Regraded Being, a superb strip, as always. You are so relevant to what is happening in the CofS these days, right on target. I love your drawing style. I actually feel as though the people are real. Keep up the good work! – T.J.
The fact the church refers to standing in the light of truth as the “dark side” tells you everything you need to know about the C of S protecting their financial interests at the cost of families. No wonder everyone hates them. GO LEAH.
Well, I gotta go. My band is playing at Don the Beachcomber tonight. Right across from the Pacific. As we’ve all grown older, 4 hour gigs have become a thing of the past. Now, it’s 3 hours max.
The weird thing about disconnection – when you are in, it sort of makes sense, that it is an ethics gradient, and they will wake up, recant and rejoin the winning group. But when you get declared and cut off from family and friends, and you wake up to the realization the only reason you were kicked out was to keep the paying Scientologists paying, it is kind of a shock that the cruelty was done for money only.
As far as I’m concerned this is the best RB I’ve read. It is classic. The picture and letter to Mike’s family is hearbreaking but true. Mike you’ve done so much for us outies, and probably the world too. Leah is a hero too.She is using her celebrity in such an amazing way to help all of us here. I ‘m inspired by her so much that I may actually revealmy story to those who don’t know it. Thanks Mike and Leah.
Please do tell us your story. The best disinfectant is sunlight. So pour some sunlight on your story, and give David Miscavige more reasons to scream, “Poor me!”
Postulated News Service:
“David Miscavige has fled the building!
Recent information shows David is nowhere to be seen. Even his Ideal Orgs dedications have been cancelled. Rumours say he is in Venezuela, expecting his citizenship fast track procedures from Nicolas Maduro”
I answered the phone today at the office. The first thing that the recording said was “please do not hang up”. *click* I hung up. Same thing with a recorded call that says *this is a vital call for an important reason”. I can’t hang up fast enough. I asked the person standing next to me “what is your first instinct when you get a call that says “don’t hang up” – he laughed and said “OMG, I HAVE to hang up, no choice, it’s like the ex calling you and pleading you to stay on the phone so they can say they love you one more time”.
Unless you have been beaten into submission, it is human nature to be compelled to see what someone yells at you NOT to look at. Those who are not in Sea Org and under David Miscavige’s direct and personal control 24/7 have moments of clarity when out from under the thumb of the mind control (ask Mike Rinder how that goes). So please please David Miscavige, continue to tell all the people not to watch A&E so they will be sure to do so.
I feel sorry for all those hurt by Disconnection, and the policies implemented by first LRH, and now David Miscavige. The Church of Scientology needs to be taken down. Thanks to all of your hard work, RB, Mike, Leah, Amy, and all of the other ‘bitter defrocked apostates’.
Ah this was so beautiful! And couldn’t stop laughing on “I heard Mike went over to the ‘Dark Side'” where the reality is that when he does attend a congregation in his local area, that real Church is packed with warm loving and caring people who respect him and his family and who freely give to those in need. And so brilliant on placing Leah herself in the couple’s eyes as they are watching the Docu-Series. Can’t wait for more great episodes to come and can’t wait for Mike and Jeffrey to get together and do their “2016 Year In Review” interview where the watchword will be on the order of, “Mega, Mega Pain & Relapse” for you know who!
yes Roger, my wife and I after we left discovered little by little all the thoughts we had suppressed from telling each other about the church, questions about the tech, DM, and particularly things that would probably LFBD under ” On Success Stories, has anything been asserted?” ha ha ha.
