Who has ever created a Media Production Service and miss to say where you can receive that .. and what you will see then .. what you will get .. it is the same when I buy a car, and am unable to drive that vehicle ..
SuMP gives bubble dwellers an excuse to search the internet for news…. and gives them a plausible excuse in Ethics for why they ran into some real news about Scientology. I think every public bubble dweller wants to get some real news and not the hyped up pablum feed to chrome steel robot staff…
Today there is maybe a ratio of 2,000 staff to 20,000 public. I wonder if the decline will be proportionate or will there be 1,500 staff to 1,500 public. Pity those poor bastards that are left at the end.
Off-topic but very pertinent: Scientology’s bought-and-paid-for puppet in the US House of Representatives, David Jolly (R – Clamwater and environs), was running for the US Senate seat that was being “vacated” by Marco Rubio. Well, with Rubio making noises that he’s changing his mind and wants to run for re-election, Jolly dropped out today and decided to run for re-election to his House seat. For all things that Rubio is, he’s not a Scilon puppet like Jolly. I didn’t want to see Jolly in the Senate under any circumstances. We dodged a bullet. Bet that the Dwarf is pissed off at this. He would have liked one of his safe-pointers in the upper house.
Maybe it’s the weed but I’m tellin ya this blog has some high toned people around it. The wit of both those posting and commenting recently are of a level fit to view from the swing on the porch of infinity.
Hi RB, What a gift for Friday.As I scanned through the board in the last panel and saw all the faces placed there,I was over the moon.So powerful an image all David can do is stare.Opps when did he last do TRs?lol xo
Did it not even enter the minds of those “10,000” (snark) that attended and waited hours for security passes that a broadcast studio opened without broadcasting anything? Not even a satellite link with, say, the Super Power building? Nothing to say “we are now live”? Our local country station operates out of a second floor suite in an outdoor mall plaza. It broadcasts everything from music to minor hockey. No ribbon-cutting or regging. Even the D-Listers like Elfman and Meskimen should be media-savvy enough to know that this just doesn’t happen in the world of broadcasting. You were scammed. Scammed into donating money. Scammed into buying colored e-meters. Scammed into buying leather Basics. Scammed into believing this was to be anything other than the dozens of other empty Sci buildings that do nothing other than prop up the real estate portfolio. Oh, but it’s got a lit LED sign!
RB, please inform — I assume you have insider perspective feeding your weekly sagas. I have to know, are you basing the scenes of the Scientologist searching the airwaves in vain for SMP output on actual events?
The seals know better than to look. It would be the equivalent of going to the library to check out one of El Cons books. They can say that the books are there because they paid for them. But if it were found out that they were not there, then, well, something would have to be written up. If you write it up it will become a situation, usually of the black PR variety and that of course will lead to further eyebrow jacking which in turn will lead to sec checks and more giant sucking sounds from the local bank.
So just know this …….. somewhere at some time of the day there was some mention of $cn. which is attributable to the SUMP. Last night it was at 1:45AM in Outer Mongolia where new people reaching for the tech are flooding in at levels never before seen.
Yo Dave,
You have unheard of numbers of Mongols clamoring for a word from YOU Dave. They want to know when you will be speaking on the air from your SUMP. BTW, so do all the rest of us out here in the land of defrockedness. Do it Dave! We are all waiting.
I know we’re 800 years removed from the Mongol Empire, but the idea of unheard of numbers of Mongolians makes me nervous. Now, turn them into Scientologists, and I’m downright shivering.
As I understand it, Mongols are so afraid of Scientologists, they refuse to make eye contact with them. They think these people with the thousand yard stare, are evil…..
Ok, so, if I understand this correctly, zemoo, now that the broadcasting facilities are all set up and ready, in order for any actual SHOWS to be done, they’re going to have to be FUNDED, and not by Church of Scientology money, but by its MEMBERS’ money.. In other words, church membership makes each of its members backers and investors for its media productions. Just, wow, kids! And the sad thing is that the sheeple will probably fall for this. It will make perfect sense to them that Scientology Media Productions can’t be self funding, that its their responsibility to keep SuMP broadcasting to the peoples of Earth. Any lack of broadcasing will be the sheeples’ fault. Incredible.
