Regarding Jonestown and “KoolAide guzzling” -anybody remember why Congressman Ryan went down to Guayana in the first place? Several members of his staff and “Concerned Relatives” of Jonestown “residents” wanted to discover if any of them were being held there against their will. Ryan was a fact-finding politician of the old school who had investigated human rights abuses at Folsom Prison, worked as a sub-teacher in Watts to understand the conditions leading to riots and went undercover in other instances to be informed. So, what’s my point? Where are the Leo Ryan’s of today who have the balls to publicly investigate abuses at Hemet? Incidentally, the State Department of 1978 “repeatedly stonewalled Ryan’s attempts to find out what was going on in Jonestown”, and told him “everything was fine.” (Wikipedia) He went anyway and was shot dead. Does the COS have that kind of political power to prevent a “subpoena bearing” officer of the law from entering the Hemet Compound?
What does being a science fiction writer have to do with it? At one time everything was “science fiction”. Hubbard was a fraud no doubt, but most religious/political fraud doesn’t originate from science fiction writers.
I’ve watched every episode, read a few books, watched documentaries on Youtube, and all of it is insanity! I really feel that the church will implode, very soon. Miscavige must be having a nervous breakdown. I can see him, watching each episode, screaming and swearing and taking it out on innocent people. I say he gathers his millions (or billions), and he runs. How long will it take him? Happy new year Mike, and Leah and all the brave people who are speaking out. This will be a good year.
I’m sure incidents like this ARE really happening. Fortunately less and less as the # of practicing scamologists plummets into the low 4 digit range in the U.S.
Now that the sun is setting on your Cult, do you plan to command your Kool-Aid guzzling True Believers to go belly up in Hemet, rather than travel all of the way to Jonestown?
Just got to watch Episode 5. Again kudos to Leah and Mike for their wonderful work.
Barbed wire on fences, security cameras on roofs to keep track of people as they come and go to where they live, letters read as they go in and out of the base, phone conversations monitored, private cell phones forbidden, husbands and wives not allowed to spend hardly any time together – even during their THIRTY MINUTE meal breaks, people having to “escape” and being chased down by thugs in vans and accosted at airports and bus stations when they finally manage to get out …….
People who have never even seen any of their three grandsons because their “church” has told them their own children are working directly against the freeing of all mankind, fathers who walk out of a room when their son enters at a family function so as to not be in the same space as an “enemy”, a woman who will not go to a hospital fifteen minutes away to see the newly born first grandchild, again because her own daughter or son has been identified by her “church” as someone who promotes evil ….
This is the group that is convinced that they are bringing “total freedom” to mankind … (talk about making a case for the truth of reincarnation … when Stalin came back, he had a group just there waiting for him … when did he die? 1954? And Davey was born a few years later, right?)
At the top of scale you have the black SUV, sawn-off shotgun out the passenger-side window, wrap-around shades, letting them bastards know who is boss around here.
Way down the scale you have the van drive-by, throwing binders fulll of rebuttals out the window.
No, no, no Espi .. it has truly become for these people a way of life. Again, so highly ironic as every original ideal of Scientology from the early books morphed into the EXACT OPPOSITE in practice … confronting truth becoming creating, promoting and eventually living a lie …
And permit me to mention once again (I try not to do this more than once every six or seven months or so, but when appropriate … especially after viewing Episode 5 …) … this is what almost ALWAYS happens when religions organize into any type of hierarchy and gain power over peoples’ lives. The ideals espoused in their basic texts always “do a 180” usually because certain individuals (in modern times LRH, Brigham Young, Sun Myung Moon, etc, earlier the Popes, priests or Mohammed, etc) decide that the way to “free people” is to fully control them and punish them when they refuse to comply in either act or thought. And so “love your enemies” as Jesus said on the Mount becomes in the Middle Ages, get on horses, arm yourselves and travel all the way to the Holy Land to kill them. Or a couple of centuries later to brutally torture and kill anyone who refuses to accept the precepts of love by burning them alive. We still have Muslims assertingnin the media today that the Koran promotes equality for women … which it might say … but … uhm …. really?
There is much to gain by studying all of the great religious texts of the planet, including Scientology, but … let ANY of these people have power over ANY part of your life, who you speak to, who you have sex with, what you do with your money, what you read, and especially what you think … and brother and sister, you are in deep DEEP doo doo … (the four Ds) …
There is no longer really ANY sane reason for the existence of oppressive organized religion … (but I always have to say as a world traveler, my GOD, the Catholics knew buildings and how to build them!! … just stopping at the small old towns going down the Amalfi coast from Naples and spending time in the major cathedral in each town, all built hundreds and hundreds of years ago and each magnificent in a different and beautiful way … and then Rome, Paris, Barcelona …. yeah those Catholics knew buildings … wonder what the “Ideal Org” buildings will be like in three hundred years ….)
You know it, Joe. I’ve visited Chartres, Notre Dame, and Westminster Abbey and were awed by them. They just say “House of God” when you walk into them, and exude peace no matter how many people are in there. Idle Morgues…well, when you walk into them, you think “VD Clinic”.
As much as I enjoy Regraded Being and Terra Cognita and Mike’s essays and news that he finds, Hurricane Remininder is still just a blip on the screens of $cieno Central.
McSavage and his nervous crew of minions will do what they always do. They’ll send that drive by rebuttal (hilarious) but it will actually be just a letter with vague threats and innuendo that would make any 3rd grade cool cafeteria table count the burns. All burns administered by the scampire are less than first degree, more on the scale of the infamous ‘indian rope burn’.