I can tell you as a wog, in 2005 I introduced a wog good friend of mine (then married to a top #1 cameraman, he was Jonathan Schwartzman’s cameraman for many years) to a fairly famous sports celebrity Scilon. The three of us wound up in business together and he wooed her only to take her into the religion convincing her to divorce her husband, who told her he knew many actors how had lost all their money to the cult. Then this clear scilon since 1978 borrowed hundreds of thousands of dollars from her to go up the bridge, her auditor and her reg obviously in it together, telling her she had to help him. meanwhile, she spends six years as a public scilon taking classes averaging 20 to 30 hours a week (I know because I often took her as she tried to get me to go in with Ventura mission, which even moved in the middle of the night to their current undustrial park location) and she was telling me for the last three years as I asked constantly she will soon go clear. We spend hours talking scientology as they sought to convert me (without success) but I always noticed they could not take about their individual cases to each other even though they lived together as a couple and worked together. It was very strange. She would literally have to get up from the dinner table so he could tell me what he learned that day during auditing. I was disconnected as a wog, and they both have tried to erase me from their lives, though it’s difficult because I’m on a lot of DVDs and videos with the famous sports celebrity. I will soon name names as I need to piece the complete story of this OT5 scilon who traveled the globe trying to promote evil with the best of intentions.
I like the RB episodes that are hopeful. The other ones are entertaining and valuable too. And sadly true, no doubt. But the hopeful ones, like this week’s, are just a lot of fun to read. Thanks, RB.
I agree! And this one is way hopeful! Hey, RB, thanks for, not only making my day, but, making everyone’s day. You have a beautiful & powerful gift. You’re the best, my friend.
Remini’s show is like an open venous would. It is going to leak out blood for a long time if direct pressure and sutures are not applied. RB did an excellent job of showing the ‘direct pressure’, but ‘special briefings’ can’t hide the first episode of what will be a much longer series.
And this series could easily be extended. $cientology has a very long list of ‘crimes’ that should be exposed. So many crimes and a lot of time to expose them, the OSA clambots and their evil emperor can only cower in fear.
Amy Scobee and Mike Rinder are just 2 disconnection stories. How many more such stories are there? More than enough to fill up the next episodes.
I loved the flashes of Marc Headly, his story is one that will get a lot of attention. In the past week I have seen Leah Remini on Good Morning America, Entertainment Tonight and the Dr. Oz show talking about disconnection. That open venous wound seems to have nicked a neighboring artery.
Not even a mighty mollusk like the clam can burrow deep enough to avoid the Remini repast. I will enjoy each and every moment. And hope that all the disconnected, reconnect.
Great one as usual RB. Leah was the reason I ended up on Ortega and then here when it was on the news she walked away from the church. These panels are me, sitting late into the night reading and investigating, secretly away from everyone. Needless to say have never looked back. I pray that many, many, many still ins do exactly as printed today. And Leah if you are reading here – THANKS!
At last I’m on a wining side, dark to some, bright and invigorating to others.
Don’t you just love the thrill of discovery when your own mind just won’t take any more crap? Late nights and clandestine murmurings are just the beginning of better things to come. Goodbye Scientology you’ve had your time (and fucked it!)
Good one once again RB. You’ve sure got your finger on the Scientology pulse.
Yep, may as well get stuck into the drinking, can’t see worth a damn even with glasses! May as well be happy and blind at the same time.
Anyone got a cure for old age? I heard Scientology can fix it. It makes you so miserable fighting the rest of humanity, especially your family and friends you don’t notice that life slipped you by.
All I’ve got left is some cheap whisky Dude – here ya go…
I yawn, I’m coming over and I’m bringing the goods. A bottle of Cab, Merlot & Zinfindel. I also have some Mauie Wowie, grown in the volcanic dirt on my favorite island, Maui. Then I’ll take you to my ‘church,’ Iao Valley. It sits just above Historical Wailuku. Once you get there, you’ll never want to leave.
RB what you sent today blisters the paint off the walls of those empty Ideal Orgs.I cried over the last panel because Mike’s Open letter to his family was one of the first pieces I found from him on his blog and it broke my heart.Leah has all the support and love I can send her & all involved with this historic TV program.As for you my dear friend,you are such a tremendous talent,thank you Always.You make my Fridays.???
That’s what I’m hoping for too. If you’ve never seen the video of the confrontation between Mike and his ex, with all the people yelling at him, that alone would put you off to Scientology. Mike was calm as a cucumber, while they called him every name in the book. I mean, these folks were hysterical!
