You are one or two or tthird public .. third is that you are already on the way for your declare .. but as long you pay you are not .. but you get sec checks —
What is a sec check .. maybe did not speak about my evil purposes .. if I have such purposes, a sec check would never find out about .. not really, because the mind of LRH is orientated on the e-Meter .. and it doesn’t work on it ..
I never was smart enough to “reg”, and to be a reg you have ot make some invasive life controlling decisions over other people’s relations and their money.
I wonder WHY regs and the reg personality that the savvy smart executives who are forced to do regging also thing.
There must be some fantasy “good” thoughts about taking people’s money so heartlessly, playing the followers using the various Scientology “services” (crank crap to me now, all that is good are any momentary humanity shared by Scientologists with their public is as good as it gets, and temporary but it suits public for the moment and keeps them aboard).
Such a heartless sobering look into what goes on in the top regging execs and posted regs.
What also goes on in the minds of these top money making regs and execs who have to reg?
The full heartless picture of reg minds must include some kind of delusional thoughts of the good they are doing.
They would otherwise be totally heartless sociopaths but the personalities of the regs I knew when they came to study on course in their study time, seemed personable, at times very sincere.
How humans keep themselves in these untenably heartless greedy futile craven grubbing money making positions I think again comes back to Hubbard pointing to the neccessity of this reg activity to be this way.
The whole backdrop are finance policy, the “income sources”, the “hard sell” pack issues.
Hubbard’s hundreds of sentences pushing income demand, “beans” for “beans”, “income sources”, and then all the way to the end of LRH’s life, his ASI writings are just hype and flog his “LRH products” for recompense.
It’s just so deep, the bigger whole context troubles, are so deep and all through LRH’s writings and orders.
I wonder if this is just “crim regging” with this new strategic twist during this “Crim Reg Era” of Miscaviges, or does anyone think that official Scientology’s “regging” could ever be made ethical morally?
I immediately remember that story David Ziff used to tell CMO messengers who used to jump all over him for sitting on his family inheritance which David got, but David would counter that LRH told David personally to NOT donate that inheritance back to Sea Org reserves.
LRH told David (and David long ago used to share this anecdote) to hang onto his inheritance because David might someday need it. That was a “brick” that I hope David kept and if he’s alive I hope he’s keeping that “brick” in his “brick overcoat” from ever being regged by official Scientology today!
I’m atheist, but I was so interested in all that LRH wrote, and still am, wondering can ANY of these Scientologists ever paw through Hubbard’s whole written legacy and change this vicious heartless strategic path they’ve done.
The “income demand” trumps all, and that’s LRH’s fault, I think even he looked the other way for countless instances of “crim regging” though. Otherwise he’d have ordered the “crim regged” money BACK to the customer/parishioners.
LRH’s writings are lean on giving back people’s crim regged money/donations.
Hello Mike, These shows have opened my eyes to Scientology. I have watched each one at least three times. Partly because it is so shocking how this organization has been taken over by thugs, and partly just trying to understand the lingo, and what the Scientology philosophy is all about.
My wife and I have watched every episode and have been shocked by the degree of vindictiveness and heartless behavior which is apparently standard operating procedure by the “Church of Scientology”. The definition of a cult couldn’t be any more clearly defined than by the “Church” of Scientology.
We really feel sorry for the families caught up in this ruse particularly the trusting children that grow up in this ideological path to nowhere.
Mike and Leah; please keep fighting this good fight!!
Got quite a “kick” out of the Scientology Lawyer that tried to rebut the issues you’ve raised. Her eyes were fluttering so bad due to her lying that we thought she might take flight.
Maybe a suggestion here: I hope that RB has put a trademark on his great work to prevent others from tying it up or taking it away from him. I sometimes wonder if he goes exterior and sits in on their delusional annoying bull shit.
The political friends of Scientology in Clearwater are now scurrying away like cockroaches when the light has been turned on. The name of the cult, which has never been good, has become mud everywhere due to Leah Remini and the “Ruthless” fight is icing on the cake. Is there joy in Hemet these days? If there ever was you can be there isn’t now. Dave of the Woeful Countenance is so beset with counter intentions and fools that he must beat them into submission. More and more people will leave and I expect that there will be no shortage of horror stories this year.
It’s interesting that the Scientology Facebook page has very few comments. You would at least think that the people who practice Scientology would write positive comments…oh, forgot, they’re not allowed on the internet. I guess they just have to keep deleting the negative comments.
Since the ‘Church’ is expanding faster than the gold in Dave’s reserves is rising one would expect to see more activity.
And since the Co$ has more members than the LAPD has excuses for not finding Shelly Miscavige, one would expect to see more activity
I never regged Madge. The fact that the church NEEDED hard sell regges at the level of FSO is the single largest red flag that opened my eyes to the complete falseness of the “tech”.
He was the fin dir FLB for a spell. They hung out in the reg area, squeezing the whales dry. Jon L and norton drove matching corvettes in the 80’s while most of the other sea org were shuttled back and forth in very used buses.
Funny the ebb and flow of the sea org. If only LRH had found a way to suck all the human out. We could have been controlled into his small fragile world. Ew… that line of thought does not end well.
Thank god people are basically good and do care about their fellow human. They do feel compassion. They experience empathy towards the plights of their fellow man. In a basic way we are all connected and when we allow ourselves to be. This comes into view.
With Scientology there is no compassion, empathy or reciprocity period.
I have never been in Scientology; however, I remember seeing the Sea Org (now I know what they’re called) people walk on the sidewalks like zombies with their pagers and their uniforms. We lived in Clearwater, FL, and remember being told that Scientology owned many of the buildings downtown and it was not a good place to live. The Lisa McPherson thing was a big deal too and after reading the articles in the St. Pete Times and my own observations, I am not one bit surprised that this is busting wide open. It felt like evil permeating from it and also from the downtown St. Petersburg building that opened. They were always trying to get people to come inside and just take a “course.” I feel sorry for anyone who falls into their trap.
Regraded Being understands the Modus Operandi of the $campire. Lois Reisdorf and family can tell you all about how $ec Checks and getting back in the good graces of $cientology actually works.
There is an excellent documentary on how this part of $cientology works. Just be sure your closed captioning is on, its in German. ‘Til Nothing Remains’.
Is this why it took an extra 6 months for the Harlem mOrg to open? The same can be said for all the new Idle mOrgs. All of the executives have to go for special ‘hatting’, ‘hatting’ that must include what RB has drawn today.
Thanks, RB, this strip points up a basic point. In any high-control group there are many true believers like the book seller and a few manipulators like the smoker. Without the manipulators the whole thing would fall apart because the basic pretend activity of the group really does not work. If all the members were true believers, this would become obvious pretty fast and it would fall apart.
