LOL, even the midget realizes that scientology is a scam. I wonder if he is the only person at Int to realize this fact? Probably so or he wouldn’t be able to control them.
since scientology is where science meets religion, I think scientology should have a key question asked of all members once they join or somehow convinced to join, maybe the key question could be something like:
now that you are a scientologist, and when you die, and come back, why we need proof you are you, so the key question we will ask you when you come back is – what is your favorite color?
This will be recorded in your current life PC folder.
It’s good to hear from so many good posts. I personally had many significantly great wins both as a PC as well as a word clearer. I use the tech and help people. The cherch on the other hand can just sorta go fuck itself. I do however really want the RPFers to escape and get whats left of their lives and experience normalcy once more.
Once again one of those things Scientologists do to others that they really should be applying to the organization itself.
Think about if Scientologist did that to Scientology… “When in doubt disconnect” Good protest slogan.
I was watching TV last night and had me one of those, you know… epiphany feeling type awareness rushes, all kind of in a hurry like, just like one of those event horizon thingo splashes. “Scientology is the religious dramatization of Fargo!” It even has snow white, their own language and everything.
RB’s got it nailed beyond the grave, just like its intended but reversed.
(I’m not losing it as this comment might suggest – I think I’m finding it all in a new unit of time).
Seriously, does anyone know someone who claims to have been a Scientologists in their immediate past life? Wasn’t Hubbard supposed to come back after 13 years? If so, he should be written up for being late…
I know of someone, family of sorts, who is in their 40s now, that claimed to be an SCNer in a previous life. A name was even given. I often wonder though if using the e-meter and “that”, “that” technique to a list of names may have been used. Yes, I often wonder and also often couldn’t give a shit – she is OT VIII now, totally dedicated and of course disconnected from us along with her entire family, kids, nieces, nephews etc.
OSD, At the org I trained at in the mid nineties, there was a young man who was supposedly a past life clear. I heard it said by several people including the D of P.
P.S. Did you know ‘I could give a fuck’ and ‘I couldn’t give a fuck’ have the same meaning.
So, if a ‘billion year’ Borg comes back they can’t believe them? At least, they can’t believe them until the past life freeloaders debt is paid. It is always about the money.
Welcome Back RB. Missed you but loved all your suberb strips.This one was brilliant especially the last line about what ti do if a Real Scientologist Came Back.You are pure genius.Thank you from my heart.❤️??
No. DM would throw LRH-2 into the deepest, darkest dungeon he has (next to Shelly), and have deaf/mutes bring him food. DM knows that LRH-2 would CRUCIFY him for destroying “his” organization. WARROUNK!
Another example of poorly-trained staff. Pretend to look for the folders, tell him you found them and that he had donated for his entire Bridge, but due to a very ugly ethics cycle, he used all his time up completing Grade IV. With that wrapped up nice and tidy, pull out the sheep shears and proceed as normal.
“That was absolutely mishandled by these ignorant staffers! Reincarnating $cilons are supposed to be welcomed back with open arms and shown the video of the glorious use to which DM has put all funds left on account by last life cherch members in creating all those magnificent Ideal Orgs. Then, when they’re awed to the theta-core of their true blue $cn hearts, that’s the moment they’re to be shown the very fine print portion of the agreement that they signed last lifetime which authorizes the cherch to transfer all unused funds left on account to the IAS. Then, quick like a bunny, the staff member is to whip a pre-printed IAS certificate designating them as a “Loyal Returning Officer” with all the rights, privileges and status to which these BIG Beings are to be accorded. With their hearts warmed and their new certificate in hand, only then are they to be routed to the reg for fleecing and the R-factor that everyone, including The Returned, have to retread their entire Bridge 😉
I wonder what kind of verification system they had for those failed “Whole Track Passports”? (Leave your estate to Scientology, then pick it up again next life.)
Ha! SOME of that is what happened to me. Just the last panel.
A couple of things for reference here. One is that there actually are policies that exist that make it so for a person even saying that they want to leave the SO to be declared “psychotic and insane”.
Another thing is that, since sometime in 1979 it has been that having taken LSD was a disqualification for joining the SO. It did not, however, disqualify a person who was already in the SO; if that was your case, then you could remain in. I was already in the SO by the time that this qualification went into effect.
In 2003 I had been in the RPF for about 5 years. From my point of view, quite unjustly. But that’s another story. (Believe it or not, 5 years in the RPF is only a middle-ish term of time in the RPF; many people with me at the time had been in much longer.)
I had served on staff and in the SO for 32 years at the time that this happened. I had one “vacation” in all that time, for four days if I recall correctly. I rarely even took a liberty. I thought being on post was that important.
