I should have clarified what caught my attention to the Enquirer was the Elizabeth Smart saving a Hollywood star from evil cult, but in the inside is the story about Leah and there’s also one about Tom Cruise putting his son in detox danger with treatment at Narconon.
Just went to the grocery store and something caught my eye while waiting in line . The Enquirer and there’s a story in there titled SPACE CULT CHASING LEAH’S TAIL! Haven’t had time to read it yet but I could scan it in and send it to..someone?
I hope RB is recovering. I would sorely miss his weekly brilliant, ironic, comedy, satire about the cognitive dissonance called scn. This one is so spot on. I remember sneak reading Russel Millers book. LOL
Wow. RB has shown what I hope and pray is reality for all those that are on the bubble. With Season 3 coming Mike and Leah have proven that they aren’t just going away unt sciev
I’d like to see a special edition, extra long Regraded Being — one featuring bromance buddies Tom Cruise and David Miscavige. Maybe one where they play “Scientology Doctor”, and take turns giving each other long and invasive proctology exams. Which we all of course already know they do…
RB never fails to open my eyes and move me to laughter and/or tears. I don’t want to be offensive in any way, but is there a chance we might move away from jokes about DM and TC which involve a homosexual element? They are heinous creatures, but linking this to a possible gay relationship (whether there is one or not) seems to confuse our disgust with them as human beings with homophobia.
If someone is the head of a church that denounces homosexuality in the strongest terms, and it is implied they are actually homosexual, that is about hypocrisy as opposed to being about sexuality.
Can’t wait for Season 3 AND the one on Masterson which was delayed by request of the LAPD folks; possibly so their complete ineptitude and complicity wouldn’t be shown so professionally. Please, Mike & Leah, bring that episode up-to-date with the REASONS you voluntarily delayed it, before it airs. Solid investigative reporting should be validated.
I agree, Jere. Please put the reasons you delayed the show on Danny Masterson on A & E. I notice the other male directors and actors who raped women have had more swift justice than Danny has enjoyed. You have to wonder if the reason is that the LAPD is in DM’s pocket with pay offs and hush money.
Mz Cabbage, of course, HATES when his crimes are revealed, so has nothing to enjoy these days, other than watching his serfs serving their meaningless, undeserved punishments, and listening to the O/Ws they have to fabricate to get out of the unnecessary sec checks. EVERY 6 months? oh really? Don’t the penitents get overrun and pack up the TA and get VBIs? Oh YEAH? That’s why they have so many review sessions? AND why WDAH have tanked so bad they can’t be reported? AND why all in that trap are PTS to DM?
2 Qs, Davy Boy:” How many auditors are being trained?” and “WHERE’S SHELLY?” there are good reasons why he NEVER appears where he can be asked non-fluff questions, where he doesn’t control everything completely.
Before you escaped, did you look up things, read things, watch things on the internet/other sources like books? Not because of your position at OSA, but because you wanted/needed to? If yes:
a. how far in advance before you escaped did you?
b. what did you think
If you’ve covered this somewhere else here, sorry for asking something redundant.
No, but I was obviously aware of a lot of things from my position. Much of it I simple rejected as being the ramblings of SP’s. I think the thing that might have opened my eyes more than anything would have been Russell Miller’s book had I actually read it rather than simply reading the “D/A pack” about it.
Mike, besides Russell Miller’s book, which is good, I wanted to say I just finished Robert Dam’s book, “The Defector After 20 Years in Scientology.” I really recommend the book. I learned some new things of Scn history. His writing is good and he shows how he went from blinded KA drinking sheeple, to someone with some questions, to someone who read the internet about Scn, to then doing full on research about Scn and decides to leave with his wife. There is so much more to it, but I like how he goes back and forth between church and LRH history (the real history) to his personal story. Well worth the price of admission IMHO.