High control groups exist to provide adulation and big bucks for the few truly narcissistic manipulators at the center. But it is all masked by high sounding ideals that are designed to appeal to the true believers.
This is not really a flaw in religion. It is a flaw of the high control groups that often pretend to be religious. There are also high control groups that are basically families, centered around a pathological narcissist. They can also be marketing scams that are based on this pattern, political organizations, all human groups can be infected by the pathological narcissist and turned to their inhuman purposes.
Scientology gives us obvious and clear examples of this but it is really small potatoes compared to other similar operations.
To get out of Scientology you really have to understand it. Not the weird beliefs or the strange history, the basics of how pathological narcissists operate. There are lots of resources for this, one of the best was formed by former Scientologist Jon Atack:
Have a question. Maybe I missed it somewhere in the A&E shows, media etc, but I haven’t seen or heard the question posed, especially to Monique Dingaling that over 2500 ex-Scientologists have spoken out against the Church of Scientology. And if you look at that list nearly all of them are highly trained in Scientology and have given many years of dedicated service to that organisation.
Were Muffins to be asked that question in a televised interview: “how come thousands of highly trained former scientologists of long-standing all have the same stories to tell? ” she would probably have to feign a heart attack on the set as the best possible answer short of the truth: “Look, Mister, I get paid to say this shit, okay?”
A bit ‘Ruthless’ this week RB but very much displays the behind the scenes mentality of organised Scientology. Wouldn’t have ever believed it possible to think about them that way once but now after experiencing the Cof$, losing lots of money and lamenting the experience of having the family scattered to the winds because of trusting Scientology, it’s true.
I just really hope when the Cof$ does eventually fall to bits and Miscavige ‘disappears’ a system materializes where the little assholes who pose as executives in that poisoned organisation are made to face, apologize and make good to their victims. Wishful thinking maybe, for in reality they will run for cover and disappear without a trace once their precious cherch is brought to justice.
I don’t think it ruthless at all. I have personally witnessed this happening in Joburg Org. The victim’s name was not Gerald, but it went like this: An American comes to Joburg Org to get auditing etc, as the exchange rate is very favourable (around 11 Rand to 1 Dollar at the time). He gets regged for a crapload of services, and gets lots of auditing. General regging, and fundraising all being pushed very heavily from all sides: Ideal Orgs strategy, IAS donations, CCHR, Youth for Human Rights, Volunteer ministers, you name it. There was not a single week we did not have an “event” at the org. (Event means fundraiser in the current CO$).
The American public starts to get pissed off with this and begins asking some very uncomfortable questions, and demanding answers, getting most unpopular with the Org staff. LRH Comm and others begin to work on declaring him PTS type B for some or other thing they found about in the PC folders. The plan was worked out to reg him for the last R100,000, while the declare papers were being drawn up. As soon as he paid over the money, the declare was given, but not before that last big donation was received.
RB has a way of knowing all this about the Czerch and putting it into cartoon form which communicates so well. In church terms, each Regraded Being strip gets an LFBD from me, as it is just so spot-on accurate.
I saw that one coming! If only senior $cilon staff were that straight up about their endless money grubbing schemes, then their newly recruited underlings would catch on much more quickly to the scam and leave the cult before they got dragged in over their heads!
Instead, $cn is the ultimate realization of George Orwell’s dark vision of the future in his novel, 1984, where families need to be utterly destroyed in order to “save” them and “spiritual freedom” means that you’re stuck in the cult for life (or until you’re totally tapped out financially).
Nowhere else has the practical meaning of “self-determinism” been so completely stood on its head to mean the exact opposite of its original meaning. The “Bridge to Total Freedom” is, in reality, a meandering path through an overgrown jungle in which you become progressively more disoriented as you follow it and become less and less free and more and more other-determined.
It has been often philosophically mentioned it’s never the destination but the journey that counts the most in life. Scientology has been very successful in covering up the fact they have no destination but sure have made the journey to it destroy anyone that ventures onto their false Bridge. If takes self-determinism to start Scientology and self-determinism to end it. What is in between is extremely ugly and punishing.
is it possible to contact unfortunately, I had to contact this government agency due to a family “horror”. There is one in every state and as we say: “they don’t play”. If you use the angle of reporting what you feel might be child abuse happening in that organization….they will seriously get on the case ….someone can call anonymously….just an idea…
Should there be a second season to Leah and Mike’s series there really must be an installment in which RB opens the show. The spirit of the church is encapsulated in this comic with poetic economy! Many of the great film makers used brief cartoons to give new pizazz to a familiar theme.
I think that’s a great idea. Might be good during the middle of the show as well to add a bit of levity to these heart-wrenching stories. (Side note: I’m almost positive there will be a second season, because if not, I have no doubt that A&E realizes that they are going to create an enormous backlash from an army of extremely impassioned fans).
Absolutely! It’s bitingly sardonic, but without being mean at all…except to lil davey, that is!
Now that $cn has been thoroughly exposed as the horror show that it truly is, many folks’ thoughts are turning to the practical means by which something can be done about it. Public awareness and the free discussion of the cult’s many heinous and brutal practices are valuable in and of themselves because they inoculate those who might be susceptible against this deadly meme disease so that they will know enough about it to never walk through a cherch door or take one of those bogus OCA tests in the first place. By now, almost everyone knows that, “Friends don’t let friends do $cn”.
But what more can be done? And what are the most effective strategies to stop the cherch and its sadistic leader from continuing its most harmful practices (e.g., coerced disconnection, fair game) ? I don’t pretend to have the answer here, but I would say that at this point in time the question is one that everyone needs to consider at length and in depth. There’s the global fight, which entails working to see that the cult’s undeserved federal tax exempt status is rescinded; then there’s the individual and personal fight to get the cult’s dirty paws off of MY KID! Indeed, there’s an entire continuum of different levels of the fight at which the cult can be challenged and held to account, all of which can be pursued simultaneously.
But of all of the different groups that $cn endangers and victimizes, those who suffer the most and are at greatest risk are those low-ranking, dog’s body $ea Orgy staffers. and these poor duped and lied to folks are also the most completely isolated from the real world and physically cut off from access to most information sources of all $cilons. So any attempts to reach them need to remain mindful of that fact and limiting set of conditions. Indeed, for those who’ve signed their billion year contracts, it is not only a crime to access the internet and go where they like, it’s a thought crime to even consider doing such a thing.
Still, since humans are by nature an extremely curious and information-seeking species, bits and pieces of news and culture filter in and get passed about. One of the best ways to ensure that happens is through humor, which bypasses folks’ defenses and the implanted “think-think” concerning why $cilons shouldn’t read or listen to what they like. Short, pithy and hilarious comics, like RB’s, make their point in a wry, humorous and “so true it hurts” sort of way that go right past your defenses before you even realize it. Music is another way that, not only the ideas, but the raw emotionality of human experience gets communicated in a universal way.
