Unfortunately, extenuating circumstances dictate a Regraded Being Redux again this week. RB selected another favorite, from March 2015. You get to enjoy another Regraded Being take on the scientology bubble you may never have seen (unless you are a long time reader of this blog) or may not really recall. RB promises to have all technical difficulties resolved for next week.
Regraded Being’s Greatest Hits. This is definitely one of them. Hilarious!
Fridays are always happily anticipated due to Regraded Being. I was thinking we’d see a new Regraded Being strip today, it’s like looking forward to going out to eat at your favorite restaurant where you heard they would have a new double-chocolate fudge chip cake, then when you get there, finding out that they only have the same coconut cake they had a few weeks back instead… but, all cake is good cake. I can eat coconut cake again. All Regraded Beings are good too. I can read them all again.
The only bad thing would be showing up at the restaurant to find out there is no cake at all… or showing up at Mike Rinder’s place to find there is no Regraded Being strip at all. That would be devastating.
My existence would be negatively impacted if there was no cake. Or no Regraded Being. And I still want to see them all put together in a book. Sign me up to buy several copies, please. I am #1 on waiting list.
Thank you, T.J.
This is Marty Rathbun to me:
I just love you Mike and I am not gay
I did not forget that cartoon.Was waiting for a new one.Looking forward to my RB Friday Fix.
Dear RB, There’s a huge backlog here at AVC. As soon as we get done with the all hands we’ll be able to give Issue Authority to your next batch. Sorry for the delay. ML, Petty Officer Gnasher McPhee
Looks like I’m gonna have to call a bypass to get this handled immediately… hereby giving authority to R.B. to issue new strip regardless of any obstacles. The Regraded Being strip is essential to the well-being of every man, woman and child at this blog, ho hold-ups can be tolerated. :p
“R.B., your upstat position with readers gets you a pass, but next week be ready by……. let’s see……….Thursday at 2 pm! That’s an unusual deadline so you can remember it.
I have no authority, your work is appreciated. So much attention to detail and more to see every time.
So many funny things. Love the flyer and how it manages to conflate and make fun of all the Michael Chans, Gavin Potters, and “Special Celebrity Guest Speakers To Be Announced” that are supposed to make people want to be fleeced by them. Love “psyche generated”; c’mon people, is it the psychs making you question your involvement in this con, or is it your own conscience?
Love the three attendees and how two of them are Sea Org plants to fill out the crowd. Knowing the Sea Org, the plants probably got instructions to engage with the speaker a little bit to help him pump up the crowd, but of course sabotaged themselves because they have no clue how actual human interaction works. The Eva Braun comparison is darkly apt and funny.
And, of course, the last panel, where the Sea Org compares so well to the Matrix. The Matrix may have no spoon, but the Sea Org has no toilet paper.
I sure hope RB is okay. This panel is definitely a keeper. Look forward to next week!
“WGAF” – my favorite station hahaha!!
RB you can sit onto of the highest mountain peak and dictate your work to the rising sun and I would love it all even more.You a a gem too.❤️??
Edit Ann You can sit ontop of ❤️
It is a nice precursor to the big Porn Valley funding event. How many of the confirms will suddenly have a family emergency. I would love to hear a report from a UTR attendee about the eaters vs big donors!
Do you think they’ll a bathing suit wrestling match between the two groups?
I don’t remember who said it, but someone at the Bunker said that only 600 active clams remain in the LA area. That number is not going to be able to support all of the clampires activities and infrastructure for much longer. A report of the ‘big event’ would be so cakey. As in Cake, not ca ca.
Well…if they are down to 600 active members in the greater L.A. area, then they really are in deep ca ca…..
Wonder what is meant by “active”? No way it means on course or on auditing every week. There are not NEARLY that many on services in those orgs weekly.
There may be Solo NUTS guys that are counted in there.
“Active,” in this sense, is someone who says they will be there, and then doesn’t show up because something else happened that needed their attention.
With accurate numbers being harder to come by in $cn than the winning powerball mega jackpot ones, it’s very hard to get any kind of a hard estimate. However, the actual numbers are probably of much less importance than the general trend, which by all accounts seems to have been on a very consistent downward trend for awhile now.
We have RB and just so many others to thank for their work in KSW (Keeping $cn Withering)… long may they run!
That may have been me, here, yesterday. It’s kind of a guess on my part, based on that long list of confirms for the Valley super-duper mega event that Mike posted. I figure those people are the real, active clams in the LA area. That’s all they can get for the biggest, bestest, most important-est Ideal Morgue planetwide! 600. Pretty sad. I am pleased 😀
Same as it ever was!
Same as it ever was!
Same as it ever was.
Was the same ever any different?
Nope! It’s still the same as it ever was…
No, not with El Con. Same criminal, different day.
No, it’s still the same as it ever was…
Sometimes I say to myself, “My God! What have I done?”
