Scientology is what happens to you while you are making other plans. Hope Miscavige doesn’t hate that shade of blue and makes them paint it back the way it was.
To: Aquamarine
From: David Miscavige COB RTC
Re: hitting Tom Cruise with a cake.
To: David Miscavige COB RTC
From: Alcoboy
Re: Shanaynay Muhammad aka Bootylicious
So help me if she shows up on my doorstep she’s getting cake in her face!
And I don’t mean some stupid Tom Cruise white chocolate Bundt cake with coconut or whatever it is!
More like that chocolate pie Miss Hilly ate in that movie ‘The Help’!
Your gallantry is beyond admirable and your bravery unsurpassed on this planet and in this universe. I feel completely protected and utterly safe to act out or speak out against The Evil One whenever the spirit moves me, which is frequently, For this I am deeply in your debt. You and I will have to meet someday ๐
Of all the events I ever attended as Sea Org, (1976 to 2003), the best was one in the 1980s, at PAC, they ordered a huge Dianetics Birthday cake, so huge, they couldn’t eat it all at the event at the Shrine. Or hotel forget where it was, but I think it was the Shrine.
Anyways, they hauled the huge cake back to the complex, and we couldn’t eat it for a week. We had endless cake for a week, at dinner meals.
PAC food was ups and downs, everyone who ate it through the 1970s, 80s, 90s, knows. It actually got really good in the 2000s, when I was on the RPF in PAC, Nov 2000 to Mar 2003. No complaints from me, whoever over the decades improved the PAC chow, even to RPFers, thanks.
(My brother says I’m easy to please, true, and my single parent father was a bachelor quality cook, so Sea Org chow was almost always better than my history of home cooking.).
Does anyone remember Les Platinsky, I think he was from Miami, joined Sea Org and was the Flag Crew chef and he made incredible meals in 1976 or so, for the short time he was in Flag’s crew galley. Makes me also think of the time AVC lady Arden Hanson was busted to the galley, and we were eating rice and beans, but she made special beans and special rice, it tasked great.
Oh man I belly laughed. Ah yes, lowly Sea Org Shlepps just trying to get a few good bites of havingness in. The scheming to get an extra layer of cake or an Oreo. LMFAO
And yet some of them are quite fat. Could that be because apart from the ubiquitous rice and beans SO food is actually junk food? Lots of processed sugar and white flour and cheap carbs like white pasta?
Or is that different echelons of Sea Ogres get different menus?
We joke about Sea Org members going hungry on rice and beans. I lived for 2 years in a very poor country wherein the large, extremely poor peasant class which was the majority of the population subsisted largely on rice and beans. That’s all they ate, every day, along with a few greens and a little fruit. These people were not fat.
Its obvious to me that some Sea Ogres get plenty to eat. Possibly the chunkier ones are the more senior officers who get meat, eggs and cheese and other dairy as well as desserts along with their rice and beans…? Because nobody get fat on a diet of largely rice and beans, this I know for sure.
What about the mighty midget? He’s pretty slender. How does…
Hold on. Comm particle coming in.
Ah, noooooooooooooo!
To: Alcoboy
From: David Miscavige COB RTC
Re: my physique.
To: David Miscavige COB RTC aka Slappy
From: Alcoboy
Re: how you stay healthy.
I’m willing to wager that copious amounts of scotch has something to do with it.
After all, alcohol is the universal preservative.
The details of everyone’s lives around Hubbard, the trickle down, it’s hard to accept Hubbard would treat his own kids worse or equal to crew. It reflects Hubbard’s views of “thetans” (us as souls that transmigrate lifetime to lifetime) so Hubbard could even think his kids were more just thetans who transmigrated into Mary Sue to be in their little fetus bodies, to then be Hubbard’s kids, and that Hubbard looked upon his kids as not mere biological offspring, but as souls who’d chosen and succeeded to inhabit bodies close to him, familiarly.
It’s hard to fathom all the layers of ideas rolling through Hubbard’s head.
Now, in hindsight, I wish of course all well who intersected with Hubbard.
I felt that the kids didn’t necessarily “deserve” the fruits of the cult money making “business” though.