The A & E series will spread the stories of disconnection, rape, cover up of rape, financial chicanery that even Bernie Madoff wouldn’t do and actual brainwashing will forewarn the public and put some WTF into loyal clams.
Loyal scamatologist minions will ignore all the ‘entheta’ and keep their blinders on real tight. No expensive trips to ethics for them. Those sec checks are worth a second or third mortgage, that alone will keep any grumbling below sotto voice levels.
McSavage doesn’t care about any of the winds Hurricane Remininder stirs up. No matter what, he knows that he can count on the fealty of any remaining minions. Unless Bob Duggan or Tom Cruise publicly fight him, his place is secure.
With recruitment of new clams is at or near zero in the US and Western Europe, New Sea bOrg have to come from Eastern Europe or Taiwan. Everywhere else has been forewarned by this blog and all the others who have testified. That testimony has been damning. Anyone who can read English or uses the Google Translate tool, knows what $cientology is about. Anyone who actually joins the Borg are probably in it for free ticket to the US and will escape as soon as their English improves enough.
If that $cieno radar is actually working, they’d see all the icebergs and rocks and shoals and criminal investigations ahead. Talk about being stuck in an electronic incident.
I can only imagine the stress this series has put upon DM….he must be going out of his mind trying to thimnk of new ways to punish those who speak out about the abuse within the COS.
Mike R & Leah Remini talked about the COS imploding….with the internal pressure and stress to keep COS issuing featured their statements about former members being “kicked out” for this reason or that reason (all lies of course), they are trying to save face The worst of the worst is having Mike R and Leah R followed, photographed, harassed beyond belief by Private Investigators, and confronted by COS members.
I understand the separation of government and church that is well know and maybe that s why COS still exists and the abuse continues, and seems to be increasing.
Is it possible that after the sad ways that came to end of David Koresh’s Davidian Branch, and Jim Jones “Jonestown” and then also “Heaven’s Gate” the government is afraid to put pressure on COS for fear DM might “order” his followers to do self harm???
There are the “celebs” highly involved like Tom Cruise and John Travolta that COS has plenty of “Auditing Tapes” that I am sure could do them great personal damage should they decide to depart COS. I also wonder if anyone KNOWS if any of this country’s politicians are involved members of COS?
DM is an evil man who is a dictator and I pray and hope he is brought to true Justice one day. I am sure much of the wealth is overseas in untraceable bank accounts or squirreled away for HIS use as he sees fit.
Mike R and Leah R….I can only hope that A & E continues the series past the scheduled episodes…the fight MUST go on to obtain justice for all harmed by this cult.
I think both shows were devastating to the cult, Beatrice. I saw Going Clear in Hollywood with a friend who had just gotten out after being in for 30 years. We were both so engulfed in the film, this two hour show seemed like 30 minutes. Any show that exposes the cult is great.
OSD, both my husband (who had never shown any interest in Scientology, good or bad) and I made a point of watching Going Clear on HBO when it was first shown, and it took us like that too. Both of us. He’s read a few of my books on the subject since.
Going Clear was amazing, but there’s an intimacy to the A&E show that is very powerful. Watching Leah and Mike interview so many lovely, kind, caring people, people who have given up so much and been badly hurt by the church…it’s had a huge emotional impact on viewers.
Hilarious! I love the last pane in the strip – it is hard to believe the rebuttals are written by adults -they always come across as drunk mean girls. Too funny!
I agree with Alice. The humor in this is strip is indeed brilliant, and I would certainly call this a “mean girl” moment. Even more so, a ‘teenage’ mean girl moment. I don’t believe, however, I would even give them the benefit of having imbibed before writing their responses. Had they been under any intoxicant, there might have been even the slightest inkling of humanity woven into the threads of their insanity. ?
Priceless! Loved the “FCK-SCN” license plate on the back of the drive-by van!
I don’t wish to be overly crude or offensive, but $cn’s lame counter-attack antics reminds me of a good ol’ boy saying that I first heard in my youth which seems totally appropriate for the occasion:
“$cientology looks like it shit then fell back in it.”
It’s way past time that still-ins realized that one of the surest signs that they’re being scammed or hoodwinked in some way or another comes when the scammers insist that you do not listen, read about or view any outside opinions of criticism about the scam that they’re running…it ALWAYS means that you’re getting taken to the cleaners!
Wake up, bubble dwellers, before the $ea Orgy gets your kids and the OSA decides to mess with your pets!
Ha…Ha…Ha…Ha….very….very funny. Laugh now, but don’t forget the final piece of the puzzle is yet to be unleashed and then youse and the rest of youse DE-graded beings will get yer comeuppances.
Yup….Auditorium Tech. Didn’t see that one comin’? Did ya?
Another good look at what it’s like to be a Scientologist, spot on RB.
I have never seen my Scientology family connections being so quiet as they are right now. There’s no background chatter as there usually is, the phone calls between ‘the girls’ has fallen off remarkably, and it’s the festive season too! The effect of Mike & Leah’s efforts plus all this media pick up is apparently showing up in deathly silence at a grass roots level. I guess it’s to be expected but it’s eerie none the less. Something’s got to give about being connected to Scientology and remaining silent about the shit storm swirling around them. It’s like a mirror has been put in front of them and they refuse to look but are being continually pressured to do so. 2017 may well be the last year for anything Scientological except a reckoning.