This may not qualify as an explanation:
I remember this cartoon, but not the bit on the posted where it says ‘spot the eaters’. If I could I bolted from big events as soon as the briefing part finished as I knew that the food was just an excuse to keep you there longer so you could be regged out of any money you might have left. Excellent observation RB.
I tried that. By then the “Patsy” sign was permanently embedded into my back. Trying to ditch out 5 min before the end warranted a KR.
I love the little touches, like the lack of toilet paper in the final frame.
I believe they’ve been out of toilet paper for several years now. I don’t even want to venture a guess as to what they’re using now…
Not only do they lack toilet paper, they lack sanity as well.
Go to Tony’s blog if you haven’t done so already.
BTW, great story about Hubbard telling a reporter, at 3am onboard Apollo that it is all just a con. Hubbard said he got a kick out of conning people smarter than him.
Wonder why it’s taken 51 years to get that story out? Has it ever been in film/print before? The guy, Charlie Nairn was journalist/documentary maker after all, he’s 85 now, born in Scotland too Dude. Maybe legal action taken against him by the Cof$. It’s an interesting story of that there is no doubt but I hope it can be verified, if that is possible after half a century.
I hope it gets verified too.
Yes, isn’t it interesting?
I’m surprised it didn’t come out sooner also.
Wasn’t there a print interview with this guy before?
Maybe not, maybe I just remember seeing parts of that film that had been cut out.
At three AM I suspect Ron was already chemically altered for the evening and sliding into hangover.
I can certainly see him half gloating/half confiding with this information.
And he always had plausible deniability on everything because he was such a “joker”.
As soon as I learnt about Arslycus, I knew LRH was mocking me. But I justified it, obviously. Somehow. There are so many other comments and jokes he made that I would often stop and wonder if he really was intent on scamming us. But then the thought-stopping mechanisms would kick in and on it would go.
Then there are the handful of old-time exs who recall Hubbard brazenly admitting that he was selling hypnosis and “a piece of blue sky”, etc. Are they to be believed?
Supposing he really knew what he was doing to his followers, telling Sarge in his final days that he had “failed” takes on a different meaning than the one I had always assumed (that he had failed to cure his or the world’s problems). Perhaps he was simply lamenting the fact he hadn’t “captured”, enslaved and indeed conquered the entire planet.
For as a complete dog of a cult guru once said:
“The basic thing man can’t or won’t confront is evil. These people who always rationalize evil behavior – ‘He wasn’t feeling well which is why he murdered the policeman,’ etc. – can be counted on to voice some theetie-weetie justification for somebody’s thoroughly evil conduct. Mr. X wrecks a house and you remark on it and Miss Theetie Weetie will feel compelled to say, ‘Oh, Mr. X had a poor childhood and he didn’t mean any wrong…’ She can’t confront the simple but evil fact that Mr. X is a complete dog.” — LRH, 18 September 1967, STUDY – COMPLEXITY AND CONFRONTING.
51 years. Seems a bit fishy. No recording of the interview?
If anyone hasn’t seen it yet, here is a link to a classic film clip of L.Ron Hubbard being interviewed on his ship. At the 12:52 mark he makes his remark about never having a second wife. Immediately before that he says he’s been married twice, and has 4 kids.
‘If you tell the truth, you don’t have to remember anything.’ – Mark Twain
El Con Tubbolard, being an inveterate liar could not be trusted to speak to anyone outside the bubble without letting something slip.
I’ve just always been confused by how he says: I’ve been married twice and have four children; my first wife is dead. Then a moment later he says: “I’ve never had a second wife”. Wait… what?? Didn’t he say he’s been married twice? How could he not have a second wife? It hurts my brain. Of course, he was actually married 3 times. Also, I believe he had 7 children, if you include Alexis by his non-existent second wife, which LRH did acknowledge her by an inscription dedicating a book to her soon after she was born; it was removed from later editions when he decided to cut her out of his life. Ironic that he wrote a book about successful marriages. I recently read an old interview with his son, L. Ron Hubbard Jr., in which he says things about LRH that really scared me.
T.J. don’t try to understand him. He was criminally insane. That’s all ya need to know.
Oh, I’m sure they can find plenty of paper in there.
Didn’t they print all those books and booklets no one wants ? Those things can finally be of use for something. A little hard on the butt cheeks, but you gotta do what you gotta do.
Wow. Wiping your ass with “Science of Survival “. That would be really theta!
Must create quite the MWH when they shake hands.
missed withhold…. shitty hands, shitty mind. Sanitary is something that group does not excel in. I guess it goes along with their poor diet and sleep deprivation. I’ve never eaten so poorly as when I was staff, coupled with lack of sleep, few clothes, no money… ah, what a mess of an organisation. It poisons more than just the mind.
Old Surfer Dude: I was in during the late 60s…and there was always a shortage of toilet paper. I always thought it was some sort of plot. Especially when the org was in Power! Never could figure out why they didn’t buy it by the case. It was always a few rolls at a time.