Thanks RB.We are now in a stage that the entourage of the emperor insists he does have clothes.It is the suppresive psych drugged people who have no eyesight
Off topic , but I have heard from two people today that Ned Mc Crink has sent out some kind of blast letter to all his connections today, though I oddly did not receive it (I’m hurt if your out there reading this, Ned…:)).
Anybody got the scoop and if so, please send Mike the letter…! ๐
I don’t remember having seen sea org member so stupids. But I knew some young offspring of scientologists. The more intelligent one were violently antagonistic to scientology as a group of robots. The most idiots were staff member. That was in the 21century. Prior to 1980, scientologists were not so idiots.
It sounds like Tone 40 has morphed since my tour of duty way back when. Then Tone 40 meant intention without reservation and also serenity of beingness. Now it seems to mean intention without reservation and frantic anxiety of beingness.
The overall message of this week’s Regraded Being is however pretty much the same as when I was in: it would somehow be unethical for OTs to “show off” their abilities and getting things without putting in your time and effort was “out exchange.”
Of course if OT VIII really were achievable as Hubbard originally defined it, it would be a huge overt (harmful act) of omission _not_ to give a demonstration, because some proven demonstration of OT abilities would undoubtedly create those floods of newcomers always predicted to be waiting to bang down the doors of every org and mission in the world. Heck, if nothing else, a few OTs in private could just mock up (create) piles of diamonds and gold and not let anyone see it. No money problems for anyone involved in Scientology.
But would it really be wrong to demonstrate abilities gained through auditing? No. Hubbard, who could never be wrong, brought a woman on stage once to demonstrate her abilities as a clear (she failed miserably, not even being able to recall the color of Hubbard’s tie). So if Hubbard tried to demo a clear’s supposed abilities, should that not be a precedent for current clears and OT VIIIs to strut their stuff? If it were all true, yes. But it is not true, so no — nothing to strut around in since the emperor has no clothes.
And speaking of money problems that could be solved by diamonds and gold, the current state of affairs points out how Scientology the organization is actually the party that is out exchange. The organization is rich to the tune of billions of dollars, owns properties around the world, has seafaring capability, and yet staff put in ridiculous hours for little to no pay, and commonly cannot even access the training and auditing they are supposed to get as a benefit (if one wants to consider that to be a valuable goods and services).
In short, Scientology does not put its money where its mouth is and has not produced a proven clear or OT VIII after some 66 years of claiming success.
Yes, well said. My comment was going to be the misunderstanding of the term Tone 40 also.
For years now “Tone 40” has come to mean “yelling, anger, bullying, threatening, angry-looking faces.” It’s trickled down to the public and all the class rooms too. Even blog posts and newspaper stories about Tone 40 being evil and yelling and anger–stay away from this Tone 40 stuff!
Great post FOTF! Specifically love the second to last paragraph. There is only one con man in Scientology. It used to be Hub. now it’s Miscavige. Everyone else is a mark.
It’s still Hubbard who’s the con man. Don’t leave him out. It’s his ideals that are being followed, his lies, his bluff about research, his promises about OT abilities, promises about a free world, promises about a cleared planet, the miracles of TWTH booklest – blah, blah.
RB, thank you. This brings to mind all the years of the OT “postulates” seminars at my org.
Hardly a month would pass without the opportunity to be briefed by one of these exalted beings on “Postulating Your Goals Into Existence” and “What Prevents A Thetan’s Postulates From Sticking” – etc., etc.
We lower-bridge types would gather round and hope for a few, free pearls of OT wisdom for application towards our pedestrian little problems.
Meanwhile, the OTs who were dispensing these pearls hadn’t yet solved their own pedestrian little problems.
I did a lot of dubbing in about what the state of OT is, back in the day. Thank God I can look back at it all and laugh today, laugh at all of us and myself.. I mean, it really is funny, when you think of it. Its Woody Allen material, Coen Bros material.
