Looks like Stan is going to have to take a cold shower during personal hygiene time on his next day off. Fortunately that’s the only kind of shower they have in crew berthing. And life in the cult will only get worse without end.
On my first trip up the Freewinds gangway I became very aware of being aware that someone I didn’t know was taking my passport in a third world foreign country.
As a Sea Org member I couldn’t even question it or act upset. The Power of Choice is the Choice to Smile and Take It in the Sea Org.
And then, “Forget trying to get my to join staff”, and, “I just keep doing my part of Clearing this planet by continuing to donate more money than I can really afford.”
There are American Scilons who ‘spend’ their best earning years on Staff, somehow making ends meet with part-time jobs and shared expenses. But do they know that they are throwing away their chance for a decent Social Security check at their retirement age? Those whose income is near poverty levels get a SS check that reflects their minimal contributions over the years. While a monthly check approaching $2,000 is within reach for most middling middle-class earners, the bottom drops out quick for those whose average annual income is $20k or less.
I shudder to think of how American Sea Org members of long standing fare with SS during their elder years. If anyone actually survives on the occasional $50 paychecks, do they know that their low income level over time can disqualify them from receiving *any* Social Security? Do any Scilons who are US citizens even think about their future retirement income? I think I’ve read about exactly one long-term member, who bemoaned that his SS check is something like two hundred a month, most of that qualifying from his post-Sea Org income.
To me, one of the worst abuses of Scientology is how it steals from members’ futures so Miscavige can amass more millions today. It is doubly horrifying when I think that all COB does with the money is pay lawyers and PIs, construct fancy but useless buildings, and provide for his own slippery lifestyle.
U got it totally. I did 30 years of slave labor. Got out in late 40’s worked about 18 years until retirement so got a bit of time to recoup the loss. But my ss is about 1/2 what it could have been. I’m getting along ok but will always resent the lost years. Lost learning lost development lost finances. It’s a huge loss for all who get caught in that prison of belief.
During the pandemic Miscavige had the perfect time to actually do what is promised to all Sea Org and Org staff. That is to move up the bridge. The lockdowns would have been a perfect time to put all staff on course moving up the bridge. But what happened? Nothing. Some silly ‘extension’ courses. Sea Org is supposed to be the elite of Scientology representing the ecclesiastical ministry of the ‘church’. Homo Novis. Make the able more able. Yet very few are even ‘Clear’ nevertheless an ‘OT’. Many joined staff because they could not afford auditing and upper level courses and were told this was the best way to reach those goals. A flat out lie. So why? Why not let the staff go up the bridge like promised? Greed. Pure and simple. Why let them reap the so called benefits of the bridge for free (I don’t think Miscavige considers slave labor as a form of payment) when they can be regged like everyone else. Reg them for fake ‘status’. Forget the bridge. Miscavige has.
Not greed. Look at it this way: Scientology doesn’t work. It doesn’t deliver what it promises, whether that’s OT powers or even just making “the able more able.” If it DID do that, then getting staff members up the bridge as fast as possible would be top priority, because an OT worker really could do a lot more than a regular worker. And higher ones could do even more. And it’d be cheap too – your only real costs would be food for the staff and the electric bill – you don’t even have to pay taxes ffs! Just think of those phone games where you can upgrade your workers to do more – scientology is supposed to be the IRL version!
The fact that this isn’t going on is the best evidence there is that DM knows scientology doesn’t work. If he let them train during lockdown when nothing else was going on, there’d be a risk that they’d figure that out. So it was much better to keep them running in circles with busywork, same as always.
Trying to please an ungrateful master or believing the lies that are used to trick and incarcerate one’s body & soul are one of mankind’s most ugliest consequences.
On the other hand, the inability to truly grasp the magnitude of mans inhumanity to man is the best defense for those that create such terrible atrocities, it’s unconfrontable.
Just how does one put lasting justice in on the criminally insane or stop a good or benign idea from becoming a weapon?
“Just how does one put lasting justice in on the criminally insane, or stop a good or benign idea from becoming a weapon?”
Great questions.
My no fake modest solutions would be as follows:
* Isolate the former from society for the rest of their lives
* Educate people widely and intensely so that they understand that we have TOOLS at our disposal which can be utilized for doing good or doing evil, and that good results or bad results depend such education and our purposes in using said tools.
Yawn, I’d add that that in utilizing tools of any kind, there can be no separation between the ability to use tools well, and one’s purposes in using them.