Someone, please, correct me if I’m wrong in the way I’ve connected these dots. I would love to be wrong!
Nope, Aqua, you’re absolutely right. Think about the cult’s Doctrine of Exchange. The SuMP is going to make a show for the clubbed seals. It’s only right by the doctrine of exchange that the clubbed seals pay for it. Nothing is free in Scientology. Not a damn thing.
I loved today’s hard eyed look at the hypocrisy of the over fund-raised and not just under-performing SUMP but non-functional SUMP.
Seeing the sheeple, at least the guy was reminiscent of mental and verbal excuses I made when “in” about cognitive dissonance between what was touted in the party line and what was observable. Not that you could ask.
Could you imagine someone asking. “What exactly are they doing over there? What products are they working on? When will we see something? Can you give me a tour and show me transparency?”
Can you say “Declare?”
Roy has the same intelligence as a sun-blushed tomato. He should know better than to say that we of the gay persuasion are degraded beings. We’re full-blown 1.1s, Roy. L. Fraud said so. You need to go into your org and word-clear Science Of Survival. Or are you waiting for the SuMP to broadcast something to tell you to come in?
Regrettably, the lack of material coming from the SuMP will not drive anyone out. If the decades-long prick tease known as Super Power didn’t do it, this won’t. As has been said, it’s open, now on to the next thing. There will have to be some kind of token use of it, though. I expect that they’ll end up doing the New Year “celebration” from there, as a symbol of “worldwide expansion” and to avoid the cost of renting out a place. Invitation-only at the SuMP, everyone else can gather at the local Morgue to watch the “worldwide broadcast”.
Has anyone seen any “emergency ads” for WTH distribution in Orlando? Any sign of yellow t-shirts around the memorials? You’d think that they’d snap that one up, considering that it’s right in their backyard and they have an org in town. Considering that the GoFundMe for Orlando is up to four million, they’d smell the money and gather around like the sharks that they are.
The people of Orlando will only put up with one Mickey Mouse operation. And that ain’t $cientology. I do expect to see some pics of the VMs trying to do touch assists somewhere, but not in Orlando. Now, can a reach around be considered a touch assist?
Yeah, that’s it, John Travolta is a VM just doing touch assists!!!
Damnit Espi! I had some good coffee this morning and you and your “sun blushed tomato” made me spit it all over the monitor. That one was so funny, it deserves to be memorialized by someone with your sense of humor. Thanks for carrying it forward to today.
Dave cannot afford to risk doing a live broadcast Espi. It limits His ability to fix his fuck ups with voice over edits and hairdo modifications. There is also the real possibility of someone crashing His party.
Any broadcast from SMP for a “worldwide event” won’t be live, Coop. There’s a reason they have all those editing suites there. Nothing will come out of there that will come close to staining the character of COB. And security there will be tighter than an FSM’s asshole.
Nice. When the COS becomes the subject of a mainstream satire publication, you know you’ve made it. Now if only Mad Magazine will do the same, then the COS will truly be in Power.
Cracked has been good to us Antis over the years. They were the one who published Derek Bloch’s reminiscences of his time in the Sea Borg a few years ago.
I cringe at those calls for help in CF. I have enjoyed not having that ton-o-crap in my mailbox over the last five years and now I’m on their mailing list – under my maiden name Smith. I’ve asked them FOUR times to take my name off, the last time threatening them with legal action. My step daughter hasn’t talked to me or her father in the last five years and now they’re sending me their promo rags. Couldn’t that be a form of harassment? Thanks Mountain View. Perhaps I should just start sending Facebook messages to all the staff and public there. And now my husband is on their mailing list – misspelled name from Tampa Org’s “efforts”. What do you think? Do we have a case? If not, I suppose I can forward them to you for your Thursday funnies.
