Tampa Brainwashed Brad sounds like Baby Con Man determined to become a better con man. Scientology is just the ticket.
He doesn’t know about Xenu yet. He doesn’t know that all humans on earth are sprinkled with Xenu’s earth dump of body-thetans (surplus souls dumped onto earth by Xenu, which infest all humans today) and that OT 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 are even exorcism that supposedly frees these surplus souls off of Scientologists.
He’s on board Scientology obviously because he wants to be like Grant Cardone.
When I started to explain Xenu and body-thetans on his videos, he turned comments off. And I can’t find the videos where I explained Xenu and body-thetans anymore.
The only magic in Scientology is they run and hide from Xenu and body-thetans talk.
Wouldn’t be surprised if in the next panel all three have started a new career scrubbing the inside of dumpsters with their toothbrushes. The worst part is they will have to pay for the toothbrushes.
Tampa Brad: I made it to exactly 1 1⁄2 minutes of the video he put out on 8 July and gave up. I will be blunt, he’s a fucking moron.
Tampa Brad is becoming a legend, but sadly not in the way he hoped. Superb as always, RB!
Tampa Brainwashed Brad sounds like Baby Con Man determined to become a better con man. Scientology is just the ticket.
He doesn’t know about Xenu yet. He doesn’t know that all humans on earth are sprinkled with Xenu’s earth dump of body-thetans (surplus souls dumped onto earth by Xenu, which infest all humans today) and that OT 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 are even exorcism that supposedly frees these surplus souls off of Scientologists.
He’s on board Scientology obviously because he wants to be like Grant Cardone.
When I started to explain Xenu and body-thetans on his videos, he turned comments off. And I can’t find the videos where I explained Xenu and body-thetans anymore.
The only magic in Scientology is they run and hide from Xenu and body-thetans talk.
Love that RB has referenced Tampa Brad. His name has now been seen by many more people than the paltry 645 followers he has. Bloody hilarious!
Wouldn’t be surprised if in the next panel all three have started a new career scrubbing the inside of dumpsters with their toothbrushes. The worst part is they will have to pay for the toothbrushes.
“….either work for OSA or are SPs, or both……..”
SPs in the OSA……….? Not since Mike Rinder left……….LMAO
Love the, “shut the fuck up rundown.”
Good one RB.
Me too!! 🤣🤣🤣
Very Funny! You’re in great form today RB!
Laughed out loud several times while reading this one. (“Shut the Fuck Up Rundown.” Hilarious.)
“…they help keep us all thinking and talking like each other but in a totally self determined manner.”
That is well observed (and a little scary), RB.
Yes. That line was another laugh out loud moment.
Why they do process R2-45 on him?
I have a motivator on the subject.
“You have now entered the Twilight zone….(Insert music here)”