I don’t believe there’ll ever be a fully adequate, all encompassing solution. What you suggest is logical, but diplomacy and good ideas often falls well short with non application, although generally given lip service. It only works on those who are prepared to change. However, we can always strive towards exposing those responsible and it gives an opportunity for a better system to evolve.
From my experience in life, ‘school yard bullies’ will always exist in one form or another and running to the school administration seldom meets with a satisfactory or lasting results, time marches on too quickly and legalities costs a fortune. Especially to curb the activities of the clever, sadistic ones who learn get their jollies off by evading punishment just as much as satisfying their warped & cruel behavior. It’s like a drug to them.
Plan B, although frowned upon, is immediately effective in the majority of situations. However, not everyone can defend themselves or are stopped from doing so, or has a big brother, and even less, one in uniform.
Then we grow up, look around and wonder, WTF!
Well, in fairness, I never claimed my proffered solutions to be FULLY adequate, nor ALL encompassing 🙂 I don’t think one needs to operate in absolutes. I think even attempting to deal in absolutes is impractical and of itself a kind of non-confront. In other words if something, some strategy or policy isn’t guaranteed to ALWAYS create a good effect, then don’t use it.
The way I think is If some pre-set plan or way of doing something or policy is MOSTLY workable, MOSTLY helpful; if it delivers a good result or effect most of the time – a big “if” – then I would adapt it as policy, I would rely on it as a guideline , because its been proven in the laboratory of life to be workable and helpful. I would not expect it to necessarily work or be helpful ALWAYS, would not rely on it to never fail EVER in every instance, with everyone. Does that make sense or indicate to you? I’m interested in your feedback, thanks.
I Yawnalotsays
Aqua, I indeed hear what you are saying. I’m certainly no guru on human behavior. I don’t think anyone with bad intentions can be though, as they are nothing more than dictators or despots. I am always relieved to meet people who are not intent on controlling others with nefarious intentions or are stupid and don’t realize they are hurting people. It’s hard to put it into terms but there’s a job we all must do at times imo, and that is stand up to the bully and defang them. Not everyone can do that, so we rely on the ones that can, or suffer if nothing is done.
I agree that “absolutes” are unattainable but at least we can strive to curb the behavior of those that, through time, can be seen to harm and destroy people’s lives, such as the CofS.
We are the good people that can reflect on our behavior and try to see the sense in ourselves & others. Good answers & solutions are hard to come by, they are perpetually slippery but always worth the effort when you grab one.
Beth Horvath wrote this:
“My poetry is about life.
The funny side and the sad side.
The good times and bad. It is about love and loss. Man’s inhumanity to man.
The human spirit’s triumph over adversity.
The characters that make us laugh and the ones that make us cry.
Places in the heart – from the Aussie bush to the bright lights of Paris.
Lives well-lived and lives wasted.
C’est La Vie, Mon Ami, C’est La Vie.”
Zee Moosays
Hilarious!!!! Dating the staff/public $cieno world must be like walking around a mine field.
‘keep donating more money than I can really afford.” As if THAT stops when you join staff. Even staff/crew are regged for any money that they can scrape together. Even Dwarfenführer® benefits from that for his birthday “presents” which are EXACTLY what he wanted every time.
Do they know Miscavige is laughing at them? After all, he laughs at secret recordings of Tom Cruise spilling his guts about all his peccadilloes, so why not the rest of his slaves.
The irony is they pity US. They believe we’re doomed, or, more accurately, are in desperate need of recovery, dire need of having our overts and witholds “pulled” so that we can once more be part of their group again. They believe that the only reason – the ONLY reason! – for me and people like me, for ANYONE no longer being Scientologists in good standing is due to own overts and witholds, against Scientology specifically and/or O/Ws on whomever and/or whatever in general.
THAT is what they believe with all their hearts and souls. The concept of Scientology itself, the Church itself, or David Miscavige, or L. Ron Hubbard, being, or at any time having been, out ethics is completely, utterly anathema to them …dangerous…counter-intentioned…unthinkable!
I going to draw a parallel between Scientologists “in good standing” and my fundamenalist Born Again Christian cousins in Georgia.
Both pity me.