I’m reminded of the fan mags, the tabloids, which feature stars and celebs doing ordinary things (“They’re just like us!)
“They go to the drug store!”…”They buy their kid an ice cream cone!”, etc.
Advance Mag, if it were honest would have a “They’re Just Like Us” feature as regards the state of OT:
“They fight with their kids!…They get the flu!…They can’t pay the mortgage!”
Aqua: “Coen Brothers material.” I love it. I imagine these SO guys talking in thick, northern Minnesota accents–sounding slightly stupid, just like in the movie, Fargo.
Trying to understand a Scientologist is the most unhappiest thing you can do, next to giving all your money away of course – same thing for kool-aide drinkers!
If it wasn’t for money – Scientology wouldn’t exist. The one thing I never even came close to understanding what Hubbard meant is “the work is free, keep it so…” The whole scene played out to be what you see today, a dictatorship – what’s free about that? Policy, while looking good on paper was an abject failure in the real world. Applying it leads to unhappiness, even without church supervision imo. Any success you have is the result of your efforts or just plain doing the right thing at the right time or being simply lucky.
If you did something else with the stuff by not using their policy, it wouldn’t be known as Scientology anymore but something else entirely, Scientology has never adhered to its own definition of itself. There is no greater confusion than that which exists in the minds of corporate Scientologists. They experience nothing of the promises given to them in their pursuit of personal freedom and all they are actually doing is lining the pockets of their RTC controllers. They are the quickest and dumbest “forgetters” the world has ever seen and are just as insane as a wheel.
I’ve never said freedom isn’t obtainable, maybe it is, but as sure as the tide comes in and out it’s not available within the Cof$.
Hilarious and ruefully witty as always! Love to see more J&Ding of lil davey, perhaps as he begins to roll up the con and hijacks the Breakwinds in order to remain perpetually in international waters…a hunted man with no country, aboard a ship of fools that’s headed for anywhere but here;)
When DM “retires” to the Breakwinds, it will be the beginning of the end. Once Sea Ogres realize that DM can’t leave the ship, the (threatening) telexes and phone calls will be increasingly ignored, until a massive, international collapse occurs. If the Breakwinds has to stay in international waters due to extradition treaties and a hurricane passes nearby, the old rust bucket will likely break up and sink. A poorly-trained crew and bad maintenance makes sinking likely…..if not inevitable.
The Captain is supposed to go down with the ship. Here’s hoping that this “captain” does the right thing. WAAAUGNH!….blub, blub, blub!
Hi Chewkacca, That is an image I can embrace! DM trying to send telexes to no-where as the Old Rust Blue Dust Bucket slips under the Waves! Any Zodiacs should be disabled so dm can’t speed away either.I am not this mean,but he deserves it and more.XXOO
Why you have ever tried to become OT .. you will never become one when you try to solve problems about your mind .. your mind will always be better than you in this way .. because you are your own mind .. it is you .. so, how you will become OT when you try to handle this you with you .. it will never work .. auditing – okay .. but if it is supposed to handle you .. so following you will never become OT ..
Hubbard went down a way where he found more and more and more case .. and you as a preclear found yourself in lot of disasters .. which you had never solved .. you did hang up with false powers out of your imagination .. maybe right, but often false ..
When you want to be an OT .. be one .. try it .. Scientology tech will you never ever bring you in the realm of be one .. never ever ..
Note: Once I was promoted as one whp can direct the weather .. it is true, if I want I can, but I would never describe it ..but an OT V heared about, and asked me how I would do it.
So I asked him at first how he goes on that. He told me that he wents exterior and tries to fight against the eval purpose thetans .. (this guy was completely unable to exteriorize at his will) .. anyway, he asked me how I would do it .. I said him simply that I would give a mpck up of bettier weather .. wich was a crash from him .. it was too simple .. but at the end it is OT to stay and hold a positive postulate .. it needs no mind at all ..
