconnection with this as the basis of their thought.
There was something liberating in announcing to everyone I knew that the Flag Service Org and David Miscavige were a bunch of money grubbing squirrels. We sent our announcement to every one concerned (over 100 people).
A lot of disconnections. A lot of “how could you?”
Then a lot of phone calls from people who wanted a session to help handle their upsets with the Co$.
It’s funny, RB, that if anyone inside the organization were to actually do the formula they would have to come to the same conclusion as good old Ralph.
You nailed it again.
Another fear mechanism of scientology: getting OUT is the elephant in the room whenever doing or just reading the Doubt Formula.
As always RB you’re right on the money.
On a totally unrelated subject I found this hysterical thread on neighborshame.com. The comments are full of win, especially the last one.
Great post, RB!
Just as a passing comment, the “Condition Formulas”, are the most incomplete method/procedure that I have ever used and worked with, SPECIALLY the Doubt formula/condition. They do contain some truth in them, but are VERY far from being complete. I always said to the Sups that there was something VERY wrong with the way that the condition of Doubt had been redacted by LRH. Of course, they just robotically replied, “Go clear your OWN ‘M/Us’ on it”. But I always felt that it was confusing, and that it lacked some essential elements. In fact, using such a formula, many times, ironically enough, just hang others at Doubt all by itself.
Why ? because usually a person at Doubt – which is defined as “when one can’t make up one’s mind about anything”, is facing a suppression of some kind, an “intention v/s intention” scenario. And into that state, is frequently VERY difficult to actually and objectively look and analyze the activities and intentions of others. Usually, one just becomes reasonable with outpoints. And there is always a case manifestation which is causing the Doubt to remain in the first place.
But for lack of anything better, a much better way to go about it would be (just off the cuff) something like (for anyone having doubts regarding any group to which he belongs to) :
1. What are the STATED intentions and purposes of that group ?
2. Are those intentions and purposes constructive ones, not in ANY way violating the civil and Human Rights of others ? If “Yes”, continue with #3. If “No”, how come are you with them in the first place? Meditate on that, and discover why are you supporting destructive actions. Use whatever method available including the Danger Formula (which is a good tool to locate/handle the out-ethics Why), writing your own O/Ws, a priest, whatever, but get out of there FAST first, and handle the reasons later.
3. What are the activities that that group is ACTUALLY carrying out daily ? Go and actually investigate it objectively and unbiasedly.
4. Do those activities ALIGN with the STATED intentions and purposes of that group ?
5. If #4 was “No”, and the group are just carrying out actions that violates civil and Human Rights, just GET OUT OF THERE FAST!!!, and stop being an accessory to criminal/destructive acts. PUBLICLY expose such group including formal filings of complaints as applicable to the agencies that concern it.
6. If #4 was “No”, but those activities are not representative of any violations of civil and Human Rights, then :
A. Decide if those activities align with your OWN intentions/purposes by clearly
writing them first. If they align, then you should feel comfortable and fine by now. If
they do not align then,
B. Change from group in an orderly/responsible way where the BEST solution to
EVERY individual/aspect of this scene in taken into account. In other words, do not
carry out selfish “solutions”, but keep the Golden Rule in : Do not do to others
what you would not want them to do to you.
Good one RB.
Condition formulas are one of the most overused, abused and ridiculously unreliable aspects with that group of people known as Scientologists. Within any command structure you are subject to the whims and actions of those higher up in command. If they screw up, don’t know what they are doing or are assholes, assigning “conditions” to lower personnel is folly. It’s akin to police investigating themselves. Scientology higher ups use condition assignments as make wrongs (to introvert), or as cover ups for their own or the system’s inadequacies, or worse, to justify their existence and the exercising of power over people. People are reliant on orders in everyday life in one form or another. Scientology’s orders come from a dipstick like Miscavige interposed over a group system that doesn’t work, nuff said on that except nothing good comes from being a member of a Scientology organisation, and of that there is no doubt.
Self-determinism indeed, a Scientologist wouldn’t know what that is even if it bit ’em in the butt! They need to leave that organisation before they have any chance to work out what it is and come to realize they are entitled to some.
When I still gave a damn about conscientiously applying that stuff and while mid way through my Doubt formula on the organization – having by then become familiar with Marty’s blog and others – I received a message from someone who’d got wind of my ‘predicament’ imploring me with the argument that, on the basis of all the ‘amazing 4th dynamic work’ the church was involved with alone, there really was only one choice before me (so no choice really) and that that should be my conclusion.