Lisa, Mountain View’s been underserved in Thursday Funnies lately. Definitely scan them and e-mail them to Mike. The more material we have for Thursday Funnies, the better. Also, if it’s publicly known that you’re sending them to Mike, that’s pretty much a guaranteed way to get you off of their mailing list.
Are you on the national ‘Do Not Call ‘ list?
If you are, I would start with them…file a complaint. I’m sure they’re not used to dealing with a ‘church’, (and that might be the excuse of the Co$) but if you explain that you are constantly being asked to donate or buy things, they may see your point. It’s a commercial venture.
At a minimum, reporting the Co$ to the Do Not Call group, is a paper trail (on your part) that you are trying to get them to stop.
Harassment of this type can be difficult to prove, so start taking meticulous notes – types of contact (mail, phone calls, etc.), dates, times, etc.
The tricky part is what is considered excessive/harassment. Just keep documentating what they are doing. If you have a way to video (on a smart phone) the list of calls on a land line (take a video of the list of calls…if you have the kind of phone that keeps a record of the list of callers).
Once you have some evidence, contact an attorney or your local State’s attorney’s office……they will be able to direct you to the appropriate consumer advocacy office.
It’s a long fight, but I have seen people succeed in these types of cases (not against the Co$) when the phone calls have been crazy (30+ per day).
Also, keep proof of your requests to have your named removed, requests to stop calling etc.
I got off their mailing lists really quickly when I started using their return mailers to send them printouts of items I thought worthy, like Lisa McPherson’s autopsy report, a particularly scathing post on one of the blogs, etc. It only took a few tries and boom* all gone. Mike’s article on disconnection might be one worth printing and enclosing in one of those envelopes considering your situation.
As for the calls, just let them know that every time you receive a call from them you donate to Mike Rinder’s blog, Mark Bunker’s movie or some other cause like that. I was actually told “well, I am going to blacklist you because you obviously read the internet.” Well, duh!
In the meantime, share your junk mail with Mike for the Thursday funnies or other relevant posts.
Valeries method works very well and is usually very fast. There is a great fear of having staff read return mail, especially of the black PR variety.
I also recommend getting a declare written on yourself. This may require a direct mailing to Julian Schwartz discussing the merits of Going Clear and Ron’s new book Ruthless.
As a former adresso officer, I can say that your way of getting of the mailing list is the most effective ; sending entheta back through the comm line. There is an HCO PL somewhere that says that any letter containing entheta is to be routed to HCO and placed in what is called the Dead File along with the person’s CF folder. This prevents any staff from contacting the person and thus all comm is cut. And getting declared is also a good way to get off Scientology’s mailing list if you want to go that far.
I’ve seen a few people mention the “tape flyer / letter to a brick and return to sender” method. It seems that when you do that, they are forced to pay the postal fees or they lose the special status and rebates for mass mailings they have with them.
The people who have used this trick generally don’t hear anything back from them.
Lisa, never forget that every dark cloud has a silver lining. When the cult found me after blowing for good over 25 years ago, I WAS PISSED!!! I wanted nothing more to do with them and the next thing I knew I was getting shit tons of unwanted mail from at least a dozen orgs. I tried the threats, contacted the post office, blah, blah, blah, with no luck, I just kept getting tons of mail.
Here’s what I did that worked. Whenever there’s a business reply envelope, card or survey with the promo pieces, I used that to send kindly message back to them. I included some helpful website addresses, like Mike Rinder’s blog, the Underground Bunker, Chris Shelton’s blog, OTVIIIisgrrr8!, Operation Clambake, etc. I often print out Debbie Cook’s email for some extra zing. If you try this feel free to get creative and ask questions like: “where’s Heber?”, ” where’s Shelly?”, “where’s your passport?”, “when’s last time you talked to your parents?”.