Hubbard found that the mind is a problem .. yeah .. but the problem is not solved with the mind .. no .. no way to become OT this way .. if you want .. try it, but you will become lesser and lesser OT on this way .. has somebody understood me ..
The one dude even LOOKS like my koolaid drinking son. I dabbled in the Indie movement for a while after leaving CoS, but soon realised that without the heavy ethics and HCO presence this movement was doomed. It’s problem is that people are free to discuss OT levels, and it quickly becomes very evident that they don’t have wins – but now they can talk about their lack of wins. I know many who did various OT services and either bunked half way or just won’t go back. And the Indie movement charges a fraction of what the CoS does – makes no difference. That’s what LRH delivers without the secrecy and compulsion. My son will realise that one day.
I hope your son sees things the same as you do real soon.
Tough part I have dealing with all this is the length of time some people lap this stuff up. After 30+ years you’d think anyone would wake up that something is awfully wrong with what is presented as Scientology. It’s the Rip Van Winkle of religions where he never woke up.
I sometimes think I wait in vain for my stupid family to snap out of its kool-aide induced coma.
The eternal Pessimist: My glass is half empty!
The eternal Optimist: But dude, it is still half full!
The eternal Pessimist: This religion is horse-shit!
The eternal Optimist: Dude! There is horseshit all over the place! Do you know what this means??? THERE MUST BE A PONY IN THERE SOMEWHERE!
Grue Story.
I watched a glass half full of water prayed over by a Monk
slowly fill and over flow till he stopped praying where it went back to half glass.
When dealing with $camology, most everything is wrong to start with. El Con promised magic and we all got trapped by our own optimism that magic can happen. What’s amazing is when, out of that morass, something goes right; even the littlest thing. In our optimism, we remember those things over all the disappointments
Hi RB, Happy Friday indeed! Love this piece too.My favorite is the part where one SOer talks about going OT only to lose all OT powers and have to do the bottom of the bridge again and again..Today I Know with certainty if I had been told that when in SO,I could not have run fast enough towards the Exit! How things change yet remain the same.Scientology is on the slippery slope track now and money will not stop the slide! Thank you for all your hard hard work here.So Appreciated.โค๏ธ
Hi OSD, My OT will never be the carbon copy of Ron/dm,Because you and I both know the Price that must be Paid for doing it “their way” when Our Way is so so much lighter brighter and better.Huge Waves of Love to you and yours! XXOO
Oh my God! That reminds me The OTs with colds (aren’t they supposed to vanish after attaining Clear?) or the OTs dying of cancer, overweight, with glasses, financial problems, sentimental problems, … Acting in ways not so serene. The trap is so well made that you find always a justification for cognitive dissonance.
I was told my observations and wishes were hidden standards. I then started pretending to just accept, what was coming or not.
Oh boy, I had hundreds of standards and it was good that I did. Doubt is good! Only idiots have no doubts.
I quit believing in this OT BS after 2 weeks on OT III. I tried running that nonsense and thought either this is the biggest fairy tale in the world or I am obviously a no case gain PC. I decided on the fairy tale explanation. Either way, I quit running it and somehow the CS didn’t notice or didn’t care. Thanks David Mayo.
Then after getting busted by DM and sent from Int to be a waiter at the Fort Harrison, I got to serve food to all of these OT Flag public. Not one of them impressed me to any degree putting further doubt in my mind. They were all very nice people but that was about it – nice – with lots of fake happiness and manufactured smiles. Not one of them could make a spoon levitate or make their wallet come out of their pocket to slip me a tip.
The final straw was losing 2 of my favorite people in the world. My OT father spent every cent he had from before I was born on SCN chasing his salvation. He also suffered for decades with emphysema and eventually died of lung cancer at 76, which is considered young these days. Then a few years later my OT mother-in-law started having seizures. She had been suffering from headaches for months previously but never saw a Doctor prior to the seizures. Within a week of the seizures she died after an operation to remove a brain tumor. She was 58.
