Since I left the Sea Org in ’81 it seems the down hill spiral has gotten worse. It was bad back then but because Little Napoleon ( David Miscavige) started his take-over at that time it has completely blown up. Talk about a SUPPRESIVE PERSON. He is the definition of one. I have never agreed to the Disconnect policy. I would not even mention that to my students while I was Tech Sec at ASHO day. I got to meet with Hubbard a few times back then without Little Napoleon’s knowledge. It seemed to me that Hubbard wasn’t in his right mind. That’s when I started taking a look at various HCOPL’s . These policy letters didn’t seem to me to be anything a real Church would do. I was able to find out that some of the HCOPL’s weren’t even written by Hubbard. I was a Book One auditor and Class Four. I still use what I learned in Book One every once-in-a-while to help get someone through a traumatic time they are in. Some of the tech that Hubbard developed does work. I like the Study Technology the best. It does work. The staff members now days can’t see the forest for the trees. Very sad. I will never return to that organization. It is the definition Brain Washing. 🙁
By the way, for anyone who enjoyed watching “The Path” series on Hulu, it’s back for season 2! I think there are 7 or 8 episodes out already of the new season, we’ve watched two so far, and it’s very interesting, just like last season, better even. The correlations to Scientology are so clear.
Thanks Lois. I enjoy reading these blog posts and the comments to learn more about this subject. The history and philosophy of Scientology is fascinating to me, but it was the personal stories of heart-wrenching devastation (like yours and your family’s) that got me emotionally invested in trying to think of any tiny little way I might be able to contribute to help end these abuses and see people reconnected with their loved ones.
Well of course you’d want to join staff, it’s the most ethical thing you could do for your dynamics!
I recall being asked to join staff at the local org. I couldn’t think of a more repulsive thing to do. I politely said it was not for me. So of course her reply to that was a sugar coated threat of a trip to ethics. “Well of course you WANT to join staff, you just can’t right now, right?”
Hey RB.I thought it was just me. But if I read the other comments you upped it.
Peeled a new layer off the onion.
The sanity and certainty of the last ones left in the cult is approaching ISIS level suicide bombers in Mosul.
Only ones now left are 3rd world slaves,second generation like my son Wilmar Vos body routing at Sunset and Vermont every day,geriatrics in the org who have nowhere to go,or geriatrics who are in denial like frogs over the ever increasing temperature of the water.
Evil thought:Are the last remaining Scientologists worth of saving?
Can the hardening of the arteries be reversed?
Maybe we should set up Scientologist old age homes with posters of volcanoes and clear america 1972 campaigns.
“You need to look thru her PC folders to learn what her buttons are.”
Looking back, I now understand why I felt uncomfortable at best and at worst, wretched guilty for refusing to sign up during staff reg cycles.
And now I am giving thanks, and this is no joke:
“God, or Supreme Being, or Whomever, thank you for getting me out of there. Thank you for causing me to look and question and thank you for helping me to follow my essential instinct to not become staff of SO, no matter how guilty I felt. Thank you for helping me stay true to my instincts, despite the pressure. I was one of the lucky ones. Thank you.”
FWIW – A ton of people never joined staff. The question is, where are they? I know some are auditing, but the whole thing was built around a centralized control, and a) that made it easy to hijack, and b) when it collapsed, the story of the Tower of Babel comes to mind – all were dispersed. I’ve have found, empirically, that every time I question Hubbard, I end up realizing I was wrong or missed something, but one thing I’m sure of, he intended everyone to question, increase their own self-determinism, and increase the certainty of their own perceptions, considerations, and decisions.
Watch the movie “The Ninth Gate”. Don’t get drawn into details or “significances” of Lucifer the Bringer of Light and all – it’s fiction, a story, a movie, a tale to entertain, a visual novel to leave one with thoughts. What caught my attention was that finding Scientology has become a bit like finding the Nine Gates to unravel the puzzle. Traps and wrong directions everywhere. I love the ending of it, when the guy solves it, unknowingly. He finds he is already “there”, and didn’t realize it.
I was going to write an article titled “The Tenth Gate”. In the Scn Tech Dict you find the tenth Dynamic defined as “probably ethics.” One always has to find that oneself. The substance of the article was to be about how to use an admin scale as one easy way of discovering, defining, and developing one’s own personal ethics, and through that, solving the riddles to walk through The Tenth Gate.