When I was at ASI, I read the long LRH “legal” advice re what was to be done when he died, I guess it was the text of the will he wrote, since it sounded like him, and it was in the ASI computer text of his ASI traffic, so that means it must have been written to ASI staff when he wrote it, like it was written to Starkey,Miscavige,Lyman,Marty.
I proofread the ASI traffic, multiple times some of it, due to there being in the ASI computer system multiple copies of all of the “ASI traffic” from LRH. And there were several projects that Maria Starkey and someone earlier, had started, because LRH, you know Jere, LRH always was into “hatting” for his staffs, and he wrote stuff to ASI, like LRH wrote to other units particularly Cine staff and to Audio staff, and he intended that stuff to be turned into “hatting issues” and “issue type” issues.
The legal writings re the kids I personally thought “fair” in that we, and the kids, had to look upon ourselves as “staff”.
LRH didn’t say anything condemnatory at all about the kids or about Mary Sue, in the ASI writings I proofread.
All I recall is he said in this “will” text document, which didn’t say will on it, it said if I recall correctly, 50 Gs per kid, and 100 Gs for Mary Sue. She got more, and the kids I think have monthly stipends or something like that, fine.
I always felt though, that it is like “blood money” in that it’s money drawn from essentially people hoping hoping hoping that the “tech” (the quackery pseudo-therapy and exorcism) that the followers paid for, or in the case of staffs they worked and were NOT paid normal salaries or even minimum wages, and the “profits” of the whole operation is truly extracted and the followers and staffs are being exploited under the “religion” legal loopholes especially in the USA where other major traditional religions have legally gotten away with paying their nuns and monks and “religious workers” a pittance and moved their fundraising (donations gathering) profits up to the “leaders” or hierarchy above the nuns/monks/religious-workers “class” of the traditional religions.
Religion money arrangements, for all concerned in that religion, ought to be all laid next to one another and then you can see how Scientology’s way way taking advantage of the staff precedents other traditional religions have set.
Back to the kids, this all said, I figured they deserved a little more than average, but honestly they are just “souls” each of them, and come to have “won” the rebirth into LRH’s “family” biologically, and thus really aren’t to be given too much of the cult profits.
And the harder mentality for them to shed, is both the theory of the soul and their beliefs they are cosmically special to have “returned” into bodies offspring so close to LRH (if you think of LRH as a mult lifetimes “Master” teacher spreader of “tech” to undo the spiritual damage we all as individual souls that we are, with our packed surrounded “body-thetans” “case” impacting us). We all all in this multi lifetimes soul transmigration complex “case” that we have impacting us all, we’re all in the same immortal soul karma trauma boat. Kids, followers, Hubbard, if you buy into his transmigration souls theory.
So, do the Hubbard kids ever deserve a cut of the half million or almost a million piggy bank that was there when Hubbard died?
No, not really. The plight of rich biological offspring of any rich persons, that whole legal world, I think an offspring needs to get out of that whole mentality as soon as they can, therapy for rich kids, and advice from decent lawyers who are really wise human beings would be my feeble recommendation.
Avoid greedy thinking. Use human history virtuous concepts as one’s guide.
Excuse me, it was half a billion that was split, from my reading and seeing the stats when I got to ASI, I ran off the church SOR (Sea Org Reserves stat cumulative total weekly, and I ran off the ASI/TrustLRH accounts total weekly) the combined total was about half a billion, in 1994-1995, increasing by 5-10 million weekly I recall roughly), and for the LRH Trust total profits.
I understood this to be two money pots. Church pot, and LRH Trust pot. LRH Trust pot was to contain a little more, so that if the church pot had to go to the IRS if the tax suits were lost, then so be it. The LRH Trust pot would be used to then keep the movement going, that was my understanding of what LRH was implying in his writings to ASI legal, the legal stuff I read, which was in the ASI computers when I joined ASI in May of 1992.
When I ran off the stats of the two money pots, weekly, for ASI staff meeting, the total total, I suspect was what Misavige used as his cumulative stat for his post.
