A past-life “clear” who had a “freeloader debt” they’ll pursue even into the next lifetimes!?? They WOULD, of course, if anyone could be bothered to return. For certain, I’m not going to acknowledge a “freeloader debt” in some past life any more than I do in this l/t.🤣
If the value if my slave labor is included, they owe ME thousands of dollars. In the meantime, I was no freeloader. I pulled my weight, plus a bit more.
No matter … That was now 42 years ago this month and I’m living the best revenge. MustSavage can HAVE his tiny little fiefdom. and the karma he’s earned and is earning. Just thought: What is Hubbard’s freeloader debt? He had a bunch of inurement to add on the debit side, but of course his blathering would be credited to balance (or overbalance) it.
MustSavage has nothing useful to his credit. Each “golden Age” only brought more gold into his accounts, more guzzle for him to guzzle, thimbleful by thimbleful.
Groaning isn’t adversarial, it’s just joining in with us jokers & degraders. There is SO much within the bubble that deserves a full-on belly laugh if you feel one coming on.
That’s a great one, laughed out loud for a few seconds.
But, this isn’t per LRH, you only get grilled to remember your name and some other admin details which are in the Auditor’s Admin Series, which are available online somewhere, I read them once.
The 1991 edition of the Red Volumes has four “Subject” volumes and one of the four has the “Auditor Admin Series” updated issue in, with the genuine LRH theory about how to identify a past lifetime Scientologist, and whether to let them carry on or not, from their last step on the Bridge. It’s all succinctly in a couple of Red Volume issues.
Another “last lifetime” admin procedures writings, are the LRH Scientology Passport writings, that related to the “Scientology Passport.” He wrote a bit about the Passport, and he wrote the script for an ad for the Scientology Passport that gets advertising at the beginning of one of the LRH Tech Films, which shows a bit how the “Scientology Passport” is used on a future lives young person who walks up to a Scientology Org Receptionist.
There is also relevant info on how to apply the Scientology Passport, since the orgs should retain a person’s “Scientology Passport” when they die, which summarizes their Bridge steps accomplished, for holding for when the person shows up again in their future life.
(One very serious extrapolation a Scientologist ought to make, is that LRH did in a few places, try to codify some admin procedures for future lives Scientologists, and the biggest unstated glaring point is that ORGS need to even be there, to be around for the future lives Scientologists to find and continue on the Bridge, in the first place. Which is reason to put our orgs, everywhere, worldwide, for all the future lives Scientologists to find, in their future lives! “Welcome Back” all you Past Lives Scientologists! LOL)
if Scientologists are good enough, memory wise, in their future lives, no worries, just remember who you were, what orgs you did your services at, what abilities you attained, no worries, you can do it! Not.
I remember when Theresa Locke (then married to Dan) was on the “Scientology Passport” project, trying to figure out how to cover all the bases, since it’s kind of tricky.
While I’m on the subject of LRH’s ideas for admin paperwork to aid in dealing with future lives Scientologists, there is also the LRH tiniest bit of admin theory stuff in the “routing forms” “advices.”
When I was in touch with Theresa, she on her project, me completed on my project, she bounced some ideas off me.
One thing I failed to mention to her, which thinking of it now, is that there is one LRH “routing forms” advice where LRH laments that we earthlings don’t have the ancient gizmo they used on advanced space civilizations millions and millions of years ago in a better civ run by computers.
I should have told Theresa about that advice, because the “Scientology Passport” ought to be digital, and tie in with INCOMM’s key computer gizmos.
LRH talked about the “Chug” computer criteria, and LRH talked about the “routing forms” ancient gizmo, and the LRH traffic that Theresa was implementing on the “Scientology Passport” ought to have drawn from the INCOMM “Chug” criteria computerization, and drawn from the “routing forms” gizmo, and made the “Scientology Passport” digital, and able to just be sent around to ALL orgs, everywhere, honestly.
That’d be my two cents, were I still on the job in Sea Org, liaising with INCOMM, with the “data bases” that have the full completions of ALL Scientology public, and then download ALL the relevant info to make the digital “Scientology Passport” something that could appear on the screens of ANY org or mission in the world, on demand.