You talk about confront! Mike has it.
But, of course, I hope his family does indeed, see the light…
And it’s not enough to distract the flock while the show airs. The show is always and forever just a couple of clicks away. A few extra-long bathroom breaks with a cell phone and a pair of earbuds, and someone can be through with being duped, even if they are surrounded by diehards. It is so easy to find out the truth now, and it’s just not possible to keep everyone distracted all of the time.
I’d like to believe it was just that easy too, except for the fact that True Believer $cilons live in their own Prison of Belief, as Lawrence Wright very accurately described it in his book, Going Clear.
The added level of insidious evil of $cn’s mind control master strategy that keeps still-ins from doing exactly what you describe is their fearful anticipation of having to reveal even the internal consideration of doing something so heretical during the sec checking sessions that everyone in the cherch knows they’re going to be subjected to if they mention even a single questioning word about the cherch’s disconnection policy to anyone else in $cilon Bubble World.
In other words, True Believer $cilons have internalized this 1984-like Thought Police function and suppress any and all negative or questioning thoughts before they can fully arise to internally articulated, fully formed conscious thoughts. That’s because, in $cn, having thoughts are equivalent to acting them out.
Folks who’ve already censored their own thoughts are very unlikely to share them with others in the course of normal conversation, but if they do there’s the ever-present snitch culture to take care of that. When all roads lead to ethics and getting your sorry ass sec checked at your own expense, the internal prohibition on accessing these easily found and widely available materials serves as the invisible bars of every $cilon’s personal prison of belief.
Busting out can be a real bitch! That’s why we’re here offering carrots (e.g., freedom to think what you like, talk to whomever you please and to never be crush regged again for your last dollar) and sticks (to be used liberally on lil davey the dreadful + evil minions until they’re toppled from power and declared as the true SPs on $cn’s lines). Make it so, Leah and Mike…the time has truly come!
Through the scientological practices of emetered thought-policing + humiliation ethics + enforced snitchery, what emerges is a distilling process where those who remain are the ones who are the pure, refined and hardened products of the religion. Obedient and unquestioning, they are the Homo Novi. They aren’t quite as Hubbard described. There are in fact examples of what Hubbard was professing to save mankind from.
It’s called, iRONy.
It is hard not to sound militant and strident when you have left. Bottom line is that real people are having their basic human rights violated on a daily basis in the name of “religion”. There is nothing ecclesiastical about what is happening behind closed doors. If you have to hide from people who are calling you in tha name of your “religion” you might be in scientology.
Although there actually are a couple of other high-demand groups, like the FLDS polygamist mormon splinter group, which also exert this level of coerced and enforced control over their members’ right to affiliate with whom they choose, $cn is probably alone in the elaborateness and number of multi-level mechanisms of mind control that are utilized to keep its flock toeing the line.
Even the North Koreans do not have the advanced sec checking methods of $cn, which feature an electronic means of not only detecting lies, but of revealing any thought that is not in absolute conformity with Dear Leader’s intent and beliefs. That additional layer of internalized thought policing is what makes $cn a true “prison of belief” and an evil with the potential to do even more harm in the hands of totalitarian regime, like N. Korea, than they’re capable of now.
Good point about where this all leads. Nth Korea pretty much directs their efforts similar to the Nazis as I see it. Camps for the dissidents and a bullet for anyone who has any power/influence or can persuade others to wander off the beaten path, or shows even the slightest hint of being non-conformist. The closer to top the more dangerous it becomes. Shelly comes to mind by her disappearance from the scene. I find it impossible to believe even for an instant that she agreed to “vanish” of her own free will. Family means nothing to the power addicted insane and family poses too much of a threat as they know your secrets. Kim Jong-un like Miscavige have developed their own solutions to that ‘potential’ problem.