The drift of the ASI final LRH traffic is to make money with the two split divisions of the “LRH Products”, the ASI traffic is all about “LRH products” and making recompense/return for them, make sure the church is viable and making ever increasing amounts of return/money and same for the ASI making the LRH Trust pot (or whatever is the equivalent) always making more money selling the “LRH fiction and related non church products”.
The private LRH traffic needs someday get out and let outside researchers properly argue over what it is saying.
Back to the kids, for sure none of them wished to be in the thick of being in the “LRH Trustee Office” of ASI, otherwise they’d have moved up to be there, and carry on in full, like LRH finally wrote in his final traffic to ASI.
(When I got to ASI, MSH had an in tray in the ASI Comm Center, but she was totally hands off any ASI functions, other than the jewelry business that Neville Potter was running, which I know no details of.).
Chuck Beatty
ASI staffer, computer room, 1992 to 1995
Sea Orger 1975 to 2003 (the ASI years count on your Sea Org years total, but you sign legal docs temporarily resigning from Sea Org when you work at ASI)
Yes. Plus the parental expectation on Quentin was on top of it, huge.
At the time of his suicide death, he also had been “busted” from being a Class 12 auditor at Flag.
He had just been put on a “retrain” correction program, busted from being the Class 12.
He was dealing with being Hubbard’s son. Quentin knew Hubbard’s other son had quit and messily departed Scientology.
Quentin besides being gay was also not wishing to be the inheritor to the “tech” (the quackery of Hubbard’s empire) from father LRH. (Quentin was not a David Mayo or Otto Roos type of personality to take over “top” “tech” quackery overseeing job.)
Remember, the pressure of being the “tech” head of the movement, was also weighing on him.
Expectations are outrageous for offspring of cult leaders, on top of their personal problems.
The theoretical beliefs of us being transmigrating souls who lifetime to lifetime pop in and out of baby’s bodies to live new lives, and then our inherited roles in doing so.
Becoming L. Ron Hubbard’s biological offspring is a huge mental predicament.
It’s way more difficult than you can imagine.
Dennis Erlich’s story of how Quentin openly admitted to “false reporting” on his Class 12 auditor worksheets is a devastating admission.
Dennis Erlich’s discussion of Quentin is the most important.
Quentin was blithely throwing out the window his son of source expected position.
He “blew” Flag mid the “tech” (quackery) correction program.
He started the “correction” program, and us other “intern” trainees saw him and some of “us” trainees even helped him doing his “word clearing” (he had to Method 9 the whole Tech (Quackery) Dictionary as his initial correction action, and I don’t think he completed the Method 9ing of the “Tech” (quackery) Dictionary before he blew and then committed suicide).
The weight of being LRH’s son and the massive complicated expectations, with the fact that gayness wasn’t fully societally accepted, and the embarrassment this would cause LRH on top of it all, I think Quentin was in the ultimate losing proposition life choices position. Better dead, for all concerned, type of situation.
Patience and just doing the least embarrassing actions, better would have been his course obviously not kill himself. Just slowly live out the turmoil of being the failed Class 12 son of source, and get out of the movement more like his younger brother and older sister later both quit, would have been a better move.
It’s so tragic being the offspring of a cult leader, on top of whatever deep problems one has in their life.
Doubtful as he appears to be a Kool aid drinker and mentioned that the person who went exterior had a floating needle on the e-meter.
Talk about guzzling the Kool Aid!
Remember those commercials?
Mike you touched , a very important issue , misuse of Freedom of Expression in the name faith and spirituality amongst less educated , never been to University.
Why Cults are scared to death when they hear the word University.?
University teaches you how to do Research on any subject, setting aside your personal views and draw conclusion objectively.
If you are not University graduate, it does not mean you shall always be victim.
Some thing can be done about it
Forward your info to Federal police : FBI in USA and RCMP in Canada
No. Other than whatever influence he exerts through Mr. Cruise. He was not being sent the dailies to approve, though he may well have seen them if Mr. C had some and wanted him to see themโฆ
TC ain’t that dumb. He saw what happened to Johnny after Dwarfenfรผhrerยฎ micromanaged BEโข. He of course wants to be remembered as an Action Heroโข, so will do MI: XIX in about 2040, IF his body holds out.