None of this costs me a dime, and I had a great time with it, and more importantly I’m not pissed off anymore. The downside is, you have to be careful of what you wish for. I wanted to get off the mailing lists, which I did, but now I don’t get to send my messages anymore.
Desperation. Maybe you haven’t actually been declared yet, Lisa. Desperation for sure. I can actually see someone get excited because they found a “new name” they can send mail to and count as a stat.
Oh, man! I LOVE the Siberian Farm Report! So educational! Now, the Bull Fighting I can do without. But, seriously, I’d be lost without the Siberian Farm Report…
Back in the day at Stanford University we would hack
a Russian Communications Satellite for about 2 hours a day.
The girls reading the Siberian Farm report were so hot they
could melt the polar ice cap.
That has to be interesting as some of the inhabitants were allowed to have rifles under Soviet rule because of the bear and wolf problem. Seriously, Mikhail Kalashnikov grew up there and was intimately familiar with firearms which allowed him to design the AK-47 series.
And next up the line is the giant Hubbard Hall in Clearwater. They could probably open thirty small missions for that money, offering very basic services that might even be useful. Seems like Miscavige LIKES throwing away money. His next project after the Hubbard Hall is opened and used once will be a worldwide network of Ideal Mansions that will be kept empty until the Founder returns.
Laura Prepon frolicking in a field of flowers. Damn RB, I have to go to work in a couple of minutes with that vision dancing in my head. You should be ashamed…
Thanks for putting this BRILLIANT post up early this morning! Got to enjoy the read with a cup of coffee. You know, that beverage that some of us wogs need to get up tone early in the morning.
SuMP has come and gone already…and as Regraded Being has perfectly pointed out, it is – and will always be – nothing more than a room where COB can sit and fondle himself.
Yep! SuMP came and went. And regarding your post, “…nothing more than a room where COB can fondle himself.” AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!! COFFEE! Where’s my COFFEE! Oh, here it is. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!! Whew! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!
OF COURSE!!! SuMP’s real purpose is to be a place for COB to watch internet porn. Although, with COB’s tendencies, I’m voting for GAY internet porn……. HOUULLHONK!
Who has ever created a Media Production Service and miss to say where you can receive that .. and what you will see then .. what you will get .. it is the same when I buy a car, and am unable to drive that vehicle ..
I love the Clearsound headsets! Nice touch, haha
How is marketing gonna pump the SuMP if they don’t broadcast something???
Completely brilliant, as always.
RB… Excellent! Your insights are Fab!
SuMP gives bubble dwellers an excuse to search the internet for news…. and gives them a plausible excuse in Ethics for why they ran into some real news about Scientology. I think every public bubble dweller wants to get some real news and not the hyped up pablum feed to chrome steel robot staff…
Today there is maybe a ratio of 2,000 staff to 20,000 public. I wonder if the decline will be proportionate or will there be 1,500 staff to 1,500 public. Pity those poor bastards that are left at the end.
Hilarious! Thanks again Regraded Being.
Off-topic but very pertinent: Scientology’s bought-and-paid-for puppet in the US House of Representatives, David Jolly (R – Clamwater and environs), was running for the US Senate seat that was being “vacated” by Marco Rubio. Well, with Rubio making noises that he’s changing his mind and wants to run for re-election, Jolly dropped out today and decided to run for re-election to his House seat. For all things that Rubio is, he’s not a Scilon puppet like Jolly. I didn’t want to see Jolly in the Senate under any circumstances. We dodged a bullet. Bet that the Dwarf is pissed off at this. He would have liked one of his safe-pointers in the upper house.
Maybe it’s the weed but I’m tellin ya this blog has some high toned people around it. The wit of both those posting and commenting recently are of a level fit to view from the swing on the porch of infinity.
Outstanding RB. “…those people that went PTS in Orlando”. Priceless.