I was routed out of the RPF in 2003 with my wife. (We are no longer married.) The reason for our route out was that our 15 year old son (who neither of us were allowed to see for years and who we had been split from since he was about 5 or 6 years old), finally rebelled about the whole experience and had become a bit of a pain in the ass for his seniors. My spouse and I had been having a bit of a rough time in the RPF, but we were continuing in our co-audits and doing “ok”. But the MAAs came and got us and told us that we were being routed out. And they told me that I could never return to the SO in that I had taken LSD in my teens and early twenties, before the SO.
I protested very much. Even though I was certainly not happy with the way things had been going for me in the SO, I was very dedicated to the group and was hungry to get back on post. (During the RPF as I continued on the program I went through numerous justice appeals with the intention to get my assignment repealed. I was quite upstat over trends at the time of the assignment.)
I mean, I was VERY upset. It was a surprise to me. I had no clue what was occurring with our son, and then, within the space of a few minutes, I had come to the understanding he had not been doing well and that we were all to leave the SO and that I could never come back. Policies exist and are enforced as well, that an ex-SO member also is not able to return to service as a staff member in a Class V org.
(When I say I was upset, I mean to say I was sobbing. I could not believe what was happening. Also it’s worth saying, I am not a cry baby! Except when it comes to some movies. I was a reg throughout 90% of my time in the SO, and I was treated in ways you might excuse crying, but it was not my way. My TRs were, generally, “in”!)
I don’t know who intervened, but it was decided that I could take a leave of absence, instead. I was very much relieved. The idea was that I would pay off my son’s FL debt (about $20,000 was adjudicated at the time) and then get him through his fitness board requirements – which was, basically, the KTL and LOC and any case requirements – I think, at the time, another 15K or so.
So, I figured, “wow!” I thought, it would take time, but it could be done.
Then I was told, FOs only allow a year off, max. That was a bit much, but I saw the FO and that is what it said, so I said, I best make it go right.
I went right to work. I joined staff at 20; I had barely graduated high school, I had zero skills, other than my admin skills learned on post.
All throughout the time I was on post I was indoctrinated that all the people who wore the 3d hats in Scientology were the people who were the best. That the WISE company people were “not so good” and that I should not hang with them. So, when I got out, I applied for work with twth, “The Earth Organization” and a few other ABLE groups. Other than as a volunteer, because of my ex-SO status: not allowed. So, I volunteered and found jobs to feed and house the family and hoped to make enough to pay off my son’s debt and get him through his program.
After about 10 months of being out, I saw that we were not going to pull it off. I had not been able to save any meaningful amount of money. So, I CSW’d to have an extension for the leave. It was disapproved.
I was given a Fitness Board within a month or two – pretty fast “justice”, for Scientology actually. It said that I was unfit for the SO and declared me psychotic and insane for wanting to leave (sic). (Realize that there had not been any “episode” or psychotic break, no one had ever called me that at any time in the SO; the adjudication was made solely due to my wanting to leave – even though I did not actually want to leave; I merely could not comply with their time restrictions.)
I protested. No one cared. I asked for a Committee of Evidence. I got one. I talked with all the people there and explained what had occurred, they all looked at me attentively and acknowledged me well; I figured that it was all a misunderstanding. A week or so later, I got my issue. I was out of the SO and had, in writing, an issue saying that I was psychotic and insane.
No one ever called from any org to ask about me or my family or our welfare. We’d get people who’d come by and ask for donations.
About the only place I have regularly seen Scientology orgs do well at in applying policy, is in applying policy to stop, and in applying punitive justice actions. Most organizations get an A+ at that.
I THINK (not sure), that I tried one more appeal action after that, that also failed. There had been, easily, five attempted justice appeals to my RPF assignment while in, and then this. It was just too many “flunks” in a row. I took a look at all my history in Scientology, from my best of times to these times. I considered all the people who had came to my house during my first year out, to reg me for the IAS; I thought of all the mailers I got about “IAS Casino Nights” and money pledges for Ideal Orgs. I looked at the prices of Scientology and the programs and the lack of people coming in, and I saw that I did not even recognize this Scientology anymore, and saw little too fight for. Ron had said in places that the world of Scientology should be a reflection of the better world we want to bring into being. It’s a pretty dismal reflection.
To clear up something poorly written here – I joined staff when I was 19. My “LSD time” was before that… I was not taking LSD when I was on staff! (I wish Mike’s blog let us come back and edit; I’d only get a “C” from my HS english teachers on this for grammar and punctuation.)
I totally get you, especially the part about it all being a reflection (example) of the better world we could bring into existence. In all I witnessed in my later years in the SO I too began to realize what an outpoint it was seeing everything going to hell inside a group that was supposed to personify and epitomize the road to total spiritual freedom.