I didn’t know that cartoon, but it is excellent! Scientologist are conditioned to believe that Scientology is the only path out of madness, that L.Ron Hubbard is the greatest genious there has ever been, that they have made so many « gains » but step by step you see that the OT III you know is not handling life that well, that the OT V you knew just died from cancer, that another OT VIII you know has a cold…. later on you discover she has Alzheimer’s illness. Things keep accumulating until one day there is a straw that breaks the camel’s back. The cult of greed had its day back in the sixties and seventies, inspire of the tax exemption and the efforts of many, it is doomed to fail as it’s leader did, simply because it is self destructive in its ADN.
Nice RB this week. Flashback.
This is the Modus Operendi for suppressing their own congregation, call and tell a white lie to cover the big lie temptations. ‘Come in for this special event. People have been winning, come in and be part of the success. The Org is booming, you haven’t been in for a while come in and find out. So-and-so wants to meet with you tonight, we’re really interested in finding out what you’ve been up to.’ Oh, the recovery phone calls and the white lies… To keep people from being an effect of their own reactive mind, their free-will be damned.
Flash back:. Tony Prylbilski phoning me from AOLA to tell me ” The C/S looked at your folder and I think you will like what I have to tell you”. No Tony P. Thank you for your undieng service but no. Doesn’t feel right anymore….I don’t know why but I’ll trust my Mother Nature Intuition instead of that swamp of lepers.
Cece Marie Gangle Benedict Prefontaine Kruchko Smith Smith. What a wonderful advanture it was, now to pick up the peices I didn’t even know I was making.
In a free society, you can’t force anyone to watch a program, but a so-called religion can force their group not to watch.
I would guess watching one or two shows of Leah’s and Mike’s Aftermath, and a few hours of freely reading the internet is all it would take to decimate Scientology.
That’s why one gets declared if they don’t go in and get their head turned straight if they do watch these shows or do read a few article. You see, if they do that, that means they have overts. That’s logical right? That’s the “logic” of “standard tech” today.
Whats happenin good buddy? At a loss for words or just thinkin over yer attack strategy?
Shouldn’t be too tough. Fire up yer freedum thingy and rip em a new one Dave ….. like ONLY YOU can do.
Speakin of ONLY YOU Dave, how does it feel to be the only big being able to confront and shatter supression? Better have a meetin with Tom, John and Krusty cause Something Must Be Done About It!
Hey, Krusty is a recent Oh Tea Ate I think I read somewhere. She ought to be able to handle little ole Leah all by herself doncha think? Let’s get into some serious attack dog stuff Dave, pull out the stops and ler-er-rip!
Newcomer – if Krusty is really OT 8, then she knows all there is to know in the cherch… including that the Bridge and all those BTs were meaningless to begin with. So what is keeping her there? Does she want to donate more money to the IAS for Status? Does she not have any other friends? Does she think she looks great in a yellow Volunteer Minister t-shirt, size ‘tent’? Or, most likely, as an OT8 does she want to lord it over others, like all those OT8s lorded it over her, when she was a measley PC? I can’t wait to see her OT8 wins plastered all over Facebook,et al.
Krusty is a washed up C-Lister stuffing herself with Twinkies and Love Bombs. Without the cult fawing over her at Flog and CC Int, who is going to give her the time of day? She’s not a good actress. She never was a good actress. She WAS a halfway good comedienne on Cheers but I personally thought Shelley Long was much funnier. She also was once extremely attractive but obviously Twinkies and going OT 8 are more important to her than any pride in her appearance. Despite all this, if she were clever and amusing and had a good memory she could go on talk shows and be a hit but she isn’t clever, she’s merely non-stop vulgar at high volume. I’m sure Flog and the CC Culties tell her all the time how amazing she is, but to me she is utterly predictable in her purposeful intent to shock, and as such, about as amusing as a blob of mayonnaise on a new silk blouse.
And that’s it for my bash of Kirstie Alley. Periodically I need to do this 🙂
I understand the importance of cartoons but i also know that people don’t change their minds that easily; in fact people tend to ignore negativity about their own group until it’s -their- ox that gets gored.
So this is a question for all you former Scientologists out there: how ‘likely’ (or accurate) is this cartoon?