$cn may very well have “jumped the couch” in terms of its ability ever again to convince the public that it’s just like any other religion or “might have things of value to offer,” so the global fight to end the deadly meme disease of $cn from spreading is winning BIG time! However, the individual fight to free those trapped within it – and to focus in on those most at risk and who’ve been victimized the worst – continues on. To that end our thoughts and creativity need to be focused in on practical measures that will be most effective in freeing those who remain the most deeply buried under the vast mountain of bullshit and lies that is the corporate Co$ under lil davey, the cult’s sadistic and sociopathic supreme rullah.
Sky writing (“LRH is Xenu!”), bull horn drive-by messaging, pamphleting, free cell phones with a 1-800 “Call Us” number to connect escaping $ea Orgy staff with support services…all of these and more need to be considered. And while we’re at it, let’s not ever forget about The Disappeared, who have not been seen or heard from in years, like Shelly and Heber.
Brilliant idea. Even if the format doesn’t work for it I’m sure RB could create something within the show parameters that would be punchy and appropriate.
I’m envisioning something low-tech like in the film, “American Splendor” where they showed the cartoon pages one at a time with somebody reading the dialogue.
“….that Remini-Rinder garbage.” So according to this so-called “church”, all of these ex-Scientologist folks are nothing more than liars who just want to bring down the church, eh? I’m no genius, but it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to know that if any of these “bitter apostates” wanted to “join together” to make up “lies” to bring down the church, then they would be coming up much more juicy “tabloid gossip” and horrible crimes (like statutory rape allegations or murder against DM himself or something).
But the main reason I find it easy to believe former Scientologists (especially Sea Org members), are that even when someone makes a claim that paints the church in a very bad light but is ultimately bogus (such as after the tragic death of Travolta’s son when some media were saying Kelly was rebelling because “autism doesn’t exist” in Scientology, which initially inflamed the passions of people against the church), Mike and Tony Ortega and others actually set the record straight and said that’s simply not true, and that the church doesn’t dispute they exist, only how to treat them (
It may sound like they’re “defending the church” in these instances, but it’s obvious that they’re actually defending the TRUTH, even if it ends up lessening some of the “black PR” for the church they are fighting against. And since they can actually be fair to the truth, even if that means they occasionally have to correct other critics of the church when bogus allegations against CoS are made, that shows me that A) they’re not just “making stuff up to attack the church”, and B) their statements about the abuses of the church are accurate, fair, and most importantly, honest.
On the contrary, even though I haven’t read many of the church’s smear sites (because the few I read originally were mostly just recycled, robotic, and lame-ass garbage, so don’t care to waste my time anymore when I already have a good idea what every new one is going to say anyway), I don’t remember the church being fair to any of these folks and saying that while there are bad things about this person, to be fair, there is some good in them. No, they only trot out the same attacks and use their own “confessionals” against them, which one would assume are suppose to be private, but were certainly coerced when you have no other option to get out of a sec-check other than to “admit your crimes” (even when you have to just make something up to get it over with).
Great RB today. I don’t doubt this tactic happens one single bit. This so-called “church” turns ordinary people into despicable human beings.
Mick, When you commented that you believe people who have left the C of $, “especially the SO members”… what did you mean by believing the SO even more than you believe the public who left? Do you hold to the SO belief that the SO is more honest and more able and more moral with a higher ethics standard than mere public?
I ran into that arrogant SO attitude more than once. As a good FPRD Auditor who was a public person, I delivered several Eligibility Sec Checks FPRD Style back in the day. I got excellent results. But the church put an end to that because it was taking money from their coffers because the coaudit teams were doing it for almost free. Yet if they forbid them from coauditing FPRD on OT’s then each coaudit twin would have to pay their money to the Org Registrars and that would be more money in the church’s coffers. That is the reason the coaudits on Eligibility etc were discontinued. But Dave Sonnenfeld at AOLA lied to us and told us that it was discontinued because a mere public person didn’t have the ethics level that a SO member has and thus we would not have ethics presence over the person we were auditing. He said it was best that SO members did all the Elig’s since they have higher standards and higher ethics levels. Mick, you don’t fall into that camp of thinking that way, do you?
Hi Cindy. I can see where my comment might sound that way, but that was not my intent whatsoever. My apologies. I truly meant no offense. I’d like to clarify.
First of all, I’m what seems to be called a never-in, having never been a Scientologist myself, public or Sea Org or anything else. I’m also pretty new at learning about the CoS. Therefore, I have no basis to make any kind of judgement whatsoever on which types of Scientologists were more “moral” (although I personally get the feeling that every single one of them is more moral than DM, so he’s the exception).
And what you were told by Dave Sonnenfeld I personally find ridiculous and is yet another example of the arrogance of the leadership and structure of this organization. I don’t even know the name Dave Sonnenfeld, which probably shows how new I am to this stuff and my current lack of knowledge on the subject. And much of what you wrote I didn’t even understand (FPRD, Eligibility, etc), which again shows my very limited understanding as I’m still trying to learn more.
Also, when I used the term “especially”, I didn’t mean believing SO members MORE than public Scientologists. I only meant that people who had knowledge of how ridiculous things were day to day, especially those who worked directly for David Miscavige quite frequently, such as Mike Rinder, Marty Rathbun, etc. have the first-hand experience of the corruption, cruelty, and pure evilness of this guy and the culture he permeates throughout this organization. I actually was referring more to former Int Base staff when I typed that. I was simply trying to draw a contrast between the believability of the upper levels of RTC management and the believability of the individuals were are the targets of these smear sites, whether they are former SO or public.
Again my apologies for how that comment of mine sounded. I didn’t even need to put that in there. I believe the testimony of ANY former Scientologist over DM and these smear sites.
“…they only trot out the same attacks and use their own “confessionals” against them, which one would assume are suppose to be private…”
No assumption is required there; Elron himself guaranteed the confidentiality of all auditing session records. It’s all written into the holy scriptures of the cherch according to the infallible Word of Elron. Lil davey’s breach of that confidentiality is just one of many very serious $cn high crimes that he’s escaped justice in being held to account for.
Your critical analysis of the difference between how the cult presents its arguments and rebuttals relative to the form and manner in which $cn critics present theirs is right on point. Blanket denials, ad hominem attacks, lack of specific response to very detailed and serious allegations, all of these and more identify $cn as a purveyor of disinformation and as an organization which is unwilling to answer up directly to the multiple, credible and well-supported allegations of serious crimes and massive human/civil rights abuses that have been made against it.