One of the most obvious outpoints was when the List One witch hunt came out and approximately half of the staff (including such high ranking ones as LRH’s personal communicator and other folks who’d served with LRH on the ship since the beginning) were summarily pitched into the RPF. Every week yet another SO member was jettisoned and I began to wonder how so, so many folks could be SP when supposedly only 2.5% of the world are. I mean here were 50% of the staff going to the RPF and supposedly because they had evil intentions against LRH. Big outpoint; and one that like so many others that surfaced I always shoved aside (suppressed) with the idea that I just have too much missing data or I am too stupid and inexperienced to fully understand.
Eventually I began to consider leaving and making a life for myself back in the real world. But
I worried about the freeloaders debt and this pressed me to remain for quite a while. Then, an issue came out that said the org doesn’t want to keep people who don’t want to be there 100% and so a reduction in the FL debt was given (20% for each year of service, down to a maximum debt of $2000). What a relief! I jumped at the chance and routed out. Took about a week to do.
Now that was about the time DM was beginning to take over so things hadn’t descended to the money-grubbing catastrophe of today. So I suspect the issue on reduction of freeloaders debt was wiped out just like so many others. I also know of staff who were RPFed when I was still in who are still in the RPF today. In one case that’s 35 years. And so it would seem their assignments are merely a way to keep them under control and eliminating the FL debt reduction issue is just another.
Anyway, thanks for your story. I was inclined to weep a few tears but, like you, didn’t. 🙂
If you were in PAC, you were there at the same time I was there. I wonder if we could have known each other. If you’d like, shoot me a hello through FB.
I was a “Div head recruiter” and I got a lot of people in, who are still in. One fellow I talked with since being out was a fellow who told me that he had never taken LSD, but that had told anyone wanting to recruit him that he, definitely, had done so. It saved him a lot of time! A completely “harmless lie”. One day we’ll talk, OSD.
We can talk. To anyone we want. Consider other ideas and things besides Ronspew. Go places. Do things. Now THAT’S what I call “total freedom”! AAROOOUGH!
Your story of being in the Sea Org was a very sad one to me.
Personally I couldn’t give a monkey’s about the cult now. I personally believe that there is very little benefit in scientology, and that is only some of the basic courses.
The grades, to me, are simply a covert (or overt) form of hypnosis, and the OT levels are simply some of Hubbards failed scifi stories from his dysfunctional mind.
I certainly wouldn’t be following ANY philosophy written by someone who is a proven compulsive liar, and is evidently psychotic.
My era in scientology is finished. It actually finished almost 20 years ago……
However, I still respect people’s wishes, and if they want to be part of scientology of their own free will then that is fine by me.
I therefore find stories such as yours absolutely heartbreaking. You’ve given a hell of a lot of years of hard work and dedication to the group, only for them to treat you the way they did.
The most ethical group on the planet?????? I’d hate to be around if they actually WANTED to be out ethics……..
I still think we are all responsible for our own condition, and that’s not just Ron, but just about everyone who’s ever written a self-help book would agree.
I disagree with you about Scn being hypnotism. I know only a little about that subject, but I don’t agree with you or Atak or the others about that. I am willing to change my mind if I ever read any description of hypnotism that lines up with what I experienced.
I watched a youtube video of Pam Kemp explaining the circumstances of her departure. She mentions, iirc, that it would have been better for her spiritually if she had fought back every step of the way. I think, even now, that it would have been better if I had at least bloodied a few security guards noses on the way out.
I brought all this up not to get any sympathy (as I am sure you understand) but to point out that there’s a lot of callousness in the policies and flag orders that were thought to be necessary and that were used to “get things done”, even though they didn’t get much done.
With just a very few things changed, Scientology could even now be a vibrant force for positive change in the world. Amongst the most important things they need to change is to treat willing people a whole lot better than they do. I have seen so many people leave Scientology who had had wins. They were just treated VERY poorly.
“Ron, the Liar”? At some level, we are all “compulsive liars”, even if were to only mean the social niceties we use to paint the day.
When i was involved, amongst the word clearers, there were various dictionaries that became personal favorites for many of them. Amongst these was “A Dictionary of Contemporary American Usage” written by Bergan and Cornelia Evans.
Many of the brief essays that wrote on various words were amusing, and insightful – to me and some word clearers, at least.
Here is something they wrote about the related words, “art; artifice; artful; and artificial”
“The ordinary man mistrusts the skilled man, assuming(probably with full justification) that he will employ his skill unscrupulously to his own advantage. And the man who lacks a skill has
a tendency to revenge himself upon anyone who has it by despising him. Hence although
art keeps its primary meaning of skill or the product of a skill, it has a secondary meaning
of wiliness or trickery, and in most of its derivatives the derogatory meaning has come
to predominate.”
I am mentioning this in that I have seen, for myself, some rather clever and innovative people also have a rather dishonest streak in them.
And I feel that this is so with Hubbard as well, that there was certainly heaps of dishonesty in him, but an equal or greater share of innovation.
And I wonder if his dishonesty can be compartmentalized and set aside for a longish moment, and the workability or non-workability of the processes considered without any of that.
