Mike, I would just like to thank you for all you do on this blog. I love all of it and we all take away from it what we need. Someone trying to micro manage it for you is just ridiculous and they don’t speak for all of us, that’s for sure!
Thanks RB
You give some disconnected folks like me a front seat on the slow moving train wreck every week.
I catch myself trying to predict which thing you will take up this week.
Your humor contrasts marvelously with with the pompousness of a certain Philly Thug.
Great one, RB. I think this one is my #1 fave so far. I can relate. When I left, I disconnected from THEM. If not to them, because I took my time and didn’t announce it, it was still very clear to me that I left them.
That was one of the funniest, wittiest, RB.
… don’t need to see entheta to know it’s entheta … (witty!)
… unshakeable certainty about what we already know …
… I think she just disconnected from us … she can’t do that ….
Probably not to most, but what really kind of cracked me up / made me sad was the “unshakeable certainty” thing. That’s the antithesis to it all … below fixed ideas … maybe catatonic? Just such a closed world … the antithesis …. I mean, it’s one thing to take a look at something and discern that it’s not worth a second look unless you think you missed something the first time, but not looking AT ALL …?
I’ve watched Leah’s presentations, with my own skepticism in place (TR’s in) (joke). But one of the things she said, one of the things she explained, took me into looking at how difficult it must be, for all involved, to put a show, a message, like that together. The years of experience show business – whatever goes into it – is one whole set of things. The technology of that. But what is impressive is the balance to keep a straight perspective and not be tempted to go off into “popular” mud-slinging type harangues … that’s impressive. (I watch everything with a degree of skepticism these days, btw.)
Can’t leave this without mentioning ethics. If more people would do some admin scales, and define or at least sketch out their own personal real goals, what they want to accomplish – really, not some facsimile – I think there’d be more independent and realistic certainty, and maybe a bit more healthy uncertainty about blind convictions. As Yogi Berra is reputed to have said, “If you don’t know where you’re going, you’d better be careful, ’cause you might not get there!”
P.S. By “doing admin scales” I mean determining what one truly wishes to accomplish, what end result(s) and product(s) one wants. For example, does one really want to maintain communication with one’s own family members? I think most would say yes. Wasn’t that one of the goals of getting “into” Scn in the first place? To improve communications? So how is it logical, to disconnect (in the name of more communication), if that is NOT what one wants? An admin scale lays out the logic – it’s a template for the spiritual DNA of doing anything. The most powerful collection of a dozen words or so in any language. It can be studied under a microscope. And no two individual’s admin scales are going to be exactly the same. Even in the proverbial identical twins, you have very obviously two distinct individuals.
Great comment, Nickname. Yes, “unshakeable certainty” – laughter! Why? Because the person runs terrified from anything that looks like it will contradict it? In fact, the phrase itself it redundant. True certainly about something is a very high toned operating state. True certainty will withstand a great deal of “shaking up”.
Thanks, Aqua. Yes. I had a bit of trouble tying to say that, about “unshakeable” certainty. Btw, I replied late (internet was down) to your excellent reply https://www.mikerindersblog.org/friday-regraded-being-72/#comment-151362 way back on Nov. 19th. Just in case you thought I didn’t. Love your comments.
I did something along these lines myself – I removed myslf from the CoS; Iclearly told the appropriate terminals in a detailed explanatory letter that I would “no longer support CoS in any way, shape of form”. So without using the word “disconnect”, I in fact disconnected. I expect some may still wake up, although I’m not losing any sleep over it.
75% less funnies would be warmly appreciated.Like say 5-6 or so.Most funnies are repetitive.Massive funny inflation going on.We are upstat because we published 39 funnies.Last week it was 38.
Just the 5 funiest funnies.No golden age of ffunnies please with 200 funnies.
Sometimes less is more.And sorry Mike you are usually funny and insightful but not always.
Some of your comments on the funnies are starting to sound as tired as cherch rhetoric.
Your top10% comments though are excellent and I wade through the mud every week to find a good one.Why not respect your reader’s time and only publish the rally funny funnies with your comments.
I do not need in 2017 5 articles that kitchener org hs food beautiful food.
Point taken. Though what’s funny to you, or funny to me, may not be funny to others and vice versa. I will do my best to cut them back as it is a lot of work. The other reason to do this is so there is a record of these things forever. Once they are on the blog they are there for anyone and everyone to refer to in the future.
Mike, You can include one “Food Glorious Food” each week. It may be repetitive, but it’s nice to show the consistency and neverendingness of the absurdity of Scientology marketing come-ons. Also, pictures of yummy food things that I can go out and get any time, but Scientologists sure as hell aren’t getting in their fundraising halls, make me feel superior. Thank you.
Xenu’s Son, Mike Rinder is not a comedian whose job is to entertain us. He’s putting out important information to bring down an evil and dangerous cult masquerading as a religion. He’s putting out consistent effort to do this. The goal of this blog is not to make you or me laugh. That said, Mike is an expert wordsmith and satirist with a very dry sense of humor all of which makes imbibing what is actually tragic information on a daily basis quite enjoyable. This is no small skill to consistently achieve such an effect. But I get it, the funnies are not funny enough for you and you are entitled to your opinion. And I’m entitled to mine. I rarely engage in these little blog spats but I’m going to opine now that your criticisms could have been conveyed in a more considerate, understanding and respectful manner here. Mike is a mature adult with much experience handling far worse criticism and invalidation than was this,as well as consummate gentleman, and his reply to you was tact itself. He certainly doesn’t need me to defend him and I’m only saying what I’m saying to you because your whole tone really bothers me and because you sound so entitled, somehow. Well, you’re not entitled. Nor am I, nor is anyone here. All right, that’s all.
Good Lordy! I was just having a little fun. I’m not seriously trying to tell Mike how to run this thing. Perhaps my attempt at humor was too dry stick, and for that I sincerely apologize.
As a never-in (who first discovered this blog when Going Clear came out), the weekly funnies have been very informative, showing the relentless efforts by the church to use any means necessary to separate members from their money.
THanks Kathy — and to the others who commented about this, inluding Coop and Aqua. If I reduce the number of items in the funnies it will only be because I want to spend less time on them. The same volume of garbage will be spewing forth from the bubble as always.