And just have the request process go via the OSA Int “Files” data bases person (my ex held one of the OSA files jobs gatekeeper to who got to go to the Freewinds or not, but likewise, a new or exisitng OSA files gatekeeper person would be needed on the “Scientology Passport” check in line, to say nay or yay, letting some fresh person claiming to be some last lifetime Scientologist, be sure to have that OSA files person check done on them too, LOL).
If you read all this, this is indeed ALL based on LRH paperwork final computerization theory and practices, some of us ex Sea Org people actually did this type of nutty paperwork speculating and implementing this nuttiness.
I really wished all the nutty behind the scenes “work” implementing Hubbard’s future lives paperwork and screening, were out in the public, and public Scientologists who wonder how they can help, they can help by joining Team Xenu and lending a hand. Not, of course.
I’m not sure that the cult should have too much resistance to Past Lifetime Clears, or even oatees. In that case, you can just dispense with the whole “services” ruse and hit them up for straight IAS status purchases which have none of those pesky “service” strings attached.
Somehow this made me think of a prank that could be fun to pull – claiming to remember being a past-life declared SP.
Of course, that could be a little tricky depending on our age and which idea of how many years it takes to return, but it’s not like Hub’s wrote about an SP’s experience of the implant stations. Maybe we were given accelerated passage because of our status. Better done by younger people who are never-ins to mess with booksellers and personality-test givers.
Well, when it comes to “how many years it takes to return,” the fat man has a lot of explaining to do for his own case. With the exception of LRH v. 2.0 not much has happened in the return department. And 2.0 is now in jail which is where 1.0 should have ended up.
That whole past life comeback thing still rattles my brain bones. I believed that I was a past life clear and cooked up a whole story about being at Saint Hill, falling in love with my married auditor, creating a huge flap that hid the win that I’d gone clear.
Then I came to LA, died in a car crash, came back to life, found Scientology, and got back in. I had weird deja vu moments on old sections of Los Angeles freeway about my past life. When these deja vu moments came they shook me up and made me feel a bit unmoored. I discounted the fact that I’d lived in Los Angeles from birth to year five as a potential reason I recognized old bits of freeway by Pasadena.
I dived into the certainty that I was experiencing memories from my past life and went so far as to write up some O/W’s about actions I took leading up to my past-life death. Those old overts included a new romance, anger issues, arguing over a map at high speed on a freeway, causing a crash, and dropping the body. I did not feel certain, in present time, or at all good about my life at this time. I was confused, off-center, and looking for a lifeline.
Remembering this confusing and sickening time makes me appreciate that I have a functional mind left. Cuz, it sure was on the wobble during that time. I know that believing the made-up history was like untying your sailboat and letting it drift toward the rocks.
I think I conveniently ran out of funds and had to leave Los Angeles to top up the coffers. Which would have taken a while. Being back home, working, and being around my friends who I couldn’t “discuss my case with,” helped me focus away from that knotty potential reality. Yay, poverty.
I wonder if wealthier parishioners had any drag-down-into-the-weird-false-history moments in the cherch. And if by virtue of more funds, stuck around poking at it long enough to do mental damage?
My gosh, I dread to “invalidate” endless peoples’ “cases” by mentioning just non stop horribly illogical but accepted memories of persons who claimed “Clear” last lifetime, and then on top of this, the “Natural Clear” persons, they just are horrible to bring up, but nauseating and ought to just be let be told, to show how ludicrous this all comes out.
See my post below on the “Scientology Passport” and the INCOMM “gizmo” Hubbard advised and some of us “worked” to fathom how we could implement these “gizmo” and INCOMM computer criteria to deal with “future lives” newbies showing up to return to the Bridge, LOL.
It just is too much.
And then, on top of this, Lily, did you ever do the Briefng Course Tech Films and see what we referred to as the “Isaac Hayes” movie? It’s the Tech Film for the Briefing Course trainees, and has a powerful future lives responsibility that LRH heaps onto the BC trainees for the LONG future!!!!
Oh Chuck, it is really too bad that all those old films are forever locked away in the Film Lab never to be seen again. The big scene with Isaac Hayes peering into space with a giant telescope was one of the first shots in the newly constructed Cine Studio. He did a great job narrating that completely whacked out film.
I have an idea for the Chug computerized routing form – get every Scientologist to tattoo a QR code on their forehead. Then all you have to do is get it scanned. Finish a course, go to the examiner – SCAN the Chug-box beeps and says “Go to the registrar!” SCAN – beep – “Buy this course!” Dave would LOVE it.