The former pity me because they KNOW that it would be IMPOSSIBLE for me to have left Scientology if I didn’t have SERIOUS overts against Scientology that I am witholding. There is no middle ground. Scientology NEVER does anything wrong. Never makes any; mistakes or does anything wrong or cruel, etc., etc., resulting in people leaving. Never, ever! And so they KNOW why I left and they pity me because I am, they fervently believe, carrying this enormous BURDEN of O/Ws that will cost me my “eternity”. There is no future for me , no future lifetimes for me that will be bright or happy. Its all dark, twisted, complicated, muddy, dirty…for eternity! Possibly someone will “pick me up” in Scientology NEXT LIFETIME or in some future lifetime or maybe even in this lifetime still, but unless or until someone does, I’m degraded and getting worse and nothing will ever be good for me…get the idea?
Ok, that’s your Fundamentalist Scientologist.
Now, as regards my cousins in Georgia who are fervent Born Agains, its FAR simpler: It doesn’t matter WHAT I’ve done. Murder, mayhem, robbery – whatever, doesn’t matter.
THEY pity me because I have not accepted Jesus Christ as my SAVIOR by becoming a Born Again Christian. end of story!
Because This means I’m going to Hell when I die.
This means I’m going to burn forever in Hell, wherever Hell is – underneath the ground someplace, I don’t know, and it doesn’t matter! Never mind WHERE Hell is insofar as my refusal to become Born Again! Never mind! Where it is is totally irrelevant! Its SOMEplace, its awful, and I’m going there! And so they pity me 🙂
One might well ask: could anyone with half a brain even make this shit up? Honestly? FYI, I’m laughing as I write this.
PS: And the fact that I’m highly amused while writing this would make BOTH groups DEEPLY pity me even more than they already do! Because that is how FAR, FAR below awareness I am!
My first regular job in the private sector (I had two consecutive paper routes and a municipally funded position) was a part time janitorial position at two candy shops in Downtown Minneapolis. Both shops had glass display cases. Two glass doors. And were faced in white glass. (Some people may know what chain I’m writing about.) LRH had a distinct method of cleaning glass which was NEVER used.
Looks like Stan is going to have to take a cold shower during personal hygiene time on his next day off. Fortunately that’s the only kind of shower they have in crew berthing. And life in the cult will only get worse without end.
On my first trip up the Freewinds gangway I became very aware of being aware that someone I didn’t know was taking my passport in a third world foreign country.
As a Sea Org member I couldn’t even question it or act upset. The Power of Choice is the Choice to Smile and Take It in the Sea Org.
“I do know that it doesn’t take too long for people visiting the Freewinds to become keenly aware of being aware that the Registrars are everywhere.”
LOL! Thank you, RB 🙂
And then, “Forget trying to get my to join staff”, and, “I just keep doing my part of Clearing this planet by continuing to donate more money than I can really afford.”
C’etait bien moi.
There are American Scilons who ‘spend’ their best earning years on Staff, somehow making ends meet with part-time jobs and shared expenses. But do they know that they are throwing away their chance for a decent Social Security check at their retirement age? Those whose income is near poverty levels get a SS check that reflects their minimal contributions over the years. While a monthly check approaching $2,000 is within reach for most middling middle-class earners, the bottom drops out quick for those whose average annual income is $20k or less.
I shudder to think of how American Sea Org members of long standing fare with SS during their elder years. If anyone actually survives on the occasional $50 paychecks, do they know that their low income level over time can disqualify them from receiving *any* Social Security? Do any Scilons who are US citizens even think about their future retirement income? I think I’ve read about exactly one long-term member, who bemoaned that his SS check is something like two hundred a month, most of that qualifying from his post-Sea Org income.
To me, one of the worst abuses of Scientology is how it steals from members’ futures so Miscavige can amass more millions today. It is doubly horrifying when I think that all COB does with the money is pay lawyers and PIs, construct fancy but useless buildings, and provide for his own slippery lifestyle.
U got it totally. I did 30 years of slave labor. Got out in late 40’s worked about 18 years until retirement so got a bit of time to recoup the loss. But my ss is about 1/2 what it could have been. I’m getting along ok but will always resent the lost years. Lost learning lost development lost finances. It’s a huge loss for all who get caught in that prison of belief.