Even though the Evans say that the connotation of deceit is a consequence of the unskilled person’s prejudice or ignorance; I don’t think that is entirely so.
I have known many artists who have been very much deceitful, and I think that my view of such is without (much) prejudice.
These people seem to regard all reality as a fantasy; so it is not a big deal to warp and shape it with further fantasy.
“The lowest level of creation is a lie”. I think that’s a workable datum. In that the artist perceives a reality not yet brought about. Yet in his universe it is “true”. And he persists in that “truth” and it eventually holds true for others as well. But prior to the physical manifestation, only the artist (and his adherents) would argue for the truth of it. Others would say it’s a lie.
Thanks, Dan. I, too, found much that actually worked in scio, not only for myself but for others I watched. I studied and did hypnotism work in my late teens. Never found anything at all about the TRs to be “hypnotic”. Attak, and others, have sort of bent the TRs into what they want others to believe. I personally saw numerous folks who’s lives completely altered and who went on to make successes of their lives.
I managed to get a lot from almost all of the tech. Part of it was realizing that it was “I* who did the hard work and who deserved the credit. Not Ron, not the C/S, not even the auditor. It was I who dug into my “case” and found the answers I needed to change the way I lived and thought. And, of course, it was I who was responsible for any mistakes, errors or misjudgments which took place. Just as I am now. From my point of view, healthier than I’d been.
To be successfully responsible is NOT to blame oneself for errors made, but to ACCEPT responsibility of everyone in one’s life. You don’t like some part of your life. Who else can change it but YOU!
Dan Locke, what a story of dedication and persistence and sacrifice. It is a shame that they wasted good staff like you. But aren’t you so glad you are not only out of the SO now but you’re out of the church after seeing what DM did to it? I just haven’t connected the dots as to how you ended up living somewhere in Asia or Thailand? Or do I have that part wrong?
In Ecuador. I am happy here. I wish I had been a tougher nut and made a scene about how crazy it had become as I was exited out. Maybe I’ll get another chance!
That’s an amazing story Dan Locke, thank you for sharing it. I really feel for you and what you went through, it wasn’t fair or right. *virtual hugs* I cannot understand why a life-long dedicated member would be treated this poorly, but there have been many others with similar experiences. I hope you are doing well now and that life is good for you and yours.
Another amazing story of sacrifice and commitment (by you) and abuse by the CoS. Your service is not wasted. You assisted many people selflessly. Your story demonstrates how much good people will go through to help their fellows when they believe that they are truly helping them. Unfortunately the CoS has degraded into a mest scheme to benefit DM. To think that he (DM) could have real admiration had he only moved forward with the original objectives set forth by Ron. What a fool he is. His own future looks very bleak. His next trillion years will be difficult for him.
As much as I admired the man in many respects, it is true that Ron planted the seeds of the Church’s destruction in the FOs that he wrote and in the way that he treated so many others. Mine is a minor example. Ron, personally, put a LOT of heads on pikes. The heads of people who had sacrificed as much or more than I did; people like me, who loved him more than anyone or anything else in the world. He was a caring person, indeed, but a LONG way from all the time. He was also deluded. He was paranoid of good people who meant nothing but the best for him and the group, and he inculcated that into his managers.
“When in Doubt Disconnect.” Very funny – sort of –
Reminds me of my son writing up his overts because he was in Doubt as to whether or not to disconnect from me. He definitely learned that if he wants to save himself extended pain and agony, just do the greatest good for the church of scientology but then that’s another RB strip.
Finally RB is back on Friday.
Hilarious.Thanks RB for helping us to understand what goes on in the heads of the still-ins.
If you are out a long time or have never been on staff you cannot imagine this mindset anymore.
These three videos explain a lot of what’s happening with the cherch. Please listen in sequence. Very interesting.
LOL, even the midget realizes that scientology is a scam. I wonder if he is the only person at Int to realize this fact? Probably so or he wouldn’t be able to control them.
since scientology is where science meets religion, I think scientology should have a key question asked of all members once they join or somehow convinced to join, maybe the key question could be something like:
now that you are a scientologist, and when you die, and come back, why we need proof you are you, so the key question we will ask you when you come back is – what is your favorite color?
This will be recorded in your current life PC folder.
It’s good to hear from so many good posts. I personally had many significantly great wins both as a PC as well as a word clearer. I use the tech and help people. The cherch on the other hand can just sorta go fuck itself. I do however really want the RPFers to escape and get whats left of their lives and experience normalcy once more.
Ron. Thank you for that. Some have had great wins with what Ron wrote. Some have actually gone whole track and have had gains from that.
This is what COB and the cherch are doing all the time, IMHO. Feel free to share.
“When in doubt disconnect”
Thats funny in an ironic way, but to the point.
Once again one of those things Scientologists do to others that they really should be applying to the organization itself.