Sort of like the Mark of the Beast. Except I hear Zuckerburg is planning on using a brain implant instead.
I obviously totally failed when I was on the “routing forms” my lack of ever contacting you, since you clearly could think with the Hubbard options, and would have truly, sadly, gotten the job done for LRH’s ideas.
My gosh, you ought to have been in the conference room all the time, every day the top people were plotting who and how to implement Hubbard’s craziness.
You really were a legit unutilized mind. Thankfully for humanity, you bounced out.
Otherwise, you would have been spotted, and used, to figure out how to do the Hubbard craziness more effectively.
You were still there in 1989 weren’t you?
I seem to recall you at least shuffling around near the HEM Building area cluster of buildings, in the 1980s, when I slipped into various buildings for my visits to Int Base.
“Tech” people like you were what Scientology actually ran on.
Oh yes, Chuck, I was at the Int Base from 1983 to 2004 except for the trips to the Int events every year. In 1989 my big project was the Cassette Duplication Line in the Manufacturing Building. Just about 24/7 with the odd nap.
Well, I suppose someone could have figured out and “rationalized” Scientology, like Brigham Young after the implosion of Joseph Smith. We are lucky no-one did. Makes it easier for them to simply fade into obscurity.
I guess Dave thinks of himself as the heir to the auspices of Source, but he hasn’t got enough imagination to truly re-invent anything. And his screaming paranoia makes him view anyone who could as a threat, forcibly ejecting them. Can you imagine the Scientology of today if Diana had taken over, or even Mary Sue, or someone like David Mayo?
We will never know and it is just as well. Let them stew in their telexes, statistics and routing forms until the inevitable final chapter.
yea, it’d have been more pleasant had the Hubbard women taken over, for sure. Or anyone ,for that matter.
Debbie Cook would have been a good pick.
Anyone would have been a better “pick” than Miscavige.
But, to me, since I got in for the theory (we are souls, we transmigrate, we do the Hubbard pseudo-therapy to erase our banks, and then we exorcise our body-thetans and thus lose all their implanted bad karma they leak onto us).
And what fell flat, in the end, over time, is these beliefs in past lives, past lives’ “case”, and surplus souls’ case that leaks onto us, all supposedly.
That is a hard sell, once it is simply laid out what Scientology’s selling.
No matter who is running the sales of this pseudo-therapy and exorcism.
The beliefs of Scientology, do matter, and they fell flat for me, no matter who’s driving the outfit.
Again, you smart genuine “tech” people and other smart people, kept the operation afloat, literally.
Inspirational “leaders” are kind of props for the actual subject.
I wasn’t there for the good or bad leaders, when the ideas began to bottom out, for me, and no “OT” people really, coming off the end of the assembly line of the Scientology quackery lineup, it becomes obvious this operation is a long runway scam. My delusional hope deflated.
I read a book by a New Yorker writer, and she said the dupes false hopes fuel their participation in cons. When their false hopes deflate, then participation in the con becomes meaningless. I agree with that.
I’m Xenu Cruise, and I work in the Cult 22 Brainwashing Bamboozling World of Scientology created by L. Ron Hubbard.
I invite you to Join our Team Xenu crusade today, and help us strip off Xenu’s body-thetans’ bad karma off all humans, and fix earth.
Xenu Cruise
ps: Remember, if you join Team Xenu, we provide the free Hubbard Ouija Board Electrometer which helps you target Xenu’s “body-thetans” and rid them from our targeted dupes.
A past-life “clear” who had a “freeloader debt” they’ll pursue even into the next lifetimes!?? They WOULD, of course, if anyone could be bothered to return. For certain, I’m not going to acknowledge a “freeloader debt” in some past life any more than I do in this l/t.🤣
If the value if my slave labor is included, they owe ME thousands of dollars. In the meantime, I was no freeloader. I pulled my weight, plus a bit more.
No matter … That was now 42 years ago this month and I’m living the best revenge. MustSavage can HAVE his tiny little fiefdom. and the karma he’s earned and is earning.
Just thought: What is Hubbard’s freeloader debt? He had a bunch of inurement to add on the debit side, but of course his blathering would be credited to balance (or overbalance) it.
