Very good RB. Just goes to show in cartoon form that what is real or forced upon some often has really nothing to do with or is completely separate to the fact you can 2 way comm it, (the cows seldom, if ever come home). The two aren’t always compatible but Scientologists are firmly brainwashed to believe that everything is handled ‘in the now’ by the universal solvent, which eventually, will always direct you to handing over more money to Scientology. Axiom Zero, ‘continued communication = money’. Just find the reality and affinity to make it so. Understand?
The stupidity is laughable in a weird sort of mushy way but Scientology does nothing else but create problems. Round and round the wheel goes…
Each state will have to outlaw abortions separately from Roe v Wade, so it will depend on the state. California will probably not be any issue, but woe to Floridians…
She looks pretty tired already and the baby has only been there for a few days, better pay for a revitalization rundown!
Seventh dynamic edition of the way to happiness book.
How do you dedicate The Way to Happiness to the Supreme Being?
Supreme Being is the 8th dynamic (sort of).
7th is spirits
Whoops! Thanks for the clarification.
Very good RB. Just goes to show in cartoon form that what is real or forced upon some often has really nothing to do with or is completely separate to the fact you can 2 way comm it, (the cows seldom, if ever come home). The two aren’t always compatible but Scientologists are firmly brainwashed to believe that everything is handled ‘in the now’ by the universal solvent, which eventually, will always direct you to handing over more money to Scientology. Axiom Zero, ‘continued communication = money’. Just find the reality and affinity to make it so. Understand?
The stupidity is laughable in a weird sort of mushy way but Scientology does nothing else but create problems. Round and round the wheel goes…
Mike, I thought SO members could not get pregnant without routing out. Is there something I’m missing?
Cartoon license….
I think that if they thought that they could get away with it they would have ordered her to get an abortion after the child was born
How are they going to force abortions if Wade Vs Roe gets struck down and who’s going to take the fall if it happens.
Each state will have to outlaw abortions separately from Roe v Wade, so it will depend on the state. California will probably not be any issue, but woe to Floridians…
I’m sure those downstate preggers will have to pay the Org back for the RT ticket to CA from FL.
And, these are the folks who are going to protect the planet from war, strife, markabs, BTs, unhappiness, and insanity????????????
Shows they are perfectly qualified to take on the big planet saving job, if they believe in BTs, markabs (as you say), etc.
Kind of a prerequisite to being a Scientologist, willingness to buy giant crackpottery.
There’s a funny Australian comedy sketch, the Gullibility Meter sketch.
Too much money is apparently not enough for some people.
And too much debt is not enough for rank and file $cientology dupes.