There are varying reactions to Fair Gaming. Some people get quiet and slink away into the background. Some people get pissed, REALLY pissed, and decide to do something about it. Leah of the steel ovaries is one of the latter. I was not a fan of Leah. I never watch sitcoms. But I’m a fan now! Go, Leah, GO!!! The new sitcom “Watch Davey Squirm” is one I will watch “religiously”.
This whole sitcom is Davey’s fault. All Leah wanted (at first) was a phone call from Shelly saying “Hi”, and it escalated from there. Shelly is a prisoner, and wouldn’t lie to Leah. And Davey with all his power, couldn’t get Shelly to talk to Leah. One phone call. That “no” phone call will bring down this oppressive cult. Tick tock Davey. WHOOO-LEAAAAAH!
Love it, love it, RB. I would love to believe that what you’ve depicted here is the new trend for the Still Ins. I’m encouraged because there’s always hope. We disagreed and got out. We thought for ourselves and refused to be persuaded to violate our own common sense, and if you will, integrity. If we could do it, others can. Thanks very much for what you both do, RB and Mike Rinder.
I love the RBs. One of my favorite things about Fridays.
Very funny about the dialog shift from one person being ordered to do A-E to an OT deciding to subscribe to A&E.
The abortion dictates in Scientology never cease to amaze.
First, abortion was demonized as an overt act by Hubbard in DMSMH, with attempted abortions (AAs) supposedly being very common and directly leading to aberration. Somehow Scientologists have squiggled their ethics around to justify abortions by fallacious ethics (supposed greatest good for the greatest number?) or pseudo-science / fanciful religious interpretations (the thetan does not join the body until birth?).
Second, promoting abortion in your members is just stupid practically speaking, if your intent is to grow your membership — Catholics, Muslims, Mormons, etc. (“wogs” in other words) understood better than “enlightened” Scientologists that a prime way to grow your group is through reproduction — so the larger the family size the better. This stance extends to the point where all three religions just cited generally prohibit abortion. Jeez. Even Hitler understood this when he launched the “Lebensborn” program.
So while other religions and ideologies understand the role of reproduction, not Scientology, which thinks that working non-parents 80 hours or more a week to get fake numbers for “ideal” orgs is somehow going to reverse the trend of the shrinking church: you can’t exploit staff to the maximum if they have childcare duties. Not only does abortion violate what Scientology supposedly stood for per Hubbard, but it is also a perfect example of Gumpian “stupid is as stupid does.”
Judaism not only allows abortion, in one of the books of the OT there is a ritual that is suppose to result in a miscarriage if the woman undergoing it is carrying a child that isn’t her husbands.
“The laws of God forbid man to destroy or reduce the survival of one’s companions or one’s group.” Except if you’re LGBT. Then you get to be eliminated, quietly and without sorrow. Right, Ron?
And we of the Church believe that if we can convince you that you have a “reactive mind” and you need to put HUGE CHUNKS of money on account and then sign legal waivers to any rights to that money….
and if you complain about it
We of the Church believe that we can RUIN you utterly
Thanks Regraded Being! Great strip as always and a very funny ending. It really helps me get “mass” on what’s really going on. I was feeling kind of spinny….or was it a “not there” feeling…well anyway I’m better now so thanks.
Oh, and I almost forgot. I want to give a shout out to COB, what a guy you are Dave. Handling this situation perfectly. ON SOURCE! They’re not going to know what hit them. Thank you Sir!
“That all men have inalienable rights to think freely, to talk freely, to write freely their own opinions and to counter or utter or write upon the opinions of others.”
UNLESS it goes against what El Con or the church say. Then you are just a criminal and can be hunted down.
“And that no agency less than God has the power to set aside these rights, overtly or covertly.”
Well there you have it ladies and gentlemen.
First there was El Ron ……. I think he laid it out in the ‘Him of Asia’ as to His evaluation of His role.
Then Dave came along; I mean someone has to play God after all, you can’t just leave the place in a vacuum.
Now what?
Yo Dave,
Thanks for all you do good buddy, overtly and covertly. But it will not make any difference in the outcome. Your world is like breakfast in hell Dave ………… burnt toast. I love the smell of cooking cult in the morning!