I know an OTVIII who has been in for over forty years. He ignores his daughter who is out. The damage to his mind has been extensive. You cannot compare clinical studies of people in a group who tend to ignore negative comments with someone in Scientology. In Scientology, you are talking about extensive mental damage based on occult principles.
But it can be undone. Lots out here will help. Aftermath Foundation and lots of numbers you can call ~ you won’t even need to work clear us ?
“…an OTVIII…in for 40 years…ignores his daughter who is out.”
Wow. Disgusting.
And I know an old couple (her fifth marriage, his second) who don’t see his daughter and her son anymore, for the same reason, although THEIR shore story is, “They disconnected from us”. When the wife told me this, I thought, “THEY’RE not in, and THEY “disconnected” from YOU? How FOS are you, dear?!!”
But we must always remind people there is a way out and it’s all inside you. There are many ready to help. Aftermath project.com or something. Call me at 213-880-3661. When you are ready and make that stepout there is a net here for you.
I’ve been re-reading John Sweeney’s “Church of Fear”. In it, the scientologists including Mike Rinder and Tommy Davis are relentlessly pummeling John Sweeney, who doesn’t get why they’re being so mean, basically. The scientologists think they’re winning. They did cause John Sweeney to break in a way, but that just made him sort of a folk hero among scientology protesters, and they didn’t cause him to believe in or to think kindly of scientology.
BUT…One question. One question. Asked by John Sweeney to Mike Rinder caused Mike to make his escape.
Short answer, No, they don’t change their minds “that easily”, but if their minds are already headed that direction due to questions, constant harrassment, etc. etc, there will be those who are forced to a tipping point and one thing will force the issue.
It was that way for me too. I was gung ho. Until one day the switch flipped and I wasn’t. It just takes one thing.
For some people, when the switch flips, they’re OUTTA THERE. For others, they sneak out of the back door because there’s so much to lose (can you say disconnection?) but yes, this cartoon is accurate in a timeslice sort of way.
It doesn’t show the constant waterboarding type of mindf*@k that the person is subjected to before the switch flips, but it shows the switch flipping.
I like your idea of the switch flipping. It describes very well how it happens and how you turn your head and walk away because you are done and have had enough.
Reminds me of Debbie Cook’s letter. Read it, disregarded, then slowly a light turned on and re-read it with eyes open. So much truth seen from someone believable.. beginning of the end.
I’ll always thank her for opening the door for me. Many door can be open from Leah and Mike’s program, when they’re ready to make the time to look.
Mike, What was the one question Sweeney asked you which caused you to leave the church? This is what one commenter said above. I’m curious as to what he asked you?
I think most scientologists would not get as far as watching or reading something negative or what they call ‘entheta’. Why? Because they “know” it is all lies and fake news generated by the yellow running dog media to gin up a story to fit their own agenda. Or it is something spewed out by bitter, defrocked apostates residing on the fringes of the internet (or other media pre-internet) because of the huge quantity of ‘overts & withholds’ they have. Most are afraid to look because they have too much invested in their belief system centered on scientology (or whatever cult they are in).
At least that’s the way it was for me. I was a true believer. When I was in I encountered lots of ‘entheta’ and just blew it off. However, seeds of doubt were planted. I’m a slow learner and it took a while for these seeds to germinate but they eventually did as a result of the unavoidable cognitive dissonance that builds up. That’s what these cartoons are good for. They may be a bit of an exaggeration sometimes, but there are lurkers, side-liners, fence-sitters, under the radar types, doubters, mishandled members, people who have just been plain fucked over and OSA net nannies reading this blog. It is for them. Seeds are being planted and one day they will wake up from this cultish nightmare. We can only hope.
Bottom line: the ‘tech’ doesn’t work as advertised despite the Kool-Aid swilling of the KSW crowd. In fact, scientology is nothing more than a world class con that is still being run despite the ‘Founder’ checking out for Target II decades ago. Look no further than the money and you will see what is really going on.