MustSavage has nothing useful to his credit. Each “golden Age” only brought more gold into his accounts, more guzzle for him to guzzle, thimbleful by thimbleful.
Oh, RB – THIS afforded me a MUCH needed laugh to end an intense work week on a cheerful note. Thank you 🙂
There are things that go on inside the Scientology bubble that make Never Ins want to behave in an adversarial fashion, such as groaning.
Groaning isn’t adversarial, it’s just joining in with us jokers & degraders. There is SO much within the bubble that deserves a full-on belly laugh if you feel one coming on.
I was a “past-life Clear”. It’s a good way to skip the lower Bridge!
Not a blown staff member though.
That’s a great one, laughed out loud for a few seconds.
But, this isn’t per LRH, you only get grilled to remember your name and some other admin details which are in the Auditor’s Admin Series, which are available online somewhere, I read them once.
The 1991 edition of the Red Volumes has four “Subject” volumes and one of the four has the “Auditor Admin Series” updated issue in, with the genuine LRH theory about how to identify a past lifetime Scientologist, and whether to let them carry on or not, from their last step on the Bridge. It’s all succinctly in a couple of Red Volume issues.
Another “last lifetime” admin procedures writings, are the LRH Scientology Passport writings, that related to the “Scientology Passport.” He wrote a bit about the Passport, and he wrote the script for an ad for the Scientology Passport that gets advertising at the beginning of one of the LRH Tech Films, which shows a bit how the “Scientology Passport” is used on a future lives young person who walks up to a Scientology Org Receptionist.
There is also relevant info on how to apply the Scientology Passport, since the orgs should retain a person’s “Scientology Passport” when they die, which summarizes their Bridge steps accomplished, for holding for when the person shows up again in their future life.
(One very serious extrapolation a Scientologist ought to make, is that LRH did in a few places, try to codify some admin procedures for future lives Scientologists, and the biggest unstated glaring point is that ORGS need to even be there, to be around for the future lives Scientologists to find and continue on the Bridge, in the first place. Which is reason to put our orgs, everywhere, worldwide, for all the future lives Scientologists to find, in their future lives! “Welcome Back” all you Past Lives Scientologists! LOL)
if Scientologists are good enough, memory wise, in their future lives, no worries, just remember who you were, what orgs you did your services at, what abilities you attained, no worries, you can do it! Not.
I remember when Theresa Locke (then married to Dan) was on the “Scientology Passport” project, trying to figure out how to cover all the bases, since it’s kind of tricky.
While I’m on the subject of LRH’s ideas for admin paperwork to aid in dealing with future lives Scientologists, there is also the LRH tiniest bit of admin theory stuff in the “routing forms” “advices.”
When I was in touch with Theresa, she on her project, me completed on my project, she bounced some ideas off me.
One thing I failed to mention to her, which thinking of it now, is that there is one LRH “routing forms” advice where LRH laments that we earthlings don’t have the ancient gizmo they used on advanced space civilizations millions and millions of years ago in a better civ run by computers.
I should have told Theresa about that advice, because the “Scientology Passport” ought to be digital, and tie in with INCOMM’s key computer gizmos.
LRH talked about the “Chug” computer criteria, and LRH talked about the “routing forms” ancient gizmo, and the LRH traffic that Theresa was implementing on the “Scientology Passport” ought to have drawn from the INCOMM “Chug” criteria computerization, and drawn from the “routing forms” gizmo, and made the “Scientology Passport” digital, and able to just be sent around to ALL orgs, everywhere, honestly.
That’d be my two cents, were I still on the job in Sea Org, liaising with INCOMM, with the “data bases” that have the full completions of ALL Scientology public, and then download ALL the relevant info to make the digital “Scientology Passport” something that could appear on the screens of ANY org or mission in the world, on demand.
And just have the request process go via the OSA Int “Files” data bases person (my ex held one of the OSA files jobs gatekeeper to who got to go to the Freewinds or not, but likewise, a new or exisitng OSA files gatekeeper person would be needed on the “Scientology Passport” check in line, to say nay or yay, letting some fresh person claiming to be some last lifetime Scientologist, be sure to have that OSA files person check done on them too, LOL).