The book Bare-Faced Messiah chronicles Hubbard’s pulp sci-fi writing days and the rumor that he bragged to other writer friends he could start a religion based on the stuff. It also documents his time spent with and the influence of the famous occultist/satanist Aliester Crowley. That gets skipped over a lot, but if you know anything about Crowley, that relationship and its obvious ramifications is worth noting.
What I am wondering is why people can’t sue CoS for parental alienation syndrome? It is one of the hottest topics in the courts these days, a form of child abuse that is often considered more traumatic than child sexual abuse. It can cause people to lose custody battles and even visitation rights if it is proven to be true. Judges are becoming very strict about even bad-mouthing the other parent to a child of divorce, never mind causing them to dissociate and cut off ties completely.
I’ve often wondered if that was why Katie Holmes’ attorney dad got Cruise to back down so quickly from custody appeals (that and the fact he probably had loads of evidence that would embarrass the church if entered into court). CoS can claim all it wants that it does not engage in those practices but between their childish and petty trashing of ex-members and the immediate estrangement of families, I don’t think their actions would support those claims in any court. Some of the letters alone that family members are forced to write are so similarly despicable that they would violate most Family Law parameters and statutes.
If the church becomes entangled in multiple lawsuits regarding parental alienation they might actually dial back their draconian practices because it would not only expose them to the public but it would cost them bundles and air their dirty laundry. It’s easier to prove to a judge that an organization is influencing people to disconnect from their families than it would be for the organization to prove that ex-parishoners are all guilty of the same stuff (and what church regularly engages in vicious character assassination with their former members? it’s so antithetical to the idea of religion that most of the would be embarrassed to even engage in it – unless they are not a religion but a cult.) I think it is a vulnerability that is worth noting. They really have no defense.
I doubt that Katie Holmes and her attorney dad really had any problems getting TC to agree to their custody demands. When Katie dumped him, it was devastating to the church, tabloid headlines everywhere about her “escape” from the clutches of Scientology, and her determination to save Suri from being indoctrinated. The incredibly bad publicity was a big early nail in the church’s coffin, and TC was probably willing to give Katie anything she wanted to make the story go away as fast as possible.
Great stuff RB! As usual, you have nailed it. The impact of this series is both profound and pervasive, by far the most influence of anything to date among people who have had little knowledge of Scn. Every Wednesday evening I go to a local watering hole for liver and onions. I sit at the bar, just when the shift is coming on, about 5 P.M. The waitresses congregate there,and as it is early, they chat and gossip. As a regular, they include me in discussions. Last week it was about Leah’s show. A couple of them had seen it and were encouraging the others to see it. This week, the bartender, who had been listening in,accosted me. She had gone home and watched all the episodes and stayed up late for the Tuesday night one. She was absolutely astonished. Her question, “what can be done”. She couldn’t stop talking about it. Thank you Mike and Leah for what is clearly bringing the darkness into the light.
I do not know if you have gotten funnier,maybe the game has gotten bigger and therefore you seem funnier.
Priceless,this frantic office gossip scene with all the balloons from the cubicle.
And people disconnecting from the disconnectors.
Poor Alice,(when she was ten foot tall)l.A reference to Jefferson Airplane?
That last hit and run with the van,hilarious.
Ask Tom if he wants anymore medals.
These are historic days.
RB shows us on a tangible level how the wheels are falling off the bus.
One can only guess how many times this is being repeated all over the world. Even if a public scientologist isn’t identified to the rest of the employees, water cooler talk has to get some of their attention. I have received so many requests for links to the Leah series, I have lost count. Mike and Leah, the series is a PSA on steroids!
???I know! The church’s rebuttals are so juvenile (or utterly illogical). I remember the church showing me their “DA Pack” that was shown to me because I had watched Anderson Cooper’s 3-part series on the history of violence in the church. It Screamed “Guilty!” it was so juvenile and off-point.
RB, it always cracks me up ? when you include david miscavige in your cartoons. He is so insane. I think you have him down.
And RB even has his insiders who know all about Dave’s little ‘furry bunny slippers’! Hysterical! Watch for Him switching to skunk soon.
Your comment reminded me of the DA pack (dead agent for the NIs here) that Russ McKivitt and Rich Kimura had with them when they stopped by on a visit from the Prisonwinds to ‘handle me’ back in 2010.
One of the photos was of a group of naked men performing a ritual dance around an evening campfire. You couldn’t really see any faces, just naked butts and bodies with the campfire reflecting off of them. Russ said “That is Marty Rathbun and Mike Rinder” who are involved in satanic ritual. They are really off the rails!”
I asked, “How can you tell it is Mike and Marty?” and he replied because OSA was there and verified it was them. So I said to Russ …. “I bet OSA was conducting the ritual! Was Dave there too? The little guy could be Dave!”
Needless to say, It didn’t go well for them on the ‘recovery cycle’.
When is your next ceremony? Don’t forget Dave’s little skunk skin slippers boys.
CoS and frequently news organizations are sloppy with the meaning of rebuttal. It means that you have answer points raised with well-founded counter-arguments, not just shout that “They’re all SP poopy-head bigots, neener-neener!”
and they are “drive-by” The church cannot have an honest debate anymore. They would lose. So, the have to throw out a “rebuttal” and then run for cover.
Another hysterical and TRUE work of art by RB! I can’t believe how many people have contacted us since the release of the SP Basic Docu Series on A&E – Scientology; Aftermath. A family we had dinner with (Kids were raised in Scientology) told me they will never go back into Scientology.