The cartoon is exaggerated for effect and simplified, but this is indeed the way people turn around in real life. Little things that you’ve been ignoring coincide with something you notice that isn’t quite right, and suddenly you are seeing things in a new light.
Unfortunately it is not at all common for both members of a couple to come around at the same instant. And the need to keep such thoughts quiet sometimes leads to a situation where both partners are actually ready to leave, but think the other partner is not ready. Such a deadlock can go on for years.
The chains that tie people to cults are many.
One is the sunk cost fallacy – the idea that you have spent so much time and money on something that you stick with it just in case it actually works at some point.
Another is called cognitive dissonance – you see clear evidence that your beliefs are wrong, and that makes the beliefs even stronger. Just because the thought that something could be wrong hurts too much to stay in your mind for long.
Another chain concerns the consequences of wavering from the faith – most know that they would lose friends, employers, family if they left. For those employed by the cult, especially the Sea Org, leaving would involve going back on the job market with no savings, no references, no usable work history, no help.
It is harder than it looks to leave a cult, but always for the best in the long run.
Bruce — just a note to thank you for your always cogent and insightful comments here.
You have a great deal of personal experience, and a brilliant, analytical mind (as distinct from Analytical Mind in the Dianetics sense) that dissects and then explains complex things.
Yes. What Bruce said. When I fist heard the rumor that top execs had left up at Int., I knew something was wrong because by that time, I had had enough of sec checking, being held ’til I gave money, forced events, forced courses, forced re-do’s. But my husband hadn’t unraveled enough yet; so, by the time I got “called in” and refused to hold the cans, I really had no one that was IN on my side. Thankfully, by then, I had friends who were OUT and they held me up. My husband was done about two years later.
One of these days my son Sammy will be out too. I just hope I’m alive to help him with his unraveling process. But it’s different now than when I got out a few short years ago. So much to read and so many others who can help.
I believe that Sammy will be out one day also Mary! So many are ready to celebrate when that happens. Hopefully sooner rather than later. I agree that there is so much more information now. Which is wonderful! Can’t wait for Aftermath to start Season 3. More will be leaving I’m sure.
Mary it’s all in our hands. That’s the nice thing to know. Love you. Your Sammy and my Jeremy and Sandy will come back to us. Let’s just keep being better then ever
I have two kids who disconnected from me and are both on staff. The sad thing is that both of them have girlfriend/boyfriend “2D” and a father that is swilling the KA too. So now to get my kids out will require them convincing their fiance or spouse once they marry, to also leave the church as well as their dad, or to be OK with disconnecting from him if they leave. So the problem becomes compounded with all their relationships. Still, I keep the faith alive that I’ll see my kids and they’ll leave the cult one day.
Mary, I never know just how to express just how sorry I feel that you have to endure the pain of being separated by this cult from your son, but I can say that I hope that some day soon your son Sammy will have that “one thing” talked about here that sparks his memory of the unconditional love you alone, not the cult, have for him.
I sure hope more and more scientologists open up their computer and research and watch the show.
I should have clarified what caught my attention to the Enquirer was the Elizabeth Smart saving a Hollywood star from evil cult, but in the inside is the story about Leah and there’s also one about Tom Cruise putting his son in detox danger with treatment at Narconon.
Just went to the grocery store and something caught my eye while waiting in line . The Enquirer and there’s a story in there titled SPACE CULT CHASING LEAH’S TAIL! Haven’t had time to read it yet but I could scan it in and send it to..someone?
I hope RB is recovering. I would sorely miss his weekly brilliant, ironic, comedy, satire about the cognitive dissonance called scn. This one is so spot on. I remember sneak reading Russel Millers book. LOL
Wow. RB has shown what I hope and pray is reality for all those that are on the bubble. With Season 3 coming Mike and Leah have proven that they aren’t just going away unt sciev
Today’s RB: A goodie that will never get old.