The thing about the funnies is that the sheer volume of them makes them almost unreadable, but it’s probably only a small percentage of what anyone who is still in receives on a weekly basis which makes them valuable.
The insanity of a “church” inundating its parishioners with obscene amounts of propaganda needs to be kept out there where people can see it. I personally think new people coming to the site may actually be interested in seeing the over the top advertising a place purporting to be a religion dumps on anyone who doesn’t actively do whatever they possibly can to stop it.
I LOVE the Regraded Being strips. I think we ALL do! Everyone writes tons of great comments and thanks and say how it touches them, and start on Wednesday saying “hurry up Friday for Regraded Being” – these strips are fantastic, there’s nothing else like them. They hit home every time, they touch people’s hearts, make us laugh, makes us cry, sometimes both at the same time. Never cut back on Regraded Being strips.
If you have to re-run a few sometimes, so be it, but don’t stop them. Some of my favorites are the one where the girl runs after her dad and he hides because she is SP now – and it was a true story. And all the ones with the Sea Org kids trying to conform but having questions. Every strip with DM, a look inside his world. All the strips about disconnection, the ones with the chaplain, and the one with the reg who asks how the guy is doing, then tells the other reg he has more money they can get because he is planning a vacation and sending his kid to college – all those subjects that are so important to address, and in such a unique way. Regraded Being is awesome! The only question I have is that I didn’t know that Mike Rinder writes Regraded Being, if that’s what you guys are saying. Is that true? I had no idea, I thought it was some other unknown person.
whew… I was so far off base! Many apologies, it was very late (I think 3 AM my time) I had just worked a full day plus almost 6 hours overtime, and it looks like my brain was not fully functioning, and I totally misunderstood, how embarrassing. That will teach me not to post on half-brain power, lol. As I have another week of late-nights, I probably won’t be around much. Thanks for clearing that up. I love the funnies also.
Sorry words came out wrong.
Was tired and had a couple of drinks.
I have read every funny that was ever published.
Plus every reaction on this blog.
Mike is not here to entertain us.
But really funny humor is a very powerful weapon against the solidity of the still ins.
Mike is a marvellous wordsmith which is why I grit my teeth to go through every funny.
Maybe I overlooked a bit that some people come to the board and leave after a couple of months.
But of the say 25 available funnies no one can make a hit 25 out of 25 week after week
On the other hand many times Mike makes a comment and he totally nails it.
All I said is 5-7 funnies a week but really good ones would be marvellous.
But how is Mike supposed to write catching copy on the Valley ot committee month after month for years?
Also because there are so many funnies it has happened to me that I read a comment on a funny and did not know what they were referring to.
5 to 7 funnies is just my 2 cents worth.
Funnies that work for me:
Any group photos like Santa Barbara geezers.
Personal stuff david Pomeranz coming for all 8 Toronto scientologist to sing we stand tall followed by we give big.
Flag stats and analyses are great,but Clive has gone in hiding.
Mr energy on the Freewinds doing a seminar surrounded by adoring followers
A menu card for pacifica canteen with as many spelling mistakes as my posts.
OT geezer committee meetings.
Out of shape people in superman costumes.
Senior cs aola meeting where he threatens 6 to 8 intensives sec checks if you watch the internet.
Tina Teeny or Gus geezer has joined staff.
Rex retard OT 8 has just completed student hat.
The reaching eternity by becoming a millionaire on the Freewinds has been postponed.
Any actual production stats.Albuquerque completed their second purif this year..
Anything from tintagel.
Any opening of morgues including estimates of attendees.and estimated amount of people photoshopped in.
To put it into data series.Any outpoints.
Less interesting event invitations.Maybe just one max 2 per week,unless there is something funny or unusual about it.
Just one viewpoint hope it is useful.
the fun thing about disconnection – is you think it’s a really good idea to make the person wake up and recant and rejoin the group, then you get declared, and you hate that all of your friends and relatives find it “inconvenient” to talk to you any more. You wallow in despair until you realize: the calls from the org have stopped. The endless mailings have stopped. You don’t have to be stressed out about how to pay for bridge actions. The reges and IAS reges no longer show up at your door unannounced. You actually have money to pay bills, go to see a movie and eat at a nice restaurant. You can drink a glass of wine or beer and not feel guilty or worry about being sessionable or courseable. You don’t have to make up time over the holidays to keep the org stats up.
You realize you’re getting your life back.
You secretly wonder – why didn’t I get my self declared long ago?
Alex Gibney nailed it with his title: Prison of Belief. That really could be said of any deeply held and firmly believed stable datum, whether that be religion, money, sex, addiction to fame, whatever. Put the being into self-censoring restraint mode, and pour on the FUD. What really brought that home to me was my experience at what I call “Valhalla in Hell”, the Indy party in 2011. Sitting around the early morning table, before the heat turned on and listening to Jackson and Marty discussing their escapes…how Marty learned of the unclosed holes to get out from Sec Checking Jackson……just honest candid comm about the oppressive conditions and increasing pressures inside the wall. Once that belief (dependency) is broken, responsibility for self (and others)and actions manifests. I have a sense that the warden may be near a crises of conscious,(I know, hes proved he doesn’t have one) and I for one don’t really want to be around if\when that happens…….
Nothing in Scientology is true for you unless you have observed it and it is true according to your observation, as long as it’s in accordance with command intention.
My husband and I just spent a weekend with my husband’s elderly very devout Mormon parents. Religion was not brought up, but a lot of I love yous were. We have never once been threatened with disconnection nor have we ever threatened to disconnect from them although neither of us has set foot inside a Mormon church for decades. Various members of their church came into their home while we were there. They were all kind to us and treated us nicely.
This ties into Tony’s blog today as well. We are part of a large brigade of people who help these precious people who desire to stay in their home although it would be better for all of us (probably even them, if truth be known) if they were in assisted living. A large majority of their eight children and dozens of grandchildren, no matter what their religious belief, take turns coming into the home and making sure these people are well fed and cared for.
The closest thing to “disconnection talk” is when my husband’s father goes off on one of his “I want to spend eternity with you” speeches. We just smile and say “I know daddy” and he tapers off.