Otherwise, He could always play it from a wheelchair like Professor X.๐
Tom Cruise showed early promise as a dramatic actor but for decades now he’s been a one-trick pony. Good for him, his films are popular, millions consider them entertainment. Nothing wrong with that. But as regards his acting – um, no. He does one thing and he does it well, and he does it over and over and over and over and that’s who he is and that’s what he does, and wash, rinse, repeat.
Clint Eastwood could have gone that route. He had a great thing going for him with his Dirty Harry persona. He could have kept on doing the same roles until well into his senior years. He was very fit, something of a health nut, and exercise-aholic. It would have been so easy for him to keep on doing what he did best, scowling and squinting, going up against the do nothing against crime scaredy-cat establishment, doing his thing out there, going rogue, blowing away the bad guys…millions loved his acting one-trickiness.
But then, Clint Eastwood had something else – something that Tom Cruise lacks.
Its called a brain.
He also had curiosity, and the desire to expand and grow, mentally. And courage.
And so he went into directing. And did very well in it but that’s not the point, really. The point is that he eschewed what was comfortable and enormously profitable for him at the time, and took a chance, risked being a huge flop. I admire that. I really admire that. And I think he was a far, far better director than he was an actor. Just my opinion. But I’ve digressed.
My personal opinion (and this is only out of my own head because I do not know) is that the main reason TC has played it so safe is because of intense money pressure from COS.
I also believe this about Kirstie Alley – that the intense pressure to donate influenced her heavily to NOT grow as an actor but instead to take the easy way out, gobbling Twinkies, gaining weight, then losing weight, then gaining it back again, then losing it, and wash, rinse, repeat throughout the decades. Interviews about her weight; TV shows about her weight, talking about it incessantly, relying on being a fat woman trying to lose weight in order to make money, instead of perfecting her acting craft, reaching, growing as an actor and a performer. I’m guessing she made some money with this “Oooh I’m fat, now look at me Oooh I’m thin, but boo hoo I gained it all back again and now I’m on another diet” schtick, but in going this route she gave up on herself, and became a boring broad, her own brand of one-trick pony.
The movie ‘delivers what the public wants’. It is a success. A successful ‘action’.
No way could the little thetan have been involved in any way with this movie.
I guess Cruise and Miscavige are still BFFs although there hasn’t been any media coverage of them hanging out together. Maybe DM will schedule a scuba diving trip and invite Cruise along so they can have some quality time together.
I think it’s very hard to tell where TC is at in regards to DM and the CoS. He’s said nothing and not been seen at anything.
Indications were that he may have a position front and center in a camera blind spot at the last big IAS event a couple of years ago, but it’s hard to know what to make of that. From media reports he’s preferred to hang out in London and a new home to the South recently, after selling his house in East Grinstead; his condo in Clearwater appears to have gone unfinished until just a year or two ago, and there are still no sightings of him there.
Perhaps he’s even cooled on Scientology, as many have. At lot of OTVIIIs seem to drop away, and Miscavige’s now decades-long failure to follow on with the promised next two levels has got to be be a drag.
I read an article that says Paramount is being sued for the sequel. Seems they didn’t get the rights to do a sequel.
Hmmmmmm how will that go I wonder.
Scientology is what happens to you while you are making other plans. Hope Miscavige doesn’t hate that shade of blue and makes them paint it back the way it was.
LOL! Someone should take one of those bundt cakes and infuse TC’s face with it.
To: Aquamarine
From: David Miscavige COB RTC
Re: hitting Tom Cruise with a cake.
To: David Miscavige COB RTC
From: Alcoboy
Re: Shanaynay Muhammad aka Bootylicious
So help me if she shows up on my doorstep she’s getting cake in her face!
And I don’t mean some stupid Tom Cruise white chocolate Bundt cake with coconut or whatever it is!
More like that chocolate pie Miss Hilly ate in that movie ‘The Help’!