I’d like to see a special edition, extra long Regraded Being — one featuring bromance buddies Tom Cruise and David Miscavige. Maybe one where they play “Scientology Doctor”, and take turns giving each other long and invasive proctology exams. Which we all of course already know they do…
RB never fails to open my eyes and move me to laughter and/or tears. I don’t want to be offensive in any way, but is there a chance we might move away from jokes about DM and TC which involve a homosexual element? They are heinous creatures, but linking this to a possible gay relationship (whether there is one or not) seems to confuse our disgust with them as human beings with homophobia.
If someone is the head of a church that denounces homosexuality in the strongest terms, and it is implied they are actually homosexual, that is about hypocrisy as opposed to being about sexuality.
I’m really looking forward to Season 3! Me and millions of others…. Miscavige, not so much.
Can’t wait for Season 3 AND the one on Masterson which was delayed by request of the LAPD folks; possibly so their complete ineptitude and complicity wouldn’t be shown so professionally. Please, Mike & Leah, bring that episode up-to-date with the REASONS you voluntarily delayed it, before it airs. Solid investigative reporting should be validated.
I agree, Jere. Please put the reasons you delayed the show on Danny Masterson on A & E. I notice the other male directors and actors who raped women have had more swift justice than Danny has enjoyed. You have to wonder if the reason is that the LAPD is in DM’s pocket with pay offs and hush money.
Mz Cabbage, of course, HATES when his crimes are revealed, so has nothing to enjoy these days, other than watching his serfs serving their meaningless, undeserved punishments, and listening to the O/Ws they have to fabricate to get out of the unnecessary sec checks. EVERY 6 months? oh really? Don’t the penitents get overrun and pack up the TA and get VBIs? Oh YEAH? That’s why they have so many review sessions? AND why WDAH have tanked so bad they can’t be reported? AND why all in that trap are PTS to DM?
2 Qs, Davy Boy:” How many auditors are being trained?” and “WHERE’S SHELLY?” there are good reasons why he NEVER appears where he can be asked non-fluff questions, where he doesn’t control everything completely.
Hi Mike —
Before you escaped, did you look up things, read things, watch things on the internet/other sources like books? Not because of your position at OSA, but because you wanted/needed to? If yes:
a. how far in advance before you escaped did you?
b. what did you think
If you’ve covered this somewhere else here, sorry for asking something redundant.
Thanks as always.
No, but I was obviously aware of a lot of things from my position. Much of it I simple rejected as being the ramblings of SP’s. I think the thing that might have opened my eyes more than anything would have been Russell Miller’s book had I actually read it rather than simply reading the “D/A pack” about it.
Mike, besides Russell Miller’s book, which is good, I wanted to say I just finished Robert Dam’s book, “The Defector After 20 Years in Scientology.” I really recommend the book. I learned some new things of Scn history. His writing is good and he shows how he went from blinded KA drinking sheeple, to someone with some questions, to someone who read the internet about Scn, to then doing full on research about Scn and decides to leave with his wife. There is so much more to it, but I like how he goes back and forth between church and LRH history (the real history) to his personal story. Well worth the price of admission IMHO.
Mike – many thanks for your reply.
Hope you get out from being under the weather real soon RB. Not a fun place.
OMG – that happened to us – that is how I found out and got out of the mind fuck of Scientology
Thank you Mike and Leah
The thetan “knows” when the truth is told
I didn’t know that cartoon, but it is excellent! Scientologist are conditioned to believe that Scientology is the only path out of madness, that L.Ron Hubbard is the greatest genious there has ever been, that they have made so many « gains » but step by step you see that the OT III you know is not handling life that well, that the OT V you knew just died from cancer, that another OT VIII you know has a cold…. later on you discover she has Alzheimer’s illness. Things keep accumulating until one day there is a straw that breaks the camel’s back. The cult of greed had its day back in the sixties and seventies, inspire of the tax exemption and the efforts of many, it is doomed to fail as it’s leader did, simply because it is self destructive in its ADN.
Yes, it’s in it’s DNA to fail. Sit back, be happy, watch ?
Nice RB this week. Flashback.