Think about if Scientologist did that to Scientology… “When in doubt disconnect” Good protest slogan.
I was watching TV last night and had me one of those, you know… epiphany feeling type awareness rushes, all kind of in a hurry like, just like one of those event horizon thingo splashes. “Scientology is the religious dramatization of Fargo!” It even has snow white, their own language and everything.
RB’s got it nailed beyond the grave, just like its intended but reversed.
(I’m not losing it as this comment might suggest – I think I’m finding it all in a new unit of time).
Welcome back RB. Poor whole track scientologist…. no one believes him.
Thanks for another great Friday comic strip Regraded Being!
Seriously, does anyone know someone who claims to have been a Scientologists in their immediate past life? Wasn’t Hubbard supposed to come back after 13 years? If so, he should be written up for being late…
I know of someone, family of sorts, who is in their 40s now, that claimed to be an SCNer in a previous life. A name was even given. I often wonder though if using the e-meter and “that”, “that” technique to a list of names may have been used. Yes, I often wonder and also often couldn’t give a shit – she is OT VIII now, totally dedicated and of course disconnected from us along with her entire family, kids, nieces, nephews etc.
“Yes, I often wonder and also often couldn’t give a shit…”
ROTFLMFAO!!! Whew, CPO! Now that’s some funny shit!
Perhaps Hubbard lost the address…
Yeah, yeah, dat’s da ticket…
OSD, At the org I trained at in the mid nineties, there was a young man who was supposedly a past life clear. I heard it said by several people including the D of P.
P.S. Did you know ‘I could give a fuck’ and ‘I couldn’t give a fuck’ have the same meaning.
So, if a ‘billion year’ Borg comes back they can’t believe them? At least, they can’t believe them until the past life freeloaders debt is paid. It is always about the money.
Welcome Back RB. Missed you but loved all your suberb strips.This one was brilliant especially the last line about what ti do if a Real Scientologist Came Back.You are pure genius.Thank you from my heart.❤️??
What do you think will happen if Ron comes back and says he’s Ron? Off loaded as Type 3 ?
No. He’d be tarred and feathered & run out of town on a rail…
Sent to the reg like everyone else.
No. DM would throw LRH-2 into the deepest, darkest dungeon he has (next to Shelly), and have deaf/mutes bring him food. DM knows that LRH-2 would CRUCIFY him for destroying “his” organization. WARROUNK!
Can anyone see Demento Mashwithcabbage voluntarily stepping aside if Large Raging Hubris came back?
Another example of poorly-trained staff. Pretend to look for the folders, tell him you found them and that he had donated for his entire Bridge, but due to a very ugly ethics cycle, he used all his time up completing Grade IV. With that wrapped up nice and tidy, pull out the sheep shears and proceed as normal.
“That was absolutely mishandled by these ignorant staffers! Reincarnating $cilons are supposed to be welcomed back with open arms and shown the video of the glorious use to which DM has put all funds left on account by last life cherch members in creating all those magnificent Ideal Orgs. Then, when they’re awed to the theta-core of their true blue $cn hearts, that’s the moment they’re to be shown the very fine print portion of the agreement that they signed last lifetime which authorizes the cherch to transfer all unused funds left on account to the IAS. Then, quick like a bunny, the staff member is to whip a pre-printed IAS certificate designating them as a “Loyal Returning Officer” with all the rights, privileges and status to which these BIG Beings are to be accorded. With their hearts warmed and their new certificate in hand, only then are they to be routed to the reg for fleecing and the R-factor that everyone, including The Returned, have to retread their entire Bridge 😉
I have to admit, your way is much evil-er. 😉
Harpoona, bad bad Harpoona. Now they have ideas. Look for a “loyal returning officer” at the next IAS ball.
“We want to come back but some idiot is charge and we can’t get rid of him.”
“I came back but some asshole routed me to the RPF>”
My copy editing sucks.
I wonder what kind of verification system they had for those failed “Whole Track Passports”? (Leave your estate to Scientology, then pick it up again next life.)
Ha! SOME of that is what happened to me. Just the last panel.
A couple of things for reference here. One is that there actually are policies that exist that make it so for a person even saying that they want to leave the SO to be declared “psychotic and insane”.
Another thing is that, since sometime in 1979 it has been that having taken LSD was a disqualification for joining the SO. It did not, however, disqualify a person who was already in the SO; if that was your case, then you could remain in. I was already in the SO by the time that this qualification went into effect.
In 2003 I had been in the RPF for about 5 years. From my point of view, quite unjustly. But that’s another story. (Believe it or not, 5 years in the RPF is only a middle-ish term of time in the RPF; many people with me at the time had been in much longer.)
I had served on staff and in the SO for 32 years at the time that this happened. I had one “vacation” in all that time, for four days if I recall correctly. I rarely even took a liberty. I thought being on post was that important.
