Unfortunately, due to circumstances beyond anyone’s ability to control (even fully paid up OT’s), Regraded Being was unable to forward us a strip this week.
I asked RB to select an old favorite for republishing. That turned out to be from December 2014, even before RB became a regular Friday feature. In fact, this appeared in one of the early editions of “Thursday Funnies.”
Interesting thing about the RB funnies — they are truly timeless.
Leaving Scientology is a process that has the EP of total certainty that you will never ever get fucked over that way ever again. No amnesty for the cult, for Hubbard, anyone. Ever. Space dust has a better chance of getting another go ’round.
Doug, I take it you won’t be doing the GAT 2 lineup.
naw … I have no more gung left in my gung ho.
Speaking of Scilon abuse, I’mean sitting at LAX right now, and there’should no sign of Jenny Linson. Each time I come out here, I keep hoping that she will show when I’m catching a flight back home, and proceed to berate me about being suppressive and an unrepentant Sodom items. It makes me feel sad when she never comes.
I’ll probably be out here again in a few weeks for another extended consultancy, and this time I’ll definitely make time to visit a couple Morgues. Maybe that will be enough to summon the Dread Lord Linson to her proper place at LAX.
Sorry Espi, no more free shows as she now has an agent who does all her bookings. I believe she’s giving a performance at Heathrow in the not too distant future.
And here’s the sick part, Meph: I’ll be at Heathrow in two weeks. Maybe I’ll see her there.
One can always hope Espi. I once had the dubious pleasure of having the lovely Ms. Linson up close and personal delivering her very own rendition of a severe reality adjustment to me in a big crowd. I would love the opportunity to give back to her the gift of my greatly improved oratorical skills.
in two weeks time…
Wait a minute! You’re really Tom Cruise, on his way to the Patrons Ball!
Loved your reply to Espiando.Hope he stays safe out there.❤️
I’m staying safe, Ann. I’m at a motel outside of Boston right now, with a trip to Dallas later this week, then back to Chicago for a couple of days, then off to London. The life of a real auditor (food safety, not LRH woo-woo bullshit) is one of perpetual travel. Now I just have to figure out how to prove to Jens that I’m not Big Bean #3…
That Logan Airport still standing,how many years did I fly out of there!Have not been back to my hometown in years!When my late in laws moved to assisted living in Florida in 05,their yearly property taxes on their house in Beacon Hill were $30,000 a year.Just throw away money for dm but I think the Org got moved to the boonies from Beacon Hill years ago.Safe flights,safe home too.❤️
Go Pro that please – I’d pay good money to see it!
Yes, timeless. I remember this one. Love it when he says it would be ok for their friend to call and yell at him if would help. We should all offer our services this way to the trapped Still Ins. Wouldn’t that be funny? Something like, “Hey, if you ever get in big ethics trouble and have to do a Liability Formula and you need to strike an effective blow, feel free to call me and curse me out”. Still chuckling.
This one was really sweet. I must have missed it the first time – thanks for running it again.
This is a very clever RB. I wasn’t expecting to well up at the end.
Re amnesty:
Amnesty for what? Trying to help? Spending hours and hours doing work for them, giving them all of your time and $$ because you genuinely cared about people and wanted to do something about it? And then were punished for that? Fuck em. It’s us who decides whether or not to give them amnesty. And I have a very long list of amends that that organization would have to do before it would even be considered.
And so far I’ve never seen a wing on a pig.
RB i miss you.
“have they crossed the event horizon yet?”
I looked out the window at the nearest org.
“Nope…not yet…any nanosecond now.”
But…but…I can’t wait a nanosecond!!! Ok…ok…I’ll try.
That RB is an oldie but goodie!
The more things don’t change, the more they stay the same.
Love it.
Two opposable thumbs up! RB rocks!
You have opposable thumbs??? So that’s why all the kids made fun of me at school…
My thumbs never opposed me. We always got along quite well.
Gotta love the production values and attention to detail shown by RB. In the scene where Karen’s husband asks “what was that all about,” on his tablet is reflected a recognizable replica of Mike’s website ?
Thanks for pointing that out. Makes it all the more funny?
You’re right! Very clever!
Laugh out loud funny.
It is truly sad (but laughable) how much this captures the mindset of those still in.
Everyone out here who tells their story or writes a book or article or exposes ANY abuses inflicted by the church or david miscavige is lying – without inspection – period. The church is expanding – without inspection – period.
And they wonder why it is called a brainwashing cult.
This comic is offensively out of date; everyone knows the “Church” is experiencing 64X growth now, not that measly 47X growth. 😛
RB is in deep shit for forgetting about the 64 times expansion! And…as I type this, it just expanded more…
Expansion of what? Shit?