If you read all this, this is indeed ALL based on LRH paperwork final computerization theory and practices, some of us ex Sea Org people actually did this type of nutty paperwork speculating and implementing this nuttiness.
I really wished all the nutty behind the scenes “work” implementing Hubbard’s future lives paperwork and screening, were out in the public, and public Scientologists who wonder how they can help, they can help by joining Team Xenu and lending a hand. Not, of course.
Frankly, I don’t expect the orgs to be there & delivering services by the time I kick the bucket. They are hardly there and delivering NOW.
I’m not sure that the cult should have too much resistance to Past Lifetime Clears, or even oatees. In that case, you can just dispense with the whole “services” ruse and hit them up for straight IAS status purchases which have none of those pesky “service” strings attached.
That’s the spirit, Todd. Good job conjuring up your inner DwarfenfĂĽhrer®!
Somehow this made me think of a prank that could be fun to pull – claiming to remember being a past-life declared SP.
Of course, that could be a little tricky depending on our age and which idea of how many years it takes to return, but it’s not like Hub’s wrote about an SP’s experience of the implant stations. Maybe we were given accelerated passage because of our status. Better done by younger people who are never-ins to mess with booksellers and personality-test givers.
Well, when it comes to “how many years it takes to return,” the fat man has a lot of explaining to do for his own case. With the exception of LRH v. 2.0 not much has happened in the return department. And 2.0 is now in jail which is where 1.0 should have ended up.
If v1.0 was correct (he wasn’t), he’s now where he deserved to be before ’86, in lock-up.
Yes, this absolutely is valid speculation.
Otto Roos, for one, an excellent choice to claim to have been, as a troll.
Or, sadly claiming to have been David Mayo.
Or John McMasters.
Or just go down the list of the 1950s era leaders.
Mary Sue would also be completely untasteful to claim to have been.
It quickly gets into totally untasteful disrespectful thinking.
Bill Robertson. It becomes endless.
That whole past life comeback thing still rattles my brain bones. I believed that I was a past life clear and cooked up a whole story about being at Saint Hill, falling in love with my married auditor, creating a huge flap that hid the win that I’d gone clear.
Then I came to LA, died in a car crash, came back to life, found Scientology, and got back in. I had weird deja vu moments on old sections of Los Angeles freeway about my past life. When these deja vu moments came they shook me up and made me feel a bit unmoored. I discounted the fact that I’d lived in Los Angeles from birth to year five as a potential reason I recognized old bits of freeway by Pasadena.
I dived into the certainty that I was experiencing memories from my past life and went so far as to write up some O/W’s about actions I took leading up to my past-life death. Those old overts included a new romance, anger issues, arguing over a map at high speed on a freeway, causing a crash, and dropping the body. I did not feel certain, in present time, or at all good about my life at this time. I was confused, off-center, and looking for a lifeline.
Remembering this confusing and sickening time makes me appreciate that I have a functional mind left. Cuz, it sure was on the wobble during that time. I know that believing the made-up history was like untying your sailboat and letting it drift toward the rocks.
I think I conveniently ran out of funds and had to leave Los Angeles to top up the coffers. Which would have taken a while. Being back home, working, and being around my friends who I couldn’t “discuss my case with,” helped me focus away from that knotty potential reality. Yay, poverty.
I wonder if wealthier parishioners had any drag-down-into-the-weird-false-history moments in the cherch. And if by virtue of more funds, stuck around poking at it long enough to do mental damage?
My gosh, I dread to “invalidate” endless peoples’ “cases” by mentioning just non stop horribly illogical but accepted memories of persons who claimed “Clear” last lifetime, and then on top of this, the “Natural Clear” persons, they just are horrible to bring up, but nauseating and ought to just be let be told, to show how ludicrous this all comes out.
See my post below on the “Scientology Passport” and the INCOMM “gizmo” Hubbard advised and some of us “worked” to fathom how we could implement these “gizmo” and INCOMM computer criteria to deal with “future lives” newbies showing up to return to the Bridge, LOL.
It just is too much.
And then, on top of this, Lily, did you ever do the Briefng Course Tech Films and see what we referred to as the “Isaac Hayes” movie? It’s the Tech Film for the Briefing Course trainees, and has a powerful future lives responsibility that LRH heaps onto the BC trainees for the LONG future!!!!