VWD Hurricane Remini and Rinder. You deserve a “double” name for the Hurricane Shit Storm you created for David Miscavige and his evil cult. It is off the charts with the carnage damage it has done to Scientology. I am hearing Staff are leaving in droves.
Please – continue.
Why not a show about “how to get refunds” and lend us ex members a helping hand? It is very much needed and wanted and now the fraud is indisputable.
We can have a contest as to what to name it:
1. Operation Refund / Bankrupt Scientology
2. Operation Yank Scientology’s Tax Exempt Status
3. Operation Shrink and Fleece Scientology
Thank you for your help in exposing the truth about this evil cult.
What staff are leaving? People that are in the Sea Org? I ask because my dad left us 15 years ago to join the Sea Org. Just curious if there is a chance he may “wake up.”
Hi Wognited
Unexpected good news.Would be nice if you could put this in perspective a bit.How many people contacted you after Going Clear.How many now?
My gut feeling that the cumulative effect of this show is 5 to 10 times bigger than Going Clear.
Anybody else seeing the same as Wognited?
Why should there be comparisons at all? Both were/are effective. Both are still being watched. What we’re seeking, it seems to me, is the cumulative effects.
RE Refund. If you have money on account as an AP Payment (advanced payment toward a future service that you haven’t taken yet), you might get money back by suing or threatening to sue. That is how one Ex Scn I know got her money back.
Davey works so hard he needs some R and R. But I don’t mean rest and recreation. I mean Rimini and Rinder Storm.
One never in person was telling me he was appalled at David M beating staff and ordering abortions and he said, “David McSavage…” He mispronounced the last name in all innocence, but I like that moniker.
I’ve got it! Hurricane Remininder 😉 it’s true, they both deserve equal props for taking on the cult in a full frontal attack manner.
What fun to watch lil davey the clueless Dead Agent the cherch himself by hiring goons to stalk Leah, Mike and other featured contributors to the series in precise conformity to the Fair Policy that they’re trying to deny is still in practice! These fools just never learn!
” I am hearing Staff are leaving in droves.”
I’d love to hear more details about that. My bet is that, for many, the seeds have been planted and they will begin to plot their quiet withdrawal from $cn in ways that put them and their families at the least risk. And who could blame them there?
While the cherch now seems like an emasculated paper tiger when it comes to effectively pushing back against the many books, documentaries and now, TV series that have been done to expose this criminal fraud faux religion, it’s likely to take even more stringent measures to retain its rapidly dwindling membership and to use every extortion/threat tactic that they can come up to accomplish that goal.
$cilons with children and other family members in the cult need to plan and stage their departure from the cult with as much care and thought to their plan as anything they’ve ever done, because the cult and its tiny terrible tyrant of a leader truly are ruthless and have demonstrated the capacity to do the most heinous and harmful things to families that you can imagine many times over. And before they’re stopped, it’s very likely to get even worse.
Hey Mike,
You should check out the documentary on scientology on Hulu. It states that l ron hubbard was a science fiction writer and belongef to a satanic cult at one point.
See my comment to McCarran above. It’s in their DNA and they are apparently still at it!
Yo Dave,
Do you hold the ritual campfires at Hemet or is there a secret place in the desert? Good idea to get the photo ops done before people blow though. I suggest getting some identifying marks (you could do See Ogre Tats on each cheek) and it would make people easier to identify in your black ops write ups. Just sayin…..
Science fiction writer: yes. Satanic cult: not so much. Yes, Thelema does revere Aleister Crowley, who styled himself the Beast of the Apocalypse. But it only does so because it considers Christianity to have become corrupt and off the point it once had. Many of its more striking pronouncements, “Do What thou Wilt”, that there was Christianity before and outside of Christ, and the idea that God speaks through a still, small voice within are taken from Saint Augustine and some Spanish Mystics. (OK, they liked drugs and a lot of sex. But that’s because in the greater scheme of things, it’s less important that you’re a bisexual pot smoker, than that you live a life of great charity and creativity.)
Scientology is nothing more than Children of the Corn from the movie
Scientology is nothing but a cult and they will rob you blind and rape your children
Scientologist are all assholes and rip-offs all they want is your money and your family
Regarding Jonestown and “KoolAide guzzling” -anybody remember why Congressman Ryan went down to Guayana in the first place? Several members of his staff and “Concerned Relatives” of Jonestown “residents” wanted to discover if any of them were being held there against their will. Ryan was a fact-finding politician of the old school who had investigated human rights abuses at Folsom Prison, worked as a sub-teacher in Watts to understand the conditions leading to riots and went undercover in other instances to be informed. So, what’s my point? Where are the Leo Ryan’s of today who have the balls to publicly investigate abuses at Hemet? Incidentally, the State Department of 1978 “repeatedly stonewalled Ryan’s attempts to find out what was going on in Jonestown”, and told him “everything was fine.” (Wikipedia) He went anyway and was shot dead. Does the COS have that kind of political power to prevent a “subpoena bearing” officer of the law from entering the Hemet Compound?
Hubbard was a science fiction writer…end of story.
What does being a science fiction writer have to do with it? At one time everything was “science fiction”. Hubbard was a fraud no doubt, but most religious/political fraud doesn’t originate from science fiction writers.