Yep, I’m clearly pissed off. And to solidify my feelings towards the cult, my youngest son quit speaking with us, changed his phone number and moved to an undisclosed location.
The cult and everything to do with it can piss off. The people still in must wake up, smell the coffee instead of drinking Kool-Aid and get the hell out.
I am so sorry for your losses. I am one of the lucky ones that got out before any kind of disconnection could happen. I smelled a rat when I decided to join staff and was sent to LA for “training”. My minor daughter and I were separated and I had no time to talk to her. Hhhmmmmm…..coincidence? I think NOT! And what chaos! That was supposed to be the most ethical group on the planet??? People were (every day) fighting in the halls, crying in the bathroom stalls, swearing like truckers…. Hopefully your son will “cognite” on the BS. There is a problem when any organization charges you exorbitant amounts of money to attain what you already have to begin with. It’s innate. We already possess these powers that they claim you can only get on the OT levels. There are ways to bring them about that have nothing to do with mind control. That’s their game. Making you think you can ONLY achieve this state with THEM. But somewhere inside all of them is lurking the real truth. It is also innate and it’s only a matter of time before it surfaces for most of them.
I noticed when I was IN Scientology and drinking the koolaide that everything was the exact opposite. I also noticed a very close duplication of how the US Government runs things – NOTHING gets done.
Fine job RB – Scientologist’s are just miserable but they put on a “show” to keep the “show on the road”
You can shear a sheep many times, but skin him only once.
Were OT powers real, a fair amount of money would be given to the OTs to solve problems rather than the COS or IAS, and it would also be an incredible ad for COS. It’s worth at least $20 to me to have an OT un-stick a window for me remotely rather than have to take off the storm window to un-stick the painted-shut window.
I used to be able to open windows at a distance. Now days I have to stand closer because my throwing arm is not what it used to be. And I have to use smaller rocks.
There used to be clam chiropractor way back – mid-late 70’s or so – who would do “remote adjustments.” I guess someone would lay down at the appointment time, and this guy would give them an adjustment from wherever he was – even across the country! I wish I could remember his name. I guess he would mail them a bill, lol.
The really funny part was that there were people who swore by the guy!
A Mission Holder had a Zippo Lighter on his desk.
When a Public wanted proof of Clear or OT powers he asked them to
light the Lighter which nobody could ever do except the Mission Holder
it worked every time. All public would pay up for the next step on the Bridge.
When he ( Mission Holder) was declared he took the zippo lighter with him.
I think this is my favorite Regraded Being so far.
Thanks RB.We are now in a stage that the entourage of the emperor insists he does have clothes.It is the suppresive psych drugged people who have no eyesight
Off topic , but I have heard from two people today that Ned Mc Crink has sent out some kind of blast letter to all his connections today, though I oddly did not receive it (I’m hurt if your out there reading this, Ned…:)).
Anybody got the scoop and if so, please send Mike the letter…! ๐
Sneaky Little Phuq
RB, you are K I L L I N G it today!!!! :)))
Hey Sneaky! Who are you? Better late than never! This is Ned McCrink
I don’t remember having seen sea org member so stupids. But I knew some young offspring of scientologists. The more intelligent one were violently antagonistic to scientology as a group of robots. The most idiots were staff member. That was in the 21century. Prior to 1980, scientologists were not so idiots.
It sounds like Tone 40 has morphed since my tour of duty way back when. Then Tone 40 meant intention without reservation and also serenity of beingness. Now it seems to mean intention without reservation and frantic anxiety of beingness.
The overall message of this week’s Regraded Being is however pretty much the same as when I was in: it would somehow be unethical for OTs to “show off” their abilities and getting things without putting in your time and effort was “out exchange.”
Of course if OT VIII really were achievable as Hubbard originally defined it, it would be a huge overt (harmful act) of omission _not_ to give a demonstration, because some proven demonstration of OT abilities would undoubtedly create those floods of newcomers always predicted to be waiting to bang down the doors of every org and mission in the world. Heck, if nothing else, a few OTs in private could just mock up (create) piles of diamonds and gold and not let anyone see it. No money problems for anyone involved in Scientology.