Hi RB, What a gift for Friday.As I scanned through the board in the last panel and saw all the faces placed there,I was over the moon.So powerful an image all David can do is stare.Opps when did he last do TRs?lol xo
Excellent as always, Regraded Being. Happy Friday to all. ๐
Did it not even enter the minds of those “10,000” (snark) that attended and waited hours for security passes that a broadcast studio opened without broadcasting anything? Not even a satellite link with, say, the Super Power building? Nothing to say “we are now live”? Our local country station operates out of a second floor suite in an outdoor mall plaza. It broadcasts everything from music to minor hockey. No ribbon-cutting or regging. Even the D-Listers like Elfman and Meskimen should be media-savvy enough to know that this just doesn’t happen in the world of broadcasting. You were scammed. Scammed into donating money. Scammed into buying colored e-meters. Scammed into buying leather Basics. Scammed into believing this was to be anything other than the dozens of other empty Sci buildings that do nothing other than prop up the real estate portfolio. Oh, but it’s got a lit LED sign!
Brilliant cartoon, RB.
Really good this SMP .. a dead horse ..
RB, please inform — I assume you have insider perspective feeding your weekly sagas. I have to know, are you basing the scenes of the Scientologist searching the airwaves in vain for SMP output on actual events?
The seals know better than to look. It would be the equivalent of going to the library to check out one of El Cons books. They can say that the books are there because they paid for them. But if it were found out that they were not there, then, well, something would have to be written up. If you write it up it will become a situation, usually of the black PR variety and that of course will lead to further eyebrow jacking which in turn will lead to sec checks and more giant sucking sounds from the local bank.
So just know this …….. somewhere at some time of the day there was some mention of $cn. which is attributable to the SUMP. Last night it was at 1:45AM in Outer Mongolia where new people reaching for the tech are flooding in at levels never before seen.
Yo Dave,
You have unheard of numbers of Mongols clamoring for a word from YOU Dave. They want to know when you will be speaking on the air from your SUMP. BTW, so do all the rest of us out here in the land of defrockedness. Do it Dave! We are all waiting.
I know we’re 800 years removed from the Mongol Empire, but the idea of unheard of numbers of Mongolians makes me nervous. Now, turn them into Scientologists, and I’m downright shivering.
As I understand it, Mongols are so afraid of Scientologists, they refuse to make eye contact with them. They think these people with the thousand yard stare, are evil…..
If I have to pay a few more bucks on my cable bill to get SMP live streaming or even re-runs, I’m in.
That last frame deserves a neologism (newly coined word) like punch-frame (punch-line + last frame).
Great punch-frame, RB!
I like that!
Yeah, RB hit the nail on the head again. Now that SuMP is done, there will be constant demands for seed money to make shows.
“Sir or madam, I need 20 thousand to fund my new $cieno TV show ‘I do my own stunts’. starring you know who. Can I have that check by 1pm Thursday?”
And so the reg can bank his 10% commission by 3 pm Thursday. Rent is due….
Ok, so, if I understand this correctly, zemoo, now that the broadcasting facilities are all set up and ready, in order for any actual SHOWS to be done, they’re going to have to be FUNDED, and not by Church of Scientology money, but by its MEMBERS’ money.. In other words, church membership makes each of its members backers and investors for its media productions. Just, wow, kids! And the sad thing is that the sheeple will probably fall for this. It will make perfect sense to them that Scientology Media Productions can’t be self funding, that its their responsibility to keep SuMP broadcasting to the peoples of Earth. Any lack of broadcasing will be the sheeples’ fault. Incredible.
Someone, please, correct me if I’m wrong in the way I’ve connected these dots. I would love to be wrong!
Thanks, RB, for this thought-provoking piece.
Nope, Aqua, you’re absolutely right. Think about the cult’s Doctrine of Exchange. The SuMP is going to make a show for the clubbed seals. It’s only right by the doctrine of exchange that the clubbed seals pay for it. Nothing is free in Scientology. Not a damn thing.
I loved today’s hard eyed look at the hypocrisy of the over fund-raised and not just under-performing SUMP but non-functional SUMP.