I’ve watched every episode, read a few books, watched documentaries on Youtube, and all of it is insanity! I really feel that the church will implode, very soon. Miscavige must be having a nervous breakdown. I can see him, watching each episode, screaming and swearing and taking it out on innocent people. I say he gathers his millions (or billions), and he runs. How long will it take him? Happy new year Mike, and Leah and all the brave people who are speaking out. This will be a good year.
I have a very positive feeling that DM and the “Church” will implode in 2017 … Nam – myoho – renge – kyo…Happy New Year Mike and Leah!!!
I’m sure incidents like this ARE really happening. Fortunately less and less as the # of practicing scamologists plummets into the low 4 digit range in the U.S.
Now that the sun is setting on your Cult, do you plan to command your Kool-Aid guzzling True Believers to go belly up in Hemet, rather than travel all of the way to Jonestown?
Love this, RB! Love the Drive-By Dead Agent stunt too.
Just got to watch Episode 5. Again kudos to Leah and Mike for their wonderful work.
Barbed wire on fences, security cameras on roofs to keep track of people as they come and go to where they live, letters read as they go in and out of the base, phone conversations monitored, private cell phones forbidden, husbands and wives not allowed to spend hardly any time together – even during their THIRTY MINUTE meal breaks, people having to “escape” and being chased down by thugs in vans and accosted at airports and bus stations when they finally manage to get out …….
People who have never even seen any of their three grandsons because their “church” has told them their own children are working directly against the freeing of all mankind, fathers who walk out of a room when their son enters at a family function so as to not be in the same space as an “enemy”, a woman who will not go to a hospital fifteen minutes away to see the newly born first grandchild, again because her own daughter or son has been identified by her “church” as someone who promotes evil ….
This is the group that is convinced that they are bringing “total freedom” to mankind … (talk about making a case for the truth of reincarnation … when Stalin came back, he had a group just there waiting for him … when did he die? 1954? And Davey was born a few years later, right?)
Stalin died on March 4, 1953. The sad part is that I didn’t have to look that up.
Too funny. Drive-by rebuttal.
It’s like a lower harmonic of the real thing.
At the top of scale you have the black SUV, sawn-off shotgun out the passenger-side window, wrap-around shades, letting them bastards know who is boss around here.
Way down the scale you have the van drive-by, throwing binders fulll of rebuttals out the window.
What’s the world coming to.
For Scientology, “denial” truly is only a river in Egypt.
No, no, no Espi .. it has truly become for these people a way of life. Again, so highly ironic as every original ideal of Scientology from the early books morphed into the EXACT OPPOSITE in practice … confronting truth becoming creating, promoting and eventually living a lie …
And permit me to mention once again (I try not to do this more than once every six or seven months or so, but when appropriate … especially after viewing Episode 5 …) … this is what almost ALWAYS happens when religions organize into any type of hierarchy and gain power over peoples’ lives. The ideals espoused in their basic texts always “do a 180” usually because certain individuals (in modern times LRH, Brigham Young, Sun Myung Moon, etc, earlier the Popes, priests or Mohammed, etc) decide that the way to “free people” is to fully control them and punish them when they refuse to comply in either act or thought. And so “love your enemies” as Jesus said on the Mount becomes in the Middle Ages, get on horses, arm yourselves and travel all the way to the Holy Land to kill them. Or a couple of centuries later to brutally torture and kill anyone who refuses to accept the precepts of love by burning them alive. We still have Muslims assertingnin the media today that the Koran promotes equality for women … which it might say … but … uhm …. really?
There is much to gain by studying all of the great religious texts of the planet, including Scientology, but … let ANY of these people have power over ANY part of your life, who you speak to, who you have sex with, what you do with your money, what you read, and especially what you think … and brother and sister, you are in deep DEEP doo doo … (the four Ds) …
There is no longer really ANY sane reason for the existence of oppressive organized religion … (but I always have to say as a world traveler, my GOD, the Catholics knew buildings and how to build them!! … just stopping at the small old towns going down the Amalfi coast from Naples and spending time in the major cathedral in each town, all built hundreds and hundreds of years ago and each magnificent in a different and beautiful way … and then Rome, Paris, Barcelona …. yeah those Catholics knew buildings … wonder what the “Ideal Org” buildings will be like in three hundred years ….)
You know it, Joe. I’ve visited Chartres, Notre Dame, and Westminster Abbey and were awed by them. They just say “House of God” when you walk into them, and exude peace no matter how many people are in there. Idle Morgues…well, when you walk into them, you think “VD Clinic”.
“wonder what the “Ideal Org” buildings will be like in three hundred years ….)” Gone.
Espi, I loved your “denial” post. Laughed aloud!!!
“Denial” is, and always will be, a river in Egypt for the cult…
As much as I enjoy Regraded Being and Terra Cognita and Mike’s essays and news that he finds, Hurricane Remininder is still just a blip on the screens of $cieno Central.
McSavage and his nervous crew of minions will do what they always do. They’ll send that drive by rebuttal (hilarious) but it will actually be just a letter with vague threats and innuendo that would make any 3rd grade cool cafeteria table count the burns. All burns administered by the scampire are less than first degree, more on the scale of the infamous ‘indian rope burn’.
The A & E series will spread the stories of disconnection, rape, cover up of rape, financial chicanery that even Bernie Madoff wouldn’t do and actual brainwashing will forewarn the public and put some WTF into loyal clams.
Loyal scamatologist minions will ignore all the ‘entheta’ and keep their blinders on real tight. No expensive trips to ethics for them. Those sec checks are worth a second or third mortgage, that alone will keep any grumbling below sotto voice levels.