Scientology procedures do pose a threat to life in general if adopted by the less socially minded dictators of the world. Luckily most dictators are too full of themselves to adopt another’s way of doing things. imo the threat of Scientology procedures comes from within the clandestine organisations within governments who wish to adopt such mind control directions and to even use it to threaten the extant authority from within, they don’t care.
Yes, the similarities in “leadership” styles between D. Miscavige and North Korea’s Kim Jong Un are striking. They both have an absolute dictatorship. Kim cannot be removed from his inherited position, and woe to anyone who tries, just as Miscavige is “Chairman of the Board”, yet there is no board, so there is no one to keep him in check or vote to remove him.
Both have power to “disappear” anyone who gets in their way, in fact Kim Jog Un’s wife had been missing for almost a year (no one has the ‘rank’ to ask about her, lol), just as Miscavige’s wife Shelly vanished from sight years ago with no explanation. Kim’s wife has reappeared today, but who knows where she was and if he will keep her around.
Laugh out loud funny with the picture of Leah in their eyes!
What’s the church going to do to stop the onslaught week after week after week. It’s like the deluge and mudslide that took place at Hemet. Who the hell is miscavige blaming now?
As they say in the bubble Mary…… “THIS IS A FUCKING YUGE FLAP!”
Yo Julian,
Better get ready for some serious overtime good buddy. Not sure how you do that in your cult but perhaps it means cutting you sleep time from 3hrs down to 1.5. And don’t forget to order a truckload of legal sized goldenrod paper…………..
But who you are you gonna call? If you haven’t noticed Julian, what you are experiencing is called the “dwindling spiral” and you are in the middle of it.
Let’s all send Miscavige a best wishes Christmas card with a shot of Leah & Mike on the front. Maybe someone who knows how to do such things can photoshop a couple of Santa hats on a still shot of Mike & Leah in the car talking from the 1st episode. You know, just to join into the spirit of it all on this festive occasion of good will to all men etc.
Regraded Being, a superb strip, as always. You are so relevant to what is happening in the CofS these days, right on target. I love your drawing style. I actually feel as though the people are real. Keep up the good work! – T.J.
The fact the church refers to standing in the light of truth as the “dark side” tells you everything you need to know about the C of S protecting their financial interests at the cost of families. No wonder everyone hates them. GO LEAH.
Well, I gotta go. My band is playing at Don the Beachcomber tonight. Right across from the Pacific. As we’ve all grown older, 4 hour gigs have become a thing of the past. Now, it’s 3 hours max.
‘See’ everyone tomorrow!
Make alcohol your friend, my friend, not your master.
Hey OSD, I’d love to come to OC one day and meet you and watch you play. Have fun.
I hope you had a terrific time OSD! Enjoy the rest of the weekend. 🙂
I don’t think that on-lines Scientologists are even CLOSE to being as flexible in their thinking as the couple in this RB.
They’re still new-ish. Sure wish this show was around when *I* was new-ish, but thank god for the internet!
I agree. This comic feels a bit Jack-Chick-ish. For any former Scientologists here, just how plausible is this scenario anyway?
jmsr7, I would have to agree with you and Joe, as regards most of those who are on lines.
spot on
The weird thing about disconnection – when you are in, it sort of makes sense, that it is an ethics gradient, and they will wake up, recant and rejoin the winning group. But when you get declared and cut off from family and friends, and you wake up to the realization the only reason you were kicked out was to keep the paying Scientologists paying, it is kind of a shock that the cruelty was done for money only.
Spot on, Mimsey.
Ha! Leah in their eyes….haha You’re very impressive Mr. Rinder, one of these days some big (ethical!) corporation is gonna scoop you right up!
As far as I’m concerned this is the best RB I’ve read. It is classic. The picture and letter to Mike’s family is hearbreaking but true. Mike you’ve done so much for us outies, and probably the world too. Leah is a hero too.She is using her celebrity in such an amazing way to help all of us here. I ‘m inspired by her so much that I may actually revealmy story to those who don’t know it. Thanks Mike and Leah.