This is the Modus Operendi for suppressing their own congregation, call and tell a white lie to cover the big lie temptations. ‘Come in for this special event. People have been winning, come in and be part of the success. The Org is booming, you haven’t been in for a while come in and find out. So-and-so wants to meet with you tonight, we’re really interested in finding out what you’ve been up to.’ Oh, the recovery phone calls and the white lies… To keep people from being an effect of their own reactive mind, their free-will be damned.
Flash back:. Tony Prylbilski phoning me from AOLA to tell me ” The C/S looked at your folder and I think you will like what I have to tell you”. No Tony P. Thank you for your undieng service but no. Doesn’t feel right anymore….I don’t know why but I’ll trust my Mother Nature Intuition instead of that swamp of lepers.
Cece Marie Gangle Benedict Prefontaine Kruchko Smith Smith. What a wonderful advanture it was, now to pick up the peices I didn’t even know I was making.
Regraded Being is my favorite thing! Love this!
Regraded Being is also my favourite. Look forward to it every week.
Same here! I look forward to it and Thursday Funnies every week!
In a free society, you can’t force anyone to watch a program, but a so-called religion can force their group not to watch.
I would guess watching one or two shows of Leah’s and Mike’s Aftermath, and a few hours of freely reading the internet is all it would take to decimate Scientology.
That’s why one gets declared if they don’t go in and get their head turned straight if they do watch these shows or do read a few article. You see, if they do that, that means they have overts. That’s logical right? That’s the “logic” of “standard tech” today.
Yo Dave,
Dave! …………….. are you there ????
Whats happenin good buddy? At a loss for words or just thinkin over yer attack strategy?
Shouldn’t be too tough. Fire up yer freedum thingy and rip em a new one Dave ….. like ONLY YOU can do.
Speakin of ONLY YOU Dave, how does it feel to be the only big being able to confront and shatter supression? Better have a meetin with Tom, John and Krusty cause Something Must Be Done About It!
Hey, Krusty is a recent Oh Tea Ate I think I read somewhere. She ought to be able to handle little ole Leah all by herself doncha think? Let’s get into some serious attack dog stuff Dave, pull out the stops and ler-er-rip!
You’re right. They have the Tech. The Tech is flawless because it came out of the mouth of LRH.
Why aren’t they using it?
Or are they trying to use it, and it just doesn’t work?
And while your at it. Get rid of your Pompadour. Makes u look stupid and not any taller Dave
Newcomer – if Krusty is really OT 8, then she knows all there is to know in the cherch… including that the Bridge and all those BTs were meaningless to begin with. So what is keeping her there? Does she want to donate more money to the IAS for Status? Does she not have any other friends? Does she think she looks great in a yellow Volunteer Minister t-shirt, size ‘tent’? Or, most likely, as an OT8 does she want to lord it over others, like all those OT8s lorded it over her, when she was a measley PC? I can’t wait to see her OT8 wins plastered all over Facebook,et al.
Krusty is a washed up C-Lister stuffing herself with Twinkies and Love Bombs. Without the cult fawing over her at Flog and CC Int, who is going to give her the time of day? She’s not a good actress. She never was a good actress. She WAS a halfway good comedienne on Cheers but I personally thought Shelley Long was much funnier. She also was once extremely attractive but obviously Twinkies and going OT 8 are more important to her than any pride in her appearance. Despite all this, if she were clever and amusing and had a good memory she could go on talk shows and be a hit but she isn’t clever, she’s merely non-stop vulgar at high volume. I’m sure Flog and the CC Culties tell her all the time how amazing she is, but to me she is utterly predictable in her purposeful intent to shock, and as such, about as amusing as a blob of mayonnaise on a new silk blouse.
And that’s it for my bash of Kirstie Alley. Periodically I need to do this 🙂
I understand the importance of cartoons but i also know that people don’t change their minds that easily; in fact people tend to ignore negativity about their own group until it’s -their- ox that gets gored.
So this is a question for all you former Scientologists out there: how ‘likely’ (or accurate) is this cartoon?