But would it really be wrong to demonstrate abilities gained through auditing? No. Hubbard, who could never be wrong, brought a woman on stage once to demonstrate her abilities as a clear (she failed miserably, not even being able to recall the color of Hubbard’s tie). So if Hubbard tried to demo a clear’s supposed abilities, should that not be a precedent for current clears and OT VIIIs to strut their stuff? If it were all true, yes. But it is not true, so no — nothing to strut around in since the emperor has no clothes.
And speaking of money problems that could be solved by diamonds and gold, the current state of affairs points out how Scientology the organization is actually the party that is out exchange. The organization is rich to the tune of billions of dollars, owns properties around the world, has seafaring capability, and yet staff put in ridiculous hours for little to no pay, and commonly cannot even access the training and auditing they are supposed to get as a benefit (if one wants to consider that to be a valuable goods and services).
In short, Scientology does not put its money where its mouth is and has not produced a proven clear or OT VIII after some 66 years of claiming success.
Yes, well said. My comment was going to be the misunderstanding of the term Tone 40 also.
For years now “Tone 40” has come to mean “yelling, anger, bullying, threatening, angry-looking faces.” It’s trickled down to the public and all the class rooms too. Even blog posts and newspaper stories about Tone 40 being evil and yelling and anger–stay away from this Tone 40 stuff!
This is not Tone 40, Grasshoppah.
Great post FOTF! Specifically love the second to last paragraph. There is only one con man in Scientology. It used to be Hub. now it’s Miscavige. Everyone else is a mark.
It’s still Hubbard who’s the con man. Don’t leave him out. It’s his ideals that are being followed, his lies, his bluff about research, his promises about OT abilities, promises about a free world, promises about a cleared planet, the miracles of TWTH booklest – blah, blah.
Correct Dawn. Miss Cabbage is a pale reflection of El Con and is simply doing what El Con taught him.
I find your logic spot on.
RB, thank you. This brings to mind all the years of the OT “postulates” seminars at my org.
Hardly a month would pass without the opportunity to be briefed by one of these exalted beings on “Postulating Your Goals Into Existence” and “What Prevents A Thetan’s Postulates From Sticking” – etc., etc.
We lower-bridge types would gather round and hope for a few, free pearls of OT wisdom for application towards our pedestrian little problems.
Meanwhile, the OTs who were dispensing these pearls hadn’t yet solved their own pedestrian little problems.
I did a lot of dubbing in about what the state of OT is, back in the day. Thank God I can look back at it all and laugh today, laugh at all of us and myself.. I mean, it really is funny, when you think of it. Its Woody Allen material, Coen Bros material.
I’m reminded of the fan mags, the tabloids, which feature stars and celebs doing ordinary things (“They’re just like us!)
“They go to the drug store!”…”They buy their kid an ice cream cone!”, etc.
Advance Mag, if it were honest would have a “They’re Just Like Us” feature as regards the state of OT:
“They fight with their kids!…They get the flu!…They can’t pay the mortgage!”
Thanks again, RB!
Aqua: “Coen Brothers material.” I love it. I imagine these SO guys talking in thick, northern Minnesota accents–sounding slightly stupid, just like in the movie, Fargo.
You betcha.
Trying to understand a Scientologist is the most unhappiest thing you can do, next to giving all your money away of course – same thing for kool-aide drinkers!
If it wasn’t for money – Scientology wouldn’t exist. The one thing I never even came close to understanding what Hubbard meant is “the work is free, keep it so…” The whole scene played out to be what you see today, a dictatorship – what’s free about that? Policy, while looking good on paper was an abject failure in the real world. Applying it leads to unhappiness, even without church supervision imo. Any success you have is the result of your efforts or just plain doing the right thing at the right time or being simply lucky.