During the pandemic Miscavige had the perfect time to actually do what is promised to all Sea Org and Org staff. That is to move up the bridge. The lockdowns would have been a perfect time to put all staff on course moving up the bridge. But what happened? Nothing. Some silly ‘extension’ courses. Sea Org is supposed to be the elite of Scientology representing the ecclesiastical ministry of the ‘church’. Homo Novis. Make the able more able. Yet very few are even ‘Clear’ nevertheless an ‘OT’. Many joined staff because they could not afford auditing and upper level courses and were told this was the best way to reach those goals. A flat out lie. So why? Why not let the staff go up the bridge like promised? Greed. Pure and simple. Why let them reap the so called benefits of the bridge for free (I don’t think Miscavige considers slave labor as a form of payment) when they can be regged like everyone else. Reg them for fake ‘status’. Forget the bridge. Miscavige has.
Not greed. Look at it this way: Scientology doesn’t work. It doesn’t deliver what it promises, whether that’s OT powers or even just making “the able more able.” If it DID do that, then getting staff members up the bridge as fast as possible would be top priority, because an OT worker really could do a lot more than a regular worker. And higher ones could do even more. And it’d be cheap too – your only real costs would be food for the staff and the electric bill – you don’t even have to pay taxes ffs! Just think of those phone games where you can upgrade your workers to do more – scientology is supposed to be the IRL version!
The fact that this isn’t going on is the best evidence there is that DM knows scientology doesn’t work. If he let them train during lockdown when nothing else was going on, there’d be a risk that they’d figure that out. So it was much better to keep them running in circles with busywork, same as always.
A good example of a beaten dog that still wags its tail. Life on staff is like that…
I just shivered reading that.
Trying to please an ungrateful master or believing the lies that are used to trick and incarcerate one’s body & soul are one of mankind’s most ugliest consequences.
On the other hand, the inability to truly grasp the magnitude of mans inhumanity to man is the best defense for those that create such terrible atrocities, it’s unconfrontable.
Just how does one put lasting justice in on the criminally insane or stop a good or benign idea from becoming a weapon?
“Just how does one put lasting justice in on the criminally insane, or stop a good or benign idea from becoming a weapon?”
Great questions.
My no fake modest solutions would be as follows:
* Isolate the former from society for the rest of their lives
* Educate people widely and intensely so that they understand that we have TOOLS at our disposal which can be utilized for doing good or doing evil, and that good results or bad results depend such education and our purposes in using said tools.
Yawn, I’d add that that in utilizing tools of any kind, there can be no separation between the ability to use tools well, and one’s purposes in using them.
I don’t believe there’ll ever be a fully adequate, all encompassing solution. What you suggest is logical, but diplomacy and good ideas often falls well short with non application, although generally given lip service. It only works on those who are prepared to change. However, we can always strive towards exposing those responsible and it gives an opportunity for a better system to evolve.
From my experience in life, ‘school yard bullies’ will always exist in one form or another and running to the school administration seldom meets with a satisfactory or lasting results, time marches on too quickly and legalities costs a fortune. Especially to curb the activities of the clever, sadistic ones who learn get their jollies off by evading punishment just as much as satisfying their warped & cruel behavior. It’s like a drug to them.
Plan B, although frowned upon, is immediately effective in the majority of situations. However, not everyone can defend themselves or are stopped from doing so, or has a big brother, and even less, one in uniform.
Then we grow up, look around and wonder, WTF!
Well, in fairness, I never claimed my proffered solutions to be FULLY adequate, nor ALL encompassing 🙂 I don’t think one needs to operate in absolutes. I think even attempting to deal in absolutes is impractical and of itself a kind of non-confront. In other words if something, some strategy or policy isn’t guaranteed to ALWAYS create a good effect, then don’t use it.
The way I think is If some pre-set plan or way of doing something or policy is MOSTLY workable, MOSTLY helpful; if it delivers a good result or effect most of the time – a big “if” – then I would adapt it as policy, I would rely on it as a guideline , because its been proven in the laboratory of life to be workable and helpful. I would not expect it to necessarily work or be helpful ALWAYS, would not rely on it to never fail EVER in every instance, with everyone. Does that make sense or indicate to you? I’m interested in your feedback, thanks.
Aqua, I indeed hear what you are saying. I’m certainly no guru on human behavior. I don’t think anyone with bad intentions can be though, as they are nothing more than dictators or despots. I am always relieved to meet people who are not intent on controlling others with nefarious intentions or are stupid and don’t realize they are hurting people. It’s hard to put it into terms but there’s a job we all must do at times imo, and that is stand up to the bully and defang them. Not everyone can do that, so we rely on the ones that can, or suffer if nothing is done.