Seeing the sheeple, at least the guy was reminiscent of mental and verbal excuses I made when “in” about cognitive dissonance between what was touted in the party line and what was observable. Not that you could ask.
Could you imagine someone asking. “What exactly are they doing over there? What products are they working on? When will we see something? Can you give me a tour and show me transparency?”
Can you say “Declare?”
Thanks RB,you did’t disappoint.The last scene was just hilarious.
Wow, I’m impressed. RB knew all along that the TRUE purpose of SMP was to be Scientology’s version of the war room at NORAD.
Roy has the same intelligence as a sun-blushed tomato. He should know better than to say that we of the gay persuasion are degraded beings. We’re full-blown 1.1s, Roy. L. Fraud said so. You need to go into your org and word-clear Science Of Survival. Or are you waiting for the SuMP to broadcast something to tell you to come in?
Regrettably, the lack of material coming from the SuMP will not drive anyone out. If the decades-long prick tease known as Super Power didn’t do it, this won’t. As has been said, it’s open, now on to the next thing. There will have to be some kind of token use of it, though. I expect that they’ll end up doing the New Year “celebration” from there, as a symbol of “worldwide expansion” and to avoid the cost of renting out a place. Invitation-only at the SuMP, everyone else can gather at the local Morgue to watch the “worldwide broadcast”.
Has anyone seen any “emergency ads” for WTH distribution in Orlando? Any sign of yellow t-shirts around the memorials? You’d think that they’d snap that one up, considering that it’s right in their backyard and they have an org in town. Considering that the GoFundMe for Orlando is up to four million, they’d smell the money and gather around like the sharks that they are.
The people of Orlando will only put up with one Mickey Mouse operation. And that ain’t $cientology. I do expect to see some pics of the VMs trying to do touch assists somewhere, but not in Orlando. Now, can a reach around be considered a touch assist?
Yeah, that’s it, John Travolta is a VM just doing touch assists!!!
Or maybe he’s the one being touched….
Damnit Espi! I had some good coffee this morning and you and your “sun blushed tomato” made me spit it all over the monitor. That one was so funny, it deserves to be memorialized by someone with your sense of humor. Thanks for carrying it forward to today.
“Sun-blushed tomato” deserves meme status here. It’s also the color target for the Toxic Midget in his tanning bed.
Dave cannot afford to risk doing a live broadcast Espi. It limits His ability to fix his fuck ups with voice over edits and hairdo modifications. There is also the real possibility of someone crashing His party.
Any broadcast from SMP for a “worldwide event” won’t be live, Coop. There’s a reason they have all those editing suites there. Nothing will come out of there that will come close to staining the character of COB. And security there will be tighter than an FSM’s asshole.
Espi, you’re in top form today ๐
Cracked Magazine is running an article on Narconon today:
Thanks for the link, Leslie! Excellent article on NarCONon and all the deaths that have occurred at their fake rehabs….
Nice. When the COS becomes the subject of a mainstream satire publication, you know you’ve made it. Now if only Mad Magazine will do the same, then the COS will truly be in Power.
Cracked has been good to us Antis over the years. They were the one who published Derek Bloch’s reminiscences of his time in the Sea Borg a few years ago.
I cringe at those calls for help in CF. I have enjoyed not having that ton-o-crap in my mailbox over the last five years and now I’m on their mailing list – under my maiden name Smith. I’ve asked them FOUR times to take my name off, the last time threatening them with legal action. My step daughter hasn’t talked to me or her father in the last five years and now they’re sending me their promo rags. Couldn’t that be a form of harassment? Thanks Mountain View. Perhaps I should just start sending Facebook messages to all the staff and public there. And now my husband is on their mailing list – misspelled name from Tampa Org’s “efforts”. What do you think? Do we have a case? If not, I suppose I can forward them to you for your Thursday funnies.