Please do tell us your story. The best disinfectant is sunlight. So pour some sunlight on your story, and give David Miscavige more reasons to scream, “Poor me!”
Postulated News Service:
“David Miscavige has fled the building!
Recent information shows David is nowhere to be seen. Even his Ideal Orgs dedications have been cancelled. Rumours say he is in Venezuela, expecting his citizenship fast track procedures from Nicolas Maduro”
I answered the phone today at the office. The first thing that the recording said was “please do not hang up”. *click* I hung up. Same thing with a recorded call that says *this is a vital call for an important reason”. I can’t hang up fast enough. I asked the person standing next to me “what is your first instinct when you get a call that says “don’t hang up” – he laughed and said “OMG, I HAVE to hang up, no choice, it’s like the ex calling you and pleading you to stay on the phone so they can say they love you one more time”.
Unless you have been beaten into submission, it is human nature to be compelled to see what someone yells at you NOT to look at. Those who are not in Sea Org and under David Miscavige’s direct and personal control 24/7 have moments of clarity when out from under the thumb of the mind control (ask Mike Rinder how that goes). So please please David Miscavige, continue to tell all the people not to watch A&E so they will be sure to do so.
Devastating. Totally devastating RB.
I feel sorry for all those hurt by Disconnection, and the policies implemented by first LRH, and now David Miscavige. The Church of Scientology needs to be taken down. Thanks to all of your hard work, RB, Mike, Leah, Amy, and all of the other ‘bitter defrocked apostates’.
Ah this was so beautiful! And couldn’t stop laughing on “I heard Mike went over to the ‘Dark Side'” where the reality is that when he does attend a congregation in his local area, that real Church is packed with warm loving and caring people who respect him and his family and who freely give to those in need. And so brilliant on placing Leah herself in the couple’s eyes as they are watching the Docu-Series. Can’t wait for more great episodes to come and can’t wait for Mike and Jeffrey to get together and do their “2016 Year In Review” interview where the watchword will be on the order of, “Mega, Mega Pain & Relapse” for you know who!
One of the best ever! Splendid.
How many scientologist couples have thoughts about scientology they dare not share with the other? That question speaks volumes.
yes Roger, my wife and I after we left discovered little by little all the thoughts we had suppressed from telling each other about the church, questions about the tech, DM, and particularly things that would probably LFBD under ” On Success Stories, has anything been asserted?” ha ha ha.
I can tell you as a wog, in 2005 I introduced a wog good friend of mine (then married to a top #1 cameraman, he was Jonathan Schwartzman’s cameraman for many years) to a fairly famous sports celebrity Scilon. The three of us wound up in business together and he wooed her only to take her into the religion convincing her to divorce her husband, who told her he knew many actors how had lost all their money to the cult. Then this clear scilon since 1978 borrowed hundreds of thousands of dollars from her to go up the bridge, her auditor and her reg obviously in it together, telling her she had to help him. meanwhile, she spends six years as a public scilon taking classes averaging 20 to 30 hours a week (I know because I often took her as she tried to get me to go in with Ventura mission, which even moved in the middle of the night to their current undustrial park location) and she was telling me for the last three years as I asked constantly she will soon go clear. We spend hours talking scientology as they sought to convert me (without success) but I always noticed they could not take about their individual cases to each other even though they lived together as a couple and worked together. It was very strange. She would literally have to get up from the dinner table so he could tell me what he learned that day during auditing. I was disconnected as a wog, and they both have tried to erase me from their lives, though it’s difficult because I’m on a lot of DVDs and videos with the famous sports celebrity. I will soon name names as I need to piece the complete story of this OT5 scilon who traveled the globe trying to promote evil with the best of intentions.
Cant wait to hear your whole story, along with names. Looking forward to it.
I like the RB episodes that are hopeful. The other ones are entertaining and valuable too. And sadly true, no doubt. But the hopeful ones, like this week’s, are just a lot of fun to read. Thanks, RB.
I agree! And this one is way hopeful! Hey, RB, thanks for, not only making my day, but, making everyone’s day. You have a beautiful & powerful gift. You’re the best, my friend.