I know an OTVIII who has been in for over forty years. He ignores his daughter who is out. The damage to his mind has been extensive. You cannot compare clinical studies of people in a group who tend to ignore negative comments with someone in Scientology. In Scientology, you are talking about extensive mental damage based on occult principles.
Unfortunately the mind damage in scientology is all too real. LRH was a true monster.
But it can be undone. Lots out here will help. Aftermath Foundation and lots of numbers you can call ~ you won’t even need to work clear us ?
Work = word – you know, the sacralidgick worddddd-Cleeeeearing. ?
“…an OTVIII…in for 40 years…ignores his daughter who is out.”
Wow. Disgusting.
And I know an old couple (her fifth marriage, his second) who don’t see his daughter and her son anymore, for the same reason, although THEIR shore story is, “They disconnected from us”. When the wife told me this, I thought, “THEY’RE not in, and THEY “disconnected” from YOU? How FOS are you, dear?!!”
But we must always remind people there is a way out and it’s all inside you. There are many ready to help. Aftermath project.com or something. Call me at 213-880-3661. When you are ready and make that stepout there is a net here for you.
I’ve been re-reading John Sweeney’s “Church of Fear”. In it, the scientologists including Mike Rinder and Tommy Davis are relentlessly pummeling John Sweeney, who doesn’t get why they’re being so mean, basically. The scientologists think they’re winning. They did cause John Sweeney to break in a way, but that just made him sort of a folk hero among scientology protesters, and they didn’t cause him to believe in or to think kindly of scientology.
BUT…One question. One question. Asked by John Sweeney to Mike Rinder caused Mike to make his escape.
Short answer, No, they don’t change their minds “that easily”, but if their minds are already headed that direction due to questions, constant harrassment, etc. etc, there will be those who are forced to a tipping point and one thing will force the issue.
It was that way for me too. I was gung ho. Until one day the switch flipped and I wasn’t. It just takes one thing.
For some people, when the switch flips, they’re OUTTA THERE. For others, they sneak out of the back door because there’s so much to lose (can you say disconnection?) but yes, this cartoon is accurate in a timeslice sort of way.
It doesn’t show the constant waterboarding type of mindf*@k that the person is subjected to before the switch flips, but it shows the switch flipping.
Yes it showes way too much. Thank you RB ~ be safe. Openmindsfoundation.com ?
I like your idea of the switch flipping. It describes very well how it happens and how you turn your head and walk away because you are done and have had enough.
Reminds me of Debbie Cook’s letter. Read it, disregarded, then slowly a light turned on and re-read it with eyes open. So much truth seen from someone believable.. beginning of the end.
I’ll always thank her for opening the door for me. Many door can be open from Leah and Mike’s program, when they’re ready to make the time to look.
This is my favorite RB.
Mike, What was the one question Sweeney asked you which caused you to leave the church? This is what one commenter said above. I’m curious as to what he asked you?
That he had been told by Jeff Hawkins and Bruce Hines that David Miscavige had beaten me
this succinct answer just levels me.
Jesus H. Christ.
I am thankful for every person who helps you.
I think most scientologists would not get as far as watching or reading something negative or what they call ‘entheta’. Why? Because they “know” it is all lies and fake news generated by the yellow running dog media to gin up a story to fit their own agenda. Or it is something spewed out by bitter, defrocked apostates residing on the fringes of the internet (or other media pre-internet) because of the huge quantity of ‘overts & withholds’ they have. Most are afraid to look because they have too much invested in their belief system centered on scientology (or whatever cult they are in).
At least that’s the way it was for me. I was a true believer. When I was in I encountered lots of ‘entheta’ and just blew it off. However, seeds of doubt were planted. I’m a slow learner and it took a while for these seeds to germinate but they eventually did as a result of the unavoidable cognitive dissonance that builds up. That’s what these cartoons are good for. They may be a bit of an exaggeration sometimes, but there are lurkers, side-liners, fence-sitters, under the radar types, doubters, mishandled members, people who have just been plain fucked over and OSA net nannies reading this blog. It is for them. Seeds are being planted and one day they will wake up from this cultish nightmare. We can only hope.