This comic should be printed up and distributed to every clam and flashed on every electronic billboard around every CO$ entity. RB nails another one! Dichotomy, thy name is $cientology!!
U effectively covered a lot of ground this week RB.
Donate & Obey, covers the Cof$ pretty well completely from the largest whale down to the lowliest CF filer.
Imagine meeting someone new who was enthusiastic about being a member of the Cof$ and wasn’t afraid to admit it. It’d make you have a double take to see if you weren’t be set up for some sort of practical joke or being lured away for a mugging wouldn’t it?
Thank you Regraded Being for posting the Code of a Scientologist.
This is Ron in one of his clear normal moments.
Can you imagine if Ron actually followed this code? Allowing free thought, speech and idea exchange? Maybe Scientology would be seen in such a different light.
So my question to people, because it seems to be an on going question about Ron:
1) Did he really mean this code? Did he at one point truly value these ideas?
2) Did he write this code only to create an image of wisdom to sell to people, knowing full well that he does not honor free communication and free exchange of ideas?
Or maybe an admixture of both?
What do you guys think?
It is the essence of cognitive dissonance to read this beautiful code yet know how he crushed the free exchange of ideas with punishment when they were critical of him or his theories.
How do you guys make sense of this? I am interested.
I think LRH was pi-polar or schizophrenic which caused this dichotomy of good and evil. I don’t think he could have written as much as he did without some good intentions or that everything was a premeditated scam from the get-go. This isn’t to say he didn’t suffer from delusions all along, just that once he got rolling, he became consumed by what he’d begun and fell father and farther down the proverbial rabbit hole. The best example of this are the OT levels.
He was on shaky foundation to begin with so that everything he created afterwards suffered from underlying points of untruth and unreliability.
I also believe the creed is beautiful as written. I think he meant these words when he wrote them. He and the organization he’d created just couldn’t live up to them.
Hi Brian, I thought for sometime about your excellent question.I agree if I had only been shown the first part of Ron’s writing and I knew nothing about him I would have said yes,this is beautiful.Now though I feel in my experience with SO & Ron,That was the enormous Hook to get me right in and following command Intention.I feel he knew all along what game he wanted to play,except perhaps in his last months.I so believed in the OTs,thank god I never ran them.?
My favourite of the codes is still the Code of Honour. Other than #12, which I feel was corrupted quickly, there is much Truth for living. I think, though, that Hubbard totally missed one critical item, one I’ve seen elsewhere but cannot find on the net: “It is necessary to walk your talk.” His corruption started early and he was unable to follow virtually ANY of the Code of Honour.
Indeed, if he’d just been a simple con man, he could have made off with millions very early on and been done with it. Instead, he spent countless hours over many years auditing himself and cranking out one of largest and most intricately elaborated cosmologies ever.
I believe that he was, in part, working hard to find a cure for his very serious mental disorders, but instead, only ended up projecting his bi-polar and dissociative identity disorder symptoms onto everyone else – as if we were all suffering from exactly the same fundamental sources of a affliction as he was – and embedding it deeply within the core tenets of the $cn belief system (looking at you here, Xenu and all those non-existent BTs)
In the end, he was tragically unsuccessful in freeing himself from that which had driven him to such incredible efforts. Even more tragically, though, doing $cn as he laid it out and buying into the entire whacked space opera cosmology WILL eventually make you as crazy as that old coot was before his demise.
Thank you guys for your feed back. I agree with all of your sentiments.
And thank you RB for yet another disturbing cartoon. This one affected me. Such a mind fuck!
It looks like Ron’s sanity, as a topic for Terra, could smoke Mike’s computer.
I googled to find what the evil internet says about Ron’s diagnosis. Google “Malignant Narcissi , L Ron Hubbard, and Scientology’s Policies of Narcissistic Rage.”
Sometimes, from a metaphysical perspective, I also see Ron as a lower astral being come on the planet for a while.
No doubt there are some who have been so burned by Scientology that the whole spiritual thing has been shit canned. I get it. I know these thoughts don’t jive with your present view on the subject.