Remini’s show is like an open venous would. It is going to leak out blood for a long time if direct pressure and sutures are not applied. RB did an excellent job of showing the ‘direct pressure’, but ‘special briefings’ can’t hide the first episode of what will be a much longer series.
And this series could easily be extended. $cientology has a very long list of ‘crimes’ that should be exposed. So many crimes and a lot of time to expose them, the OSA clambots and their evil emperor can only cower in fear.
Amy Scobee and Mike Rinder are just 2 disconnection stories. How many more such stories are there? More than enough to fill up the next episodes.
I loved the flashes of Marc Headly, his story is one that will get a lot of attention. In the past week I have seen Leah Remini on Good Morning America, Entertainment Tonight and the Dr. Oz show talking about disconnection. That open venous wound seems to have nicked a neighboring artery.
Not even a mighty mollusk like the clam can burrow deep enough to avoid the Remini repast. I will enjoy each and every moment. And hope that all the disconnected, reconnect.
Great one as usual RB. Leah was the reason I ended up on Ortega and then here when it was on the news she walked away from the church. These panels are me, sitting late into the night reading and investigating, secretly away from everyone. Needless to say have never looked back. I pray that many, many, many still ins do exactly as printed today. And Leah if you are reading here – THANKS!
At last I’m on a wining side, dark to some, bright and invigorating to others.
Don’t you just love the thrill of discovery when your own mind just won’t take any more crap? Late nights and clandestine murmurings are just the beginning of better things to come. Goodbye Scientology you’ve had your time (and fucked it!)
Good one once again RB. You’ve sure got your finger on the Scientology pulse.
That’s winning not wining – geezers… damn words!
Well wait just a dog gone minute! If you want winning over wining, that’s fine with me! Just hand over the damn bottle!
Yep, may as well get stuck into the drinking, can’t see worth a damn even with glasses! May as well be happy and blind at the same time.
Anyone got a cure for old age? I heard Scientology can fix it. It makes you so miserable fighting the rest of humanity, especially your family and friends you don’t notice that life slipped you by.
All I’ve got left is some cheap whisky Dude – here ya go…
I yawn, I’m coming over and I’m bringing the goods. A bottle of Cab, Merlot & Zinfindel. I also have some Mauie Wowie, grown in the volcanic dirt on my favorite island, Maui. Then I’ll take you to my ‘church,’ Iao Valley. It sits just above Historical Wailuku. Once you get there, you’ll never want to leave.
I’m in!
RB what you sent today blisters the paint off the walls of those empty Ideal Orgs.I cried over the last panel because Mike’s Open letter to his family was one of the first pieces I found from him on his blog and it broke my heart.Leah has all the support and love I can send her & all involved with this historic TV program.As for you my dear friend,you are such a tremendous talent,thank you Always.You make my Fridays.???
I, too, cried over Mike’s open letter to his family. I hope some day his family actually reads it and sees the light.
That’s what I’m hoping for too. If you’ve never seen the video of the confrontation between Mike and his ex, with all the people yelling at him, that alone would put you off to Scientology. Mike was calm as a cucumber, while they called him every name in the book. I mean, these folks were hysterical!
You talk about confront! Mike has it.
But, of course, I hope his family does indeed, see the light…
OMG ! Leah in their eyes. That is so hysterical.
She’s a force to be reckoned with! And she has the guts to do whatever she wants!
And it’s not enough to distract the flock while the show airs. The show is always and forever just a couple of clicks away. A few extra-long bathroom breaks with a cell phone and a pair of earbuds, and someone can be through with being duped, even if they are surrounded by diehards. It is so easy to find out the truth now, and it’s just not possible to keep everyone distracted all of the time.
I’d like to believe it was just that easy too, except for the fact that True Believer $cilons live in their own Prison of Belief, as Lawrence Wright very accurately described it in his book, Going Clear.