If you did something else with the stuff by not using their policy, it wouldn’t be known as Scientology anymore but something else entirely, Scientology has never adhered to its own definition of itself. There is no greater confusion than that which exists in the minds of corporate Scientologists. They experience nothing of the promises given to them in their pursuit of personal freedom and all they are actually doing is lining the pockets of their RTC controllers. They are the quickest and dumbest “forgetters” the world has ever seen and are just as insane as a wheel.
I’ve never said freedom isn’t obtainable, maybe it is, but as sure as the tide comes in and out it’s not available within the Cof$.
Hilarious and ruefully witty as always! Love to see more J&Ding of lil davey, perhaps as he begins to roll up the con and hijacks the Breakwinds in order to remain perpetually in international waters…a hunted man with no country, aboard a ship of fools that’s headed for anywhere but here;)
When DM “retires” to the Breakwinds, it will be the beginning of the end. Once Sea Ogres realize that DM can’t leave the ship, the (threatening) telexes and phone calls will be increasingly ignored, until a massive, international collapse occurs. If the Breakwinds has to stay in international waters due to extradition treaties and a hurricane passes nearby, the old rust bucket will likely break up and sink. A poorly-trained crew and bad maintenance makes sinking likely…..if not inevitable.
The Captain is supposed to go down with the ship. Here’s hoping that this “captain” does the right thing. WAAAUGNH!….blub, blub, blub!
Hi Chewkacca, That is an image I can embrace! DM trying to send telexes to no-where as the Old Rust Blue Dust Bucket slips under the Waves! Any Zodiacs should be disabled so dm can’t speed away either.I am not this mean,but he deserves it and more.XXOO
Why you have ever tried to become OT .. you will never become one when you try to solve problems about your mind .. your mind will always be better than you in this way .. because you are your own mind .. it is you .. so, how you will become OT when you try to handle this you with you .. it will never work .. auditing – okay .. but if it is supposed to handle you .. so following you will never become OT ..
Hubbard went down a way where he found more and more and more case .. and you as a preclear found yourself in lot of disasters .. which you had never solved .. you did hang up with false powers out of your imagination .. maybe right, but often false ..
When you want to be an OT .. be one .. try it .. Scientology tech will you never ever bring you in the realm of be one .. never ever ..
Note: Once I was promoted as one whp can direct the weather .. it is true, if I want I can, but I would never describe it ..but an OT V heared about, and asked me how I would do it.
So I asked him at first how he goes on that. He told me that he wents exterior and tries to fight against the eval purpose thetans .. (this guy was completely unable to exteriorize at his will) .. anyway, he asked me how I would do it .. I said him simply that I would give a mpck up of bettier weather .. wich was a crash from him .. it was too simple .. but at the end it is OT to stay and hold a positive postulate .. it needs no mind at all ..
Hubbard found that the mind is a problem .. yeah .. but the problem is not solved with the mind .. no .. no way to become OT this way .. if you want .. try it, but you will become lesser and lesser OT on this way .. has somebody understood me ..
No. No comprende.
Yes Friend, I understand. Good point.
The one dude even LOOKS like my koolaid drinking son. I dabbled in the Indie movement for a while after leaving CoS, but soon realised that without the heavy ethics and HCO presence this movement was doomed. It’s problem is that people are free to discuss OT levels, and it quickly becomes very evident that they don’t have wins – but now they can talk about their lack of wins. I know many who did various OT services and either bunked half way or just won’t go back. And the Indie movement charges a fraction of what the CoS does – makes no difference. That’s what LRH delivers without the secrecy and compulsion. My son will realise that one day.
….and come back to you, dr Mac. Everyone here is looking forward to that day when your son returns home. For good…
I hope your son sees things the same as you do real soon.
Tough part I have dealing with all this is the length of time some people lap this stuff up. After 30+ years you’d think anyone would wake up that something is awfully wrong with what is presented as Scientology. It’s the Rip Van Winkle of religions where he never woke up.