Upon reflection, I couldn’t really thank him enough for that marvelous piece of ‘helpful’ evaluation as it did indeed highlight for me the inherent flaws in this ‘priceless tech’.
RB’s wonderful satire here reminded me of this and reflects it perfectly as usual.
If this formula is actually done honestly and exactly by the book with regards that organization, one cannot help but come to the conclusion that one should indeed leave it (which is also, rather ironically, a case of no real choice…..although that may seem a tad hypocritical…god, the irony is exponential!)
Last night while working towards Enemy status I thought of an alternative version of Incident 2 for the Church of Eternal Truth in my novel.
70 million years ago this part of the galaxy was ruled by a wise and just being known as the Primary. The Primary was betrayed by his Adjutant, who in turn began a reign of terror throughout the galaxy. Dissenters were brought to Earth and dropped at the North Pole where they were vaporized by hydrogen bombs along with the polar ice cap. The disembodied sprits of the victims were processed to block memories of the event and their previous lives. But the Loyalists (Loyal Officers) overthrew the Adjutant and placed him into permanent confinement. The Primary would be reincarnated as RLH (LRH) and as the first Awakened Being would lead Mankind back to the light of Eternal Truth.
At some point the Primary will identify the protagonist as the reincarnation of the Adjutant.
This will complicate things.
From Chapter Five:
Although the FBI had agreed to remain quiet on his identity other witnesses to the incident were talking to the press. The most common description was of a teenage boy who acted with the skill and determination of a veteran soldier. Also on the aircraft were two members of the Star Command of the Church of Eternal Truth. Mike and Mark were dressed casually as they traveled in coach class on church business. They fully believed that they had witnessed an Awakened Being in action and they wrote a report on the incident to their commanding officer.
The Doubt formula is what got both feet out the door then finding out that you had left as well Mike was the moment I really snapped out of it and realized I made the correct decision. Thank You for all you do Mr. Rinder.
Yes! Hooray for the Doubt Formula! I, too, assigned it to myself as a group member (not staff, public) of the Church of Scientology, and applied it. Bingo, presto, alakazam, out the door! Meaning “out the door” in my own mind, formulating my exit strategy. Let’s give a hand to LRH for the tech, it really works! (Oh, excuse me! And you too, COB! Sorry ๐
Loved this, RB. Thanks so much for what you do.
And as always, thank you, Mike.
Having come to know Mike, I hope he doesn’t miss this very lovely tribute.
Hi RB, Great to see you today! Wow I had not read the Liability and Doubt formula in years and years. Thought I would have them memorized.lol. After re-reading them I got ice cold and had to put on a sweater for awhile,it is 88 degrees in Baton Rouge today.That is how good your posts are! XO XO Always, Ann B.
Just saw an attack ad regarding Ron Miscavige Sn. Whoa, were they over the top! I’m surprised they haven’t said that Ron Sn. is actually Lucifer! Would that be a hoot or what! I mean….wait….what? Oh that’s right, Hubbard said HE was Lucifer! I guess they both can’t be Lucifer.
Wait, wait, I thought my ex-husband was Lucifer. Sheesh now I’m confused. On my way over for a drink and surfing to clear my head.
Lucifer has a split personality and is everywhere. I had coffee with him this morning. That was your ex huh? What a devil!
Did he have a long, pointed tail? If so he’s my dentist…
Yeah, that’s him. I wondered why he kept referring to how good Novocaine is and I should try some. Fix me right up he said…
Valerie and OSD, this is getting complicated, as my father’s 3rd wife also has this title. “Apparently, Lucifer took a female body this lifetime” was how it was explained to me… yes, this needs to be sorted out. I’m bringing chocolate chip cookies.
Ok everyone! Listen up! I’ll bring the wine, of course, and Aqua is bringing chocolate chip cookies. The rest of your bring your favorite dish. Oh! And we all dress like da Devil! I sitting here out on my deck drinking wine and, well, you know, the other thing I like, imagining my deck filled with your posters! All having a great time! It’s lonely out here…
Oh, goody, we’re gonna have pot luck! And this being OSD’s place that statement can be taken definitively.
If you’ve got the time, I’ve got the deck!