I agree that “absolutes” are unattainable but at least we can strive to curb the behavior of those that, through time, can be seen to harm and destroy people’s lives, such as the CofS.
We are the good people that can reflect on our behavior and try to see the sense in ourselves & others. Good answers & solutions are hard to come by, they are perpetually slippery but always worth the effort when you grab one.
Beth Horvath wrote this:
“My poetry is about life.
The funny side and the sad side.
The good times and bad. It is about love and loss. Man’s inhumanity to man.
The human spirit’s triumph over adversity.
The characters that make us laugh and the ones that make us cry.
Places in the heart – from the Aussie bush to the bright lights of Paris.
Lives well-lived and lives wasted.
C’est La Vie, Mon Ami, C’est La Vie.”
Hilarious!!!! Dating the staff/public $cieno world must be like walking around a mine field.
Poor Stanley – no libs for you
‘keep donating more money than I can really afford.” As if THAT stops when you join staff. Even staff/crew are regged for any money that they can scrape together. Even Dwarfenführer® benefits from that for his birthday “presents” which are EXACTLY what he wanted every time.
Do they know we’re laughing at them?
Of course they’ve heard of us DB jokers and degraders, too degraded to even worry about.
Do they know Miscavige is laughing at them? After all, he laughs at secret recordings of Tom Cruise spilling his guts about all his peccadilloes, so why not the rest of his slaves.
The irony is they pity US. They believe we’re doomed, or, more accurately, are in desperate need of recovery, dire need of having our overts and witholds “pulled” so that we can once more be part of their group again. They believe that the only reason – the ONLY reason! – for me and people like me, for ANYONE no longer being Scientologists in good standing is due to own overts and witholds, against Scientology specifically and/or O/Ws on whomever and/or whatever in general.
THAT is what they believe with all their hearts and souls. The concept of Scientology itself, the Church itself, or David Miscavige, or L. Ron Hubbard, being, or at any time having been, out ethics is completely, utterly anathema to them …dangerous…counter-intentioned…unthinkable!
I going to draw a parallel between Scientologists “in good standing” and my fundamenalist Born Again Christian cousins in Georgia.
Both pity me.
The former pity me because they KNOW that it would be IMPOSSIBLE for me to have left Scientology if I didn’t have SERIOUS overts against Scientology that I am witholding. There is no middle ground. Scientology NEVER does anything wrong. Never makes any; mistakes or does anything wrong or cruel, etc., etc., resulting in people leaving. Never, ever! And so they KNOW why I left and they pity me because I am, they fervently believe, carrying this enormous BURDEN of O/Ws that will cost me my “eternity”. There is no future for me , no future lifetimes for me that will be bright or happy. Its all dark, twisted, complicated, muddy, dirty…for eternity! Possibly someone will “pick me up” in Scientology NEXT LIFETIME or in some future lifetime or maybe even in this lifetime still, but unless or until someone does, I’m degraded and getting worse and nothing will ever be good for me…get the idea?
Ok, that’s your Fundamentalist Scientologist.
Now, as regards my cousins in Georgia who are fervent Born Agains, its FAR simpler: It doesn’t matter WHAT I’ve done. Murder, mayhem, robbery – whatever, doesn’t matter.
THEY pity me because I have not accepted Jesus Christ as my SAVIOR by becoming a Born Again Christian. end of story!
Because This means I’m going to Hell when I die.
This means I’m going to burn forever in Hell, wherever Hell is – underneath the ground someplace, I don’t know, and it doesn’t matter! Never mind WHERE Hell is insofar as my refusal to become Born Again! Never mind! Where it is is totally irrelevant! Its SOMEplace, its awful, and I’m going there! And so they pity me 🙂
One might well ask: could anyone with half a brain even make this shit up? Honestly? FYI, I’m laughing as I write this.
PS: And the fact that I’m highly amused while writing this would make BOTH groups DEEPLY pity me even more than they already do! Because that is how FAR, FAR below awareness I am!
My first regular job in the private sector (I had two consecutive paper routes and a municipally funded position) was a part time janitorial position at two candy shops in Downtown Minneapolis. Both shops had glass display cases. Two glass doors. And were faced in white glass. (Some people may know what chain I’m writing about.) LRH had a distinct method of cleaning glass which was NEVER used.
We’ve waited nearly TWO millennia for this Jesus Christ guy to return and he hasn’t done so. Let’s face it, we’re on our own.
Such wonderful choices they have…………not.