I think I am going to train slaves to search your dumpsters. You will believe or we will make you life miserable. :-))
But I still value and live by these disciplines and principles.
Ron had power. Personal power and great magnetism. His intellect was keen but his moral rudder corrupted.
His natural attraction was to power and Crowley.
Isn’t it interesting that Ron for the most part had an aversion to Christ. Not only an aversion, but a need to sully his reputation as a benevolent universal sage and world teacher.
Spiritual power without the restraints of moral living makes monsters. They are more dangerous than normal people because of their magnetism and their insights into the nature of thought, the mind that captivates willing listeners.
Sometimes I would listen to his tapes for hrs and hrs and hrs at CC LA Labrea.
His being was captivating. His words mesmerizing. Even though some of the times I did not know what he was taking about.
Apologists will say I had MUs. And I say to “understand” some of his gibberish is not something to be proud of.
Ron’a sanity, as a topic for discussion, will cause a rift in the Scientological force.
My cog on OT3 was precisely that: “Omigawd, I’m running Ron’s case!” (Dial wide F/N lasting for weeks!) Of course, I mocked up something else for the Examiner! LOL
“Can you imagine if Ron actually followed this code? Allowing free thought, speech and idea exchange? Maybe Scientology would be seen in such a different light.”
Maybe. My take on this is that scientology is just another New Age, self-help type movement that has limited workability. It is also a con. It seems to have helped some people but certainly not the majority of those who have been involved. Placebos seem to help some people too but certainly not all. It has certainly not been able to make good on a single promise of higher spiritual states of being or ability.
When a con starts to run it’s course, things have to be put in place to keep it going. In scientology, one thing that was put into place was ‘ethics tech’. When people see that they are no longer getting anything out of a subject, they move on. ‘Ethics’ prevents this, or at least tries to prevent this. The majority of us here, and possibly some of the under-the-radar, sideliner, fence sitter types that are reading this blog just don’t give a shit about ‘ethics’ because we have discovered that we were conned (exes) or that the subject being presented by the official ‘church’ is bogus (indies). ‘Ethics’ has no hold on us, but for those still in the bubble and the OSA observers monitoring scientology critic websites on the fringes of the internet, cute creeds that are in complete contrast to the actual workings of the cult actually mean something. ‘Ethics’ is what enslaves the true-believers and keeps them in their mental prison.
If scientologists would actually engage in free thought, speech and idea exchange, the movement would run it’s course and scientology would dwindle to nothing because it is based on fraud and lies and a Founder who had no moral compass.
Missedcabbage can’t intimidate Leah Remini and her cred with other entertainers, as well as out in the street, is far above anything else that has hit the dwarf. Piggy backing on Going Clear and My Scientology Movie, her series are the the start of the final nails going into the $cicon coffin. The downward spiral is spinning faster; one wonders when the IRS will finally pull the plug?
One day I am going to be as cool as Mike Rinder and Leah Remini combined. I’m working on it right now, and every day I get a little more cool. (note that this is being written here by one of Dan Locke’s many personal assistants, and not Dan Locke himself. Dan Locke wouldn’t ever talk about himself in this way, as that wouldn’t be very cool. And everything Dan does is cool. I know, because I watch what Dan does every day, and so this is not just a theory or something. I mean, I’ve seen it for myself: the guy really is cool.)
Some day we will all assume room temperature. How cool is that?
But cool is as cool does, and both of the heroes being compared are cool in different ways. Vive la diffรฉrence!
Besides, we were talking about cool cats and being hip back in the fifties. Poetry readings in the coffee shops were cool. Especially with a bongo backup. Don’t they have a more recent slang term, like “wicked” or “sick” these days?
Our revels now are ended. These our actors,
As I foretold you, were all spirits and
Are melted into air, into thin air:
And, like the baseless fabric of this vision,
The cloud-capp’d towers, the gorgeous palaces,
The solemn temples, the great globe itself,
Yea, all which it inherit, shall dissolve
And, like this insubstantial pageant faded,
Leave not a rack behind. We are such stuff
As dreams are made on, and our little life
Is rounded with a sleep.
