Oh, Yeah, that one’s batty; doing a “locational” in the real world, with fast-moving objects. IIRC, it was supposed to be pretty solid objects like buildings and trees and parked cars, particularly when “wogs” might be observing. scientology doesn’t need MORE reasons for outsiders to consider them weird or a little off balance.
Another true-to-life RB: No one on staff or Sea Org truly minds if a fellow Scientologist fails to pay you back. Staff member orders are to assign primary energy to the flow of dollars TO THEM.
To folks who have been in this situation, you get blamed for being so foolish and counter-intention to yourself that you would lend a fellow Scientologist money or allow them to use your credit card for that person’s latest and greatest org service or status upgrade. You are the one whose “ethics went out” because you heeded the call to participate in another’s desperate, save-the-planet “Thursday before 2!” cycle. (Standard twisted pretzel logic)
Of course, a transaction such as I just described is against L Ron Hubbard policy and depicts how things used to be and registrars who did this type of off-policy practice have been removed and are no longer on post.
Haha, somehow the very end of this one cracks me up more because the usual distracted comment is “— SQUIRREL!” (And then I get off into “It’s a bird, it’s a plane, it’s a BAT!”)
All a ‘wog’ has to see is Stanley grabbing Alice to 8-C her back into the ideal org and they will call the police on abuse and kidnapping. Andddddd, Stanley was RPFed again.
Heck, that “Ideal org” must have room enough inside to run a proper locational SOMEwhere within that 50,000+ square foot monstrosity. There’s no need for “Stanley” to be so blatant out where possible “public” might see.
“More Able in scientology is an oxymoron, since scientology is here to make the able less able, the rich less rich, all enslaved to whomever is at the top of the scientology pile right then.
Dang, it’s TOO EASY to mock scns, isn’t it?
Oh, Yeah, that one’s batty; doing a “locational” in the real world, with fast-moving objects. IIRC, it was supposed to be pretty solid objects like buildings and trees and parked cars, particularly when “wogs” might be observing. scientology doesn’t need MORE reasons for outsiders to consider them weird or a little off balance.
Another true-to-life RB: No one on staff or Sea Org truly minds if a fellow Scientologist fails to pay you back. Staff member orders are to assign primary energy to the flow of dollars TO THEM.
To folks who have been in this situation, you get blamed for being so foolish and counter-intention to yourself that you would lend a fellow Scientologist money or allow them to use your credit card for that person’s latest and greatest org service or status upgrade. You are the one whose “ethics went out” because you heeded the call to participate in another’s desperate, save-the-planet “Thursday before 2!” cycle. (Standard twisted pretzel logic)
Of course, a transaction such as I just described is against L Ron Hubbard policy and depicts how things used to be and registrars who did this type of off-policy practice have been removed and are no longer on post.
It doesn’t matter if they don’t pay you back, as long as the cash goes directly into Dwarfenführer’s® accounts, that is.
By the time Ethics is done with her she’ll have to do her own $ 6,000 status upgrade.
ONLY $6,000 for the next status upgrade?? seems cheap at twice the price to ensure her possibility of a future eternity.🤓
Haha, somehow the very end of this one cracks me up more because the usual distracted comment is “— SQUIRREL!” (And then I get off into “It’s a bird, it’s a plane, it’s a BAT!”)
Happy Friday all!
Still loving the business advertisements; ARC-X loans, the Wise guys, etc. “Able to make any billionaire into a millionaire…
After that live seminar in Los Angeles with the Chan Man, I have a pain in my Fatuus Magnificus.
Good one!
All a ‘wog’ has to see is Stanley grabbing Alice to 8-C her back into the ideal org and they will call the police on abuse and kidnapping. Andddddd, Stanley was RPFed again.
“Stanley was RPFed again” — for causing a ‘flap’.
Heck, that “Ideal org” must have room enough inside to run a proper locational SOMEwhere within that 50,000+ square foot monstrosity. There’s no need for “Stanley” to be so blatant out where possible “public” might see.
Impoverishing someone only makes one more able in Scientology.
“More Able in scientology is an oxymoron, since scientology is here to make the able less able, the rich less rich, all enslaved to whomever is at the top of the scientology pile right then.
Impoverishing them gives them more room for improvement, don’cha know? Might even wind up being their “ruin”😜