I sometimes think I wait in vain for my stupid family to snap out of its kool-aide induced coma.
The eternal Pessimist: My glass is half empty!
The eternal Optimist: But dude, it is still half full!
The eternal Pessimist: This religion is horse-shit!
The eternal Optimist: Dude! There is horseshit all over the place! Do you know what this means??? THERE MUST BE A PONY IN THERE SOMEWHERE!
The realist: The glass is both you morons. Half means half!
The realist: The horseshit is real. But we bought it from the farmer for fertilizer. Please do not trample the garden looking for a pony.
Hi gtsix, Someone is going to have a Hell of a Party on 8/1/51- two someones! Love U see you on 8/1,โค๏ธ???
Back at ya darling ๐ โค๏ธโค๏ธโค๏ธโค๏ธโค๏ธโค๏ธโค๏ธ
Grue Story.
I watched a glass half full of water prayed over by a Monk
slowly fill and over flow till he stopped praying where it went back to half glass.
Talked a load of piss this monk of yours?
The Monk Spoke an ancient language.
He was an amazing person.
Hey! You said Grue story! I thought it was about plants…
My computer was hung over from last night at Hooters..
should be TRUE
Murphy’s Law: Everything that can go wrong (with $camology) will go wrong.
Paddy’s Law: Murphy was an optimist.
When dealing with $camology, most everything is wrong to start with. El Con promised magic and we all got trapped by our own optimism that magic can happen. What’s amazing is when, out of that morass, something goes right; even the littlest thing. In our optimism, we remember those things over all the disappointments
i feel ya, Jere Lull.
i do
and it is good to know (& be reminded) that things CAN go right despite that
…morass (luv that word). Sticky stuff, morass.
Hi RB, Happy Friday indeed! Love this piece too.My favorite is the part where one SOer talks about going OT only to lose all OT powers and have to do the bottom of the bridge again and again..Today I Know with certainty if I had been told that when in SO,I could not have run fast enough towards the Exit! How things change yet remain the same.Scientology is on the slippery slope track now and money will not stop the slide! Thank you for all your hard hard work here.So Appreciated.โค๏ธ
I’ve become OT just reading your posts, Ann B!
Hi OSD, My OT will never be the carbon copy of Ron/dm,Because you and I both know the Price that must be Paid for doing it “their way” when Our Way is so so much lighter brighter and better.Huge Waves of Love to you and yours! XXOO
Oh my God! That reminds me The OTs with colds (aren’t they supposed to vanish after attaining Clear?) or the OTs dying of cancer, overweight, with glasses, financial problems, sentimental problems, … Acting in ways not so serene. The trap is so well made that you find always a justification for cognitive dissonance.
I was told my observations and wishes were hidden standards. I then started pretending to just accept, what was coming or not.
Oh boy, I had hundreds of standards and it was good that I did. Doubt is good! Only idiots have no doubts.
Doubt is essential. Without doubt, you might join some cult…
“Only idiots have no doubts”
“Are you sure about that?”
“Yes, sure. No doubts”
I quit believing in this OT BS after 2 weeks on OT III. I tried running that nonsense and thought either this is the biggest fairy tale in the world or I am obviously a no case gain PC. I decided on the fairy tale explanation. Either way, I quit running it and somehow the CS didn’t notice or didn’t care. Thanks David Mayo.
Then after getting busted by DM and sent from Int to be a waiter at the Fort Harrison, I got to serve food to all of these OT Flag public. Not one of them impressed me to any degree putting further doubt in my mind. They were all very nice people but that was about it – nice – with lots of fake happiness and manufactured smiles. Not one of them could make a spoon levitate or make their wallet come out of their pocket to slip me a tip.