Add another positive to Mike Rinder: he has a sense of humor “I think she’s even cooler than Mike Rinder”.
Thanks for the morning laugh RB & MIke Rinder!
Out and about says
Don’t get me wrong, I love me some Leah! But no one’s cooler than Mike Rinder! You helped me to open my eyes Mike, I’m forever grateful.
gtsix says
Wow… this was a great one RB. 4 panels showing 4 very real problems the Co$ has.
A very well done!
Chewkacca says
There are varying reactions to Fair Gaming. Some people get quiet and slink away into the background. Some people get pissed, REALLY pissed, and decide to do something about it. Leah of the steel ovaries is one of the latter. I was not a fan of Leah. I never watch sitcoms. But I’m a fan now! Go, Leah, GO!!! The new sitcom “Watch Davey Squirm” is one I will watch “religiously”.
This whole sitcom is Davey’s fault. All Leah wanted (at first) was a phone call from Shelly saying “Hi”, and it escalated from there. Shelly is a prisoner, and wouldn’t lie to Leah. And Davey with all his power, couldn’t get Shelly to talk to Leah. One phone call. That “no” phone call will bring down this oppressive cult. Tick tock Davey. WHOOO-LEAAAAAH!
Aquamarine says
Love it, love it, RB. I would love to believe that what you’ve depicted here is the new trend for the Still Ins. I’m encouraged because there’s always hope. We disagreed and got out. We thought for ourselves and refused to be persuaded to violate our own common sense, and if you will, integrity. If we could do it, others can. Thanks very much for what you both do, RB and Mike Rinder.
FOTF2012 says
I love the RBs. One of my favorite things about Fridays.
Very funny about the dialog shift from one person being ordered to do A-E to an OT deciding to subscribe to A&E.
The abortion dictates in Scientology never cease to amaze.
First, abortion was demonized as an overt act by Hubbard in DMSMH, with attempted abortions (AAs) supposedly being very common and directly leading to aberration. Somehow Scientologists have squiggled their ethics around to justify abortions by fallacious ethics (supposed greatest good for the greatest number?) or pseudo-science / fanciful religious interpretations (the thetan does not join the body until birth?).
Second, promoting abortion in your members is just stupid practically speaking, if your intent is to grow your membership — Catholics, Muslims, Mormons, etc. (“wogs” in other words) understood better than “enlightened” Scientologists that a prime way to grow your group is through reproduction — so the larger the family size the better. This stance extends to the point where all three religions just cited generally prohibit abortion. Jeez. Even Hitler understood this when he launched the “Lebensborn” program.
So while other religions and ideologies understand the role of reproduction, not Scientology, which thinks that working non-parents 80 hours or more a week to get fake numbers for “ideal” orgs is somehow going to reverse the trend of the shrinking church: you can’t exploit staff to the maximum if they have childcare duties. Not only does abortion violate what Scientology supposedly stood for per Hubbard, but it is also a perfect example of Gumpian “stupid is as stupid does.”
The Dark Avenger says
Judaism not only allows abortion, in one of the books of the OT there is a ritual that is suppose to result in a miscarriage if the woman undergoing it is carrying a child that isn’t her husbands.
alcoboy says
“Let’s end-cycle on this pregnancy right now “.
What a hoot!
Once again,RB, you’ve done it!
lesbates says
Coolness depends on context. And no one (sorry Mike) looks cooll in a tux.
Harpoona Frittata says
Hilarious! The essence of the $cn mindfuck in five easy to read cartoon panels…how pithy!
However, “cooler than Mike Rinder”? I seriously don’t think so!
Leah is getting a helluva good start, but she’s going to have to work for years to achieve that status! Hollywood is so much less than everything ๐
Nada Jurisich-Fontana says
Excellent!!! Oh, the irony….
Espiando says
“The laws of God forbid man to destroy or reduce the survival of one’s companions or one’s group.” Except if you’re LGBT. Then you get to be eliminated, quietly and without sorrow. Right, Ron?
Glenn says
We could ask Ron’s son Quinton if he was still around.
Old Surfer Dude says
Yep…Hubbard was a heck of great Dad. Just ask him (if we could).