Lisa, Mountain View’s been underserved in Thursday Funnies lately. Definitely scan them and e-mail them to Mike. The more material we have for Thursday Funnies, the better. Also, if it’s publicly known that you’re sending them to Mike, that’s pretty much a guaranteed way to get you off of their mailing list.
Are you on the national ‘Do Not Call ‘ list?
If you are, I would start with them…file a complaint. I’m sure they’re not used to dealing with a ‘church’, (and that might be the excuse of the Co$) but if you explain that you are constantly being asked to donate or buy things, they may see your point. It’s a commercial venture.
At a minimum, reporting the Co$ to the Do Not Call group, is a paper trail (on your part) that you are trying to get them to stop.
Harassment of this type can be difficult to prove, so start taking meticulous notes – types of contact (mail, phone calls, etc.), dates, times, etc.
The tricky part is what is considered excessive/harassment. Just keep documentating what they are doing. If you have a way to video (on a smart phone) the list of calls on a land line (take a video of the list of calls…if you have the kind of phone that keeps a record of the list of callers).
Once you have some evidence, contact an attorney or your local State’s attorney’s office……they will be able to direct you to the appropriate consumer advocacy office.
It’s a long fight, but I have seen people succeed in these types of cases (not against the Co$) when the phone calls have been crazy (30+ per day).
Also, keep proof of your requests to have your named removed, requests to stop calling etc.
I got off their mailing lists really quickly when I started using their return mailers to send them printouts of items I thought worthy, like Lisa McPherson’s autopsy report, a particularly scathing post on one of the blogs, etc. It only took a few tries and boom* all gone. Mike’s article on disconnection might be one worth printing and enclosing in one of those envelopes considering your situation.
As for the calls, just let them know that every time you receive a call from them you donate to Mike Rinder’s blog, Mark Bunker’s movie or some other cause like that. I was actually told “well, I am going to blacklist you because you obviously read the internet.” Well, duh!
In the meantime, share your junk mail with Mike for the Thursday funnies or other relevant posts.
Valeries method works very well and is usually very fast. There is a great fear of having staff read return mail, especially of the black PR variety.
I also recommend getting a declare written on yourself. This may require a direct mailing to Julian Schwartz discussing the merits of Going Clear and Ron’s new book Ruthless.
As a former adresso officer, I can say that your way of getting of the mailing list is the most effective ; sending entheta back through the comm line. There is an HCO PL somewhere that says that any letter containing entheta is to be routed to HCO and placed in what is called the Dead File along with the person’s CF folder. This prevents any staff from contacting the person and thus all comm is cut. And getting declared is also a good way to get off Scientology’s mailing list if you want to go that far.
@alco: I’ve been trying for over 30 years to get my goldenrod of honor. They only veal tech the, these days.
I’ve seen a few people mention the “tape flyer / letter to a brick and return to sender” method. It seems that when you do that, they are forced to pay the postal fees or they lose the special status and rebates for mass mailings they have with them.
The people who have used this trick generally don’t hear anything back from them.
Lisa, never forget that every dark cloud has a silver lining. When the cult found me after blowing for good over 25 years ago, I WAS PISSED!!! I wanted nothing more to do with them and the next thing I knew I was getting shit tons of unwanted mail from at least a dozen orgs. I tried the threats, contacted the post office, blah, blah, blah, with no luck, I just kept getting tons of mail.
Here’s what I did that worked. Whenever there’s a business reply envelope, card or survey with the promo pieces, I used that to send kindly message back to them. I included some helpful website addresses, like Mike Rinder’s blog, the Underground Bunker, Chris Shelton’s blog, OTVIIIisgrrr8!, Operation Clambake, etc. I often print out Debbie Cook’s email for some extra zing. If you try this feel free to get creative and ask questions like: “where’s Heber?”, ” where’s Shelly?”, “where’s your passport?”, “when’s last time you talked to your parents?”.
None of this costs me a dime, and I had a great time with it, and more importantly I’m not pissed off anymore. The downside is, you have to be careful of what you wish for. I wanted to get off the mailing lists, which I did, but now I don’t get to send my messages anymore.