Mary went through five years of hell to keep her family together. Mike looked like a POW when he finally realized that he was not going to be allowed to keep his family together. Although turnabout is fair play, I have to think…is it right? I’m sorry, although I get where RB was going with this, this cartoon just rubbed me wrong. Disconnection is wrong, no matter who is practicing it IMHO.
I completely agree with you there! Disconnecting, or even threatening to disconnect from family, until they do what you demand is wrong…it’s wrong when $cn does it and it’s wrong when it’s used as a coercive means of getting people to do as you wish elsewhere as well.
However, I’m pretty sure that RB’s comic today was not intended to suggest that anyone actually do what cartoon Kim did to her parents by giving them that ultimatum. Instead, it was intended as biting satire to illustrate exactly how wrong $cn’s policy of coerced disconnection is by turning the tables on those who are the ones whose cherch utilizes it as an instrument of control and isolation to show how everyone feels when that heinous policy is used on them.
$cn has been at great pains lately to try and normalize disconnection and conflate it with the practice of shunning. Their argument contradicts itself, though: On the one hand, they’re consistent position has been that individual members make their own decision about whether or not to sever ties with friends, families and associates; but on the other, they present a long and involved argument that attempts to normalize church-ordered shunning by listing all of the many religions that also engage in this practice (see the letters sent to A&E concerning the series and made public by the network)
Their argument is essentially incoherent because, if individual $cn cherch members are the only ones to decide whether or not they will remain in relationship with non-$cilon family and friends, then the cherch DOES NOT engage in shunning as an institutionally decreed practice. Conversely, if the cherch admits to engaging in the practice of shunning, just as many other religions do, then it is not up to the individual to make that decision…it’s either one way or it’s the other.
Based on the many credible, first-hand accounts that have been well-documented over the years, it’s a blatant and bald-faced lie for the cherch to try and insist that disconnection from family members is undertaken solely on their own discretion and is not coerced. There have been many documented instances in which individuals who did not follow the cherch’s orders to disconnect from those who’d been expelled from the cherch were themselves subjected to expulsion, merely for maintaining contact with them and many more, such as Mary Kahn’s husband, who were influenced to divorce their spouses under threat of expulsion if they didn’t.
Beyond all that, the cherch does not even abide by its own internal due process procedures which requires a committee of evidence to be convened and the accused be given a chance to defend themselves. Indeed, the cherch even attempts to cover up their own failure to follow their own policy by not even issuing the required golden-rod declare order at times.
For True Believer $cilons to somehow imagine that they’ll be treated any differently is to be about as naive and delusional as it’s possible to be. There is no due process safeguards in $cn Ethics actions; there is no way to insist that policy be followed; there is no higher level within the cult to which unfair, off-policy actions can be appealed…in short, there’s no justice at all and if you’re foolish enough not to see it, then you’re almost certain to be victimized by it at some point in your cult career!
Get out while the getting is good or you too will be chewed up and spit out by this heartless, merciless group!
Now I’m curious. I’ve seen many mentions of not being issued the Goldenrod Declare, and was under the impression that the cherch was no longer issuing them at all (in contradiction to LRH policy).
Does the cherch ever issue a Goldenrod Declare these days? When did they last issue one that you know of?
I’m a never in, and what I know of Scientology comes from Mike, Mark, Karen, and Tony. This is a serious question. If the cherch is not following its own policies in regards to Suppresive Person Declares, it should be shouted from the mountain tops.
Dave has the only authorized golden rod, but I can’t describe how he puts it to use as it might offend the delicate sensibilities of many visitors here.
Those are good questions and I’d like to know the answers to them too. It’s been decades since I was in the cult and I no longer know anyone who’s still in.
I’ve heard numerous folks mention that they’d been declared, but never received an official declaration. That makes sense because, per policy, folks are supposed to be given an opportunity to defend themselves in a formal hearing (committee of evidence) before they can be declared, so if none took place issuing a formal written declare that acknowledges their own off-policy action I’m sure just doesn’t seem wise, even to $cilons.
lil davey has become a law unto himself, and with no one to stop him, the cherch’s ethics division has devolved into an extortion, interrogation and threat operation.
Since you didn’t get a golden rod, that means you are not officially declared! Report back to LEC to decode telexes and play tennis while everyone else slaves.
I’m ex-Baptist and I get the sweetness treatment (with the occasional “why don’t you come back to church?” softly expressed) when I go home too. Even get it in nice letters and cards my family sends. I’ll probably never rejoin my old religion, but this sort of treatment turns a 0 percent chance into at least a 5 percent chance. And it makes me feel good because it shows my family cares about me and are expressing it the best way they know how.
Just shows how utterly stupid Hubbard & church are. The harsh treatment may have some efficacy in keeping people in the cult, but will do worse than nothing in getting them back once they’ve left. i’ve been following Mike and some of the other ex’s for quite some time. Seen almost no one go back. Even those who think there’s some value in LRH’s teachings. Whereas with Baptists and Mormons, there’s not exactly a flood of people returning to their former church, but it’s not unheard of either.
Exactly! And not only does that harsh treatment virtually guarantee that ex-members will never return, but the church’s paranoia will alienate any new people who might be interested. If a non-member walks into a normal church, they are welcomed. But a non-member walking into an org these days would be met with suspicion and distrust. Scientology is dead, but like the proverbial chicken with its head cut off, it doesn’t know it yet.
Gotta give credit to these Scientologists — they kept their child out of the cult. I look forward to their daughter’s hard stand jolting them out of their rut. (… I said hopefully about two fictional characters in a comic strip, who may or may not be loosely based on real people, and whose story line likely won’t be continued, if past is prologue)
Ah… what goes around comes around. Karma can be a real bitch. Another good one RB.
It never ceases to amaze me the arrogance a Scientologist develops the longer they are in Scientology. They never look at their own behavior but are self confessed experts on what is wrong with everyone who isn’t a Scientologist. There is nowhere for Scientology to go now except into oblivion and they only have themselves to blame. All that bs about how the SPs of the world are actively going out of their way to do them in is only internally correct. The greatest suppression of Scientology comes from within each and every Scientologist going about their daily routine of “postulating the existence of their enemies alongside their insatiable desire to be free”. Hubbard invited the world to attack Scientology via every single Scientologist trying to apply policies which clearly don’t work and are extremely anti-social when applied. It took me some time to realize the organisation of Scientology actually invited someone like Miscavige to lead them. The paranoia Hubbard wrote into his management style to protect himself and only himself has backfired badly. ‘Source’ should be only word written on his death certificate & carved on his headstone. They are still trying to protect him and he’s been dead for 30 years. Miscavige just rides the wave and counts the money. Oh, he’s a criminal alright but his success has scared the crap out of him and everyone else in the Cof$. Never has the saying, “be careful of what you wish for, you just might get it,” been truer for a Scientologist.
They have the ideal organisation they wished and paid for. It is irrelevant what tech they profess to have, nothing will work within that group unless Miscavige says it will work. Trying to figure out a Scientologist is a study of Miscavige being the new ‘source’ while hiding behind a dead ‘source’. How fucked is that?
1976:In the seventies it was fun to be a scientologist.
Expansion everywhere,cool people to hang out with.
Prices somewhat affordable.Lots of training.Few complaints about ethics.
Disconnection very rare on public lines.
Also a feeling to be part of a winning group.
Which celeb will join next.?
Dreaming and speculating about OT states.
2016:It must really suck to be a scientologist these days
If someone finds out you are they treat you with contempt.If you are looking to date someone good luck.
Inside your cherch the academy is empty.Events empty.Auditing stopped.Only suspicious looking prison guards eh ethics officers.
When you are in and say polically correctlines because you never know who is going to rat on you.
No OT levels.Just OT3 to OT7 to exorcise 300.000-400.000 space cootes.
With interrogations in between twice a year.
Many of your old friends have disappeared and there are no new ones to make because nobody is coming in.The few OT’s you know are obviously nothing special.Broke,overweight,declining businesses and careers.But they usually manage to make the $15 monthly payment to pay you back the $10 000 they borrowed from you for their sec checks.
In your backyard you see Michael Roberts who put up a tent.
The most ethical group in the world is shrinking and shrinking and…..
How fun would it be to have a reimagining of the Tom and Jerry cartoon, titled Tom and Davey, with perhaps Lou Stuckenbrock or Jenny Linson in the role of Mammy Two Shoes?
They will — but trying to provide content that is more applicable to new readers who are coming to blog from A&E show – perhaps I need to make them “Sunday Funnies” so they are not in the immediate days after the show airing. The problem with the Funnies is also the amount of time it takes to put them together…
Note: I have submitted this to the editors of the award winning Freedom Magazine to be published in their next issue.
For all those who are in the least bit critical of the world’s fastest growing church and social betterment movement, the following quote should remove all doubt concerning the efficacy and validity of the tech.
“Scientology is a beautiful religion with a compassionate leader, and believe me, I’ve seen every religion on the planet and met every world leader.”
(from a conversation with a top, A-list celebrity who asked not to have their identity revealed due to privacy concerns)
We haven’t heard much from Krusty these days. I wonder how she is doing in her beautiful corner of the world. Probably hunkered down with John planning some PR moves.
Sad and funny at the same time. Scientologists carry around their own portable sandboxes wherever they go. Unfortunately this is the way it is with every extremely orthodox religion and every cult.
Dave Vann says
I just want to throw this out. If it’s not appropriate just let me know. Does anyone know Joan Stevens?
OutAndAbout says
Mike, I would just like to thank you for all you do on this blog. I love all of it and we all take away from it what we need. Someone trying to micro manage it for you is just ridiculous and they don’t speak for all of us, that’s for sure!
xenu's son says
Thanks RB
You give some disconnected folks like me a front seat on the slow moving train wreck every week.
I catch myself trying to predict which thing you will take up this week.
Your humor contrasts marvelously with with the pompousness of a certain Philly Thug.
Aquamarine says
Great one, RB. I think this one is my #1 fave so far. I can relate. When I left, I disconnected from THEM. If not to them, because I took my time and didn’t announce it, it was still very clear to me that I left them.
WhatWall says
RB, timely and pointed as always. Sharp satire. Thanks.
Our children refused to disconnect from us. More and more families are saying “F*ck you!” to David Miscavige.
Marie guerin says
So good hear that your children stood by you!
Old Surfer Dude says
Your children are awesome! Way awesome!!!
Nickname says
That was one of the funniest, wittiest, RB.
… don’t need to see entheta to know it’s entheta … (witty!)
… unshakeable certainty about what we already know …
… I think she just disconnected from us … she can’t do that ….
Probably not to most, but what really kind of cracked me up / made me sad was the “unshakeable certainty” thing. That’s the antithesis to it all … below fixed ideas … maybe catatonic? Just such a closed world … the antithesis …. I mean, it’s one thing to take a look at something and discern that it’s not worth a second look unless you think you missed something the first time, but not looking AT ALL …?
I’ve watched Leah’s presentations, with my own skepticism in place (TR’s in) (joke). But one of the things she said, one of the things she explained, took me into looking at how difficult it must be, for all involved, to put a show, a message, like that together. The years of experience show business – whatever goes into it – is one whole set of things. The technology of that. But what is impressive is the balance to keep a straight perspective and not be tempted to go off into “popular” mud-slinging type harangues … that’s impressive. (I watch everything with a degree of skepticism these days, btw.)
Can’t leave this without mentioning ethics. If more people would do some admin scales, and define or at least sketch out their own personal real goals, what they want to accomplish – really, not some facsimile – I think there’d be more independent and realistic certainty, and maybe a bit more healthy uncertainty about blind convictions. As Yogi Berra is reputed to have said, “If you don’t know where you’re going, you’d better be careful, ’cause you might not get there!”
Nickname says
P.S. By “doing admin scales” I mean determining what one truly wishes to accomplish, what end result(s) and product(s) one wants. For example, does one really want to maintain communication with one’s own family members? I think most would say yes. Wasn’t that one of the goals of getting “into” Scn in the first place? To improve communications? So how is it logical, to disconnect (in the name of more communication), if that is NOT what one wants? An admin scale lays out the logic – it’s a template for the spiritual DNA of doing anything. The most powerful collection of a dozen words or so in any language. It can be studied under a microscope. And no two individual’s admin scales are going to be exactly the same. Even in the proverbial identical twins, you have very obviously two distinct individuals.
Aquamarine says
Great comment, Nickname. Yes, “unshakeable certainty” – laughter! Why? Because the person runs terrified from anything that looks like it will contradict it? In fact, the phrase itself it redundant. True certainly about something is a very high toned operating state. True certainty will withstand a great deal of “shaking up”.
Nickname says
Thanks, Aqua. Yes. I had a bit of trouble tying to say that, about “unshakeable” certainty. Btw, I replied late (internet was down) to your excellent reply https://www.mikerindersblog.org/friday-regraded-being-72/#comment-151362 way back on Nov. 19th. Just in case you thought I didn’t. Love your comments.
Merry Christmas to you!
Scn911 says
I did something along these lines myself – I removed myslf from the CoS; Iclearly told the appropriate terminals in a detailed explanatory letter that I would “no longer support CoS in any way, shape of form”. So without using the word “disconnect”, I in fact disconnected. I expect some may still wake up, although I’m not losing any sleep over it.
xenu's son says
75% less funnies would be warmly appreciated.Like say 5-6 or so.Most funnies are repetitive.Massive funny inflation going on.We are upstat because we published 39 funnies.Last week it was 38.
Just the 5 funiest funnies.No golden age of ffunnies please with 200 funnies.
Sometimes less is more.And sorry Mike you are usually funny and insightful but not always.
Some of your comments on the funnies are starting to sound as tired as cherch rhetoric.
Your top10% comments though are excellent and I wade through the mud every week to find a good one.Why not respect your reader’s time and only publish the rally funny funnies with your comments.
I do not need in 2017 5 articles that kitchener org hs food beautiful food.
Mike Rinder says
Point taken. Though what’s funny to you, or funny to me, may not be funny to others and vice versa. I will do my best to cut them back as it is a lot of work. The other reason to do this is so there is a record of these things forever. Once they are on the blog they are there for anyone and everyone to refer to in the future.
But appreciate your input.
Wayne Borean aka The Mad Hatter says
I couldn’t even understand what he was saying, between the bad grammar and the spelling mistakes. Glad you understood Mike.
hgc10 says
Mike, You can include one “Food Glorious Food” each week. It may be repetitive, but it’s nice to show the consistency and neverendingness of the absurdity of Scientology marketing come-ons. Also, pictures of yummy food things that I can go out and get any time, but Scientologists sure as hell aren’t getting in their fundraising halls, make me feel superior. Thank you.
Aquamarine says
Xenu’s Son, Mike Rinder is not a comedian whose job is to entertain us. He’s putting out important information to bring down an evil and dangerous cult masquerading as a religion. He’s putting out consistent effort to do this. The goal of this blog is not to make you or me laugh. That said, Mike is an expert wordsmith and satirist with a very dry sense of humor all of which makes imbibing what is actually tragic information on a daily basis quite enjoyable. This is no small skill to consistently achieve such an effect. But I get it, the funnies are not funny enough for you and you are entitled to your opinion. And I’m entitled to mine. I rarely engage in these little blog spats but I’m going to opine now that your criticisms could have been conveyed in a more considerate, understanding and respectful manner here. Mike is a mature adult with much experience handling far worse criticism and invalidation than was this,as well as consummate gentleman, and his reply to you was tact itself. He certainly doesn’t need me to defend him and I’m only saying what I’m saying to you because your whole tone really bothers me and because you sound so entitled, somehow. Well, you’re not entitled. Nor am I, nor is anyone here. All right, that’s all.
hgc10 says
Good Lordy! I was just having a little fun. I’m not seriously trying to tell Mike how to run this thing. Perhaps my attempt at humor was too dry stick, and for that I sincerely apologize.
Kathy H. says
As a never-in (who first discovered this blog when Going Clear came out), the weekly funnies have been very informative, showing the relentless efforts by the church to use any means necessary to separate members from their money.
Mike Rinder says
THanks Kathy — and to the others who commented about this, inluding Coop and Aqua. If I reduce the number of items in the funnies it will only be because I want to spend less time on them. The same volume of garbage will be spewing forth from the bubble as always.
Valerie says
The thing about the funnies is that the sheer volume of them makes them almost unreadable, but it’s probably only a small percentage of what anyone who is still in receives on a weekly basis which makes them valuable.
The insanity of a “church” inundating its parishioners with obscene amounts of propaganda needs to be kept out there where people can see it. I personally think new people coming to the site may actually be interested in seeing the over the top advertising a place purporting to be a religion dumps on anyone who doesn’t actively do whatever they possibly can to stop it.
Newcomer says
” But appreciate your input.”
You area far greater being than I can make a claim for Mike!
My response was not anything I will put on your blog!
T.J. says
I LOVE the Regraded Being strips. I think we ALL do! Everyone writes tons of great comments and thanks and say how it touches them, and start on Wednesday saying “hurry up Friday for Regraded Being” – these strips are fantastic, there’s nothing else like them. They hit home every time, they touch people’s hearts, make us laugh, makes us cry, sometimes both at the same time. Never cut back on Regraded Being strips.
If you have to re-run a few sometimes, so be it, but don’t stop them. Some of my favorites are the one where the girl runs after her dad and he hides because she is SP now – and it was a true story. And all the ones with the Sea Org kids trying to conform but having questions. Every strip with DM, a look inside his world. All the strips about disconnection, the ones with the chaplain, and the one with the reg who asks how the guy is doing, then tells the other reg he has more money they can get because he is planning a vacation and sending his kid to college – all those subjects that are so important to address, and in such a unique way. Regraded Being is awesome! The only question I have is that I didn’t know that Mike Rinder writes Regraded Being, if that’s what you guys are saying. Is that true? I had no idea, I thought it was some other unknown person.
Mike Rinder says
No TJ RB is not me. I don’t have that sort of talent. This discussion all relates to the “Thursday Funnies”
T.J. says
whew… I was so far off base! Many apologies, it was very late (I think 3 AM my time) I had just worked a full day plus almost 6 hours overtime, and it looks like my brain was not fully functioning, and I totally misunderstood, how embarrassing. That will teach me not to post on half-brain power, lol. As I have another week of late-nights, I probably won’t be around much. Thanks for clearing that up. I love the funnies also.
xenu's son says
Sorry words came out wrong.
Was tired and had a couple of drinks.
I have read every funny that was ever published.
Plus every reaction on this blog.
Mike is not here to entertain us.
But really funny humor is a very powerful weapon against the solidity of the still ins.
Mike is a marvellous wordsmith which is why I grit my teeth to go through every funny.
Maybe I overlooked a bit that some people come to the board and leave after a couple of months.
But of the say 25 available funnies no one can make a hit 25 out of 25 week after week
On the other hand many times Mike makes a comment and he totally nails it.
All I said is 5-7 funnies a week but really good ones would be marvellous.
But how is Mike supposed to write catching copy on the Valley ot committee month after month for years?
Also because there are so many funnies it has happened to me that I read a comment on a funny and did not know what they were referring to.
5 to 7 funnies is just my 2 cents worth.
Funnies that work for me:
Any group photos like Santa Barbara geezers.
Personal stuff david Pomeranz coming for all 8 Toronto scientologist to sing we stand tall followed by we give big.
Flag stats and analyses are great,but Clive has gone in hiding.
Mr energy on the Freewinds doing a seminar surrounded by adoring followers
A menu card for pacifica canteen with as many spelling mistakes as my posts.
OT geezer committee meetings.
Out of shape people in superman costumes.
Senior cs aola meeting where he threatens 6 to 8 intensives sec checks if you watch the internet.
Tina Teeny or Gus geezer has joined staff.
Rex retard OT 8 has just completed student hat.
The reaching eternity by becoming a millionaire on the Freewinds has been postponed.
Any actual production stats.Albuquerque completed their second purif this year..
Anything from tintagel.
Any opening of morgues including estimates of attendees.and estimated amount of people photoshopped in.
To put it into data series.Any outpoints.
Less interesting event invitations.Maybe just one max 2 per week,unless there is something funny or unusual about it.
Just one viewpoint hope it is useful.
mimsey borogrove says
the fun thing about disconnection – is you think it’s a really good idea to make the person wake up and recant and rejoin the group, then you get declared, and you hate that all of your friends and relatives find it “inconvenient” to talk to you any more. You wallow in despair until you realize: the calls from the org have stopped. The endless mailings have stopped. You don’t have to be stressed out about how to pay for bridge actions. The reges and IAS reges no longer show up at your door unannounced. You actually have money to pay bills, go to see a movie and eat at a nice restaurant. You can drink a glass of wine or beer and not feel guilty or worry about being sessionable or courseable. You don’t have to make up time over the holidays to keep the org stats up.
You realize you’re getting your life back.
You secretly wonder – why didn’t I get my self declared long ago?
Tom says
Alex Gibney nailed it with his title: Prison of Belief. That really could be said of any deeply held and firmly believed stable datum, whether that be religion, money, sex, addiction to fame, whatever. Put the being into self-censoring restraint mode, and pour on the FUD. What really brought that home to me was my experience at what I call “Valhalla in Hell”, the Indy party in 2011. Sitting around the early morning table, before the heat turned on and listening to Jackson and Marty discussing their escapes…how Marty learned of the unclosed holes to get out from Sec Checking Jackson……just honest candid comm about the oppressive conditions and increasing pressures inside the wall. Once that belief (dependency) is broken, responsibility for self (and others)and actions manifests. I have a sense that the warden may be near a crises of conscious,(I know, hes proved he doesn’t have one) and I for one don’t really want to be around if\when that happens…….
Mephisto says
Personal Integrity (updated)
Nothing in Scientology is true for you unless you have observed it and it is true according to your observation, as long as it’s in accordance with command intention.
That is all.
Old Surfer Dude says
I’ve observed that the cult is, in fact, NOT true for me. It’s a festering cesspool. Although I did do a little swimming in that pool…
Valerie says
My husband and I just spent a weekend with my husband’s elderly very devout Mormon parents. Religion was not brought up, but a lot of I love yous were. We have never once been threatened with disconnection nor have we ever threatened to disconnect from them although neither of us has set foot inside a Mormon church for decades. Various members of their church came into their home while we were there. They were all kind to us and treated us nicely.
This ties into Tony’s blog today as well. We are part of a large brigade of people who help these precious people who desire to stay in their home although it would be better for all of us (probably even them, if truth be known) if they were in assisted living. A large majority of their eight children and dozens of grandchildren, no matter what their religious belief, take turns coming into the home and making sure these people are well fed and cared for.
The closest thing to “disconnection talk” is when my husband’s father goes off on one of his “I want to spend eternity with you” speeches. We just smile and say “I know daddy” and he tapers off.
Mary went through five years of hell to keep her family together. Mike looked like a POW when he finally realized that he was not going to be allowed to keep his family together. Although turnabout is fair play, I have to think…is it right? I’m sorry, although I get where RB was going with this, this cartoon just rubbed me wrong. Disconnection is wrong, no matter who is practicing it IMHO.
Harpoona Frittata says
I completely agree with you there! Disconnecting, or even threatening to disconnect from family, until they do what you demand is wrong…it’s wrong when $cn does it and it’s wrong when it’s used as a coercive means of getting people to do as you wish elsewhere as well.
However, I’m pretty sure that RB’s comic today was not intended to suggest that anyone actually do what cartoon Kim did to her parents by giving them that ultimatum. Instead, it was intended as biting satire to illustrate exactly how wrong $cn’s policy of coerced disconnection is by turning the tables on those who are the ones whose cherch utilizes it as an instrument of control and isolation to show how everyone feels when that heinous policy is used on them.
$cn has been at great pains lately to try and normalize disconnection and conflate it with the practice of shunning. Their argument contradicts itself, though: On the one hand, they’re consistent position has been that individual members make their own decision about whether or not to sever ties with friends, families and associates; but on the other, they present a long and involved argument that attempts to normalize church-ordered shunning by listing all of the many religions that also engage in this practice (see the letters sent to A&E concerning the series and made public by the network)
Their argument is essentially incoherent because, if individual $cn cherch members are the only ones to decide whether or not they will remain in relationship with non-$cilon family and friends, then the cherch DOES NOT engage in shunning as an institutionally decreed practice. Conversely, if the cherch admits to engaging in the practice of shunning, just as many other religions do, then it is not up to the individual to make that decision…it’s either one way or it’s the other.
Based on the many credible, first-hand accounts that have been well-documented over the years, it’s a blatant and bald-faced lie for the cherch to try and insist that disconnection from family members is undertaken solely on their own discretion and is not coerced. There have been many documented instances in which individuals who did not follow the cherch’s orders to disconnect from those who’d been expelled from the cherch were themselves subjected to expulsion, merely for maintaining contact with them and many more, such as Mary Kahn’s husband, who were influenced to divorce their spouses under threat of expulsion if they didn’t.
Beyond all that, the cherch does not even abide by its own internal due process procedures which requires a committee of evidence to be convened and the accused be given a chance to defend themselves. Indeed, the cherch even attempts to cover up their own failure to follow their own policy by not even issuing the required golden-rod declare order at times.
For True Believer $cilons to somehow imagine that they’ll be treated any differently is to be about as naive and delusional as it’s possible to be. There is no due process safeguards in $cn Ethics actions; there is no way to insist that policy be followed; there is no higher level within the cult to which unfair, off-policy actions can be appealed…in short, there’s no justice at all and if you’re foolish enough not to see it, then you’re almost certain to be victimized by it at some point in your cult career!
Get out while the getting is good or you too will be chewed up and spit out by this heartless, merciless group!
Wayne Borean aka The Mad Hatter says
Now I’m curious. I’ve seen many mentions of not being issued the Goldenrod Declare, and was under the impression that the cherch was no longer issuing them at all (in contradiction to LRH policy).
Does the cherch ever issue a Goldenrod Declare these days? When did they last issue one that you know of?
I’m a never in, and what I know of Scientology comes from Mike, Mark, Karen, and Tony. This is a serious question. If the cherch is not following its own policies in regards to Suppresive Person Declares, it should be shouted from the mountain tops.
Mephisto says
Dave has the only authorized golden rod, but I can’t describe how he puts it to use as it might offend the delicate sensibilities of many visitors here.
Harpoona Frittata says
Those are good questions and I’d like to know the answers to them too. It’s been decades since I was in the cult and I no longer know anyone who’s still in.
I’ve heard numerous folks mention that they’d been declared, but never received an official declaration. That makes sense because, per policy, folks are supposed to be given an opportunity to defend themselves in a formal hearing (committee of evidence) before they can be declared, so if none took place issuing a formal written declare that acknowledges their own off-policy action I’m sure just doesn’t seem wise, even to $cilons.
lil davey has become a law unto himself, and with no one to stop him, the cherch’s ethics division has devolved into an extortion, interrogation and threat operation.
clearlypissedoff says
Lois and I never got a Goldenrod. We just received an email saying we’re declared and our only terminal (which is a nodule on a battery) is IJC.
So I reckon they don’t issue them any longer. There would be far more declare issues than clear numbers, guaranteed.
Janis Gillham-Grady says
Since you didn’t get a golden rod, that means you are not officially declared! Report back to LEC to decode telexes and play tennis while everyone else slaves.
Mary Smith says
I last saw one related to Sarah’s choice but that was 2 years ago.
CS says
I’m ex-Baptist and I get the sweetness treatment (with the occasional “why don’t you come back to church?” softly expressed) when I go home too. Even get it in nice letters and cards my family sends. I’ll probably never rejoin my old religion, but this sort of treatment turns a 0 percent chance into at least a 5 percent chance. And it makes me feel good because it shows my family cares about me and are expressing it the best way they know how.
Just shows how utterly stupid Hubbard & church are. The harsh treatment may have some efficacy in keeping people in the cult, but will do worse than nothing in getting them back once they’ve left. i’ve been following Mike and some of the other ex’s for quite some time. Seen almost no one go back. Even those who think there’s some value in LRH’s teachings. Whereas with Baptists and Mormons, there’s not exactly a flood of people returning to their former church, but it’s not unheard of either.
Kathy H. says
Exactly! And not only does that harsh treatment virtually guarantee that ex-members will never return, but the church’s paranoia will alienate any new people who might be interested. If a non-member walks into a normal church, they are welcomed. But a non-member walking into an org these days would be met with suspicion and distrust. Scientology is dead, but like the proverbial chicken with its head cut off, it doesn’t know it yet.
hgc10 says
Gotta give credit to these Scientologists — they kept their child out of the cult. I look forward to their daughter’s hard stand jolting them out of their rut. (… I said hopefully about two fictional characters in a comic strip, who may or may not be loosely based on real people, and whose story line likely won’t be continued, if past is prologue)
Terra Cognita says
Another good one, RB. Yes, disconnection does exist.
Old Surfer Dude says
Boy howdy. Disconnection is alive and well within the cult.
I Yawnalot says
Ah… what goes around comes around. Karma can be a real bitch. Another good one RB.
It never ceases to amaze me the arrogance a Scientologist develops the longer they are in Scientology. They never look at their own behavior but are self confessed experts on what is wrong with everyone who isn’t a Scientologist. There is nowhere for Scientology to go now except into oblivion and they only have themselves to blame. All that bs about how the SPs of the world are actively going out of their way to do them in is only internally correct. The greatest suppression of Scientology comes from within each and every Scientologist going about their daily routine of “postulating the existence of their enemies alongside their insatiable desire to be free”. Hubbard invited the world to attack Scientology via every single Scientologist trying to apply policies which clearly don’t work and are extremely anti-social when applied. It took me some time to realize the organisation of Scientology actually invited someone like Miscavige to lead them. The paranoia Hubbard wrote into his management style to protect himself and only himself has backfired badly. ‘Source’ should be only word written on his death certificate & carved on his headstone. They are still trying to protect him and he’s been dead for 30 years. Miscavige just rides the wave and counts the money. Oh, he’s a criminal alright but his success has scared the crap out of him and everyone else in the Cof$. Never has the saying, “be careful of what you wish for, you just might get it,” been truer for a Scientologist.
They have the ideal organisation they wished and paid for. It is irrelevant what tech they profess to have, nothing will work within that group unless Miscavige says it will work. Trying to figure out a Scientologist is a study of Miscavige being the new ‘source’ while hiding behind a dead ‘source’. How fucked is that?
xenu's son says
1976:In the seventies it was fun to be a scientologist.
Expansion everywhere,cool people to hang out with.
Prices somewhat affordable.Lots of training.Few complaints about ethics.
Disconnection very rare on public lines.
Also a feeling to be part of a winning group.
Which celeb will join next.?
Dreaming and speculating about OT states.
2016:It must really suck to be a scientologist these days
If someone finds out you are they treat you with contempt.If you are looking to date someone good luck.
Inside your cherch the academy is empty.Events empty.Auditing stopped.Only suspicious looking prison guards eh ethics officers.
When you are in and say polically correctlines because you never know who is going to rat on you.
No OT levels.Just OT3 to OT7 to exorcise 300.000-400.000 space cootes.
With interrogations in between twice a year.
Many of your old friends have disappeared and there are no new ones to make because nobody is coming in.The few OT’s you know are obviously nothing special.Broke,overweight,declining businesses and careers.But they usually manage to make the $15 monthly payment to pay you back the $10 000 they borrowed from you for their sec checks.
In your backyard you see Michael Roberts who put up a tent.
The most ethical group in the world is shrinking and shrinking and…..
I Yawnalot says
Yep, pretty well sums it up.
Old Surfer Dude says
Yep, the 70s were fund! We were excited! We really thought we could change the world…(big sigh).
Mephisto says
How fun would it be to have a reimagining of the Tom and Jerry cartoon, titled Tom and Davey, with perhaps Lou Stuckenbrock or Jenny Linson in the role of Mammy Two Shoes?
Joetheta says
That’s funny,,,sad but funny.
Newcomer says
I think it is going to be very embarrassing for $cientologists to move freely about the cabin of our society after 8 episodes of Leah Remini.
The ‘disconnections’ will be overt and covert but make no mistake, no one who has a clue about what the cult really is will want to be associated.
Yo Dave,
Nice work good buddy. Your actions have accomplished the impossible.
TrevAnon says
I guess wogs have teh tech too. 🙂
Joe Pendleton says
Point well made! (Hope the funnies come back too)
Mike Rinder says
They will — but trying to provide content that is more applicable to new readers who are coming to blog from A&E show – perhaps I need to make them “Sunday Funnies” so they are not in the immediate days after the show airing. The problem with the Funnies is also the amount of time it takes to put them together…
Joe Pendleton says
Thanks Mike. I dig it.
Mephisto says
Note: I have submitted this to the editors of the award winning Freedom Magazine to be published in their next issue.
For all those who are in the least bit critical of the world’s fastest growing church and social betterment movement, the following quote should remove all doubt concerning the efficacy and validity of the tech.
“Scientology is a beautiful religion with a compassionate leader, and believe me, I’ve seen every religion on the planet and met every world leader.”
(from a conversation with a top, A-list celebrity who asked not to have their identity revealed due to privacy concerns)
Newcomer says
We haven’t heard much from Krusty these days. I wonder how she is doing in her beautiful corner of the world. Probably hunkered down with John planning some PR moves.
Mephisto says
I hear she’s thinking of doing some music group thing like the Spice Girls, but calling it Dave’s Bitches.
Old Surfer Dude says
Dave’s Bitches will leave you in stitches…
Mephisto says
The DBs are bitchin’.
Old Surfer Dude says
In fact they’re twichin’!
Mephisto says
Time they be switchin’.
I Yawnalot says
Has that got anything to do with “rubber maids?”
Old Surfer Dude says
I had a rubber maid. She really didn’t do much work, but, she was fun to play with…
Mephisto says
She was lots of fun until the rubber met the road.
Newcomer says
Yo Dave,
Life is a bitch ….. and then what happens good buddy?
I’m sure you will make a fine decrepit piece of shit Dave.
Mephisto says
Newcomer, I get the distinct impression from several of your posts that you dislike David Miscavige. ?
MrsB says
Wow, Krusty posts here? She really is intent on putting her lunacy on show for the world. Best black PR for the cult there is.
Harvey says
AWESOME! AWESOME! Thanks Regarded Being!
God Dave it must really suck to be you. I almost feel sorry for you….no, not really.
Harvey says
Oops…that be Regraded Being.
McCarran says
Yea, when one disconnects from or shuns a scientologist, it’s hateful or religious bigotry. Yup, I’ve seen that first hand.
If this church were a person, it would be certified insane.
Newcomer says
If I have not said it before, let it be known that “You rock Mary!” You remind me of Muhammed Ali in ‘the comback’.
Just when the cult thinks they have you on the ropes………………..Ka Boom, Ka Pow.
Yo Dave,
There is more coming your way good buddy.
Mephisto says
Karma is indeed a bitch, and Dave, she’s got your number.
Old Surfer Dude says
She’s got all of your numbers. Even the nasty ones…
BKmole says
Sad and funny at the same time. Scientologists carry around their own portable sandboxes wherever they go. Unfortunately this is the way it is with every extremely orthodox religion and every cult.
Newcomer says
Dave’s is filled with Kitty litter, not sand.
Mephisto says
And one could consider the whole Int Base as his doghouse.
BKmole says
Yes, the second one agrees to listen to anyone in the cult they are in the doghouse.
I Yawnalot says
Used kitty litter of course?
Mike Wynski says
Yep, criminals often are shunned & punished by civilized society. Hubbard learned that lesson the hard way.
Tommy J says
And THAT my fellow Regraded Being(s) is the sound of inevitability….and it’s music to my ears.
Gimpy says
Love it!
I’ve been tempted several times to do exactly this myself i’ts the tangled mess it would leave that has stopped me so far.
Oswald says
Yes, the stick has two ends – good idea for a last resort !!
alcoboy says
Boy, mom really drinks the Kool-aid, doesn’t she?
Good post, RB!
alcoboy says
And the fun part is that Kim did it correctly . First she attempted to handle, then she disconnected.
Newcomer says
And she left the door open ……….. unlike the cult, no amends would be required before conversation could resume; just watch the show and ……call me.
alcoboy says
Good point, Newcomer! Thanks!