Ann B Watson says
Hi Espiando,Thank you for your comment?
Wognited and Out! says
And we of the Church believe that if we can convince you that you have a “reactive mind” and you need to put HUGE CHUNKS of money on account and then sign legal waivers to any rights to that money….
and if you complain about it
We of the Church believe that we can RUIN you utterly
Covertly and Overtly
Harvey says
Thanks Regraded Being! Great strip as always and a very funny ending. It really helps me get “mass” on what’s really going on. I was feeling kind of spinny….or was it a “not there” feeling…well anyway I’m better now so thanks.
Harvey says
Oh, and I almost forgot. I want to give a shout out to COB, what a guy you are Dave. Handling this situation perfectly. ON SOURCE! They’re not going to know what hit them. Thank you Sir!
Newcomer says
I agree! Isn’t He something Harvey?
All hail Dave!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(and get up off your chair when you do that goddamnit)
Old Surfer Dude says
Cooler than Mike Rinder???? No possible way! Can’t happen.
Mike Wynski says
Perfect RB!
“That all men have inalienable rights to think freely, to talk freely, to write freely their own opinions and to counter or utter or write upon the opinions of others.”
UNLESS it goes against what El Con or the church say. Then you are just a criminal and can be hunted down.
Newcomer says
“And that no agency less than God has the power to set aside these rights, overtly or covertly.”
Well there you have it ladies and gentlemen.
First there was El Ron ……. I think he laid it out in the ‘Him of Asia’ as to His evaluation of His role.
Then Dave came along; I mean someone has to play God after all, you can’t just leave the place in a vacuum.
Now what?
Yo Dave,
Thanks for all you do good buddy, overtly and covertly. But it will not make any difference in the outcome. Your world is like breakfast in hell Dave ………… burnt toast. I love the smell of cooking cult in the morning!
The Dark Avenger says
Humanity would’ve been better off if he had written a Him of Asia.
BKmole says
What? Cooler than Mike Rinder? She got her cool from Mike Rinder. Leah is awesome.
However it’s like apples and oranges.
zemooo says
This comic should be printed up and distributed to every clam and flashed on every electronic billboard around every CO$ entity. RB nails another one! Dichotomy, thy name is $cientology!!
I Yawnalot says
U effectively covered a lot of ground this week RB.
Donate & Obey, covers the Cof$ pretty well completely from the largest whale down to the lowliest CF filer.
Imagine meeting someone new who was enthusiastic about being a member of the Cof$ and wasn’t afraid to admit it. It’d make you have a double take to see if you weren’t be set up for some sort of practical joke or being lured away for a mugging wouldn’t it?
T.J. says
Love Regraded Being. Right on Target as usual. Of course the last line made me laugh. ๐
Brian says
Thank you Regraded Being for posting the Code of a Scientologist.
This is Ron in one of his clear normal moments.
Can you imagine if Ron actually followed this code? Allowing free thought, speech and idea exchange? Maybe Scientology would be seen in such a different light.
So my question to people, because it seems to be an on going question about Ron:
1) Did he really mean this code? Did he at one point truly value these ideas?
2) Did he write this code only to create an image of wisdom to sell to people, knowing full well that he does not honor free communication and free exchange of ideas?
Or maybe an admixture of both?
What do you guys think?
It is the essence of cognitive dissonance to read this beautiful code yet know how he crushed the free exchange of ideas with punishment when they were critical of him or his theories.
How do you guys make sense of this? I am interested.
Terra Cognita says
I think LRH was pi-polar or schizophrenic which caused this dichotomy of good and evil. I don’t think he could have written as much as he did without some good intentions or that everything was a premeditated scam from the get-go. This isn’t to say he didn’t suffer from delusions all along, just that once he got rolling, he became consumed by what he’d begun and fell father and farther down the proverbial rabbit hole. The best example of this are the OT levels.
He was on shaky foundation to begin with so that everything he created afterwards suffered from underlying points of untruth and unreliability.