I was routed out of the RPF in 2003 with my wife. (We are no longer married.) The reason for our route out was that our 15 year old son (who neither of us were allowed to see for years and who we had been split from since he was about 5 or 6 years old), finally rebelled about the whole experience and had become a bit of a pain in the ass for his seniors. My spouse and I had been having a bit of a rough time in the RPF, but we were continuing in our co-audits and doing “ok”. But the MAAs came and got us and told us that we were being routed out. And they told me that I could never return to the SO in that I had taken LSD in my teens and early twenties, before the SO.
I protested very much. Even though I was certainly not happy with the way things had been going for me in the SO, I was very dedicated to the group and was hungry to get back on post. (During the RPF as I continued on the program I went through numerous justice appeals with the intention to get my assignment repealed. I was quite upstat over trends at the time of the assignment.)
I mean, I was VERY upset. It was a surprise to me. I had no clue what was occurring with our son, and then, within the space of a few minutes, I had come to the understanding he had not been doing well and that we were all to leave the SO and that I could never come back. Policies exist and are enforced as well, that an ex-SO member also is not able to return to service as a staff member in a Class V org.
(When I say I was upset, I mean to say I was sobbing. I could not believe what was happening. Also it’s worth saying, I am not a cry baby! Except when it comes to some movies. I was a reg throughout 90% of my time in the SO, and I was treated in ways you might excuse crying, but it was not my way. My TRs were, generally, “in”!)
I don’t know who intervened, but it was decided that I could take a leave of absence, instead. I was very much relieved. The idea was that I would pay off my son’s FL debt (about $20,000 was adjudicated at the time) and then get him through his fitness board requirements – which was, basically, the KTL and LOC and any case requirements – I think, at the time, another 15K or so.
So, I figured, “wow!” I thought, it would take time, but it could be done.
Then I was told, FOs only allow a year off, max. That was a bit much, but I saw the FO and that is what it said, so I said, I best make it go right.
I went right to work. I joined staff at 20; I had barely graduated high school, I had zero skills, other than my admin skills learned on post.
All throughout the time I was on post I was indoctrinated that all the people who wore the 3d hats in Scientology were the people who were the best. That the WISE company people were “not so good” and that I should not hang with them. So, when I got out, I applied for work with twth, “The Earth Organization” and a few other ABLE groups. Other than as a volunteer, because of my ex-SO status: not allowed. So, I volunteered and found jobs to feed and house the family and hoped to make enough to pay off my son’s debt and get him through his program.
After about 10 months of being out, I saw that we were not going to pull it off. I had not been able to save any meaningful amount of money. So, I CSW’d to have an extension for the leave. It was disapproved.
I was given a Fitness Board within a month or two – pretty fast “justice”, for Scientology actually. It said that I was unfit for the SO and declared me psychotic and insane for wanting to leave (sic). (Realize that there had not been any “episode” or psychotic break, no one had ever called me that at any time in the SO; the adjudication was made solely due to my wanting to leave – even though I did not actually want to leave; I merely could not comply with their time restrictions.)
I protested. No one cared. I asked for a Committee of Evidence. I got one. I talked with all the people there and explained what had occurred, they all looked at me attentively and acknowledged me well; I figured that it was all a misunderstanding. A week or so later, I got my issue. I was out of the SO and had, in writing, an issue saying that I was psychotic and insane.
No one ever called from any org to ask about me or my family or our welfare. We’d get people who’d come by and ask for donations.
About the only place I have regularly seen Scientology orgs do well at in applying policy, is in applying policy to stop, and in applying punitive justice actions. Most organizations get an A+ at that.
I THINK (not sure), that I tried one more appeal action after that, that also failed. There had been, easily, five attempted justice appeals to my RPF assignment while in, and then this. It was just too many “flunks” in a row. I took a look at all my history in Scientology, from my best of times to these times. I considered all the people who had came to my house during my first year out, to reg me for the IAS; I thought of all the mailers I got about “IAS Casino Nights” and money pledges for Ideal Orgs. I looked at the prices of Scientology and the programs and the lack of people coming in, and I saw that I did not even recognize this Scientology anymore, and saw little too fight for. Ron had said in places that the world of Scientology should be a reflection of the better world we want to bring into being. It’s a pretty dismal reflection.
To clear up something poorly written here – I joined staff when I was 19. My “LSD time” was before that… I was not taking LSD when I was on staff! (I wish Mike’s blog let us come back and edit; I’d only get a “C” from my HS english teachers on this for grammar and punctuation.)
I totally get you, especially the part about it all being a reflection (example) of the better world we could bring into existence. In all I witnessed in my later years in the SO I too began to realize what an outpoint it was seeing everything going to hell inside a group that was supposed to personify and epitomize the road to total spiritual freedom.
