No small part of having a happy life is being able to honestly reflect on one’s past actions, evaluate them and letting it all go with lessons learned, not regrets locked in place.
As I reflect back on my youth in the Co$ I have to admit that I really did believe a lot of that same shit and acted in an equally stupid manner.
Thanks for the comic relief, RB. I feel better and wiser now.
Or how LRH says he almost got run over by a train on Venus. It’s 900 degrees F., hot enough to melt lead, with pressures that would crush your car like a pancake.
“A sociopath is typically defined as someone who lies incessantly to get their way and does so with little concern for others. A sociopath is often goal-oriented (i.e., lying is focused—it is done to get one’s way). Sociopaths have little regard or respect for the rights and feelings of others. Sociopaths are often charming and charismatic, but they use their talented social skills in manipulative and self-centered ways”
This is possibly a dumb question, but one joins up with the Sea Org for a billion years, many lifetimes, so is there something in the contract wherein one promises or postulates that each lifetime the body will age in such a way so that one simply works until just dropping dead, with no age related disabilities or incapacitations necessitating fitness boarding?
Another winner, here, RB. Yes, the Sea Org, the group responsible for “getting Ethics in on the planet”. They’re so “responsible” that they’re not even allowed to see or communicate with non-Scientologists. No words. No words, people!
25 years ago I would have said this satire is ridiculous and suppressive. Now, I have to chuckle at how true it is and at the same time swallow the truth that I was once a part of something that morphed into a screaming nut case of an organisation. Holding you ransom to your own existence, how fucked is that?!
I have a couple of family (OT8s) still in the system, guzzling the kool-aide and even though they don’t talk to me I get more or less regular updates on their activities and how they are doing etc.. They look at the Church, tech & SO members with awe and respect and the insanity rubs off. Their craziness just gets worse & worse and the larger extended family makes all sort of excuses for their behavior and are now giving them a wider and wider berth. The family actually employ “good roads, good weather” with them as a natural defensive mechanism. You can’t treat a Scientologist with any sense of normality, they are just so damn judgmental & serious! It’s really sad and debilitating for the cohesion within the family, but that’s what branded Scientology does – it fucks with your head and makes it miserable for everyone!
Good one RB, you’ve got them under the microscope that’s for sure.
Correct Gregory. El Con created scn orgs AS a screaming nut case of an organization as can be clearly seen by the policies he wrote to run them. People who are not familiar with El Con and his tech & policy often think it was someone else who “did it”.
Always a pleasure to hear from Mike Wynski. I very much believe you must be the luckiest ex-scio there is. You know everything there is to know and have greatly benefited from the truth being revealed over and over and over again. You must truly be flourishing and prospering. The truth will set you free you know – good on you!
What makes you say that? Did you know all along or exactly when did you realize it was all as bad as you imply? And why didn’t Scientology implode in 1965 or earlier?
I meet a number of old timers, 5s & 7s in 1986 who were never on staff, never donated a cent for anything other than their services, who God forbid – actually liked Scientology. They even came into the Org to help out! They were lovely people and free to come and go as they pleased, they even had jobs, a life with kids and stuff. Co-audits use to run in the academies and free auditing occurred, the mission network was pretty big before the finance police and DM’s declare fest.
Naw, it’s just lazy to say it’s all always been bad imo and serves no other purpose than to grease the bandwagon’s wheels. I don’t buy people like Chris Montgomery were taken for ride and damaged people with Scientology. She was thrown out, like a lot of others because they were able to do something good with it.
Gun don’t kill people, people kill people!
I agree with you, I Yawnalot.
I remember just a few years before the finance police tore the Mission Network to shreds.
PEOPLE were interacting with Scientology and helping each other with it. I was helped and so were others.
Whatever Ron was doing, behind the scenes, I can’t say, but what he put together, as far as the tech, it was useful to those it was useful for.
No one has a right to say that someone didn’t have gains, if they did.
Everyone has a right to their viewpoint and to talk about their experience, but not to enforce on other people the idea that it was all a sham, and anyone who says they got gains is not valid.