I also believe the creed is beautiful as written. I think he meant these words when he wrote them. He and the organization he’d created just couldn’t live up to them.
marie guerin says
I agree with you , terra. Couldn’t have said it better.
pluvo says
It is just a remodeled PR adjustment based on the “The Universal Declaration of Human Rights” to give a more credible appearance.
“The Universal Declaration of Human Rights”:
Newcomer says
LRH had a built in disclaimer Brian. Since He is God, the Hole frickin thing can be set aside at will and Ad Nauseum. (See my comment above.)
Ann B Watson says
Hi Brian, I thought for sometime about your excellent question.I agree if I had only been shown the first part of Ron’s writing and I knew nothing about him I would have said yes,this is beautiful.Now though I feel in my experience with SO & Ron,That was the enormous Hook to get me right in and following command Intention.I feel he knew all along what game he wanted to play,except perhaps in his last months.I so believed in the OTs,thank god I never ran them.?
thegman77 says
My favourite of the codes is still the Code of Honour. Other than #12, which I feel was corrupted quickly, there is much Truth for living. I think, though, that Hubbard totally missed one critical item, one I’ve seen elsewhere but cannot find on the net: “It is necessary to walk your talk.” His corruption started early and he was unable to follow virtually ANY of the Code of Honour.
Harpoona Frittata says
Indeed, if he’d just been a simple con man, he could have made off with millions very early on and been done with it. Instead, he spent countless hours over many years auditing himself and cranking out one of largest and most intricately elaborated cosmologies ever.
I believe that he was, in part, working hard to find a cure for his very serious mental disorders, but instead, only ended up projecting his bi-polar and dissociative identity disorder symptoms onto everyone else – as if we were all suffering from exactly the same fundamental sources of a affliction as he was – and embedding it deeply within the core tenets of the $cn belief system (looking at you here, Xenu and all those non-existent BTs)
In the end, he was tragically unsuccessful in freeing himself from that which had driven him to such incredible efforts. Even more tragically, though, doing $cn as he laid it out and buying into the entire whacked space opera cosmology WILL eventually make you as crazy as that old coot was before his demise.
Friends don’t let friends do $cn!
Terra Cognita says
“projecting his…symptoms onto everyone else…” Yep!
Brian says
Thank you guys for your feed back. I agree with all of your sentiments.
And thank you RB for yet another disturbing cartoon. This one affected me. Such a mind fuck!
It looks like Ron’s sanity, as a topic for Terra, could smoke Mike’s computer.
I googled to find what the evil internet says about Ron’s diagnosis. Google “Malignant Narcissi , L Ron Hubbard, and Scientology’s Policies of Narcissistic Rage.”
Sometimes, from a metaphysical perspective, I also see Ron as a lower astral being come on the planet for a while.
No doubt there are some who have been so burned by Scientology that the whole spiritual thing has been shit canned. I get it. I know these thoughts don’t jive with your present view on the subject.
I think I am going to train slaves to search your dumpsters. You will believe or we will make you life miserable. :-))
But I still value and live by these disciplines and principles.
Ron had power. Personal power and great magnetism. His intellect was keen but his moral rudder corrupted.
His natural attraction was to power and Crowley.
Isn’t it interesting that Ron for the most part had an aversion to Christ. Not only an aversion, but a need to sully his reputation as a benevolent universal sage and world teacher.
Spiritual power without the restraints of moral living makes monsters. They are more dangerous than normal people because of their magnetism and their insights into the nature of thought, the mind that captivates willing listeners.
Sometimes I would listen to his tapes for hrs and hrs and hrs at CC LA Labrea.
His being was captivating. His words mesmerizing. Even though some of the times I did not know what he was taking about.
Apologists will say I had MUs. And I say to “understand” some of his gibberish is not something to be proud of.
Ron’a sanity, as a topic for discussion, will cause a rift in the Scientological force.
I’ll bet it would breach the 400 mark Mike.
Old Surfer Dude says
Weren’t we all running his problems?
thegman77 says
My cog on OT3 was precisely that: “Omigawd, I’m running Ron’s case!” (Dial wide F/N lasting for weeks!) Of course, I mocked up something else for the Examiner! LOL
Ms. B. Haven says
Brian sez:
“Can you imagine if Ron actually followed this code? Allowing free thought, speech and idea exchange? Maybe Scientology would be seen in such a different light.”