Mick Roberts: “And since they [former Scientologists] can actually be fair to the truth, even if that means they occasionally have to correct other critics of the church when bogus allegations against CoS are made, that shows me that A) they’re not just ‘making stuff up to attack the church’, and B) their statements about the abuses of the church are accurate, fair, and most importantly, honest.”
Well said. The truth needs to be adhered to for just that reason (not to mention the general principle). Spreading disinformation about the church (or about Hubbard) isn’t even necessary since the outpoints are more than enough to expose. When former Scientologists lie or even stretch the truth, they’re just defeating their purpose, and it places them in the same category as the church mentality of “the ends justify the means.”
Good reasoning well put, Mick. I was saying years ago the credibility of the critics is on firm ground for a number of reasons all of which stand on the fact you just stated. Where are all the favorite scandals people love to hear about like sex and bizarre, exotic behaviors? The sky’s the limit when it comes to believable stories about scientology, you know. Many people would believe stories of cannibalism if reported. It’s reputation is so bad! But there are no sensational, exploitative reports. It’s the same disgraceful things done over and over again by the totally disgraced David Miscavige. The charges are all the more credible for what they are not.
“Moral values? We don’t need no stinkin’ moral values!” What we do need is more hatred. Remember! It’s us against the wogs and anyone else who stands in our way! Hatred is good! Don’t ever be afraid to hate!
For those of us who were never in, these vignettes provide a window into Scientology’s day-to-day m.o. While the behavior totally consistent with what we know of Scientology, it still fits in the category of “Just when you thought it couldn’t get any worse…”. Indoctrination in Hubbard’s toxic stew turns people into horrible predators.
I have a quick question: Years ago I put up a Yelp review (yeah, I know) for my local Vancouver Church of Scientology. Yesterday I received a notice from Yelp telling me that they’re pulling it:
We wanted to let you know that we’ve removed your review of Church of Scientology. Our Support team has determined that it falls outside our Content Guidelines ( because it contains inappropriate content.
We hope you will continue to participate on Yelp while keeping our Content Guidelines in mind.
Thank you in advance for your understanding, and thanks for using Yelp.
Mike, what gives? I assume that the Church contacted the site but why now after all these years? Is this a new policy to cleanse their online image by contacting all online review sites? Will it now be difficult to post anything negative/truthful about the Church? Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.
If it helps, here’s the original Yelp review. It’s negative but hardly contains anything new or shocking.
Go in for a free personality test and after TWO HOURS of answering questions they will tell you that you really, REALLY need to buy the book and take a basic course for only a few dollars. No matter what you answer on the test they will ALWAYS tell you that you have severe problems which only they can cure. If you are dumb enough to buy a book or take the first cheap course they will pressure/harass you until you sign up for more and more expensive courses and auditing (thousands and thousands of dollars) until you have spent roughly $300,000 (yes, that is an accurate number) and years of your life to learn the O.T. 3 GREAT SECRET KNOWLEDGE which is …drum roll please…
Xenu was, according to Scientology founder L. Ron Hubbard, the dictator of the “Galactic Confederacy” who 75 million years ago brought billions of his people to Earth (then known as “Teegeeack”) in a DC-8-like spacecraft, stacked them around volcanoes, and killed them with hydrogen bombs. Official Scientology scriptures hold that the thetans (immortal spirits) of these aliens adhere to humans, causing spiritual harm. The ultimate purpose of auditing and Scientology is to rid yourself of these thousands of dead alien spirits, like an extremely expensive U.F.O. exorcism. What did you expect? This cult was created by L. Ron Hubbard, a failed science fiction author and alcoholic sociopath.
There, I just saved you hundreds of thousands of dollars and years and years of your life.
You’re welcome.
Honestly people, when it comes to Scientology the internet is your best friend. Just google Scientology and sit back and read a seemingly endless stream of horror stories about this bizarre, abusive, fraudulent CULT! Every mainstream news outlet has filed reports about how these con artists bankrupt people while destroying families. This is now common knowledge to anyone with access to televised news, newspapers or an internet connection. Because of this, according to the latest census figures they are now down to a mere 30,000 members WORLDWIDE. Please inform yourself so that you’re not one of the last rats on the sinking Scientology ship.
I would like to suggest that you follow up with yelp and tell them you are willing to remove the parts which contravene their guidelines; specifically which parts should you remove.
Be alert to the fact that there may be some libel, slander or dead agent communication from a Scientology FSM, OSA Agent or scn lawyer threat which has gone on with the standard intent of the cult to get its stats up in the ” information Control”. Take notes. If needed ask, inquire and ask for documents as needed.
Thanks, I tried and all they told me is that it contravened the guidelines about ” threats, harassment, lewdness, hate speech, and other displays of bigotry”. I think the Church would say anything negative would fall under the “hate speech” rule and Yelp would just agree since they can’t be bothered (somewhat justifiably) with dealing with the Church’s lawyers in all their tweedy fury.
So we’ve now arrived at “hate speech”. Yep, the Church went there…
The whole “gotta get your stats up” is totally nuts. When I was on staff at my local org, the stats were either made up or counted when they really shouldn’t have. The whole thing is just a farce.
Good News: Spoke to my niece the other day and she tells me that there is a local mission in Clearwater that has a For Sale Sign up. Straight down and vertical contraction.
You are one or two or tthird public .. third is that you are already on the way for your declare .. but as long you pay you are not .. but you get sec checks —
What is a sec check .. maybe did not speak about my evil purposes .. if I have such purposes, a sec check would never find out about .. not really, because the mind of LRH is orientated on the e-Meter .. and it doesn’t work on it ..
This is sobering.
I never was smart enough to “reg”, and to be a reg you have ot make some invasive life controlling decisions over other people’s relations and their money.
I wonder WHY regs and the reg personality that the savvy smart executives who are forced to do regging also thing.
There must be some fantasy “good” thoughts about taking people’s money so heartlessly, playing the followers using the various Scientology “services” (crank crap to me now, all that is good are any momentary humanity shared by Scientologists with their public is as good as it gets, and temporary but it suits public for the moment and keeps them aboard).
Such a heartless sobering look into what goes on in the top regging execs and posted regs.
What also goes on in the minds of these top money making regs and execs who have to reg?
The full heartless picture of reg minds must include some kind of delusional thoughts of the good they are doing.
They would otherwise be totally heartless sociopaths but the personalities of the regs I knew when they came to study on course in their study time, seemed personable, at times very sincere.
How humans keep themselves in these untenably heartless greedy futile craven grubbing money making positions I think again comes back to Hubbard pointing to the neccessity of this reg activity to be this way.