One of the most obvious outpoints was when the List One witch hunt came out and approximately half of the staff (including such high ranking ones as LRH’s personal communicator and other folks who’d served with LRH on the ship since the beginning) were summarily pitched into the RPF. Every week yet another SO member was jettisoned and I began to wonder how so, so many folks could be SP when supposedly only 2.5% of the world are. I mean here were 50% of the staff going to the RPF and supposedly because they had evil intentions against LRH. Big outpoint; and one that like so many others that surfaced I always shoved aside (suppressed) with the idea that I just have too much missing data or I am too stupid and inexperienced to fully understand.
Eventually I began to consider leaving and making a life for myself back in the real world. But
I worried about the freeloaders debt and this pressed me to remain for quite a while. Then, an issue came out that said the org doesn’t want to keep people who don’t want to be there 100% and so a reduction in the FL debt was given (20% for each year of service, down to a maximum debt of $2000). What a relief! I jumped at the chance and routed out. Took about a week to do.
Now that was about the time DM was beginning to take over so things hadn’t descended to the money-grubbing catastrophe of today. So I suspect the issue on reduction of freeloaders debt was wiped out just like so many others. I also know of staff who were RPFed when I was still in who are still in the RPF today. In one case that’s 35 years. And so it would seem their assignments are merely a way to keep them under control and eliminating the FL debt reduction issue is just another.
Anyway, thanks for your story. I was inclined to weep a few tears but, like you, didn’t. 🙂
If you were in PAC, you were there at the same time I was there. I wonder if we could have known each other. If you’d like, shoot me a hello through FB.
Glad you fought back the tears! No case on post!
Dan, LSD saved me from the SO! I’ll always be grateful for that ‘trip.’
I was a “Div head recruiter” and I got a lot of people in, who are still in. One fellow I talked with since being out was a fellow who told me that he had never taken LSD, but that had told anyone wanting to recruit him that he, definitely, had done so. It saved him a lot of time! A completely “harmless lie”. One day we’ll talk, OSD.
Yes, we will talk…
We can talk. To anyone we want. Consider other ideas and things besides Ronspew. Go places. Do things. Now THAT’S what I call “total freedom”! AAROOOUGH!
Me too. Thank God for our debauched ways and willingness to venture forth into states unknown. Yipeee… ride that ride…
Hi Dan.
Your story of being in the Sea Org was a very sad one to me.
Personally I couldn’t give a monkey’s about the cult now. I personally believe that there is very little benefit in scientology, and that is only some of the basic courses.
The grades, to me, are simply a covert (or overt) form of hypnosis, and the OT levels are simply some of Hubbards failed scifi stories from his dysfunctional mind.
I certainly wouldn’t be following ANY philosophy written by someone who is a proven compulsive liar, and is evidently psychotic.
My era in scientology is finished. It actually finished almost 20 years ago……
However, I still respect people’s wishes, and if they want to be part of scientology of their own free will then that is fine by me.
I therefore find stories such as yours absolutely heartbreaking. You’ve given a hell of a lot of years of hard work and dedication to the group, only for them to treat you the way they did.
The most ethical group on the planet?????? I’d hate to be around if they actually WANTED to be out ethics……..
I still think we are all responsible for our own condition, and that’s not just Ron, but just about everyone who’s ever written a self-help book would agree.
I disagree with you about Scn being hypnotism. I know only a little about that subject, but I don’t agree with you or Atak or the others about that. I am willing to change my mind if I ever read any description of hypnotism that lines up with what I experienced.
I watched a youtube video of Pam Kemp explaining the circumstances of her departure. She mentions, iirc, that it would have been better for her spiritually if she had fought back every step of the way. I think, even now, that it would have been better if I had at least bloodied a few security guards noses on the way out.
I brought all this up not to get any sympathy (as I am sure you understand) but to point out that there’s a lot of callousness in the policies and flag orders that were thought to be necessary and that were used to “get things done”, even though they didn’t get much done.
With just a very few things changed, Scientology could even now be a vibrant force for positive change in the world. Amongst the most important things they need to change is to treat willing people a whole lot better than they do. I have seen so many people leave Scientology who had had wins. They were just treated VERY poorly.
“Ron, the Liar”? At some level, we are all “compulsive liars”, even if were to only mean the social niceties we use to paint the day.
When i was involved, amongst the word clearers, there were various dictionaries that became personal favorites for many of them. Amongst these was “A Dictionary of Contemporary American Usage” written by Bergan and Cornelia Evans.
Many of the brief essays that wrote on various words were amusing, and insightful – to me and some word clearers, at least.
Here is something they wrote about the related words, “art; artifice; artful; and artificial”
“The ordinary man mistrusts the skilled man, assuming(probably with full justification) that he will employ his skill unscrupulously to his own advantage. And the man who lacks a skill has
a tendency to revenge himself upon anyone who has it by despising him. Hence although
art keeps its primary meaning of skill or the product of a skill, it has a secondary meaning
of wiliness or trickery, and in most of its derivatives the derogatory meaning has come
to predominate.”