Maybe. My take on this is that scientology is just another New Age, self-help type movement that has limited workability. It is also a con. It seems to have helped some people but certainly not the majority of those who have been involved. Placebos seem to help some people too but certainly not all. It has certainly not been able to make good on a single promise of higher spiritual states of being or ability.
When a con starts to run it’s course, things have to be put in place to keep it going. In scientology, one thing that was put into place was ‘ethics tech’. When people see that they are no longer getting anything out of a subject, they move on. ‘Ethics’ prevents this, or at least tries to prevent this. The majority of us here, and possibly some of the under-the-radar, sideliner, fence sitter types that are reading this blog just don’t give a shit about ‘ethics’ because we have discovered that we were conned (exes) or that the subject being presented by the official ‘church’ is bogus (indies). ‘Ethics’ has no hold on us, but for those still in the bubble and the OSA observers monitoring scientology critic websites on the fringes of the internet, cute creeds that are in complete contrast to the actual workings of the cult actually mean something. ‘Ethics’ is what enslaves the true-believers and keeps them in their mental prison.
If scientologists would actually engage in free thought, speech and idea exchange, the movement would run it’s course and scientology would dwindle to nothing because it is based on fraud and lies and a Founder who had no moral compass.
Skeptic says
Missedcabbage can’t intimidate Leah Remini and her cred with other entertainers, as well as out in the street, is far above anything else that has hit the dwarf. Piggy backing on Going Clear and My Scientology Movie, her series are the the start of the final nails going into the $cicon coffin. The downward spiral is spinning faster; one wonders when the IRS will finally pull the plug?
Dan Locke says
One day I am going to be as cool as Mike Rinder and Leah Remini combined. I’m working on it right now, and every day I get a little more cool. (note that this is being written here by one of Dan Locke’s many personal assistants, and not Dan Locke himself. Dan Locke wouldn’t ever talk about himself in this way, as that wouldn’t be very cool. And everything Dan does is cool. I know, because I watch what Dan does every day, and so this is not just a theory or something. I mean, I’ve seen it for myself: the guy really is cool.)
I Yawnalot says
OK… (Can I try some of whatever you’re on?)
Old Surfer Dude says
Dan should start his own religion. I’ll be his deciple….except when I’m surfing.
The Dark Avenger says
I believe in Mort, the God of C. indica and whose Heaven is the Planet of Open-Minded Stewardesses.
Old Surfer Dude says
Whoa! I’m right there with you, TDA! I’m all in!
Bruce Ploetz says
Some day we will all assume room temperature. How cool is that?
But cool is as cool does, and both of the heroes being compared are cool in different ways. Vive la diffรฉrence!
Besides, we were talking about cool cats and being hip back in the fifties. Poetry readings in the coffee shops were cool. Especially with a bongo backup. Don’t they have a more recent slang term, like “wicked” or “sick” these days?
Ann B Watson says
I was about to write a similar thread Bruce.Mike Rinder is masculine Cool & Leah is feminine Cool and they both are Cool Cats Indeed!??โค๏ธ
lesbates says
So end-cycle CoS already.
The Dark Avenger says
roger hornaday says
Thank you! William Shakespeare is ALWAYS a wonderful treat!
Brian says
thegman77 says
And Shakespeare was COOL back in the 1600s!!! (Forsooth, cooleth, indeed!)
NOLAGirl says
“I think she’s even cooler than Mike Rinder”
LOL!! I’d say they’re both pretty close on the cool scale. ๐
Roger Y says
Add another positive to Mike Rinder: he has a sense of humor “I think she’s even cooler than Mike Rinder”.
Thanks for the morning laugh RB & MIke Rinder!
Flying High says
Last line: I think she is just as cool as Mike Rinder! ๐
Ideal Clear says
roger hornaday says
This is an excellent reminder why Leah’s new TV show is wanted and NEEDED!
Old Surfer Dude says
Once Leah’s new show comes on the air, the dwarf will be ordering scotch by the boatload…