Desperation. Maybe you haven’t actually been declared yet, Lisa. Desperation for sure. I can actually see someone get excited because they found a “new name” they can send mail to and count as a stat.
Doesn’t the SuMP has its own DM Office complete with yet another massively overpriced sound and video system?
I get SMP on my sailboat Sat TV, channel 2,367 it’s
between 24 hour Bull fighting and Siberian Farm Report.
Oh, man! I LOVE the Siberian Farm Report! So educational! Now, the Bull Fighting I can do without. But, seriously, I’d be lost without the Siberian Farm Report…
Back in the day at Stanford University we would hack
a Russian Communications Satellite for about 2 hours a day.
The girls reading the Siberian Farm report were so hot they
could melt the polar ice cap.
Whoa!!! Now that’s HOT……
The Siberian Farm Report is almost as good as The Sopranos, but you really do have to start at episode one “Who Seed What I Seed?”
No, you can start with episode 2, “Trofim Lysenko : a Legacy” and follow up with episode 5, “Are Biologists Responsible for the Holocaust” ?
Siberian Farm Report?
That has to be interesting as some of the inhabitants were allowed to have rifles under Soviet rule because of the bear and wolf problem. Seriously, Mikhail Kalashnikov grew up there and was intimately familiar with firearms which allowed him to design the AK-47 series.
And next up the line is the giant Hubbard Hall in Clearwater. They could probably open thirty small missions for that money, offering very basic services that might even be useful. Seems like Miscavige LIKES throwing away money. His next project after the Hubbard Hall is opened and used once will be a worldwide network of Ideal Mansions that will be kept empty until the Founder returns.
Correction: Miscavige likes throwing away OTHER PEOPLE’S money
“Miscavige likes throwing away OPM!” Indeed! He also likes pocketing hundreds of thousands of dollars on a daily basis….
So funny RB~ Another masterpiece. Thank you for making me laugh out loud again!
Laura Prepon frolicking in a field of flowers. Damn RB, I have to go to work in a couple of minutes with that vision dancing in my head. You should be ashamed…
As always good sir, a tip of the hat to you.
Damn it all! Now my fantasies of that red head return! Did you have to do that?
God, I cannot imagine how pissed he must be 24/7 NOW as opposed to 10 years ago. A heart attack cannot be far away.
If it is his time to go, so be it . . .
bwahaha This hits the nail on head about Miscavige.and $cientology.
If the MEST universe is not real why do they pay attention to it?
+1! Outstanding post, Leslie! It truly is the Church of Mest……
Because it sure ain’t spiritual…..
Cause there’s no $ in theta.
Ha!!!! Good one!!! Got my mental gears humming. Hope you don’t mind if I steal it one day if the right image pops up.
It’s your’s RB. Run with it!
Cause there’s no money $ in theta, ONLY MEST. Lots and lots of MEST. MEST so high you can’t see the top. Overwhelming MEST.
Wheat… lots of wheat… fields of wheat… a tremendous amount of wheat…
-Woody Allen (Love and Death)
I remember that one!
Thanks for putting this BRILLIANT post up early this morning! Got to enjoy the read with a cup of coffee. You know, that beverage that some of us wogs need to get up tone early in the morning.
SuMP has come and gone already…and as Regraded Being has perfectly pointed out, it is – and will always be – nothing more than a room where COB can sit and fondle himself.
RB – I salute you twice this morning ๐
Yep! SuMP came and went. And regarding your post, “…nothing more than a room where COB can fondle himself.” AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!! COFFEE! Where’s my COFFEE! Oh, here it is. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!! Whew! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!
The best part of wakin up…..is kahlua in your coffee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That or Jack Daniels….
OF COURSE!!! SuMP’s real purpose is to be a place for COB to watch internet porn. Although, with COB’s tendencies, I’m voting for GAY internet porn……. HOUULLHONK!
Not that there’s anything wrong with that…….:-)