No love at all,
Alcoboy, y
Your gallantry is beyond admirable and your bravery unsurpassed on this planet and in this universe. I feel completely protected and utterly safe to act out or speak out against The Evil One whenever the spirit moves me, which is frequently, For this I am deeply in your debt. You and I will have to meet someday ๐
Most gratefully,
Yes, I would like to meet you someday just to see the lady behind the moniker.
Not trying to hit on you, of course.
Thanks, Alco. You’re so honest. I like that and its cute. No worries, I didn’t think that about you. We’re just having fun ๐
Of all the events I ever attended as Sea Org, (1976 to 2003), the best was one in the 1980s, at PAC, they ordered a huge Dianetics Birthday cake, so huge, they couldn’t eat it all at the event at the Shrine. Or hotel forget where it was, but I think it was the Shrine.
Anyways, they hauled the huge cake back to the complex, and we couldn’t eat it for a week. We had endless cake for a week, at dinner meals.
PAC food was ups and downs, everyone who ate it through the 1970s, 80s, 90s, knows. It actually got really good in the 2000s, when I was on the RPF in PAC, Nov 2000 to Mar 2003. No complaints from me, whoever over the decades improved the PAC chow, even to RPFers, thanks.
(My brother says I’m easy to please, true, and my single parent father was a bachelor quality cook, so Sea Org chow was almost always better than my history of home cooking.).
Does anyone remember Les Platinsky, I think he was from Miami, joined Sea Org and was the Flag Crew chef and he made incredible meals in 1976 or so, for the short time he was in Flag’s crew galley. Makes me also think of the time AVC lady Arden Hanson was busted to the galley, and we were eating rice and beans, but she made special beans and special rice, it tasked great.
Oh man I belly laughed. Ah yes, lowly Sea Org Shlepps just trying to get a few good bites of havingness in. The scheming to get an extra layer of cake or an Oreo. LMFAO
And yet some of them are quite fat. Could that be because apart from the ubiquitous rice and beans SO food is actually junk food? Lots of processed sugar and white flour and cheap carbs like white pasta?
Or is that different echelons of Sea Ogres get different menus?
We joke about Sea Org members going hungry on rice and beans. I lived for 2 years in a very poor country wherein the large, extremely poor peasant class which was the majority of the population subsisted largely on rice and beans. That’s all they ate, every day, along with a few greens and a little fruit. These people were not fat.
Its obvious to me that some Sea Ogres get plenty to eat. Possibly the chunkier ones are the more senior officers who get meat, eggs and cheese and other dairy as well as desserts along with their rice and beans…? Because nobody get fat on a diet of largely rice and beans, this I know for sure.
What about the mighty midget? He’s pretty slender. How does…
Hold on. Comm particle coming in.
Ah, noooooooooooooo!
To: Alcoboy
From: David Miscavige COB RTC
Re: my physique.
To: David Miscavige COB RTC aka Slappy
From: Alcoboy
Re: how you stay healthy.
I’m willing to wager that copious amounts of scotch has something to do with it.
After all, alcohol is the universal preservative.
No love at all,
Staff/crew have always been the last to get anything they wanted.
Only Ron’s kids had it worse, if you can believe it.
The details of everyone’s lives around Hubbard, the trickle down, it’s hard to accept Hubbard would treat his own kids worse or equal to crew. It reflects Hubbard’s views of “thetans” (us as souls that transmigrate lifetime to lifetime) so Hubbard could even think his kids were more just thetans who transmigrated into Mary Sue to be in their little fetus bodies, to then be Hubbard’s kids, and that Hubbard looked upon his kids as not mere biological offspring, but as souls who’d chosen and succeeded to inhabit bodies close to him, familiarly.
It’s hard to fathom all the layers of ideas rolling through Hubbard’s head.
Now, in hindsight, I wish of course all well who intersected with Hubbard.
I felt that the kids didn’t necessarily “deserve” the fruits of the cult money making “business” though.
When I was at ASI, I read the long LRH “legal” advice re what was to be done when he died, I guess it was the text of the will he wrote, since it sounded like him, and it was in the ASI computer text of his ASI traffic, so that means it must have been written to ASI staff when he wrote it, like it was written to Starkey,Miscavige,Lyman,Marty.