Classic RB. You truly make soft of what is a brittle, raspy & prickly kind of thing.
Scientology is like a noxious weed that resists all manner of efforts to eradicate it!
How many of you commenters remember the days when amnesty’s were issued.
Hubbard occasionally felt stable enough after stats were way up or he made a big enough money grabbing breakthrough that he would issue an amnesty.
Not sure now if that was being compassionate or just trying reel ex members back in.
Still it seemed that there was some level of caring back then.
Anyone have one of those old issues to share? I’m sure that Davey McF–kige has destroyed any trace of amnesty issues.
BK, I remember the amnesties in the 70s very well. Of course you had to write up your OWs, turn them in and then you were forgiven completely (except for a couple of things which didn’t qualify for the amnesty, can’t remember them now,).
Sorta seems like it was a nice thing to do, but you know, on reflection it seems like the of height of arrogance in one sense. One comes into Scientology to better oneself as a person and help others and then gets embroiled in a Soviet style “justice” system where one is degraded when one falls short of some “ethics standards” (which we now know that Ron himself fell short of on many many occasions.) And now instead of just gaining greater awareness about life, one is having to live up to certain behavioral dictates, which if one falls short of, is endangering the entire salvation of this sector of the universe. And by even AGREEING to the “amnesty”, one is also agreeing to the postulate that one needs to be “forgiven” by the “church.” This is called TURNING YOUR LIFE OVER TO OTHERS. Some “amnesty”! But in the propitiative and making amends state so many Scientologists had been driven to, they were appeared “VGIs” about the “amnesty.”
Of course, such a thing would hardly be possible today. For one, Miscavige doesn’t want to risk any of the “SPs” coming back to be forgiven. They could be doing it to write a book about what it’s like to get back into the CoS after being kicked out. Secondly, the CoS is very Unforgiving. Of course if you can just pay enough in extortion fees …..
Instead of amnesty or any semblance of forgiveness, once your “sins” have been extracted during sec checking, you get your regret-filled, sorry ass routed directly to the special ethics/reg tag team to get you to pony up donations to up your IAS status, or buy a gross of TWTH booklets to be distributed to starving Venezuelan families, or some other nonsense as penance for your transgressions.
BK Mole, How could I forget amnestys! Did I get that lot! Oh yes be forgiven by the church and then realize that you have just bound yourself more tightly into Ron/dms world.However I can see why dm gave them up it is always his way or the Hole or the highway with nothing but the clothes on your back.Arrogance is one of the right terms to describe the cult.They practice that constantly.I see now how full of ourselves SO members were.That control thing makes a person feel better about hurting others.Glad glad to be out!❤️
Glad you are out. At the current rate in a year Scientology in America will lose another 30% of their members. Without some changes the cherch is a rotting corps dressed in new cloth.
Great post,especially the last line.❤️
Perhaps it’s time to issue an amnesty to LRH.
I think the telex machine on Target II is broken….or something….
Yes,you have to watch out for those Telex Machines.Never know when they will spring to life.I hope not and I hope to not have to tangle with them ever again!The chaos I caused trying to cope with electronic gadgets back then!❤️
They’ll need a pretty long cable. Perhaps the RPF could assist.
I think their using letters now. Oh, sure, it takes forever to get here, but, it’s a nice touch.
Ron could always CSW Santa Claus to deliver it, that is if he’s not been too naughty.
Or maybe you
Try this again. Or maybe you gotta clear it with the Marcab Confederacy.
For my vacation I’ll probably do Ibiza. Target Two I heard is not all it’s cracked up to be.
Dave’s more of an eye for an eye type guy, however, he may consider turning the other cheek when engaged in SCOHB related activities.
Amnesty = Ron playing God. That’s the trouble with Scientology; you’ve got LRH as source which sets up a master slave relationship. In the words of Hubbard himself, “what is good for the duck hunter is not necessarily good for the duck.”
Joe, I used to think amnesties were good. Course I also thought Hubbard was a genius. Boy was I wrong.
Hi BKmole,
What kind of ‘religion’ offers its adherents ‘amnesty’?
I don’t think it was compassion. It’s like when an abusive husband tells his wife how much he loves her the day after he kicks the you know what out of her.
…and then forgives her for her crimes.
The amnesties were to 1) get paying customers BACK and 2) to obtain future blackmail material (one had to always write up what crimes one had committed and turn them in BEFORE given “amnesty”).
Mike, have you noticed that there ads promoting, whatever, always says, bring your contacts, friends and anyone else you can scrounge up? Seriously, they may have only 14,000 members left….worldwide (laugh, snort, giggle).
Yes, I noticed that. I remember that beginning in the late 70’s when inflow was crashing. At that time AOSH & AOLA had about 75,000 people in their CF. Of that ,<30k were considered active in any 12 month period. It must be down to ~1,000 in the US Class V orgs now.