McSavage doesn’t care about any of the winds Hurricane Remininder stirs up. No matter what, he knows that he can count on the fealty of any remaining minions. Unless Bob Duggan or Tom Cruise publicly fight him, his place is secure.
With recruitment of new clams is at or near zero in the US and Western Europe, New Sea bOrg have to come from Eastern Europe or Taiwan. Everywhere else has been forewarned by this blog and all the others who have testified. That testimony has been damning. Anyone who can read English or uses the Google Translate tool, knows what $cientology is about. Anyone who actually joins the Borg are probably in it for free ticket to the US and will escape as soon as their English improves enough.
If that $cieno radar is actually working, they’d see all the icebergs and rocks and shoals and criminal investigations ahead. Talk about being stuck in an electronic incident.
I can only imagine the stress this series has put upon DM….he must be going out of his mind trying to thimnk of new ways to punish those who speak out about the abuse within the COS.
Mike R & Leah Remini talked about the COS imploding….with the internal pressure and stress to keep COS issuing featured their statements about former members being “kicked out” for this reason or that reason (all lies of course), they are trying to save face The worst of the worst is having Mike R and Leah R followed, photographed, harassed beyond belief by Private Investigators, and confronted by COS members.
I understand the separation of government and church that is well know and maybe that s why COS still exists and the abuse continues, and seems to be increasing.
Is it possible that after the sad ways that came to end of David Koresh’s Davidian Branch, and Jim Jones “Jonestown” and then also “Heaven’s Gate” the government is afraid to put pressure on COS for fear DM might “order” his followers to do self harm???
There are the “celebs” highly involved like Tom Cruise and John Travolta that COS has plenty of “Auditing Tapes” that I am sure could do them great personal damage should they decide to depart COS. I also wonder if anyone KNOWS if any of this country’s politicians are involved members of COS?
DM is an evil man who is a dictator and I pray and hope he is brought to true Justice one day. I am sure much of the wealth is overseas in untraceable bank accounts or squirreled away for HIS use as he sees fit.
Mike R and Leah R….I can only hope that A & E continues the series past the scheduled episodes…the fight MUST go on to obtain justice for all harmed by this cult.
Just a quick line of support for what you are doing.
“Their little navy???” HAhaHAhaHAhaHA
Brilliant. as always.
Anybody know when Louis Theroux’s……My Scientology Movie will be released in the US?????? This would be the perfect time for it.
I had read it would be released in the US in the spring, March or April I believe.
Off topic. I saw that Demi Moore was in Scientology from one of the online entertainment sites. She needs to get a new publicity person.
I think A&E series must be reaching many more people than Going Clear. Your show is a must watch and then we all discuss.
I think both shows were devastating to the cult, Beatrice. I saw Going Clear in Hollywood with a friend who had just gotten out after being in for 30 years. We were both so engulfed in the film, this two hour show seemed like 30 minutes. Any show that exposes the cult is great.
OSD, both my husband (who had never shown any interest in Scientology, good or bad) and I made a point of watching Going Clear on HBO when it was first shown, and it took us like that too. Both of us. He’s read a few of my books on the subject since.
Going Clear was amazing, but there’s an intimacy to the A&E show that is very powerful. Watching Leah and Mike interview so many lovely, kind, caring people, people who have given up so much and been badly hurt by the church…it’s had a huge emotional impact on viewers.
Hilarious! I love the last pane in the strip – it is hard to believe the rebuttals are written by adults -they always come across as drunk mean girls. Too funny!
Alice are you related or were you related to Mike Graves?
Is this a mortuary run by a guy named Mike? “You’ll always get the best graves at Mike Graves! Guaranteed!”
And not one client complaint – ever!
Ain’t it sweet…
I agree with Alice. The humor in this is strip is indeed brilliant, and I would certainly call this a “mean girl” moment. Even more so, a ‘teenage’ mean girl moment. I don’t believe, however, I would even give them the benefit of having imbibed before writing their responses. Had they been under any intoxicant, there might have been even the slightest inkling of humanity woven into the threads of their insanity. ?
Brilliant! : )
Priceless! Loved the “FCK-SCN” license plate on the back of the drive-by van!
I don’t wish to be overly crude or offensive, but $cn’s lame counter-attack antics reminds me of a good ol’ boy saying that I first heard in my youth which seems totally appropriate for the occasion:
“$cientology looks like it shit then fell back in it.”
It’s way past time that still-ins realized that one of the surest signs that they’re being scammed or hoodwinked in some way or another comes when the scammers insist that you do not listen, read about or view any outside opinions of criticism about the scam that they’re running…it ALWAYS means that you’re getting taken to the cleaners!
Wake up, bubble dwellers, before the $ea Orgy gets your kids and the OSA decides to mess with your pets!
Dear Regraded Being,
Ha…Ha…Ha…Ha….very….very funny. Laugh now, but don’t forget the final piece of the puzzle is yet to be unleashed and then youse and the rest of youse DE-graded beings will get yer comeuppances.
Yup….Auditorium Tech. Didn’t see that one comin’? Did ya?
“Drive-by rebuttal”! LMFAO!!!
Another good look at what it’s like to be a Scientologist, spot on RB.