I proofread the ASI traffic, multiple times some of it, due to there being in the ASI computer system multiple copies of all of the “ASI traffic” from LRH. And there were several projects that Maria Starkey and someone earlier, had started, because LRH, you know Jere, LRH always was into “hatting” for his staffs, and he wrote stuff to ASI, like LRH wrote to other units particularly Cine staff and to Audio staff, and he intended that stuff to be turned into “hatting issues” and “issue type” issues.
The legal writings re the kids I personally thought “fair” in that we, and the kids, had to look upon ourselves as “staff”.
LRH didn’t say anything condemnatory at all about the kids or about Mary Sue, in the ASI writings I proofread.
All I recall is he said in this “will” text document, which didn’t say will on it, it said if I recall correctly, 50 Gs per kid, and 100 Gs for Mary Sue. She got more, and the kids I think have monthly stipends or something like that, fine.
I always felt though, that it is like “blood money” in that it’s money drawn from essentially people hoping hoping hoping that the “tech” (the quackery pseudo-therapy and exorcism) that the followers paid for, or in the case of staffs they worked and were NOT paid normal salaries or even minimum wages, and the “profits” of the whole operation is truly extracted and the followers and staffs are being exploited under the “religion” legal loopholes especially in the USA where other major traditional religions have legally gotten away with paying their nuns and monks and “religious workers” a pittance and moved their fundraising (donations gathering) profits up to the “leaders” or hierarchy above the nuns/monks/religious-workers “class” of the traditional religions.
Religion money arrangements, for all concerned in that religion, ought to be all laid next to one another and then you can see how Scientology’s way way taking advantage of the staff precedents other traditional religions have set.
Back to the kids, this all said, I figured they deserved a little more than average, but honestly they are just “souls” each of them, and come to have “won” the rebirth into LRH’s “family” biologically, and thus really aren’t to be given too much of the cult profits.
And the harder mentality for them to shed, is both the theory of the soul and their beliefs they are cosmically special to have “returned” into bodies offspring so close to LRH (if you think of LRH as a mult lifetimes “Master” teacher spreader of “tech” to undo the spiritual damage we all as individual souls that we are, with our packed surrounded “body-thetans” “case” impacting us). We all all in this multi lifetimes soul transmigration complex “case” that we have impacting us all, we’re all in the same immortal soul karma trauma boat. Kids, followers, Hubbard, if you buy into his transmigration souls theory.
So, do the Hubbard kids ever deserve a cut of the half million or almost a million piggy bank that was there when Hubbard died?
No, not really. The plight of rich biological offspring of any rich persons, that whole legal world, I think an offspring needs to get out of that whole mentality as soon as they can, therapy for rich kids, and advice from decent lawyers who are really wise human beings would be my feeble recommendation.
Avoid greedy thinking. Use human history virtuous concepts as one’s guide.
Excuse me, it was half a billion that was split, from my reading and seeing the stats when I got to ASI, I ran off the church SOR (Sea Org Reserves stat cumulative total weekly, and I ran off the ASI/TrustLRH accounts total weekly) the combined total was about half a billion, in 1994-1995, increasing by 5-10 million weekly I recall roughly), and for the LRH Trust total profits.
I understood this to be two money pots. Church pot, and LRH Trust pot. LRH Trust pot was to contain a little more, so that if the church pot had to go to the IRS if the tax suits were lost, then so be it. The LRH Trust pot would be used to then keep the movement going, that was my understanding of what LRH was implying in his writings to ASI legal, the legal stuff I read, which was in the ASI computers when I joined ASI in May of 1992.
When I ran off the stats of the two money pots, weekly, for ASI staff meeting, the total total, I suspect was what Misavige used as his cumulative stat for his post.
The drift of the ASI final LRH traffic is to make money with the two split divisions of the “LRH Products”, the ASI traffic is all about “LRH products” and making recompense/return for them, make sure the church is viable and making ever increasing amounts of return/money and same for the ASI making the LRH Trust pot (or whatever is the equivalent) always making more money selling the “LRH fiction and related non church products”.
The private LRH traffic needs someday get out and let outside researchers properly argue over what it is saying.