The whole backdrop are finance policy, the “income sources”, the “hard sell” pack issues.
Hubbard’s hundreds of sentences pushing income demand, “beans” for “beans”, “income sources”, and then all the way to the end of LRH’s life, his ASI writings are just hype and flog his “LRH products” for recompense.
It’s just so deep, the bigger whole context troubles, are so deep and all through LRH’s writings and orders.
I wonder if this is just “crim regging” with this new strategic twist during this “Crim Reg Era” of Miscaviges, or does anyone think that official Scientology’s “regging” could ever be made ethical morally?
I immediately remember that story David Ziff used to tell CMO messengers who used to jump all over him for sitting on his family inheritance which David got, but David would counter that LRH told David personally to NOT donate that inheritance back to Sea Org reserves.
LRH told David (and David long ago used to share this anecdote) to hang onto his inheritance because David might someday need it. That was a “brick” that I hope David kept and if he’s alive I hope he’s keeping that “brick” in his “brick overcoat” from ever being regged by official Scientology today!
I’m atheist, but I was so interested in all that LRH wrote, and still am, wondering can ANY of these Scientologists ever paw through Hubbard’s whole written legacy and change this vicious heartless strategic path they’ve done.
The “income demand” trumps all, and that’s LRH’s fault, I think even he looked the other way for countless instances of “crim regging” though. Otherwise he’d have ordered the “crim regged” money BACK to the customer/parishioners.
LRH’s writings are lean on giving back people’s crim regged money/donations.
I can’t wait for the day that this cult is dismantled
Hello Mike, These shows have opened my eyes to Scientology. I have watched each one at least three times. Partly because it is so shocking how this organization has been taken over by thugs, and partly just trying to understand the lingo, and what the Scientology philosophy is all about.
My wife and I have watched every episode and have been shocked by the degree of vindictiveness and heartless behavior which is apparently standard operating procedure by the “Church of Scientology”. The definition of a cult couldn’t be any more clearly defined than by the “Church” of Scientology.
We really feel sorry for the families caught up in this ruse particularly the trusting children that grow up in this ideological path to nowhere.
Mike and Leah; please keep fighting this good fight!!
Got quite a “kick” out of the Scientology Lawyer that tried to rebut the issues you’ve raised. Her eyes were fluttering so bad due to her lying that we thought she might take flight.
Yup. Sounds right. Devious. Soulless. Chew em up! Spit em out.
Maybe a suggestion here: I hope that RB has put a trademark on his great work to prevent others from tying it up or taking it away from him. I sometimes wonder if he goes exterior and sits in on their delusional annoying bull shit.
The political friends of Scientology in Clearwater are now scurrying away like cockroaches when the light has been turned on. The name of the cult, which has never been good, has become mud everywhere due to Leah Remini and the “Ruthless” fight is icing on the cake. Is there joy in Hemet these days? If there ever was you can be there isn’t now. Dave of the Woeful Countenance is so beset with counter intentions and fools that he must beat them into submission. More and more people will leave and I expect that there will be no shortage of horror stories this year.
Just got done watching the 7th episode. Very powerful. This entire series has. Could cause a cosmic shift…
Ok the Twitter hashtag is #MoreAftermath
RB. Incredible, as always!
I’m trying to get a new Twitter trend started
#SecondSeason #ScientologyTheAftermath
It’s interesting that the Scientology Facebook page has very few comments. You would at least think that the people who practice Scientology would write positive comments…oh, forgot, they’re not allowed on the internet. I guess they just have to keep deleting the negative comments.
Since the ‘Church’ is expanding faster than the gold in Dave’s reserves is rising one would expect to see more activity.
And since the Co$ has more members than the LAPD has excuses for not finding Shelly Miscavige, one would expect to see more activity
I once posted the link to the big list there. It got deleted within 20 minutes or so. I wonder why…. 😛
Go to Scientology FB sites and post your reviews
This is what I am posting….
“I tried Scientology and all I got was my own personal SMEAR SITE, a bankruptcy, a foreclosure, a divorce and then a Goldenrod”.
Same as it ever was. Sounds like Dave foster and his reg meetings 30 some years ago at the FSO.
I was there.. I was one of the regges.. lolol…were you a reg too Mike.. after 1982?
Nope, never regged. Not a single dollar for anything.
I never regged Madge. The fact that the church NEEDED hard sell regges at the level of FSO is the single largest red flag that opened my eyes to the complete falseness of the “tech”.
I did a few missions into FSO div 2 in the mid 80’s. When Ron norton and Jon lundeen were all over the lines. Possible we ran into one another.
I wasn’t around when Lundeen was an exec at FSO. Must have been after I left.
He was the fin dir FLB for a spell. They hung out in the reg area, squeezing the whales dry. Jon L and norton drove matching corvettes in the 80’s while most of the other sea org were shuttled back and forth in very used buses.
Funny the ebb and flow of the sea org. If only LRH had found a way to suck all the human out. We could have been controlled into his small fragile world. Ew… that line of thought does not end well.
Thank god people are basically good and do care about their fellow human. They do feel compassion. They experience empathy towards the plights of their fellow man. In a basic way we are all connected and when we allow ourselves to be. This comes into view.
With Scientology there is no compassion, empathy or reciprocity period.
I have never been in Scientology; however, I remember seeing the Sea Org (now I know what they’re called) people walk on the sidewalks like zombies with their pagers and their uniforms. We lived in Clearwater, FL, and remember being told that Scientology owned many of the buildings downtown and it was not a good place to live. The Lisa McPherson thing was a big deal too and after reading the articles in the St. Pete Times and my own observations, I am not one bit surprised that this is busting wide open. It felt like evil permeating from it and also from the downtown St. Petersburg building that opened. They were always trying to get people to come inside and just take a “course.” I feel sorry for anyone who falls into their trap.
Absolutely true!
Regraded Being understands the Modus Operandi of the $campire. Lois Reisdorf and family can tell you all about how $ec Checks and getting back in the good graces of $cientology actually works.
There is an excellent documentary on how this part of $cientology works. Just be sure your closed captioning is on, its in German. ‘Til Nothing Remains’.
Is this why it took an extra 6 months for the Harlem mOrg to open? The same can be said for all the new Idle mOrgs. All of the executives have to go for special ‘hatting’, ‘hatting’ that must include what RB has drawn today.
RB you Nailed it to the Cult’s Doors.All of them.??
Thanks, RB, this strip points up a basic point. In any high-control group there are many true believers like the book seller and a few manipulators like the smoker. Without the manipulators the whole thing would fall apart because the basic pretend activity of the group really does not work. If all the members were true believers, this would become obvious pretty fast and it would fall apart.