Just had to say it. Hate whatever you want to hate. Others don’t have to hate the same things. 🙂
Very nice RB. I love all of them, but found this one especially poignant given the aging of the veteran Scientologist population and the cruel Scientology practices of disconnection, non-livable wages, minimal if any provisions for medical care, crappy housing, and off-loading people they have worn out.
You might say Scientology taketh from the “wog world” then giveth back to the “wog world” when they have worn that person down to the nub.
The Scientology term for dying (“dropping the body”) is of note. It replaces a passive verb with an active one with all that implies: in mainstream culture, it is understood that dying is not a volitional action unless one commits suicide. In Scientology, dying is _always_ a volitional act no matter the cause. This distortion of reality allows Scientology to dodge the responsibility for the death of any of its adherents and instead blame the deceased.
But Scientology has made itself immune from any responsibility for what happens to the organization. Misfortune, investigations, declining membership, failed technology, lawsuits, Narconon deaths, and so on are never the fault of Scientology, but rather are always the fault of misunderstood words, suppressive persons and groups, careless application of the tech, and so on.
Thus Scientology has set up its psychological mouse trap so that the church itself is _never_ responsible for any problems and the individual member is _always_ responsible for any problems, up to and including death. Scientology, if it were judged by the same “ethics” standards it applies to its members would have long ago been put in “lower conditions” and declared suppressive.
So what would happen if a knowledgeable young person were to approach an org, claiming to be a high OT level who came back in their new body 22 years ago? How would I suspect the ethics officer handle that? Could it be denied?? Would the 22 year old be force to do all the bridge again? Why would they not be believed?
How could they prove that it was not old LRH himself, you know, coming back like a Dali Lama.
This could get intriguing. Imagine a well studied and coached 30 something coming in, saying he was LRH, and that DM had screwed up the whole system and got everything wrong. Oh, it could be a fun way to take over the $1 billion plus cash plus all the real estate.
After all, DM would have to prove that it was NOT LRH.
I don’t imagine anyone saying that would get past the receptionist before security had a handful of their collar and threw them out onto the street. DM doesn’t need to prove anything to anyone at anytime and even if such a scenario was to happen, the lawyers would have said person chewing on the bedpost at Bedlam before noon.
If any of this hocus pocus was even slightly real or believable we’d never get to hear about it anyway, DM loves his job and look at the extremes he has done already to keep it. Nice sentiment though.
Mike,I thought if ok I would tell y’all I am still here.What with all that has been swirling around me.Three days ago a hacker got my email info and started dumping thousands of aol emails on my web sites,from all around the world.So I have had to do my homework and get that fixed.Done now.Really I thought I would have a nice quiet Sept and all hell breaks loose!RB a Wave of love to you.M&C,and all here.❤️?❤️??
And I love your comments since I first read them.In the Oz movie where Dorothy gets swirled up in that tornado & plunked down.Well I did that too and I am so glad to be here.❤️
OSD I thought I had screwed up with you somehow! You really made this evening.I love love you all and I send kisses and hugs to Dylan and you and yours always.❤️❤️❤️❤️
hey, a love fest without me? Gotta join in. 🙂 So nice to see y’all posting here, you guys make me smile. I hope you all are having a happy, relaxing, fun weekend, it’s another day of life, a chance to spread happiness and cheer and just enjoy being alive.
Remember in the sixties there was a poster of a kitty hanging onto a ribbon with the caption Hang In There?Thank you for your posts and support.You know some how I will.Btw my cable co who really can be annoying at times did think someone did this on purpose because their were no reports of anyone else who has their internet service getting same.Sigh such games these gremlins play❤️
Ann, I can not imagine how frustrating it must be to be an ex-Scion. An outsider, like me, would think decompressing from a high control group would be hard enough. But having crappy stuff happen and not knowing if it is by chance or some idiots from the cherch trying to harrass me would send me over the edge.
I have seen your comments on various sites and you always have such a good attitude and positive demeanor. How have you been able to maintain such a warm personality?? Many people would fall apart under these circumstances! Thanks for your presence. From one Ann (my middle name) to another-you inspire me!!