Back to the kids, for sure none of them wished to be in the thick of being in the “LRH Trustee Office” of ASI, otherwise they’d have moved up to be there, and carry on in full, like LRH finally wrote in his final traffic to ASI.
(When I got to ASI, MSH had an in tray in the ASI Comm Center, but she was totally hands off any ASI functions, other than the jewelry business that Neville Potter was running, which I know no details of.).
Chuck Beatty
ASI staffer, computer room, 1992 to 1995
Sea Orger 1975 to 2003 (the ASI years count on your Sea Org years total, but you sign legal docs temporarily resigning from Sea Org when you work at ASI)
Off the subject but what is your opinion on the suicide of Quentin Hubbard? Was he really gay? Did LRH drive him to it?
Just curious.
Yes. Plus the parental expectation on Quentin was on top of it, huge.
At the time of his suicide death, he also had been “busted” from being a Class 12 auditor at Flag.
He had just been put on a “retrain” correction program, busted from being the Class 12.
He was dealing with being Hubbard’s son. Quentin knew Hubbard’s other son had quit and messily departed Scientology.
Quentin besides being gay was also not wishing to be the inheritor to the “tech” (the quackery of Hubbard’s empire) from father LRH. (Quentin was not a David Mayo or Otto Roos type of personality to take over “top” “tech” quackery overseeing job.)
Remember, the pressure of being the “tech” head of the movement, was also weighing on him.
Expectations are outrageous for offspring of cult leaders, on top of their personal problems.
The theoretical beliefs of us being transmigrating souls who lifetime to lifetime pop in and out of baby’s bodies to live new lives, and then our inherited roles in doing so.
Becoming L. Ron Hubbard’s biological offspring is a huge mental predicament.
It’s way more difficult than you can imagine.
Dennis Erlich’s story of how Quentin openly admitted to “false reporting” on his Class 12 auditor worksheets is a devastating admission.
Dennis Erlich’s discussion of Quentin is the most important.
Quentin was blithely throwing out the window his son of source expected position.
He “blew” Flag mid the “tech” (quackery) correction program.
He started the “correction” program, and us other “intern” trainees saw him and some of “us” trainees even helped him doing his “word clearing” (he had to Method 9 the whole Tech (Quackery) Dictionary as his initial correction action, and I don’t think he completed the Method 9ing of the “Tech” (quackery) Dictionary before he blew and then committed suicide).
The weight of being LRH’s son and the massive complicated expectations, with the fact that gayness wasn’t fully societally accepted, and the embarrassment this would cause LRH on top of it all, I think Quentin was in the ultimate losing proposition life choices position. Better dead, for all concerned, type of situation.
Patience and just doing the least embarrassing actions, better would have been his course obviously not kill himself. Just slowly live out the turmoil of being the failed Class 12 son of source, and get out of the movement more like his younger brother and older sister later both quit, would have been a better move.
It’s so tragic being the offspring of a cult leader, on top of whatever deep problems one has in their life.
Thanks, Chuck. How very sad. I see all that pressure put on Quentin just because he was LRHs son and LRH Jr. had washed his hands of the whole thing.
Going exterior while watching a Tom Cruise movie!
He must have meant he had to go outside.
To puke.
Doubtful as he appears to be a Kool aid drinker and mentioned that the person who went exterior had a floating needle on the e-meter.
Talk about guzzling the Kool Aid!
Remember those commercials?
Mike you touched , a very important issue , misuse of Freedom of Expression in the name faith and spirituality amongst less educated , never been to University.
Why Cults are scared to death when they hear the word University.?
University teaches you how to do Research on any subject, setting aside your personal views and draw conclusion objectively.
If you are not University graduate, it does not mean you shall always be victim.
Some thing can be done about it
Forward your info to Federal police : FBI in USA and RCMP in Canada
Watching you and Leah on Netflix.
What you guys are doing is so brave and strong. Thank you for taking on this fight xx
Mike why Leah show is not available on Netflix Canada?
I guess Netflix Canada didnt buy it?
Did DM micromanage Top Gun: Maverick the way he micromanaged Battlefield Earth?