High control groups exist to provide adulation and big bucks for the few truly narcissistic manipulators at the center. But it is all masked by high sounding ideals that are designed to appeal to the true believers.
This is not really a flaw in religion. It is a flaw of the high control groups that often pretend to be religious. There are also high control groups that are basically families, centered around a pathological narcissist. They can also be marketing scams that are based on this pattern, political organizations, all human groups can be infected by the pathological narcissist and turned to their inhuman purposes.
Scientology gives us obvious and clear examples of this but it is really small potatoes compared to other similar operations.
To get out of Scientology you really have to understand it. Not the weird beliefs or the strange history, the basics of how pathological narcissists operate. There are lots of resources for this, one of the best was formed by former Scientologist Jon Atack:
Have a question. Maybe I missed it somewhere in the A&E shows, media etc, but I haven’t seen or heard the question posed, especially to Monique Dingaling that over 2500 ex-Scientologists have spoken out against the Church of Scientology. And if you look at that list nearly all of them are highly trained in Scientology and have given many years of dedicated service to that organisation.
Are they all liars too?
Were Muffins to be asked that question in a televised interview: “how come thousands of highly trained former scientologists of long-standing all have the same stories to tell? ” she would probably have to feign a heart attack on the set as the best possible answer short of the truth: “Look, Mister, I get paid to say this shit, okay?”
A bit ‘Ruthless’ this week RB but very much displays the behind the scenes mentality of organised Scientology. Wouldn’t have ever believed it possible to think about them that way once but now after experiencing the Cof$, losing lots of money and lamenting the experience of having the family scattered to the winds because of trusting Scientology, it’s true.
I just really hope when the Cof$ does eventually fall to bits and Miscavige ‘disappears’ a system materializes where the little assholes who pose as executives in that poisoned organisation are made to face, apologize and make good to their victims. Wishful thinking maybe, for in reality they will run for cover and disappear without a trace once their precious cherch is brought to justice.
I don’t think it ruthless at all. I have personally witnessed this happening in Joburg Org. The victim’s name was not Gerald, but it went like this: An American comes to Joburg Org to get auditing etc, as the exchange rate is very favourable (around 11 Rand to 1 Dollar at the time). He gets regged for a crapload of services, and gets lots of auditing. General regging, and fundraising all being pushed very heavily from all sides: Ideal Orgs strategy, IAS donations, CCHR, Youth for Human Rights, Volunteer ministers, you name it. There was not a single week we did not have an “event” at the org. (Event means fundraiser in the current CO$).
The American public starts to get pissed off with this and begins asking some very uncomfortable questions, and demanding answers, getting most unpopular with the Org staff. LRH Comm and others begin to work on declaring him PTS type B for some or other thing they found about in the PC folders. The plan was worked out to reg him for the last R100,000, while the declare papers were being drawn up. As soon as he paid over the money, the declare was given, but not before that last big donation was received.
RB has a way of knowing all this about the Czerch and putting it into cartoon form which communicates so well. In church terms, each Regraded Being strip gets an LFBD from me, as it is just so spot-on accurate.
I saw that one coming! If only senior $cilon staff were that straight up about their endless money grubbing schemes, then their newly recruited underlings would catch on much more quickly to the scam and leave the cult before they got dragged in over their heads!
Instead, $cn is the ultimate realization of George Orwell’s dark vision of the future in his novel, 1984, where families need to be utterly destroyed in order to “save” them and “spiritual freedom” means that you’re stuck in the cult for life (or until you’re totally tapped out financially).
Nowhere else has the practical meaning of “self-determinism” been so completely stood on its head to mean the exact opposite of its original meaning. The “Bridge to Total Freedom” is, in reality, a meandering path through an overgrown jungle in which you become progressively more disoriented as you follow it and become less and less free and more and more other-determined.
Wow Harpoona that is such a great description and spot on. I just recently finished reading that book 1984 and could not agree with you more!
It has been often philosophically mentioned it’s never the destination but the journey that counts the most in life. Scientology has been very successful in covering up the fact they have no destination but sure have made the journey to it destroy anyone that ventures onto their false Bridge. If takes self-determinism to start Scientology and self-determinism to end it. What is in between is extremely ugly and punishing.
Hear Hear! I wonder if 1984 is one of DM’s main references used in his strategy
is it possible to contact unfortunately, I had to contact this government agency due to a family “horror”. There is one in every state and as we say: “they don’t play”. If you use the angle of reporting what you feel might be child abuse happening in that organization….they will seriously get on the case ….someone can call anonymously….just an idea…
C. Marie Ramos – That’s an excellent referral and suggestion! I’m wondering if that service has been used or tried by anyone here??
That sounds about right.
No bout a doubt it!
Oh Holy. Jesus. That’s just awful….so tragic and cruel.
Hi mike! you have a beautiful family! so, is it possible that david could put the entire organization on “lockdown” during all of this?
Should there be a second season to Leah and Mike’s series there really must be an installment in which RB opens the show. The spirit of the church is encapsulated in this comic with poetic economy! Many of the great film makers used brief cartoons to give new pizazz to a familiar theme.
Hear hear!
I think that’s a great idea. Might be good during the middle of the show as well to add a bit of levity to these heart-wrenching stories. (Side note: I’m almost positive there will be a second season, because if not, I have no doubt that A&E realizes that they are going to create an enormous backlash from an army of extremely impassioned fans).
Marvellous idea.
RB makes simular points but from a cartoon humor angle.
Adding some RB would ad a dimension not seen yet.
Not only angry/disappointed fans, also a loss of revenue.
Absolutely! It’s bitingly sardonic, but without being mean at all…except to lil davey, that is!
Now that $cn has been thoroughly exposed as the horror show that it truly is, many folks’ thoughts are turning to the practical means by which something can be done about it. Public awareness and the free discussion of the cult’s many heinous and brutal practices are valuable in and of themselves because they inoculate those who might be susceptible against this deadly meme disease so that they will know enough about it to never walk through a cherch door or take one of those bogus OCA tests in the first place. By now, almost everyone knows that, “Friends don’t let friends do $cn”.
But what more can be done? And what are the most effective strategies to stop the cherch and its sadistic leader from continuing its most harmful practices (e.g., coerced disconnection, fair game) ? I don’t pretend to have the answer here, but I would say that at this point in time the question is one that everyone needs to consider at length and in depth. There’s the global fight, which entails working to see that the cult’s undeserved federal tax exempt status is rescinded; then there’s the individual and personal fight to get the cult’s dirty paws off of MY KID! Indeed, there’s an entire continuum of different levels of the fight at which the cult can be challenged and held to account, all of which can be pursued simultaneously.