I have never seen my Scientology family connections being so quiet as they are right now. There’s no background chatter as there usually is, the phone calls between ‘the girls’ has fallen off remarkably, and it’s the festive season too! The effect of Mike & Leah’s efforts plus all this media pick up is apparently showing up in deathly silence at a grass roots level. I guess it’s to be expected but it’s eerie none the less. Something’s got to give about being connected to Scientology and remaining silent about the shit storm swirling around them. It’s like a mirror has been put in front of them and they refuse to look but are being continually pressured to do so. 2017 may well be the last year for anything Scientological except a reckoning.
The book Bare-Faced Messiah chronicles Hubbard’s pulp sci-fi writing days and the rumor that he bragged to other writer friends he could start a religion based on the stuff. It also documents his time spent with and the influence of the famous occultist/satanist Aliester Crowley. That gets skipped over a lot, but if you know anything about Crowley, that relationship and its obvious ramifications is worth noting.
What I am wondering is why people can’t sue CoS for parental alienation syndrome? It is one of the hottest topics in the courts these days, a form of child abuse that is often considered more traumatic than child sexual abuse. It can cause people to lose custody battles and even visitation rights if it is proven to be true. Judges are becoming very strict about even bad-mouthing the other parent to a child of divorce, never mind causing them to dissociate and cut off ties completely.
I’ve often wondered if that was why Katie Holmes’ attorney dad got Cruise to back down so quickly from custody appeals (that and the fact he probably had loads of evidence that would embarrass the church if entered into court). CoS can claim all it wants that it does not engage in those practices but between their childish and petty trashing of ex-members and the immediate estrangement of families, I don’t think their actions would support those claims in any court. Some of the letters alone that family members are forced to write are so similarly despicable that they would violate most Family Law parameters and statutes.
If the church becomes entangled in multiple lawsuits regarding parental alienation they might actually dial back their draconian practices because it would not only expose them to the public but it would cost them bundles and air their dirty laundry. It’s easier to prove to a judge that an organization is influencing people to disconnect from their families than it would be for the organization to prove that ex-parishoners are all guilty of the same stuff (and what church regularly engages in vicious character assassination with their former members? it’s so antithetical to the idea of religion that most of the would be embarrassed to even engage in it – unless they are not a religion but a cult.) I think it is a vulnerability that is worth noting. They really have no defense.
Very well said!
I doubt that Katie Holmes and her attorney dad really had any problems getting TC to agree to their custody demands. When Katie dumped him, it was devastating to the church, tabloid headlines everywhere about her “escape” from the clutches of Scientology, and her determination to save Suri from being indoctrinated. The incredibly bad publicity was a big early nail in the church’s coffin, and TC was probably willing to give Katie anything she wanted to make the story go away as fast as possible.
Newcomer,your comment made my Friday,along with RB’s absolute mastery of Miscavige.❤️
I don’t think they even do drive-by rebuttals now—they just ring A&E’s doorbell and run away.
They don’t even set the bag of shite alight any more.
Absolutely hilarious. I would love to know if Miscavagie reads them.
Every damn day!!!
Great stuff RB! As usual, you have nailed it. The impact of this series is both profound and pervasive, by far the most influence of anything to date among people who have had little knowledge of Scn. Every Wednesday evening I go to a local watering hole for liver and onions. I sit at the bar, just when the shift is coming on, about 5 P.M. The waitresses congregate there,and as it is early, they chat and gossip. As a regular, they include me in discussions. Last week it was about Leah’s show. A couple of them had seen it and were encouraging the others to see it. This week, the bartender, who had been listening in,accosted me. She had gone home and watched all the episodes and stayed up late for the Tuesday night one. She was absolutely astonished. Her question, “what can be done”. She couldn’t stop talking about it. Thank you Mike and Leah for what is clearly bringing the darkness into the light.
Looks as if RB got David Miscavige*s caricature about right. He must need a cushion to drive, and an ice pack to bring down his swelled head.
I do not know if you have gotten funnier,maybe the game has gotten bigger and therefore you seem funnier.
Priceless,this frantic office gossip scene with all the balloons from the cubicle.
And people disconnecting from the disconnectors.
Poor Alice,(when she was ten foot tall)l.A reference to Jefferson Airplane?
That last hit and run with the van,hilarious.
Ask Tom if he wants anymore medals.
These are historic days.
RB shows us on a tangible level how the wheels are falling off the bus.
One can only guess how many times this is being repeated all over the world. Even if a public scientologist isn’t identified to the rest of the employees, water cooler talk has to get some of their attention. I have received so many requests for links to the Leah series, I have lost count. Mike and Leah, the series is a PSA on steroids!
???I know! The church’s rebuttals are so juvenile (or utterly illogical). I remember the church showing me their “DA Pack” that was shown to me because I had watched Anderson Cooper’s 3-part series on the history of violence in the church. It Screamed “Guilty!” it was so juvenile and off-point.
RB, it always cracks me up ? when you include david miscavige in your cartoons. He is so insane. I think you have him down.
And RB even has his insiders who know all about Dave’s little ‘furry bunny slippers’! Hysterical! Watch for Him switching to skunk soon.
Your comment reminded me of the DA pack (dead agent for the NIs here) that Russ McKivitt and Rich Kimura had with them when they stopped by on a visit from the Prisonwinds to ‘handle me’ back in 2010.
One of the photos was of a group of naked men performing a ritual dance around an evening campfire. You couldn’t really see any faces, just naked butts and bodies with the campfire reflecting off of them. Russ said “That is Marty Rathbun and Mike Rinder” who are involved in satanic ritual. They are really off the rails!”
I asked, “How can you tell it is Mike and Marty?” and he replied because OSA was there and verified it was them. So I said to Russ …. “I bet OSA was conducting the ritual! Was Dave there too? The little guy could be Dave!”
Needless to say, It didn’t go well for them on the ‘recovery cycle’.
When is your next ceremony? Don’t forget Dave’s little skunk skin slippers boys.
Oh ye of little faith. Those naked campfire rituals were fun. You didn’t recognize my naked butt?
Only somebody who knows every inch of Mike Rinder’s body could answer that 🙂
Nah! I got video…
LOL ): I know, I should have! Geesch!
Was yours the one with two cute dimples?
? Love your responses.
CoS and frequently news organizations are sloppy with the meaning of rebuttal. It means that you have answer points raised with well-founded counter-arguments, not just shout that “They’re all SP poopy-head bigots, neener-neener!”
and they are “drive-by” The church cannot have an honest debate anymore. They would lose. So, the have to throw out a “rebuttal” and then run for cover.
That’s the best they’ve got Rick. SP poopy-head bigots isn’t so bad a rebuttal. I’m feeling awful caved in being called that. Near tears I am!
Another hysterical and TRUE work of art by RB! I can’t believe how many people have contacted us since the release of the SP Basic Docu Series on A&E – Scientology; Aftermath. A family we had dinner with (Kids were raised in Scientology) told me they will never go back into Scientology.
VWD Hurricane Remini and Rinder. You deserve a “double” name for the Hurricane Shit Storm you created for David Miscavige and his evil cult. It is off the charts with the carnage damage it has done to Scientology. I am hearing Staff are leaving in droves.
Please – continue.
Why not a show about “how to get refunds” and lend us ex members a helping hand? It is very much needed and wanted and now the fraud is indisputable.
We can have a contest as to what to name it:
1. Operation Refund / Bankrupt Scientology
2. Operation Yank Scientology’s Tax Exempt Status
3. Operation Shrink and Fleece Scientology
Thank you for your help in exposing the truth about this evil cult.
What staff are leaving? People that are in the Sea Org? I ask because my dad left us 15 years ago to join the Sea Org. Just curious if there is a chance he may “wake up.”
What’s your dad’s name? Maybe someone here knows him.
Hi Wognited
Unexpected good news.Would be nice if you could put this in perspective a bit.How many people contacted you after Going Clear.How many now?
My gut feeling that the cumulative effect of this show is 5 to 10 times bigger than Going Clear.
Anybody else seeing the same as Wognited?
Why should there be comparisons at all? Both were/are effective. Both are still being watched. What we’re seeking, it seems to me, is the cumulative effects.
RE Refund. If you have money on account as an AP Payment (advanced payment toward a future service that you haven’t taken yet), you might get money back by suing or threatening to sue. That is how one Ex Scn I know got her money back.
Davey works so hard he needs some R and R. But I don’t mean rest and recreation. I mean Rimini and Rinder Storm.
One never in person was telling me he was appalled at David M beating staff and ordering abortions and he said, “David McSavage…” He mispronounced the last name in all innocence, but I like that moniker.
I’ve got it! Hurricane Remininder 😉 it’s true, they both deserve equal props for taking on the cult in a full frontal attack manner.
What fun to watch lil davey the clueless Dead Agent the cherch himself by hiring goons to stalk Leah, Mike and other featured contributors to the series in precise conformity to the Fair Policy that they’re trying to deny is still in practice! These fools just never learn!
” I am hearing Staff are leaving in droves.”
I’d love to hear more details about that. My bet is that, for many, the seeds have been planted and they will begin to plot their quiet withdrawal from $cn in ways that put them and their families at the least risk. And who could blame them there?
While the cherch now seems like an emasculated paper tiger when it comes to effectively pushing back against the many books, documentaries and now, TV series that have been done to expose this criminal fraud faux religion, it’s likely to take even more stringent measures to retain its rapidly dwindling membership and to use every extortion/threat tactic that they can come up to accomplish that goal.
$cilons with children and other family members in the cult need to plan and stage their departure from the cult with as much care and thought to their plan as anything they’ve ever done, because the cult and its tiny terrible tyrant of a leader truly are ruthless and have demonstrated the capacity to do the most heinous and harmful things to families that you can imagine many times over. And before they’re stopped, it’s very likely to get even worse.
Hey Mike,
You should check out the documentary on scientology on Hulu. It states that l ron hubbard was a science fiction writer and belongef to a satanic cult at one point.
See my comment to McCarran above. It’s in their DNA and they are apparently still at it!
Yo Dave,
Do you hold the ritual campfires at Hemet or is there a secret place in the desert? Good idea to get the photo ops done before people blow though. I suggest getting some identifying marks (you could do See Ogre Tats on each cheek) and it would make people easier to identify in your black ops write ups. Just sayin…..
Science fiction writer: yes. Satanic cult: not so much. Yes, Thelema does revere Aleister Crowley, who styled himself the Beast of the Apocalypse. But it only does so because it considers Christianity to have become corrupt and off the point it once had. Many of its more striking pronouncements, “Do What thou Wilt”, that there was Christianity before and outside of Christ, and the idea that God speaks through a still, small voice within are taken from Saint Augustine and some Spanish Mystics. (OK, they liked drugs and a lot of sex. But that’s because in the greater scheme of things, it’s less important that you’re a bisexual pot smoker, than that you live a life of great charity and creativity.)
Hubbard was a science fiction writer. Prolific but not very good. You must have watched “Going Clear”.,