The final straw was losing 2 of my favorite people in the world. My OT father spent every cent he had from before I was born on SCN chasing his salvation. He also suffered for decades with emphysema and eventually died of lung cancer at 76, which is considered young these days. Then a few years later my OT mother-in-law started having seizures. She had been suffering from headaches for months previously but never saw a Doctor prior to the seizures. Within a week of the seizures she died after an operation to remove a brain tumor. She was 58.
Yep, I’m clearly pissed off. And to solidify my feelings towards the cult, my youngest son quit speaking with us, changed his phone number and moved to an undisclosed location.
The cult and everything to do with it can piss off. The people still in must wake up, smell the coffee instead of drinking Kool-Aid and get the hell out.
I am so sorry for your losses. I am one of the lucky ones that got out before any kind of disconnection could happen. I smelled a rat when I decided to join staff and was sent to LA for “training”. My minor daughter and I were separated and I had no time to talk to her. Hhhmmmmm…..coincidence? I think NOT! And what chaos! That was supposed to be the most ethical group on the planet??? People were (every day) fighting in the halls, crying in the bathroom stalls, swearing like truckers…. Hopefully your son will “cognite” on the BS. There is a problem when any organization charges you exorbitant amounts of money to attain what you already have to begin with. It’s innate. We already possess these powers that they claim you can only get on the OT levels. There are ways to bring them about that have nothing to do with mind control. That’s their game. Making you think you can ONLY achieve this state with THEM. But somewhere inside all of them is lurking the real truth. It is also innate and it’s only a matter of time before it surfaces for most of them.
I’m with you my brother…
It’s always what you don’t see.
These two guys are standing in PiG POOP
intended for the COB.
I noticed when I was IN Scientology and drinking the koolaide that everything was the exact opposite. I also noticed a very close duplication of how the US Government runs things – NOTHING gets done.
Fine job RB – Scientologist’s are just miserable but they put on a “show” to keep the “show on the road”
While whistling in the dark that it’s all going to be fixed at the next level of the revolving door.
Doubtful anyone is happy in the cult nowadays…
You can shear a sheep many times, but skin him only once.
Were OT powers real, a fair amount of money would be given to the OTs to solve problems rather than the COS or IAS, and it would also be an incredible ad for COS. It’s worth at least $20 to me to have an OT un-stick a window for me remotely rather than have to take off the storm window to un-stick the painted-shut window.
OMG! Tooooo funny!!!
I’ve been unsticking windows, from remote locations, since I was a toddler…
I used to be able to open windows at a distance. Now days I have to stand closer because my throwing arm is not what it used to be. And I have to use smaller rocks.
I used a BB gun…
There used to be clam chiropractor way back – mid-late 70’s or so – who would do “remote adjustments.” I guess someone would lay down at the appointment time, and this guy would give them an adjustment from wherever he was – even across the country! I wish I could remember his name. I guess he would mail them a bill, lol.
The really funny part was that there were people who swore by the guy!
“The ability to make things go wrong” is the new definition of OT. Rhoo.comB you’ve done it again. Love it.
Indeed, they do have the ability to make things go wrong. That’s one of their OT powers. And they’re very, very good at it…
LOL! Be careful RB. These types of questions examined by cult members with IQ’s > 85 cause them to blow the cult ASAP. It is axiomatic. ๐
That was a good laugh, RB. I didn’t see the punch line coming. And sounds just about what some of them must be “thinking”, if you can call it that!
Sign me up for the ot levels, the way these two guys put it makes the whole idea so tempting.
No need to sign up, Gimpy! Since everything in the cult is make believe, just make up your own super powers! And….it’s free!!!!
A Mission Holder had a Zippo Lighter on his desk.
When a Public wanted proof of Clear or OT powers he asked them to
light the Lighter which nobody could ever do except the Mission Holder
it worked every time. All public would pay up for the next step on the Bridge.
When he ( Mission Holder) was declared he took the zippo lighter with him.
Scientology has magical lighters? Whoa!
Hah. Upside down is right side up.
One can only sell so many imaginary suits.
I’ll take one!