Bottom line: the ‘tech’ doesn’t work as advertised despite the Kool-Aid swilling of the KSW crowd. In fact, scientology is nothing more than a world class con that is still being run despite the ‘Founder’ checking out for Target II decades ago. Look no further than the money and you will see what is really going on.
What perfect words ?
It’s a cartoon James. But I’d place a buck or ‘too’ on the cartoon being true for more than one ‘still- innie’ couple.
The cartoon is exaggerated for effect and simplified, but this is indeed the way people turn around in real life. Little things that you’ve been ignoring coincide with something you notice that isn’t quite right, and suddenly you are seeing things in a new light.
Unfortunately it is not at all common for both members of a couple to come around at the same instant. And the need to keep such thoughts quiet sometimes leads to a situation where both partners are actually ready to leave, but think the other partner is not ready. Such a deadlock can go on for years.
The chains that tie people to cults are many.
One is the sunk cost fallacy – the idea that you have spent so much time and money on something that you stick with it just in case it actually works at some point.
Another is called cognitive dissonance – you see clear evidence that your beliefs are wrong, and that makes the beliefs even stronger. Just because the thought that something could be wrong hurts too much to stay in your mind for long.
Another chain concerns the consequences of wavering from the faith – most know that they would lose friends, employers, family if they left. For those employed by the cult, especially the Sea Org, leaving would involve going back on the job market with no savings, no references, no usable work history, no help.
It is harder than it looks to leave a cult, but always for the best in the long run.
Bruce — just a note to thank you for your always cogent and insightful comments here.
You have a great deal of personal experience, and a brilliant, analytical mind (as distinct from Analytical Mind in the Dianetics sense) that dissects and then explains complex things.
Appreciate your time and your thoughts.
Yes. What Bruce said. When I fist heard the rumor that top execs had left up at Int., I knew something was wrong because by that time, I had had enough of sec checking, being held ’til I gave money, forced events, forced courses, forced re-do’s. But my husband hadn’t unraveled enough yet; so, by the time I got “called in” and refused to hold the cans, I really had no one that was IN on my side. Thankfully, by then, I had friends who were OUT and they held me up. My husband was done about two years later.
One of these days my son Sammy will be out too. I just hope I’m alive to help him with his unraveling process. But it’s different now than when I got out a few short years ago. So much to read and so many others who can help.
I believe that Sammy will be out one day also Mary! So many are ready to celebrate when that happens. Hopefully sooner rather than later. I agree that there is so much more information now. Which is wonderful! Can’t wait for Aftermath to start Season 3. More will be leaving I’m sure.
Mary it’s all in our hands. That’s the nice thing to know. Love you. Your Sammy and my Jeremy and Sandy will come back to us. Let’s just keep being better then ever
I have two kids who disconnected from me and are both on staff. The sad thing is that both of them have girlfriend/boyfriend “2D” and a father that is swilling the KA too. So now to get my kids out will require them convincing their fiance or spouse once they marry, to also leave the church as well as their dad, or to be OK with disconnecting from him if they leave. So the problem becomes compounded with all their relationships. Still, I keep the faith alive that I’ll see my kids and they’ll leave the cult one day.
Mary, I never know just how to express just how sorry I feel that you have to endure the pain of being separated by this cult from your son, but I can say that I hope that some day soon your son Sammy will have that “one thing” talked about here that sparks his memory of the unconditional love you alone, not the cult, have for him.
“The chains that tie people to cults are many. One is the sunk cost fallacy… Another is cognitive dissonance…”
The same chains that bound Hubbard to his own creation…and his descent into madness.
Perfectly said Bruce! And now when that moment finally happens at least there is The Aftermath Foundation and M
Perfectly said Bruce! At least now when that happens there is The Aftermath Foundation and Mike, Leah and others who are ready to genuinely help.
James Rosso: True, doesn’t get more accurate than that!
Doubt is good. Maybe even great.
I’m unsure…
Unquestioning belief has caused more evil, than doubt ever has.