No. Other than whatever influence he exerts through Mr. Cruise. He was not being sent the dailies to approve, though he may well have seen them if Mr. C had some and wanted him to see themโฆ
DM not micromanaging TC?
TC ain’t that dumb. He saw what happened to Johnny after Dwarfenfรผhrerยฎ micromanaged BEโข. He of course wants to be remembered as an Action Heroโข, so will do MI: XIX in about 2040, IF his body holds out.
Otherwise, He could always play it from a wheelchair like Professor X.๐
Tom Cruise showed early promise as a dramatic actor but for decades now he’s been a one-trick pony. Good for him, his films are popular, millions consider them entertainment. Nothing wrong with that. But as regards his acting – um, no. He does one thing and he does it well, and he does it over and over and over and over and that’s who he is and that’s what he does, and wash, rinse, repeat.
Clint Eastwood could have gone that route. He had a great thing going for him with his Dirty Harry persona. He could have kept on doing the same roles until well into his senior years. He was very fit, something of a health nut, and exercise-aholic. It would have been so easy for him to keep on doing what he did best, scowling and squinting, going up against the do nothing against crime scaredy-cat establishment, doing his thing out there, going rogue, blowing away the bad guys…millions loved his acting one-trickiness.
But then, Clint Eastwood had something else – something that Tom Cruise lacks.
Its called a brain.
He also had curiosity, and the desire to expand and grow, mentally. And courage.
And so he went into directing. And did very well in it but that’s not the point, really. The point is that he eschewed what was comfortable and enormously profitable for him at the time, and took a chance, risked being a huge flop. I admire that. I really admire that. And I think he was a far, far better director than he was an actor. Just my opinion. But I’ve digressed.
Makes you sort of think how he would have turned out had he not encountered Scientology.
My personal opinion (and this is only out of my own head because I do not know) is that the main reason TC has played it so safe is because of intense money pressure from COS.
I also believe this about Kirstie Alley – that the intense pressure to donate influenced her heavily to NOT grow as an actor but instead to take the easy way out, gobbling Twinkies, gaining weight, then losing weight, then gaining it back again, then losing it, and wash, rinse, repeat throughout the decades. Interviews about her weight; TV shows about her weight, talking about it incessantly, relying on being a fat woman trying to lose weight in order to make money, instead of perfecting her acting craft, reaching, growing as an actor and a performer. I’m guessing she made some money with this “Oooh I’m fat, now look at me Oooh I’m thin, but boo hoo I gained it all back again and now I’m on another diet” schtick, but in going this route she gave up on herself, and became a boring broad, her own brand of one-trick pony.
Same could be said for Chill E B and other Scientology celebs.
Sad when you think about it.
We’ll see. So far, all the reviews I’ve seen were from naval aviators saying, “What a LOAD….”
So, yet another movie on my “definitely miss” list.
The movie ‘delivers what the public wants’. It is a success. A successful ‘action’.
No way could the little thetan have been involved in any way with this movie.
I guess Cruise and Miscavige are still BFFs although there hasn’t been any media coverage of them hanging out together. Maybe DM will schedule a scuba diving trip and invite Cruise along so they can have some quality time together.
Quality time?
You mean like Vinnie Terranova and Sonny Steelgrave on that old show ‘Wiseguy’?
I think it’s very hard to tell where TC is at in regards to DM and the CoS. He’s said nothing and not been seen at anything.
Indications were that he may have a position front and center in a camera blind spot at the last big IAS event a couple of years ago, but it’s hard to know what to make of that. From media reports he’s preferred to hang out in London and a new home to the South recently, after selling his house in East Grinstead; his condo in Clearwater appears to have gone unfinished until just a year or two ago, and there are still no sightings of him there.
Perhaps he’s even cooled on Scientology, as many have. At lot of OTVIIIs seem to drop away, and Miscavige’s now decades-long failure to follow on with the promised next two levels has got to be be a drag.
It seems that TC’s days of promoting scn worldwide are long over unless history repeats itself, kinda like a Top Gun sequel.
My hope is that TC is starting to see the light and will at some point depart from DM and Scientology.