I want to thank you Ann for your kind,generous and sweet reply to me.I have followed your posts and admire how you approach the cult and your excellent observations.Yes I do think when one has been part of a high pressure group such as The SO & staff at all the Orgs and Missions too it can be a tightrope walk dealing with what I call the after shocks of cos.And the creepy point is,those shocks linger through the years and can jump out and bite all over again.As to my staying positive,believe me I can have extreme hissy fits with the best of them and punch pillows and go through boxes of Puffs regarding the stuff that comes down my path at times.But confronting my mortality has actually allowed me to let more of my light out and project as much good as I can before I fly on.And yes I still feel badly for what I did when in regging,and I wantedmy story to show how into,Ron’s World I dove and how nearly losing my life and sanity snapped me out to escape.,It feels very good to know you and hey the more Anns the Better.❤️?
Getting an annual vacation (Leave of Absence – LOA) is the right of every Sea Org member, yet it rarely happens. Even if your stats are up, you’ve got permission in writing (an approved CSW) from your seniors and you’ve somehow managed to get another SO member to cover your post, your LOA is often canceled at the last moment because of some organizational crisis or a dip in stats. I saw this happen many times during my SO career.
What kind of organization works its members 80 hours per week, pays them very little (sometimes not at all), provides them inadequate (or no) medical care, doesn’t care for the elderly after decades of service and won’t even let them have a couple of weeks vacation each year? Answer: ONE RUN BY A SOCIOPATH.
I remember the annual LOA. Most SO members didn’t read the F.O. NONE of the onus to get replaced is on the SO member taking the leave. Other than informing when he/she is going to take the leave. I took one every year I was in. Every-time some idiot objected I just handed them a copy of the FO and told them to complain to the Commodore.
WhatWall,I experienced what you did.I got one leave for four days in four yrs with SO & that was going to be shortened to two days,which was not enough time to fly to the East Coast & back.Plus no-one wanted to be a letter reg but me so there you go,I got the leave I got period.No backflashing would I do to those who told me what was what.Scientology loves to play act spirituality,but underneath frozen hearts minds and thetans!❤️❤️
I’d guess they would be sec checked until they bled. If it were suspected to be LRH I think Dr. Demented would lock he/she/it up alongside Shelly!
The only other option for Mr. Source would be to land on one of those symbols in Trementina (preferrably in a saucer shaped device) and stroll out with a new version of the e-meter complete with a new instructional video to sell.
Wow! Slappy not only “fixed” the tech, but he also apparently “fixed” the sea org staff. As in when you “fix” a dog or cat. They become more wussy. Used to be that I saw sea org staff as stellar people, always helpful, friendly and tough. I had a lot of respect for them back in the day. But now, due to being “fixed”, they whimper and dodge and are scared of their own shadow. I need to start a “grow-a-pair” fund for these poor dudes.
Regarded being you’ve done it again.
Brilliant. The comparison between the sea org and space opera is classic. Scientology turned into exactly what Hubbard said he was trying to handle.
Sea Org “We come back”, Billion year contract = Arslycus
Arslycus was an ancient civilization located in space, rather than on a planet, as this was at a time when “nobody had invented planets yet.” Hubbard described it as being notorious for its mind-numbingly tedious jobs, putting thetans to work for “ten thousand lives in Arslycus, on the average”, spent doing nothing better than polishing bricks.”
The civilization was ultimately destroyed when “one of these slaves suddenly got the big idea of mass” and Arslycus “broke to pieces and scattered around in that particular part of the sky as being of too great a mass to sustain itself”. This was, apparently, “about the point where you got the law of gravity coming in strongly. And after that the law of gravity began to affect itself on the universe more and more and more and more and you started to get all kinds of suns and planets and the most fantastic array of things.” (PDC, 1 December 1952)
RB just hilarious to get a front row seat every week on bubble thinking of the poor second generation.
Most of us cannot imagine so well how it feels to be in the Bubble.
We just see that our loved ones are being disconnected from us, people being ripped off, families being disconnected, so that armies of hapless space cooties can be chased away at galactic expense.
For most of us it is difficult to reverse engineer the mindset that produces this insanity unless you have been Sea Org staff recently. I hate to say it but the Sea Org in the early eighties BC (Before Cabbage) was a pretty up tone or cheerful group. Kinda like your average sports club.
Your cartoons get us up to date on the new circular thinking.
Probably your cartoons have great value for SO members who are decompressing.
If someone is taking care of someone who is recently out your cartoons should probably be the first step in life repair or should I say false data stripping. Even before most forums, Going Clear, South Park, Blue Sky, or messiah or madman, etc.
Possible Decompression Rundown:
Step1: Start doing the things you most wanted to do but where prevented from doing.
Mob phone, computer, go to a concert, driving license, go dancing, go on a date.
Then read all RB cartoons to spot the insanities you forced yourself to agree to.
I would recommend the person who is helping with the decompression not to argue or do any make wrong. Just a PTS type 3 handle good roads good weather and then let RB’s cartoons do the heavy lifting.
I was not in the sea org so am not sure if there is a policy. However, I’ve read a number of stories of older persons getting “off loaded” — kicked out of the organization with their meager possession and dropped off in a city or other location with a few hundred dollars. To my knowledge, there is no retirement fund or medical insurance or COBRA or anything like that. Sea Org members (and staff in general) are unlikely to have saved for retirement, even when in the case of staff they may have had to moonlight for many years to keep a roof over their heads. Also, I’m not sure social security is withheld on “wages” but even if it is, the earnings are so small the person would not be eligible for much in the way of social security in “retirement.”
The whole deal is a savage and cruel exploitation of people. If you were poor Old Tom as in the RB, and you hadn’t “dropped your body,” you might be offloaded on that park bench with $500 cash and a little bag of clothes and toiletries. Suffering from Alzheimers, long estranged from non-Scientology friends and relatives, there you sit not knowing what to do. Perhaps you cannot even grasp your situation. You have been stripped of any familiar surroundings and faces that might help your fading memory. Is that person walking up to you and demanding money a friend you borrowed from? You cannot remember. So you try to hand him some money, but he takes it all. You sit there and wait. What else is there to do? Eventually the sun goes down and park begins to fill with riff raff. And there sits Old Tom, watching strangers in the night as they pass his bench on the front porch of eternity.
Scientology treatment of people: cruel and savage, always blaming the victim and never the organization.
That is entirely believable and utterly horrendous. But the worst of it is I have known S.O. members who later retired and none of this even occurred to me. Some of those people were highly thought of and loved by many public, such as the lady who looked after those on OT3 at Saint Hill up to just a few years ago. I have no idea what has happened to her but I’m sure if the local public knew about it and if it were bad they would care… which might just possibly put up a red flag they might even see.
It is not where you go when you die in the Sea Org.It is where do you go when you are 65.
RB did something on this a year ago on an ex sea orger demanding welfare.Maybe he gets a new idea.
If second generation Sea Org members get their hands on one those cartoons they mightt get the clear cognition.
I don’t know what the policy is, but I do know an ex SO person who left there in her 60’s she had no job, no money and no accommodation, is now living in a small rented room working in a diner for minimum wage. Such care and consideration they have for those who have dedicated their lives to the cause.
Regraded being, OMG…thank you!
No small part of having a happy life is being able to honestly reflect on one’s past actions, evaluate them and letting it all go with lessons learned, not regrets locked in place.
As I reflect back on my youth in the Co$ I have to admit that I really did believe a lot of that same shit and acted in an equally stupid manner.
Thanks for the comic relief, RB. I feel better and wiser now.
Even before the Internet I would wonder how come the between lives implants hasn’t been discovered by NASA or any other countries space probes.
I continued the “belief” that Ron had it all figured out for many years after.
Or how LRH says he almost got run over by a train on Venus. It’s 900 degrees F., hot enough to melt lead, with pressures that would crush your car like a pancake.
Yes, what El Con didn’t steal from real philosophers he made up and/or lied about. That includes his “tek”.
“A sociopath is typically defined as someone who lies incessantly to get their way and does so with little concern for others. A sociopath is often goal-oriented (i.e., lying is focused—it is done to get one’s way). Sociopaths have little regard or respect for the rights and feelings of others. Sociopaths are often charming and charismatic, but they use their talented social skills in manipulative and self-centered ways”
No compassion. Insult to injury. That’s MY Scientology!
This is possibly a dumb question, but one joins up with the Sea Org for a billion years, many lifetimes, so is there something in the contract wherein one promises or postulates that each lifetime the body will age in such a way so that one simply works until just dropping dead, with no age related disabilities or incapacitations necessitating fitness boarding?
Another winner, here, RB. Yes, the Sea Org, the group responsible for “getting Ethics in on the planet”. They’re so “responsible” that they’re not even allowed to see or communicate with non-Scientologists. No words. No words, people!
RB is amazing. Wish list: a strip involving the guys that monitor the internet and blogs for OSA.
25 years ago I would have said this satire is ridiculous and suppressive. Now, I have to chuckle at how true it is and at the same time swallow the truth that I was once a part of something that morphed into a screaming nut case of an organisation. Holding you ransom to your own existence, how fucked is that?!
I have a couple of family (OT8s) still in the system, guzzling the kool-aide and even though they don’t talk to me I get more or less regular updates on their activities and how they are doing etc.. They look at the Church, tech & SO members with awe and respect and the insanity rubs off. Their craziness just gets worse & worse and the larger extended family makes all sort of excuses for their behavior and are now giving them a wider and wider berth. The family actually employ “good roads, good weather” with them as a natural defensive mechanism. You can’t treat a Scientologist with any sense of normality, they are just so damn judgmental & serious! It’s really sad and debilitating for the cohesion within the family, but that’s what branded Scientology does – it fucks with your head and makes it miserable for everyone!
Good one RB, you’ve got them under the microscope that’s for sure.
I don’t think it “morphed into a screaming nut case of an organisation”, I think it always has been.
Correct Gregory. El Con created scn orgs AS a screaming nut case of an organization as can be clearly seen by the policies he wrote to run them. People who are not familiar with El Con and his tech & policy often think it was someone else who “did it”.
Always a pleasure to hear from Mike Wynski. I very much believe you must be the luckiest ex-scio there is. You know everything there is to know and have greatly benefited from the truth being revealed over and over and over again. You must truly be flourishing and prospering. The truth will set you free you know – good on you!
What makes you say that? Did you know all along or exactly when did you realize it was all as bad as you imply? And why didn’t Scientology implode in 1965 or earlier?
I meet a number of old timers, 5s & 7s in 1986 who were never on staff, never donated a cent for anything other than their services, who God forbid – actually liked Scientology. They even came into the Org to help out! They were lovely people and free to come and go as they pleased, they even had jobs, a life with kids and stuff. Co-audits use to run in the academies and free auditing occurred, the mission network was pretty big before the finance police and DM’s declare fest.
Naw, it’s just lazy to say it’s all always been bad imo and serves no other purpose than to grease the bandwagon’s wheels. I don’t buy people like Chris Montgomery were taken for ride and damaged people with Scientology. She was thrown out, like a lot of others because they were able to do something good with it.
Gun don’t kill people, people kill people!
I agree with you, I Yawnalot.
I remember just a few years before the finance police tore the Mission Network to shreds.
PEOPLE were interacting with Scientology and helping each other with it. I was helped and so were others.
Whatever Ron was doing, behind the scenes, I can’t say, but what he put together, as far as the tech, it was useful to those it was useful for.
No one has a right to say that someone didn’t have gains, if they did.
Everyone has a right to their viewpoint and to talk about their experience, but not to enforce on other people the idea that it was all a sham, and anyone who says they got gains is not valid.
Just had to say it. Hate whatever you want to hate. Others don’t have to hate the same things. 🙂
Very nice RB. I love all of them, but found this one especially poignant given the aging of the veteran Scientologist population and the cruel Scientology practices of disconnection, non-livable wages, minimal if any provisions for medical care, crappy housing, and off-loading people they have worn out.
You might say Scientology taketh from the “wog world” then giveth back to the “wog world” when they have worn that person down to the nub.
The Scientology term for dying (“dropping the body”) is of note. It replaces a passive verb with an active one with all that implies: in mainstream culture, it is understood that dying is not a volitional action unless one commits suicide. In Scientology, dying is _always_ a volitional act no matter the cause. This distortion of reality allows Scientology to dodge the responsibility for the death of any of its adherents and instead blame the deceased.
But Scientology has made itself immune from any responsibility for what happens to the organization. Misfortune, investigations, declining membership, failed technology, lawsuits, Narconon deaths, and so on are never the fault of Scientology, but rather are always the fault of misunderstood words, suppressive persons and groups, careless application of the tech, and so on.
Thus Scientology has set up its psychological mouse trap so that the church itself is _never_ responsible for any problems and the individual member is _always_ responsible for any problems, up to and including death. Scientology, if it were judged by the same “ethics” standards it applies to its members would have long ago been put in “lower conditions” and declared suppressive.
I love RB… but the last 2 weeks have just made me so sad. These young people…. wasting their youth on nothing.
” NO! I was not in the Sea Org in a previous life! PISS OFF!”
I love the last sentence, “Let’s Walk”. Great advise.
What a thought starter.
So what would happen if a knowledgeable young person were to approach an org, claiming to be a high OT level who came back in their new body 22 years ago? How would I suspect the ethics officer handle that? Could it be denied?? Would the 22 year old be force to do all the bridge again? Why would they not be believed?
How could they prove that it was not old LRH himself, you know, coming back like a Dali Lama.
This could get intriguing. Imagine a well studied and coached 30 something coming in, saying he was LRH, and that DM had screwed up the whole system and got everything wrong. Oh, it could be a fun way to take over the $1 billion plus cash plus all the real estate.
After all, DM would have to prove that it was NOT LRH.
I don’t imagine anyone saying that would get past the receptionist before security had a handful of their collar and threw them out onto the street. DM doesn’t need to prove anything to anyone at anytime and even if such a scenario was to happen, the lawyers would have said person chewing on the bedpost at Bedlam before noon.
If any of this hocus pocus was even slightly real or believable we’d never get to hear about it anyway, DM loves his job and look at the extremes he has done already to keep it. Nice sentiment though.
My humblest apologies to Regraded Being. I did not notice the last frame of this week’s strip did not load. Now added.
Mike,I thought if ok I would tell y’all I am still here.What with all that has been swirling around me.Three days ago a hacker got my email info and started dumping thousands of aol emails on my web sites,from all around the world.So I have had to do my homework and get that fixed.Done now.Really I thought I would have a nice quiet Sept and all hell breaks loose!RB a Wave of love to you.M&C,and all here.❤️?❤️??
Happy to know all is well Ann! I always enjoy your posts.
And I love your comments since I first read them.In the Oz movie where Dorothy gets swirled up in that tornado & plunked down.Well I did that too and I am so glad to be here.❤️
We’re all glad you post here, Ann B! It wouldn’t be the same without you. You are loved here…
OSD I thought I had screwed up with you somehow! You really made this evening.I love love you all and I send kisses and hugs to Dylan and you and yours always.❤️❤️❤️❤️
hey, a love fest without me? Gotta join in. 🙂 So nice to see y’all posting here, you guys make me smile. I hope you all are having a happy, relaxing, fun weekend, it’s another day of life, a chance to spread happiness and cheer and just enjoy being alive.
There can Never Ever be a love-fest without you T.J.! I caneven begin to picture what a blast it would be to see everyone in person.❤️❤️?
Wow! Hang in there Ann.
Remember in the sixties there was a poster of a kitty hanging onto a ribbon with the caption Hang In There?Thank you for your posts and support.You know some how I will.Btw my cable co who really can be annoying at times did think someone did this on purpose because their were no reports of anyone else who has their internet service getting same.Sigh such games these gremlins play❤️
Ann, I can not imagine how frustrating it must be to be an ex-Scion. An outsider, like me, would think decompressing from a high control group would be hard enough. But having crappy stuff happen and not knowing if it is by chance or some idiots from the cherch trying to harrass me would send me over the edge.
I have seen your comments on various sites and you always have such a good attitude and positive demeanor. How have you been able to maintain such a warm personality?? Many people would fall apart under these circumstances! Thanks for your presence. From one Ann (my middle name) to another-you inspire me!!
I want to thank you Ann for your kind,generous and sweet reply to me.I have followed your posts and admire how you approach the cult and your excellent observations.Yes I do think when one has been part of a high pressure group such as The SO & staff at all the Orgs and Missions too it can be a tightrope walk dealing with what I call the after shocks of cos.And the creepy point is,those shocks linger through the years and can jump out and bite all over again.As to my staying positive,believe me I can have extreme hissy fits with the best of them and punch pillows and go through boxes of Puffs regarding the stuff that comes down my path at times.But confronting my mortality has actually allowed me to let more of my light out and project as much good as I can before I fly on.And yes I still feel badly for what I did when in regging,and I wantedmy story to show how into,Ron’s World I dove and how nearly losing my life and sanity snapped me out to escape.,It feels very good to know you and hey the more Anns the Better.❤️?
Another good one, RB.
Getting an annual vacation (Leave of Absence – LOA) is the right of every Sea Org member, yet it rarely happens. Even if your stats are up, you’ve got permission in writing (an approved CSW) from your seniors and you’ve somehow managed to get another SO member to cover your post, your LOA is often canceled at the last moment because of some organizational crisis or a dip in stats. I saw this happen many times during my SO career.
What kind of organization works its members 80 hours per week, pays them very little (sometimes not at all), provides them inadequate (or no) medical care, doesn’t care for the elderly after decades of service and won’t even let them have a couple of weeks vacation each year? Answer: ONE RUN BY A SOCIOPATH.
I remember the annual LOA. Most SO members didn’t read the F.O. NONE of the onus to get replaced is on the SO member taking the leave. Other than informing when he/she is going to take the leave. I took one every year I was in. Every-time some idiot objected I just handed them a copy of the FO and told them to complain to the Commodore.
WhatWall,I experienced what you did.I got one leave for four days in four yrs with SO & that was going to be shortened to two days,which was not enough time to fly to the East Coast & back.Plus no-one wanted to be a letter reg but me so there you go,I got the leave I got period.No backflashing would I do to those who told me what was what.Scientology loves to play act spirituality,but underneath frozen hearts minds and thetans!❤️❤️
So……..does anyone know if any SO member came back and said, “I was so & so last lifetime?” And that the person would be 21, right?
Hmmmmm…..well, I guess no one wanted to come back. Either that or Scientology is a Crock of Shit.
I’d guess they would be sec checked until they bled. If it were suspected to be LRH I think Dr. Demented would lock he/she/it up alongside Shelly!
The only other option for Mr. Source would be to land on one of those symbols in Trementina (preferrably in a saucer shaped device) and stroll out with a new version of the e-meter complete with a new instructional video to sell.
I’ll buy one of the new e-meters, Coop!
Expensive paperweight! Google for reviews before purchasing.
Wow! Slappy not only “fixed” the tech, but he also apparently “fixed” the sea org staff. As in when you “fix” a dog or cat. They become more wussy. Used to be that I saw sea org staff as stellar people, always helpful, friendly and tough. I had a lot of respect for them back in the day. But now, due to being “fixed”, they whimper and dodge and are scared of their own shadow. I need to start a “grow-a-pair” fund for these poor dudes.
Yep! Well stated scenario. Life sure fell off the perch for the SO.
Sea Org 1981:Play the game.
Sea Org 2016:Sheer the sheep.
I love your comment Space.Made my evening.❤️
Regarded being you’ve done it again.
Brilliant. The comparison between the sea org and space opera is classic. Scientology turned into exactly what Hubbard said he was trying to handle.
Sea Org “We come back”, Billion year contract = Arslycus
Arslycus was an ancient civilization located in space, rather than on a planet, as this was at a time when “nobody had invented planets yet.” Hubbard described it as being notorious for its mind-numbingly tedious jobs, putting thetans to work for “ten thousand lives in Arslycus, on the average”, spent doing nothing better than polishing bricks.”
The civilization was ultimately destroyed when “one of these slaves suddenly got the big idea of mass” and Arslycus “broke to pieces and scattered around in that particular part of the sky as being of too great a mass to sustain itself”. This was, apparently, “about the point where you got the law of gravity coming in strongly. And after that the law of gravity began to affect itself on the universe more and more and more and more and you started to get all kinds of suns and planets and the most fantastic array of things.” (PDC, 1 December 1952)
RB just hilarious to get a front row seat every week on bubble thinking of the poor second generation.
Most of us cannot imagine so well how it feels to be in the Bubble.
We just see that our loved ones are being disconnected from us, people being ripped off, families being disconnected, so that armies of hapless space cooties can be chased away at galactic expense.
For most of us it is difficult to reverse engineer the mindset that produces this insanity unless you have been Sea Org staff recently. I hate to say it but the Sea Org in the early eighties BC (Before Cabbage) was a pretty up tone or cheerful group. Kinda like your average sports club.
Your cartoons get us up to date on the new circular thinking.
Probably your cartoons have great value for SO members who are decompressing.
If someone is taking care of someone who is recently out your cartoons should probably be the first step in life repair or should I say false data stripping. Even before most forums, Going Clear, South Park, Blue Sky, or messiah or madman, etc.
Possible Decompression Rundown:
Step1: Start doing the things you most wanted to do but where prevented from doing.
Mob phone, computer, go to a concert, driving license, go dancing, go on a date.
Then read all RB cartoons to spot the insanities you forced yourself to agree to.
I would recommend the person who is helping with the decompression not to argue or do any make wrong. Just a PTS type 3 handle good roads good weather and then let RB’s cartoons do the heavy lifting.
What a great idea but you left out, get laid. LOL
Not really.I left what happens after the date up to your imagination.
Regraded Being makes my Friday, thank you!!
Sarah, RB makes Friday the entrance to a great weekend!
Makes for a great week.Especially if they disconnected you from your children.
Just what is the deal with old timers in the SO? What happens to them once “retired”? Is there policy on this?
There must be a Kicked to the Curb policy somewhere.
I do not know, but guess that either: They die or are off-loaded.
Their is no “retirement”
I was not in the sea org so am not sure if there is a policy. However, I’ve read a number of stories of older persons getting “off loaded” — kicked out of the organization with their meager possession and dropped off in a city or other location with a few hundred dollars. To my knowledge, there is no retirement fund or medical insurance or COBRA or anything like that. Sea Org members (and staff in general) are unlikely to have saved for retirement, even when in the case of staff they may have had to moonlight for many years to keep a roof over their heads. Also, I’m not sure social security is withheld on “wages” but even if it is, the earnings are so small the person would not be eligible for much in the way of social security in “retirement.”
The whole deal is a savage and cruel exploitation of people. If you were poor Old Tom as in the RB, and you hadn’t “dropped your body,” you might be offloaded on that park bench with $500 cash and a little bag of clothes and toiletries. Suffering from Alzheimers, long estranged from non-Scientology friends and relatives, there you sit not knowing what to do. Perhaps you cannot even grasp your situation. You have been stripped of any familiar surroundings and faces that might help your fading memory. Is that person walking up to you and demanding money a friend you borrowed from? You cannot remember. So you try to hand him some money, but he takes it all. You sit there and wait. What else is there to do? Eventually the sun goes down and park begins to fill with riff raff. And there sits Old Tom, watching strangers in the night as they pass his bench on the front porch of eternity.
Scientology treatment of people: cruel and savage, always blaming the victim and never the organization.
That is entirely believable and utterly horrendous. But the worst of it is I have known S.O. members who later retired and none of this even occurred to me. Some of those people were highly thought of and loved by many public, such as the lady who looked after those on OT3 at Saint Hill up to just a few years ago. I have no idea what has happened to her but I’m sure if the local public knew about it and if it were bad they would care… which might just possibly put up a red flag they might even see.
It is not where you go when you die in the Sea Org.It is where do you go when you are 65.
RB did something on this a year ago on an ex sea orger demanding welfare.Maybe he gets a new idea.
If second generation Sea Org members get their hands on one those cartoons they mightt get the clear cognition.
They put them on a park bench & wait for the police to come and take them away for loitering….
I don’t know what the policy is, but I do know an ex SO person who left there in her 60’s she had no job, no money and no accommodation, is now living in a small rented room working in a diner for minimum wage. Such care and consideration they have for those who have dedicated their lives to the cause.
They truly are a wonderful and caring bunch!
Yo Dave,
Who ya gonna get to look after your sorry ass when your supply of Depenz runs out?
Well, Coop…that depends…
They get sent away, routed out, without worry or sorrow.
So sad but a true view of the “inside”.