The added level of insidious evil of $cn’s mind control master strategy that keeps still-ins from doing exactly what you describe is their fearful anticipation of having to reveal even the internal consideration of doing something so heretical during the sec checking sessions that everyone in the cherch knows they’re going to be subjected to if they mention even a single questioning word about the cherch’s disconnection policy to anyone else in $cilon Bubble World.
In other words, True Believer $cilons have internalized this 1984-like Thought Police function and suppress any and all negative or questioning thoughts before they can fully arise to internally articulated, fully formed conscious thoughts. That’s because, in $cn, having thoughts are equivalent to acting them out.
Folks who’ve already censored their own thoughts are very unlikely to share them with others in the course of normal conversation, but if they do there’s the ever-present snitch culture to take care of that. When all roads lead to ethics and getting your sorry ass sec checked at your own expense, the internal prohibition on accessing these easily found and widely available materials serves as the invisible bars of every $cilon’s personal prison of belief.
Busting out can be a real bitch! That’s why we’re here offering carrots (e.g., freedom to think what you like, talk to whomever you please and to never be crush regged again for your last dollar) and sticks (to be used liberally on lil davey the dreadful + evil minions until they’re toppled from power and declared as the true SPs on $cn’s lines). Make it so, Leah and Mike…the time has truly come!
Through the scientological practices of emetered thought-policing + humiliation ethics + enforced snitchery, what emerges is a distilling process where those who remain are the ones who are the pure, refined and hardened products of the religion. Obedient and unquestioning, they are the Homo Novi. They aren’t quite as Hubbard described. There are in fact examples of what Hubbard was professing to save mankind from.
It’s called, iRONy.
Wake up, little sheeple, wake up
Wake up, little sheeple, wake up
You’ve both been sound asleep
Wake up little sheeple and weep
The show is over, now say goodbye
To Scientology
Wake up, little sheeple
Wake up, little sheeple
Well, whatcha gonna tell your Mom?
Whatcha gonna tell your Dad?
Whatcha gonna tell your friends
When they say, “Leah’s bad”?
Wake up, little sheeple
Wake up, little sheeple
The exposé was hot
It didn’t need a plot
It’s time to see, you’ve been deceived
By all the lies you bought
Wake up, little sheeple
Wake up, little sheeple
Mephisto, did you used to write under the name of MJ or Michael?
Once again, i stand in awe! But only for a little while. Then I’ll need to sit down…
Sometimes I don’t know who is funnier, you or Mephisto. 🙂
They are both hilarious. 🙂 Everyone needs a laugh now and then.
It is hard not to sound militant and strident when you have left. Bottom line is that real people are having their basic human rights violated on a daily basis in the name of “religion”. There is nothing ecclesiastical about what is happening behind closed doors. If you have to hide from people who are calling you in tha name of your “religion” you might be in scientology.
Although there actually are a couple of other high-demand groups, like the FLDS polygamist mormon splinter group, which also exert this level of coerced and enforced control over their members’ right to affiliate with whom they choose, $cn is probably alone in the elaborateness and number of multi-level mechanisms of mind control that are utilized to keep its flock toeing the line.
Even the North Koreans do not have the advanced sec checking methods of $cn, which feature an electronic means of not only detecting lies, but of revealing any thought that is not in absolute conformity with Dear Leader’s intent and beliefs. That additional layer of internalized thought policing is what makes $cn a true “prison of belief” and an evil with the potential to do even more harm in the hands of totalitarian regime, like N. Korea, than they’re capable of now.
Good point about where this all leads. Nth Korea pretty much directs their efforts similar to the Nazis as I see it. Camps for the dissidents and a bullet for anyone who has any power/influence or can persuade others to wander off the beaten path, or shows even the slightest hint of being non-conformist. The closer to top the more dangerous it becomes. Shelly comes to mind by her disappearance from the scene. I find it impossible to believe even for an instant that she agreed to “vanish” of her own free will. Family means nothing to the power addicted insane and family poses too much of a threat as they know your secrets. Kim Jong-un like Miscavige have developed their own solutions to that ‘potential’ problem.