Oh Chuck, it is really too bad that all those old films are forever locked away in the Film Lab never to be seen again. The big scene with Isaac Hayes peering into space with a giant telescope was one of the first shots in the newly constructed Cine Studio. He did a great job narrating that completely whacked out film.
I have an idea for the Chug computerized routing form – get every Scientologist to tattoo a QR code on their forehead. Then all you have to do is get it scanned. Finish a course, go to the examiner – SCAN the Chug-box beeps and says “Go to the registrar!” SCAN – beep – “Buy this course!” Dave would LOVE it.
Sort of like the Mark of the Beast. Except I hear Zuckerburg is planning on using a brain implant instead.
I obviously totally failed when I was on the “routing forms” my lack of ever contacting you, since you clearly could think with the Hubbard options, and would have truly, sadly, gotten the job done for LRH’s ideas.
My gosh, you ought to have been in the conference room all the time, every day the top people were plotting who and how to implement Hubbard’s craziness.
You really were a legit unutilized mind. Thankfully for humanity, you bounced out.
Otherwise, you would have been spotted, and used, to figure out how to do the Hubbard craziness more effectively.
You were still there in 1989 weren’t you?
I seem to recall you at least shuffling around near the HEM Building area cluster of buildings, in the 1980s, when I slipped into various buildings for my visits to Int Base.
“Tech” people like you were what Scientology actually ran on.
Oh yes, Chuck, I was at the Int Base from 1983 to 2004 except for the trips to the Int events every year. In 1989 my big project was the Cassette Duplication Line in the Manufacturing Building. Just about 24/7 with the odd nap.
Well, I suppose someone could have figured out and “rationalized” Scientology, like Brigham Young after the implosion of Joseph Smith. We are lucky no-one did. Makes it easier for them to simply fade into obscurity.
I guess Dave thinks of himself as the heir to the auspices of Source, but he hasn’t got enough imagination to truly re-invent anything. And his screaming paranoia makes him view anyone who could as a threat, forcibly ejecting them. Can you imagine the Scientology of today if Diana had taken over, or even Mary Sue, or someone like David Mayo?
We will never know and it is just as well. Let them stew in their telexes, statistics and routing forms until the inevitable final chapter.
yea, it’d have been more pleasant had the Hubbard women taken over, for sure. Or anyone ,for that matter.
Debbie Cook would have been a good pick.
Anyone would have been a better “pick” than Miscavige.
But, to me, since I got in for the theory (we are souls, we transmigrate, we do the Hubbard pseudo-therapy to erase our banks, and then we exorcise our body-thetans and thus lose all their implanted bad karma they leak onto us).
And what fell flat, in the end, over time, is these beliefs in past lives, past lives’ “case”, and surplus souls’ case that leaks onto us, all supposedly.
That is a hard sell, once it is simply laid out what Scientology’s selling.
No matter who is running the sales of this pseudo-therapy and exorcism.
The beliefs of Scientology, do matter, and they fell flat for me, no matter who’s driving the outfit.
Again, you smart genuine “tech” people and other smart people, kept the operation afloat, literally.
Inspirational “leaders” are kind of props for the actual subject.
I wasn’t there for the good or bad leaders, when the ideas began to bottom out, for me, and no “OT” people really, coming off the end of the assembly line of the Scientology quackery lineup, it becomes obvious this operation is a long runway scam. My delusional hope deflated.
I read a book by a New Yorker writer, and she said the dupes false hopes fuel their participation in cons. When their false hopes deflate, then participation in the con becomes meaningless. I agree with that.
This is easily my favorite one.
Ditto that Zenu. Ditto that!
You know, it might just be mine too. Short and sweet but packs a punch that’s quintessential cult. Still laughing 🙂
Great moniker, “Xenu Cruise”
It does hidden triple duty, that name.
I’m Xenu Cruise, and I work in the Cult 22 Brainwashing Bamboozling World of Scientology created by L. Ron Hubbard.
I invite you to Join our Team Xenu crusade today, and help us strip off Xenu’s body-thetans’ bad karma off all humans, and fix earth.
Xenu Cruise
ps: Remember, if you join Team Xenu, we provide the free Hubbard Ouija Board Electrometer which helps you target Xenu’s “body-thetans” and rid them from our targeted dupes.
Cue the Nelson meme: “HA-HA!: