God, unfortunately, seems always to be construed as a “human” with human characteristics…or the like. Thus one can apply “judgement”, as in is S/He “nice”…or not. I’ve always found that odd. My own take is that there is somewhere an incredible Intelligence. Each time I see a newborn baby or very young child, I marvel at what went into that creation. From that tiny egg to an even more tiny sperm..a human being. As for Evil, it, like all things, is judged from different views. What is evil to us, done by a Muslim follower, is an homage to god when looked at from the muslim point of view. All part of the game which has been going on since whenever. 🙂 I can’t speak for anyone else, but I’m in this as a “spiritual” game. So far, it’s working for me. Past lives? I’ve experienced a very few. I learned from what I saw. Do I care what others might think? Not a whit. Whatever belief anyone else has is okay with me. Unless they wish to enforce it in my little universe. Then I generally just go away as getting angry ain’t healthy. 🙂
As far as I remember a seaorg member mishandled on Apollo by the MAA and comity of evidence and dolwngraded to FOLO EU would through herself naked into bed to seduce one as one was helping her sell Flag services and was driving her all over Europe and paying for it [Hotel fuel food cigarettes] and have have ONE PAY FOR HER FREELOADERBILL in mid 1974 then later on threaten to commit suicide if I did not get her back to flag and pay for her services! The sea org ALWAYS able to create bad PR for themselves as none else I know of WOW !
Well, “going up the bridge” if you remember well was the only reason for living. Anything else was “MEST”. I remember I was on the Freewind for OTVIII, we were on the Caribean, real nice place for holidays. We have been sometimes on the beach. I had a feeling of incredible superiority not to be a simple tourist! That would make no sense to walk around mest universe to have pleasure. It also mix with the sense of duty : we are freeing ourself while freeing the universe from evil. That was the game. Going exterior with full perception, being free from oblivion, being immortal, if you look at it you may thing it’s worth giving all your “mest”.
Some have become immensely poor in giving all wht they have, money, family for this cause and finally being kicked out as dowstat, DBs and SPs at the end.
Other have found some way to make tons of money they wouldn’t have made otherwise to give to the church. Some are addicted now to go up the “bridge of statut”, giving to scientology more and more money is the road to perfection of spirituality, absolute good. (Miscavige is a genious to pilote the idea that giving the money is the “win” in itself!”)
My wife and I are out now, not so much that we dislike scientology and Hubbard but because it’s run buy Miscavige.
We are financially ruined. Since Miscavige has taken over, more than 30 years now, the spirituality of scientogy has been entirely perverted to become a totalitarian group and a money scam.
But as far as I remember, there was not many little bitches like this one amongst trained people. Most of them had a sense of ethics.
But madness came from above, it took time to contaminate fully scientology and now there it is. And people thing that is scientology!
From a scientology viewpoint we have lost completely. Spiritual freedom look like a full scam, the tech is lost since so many years from the time the auditor’s code became optional and the donations mandatory.
Great job. Spend a short time in an org and you’ll see your cartoon for real.
Then again, marrying for money isn’t a new concept. The scienos miss the “’til death do us part” bit. Actually, I blame the disposable spouse notion on LRH. He could have written one policy explaining that a good marriage requires a long term commitment and multiple short marriages show a selfish, shallow immaturity.
I wonder what they would call an Organization that gets women to open their legs in order to get cash which they promptly hand over to that same sociopathic organization in exchange for the promise of Freedom???
It’s ironic that Scientologists will subjugate their spiritual essence in order to get money to advance their spiritual essence “up the Bridge”.
They sell their soul to the devil (Scientology) in order to become a god on earth and, like Icarus flying too close to the sun, they all invariably fall to earth a victim of their own hubris. (See the end of LRH’s life. He was no exception.)
So many people have sold their selves, spouses, children, parents and friends to go up the Bridge only to find themselves entrapped in a hamster wheel at the bottom of the Bridge serving a well known psychopath. Or, if they are lucky, they escaped from the trap and reflect back on the trap and let others know what it’s like. RB.does such a great job of this with just a few words and images. Thanks RB.
This is so true RB – very very funny how you took the Scientological truth and at least made me laugh about it – but Hot Damn!! You nailed it.
Divorces are rampant, so few people left in and they are all looking for a FREE ride up the Bridge. Don’t they get it ? Scientology cannibalizes EVERYONE!!
So glad we are out of that nasty cult.
Very good work RB!
Thank You Regraded Being and Mike Rinder – for “Doing Something About It!”
I knew a man who took advantage of a woman’ s money and love.
All the money he could collect went to flag. Then he dropped her.
Yet when I read RB’ new post , I didn’t relate , thought maybe he was exaggerating.
And there you go , I made excuses for this man at the time , closed my eyes tight and proceeded to forget it…until now!
I have seen this group become a freakish middle class , so I kept one foot out. Now both my feet are out and thank goodness for that.
The crazy thing about this: If you are scheming to land a spouse with dough, try to list all the things you might want to spend it on. If “going up the bridge” falls within the top 1000, you’re a friggin’ lunatic. Try this — summer vacations on various Mediterranean islands, a different one every year. Nah, I think I’ll go to Flag for my 6 month sec checking enema, thank you very much.
Oh my, the sordid love life of corporate Scientology exposed. A hint of desperate housewives about it.
Remind me never to get on your wrong side RB, your observation is sensational but wickedly frank!
RB – This is one of the funniest pieces, imo. I once got up the courage to ask a woman about how money influenced decisions, and she – a wonderfully direct and honest woman – replied that economics does indeed have something to do with it. Women I’ve asked about pyjama parties get v-e-r-y tactical (not tactful – tactical) and almost uniformly reply that I’d find one boring. I still doubt that. Of course, being a guy, present, would change the um … dynamics of the conversation, but a fly-on-the-wall could probably learn as much as a woman at a guys’ bachelor night. It always amuses me how a woman’s expression of shock and surprise differs so much from a man’s expression of shock and surprise – and what each finds to be so. Hilarious piece. (I’m a male chauvinist pig, I guess = I place immense value on a woman’s abilities, cunning, persistence, and all that. I wouldn’t want to have to handle all those roles … be beautiful, smart, seductive, bear children, raise both boys and girls, be a doctor, a nutritionist, have the answers to everything, a hostess at parties, an astute purchasing agent … sheesh … all a guy has to do is dress decently, be somewhat personable, loyal, on the sexy side, make good money, and understand that a woman has keys on both sides of a keyboard and will play them all from time to time.)
Very interesting take on women, you don’t sound chauvinist though. I once asked a fella what men want in a woman, he was blunt; “Laura Petrie in the living room, Xavier Hollander in the bedroom”. Thankfully, we are all much more complex than that teehee!
Wow….I missed so much “As the Org Turns” living in the sea org for so many years. Boo-hoo. We had our own soap operas too I suppose, but this one is filled with such wonderful falsity and nail-biting drama. Stay tuned! LOL
Having been mostly away from the antics of the cult for some 35 years and didn’t even read anything on line or any anti-SCN books, I must say that I am shocked at this week’s RB. I seriously had no idea that this has become a practice in the cult and thought that perhaps it was an exaggeration to show the greed in SCN. I don’t believe that such nonsense existed when I was in but it could have as I was never really “general public”.
Being on the Apollo and then INT most people wed so they could have sex without getting busted – at least that was a good cause (having sex). No one had money so that was never a cause for marriage.
Nailed it RB, this one disgusted me, as does the whole 2D thing, it’s so dehumanizing. Next week Mr. Justme and I will be renewing our vows at Sandals in Jamaica to celebrate our 25th. I wish so many Scions that have been through multiple marriages can some day experience the utter joy and peace of being married for love. I smile when I read things about the Headley’s who managed to stay together in spite of big brother. You never fail to break my heart RB.
Hi justmeteehee , Wonderful ! Congratulations! Just had our 35th 7/11/16 and on that day hubby taking his Mom and Dads ashes to the family plot in Virginia. Why did I not go you say? Because I have to baby sit my 17 year old inside kitty Jade,which my late in laws being Dachshund freaks would completely approve of.Congratulations and may Stardust touch you both Always,??XXOO Ann B.
Hi Chee Chalker, Thank you for thinking of me.35 years becomes hard to wrap my head around! Age 29 was very long ago.But the older I get the less I fuss about stuff.Learning to enjoy the moment.However I will Fuss about cos, nothing will ever change in that department!Jade sends you a kitty kiss ?XOXO
Whatever the term, a friend who was at one time a regular habitue of Flag told me that you’ll find plenty of women there, cougar types, on the prowl for that lonely, wealthy unattached/divorced/widowed guy who will buy their Bridge. My friend told me these women are quite aggressive and upfront about what they want and that they POUNCE. I can just imagine what their first dates are like – comparing Admin Scales and all. Real sexy.
One in America with the name of Karen comes to mind. She went through so many Scn guys, demanding that each one pay for her Bridge. And if they didn’t, including one who refused to decimate his 401K for her Bridge, she sicked the FSM and ethics on him, and then finally divorced him. It’s disgusting.
My jaw is still on the floor after reading this week’s Retrograde Being. As a never-in, I thought I had read almost everything possible about $ciontology. How can you “save the planet”, when you are too busy “raping” your fellow parishioners for their money? How does it help mankind to trick a ‘wog’ into marrying you for his/her money? This kind of mentality dehumanizes other people into objects to be used up and spit out. If that is the world Scientology wants to build, then I would rather exit this life early and avoid being alienated by a society that discourages compassion, altruism and love. Thanks Mike for continuing to educate us! Ann
+1! Truer words were never spoken. And make no mistake about it, this is a “The end justifies the means” Cult. Cult member feel they can do whatever they want for the “greater good of scientology.” Because they are mankind’s only dope…..I mean hope.
One of my parents told me once that I should ‘marry a rich Scientologist, so I could get my bridge’. This was AFTER that parent was ‘cleaned out’ by another and divorced, left in shambles and then declared an SP. It’s madness. It’s the truth. No exaggerations here…. I’m not knocking the the aim to be humorous here, it is great… but this, it’s really a real thing.
Here’s Grant Cardone, top opinion leader, Scientologist teaching about love or money.
C’mon now, would you follow this asshole across a bridge? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CElrsxeDNCA
Oh my goodness… I can’t believe that! Overunincalifornia I just watched that youtube video you posted a link to – it was my first time seeing and hearing Grant Cardone. Totally aghast!
At first I thought, c’mon, this must be a parody video, mocking the real Mr. Cardone, you know, a funny, like OTviiiIsGrrr8 makes, but no, he actually said those things! If I ever saw Grant Cardone in real life, giving a seminar somewhere, I’d like to ask him to draw a line in chalk across the middle of the floor, and then ask everyone who agrees with him to step on one side, and all those who are opposed to step on the other side, and I’d only talk to people on the “no-way” side of the line. Dividing them up like that would save a lot of time talking to each person individually to weed out the cold, callous, meanies who don’t believe in love.
RB, this is true to life inside the cult.
Like Brian Culkin on stage at Flag reeling off status levels
till the SO took the microphone away got him off stage.
I like it, NOLAGirl! Just like, “You stay classy, San Diego” With Ron Burgundy. Unfortunately, the cult will never, ever be classy. It will stay the violent, hideous cult that it’s always been.
So true, you did it again RB. This is one area that would disgust me, women flocking to flag to find a rich “2D” so they can move up the bridge, truly sickening.
Everything $cn touches seems to turn unto an unrecognizable gelatinous substance in short order. It’s kind of like thetans in the vicinity of Cee Ohhhhhhh Bee.
This really happens? My goodness. I thought I had read everything about Scientology (I’m a never in, my Mother was clear from the beginning and labeled it a cult), but marrying for money to get up the bridge? Wow.
But the joke is on these women because most of the time the man is already cleaned out by the IAS, Flag, The Ship, The Basics campaign, and and and. Some of the men are looking for a Sugar Mama who will pay for their Bridges. Imagine the surprise when both of them find out the other doesn’t have money and is using them the same way they are. Reminds me of that song, “Lola” la la la la Lola.
Hi lawgrrl134, Great to meet you.I am an old Old Sea Org Member from Asho Fdn.With all I have learned about dm and IAS etc I do believe this happens.Actually it happened years ago but all that was not put out over the Telex Waves.I wrote some public who were contemplating the very same tactic.Now I can see how it has been expanded on with dm.I got the late Doris Duke to buy all the L’s do not know if she ever went to The Apollo probably not, but Ron wrote me a personal note about that .Money money and Honey if you reg it you are On Source and Upstat! Excuse me I have to go Gag!! XO Ann B.
I used to live in Montecito and every morning I’d run from Butterfly Beach to Stearns Wharf, and I’d run by this beautiful old estate right on the water. I later learned it belonged to Doris Duke- I wonder if that is where you knew her, or did you know her in Hawaii or New York?
Hi katylied,
,Very happy to to see you here,Miss Doris wrote me from Shagri-La in Hawaii and ,also from NYC,My late grandmother was a very successful writer and lecturer on all the Hawaiian Islands in the 30s and 40s when it was still very exotic.I went at six months and stayed until II was four and a half.My Great Granddads name was Judge Henry E. Cooper.Gov Dole made him the land judge wink wink for The Islands.He had a huge estate in Manoa Valley that is now a girls school and an amazing house overlooking Pearl,Harbor that a US plane was shot down into and burned.So she knew my connection with Hawaii as she had lost a baby girl she named Arden with the great surfer from Hawaii I am sorry my late Dad will kill me I cannot recall his name.And the rougue Judge had eight kids and one was half Hawaiian.His name was Theodore way before my time ,he died of alcoholism because even though he was named Theodore Cooper he always knew his pecking order.Strange a Days, I love my Granddad but hate him too.Part of what I wrote Doris of my family history was part of the hook to get her to buy the L’s.She was not the nicest of ladies but I was X cocky little s### and wanted a big Upstat Thurs @ 2:00pm.Disgusting Ann.XO
Wow! This describes aptly what I know to be true about LieIntology, particularly my own personal experience as a Wog who for 12 years was in business with and close friends to one of the few sport celebrity scientologists, a once world renowned tennis coach. I watched him marry and divorce a foreigner on command because she came from money, then when he found out my landlord in Encino came from weath, he was ordered to divorce his previous wife since she was “tapped out” no doubt, then he seduced my landlord and took her for a quarter million she paid to get him up the Bridge. He used his charms to get her to go up the Bridge and now she can’t criticize him for “borrowing” the money when at age 77 he will never pay it back. What’s even more unbelievable is that after I asked her how does she feel about being “conned” she stated “I pulled it in.” When OT5 was ordered to take the SRD and Puriff again and had not a cent and was asking me to lend him the money (I lost over six figures in a stock scam with him where he took my friends for over a million that was no doubt ordered by LieIntology).
Some in the Bunker know of my story but one day soon I will name names and my Real History of USA Tennis Instruction book nearly finished will make Scientology really look bad with facts and what I experienced as a wog. The reason I took three basic courses many years ago was because a beautiful woman “charmed” me while I was checking into a hotel when money was no object. Luckily back then I realized after spending money on me and then her she was selling her beauty to me in exchange for her auditing and what I saw was she would be my slave if I just went up the bridge with her. Luckily I saw that scam before I broke the thousand dollar mark (it was over 20 years ago). However, years later in 2004 I went “all in” in business with a Scientologist since my beliefs preached “tolerance” even though I thought Hubbard a whack job. I can say with certainly from having been in the inner circles as a Wog because of my association with OT5 and his pre-clear for the last five years take 20 hours plus a week classes (and is still no clear) that I have witnessed much that confirms exactly what Regraded Being describes.
One of the biggest regrets is I introduced my landlord, a UCLA grad, to this tennis coach. He spiritually, emotionally, and financially raped her and she tells me she can’t criticize another Scientologist. She and I were great friends until I started asking questions about Miscavige when she kept quoting Hubbard to me and trying to convert me. As a wog who has taken inside tours of some of Scientology’s most famous buildings, I can tell you personally they were empy except for very few staff, and I’ve been to a few Scientology gatherings such as having dinner with the great keyboardist John Novello (an OT8) where I realize now they use the few remaining celebs to recruit “marks” with. As a wog, i will tell my story about why scientology is evil and I tell my two adult children that the only thing that will result from a scientologist friendship is rape in one form or another. Scientology is evil as it is practiced under Miscavige.
One month ago OT5 and Pre-clear disconnected from me after they started quoting Hubbard in every conversation we had and were telling me I would be a millionaire if I went up the bridge. I then asked them what is so special about those quotes when they were stated by others and it appears Hubbard is not attributing source. I pointed out to pre-clear that OT5 who once lived the life of a king was not asking me to pay his phone bill so obviously Scientology didn’t do anything for him. I asked them….. if they could not speak to me without an intention to convert me to Scientology without first answering three questions (they told me to contact the OSA in Los Angeles and gnashed their teeth and went ballistic claiming I’ve been duped by the psychs and other such mumbo jumbo)…if they can’t even answer or explain three simple questions then I must assume that they have no ability to confront and shatter given they refuse to even answer three questions.
Apologize for grammar errors but this one got me emotional given I carry much shame for the damage done to my life by being associated with a Scilon. Can’t find an edit button like the Bunker has. In the above story, Pre-clear in 2015 paid for the SRD and Puriff for OT5 after stating she knows she will never get her money back, lol. When I asked her why, she said it’s the only way to give her a chance to get her money back….it was obvious she had been “ordered” to do such a stupid thing. It’s like the case supervisors just pull strings and manipulate their own members to get the few remaining dollars that they won’t let the regges access to. I bet that that Scilons, when in relationships, have both their case folders searched by the other spouse’s case supervisor to dream up scams to get the other spouse or partner “in line” with command intention, which in the end is simply “get the money….all of it!”
StudentOfLife thanks for sharing your story, it must still be hard to talk about. Regraded Being comic strips often touch a sore spot for someone, and they shine the light in the dark corners so we can see what’s there. Best wishes to you! – T.J. 🙂
Hi StudentOfLife, Really good to meet you and thank you so much for your story.I do so understand about being emotional.I always got sent to Ethics at Asho Fdn for Human Reaction and Emotion! I know about this space shifting edit button.It likes The Bunker best of all! XXOO Ann B.
I have to wonder how prevalent that mindset is in the clampire. Lron’ s ‘science’ is all about manipulating people and 2D is one of the oldest ways to manipulate anyone.
As Tina Turner said, “What’s Love Got To Do With It?”
Christ, what a bunch of vampires. I knew of a Scientologist woman who was excitedly telling her wog friends about this weekend getaway she was going to where a bunch of doctors were also going. She was really keen on snagging one of them. The friends all called her a whore behind her back.
Years ago when I was looking for a partner I very quickly realized that the Scientology women looked at my car and wanted to know my net worth. Without a fairly new bmw or Mercedes I was out of luck. RB as usual you are on the money.(no pun intended) You rock!
When I was in the cult, I also thought I needed to catch a scio with money. If he didn’t have money, and I mean enough for your entire bridge, of what use was he to you? It’s surely a sign that he’s not able? Or so the story went….
I know what I’ve said about catching a rich man so that he can pay for my bridge sounds terrible. But, hey, money is status in scientology. No one respects you if you don’t have money. it’s the culture and that’s my excuse.
Funny that now I’m out, I don’t think this way at all and value my independence and paying my own way! 🙂
I used to get a kick over our use of the more $piritual descriptions of others with terms and phrases such as Able, Up-stat, Affluent, At cause over MEST or Prospering in stead of just saying, “They have a lot of money”.
I guess it was designed to make us feel that we were addressing the Thetan and not the wallet.
One change causes another. A lot has changed in scientology. Impressive for being so much in touch and on the ball to inform us the worried out’s about the changes of the still in’s. Maybe some of the still in’s can see that their solution is becoming an ever bigger problem.
Still don’t have my son back but I guess your cartoon made it say 10 days earlier. Thanks RB.
It would be interesting and somewhat amusing to launch an alternate ‘What is scientology?’ book and fill it with Regraded Being cartoons, because this IS scientology.
It would make a good coffee table book. And would disseminate truth to all who visited and glanced through it. I’d buy it. RB, will you put little legs on it to make it a coffee table and a coffee table book like Kramer did in Seinfeld? ha ha
i would to love to see that! the so can make it so the book opens to the table.and they’d put a light on it too. and the cost to scnos would be $1-5000 each. soon it’d be a book you have to buy -like gat 1 or 2. they’d make a certificate for the $ donated-oops, i mean a cert for reading it.
As a person who searched for a “god” that would make sense, and still wish there such a benevolent “being”…… in the end, I like Thomas Jefferson, must identify as an Epicurean. To paraphrase the great Epicurus: If God is neither able nor willing to destroy evil (such as occurred in Nice yesterday and occurs in less overt forms in religions such as Scientology), then why call him God?
The most realistic post ever. The problem is no one has any money anymore they just have credit cards and defaulting mortgages.
God, unfortunately, seems always to be construed as a “human” with human characteristics…or the like. Thus one can apply “judgement”, as in is S/He “nice”…or not. I’ve always found that odd. My own take is that there is somewhere an incredible Intelligence. Each time I see a newborn baby or very young child, I marvel at what went into that creation. From that tiny egg to an even more tiny sperm..a human being. As for Evil, it, like all things, is judged from different views. What is evil to us, done by a Muslim follower, is an homage to god when looked at from the muslim point of view. All part of the game which has been going on since whenever. 🙂 I can’t speak for anyone else, but I’m in this as a “spiritual” game. So far, it’s working for me. Past lives? I’ve experienced a very few. I learned from what I saw. Do I care what others might think? Not a whit. Whatever belief anyone else has is okay with me. Unless they wish to enforce it in my little universe. Then I generally just go away as getting angry ain’t healthy. 🙂
As far as I remember a seaorg member mishandled on Apollo by the MAA and comity of evidence and dolwngraded to FOLO EU would through herself naked into bed to seduce one as one was helping her sell Flag services and was driving her all over Europe and paying for it [Hotel fuel food cigarettes] and have have ONE PAY FOR HER FREELOADERBILL in mid 1974 then later on threaten to commit suicide if I did not get her back to flag and pay for her services! The sea org ALWAYS able to create bad PR for themselves as none else I know of WOW !
Well, “going up the bridge” if you remember well was the only reason for living. Anything else was “MEST”. I remember I was on the Freewind for OTVIII, we were on the Caribean, real nice place for holidays. We have been sometimes on the beach. I had a feeling of incredible superiority not to be a simple tourist! That would make no sense to walk around mest universe to have pleasure. It also mix with the sense of duty : we are freeing ourself while freeing the universe from evil. That was the game. Going exterior with full perception, being free from oblivion, being immortal, if you look at it you may thing it’s worth giving all your “mest”.
Some have become immensely poor in giving all wht they have, money, family for this cause and finally being kicked out as dowstat, DBs and SPs at the end.
Other have found some way to make tons of money they wouldn’t have made otherwise to give to the church. Some are addicted now to go up the “bridge of statut”, giving to scientology more and more money is the road to perfection of spirituality, absolute good. (Miscavige is a genious to pilote the idea that giving the money is the “win” in itself!”)
My wife and I are out now, not so much that we dislike scientology and Hubbard but because it’s run buy Miscavige.
We are financially ruined. Since Miscavige has taken over, more than 30 years now, the spirituality of scientogy has been entirely perverted to become a totalitarian group and a money scam.
But as far as I remember, there was not many little bitches like this one amongst trained people. Most of them had a sense of ethics.
But madness came from above, it took time to contaminate fully scientology and now there it is. And people thing that is scientology!
From a scientology viewpoint we have lost completely. Spiritual freedom look like a full scam, the tech is lost since so many years from the time the auditor’s code became optional and the donations mandatory.
Great job. Spend a short time in an org and you’ll see your cartoon for real.
Then again, marrying for money isn’t a new concept. The scienos miss the “’til death do us part” bit. Actually, I blame the disposable spouse notion on LRH. He could have written one policy explaining that a good marriage requires a long term commitment and multiple short marriages show a selfish, shallow immaturity.
I wonder what they would call an Organization that gets women to open their legs in order to get cash which they promptly hand over to that same sociopathic organization in exchange for the promise of Freedom???
It’s ironic that Scientologists will subjugate their spiritual essence in order to get money to advance their spiritual essence “up the Bridge”.
They sell their soul to the devil (Scientology) in order to become a god on earth and, like Icarus flying too close to the sun, they all invariably fall to earth a victim of their own hubris. (See the end of LRH’s life. He was no exception.)
So many people have sold their selves, spouses, children, parents and friends to go up the Bridge only to find themselves entrapped in a hamster wheel at the bottom of the Bridge serving a well known psychopath. Or, if they are lucky, they escaped from the trap and reflect back on the trap and let others know what it’s like. RB.does such a great job of this with just a few words and images. Thanks RB.
“It’s ironic that Scientologists will subjugate their spiritual essence in order to get money to advance their spiritual essence “up the Bridge”.
That is a profound observation, Robert Almblad.
This is so true RB – very very funny how you took the Scientological truth and at least made me laugh about it – but Hot Damn!! You nailed it.
Divorces are rampant, so few people left in and they are all looking for a FREE ride up the Bridge. Don’t they get it ? Scientology cannibalizes EVERYONE!!
So glad we are out of that nasty cult.
Very good work RB!
Thank You Regraded Being and Mike Rinder – for “Doing Something About It!”
Please – continue!
yes, still paying off the bridge cycles from my ex wife. I got triple trapped. Man do I feel stupid.
I knew a man who took advantage of a woman’ s money and love.
All the money he could collect went to flag. Then he dropped her.
Yet when I read RB’ new post , I didn’t relate , thought maybe he was exaggerating.
And there you go , I made excuses for this man at the time , closed my eyes tight and proceeded to forget it…until now!
I have seen this group become a freakish middle class , so I kept one foot out. Now both my feet are out and thank goodness for that.
Hi RB, You hit Triple Home Run Out Of The Park With This.I have archived it.Brilliant is what you are!❤️❤️
The crazy thing about this: If you are scheming to land a spouse with dough, try to list all the things you might want to spend it on. If “going up the bridge” falls within the top 1000, you’re a friggin’ lunatic. Try this — summer vacations on various Mediterranean islands, a different one every year. Nah, I think I’ll go to Flag for my 6 month sec checking enema, thank you very much.
Oh my, the sordid love life of corporate Scientology exposed. A hint of desperate housewives about it.
Remind me never to get on your wrong side RB, your observation is sensational but wickedly frank!
YES! YES! YES! “Desperate Scientology Housewives”
A new Scientology Reality TV SHOW on the Scientology Media Productions Channel….
Let’s have a script writing contest!!
This could be so much fun!!
Hi Idle Morgue, Love your concept. XO Ann B
Wow! A practical use for Scientology? Who would have thought…
Good one Idle, Wisteria Lane revisited. I’d have a crack at a script.
Okay,try this on for size:
SCENE ONE: A woman walks into an empty org and is approached by a reg.
RB – This is one of the funniest pieces, imo. I once got up the courage to ask a woman about how money influenced decisions, and she – a wonderfully direct and honest woman – replied that economics does indeed have something to do with it. Women I’ve asked about pyjama parties get v-e-r-y tactical (not tactful – tactical) and almost uniformly reply that I’d find one boring. I still doubt that. Of course, being a guy, present, would change the um … dynamics of the conversation, but a fly-on-the-wall could probably learn as much as a woman at a guys’ bachelor night. It always amuses me how a woman’s expression of shock and surprise differs so much from a man’s expression of shock and surprise – and what each finds to be so. Hilarious piece. (I’m a male chauvinist pig, I guess = I place immense value on a woman’s abilities, cunning, persistence, and all that. I wouldn’t want to have to handle all those roles … be beautiful, smart, seductive, bear children, raise both boys and girls, be a doctor, a nutritionist, have the answers to everything, a hostess at parties, an astute purchasing agent … sheesh … all a guy has to do is dress decently, be somewhat personable, loyal, on the sexy side, make good money, and understand that a woman has keys on both sides of a keyboard and will play them all from time to time.)
Very interesting take on women, you don’t sound chauvinist though. I once asked a fella what men want in a woman, he was blunt; “Laura Petrie in the living room, Xavier Hollander in the bedroom”. Thankfully, we are all much more complex than that teehee!
I asked my husband, who can be something of an enigma sometimes, what he wanted in a woman early along in our relationship. His reply: “My penis!”
Wow….I missed so much “As the Org Turns” living in the sea org for so many years. Boo-hoo. We had our own soap operas too I suppose, but this one is filled with such wonderful falsity and nail-biting drama. Stay tuned! LOL
Hi gato rojo, Oh I adore your comment .Thank you! XO
Having been mostly away from the antics of the cult for some 35 years and didn’t even read anything on line or any anti-SCN books, I must say that I am shocked at this week’s RB. I seriously had no idea that this has become a practice in the cult and thought that perhaps it was an exaggeration to show the greed in SCN. I don’t believe that such nonsense existed when I was in but it could have as I was never really “general public”.
Being on the Apollo and then INT most people wed so they could have sex without getting busted – at least that was a good cause (having sex). No one had money so that was never a cause for marriage.
Hi clearlypissedoff , Oh I love this comment too.You are so good! XXOO
Sing along with me now….(to the tune of Farmersonly.com)
You don’t have to be lonely……..at 2D dating.com….
Nailed it RB, this one disgusted me, as does the whole 2D thing, it’s so dehumanizing. Next week Mr. Justme and I will be renewing our vows at Sandals in Jamaica to celebrate our 25th. I wish so many Scions that have been through multiple marriages can some day experience the utter joy and peace of being married for love. I smile when I read things about the Headley’s who managed to stay together in spite of big brother. You never fail to break my heart RB.
OH TeeHee.. Congrats.. How absolutely fabulous. Have fun.. So romantic.. 25 years! Good for you. Sandals in Jamaica. xo Baby
Thanks Baby! I love romance ?❤️
Congrats on your 25th Teehee! 🙂 Wow Jamaica, never been there, I wish we were going. That sounds like mucho mucho fun, enjoy yourselves! – T.J.
Thanks T.J. Jamaica had great deals, we love scuba diving so usually do St. Lucia or the Mayan Riviera but we’re in for no worries Mon!
Hi justmeteehee , Wonderful ! Congratulations! Just had our 35th 7/11/16 and on that day hubby taking his Mom and Dads ashes to the family plot in Virginia. Why did I not go you say? Because I have to baby sit my 17 year old inside kitty Jade,which my late in laws being Dachshund freaks would completely approve of.Congratulations and may Stardust touch you both Always,??XXOO Ann B.
Congrats on 35 Ann! The thing about a great marriage is always knowing where the family priorities lay… You got it right! Xoxo
Hi justmeteehee,Just found this page.Thank you for your kind words.I hope you both have the time of your lives in Jamaica! Many congrats on #25! XXOO
Congratulations on 35 years Annie B! That is amazing!
And Jade is a lucky kitty to have such a kind and thoughtful owner!
Hi Chee Chalker, Thank you for thinking of me.35 years becomes hard to wrap my head around! Age 29 was very long ago.But the older I get the less I fuss about stuff.Learning to enjoy the moment.However I will Fuss about cos, nothing will ever change in that department!Jade sends you a kitty kiss ?XOXO
I hope Mr. and Mrs. Justme have a wonderful time in Jamaica renewing your vows!
Thanks Chee Chalker!
This is called prostitution, isn’t it?
I believe the polite term is gold digger.
Whatever the term, a friend who was at one time a regular habitue of Flag told me that you’ll find plenty of women there, cougar types, on the prowl for that lonely, wealthy unattached/divorced/widowed guy who will buy their Bridge. My friend told me these women are quite aggressive and upfront about what they want and that they POUNCE. I can just imagine what their first dates are like – comparing Admin Scales and all. Real sexy.
Gold (Bridge) Digging.
In the mid 80th I sat an org in Gothenburg, Sweden under pressure and the reg cried out to me that he wanted to go free.
Scientologists want to be free.
And Ex Scientologists want to be free of the church of $cientology.
FSMs are – or were – in on it too. Marry off a selectee for money, rake in commissions, then stand by innocently when the marriage falls apart.
One with the surname of Bulger in the UK comes to mind
One in America with the name of Karen comes to mind. She went through so many Scn guys, demanding that each one pay for her Bridge. And if they didn’t, including one who refused to decimate his 401K for her Bridge, she sicked the FSM and ethics on him, and then finally divorced him. It’s disgusting.
My jaw is still on the floor after reading this week’s Retrograde Being. As a never-in, I thought I had read almost everything possible about $ciontology. How can you “save the planet”, when you are too busy “raping” your fellow parishioners for their money? How does it help mankind to trick a ‘wog’ into marrying you for his/her money? This kind of mentality dehumanizes other people into objects to be used up and spit out. If that is the world Scientology wants to build, then I would rather exit this life early and avoid being alienated by a society that discourages compassion, altruism and love. Thanks Mike for continuing to educate us! Ann
Ann, the ends justify the means for whatever it takes to “go up the bridge”.
+1! Truer words were never spoken. And make no mistake about it, this is a “The end justifies the means” Cult. Cult member feel they can do whatever they want for the “greater good of scientology.” Because they are mankind’s only dope…..I mean hope.
Hah, good one, O.S.D. me smile b/c of you yet again. lol. 🙂
Love you our Freudian slips OSD ?
One of my parents told me once that I should ‘marry a rich Scientologist, so I could get my bridge’. This was AFTER that parent was ‘cleaned out’ by another and divorced, left in shambles and then declared an SP. It’s madness. It’s the truth. No exaggerations here…. I’m not knocking the the aim to be humorous here, it is great… but this, it’s really a real thing.
Hi No One, I hear you and Understand.XXOO Ann B
Here’s Grant Cardone, top opinion leader, Scientologist teaching about love or money.
C’mon now, would you follow this asshole across a bridge?
I’d follow Cardone across a bridge–it’d be much easier to punt him over the railing mid-span, that way. I’d be nuts to let him walk behind me…
Oh my goodness… I can’t believe that! Overunincalifornia I just watched that youtube video you posted a link to – it was my first time seeing and hearing Grant Cardone. Totally aghast!
At first I thought, c’mon, this must be a parody video, mocking the real Mr. Cardone, you know, a funny, like OTviiiIsGrrr8 makes, but no, he actually said those things! If I ever saw Grant Cardone in real life, giving a seminar somewhere, I’d like to ask him to draw a line in chalk across the middle of the floor, and then ask everyone who agrees with him to step on one side, and all those who are opposed to step on the other side, and I’d only talk to people on the “no-way” side of the line. Dividing them up like that would save a lot of time talking to each person individually to weed out the cold, callous, meanies who don’t believe in love.
And that, right there is the doctrine of Scientology…$$$
RB, this is true to life inside the cult.
Like Brian Culkin on stage at Flag reeling off status levels
till the SO took the microphone away got him off stage.
Looking for a
SugarBridge Daddy. So ecclesiastical.Stay classy Co$.
Hi NOLAGirl, OK I am on the floor that is twice in one week! Thank you Angel Post of the Decade.???? Ann B.
Yep, gotta join my girls here – that was good NOLAgirl. 🙂
(man, I gotta get me some of those emoties to go with my posts like you guys have!)
Here you go T.J. a link to all the emojis you could possibly need. Just copy/paste.
I like it, NOLAGirl! Just like, “You stay classy, San Diego” With Ron Burgundy. Unfortunately, the cult will never, ever be classy. It will stay the violent, hideous cult that it’s always been.
So true, you did it again RB. This is one area that would disgust me, women flocking to flag to find a rich “2D” so they can move up the bridge, truly sickening.
True love …… for all the right reasons!
Everything $cn touches seems to turn unto an unrecognizable gelatinous substance in short order. It’s kind of like thetans in the vicinity of Cee Ohhhhhhh Bee.
My the cult will become…The Blob. That science fiction film from the late 50s or early 60s.
This really happens? My goodness. I thought I had read everything about Scientology (I’m a never in, my Mother was clear from the beginning and labeled it a cult), but marrying for money to get up the bridge? Wow.
But the joke is on these women because most of the time the man is already cleaned out by the IAS, Flag, The Ship, The Basics campaign, and and and. Some of the men are looking for a Sugar Mama who will pay for their Bridges. Imagine the surprise when both of them find out the other doesn’t have money and is using them the same way they are. Reminds me of that song, “Lola” la la la la Lola.
Hi lawgrrl134, Great to meet you.I am an old Old Sea Org Member from Asho Fdn.With all I have learned about dm and IAS etc I do believe this happens.Actually it happened years ago but all that was not put out over the Telex Waves.I wrote some public who were contemplating the very same tactic.Now I can see how it has been expanded on with dm.I got the late Doris Duke to buy all the L’s do not know if she ever went to The Apollo probably not, but Ron wrote me a personal note about that .Money money and Honey if you reg it you are On Source and Upstat! Excuse me I have to go Gag!! XO Ann B.
I used to live in Montecito and every morning I’d run from Butterfly Beach to Stearns Wharf, and I’d run by this beautiful old estate right on the water. I later learned it belonged to Doris Duke- I wonder if that is where you knew her, or did you know her in Hawaii or New York?
Hi katylied,
,Very happy to to see you here,Miss Doris wrote me from Shagri-La in Hawaii and ,also from NYC,My late grandmother was a very successful writer and lecturer on all the Hawaiian Islands in the 30s and 40s when it was still very exotic.I went at six months and stayed until II was four and a half.My Great Granddads name was Judge Henry E. Cooper.Gov Dole made him the land judge wink wink for The Islands.He had a huge estate in Manoa Valley that is now a girls school and an amazing house overlooking Pearl,Harbor that a US plane was shot down into and burned.So she knew my connection with Hawaii as she had lost a baby girl she named Arden with the great surfer from Hawaii I am sorry my late Dad will kill me I cannot recall his name.And the rougue Judge had eight kids and one was half Hawaiian.His name was Theodore way before my time ,he died of alcoholism because even though he was named Theodore Cooper he always knew his pecking order.Strange a Days, I love my Granddad but hate him too.Part of what I wrote Doris of my family history was part of the hook to get her to buy the L’s.She was not the nicest of ladies but I was X cocky little s### and wanted a big Upstat Thurs @ 2:00pm.Disgusting Ann.XO
This one kind of made my skin crawl a bit. Back when I was in, I doubt there were many who made such plans. In any case, happy to be out.
Wow! This describes aptly what I know to be true about LieIntology, particularly my own personal experience as a Wog who for 12 years was in business with and close friends to one of the few sport celebrity scientologists, a once world renowned tennis coach. I watched him marry and divorce a foreigner on command because she came from money, then when he found out my landlord in Encino came from weath, he was ordered to divorce his previous wife since she was “tapped out” no doubt, then he seduced my landlord and took her for a quarter million she paid to get him up the Bridge. He used his charms to get her to go up the Bridge and now she can’t criticize him for “borrowing” the money when at age 77 he will never pay it back. What’s even more unbelievable is that after I asked her how does she feel about being “conned” she stated “I pulled it in.” When OT5 was ordered to take the SRD and Puriff again and had not a cent and was asking me to lend him the money (I lost over six figures in a stock scam with him where he took my friends for over a million that was no doubt ordered by LieIntology).
Some in the Bunker know of my story but one day soon I will name names and my Real History of USA Tennis Instruction book nearly finished will make Scientology really look bad with facts and what I experienced as a wog. The reason I took three basic courses many years ago was because a beautiful woman “charmed” me while I was checking into a hotel when money was no object. Luckily back then I realized after spending money on me and then her she was selling her beauty to me in exchange for her auditing and what I saw was she would be my slave if I just went up the bridge with her. Luckily I saw that scam before I broke the thousand dollar mark (it was over 20 years ago). However, years later in 2004 I went “all in” in business with a Scientologist since my beliefs preached “tolerance” even though I thought Hubbard a whack job. I can say with certainly from having been in the inner circles as a Wog because of my association with OT5 and his pre-clear for the last five years take 20 hours plus a week classes (and is still no clear) that I have witnessed much that confirms exactly what Regraded Being describes.
One of the biggest regrets is I introduced my landlord, a UCLA grad, to this tennis coach. He spiritually, emotionally, and financially raped her and she tells me she can’t criticize another Scientologist. She and I were great friends until I started asking questions about Miscavige when she kept quoting Hubbard to me and trying to convert me. As a wog who has taken inside tours of some of Scientology’s most famous buildings, I can tell you personally they were empy except for very few staff, and I’ve been to a few Scientology gatherings such as having dinner with the great keyboardist John Novello (an OT8) where I realize now they use the few remaining celebs to recruit “marks” with. As a wog, i will tell my story about why scientology is evil and I tell my two adult children that the only thing that will result from a scientologist friendship is rape in one form or another. Scientology is evil as it is practiced under Miscavige.