Scientology procedures do pose a threat to life in general if adopted by the less socially minded dictators of the world. Luckily most dictators are too full of themselves to adopt another’s way of doing things. imo the threat of Scientology procedures comes from within the clandestine organisations within governments who wish to adopt such mind control directions and to even use it to threaten the extant authority from within, they don’t care.
Yes, the similarities in “leadership” styles between D. Miscavige and North Korea’s Kim Jong Un are striking. They both have an absolute dictatorship. Kim cannot be removed from his inherited position, and woe to anyone who tries, just as Miscavige is “Chairman of the Board”, yet there is no board, so there is no one to keep him in check or vote to remove him.
Both have power to “disappear” anyone who gets in their way, in fact Kim Jog Un’s wife had been missing for almost a year (no one has the ‘rank’ to ask about her, lol), just as Miscavige’s wife Shelly vanished from sight years ago with no explanation. Kim’s wife has reappeared today, but who knows where she was and if he will keep her around.
By the way, North Korean names do not have a hyphen, although South Koreans names do. So he’s Kim Jong Un not Kim Jong-un as he would be in the South.
Laugh out loud funny with the picture of Leah in their eyes!
What’s the church going to do to stop the onslaught week after week after week. It’s like the deluge and mudslide that took place at Hemet. Who the hell is miscavige blaming now?
As they say in the bubble Mary…… “THIS IS A FUCKING YUGE FLAP!”
Yo Julian,
Better get ready for some serious overtime good buddy. Not sure how you do that in your cult but perhaps it means cutting you sleep time from 3hrs down to 1.5. And don’t forget to order a truckload of legal sized goldenrod paper…………..
But who you are you gonna call? If you haven’t noticed Julian, what you are experiencing is called the “dwindling spiral” and you are in the middle of it.
Tell Mike Sutter and Marion Pouw hello for me.
Who you gonna call? Ghost Busters! In the form Mike Rinder & Leah Rimini. And there’s what, 6 more episodes still to come! The cult is doomed…
7 more I think! Then there will be season two to hope for!
Maybe it’ll turn into a series!
When scientologists are screaming and attacking a person, you KNOW that that person is winning! And that they are GOOD and SANE.
Truer words were never spoken…
How about, “Scientology can set you free…” That’s true too isn’t it? isn’t that why we post here?
Geezers!!! Am I posting on the wrong blog?
Yawn, “Scientology can set you free … from family, sanity and property”
DAVID MISCAVIGE is an ENEMY of The United States of America.
DAVID MISCAVIGE is a TERRORIST committing TERRORIST ACTS against the citizens of this country.
The Truth of DAVID MISCAVIGE’S crimes are being exposed and it is the responsibility of The United States Justice System to investigate these crimes.
DAVID MISCAVIGE will use the billions of dollars at his disposal and will use any means necessary to thwart the exposure of his criminal activities.
That Leah look in their eyes. Great stuff.
Oh My God! Hysterical…
Leah Remini’s face showing up in their eyes…
That was over the top!!
AND TRUE…happening every day to lurker’s on the fringe of Scientology!
Please – everyone…continue!
Imagine what the dwarf is thinking as he looks into their eyes! Meltdown City?
He’s thinking, “no matter which way this thing breaks, I’ve got plenty of money salted away, so I’ll be okay”.
But, he’ll always be looking over his shoulder…
If I had done all the bad shit he’s done, I’d sleep with one eye open.
Let’s all send Miscavige a best wishes Christmas card with a shot of Leah & Mike on the front. Maybe someone who knows how to do such things can photoshop a couple of Santa hats on a still shot of Mike & Leah in the car talking from the 1st episode. You know, just to join into the spirit of it all on this festive occasion of good will to all men etc.
Congrats RB.Leave it to RB to always translate the big picture in a way you can relate to.
Let’s not forget this special moment of “Truth Revealed”:
That is a very powerful article. A “must read” for everyone.