I hope so…
I don’t have the issue but I did accept the amnesty that was announced at the completion of the original Advanced Org Saint Hill Australia New Zealand in 1983. The RPF at the Big Blue were overjoyed to find that they were free, but somehow the message did not penetrate into the thick skulls of the Gold RPF.
They were in PAC to grab some warm bodies to work on construction at Gold, and silly little details like the amnesty from L Ron Hubbard were not allowed to deter them. I and about five others were hustled into a closed van and driven all the way over the rainbow.
They told us not to tell the other RPF about the amnesty. The story was that Hubbard was coming back to the Gold Base and that the Music Studio, his house and other construction projects had to be ready for him by 1 Sept. Completely impossible but that was the order.
So there we were, officially off the RPF but forced to work literally around the clock for days. And unable to tell the others that they were also off the RPF. Finally after about five days of straight no-sleep we were told about the amnesty. All we had to do was write up our crimes, get them approved and we were free! Imagine writing up your crimes for your whole Sea Org career on no sleep for days.
Then they came up with the idea of the “Gold Construction Team”, basically RPF but without the label. And everybody stayed at Gold. That was the start of my 21 years there.
So yes, I remember the amnesty. I also remember the travesty.
I would have told the pricks to F off.
I remember an amnesty that happened while I was on staff. Being a dedicated kool -aid imbiber, I truly thought that this was a fantastic opportunity to recover people who had fallen off the bridge to total freedom and get them winning again. It wasn’t until I was fully out of the cult that I had enough clarity to see how destructive scientology actually was. Bottom line: it’s a complete mind fuck.
There is really no question as to the purpose of an amnesty. It has nothing to do with saving someone’s eternity or whatever nonsense line is currently in vogue. It is ONLY about money, it’s ALWAYS about the money.
If someone was recovered with an amnesty they would be handled withe kid gloves and love bombs. They might get an ‘ARC break’ session free of charge. Of course that won’t be enough to handle what needs to be handled so off to the reg they go!
Not sure there was very much compassion involved, but it sure was about reeling people back. It’s important to note that the occasional “general amnesty” of yore was issued during a time when Scientology orgs were still able to get their statistics up. Like way up. And not fake up. Those times are over. Nowadays, when Scientologists say their statistics are going up they are either lying or represent a rare anomaly that Dear Leader’s henchmen will quickly suppress.
I do remember when a general amnesty was declared by the Delphian School in 1996. I’d been Comm-Ev’d off staff in 1990 (after I’d already left of course). The experience was surreal. I only went back once, and everybody was super nice to me, even if half of them were fake about it and a quarter of them were seething with resentment. I felt like that the resentful among them didn’t agree that their herculean efforts should create a situation where bottom feeders from the past should be allowed to come skipping back in with no consequences whatsoever for past misdeeds. Naturally, most of those resentful (and fake) folks were the ones I didn’t particularly like or get along with, so I made sure to gloat as much as possible. I’d run across one of them in the hallway and see their lips curve in something that resembled a smile which the eyes announced as fiction. (Really, so many Scientologists are just so completely fake.) I made sure to stop and engage them, and announce, “Wow! This Amnesty has been amazing! I’m loving just coming back after all this time and, um, re-connecting with you and everybody!” And I’d give them a big, big smile while they choked on their words and I went on my merry way. Good times.
Thank you I really echo your comment.One time in 1980 two GO Boston members knocked on my in-laws door of their house in Beacon Hill Boston.My mother in law invited them in for coffee thinking they were friends of mine.So I go upstairs for something Walter had an apartment that was in the basement but nice.Imagine my shock when two very well dressed men smiling those fake smiles stood up and asked me to go with them back to the Org which at that time was just around the corner.Butter would not curdle in their mouths fast enough.All this bs of oh we want you back bla bla and Mom in law asking if they wanted any tea cakes with their coffee.So surreal I wish I had a video looking back what a scene!The only thing I could think of on the spot was Opps I have a hair appointment.Got to go.And off I went.Mom in law told me later the two visitors stopped smiling got up and left in a hurry.So I love reading about your journey too.❤️❤️
A hair appointment! Ha! Let’s see:
“The whole agonized future of this planet, every man, woman and child on it, and your own destiny for the next endless trillions of years depend on what you do here and now with and in Scientology.”
Hair appointment
Decisions, decisions — what to decide? Hmm, guess I’ll go with the hair appointment.
I’m glad to say you made the right decision. At least those guys got some coffee.
Thank you angel.Coffee was my meal of choice those four years in.What is still funny is I thought those dudes would follow me to Mr.Charles at the Ritz.However I knew the back streets of Beantown better than they did ,so yes I picked the right door that time.❤️❤️
I do like the idea of amnesty.