I am mentioning this in that I have seen, for myself, some rather clever and innovative people also have a rather dishonest streak in them.
And I feel that this is so with Hubbard as well, that there was certainly heaps of dishonesty in him, but an equal or greater share of innovation.
And I wonder if his dishonesty can be compartmentalized and set aside for a longish moment, and the workability or non-workability of the processes considered without any of that.
Even though the Evans say that the connotation of deceit is a consequence of the unskilled person’s prejudice or ignorance; I don’t think that is entirely so.
I have known many artists who have been very much deceitful, and I think that my view of such is without (much) prejudice.
These people seem to regard all reality as a fantasy; so it is not a big deal to warp and shape it with further fantasy.
“The lowest level of creation is a lie”. I think that’s a workable datum. In that the artist perceives a reality not yet brought about. Yet in his universe it is “true”. And he persists in that “truth” and it eventually holds true for others as well. But prior to the physical manifestation, only the artist (and his adherents) would argue for the truth of it. Others would say it’s a lie.
Thanks, Dan. I, too, found much that actually worked in scio, not only for myself but for others I watched. I studied and did hypnotism work in my late teens. Never found anything at all about the TRs to be “hypnotic”. Attak, and others, have sort of bent the TRs into what they want others to believe. I personally saw numerous folks who’s lives completely altered and who went on to make successes of their lives.
I managed to get a lot from almost all of the tech. Part of it was realizing that it was “I* who did the hard work and who deserved the credit. Not Ron, not the C/S, not even the auditor. It was I who dug into my “case” and found the answers I needed to change the way I lived and thought. And, of course, it was I who was responsible for any mistakes, errors or misjudgments which took place. Just as I am now. From my point of view, healthier than I’d been.
To be successfully responsible is NOT to blame oneself for errors made, but to ACCEPT responsibility of everyone in one’s life. You don’t like some part of your life. Who else can change it but YOU!
thanks for the great read.
You so hit the nail on the head, Dan. Thanks.
Dan Locke, what a story of dedication and persistence and sacrifice. It is a shame that they wasted good staff like you. But aren’t you so glad you are not only out of the SO now but you’re out of the church after seeing what DM did to it? I just haven’t connected the dots as to how you ended up living somewhere in Asia or Thailand? Or do I have that part wrong?
In Ecuador. I am happy here. I wish I had been a tougher nut and made a scene about how crazy it had become as I was exited out. Maybe I’ll get another chance!
You’re already doing that, simply by posting your story here. VVWD!
Nice place to live, Dan.
That’s an amazing story Dan Locke, thank you for sharing it. I really feel for you and what you went through, it wasn’t fair or right. *virtual hugs* I cannot understand why a life-long dedicated member would be treated this poorly, but there have been many others with similar experiences. I hope you are doing well now and that life is good for you and yours.
yes, all is well. thanks for your friendly reply.
Hi Dan,
Another amazing story of sacrifice and commitment (by you) and abuse by the CoS. Your service is not wasted. You assisted many people selflessly. Your story demonstrates how much good people will go through to help their fellows when they believe that they are truly helping them. Unfortunately the CoS has degraded into a mest scheme to benefit DM. To think that he (DM) could have real admiration had he only moved forward with the original objectives set forth by Ron. What a fool he is. His own future looks very bleak. His next trillion years will be difficult for him.
As much as I admired the man in many respects, it is true that Ron planted the seeds of the Church’s destruction in the FOs that he wrote and in the way that he treated so many others. Mine is a minor example. Ron, personally, put a LOT of heads on pikes. The heads of people who had sacrificed as much or more than I did; people like me, who loved him more than anyone or anything else in the world. He was a caring person, indeed, but a LONG way from all the time. He was also deluded. He was paranoid of good people who meant nothing but the best for him and the group, and he inculcated that into his managers.
OH RB I missed you.. but you are always worth the wait. This is great. Have a great weekend everyone..and Stay Safe Florida.
Welcome back RB.
“When in Doubt Disconnect.” Very funny – sort of –
Reminds me of my son writing up his overts because he was in Doubt as to whether or not to disconnect from me. He definitely learned that if he wants to save himself extended pain and agony, just do the greatest good for the church of scientology but then that’s another RB strip.
This one hits the mark – again.
Like the old, “shoot first & see what you’ve shot later.”
Lovely to have you back, RB! You’ve been missed greatly! And this one was a real dart in the eye. Bring it on, m’lad!!!
Finally RB is back on Friday.
Hilarious.Thanks RB for helping us to understand what goes on in the heads of the still-ins.
If you are out a long time or have never been on staff you cannot imagine this mindset anymore.
My stomachs hurts. This one had me laughing so hard.