One month ago OT5 and Pre-clear disconnected from me after they started quoting Hubbard in every conversation we had and were telling me I would be a millionaire if I went up the bridge. I then asked them what is so special about those quotes when they were stated by others and it appears Hubbard is not attributing source. I pointed out to pre-clear that OT5 who once lived the life of a king was not asking me to pay his phone bill so obviously Scientology didn’t do anything for him. I asked them….. if they could not speak to me without an intention to convert me to Scientology without first answering three questions (they told me to contact the OSA in Los Angeles and gnashed their teeth and went ballistic claiming I’ve been duped by the psychs and other such mumbo jumbo)…if they can’t even answer or explain three simple questions then I must assume that they have no ability to confront and shatter given they refuse to even answer three questions.
Apologize for grammar errors but this one got me emotional given I carry much shame for the damage done to my life by being associated with a Scilon. Can’t find an edit button like the Bunker has. In the above story, Pre-clear in 2015 paid for the SRD and Puriff for OT5 after stating she knows she will never get her money back, lol. When I asked her why, she said it’s the only way to give her a chance to get her money back….it was obvious she had been “ordered” to do such a stupid thing. It’s like the case supervisors just pull strings and manipulate their own members to get the few remaining dollars that they won’t let the regges access to. I bet that that Scilons, when in relationships, have both their case folders searched by the other spouse’s case supervisor to dream up scams to get the other spouse or partner “in line” with command intention, which in the end is simply “get the money….all of it!”
StudentOfLife thanks for sharing your story, it must still be hard to talk about. Regraded Being comic strips often touch a sore spot for someone, and they shine the light in the dark corners so we can see what’s there. Best wishes to you! – T.J. 🙂
Hi StudentOfLife, Really good to meet you and thank you so much for your story.I do so understand about being emotional.I always got sent to Ethics at Asho Fdn for Human Reaction and Emotion! I know about this space shifting edit button.It likes The Bunker best of all! XXOO Ann B.
Great post Student and I cant wait for your book!
Looking forward to hearing the full story!
I would offer only one modification to your comment:
” Scientology is evil as it is practiced under Miscavige”
Scientology is evil as it is practiced.
I have to wonder how prevalent that mindset is in the clampire. Lron’ s ‘science’ is all about manipulating people and 2D is one of the oldest ways to manipulate anyone.
As Tina Turner said, “What’s Love Got To Do With It?”
Christ, what a bunch of vampires. I knew of a Scientologist woman who was excitedly telling her wog friends about this weekend getaway she was going to where a bunch of doctors were also going. She was really keen on snagging one of them. The friends all called her a whore behind her back.
Hi Kuato Lives, Great story thank you I saw a few of those types back in the day! XXOO Ann B
I think this edition may be much truer than it appears at first glance. shiver…
“It is simply not allowing us flourish & prosper properly.” Oh, boo hoo!
Nice, RB!
Sounds like a Kool Aide Completion.
‘I am the effect of life. I will do as I am told.’
It’s absolutely true.
Years ago when I was looking for a partner I very quickly realized that the Scientology women looked at my car and wanted to know my net worth. Without a fairly new bmw or Mercedes I was out of luck. RB as usual you are on the money.(no pun intended) You rock!
When I was in the cult, I also thought I needed to catch a scio with money. If he didn’t have money, and I mean enough for your entire bridge, of what use was he to you? It’s surely a sign that he’s not able? Or so the story went….
I know what I’ve said about catching a rich man so that he can pay for my bridge sounds terrible. But, hey, money is status in scientology. No one respects you if you don’t have money. it’s the culture and that’s my excuse.
Funny that now I’m out, I don’t think this way at all and value my independence and paying my own way! 🙂
I used to get a kick over our use of the more $piritual descriptions of others with terms and phrases such as Able, Up-stat, Affluent, At cause over MEST or Prospering in stead of just saying, “They have a lot of money”.
I guess it was designed to make us feel that we were addressing the Thetan and not the wallet.
$cientology or drug addiction; are the results any different?
Hell no! They’re one in the same, HellOSA. Recovering from drug addiction is far easier that recovering from $cientology….
That’s a “money quote” if ever I saw one
One change causes another. A lot has changed in scientology. Impressive for being so much in touch and on the ball to inform us the worried out’s about the changes of the still in’s. Maybe some of the still in’s can see that their solution is becoming an ever bigger problem.
Still don’t have my son back but I guess your cartoon made it say 10 days earlier. Thanks RB.
It would be interesting and somewhat amusing to launch an alternate ‘What is scientology?’ book and fill it with Regraded Being cartoons, because this IS scientology.
I would buy that book, Gimpy!
Me too, put me on pre-order!
It would make a good coffee table book. And would disseminate truth to all who visited and glanced through it. I’d buy it. RB, will you put little legs on it to make it a coffee table and a coffee table book like Kramer did in Seinfeld? ha ha
i would to love to see that! the so can make it so the book opens to the table.and they’d put a light on it too. and the cost to scnos would be $1-5000 each. soon it’d be a book you have to buy -like gat 1 or 2. they’d make a certificate for the $ donated-oops, i mean a cert for reading it.
Format and name:Way to happiness?
I should thank God that I’m an atheist.
Why is that? One can be a scientologist and be an atheist too.
Well, a proper atheist who prefers to drive a used Ford. (I must admit to having a soft spot for the Crown Victoria police cruiser.)
The old Crown Vics…..I spent more than a few times in the back seat.
An atheist would have an exceptionally difficult time believing in body thetans.
(I’m an agnostic type. Hapy in the land of ‘I don’t know what happens after death, I’ll find out when I get there)
An atheist is a person who disbelieves or lacks belief in the existence of God.
An ACTUAL atheist (not some other “ist”) would not care about that. You are conflating an atheist with an eidolist.
I conflated once…didn’t like it.
Hi gtsix, All I know is you and I are going to have one Hell of a Birthday! Bunches and Tons of Love and Hugs.? XXXOOO,Ann B.
Me too…it’s much easier.
You make funny!!
As a person who searched for a “god” that would make sense, and still wish there such a benevolent “being”…… in the end, I like Thomas Jefferson, must identify as an Epicurean. To paraphrase the great Epicurus: If God is neither able nor willing to destroy evil (such as occurred in Nice yesterday and occurs in less overt forms in religions such as Scientology), then why call him God?