I believe that under certain circumstances forgiveness and reconciliation are good things. But when actual damage has been done, reparations should be part of the process; enough reparations to dissolve rancor created by factual injustice.
So, as a sign of good faith:
Should Miscavige return any and all advanced payments owed to people who no longer wish to deal with the Co$ and
Should the Co$ return all monies fraudulently obtained via donations to the IAS or Ideal Orgs etc. and
Should the Co$ review all case folder and offer a refund of unnecessary auditing due to unneeded sec checks or bypassed F/Ns or other gross out-tech and
Should the Co$ cease and desist with disconnection, human trafficking, lying about their stats, and committing crimes with their Fair Game policy, then…
I will consider granting them an amnesty
LDW, Very good idea. Miscavige pulls out his old checkbook and pays back what he owes people and makes restitution to those he has damaged. I like it.
The last amnesty I remember seeing happened in the early 1990’s I don’t recall a flood of miscreants coming in for it though.
And that I think is the reason they don’t happen any more. Who, today, would want to go back?
ME! I mean, food they advertise looks fantastic!
Gee Gimpy, I guess that means El Con Admin “Tek” ain’t all it’s cracked up to be. 😉
Oh, it’s cracked alright…
I vaguely remember there were 2 amnesties in that period, in the 80s & 90s. While it felt like the humane and the right thing to do, not many responded, although a few did. I think I did a sec check on one. LDW above has the “flows” above correct though. It is indeed the Cof$ that should be making amends with returning money taken and begging forgiveness. Everything that micromanaged piece of shit of an organisation does is reversed.
An amnesty now by Miscavige would be a blessing. I’d get back in comm with ’em, sure would. Be fun in a macabre sort of way but I’d end up getting thrown out all over again but hopefully I’d take of a few ’em with me. Image me in a sec check now, an old, cantankerous, short tempered SOB correcting the auditor’s procedures and mannerisms, and that’s just on the can squeeze! Or maybe an OW write up with page after page of tech and policy alterations I read on the evil internet.
I know what I want for Christmas!
That was in 1993 at the overhyped IAS “war is over” to-do.
Yeah, you’re the IAS thingo was followed by an amnesty.
Oh Mike, just reread to the top of this post and had an extra chuckle.
What is a fully paid up OT?
Is there such a creature that could possibly EP the demand for $ from the Cof$?
Oh, Rex Fowler maybe?
I remember there was an amnesty in the early 80’s, but don’t remember what it was for. Either way to keep a relationship with family, my wife and I decided to utilize it. Part of my amends was to buy a couple of hundred TWTH booklets and hand them out. I bought them of course but they sat on a shelf for a few months before I hauled them into the garbage.
Even though we have family still in the cult and my wife and I have been disconnected from them, I would never apply for an amnesty. First of all, we would never be accepted back in but even if they did I would not compromise my integrity to ever be a part of that evil cult of disconnection/fair game/bogus tech/money grabbing. I tend to believe most declared SPs would ever take part in such a scam again or forward its evil ways. I think that the cult understand this and that is why they will never issue another amnesty. It would be a joke.
I think the one in the 80s was an LRH birthday event/present type of affair connected to a management reshuffle/reorganization. Remember those glossy booklets we were forced to study on the new command structure? Moonlight – heaven forbid video etc. Gee, the memory doesn’t work so good connected to that mess. It’s all a jumbled nightmare of trivial prooprtions now.
Who cares anyway?
The current atmosphere in Scn would never allow people back in unless they were uber rich.
This helping of RB is like leftover pizza…..its better the second time around
Love this comment Tommy J.RB I could read everything you have penned every day and just like cold pizza never ever get tired of you.I thank RB from my heart for his work.❤️?❤️
Love u Ann I hope u are doing fabulous!
TommyJ, Oh thank you,I just found this.All things in perspective I am doing well.All you sprites keep me going forward.XXOO❤️❤️??
You got that right!
U got something cold that goes with cold pizza? If so I’m on my way over!
Yes, Timeless! Hopefully not for long though.
As the above illustrates so well Compassion and Love will ALWAYS in the end win over Evil and Greed.
My suggestion to you Dave is to just issue a blanket declaration of the entire planet Teegeack as a bunch of SP’s. It’s very clear this planet is headed in the wrong direction and isn’t worth salvaging. Let’s find a planet worth saving.
True love and true friendship. Need I say more?
A great bottle of red wine?
Coming right up from the cellars OSD.❤️
And, somehow, the repeat was one I’d not seen before. How can I possibly admit such a shortcoming??? In any case, RB, you once more totally hit the target with this one. Thanks again!