I’m with ya Dude, pass it over my friend…
I make a mean enchiladas deshebrada and I will bring mi signature pico de gallo and margaritas.
Sounds sooo good, and this party talk makes me chomp at the bit for our REAL party at OSD’s when the Our Favorite Cult goes DOWN.
Hi Aquamarine, I hear your post. My late Dad had three wives after my Mom.During the divorce proceedings at the end to divorce #4, the Judge called her the Devil in female form which was totally correct.Alot of us SPs DBs bitter defrocked apostates have had crazy experiences with whatever is called devil,be it dentist doctor lawyer or those I know and “love” still toiling away for David.xo Ann B.
You’re both wrong. My mother-in-law is Lucifer in a size 18. Make mine a Grey Goose and tonic please.
One Grey Goose and tonic (u have very good taste in vodka) coming right up! I’ll even buy the bottle for you! And, as a Scot, that’s tough to do. We’ll meet on my deck.
I’m here for you, Valerie! But let’s do the surfing part BEFORE the drinking part. It seems to work out much better in the ocean.
Damn, I was thinking of doing both at once. That’s how I remember doing it in my 20s. Hmmmm maybe THAT explains why I spent more time off than on the board.
OSD, is that why he wrote KSW (Keeping Satan Working) ?
Holy fucking shit! I was right! And you just confirmed it, Mike. Keeping Satan Working! It was right in front of me the entire time! Whoa!!! Big blow down…
Now this can’t be right. I am Lucifer and it’s on my HELL Union Card.
Honey is that you? I knew I recognized you. ๐
ROTFLMAO!!! Whew! Now that’s some funny shit! But when it all falls apart for the cult, your presence will be required on my deck. It’ll be a Lucifer Party! Let your badness show….
RB you’ve mad my day, I hadn’t laughed so much in some time. “I am not really in doubt about the Church of Scientology’ neither am I. I was standing on the right bank of the Seine river in the late afternoon yesterday telling my self how happy I was and how many enjoyable things I had done since I quit the vampire bubble.
When you jump into a river in Paris, you’re insane…..I mean you’re in Seine.
As noted by a number of auditors in the 70’s:
When a staff members stats went down they were denied auditing, the exact thing needed to get their stats up.
The auditors I mixed with generally agreed that application of the Doubt formula would require that the cherch not be supported and the tech supported.
And, since the aim of most auditing was to get the individual to find out ‘more-better’ WHO they are then it was generally unappreciated that the conditions seemed to offer an alternative route by directing the individual in Enemy to find out on their own WHO they are. The logical conclusion to that cognition is that one does not need a cherch to find out WHO you are.
Great post.
Great point! You just blew my mind JRF! I love it.
Perfect. Also accurate as to one could NEVER nail someone senior for being an idiot or unproductive. El Con carefully set it up that way in order to protect hisself from internal criticism. CMO continued to exist because they were top of the heap and untouchable even though most there were far less competent than those working directly with public at org level.
The mistake Hubbard made is that doubt comes after liability .. only in his universe it was reversed ..you can only fall into liability if you fail to handle doubt ..
Thanks RB for the proper outcome. Does posting on Marty & Mike’s blog back in 2010 count as step 6 of doubt ‘announce the fact to both sides’. I guess so.
Was suffering from RB withdrawal symptoms.
I also need a weekly fix. ๐
Bulls eye RB! You scored a direct hit on every still – in staff, public and of course dear leader itself.
The way it is, Good one RB.
Enemy of the Group.
Interesting indeed. It’s been so long since I read the conditions. If anyone in the bubble actually read and applied the conditions honestly, there would be no one left in the bubble.
Ralph couldn’t get out of non-existence in scientology because he had to find out who he was. Once he figured out that he was a free human being, the rest came easy.
Good on his senior for teaching him that the best way to have wins in scientology is to apply the conditions in reverse and escape.
I remained in ‘hung up at doubt’ known to all for some 25 years. There are steps to handle that but not one MAA or C/S could get it done even with paid cash auditing. In 2004/5 I finally got the list done but no auditor in Pac was qualified to do the why finding at the end. One guy at ASHO was but needed glasses 1st. The church does not use it’s own tech. To that degree I have no idea if it would have worked. Looking back a few years later I realized that in the state of indoctrination I was in there is no way I could have done step 1.
Whew! RB pulls no punches!! My week is now complete! ๐