But of all of the different groups that $cn endangers and victimizes, those who suffer the most and are at greatest risk are those low-ranking, dog’s body $ea Orgy staffers. and these poor duped and lied to folks are also the most completely isolated from the real world and physically cut off from access to most information sources of all $cilons. So any attempts to reach them need to remain mindful of that fact and limiting set of conditions. Indeed, for those who’ve signed their billion year contracts, it is not only a crime to access the internet and go where they like, it’s a thought crime to even consider doing such a thing.
Still, since humans are by nature an extremely curious and information-seeking species, bits and pieces of news and culture filter in and get passed about. One of the best ways to ensure that happens is through humor, which bypasses folks’ defenses and the implanted “think-think” concerning why $cilons shouldn’t read or listen to what they like. Short, pithy and hilarious comics, like RB’s, make their point in a wry, humorous and “so true it hurts” sort of way that go right past your defenses before you even realize it. Music is another way that, not only the ideas, but the raw emotionality of human experience gets communicated in a universal way.
$cn may very well have “jumped the couch” in terms of its ability ever again to convince the public that it’s just like any other religion or “might have things of value to offer,” so the global fight to end the deadly meme disease of $cn from spreading is winning BIG time! However, the individual fight to free those trapped within it – and to focus in on those most at risk and who’ve been victimized the worst – continues on. To that end our thoughts and creativity need to be focused in on practical measures that will be most effective in freeing those who remain the most deeply buried under the vast mountain of bullshit and lies that is the corporate Co$ under lil davey, the cult’s sadistic and sociopathic supreme rullah.
Sky writing (“LRH is Xenu!”), bull horn drive-by messaging, pamphleting, free cell phones with a 1-800 “Call Us” number to connect escaping $ea Orgy staff with support services…all of these and more need to be considered. And while we’re at it, let’s not ever forget about The Disappeared, who have not been seen or heard from in years, like Shelly and Heber.
Brilliant idea. Even if the format doesn’t work for it I’m sure RB could create something within the show parameters that would be punchy and appropriate.
I’m envisioning something low-tech like in the film, “American Splendor” where they showed the cartoon pages one at a time with somebody reading the dialogue.
RB this is so spot-on, you nailed it today. Thank you!
OMG. and I’ll bet that’s very very close to the truth. 🙁
“….that Remini-Rinder garbage.” So according to this so-called “church”, all of these ex-Scientologist folks are nothing more than liars who just want to bring down the church, eh? I’m no genius, but it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to know that if any of these “bitter apostates” wanted to “join together” to make up “lies” to bring down the church, then they would be coming up much more juicy “tabloid gossip” and horrible crimes (like statutory rape allegations or murder against DM himself or something).
But the main reason I find it easy to believe former Scientologists (especially Sea Org members), are that even when someone makes a claim that paints the church in a very bad light but is ultimately bogus (such as after the tragic death of Travolta’s son when some media were saying Kelly was rebelling because “autism doesn’t exist” in Scientology, which initially inflamed the passions of people against the church), Mike and Tony Ortega and others actually set the record straight and said that’s simply not true, and that the church doesn’t dispute they exist, only how to treat them (
It may sound like they’re “defending the church” in these instances, but it’s obvious that they’re actually defending the TRUTH, even if it ends up lessening some of the “black PR” for the church they are fighting against. And since they can actually be fair to the truth, even if that means they occasionally have to correct other critics of the church when bogus allegations against CoS are made, that shows me that A) they’re not just “making stuff up to attack the church”, and B) their statements about the abuses of the church are accurate, fair, and most importantly, honest.
On the contrary, even though I haven’t read many of the church’s smear sites (because the few I read originally were mostly just recycled, robotic, and lame-ass garbage, so don’t care to waste my time anymore when I already have a good idea what every new one is going to say anyway), I don’t remember the church being fair to any of these folks and saying that while there are bad things about this person, to be fair, there is some good in them. No, they only trot out the same attacks and use their own “confessionals” against them, which one would assume are suppose to be private, but were certainly coerced when you have no other option to get out of a sec-check other than to “admit your crimes” (even when you have to just make something up to get it over with).
Great RB today. I don’t doubt this tactic happens one single bit. This so-called “church” turns ordinary people into despicable human beings.
Mick, When you commented that you believe people who have left the C of $, “especially the SO members”… what did you mean by believing the SO even more than you believe the public who left? Do you hold to the SO belief that the SO is more honest and more able and more moral with a higher ethics standard than mere public?
I ran into that arrogant SO attitude more than once. As a good FPRD Auditor who was a public person, I delivered several Eligibility Sec Checks FPRD Style back in the day. I got excellent results. But the church put an end to that because it was taking money from their coffers because the coaudit teams were doing it for almost free. Yet if they forbid them from coauditing FPRD on OT’s then each coaudit twin would have to pay their money to the Org Registrars and that would be more money in the church’s coffers. That is the reason the coaudits on Eligibility etc were discontinued. But Dave Sonnenfeld at AOLA lied to us and told us that it was discontinued because a mere public person didn’t have the ethics level that a SO member has and thus we would not have ethics presence over the person we were auditing. He said it was best that SO members did all the Elig’s since they have higher standards and higher ethics levels. Mick, you don’t fall into that camp of thinking that way, do you?
Hi Cindy. I can see where my comment might sound that way, but that was not my intent whatsoever. My apologies. I truly meant no offense. I’d like to clarify.
First of all, I’m what seems to be called a never-in, having never been a Scientologist myself, public or Sea Org or anything else. I’m also pretty new at learning about the CoS. Therefore, I have no basis to make any kind of judgement whatsoever on which types of Scientologists were more “moral” (although I personally get the feeling that every single one of them is more moral than DM, so he’s the exception).
And what you were told by Dave Sonnenfeld I personally find ridiculous and is yet another example of the arrogance of the leadership and structure of this organization. I don’t even know the name Dave Sonnenfeld, which probably shows how new I am to this stuff and my current lack of knowledge on the subject. And much of what you wrote I didn’t even understand (FPRD, Eligibility, etc), which again shows my very limited understanding as I’m still trying to learn more.
Also, when I used the term “especially”, I didn’t mean believing SO members MORE than public Scientologists. I only meant that people who had knowledge of how ridiculous things were day to day, especially those who worked directly for David Miscavige quite frequently, such as Mike Rinder, Marty Rathbun, etc. have the first-hand experience of the corruption, cruelty, and pure evilness of this guy and the culture he permeates throughout this organization. I actually was referring more to former Int Base staff when I typed that. I was simply trying to draw a contrast between the believability of the upper levels of RTC management and the believability of the individuals were are the targets of these smear sites, whether they are former SO or public.
Again my apologies for how that comment of mine sounded. I didn’t even need to put that in there. I believe the testimony of ANY former Scientologist over DM and these smear sites.
Thanks for the clarification, Mick. And good to have a never in reading and commenting on the blog. Welcome!
“…they only trot out the same attacks and use their own “confessionals” against them, which one would assume are suppose to be private…”
No assumption is required there; Elron himself guaranteed the confidentiality of all auditing session records. It’s all written into the holy scriptures of the cherch according to the infallible Word of Elron. Lil davey’s breach of that confidentiality is just one of many very serious $cn high crimes that he’s escaped justice in being held to account for.
Your critical analysis of the difference between how the cult presents its arguments and rebuttals relative to the form and manner in which $cn critics present theirs is right on point. Blanket denials, ad hominem attacks, lack of specific response to very detailed and serious allegations, all of these and more identify $cn as a purveyor of disinformation and as an organization which is unwilling to answer up directly to the multiple, credible and well-supported allegations of serious crimes and massive human/civil rights abuses that have been made against it.
Mick Roberts: “And since they [former Scientologists] can actually be fair to the truth, even if that means they occasionally have to correct other critics of the church when bogus allegations against CoS are made, that shows me that A) they’re not just ‘making stuff up to attack the church’, and B) their statements about the abuses of the church are accurate, fair, and most importantly, honest.”
Well said. The truth needs to be adhered to for just that reason (not to mention the general principle). Spreading disinformation about the church (or about Hubbard) isn’t even necessary since the outpoints are more than enough to expose. When former Scientologists lie or even stretch the truth, they’re just defeating their purpose, and it places them in the same category as the church mentality of “the ends justify the means.”
Good reasoning well put, Mick. I was saying years ago the credibility of the critics is on firm ground for a number of reasons all of which stand on the fact you just stated. Where are all the favorite scandals people love to hear about like sex and bizarre, exotic behaviors? The sky’s the limit when it comes to believable stories about scientology, you know. Many people would believe stories of cannibalism if reported. It’s reputation is so bad! But there are no sensational, exploitative reports. It’s the same disgraceful things done over and over again by the totally disgraced David Miscavige. The charges are all the more credible for what they are not.
Moral values? We don’t need no stinking moral values!
“Moral values? We don’t need no stinkin’ moral values!” What we do need is more hatred. Remember! It’s us against the wogs and anyone else who stands in our way! Hatred is good! Don’t ever be afraid to hate!
I hate running out of beer! Does that help?
Oooo. Yeah, I particularly hate running out of beer. It’s…it’s like a betrayal…
Soooo funny , so true, so sad.
For those of us who were never in, these vignettes provide a window into Scientology’s day-to-day m.o. While the behavior totally consistent with what we know of Scientology, it still fits in the category of “Just when you thought it couldn’t get any worse…”. Indoctrination in Hubbard’s toxic stew turns people into horrible predators.
Really shows the real concerns of the so called church and it’s not the parishioners it’s their money.
Dear Mike,
Great Regraded Being this week.
I have a quick question: Years ago I put up a Yelp review (yeah, I know) for my local Vancouver Church of Scientology. Yesterday I received a notice from Yelp telling me that they’re pulling it:
We wanted to let you know that we’ve removed your review of Church of Scientology. Our Support team has determined that it falls outside our Content Guidelines ( because it contains inappropriate content.
We hope you will continue to participate on Yelp while keeping our Content Guidelines in mind.
Thank you in advance for your understanding, and thanks for using Yelp.
Mike, what gives? I assume that the Church contacted the site but why now after all these years? Is this a new policy to cleanse their online image by contacting all online review sites? Will it now be difficult to post anything negative/truthful about the Church? Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.
If it helps, here’s the original Yelp review. It’s negative but hardly contains anything new or shocking.
Go in for a free personality test and after TWO HOURS of answering questions they will tell you that you really, REALLY need to buy the book and take a basic course for only a few dollars. No matter what you answer on the test they will ALWAYS tell you that you have severe problems which only they can cure. If you are dumb enough to buy a book or take the first cheap course they will pressure/harass you until you sign up for more and more expensive courses and auditing (thousands and thousands of dollars) until you have spent roughly $300,000 (yes, that is an accurate number) and years of your life to learn the O.T. 3 GREAT SECRET KNOWLEDGE which is …drum roll please…
Xenu was, according to Scientology founder L. Ron Hubbard, the dictator of the “Galactic Confederacy” who 75 million years ago brought billions of his people to Earth (then known as “Teegeeack”) in a DC-8-like spacecraft, stacked them around volcanoes, and killed them with hydrogen bombs. Official Scientology scriptures hold that the thetans (immortal spirits) of these aliens adhere to humans, causing spiritual harm. The ultimate purpose of auditing and Scientology is to rid yourself of these thousands of dead alien spirits, like an extremely expensive U.F.O. exorcism. What did you expect? This cult was created by L. Ron Hubbard, a failed science fiction author and alcoholic sociopath.
There, I just saved you hundreds of thousands of dollars and years and years of your life.
You’re welcome.
Honestly people, when it comes to Scientology the internet is your best friend. Just google Scientology and sit back and read a seemingly endless stream of horror stories about this bizarre, abusive, fraudulent CULT! Every mainstream news outlet has filed reports about how these con artists bankrupt people while destroying families. This is now common knowledge to anyone with access to televised news, newspapers or an internet connection. Because of this, according to the latest census figures they are now down to a mere 30,000 members WORLDWIDE. Please inform yourself so that you’re not one of the last rats on the sinking Scientology ship.
Thank you
Again, thanks in advance for any info.
Warmest Regards,
I would like to suggest that you follow up with yelp and tell them you are willing to remove the parts which contravene their guidelines; specifically which parts should you remove.
Be alert to the fact that there may be some libel, slander or dead agent communication from a Scientology FSM, OSA Agent or scn lawyer threat which has gone on with the standard intent of the cult to get its stats up in the ” information Control”. Take notes. If needed ask, inquire and ask for documents as needed.
Thanks, I tried and all they told me is that it contravened the guidelines about ” threats, harassment, lewdness, hate speech, and other displays of bigotry”. I think the Church would say anything negative would fall under the “hate speech” rule and Yelp would just agree since they can’t be bothered (somewhat justifiably) with dealing with the Church’s lawyers in all their tweedy fury.
So we’ve now arrived at “hate speech”. Yep, the Church went there…
Calling scientologists “dumb” and comparing them to “rats” could potentially be construed as “hateful”. Just sayin’.
The whole “gotta get your stats up” is totally nuts. When I was on staff at my local org, the stats were either made up or counted when they really shouldn’t have. The whole thing is just a farce.
Good News: Spoke to my niece the other day and she tells me that there is a local mission in Clearwater that has a For Sale Sign up. Straight down and vertical contraction.