In the movie, the Ninth Gate promises equality with God. In my article, the Tenth Gate (purely a flight of fancy, calling it that, you understand) promises equality with Man. A thorough and complete understanding and ability. The thing is, though, it seems, that if one can achieve that for oneself, all that must still be expanded across Dynamics – one does not just go alone. There is all the rest of the world to go back and get – or wait for. Technically, it’s the difference between is-ness and as-is-ness. One can as-is for oneself, but that doesn’t mean others can. I don’t mean to sound preachy.
“I’ve have found, empirically, that every time I question Hubbard, I end up realizing I was wrong or missed something, but one thing I’m sure of, he intended everyone to question, increase their own self-determinism, and increase the certainty of their own perceptions, considerations, and decisions.”
Your statement about Hubbard wanting everyone to question and increase their own self-determinism is of course demonstrably and obviously false. It is by our actions we are known, not our lip service. Otherwise Hubbard would have responded to criticisms with detailed apologetics that would have negated the criticisms while advancing knowledge of scientology. Instead he exacted vengeance. As for you realizing you are in error every time you question Hubbard, I’m intrigued to hear a “for instance” with that.
Let me demonstrate: I ALWAYS find when I question Hubbard that it is he who is in error and not my critical analysis. FOR INSTANCE when Hubbard said “What is true for you is what you have observed for yourself…” he carelessly fails to mention that personal observations are limited and subject to misinterpretation therefore the observations of others is essential to arrive at knowledge. For instance, Al Capone’s housekeeper thought he was a wonderful person.
Spike, Thanks. There’s really no choice: either eat the ice cream, or let it melt. Not hard to figure out what one wants to do.
I’ve seen civilizations crumble. Either bad foundations, or (usually) eroded and brought down from within.
I do kind of wish someone would ante up and let me know if they get what I’ve been saying about using admin scales, so I’d know better if I’m just saying what others know, or if I should come down a level to put it in reach. Solo NOTs and the Ethics Conditions match up too closely to be just coincidence, so there’s a lot more to Ethics. But Scns mistook the organizational ethics of the church as their own personal ethics. Dumb mistake. [What is one to do? Leave it at a hint, with just “dumb mistake”? Or try to explain further, e.g. that is why the church ended in collapse? Try to explain what personal ethics is? And how that is making up one’s own mind? Is that too high a gradient?]
You start looking at worthwhile philosophy, especially in Ethics, men who really put thought with perspective into it all, and you find truths scattered all around. But they are scattered. Sometimes it’s like finding one grammatically correct sentence in a paragraph of abandoned subjects. Scientology gathered the good ones and ordered them, made sense of them, and drew logical conclusions about what to do. It’s amazing that it had to be so precise. No one would have guessed. It is as much an example of persistence as it is an example of insight. Truly a colossus of accomplishment of purpose.
But as Hubbard said, people are interested not in grand goals of philosophy, but in why they don’t have money and sex, why their knee won’t heal properly, why more people don’t eat at their restaurant, that they opened up, etc.. So you have to do something for them, personally. You have to find their present interest admin scales. The thing is, I personally think, you have to get them started on Ethics, themselves. It is the individual doing something for himself, all the way up. Auditing and training by themselves are not enough, if you do not include personal ethics tech. It is critical to include that! The tech is there. Right up the center of the Grade Chart, you have the levels of awareness, and up at the top, you have Source, Conditions, Existence. That’s Ethics. Clearly labeled. So you get them started on Ethics. Their PERSONAL ethics, NOT the organizational ethics and rules and regulations of the church. You get them to do an admin scale on “Making Breakfast”, and later, “Going to Work”, and later “Work Product” and then you work on that one in some detail on Projects, like researching some marketing tech and finding what people have on their admin scale “Find A Good Restaurant”. (And for their knee, send them to a good orthopedic guy who’s really good on an admin scale “Heal Knees”.) With auditing and training, the PC gets higher levels of awareness, clears up some buggy admin scales like “Revenge” for himself, and then, hopefully, he’ll get to the point where he starts thinking about bigger admin scales, and philosophy, and Ethics.
If 1 (one) found and assembled the answers of 30 men, if 300 held off a trained army, surely 300,000 can win a world. But the Ethics must be there, and that is personal. Some would be jet pilots, some would be bean counters, some would be doctors, and some would be bold enough to open the front door of society, step outside the hallways of offices into the great outdoors, look at the sky, and be philosophers.
Keep going? Keep eating ice cream! If it feels right, do it! I picture a dirt road leading through an open gate in a simple rail fence, through a fallow pasture, up over some swells in the land to a line of trees where surely a stream runs through. No hurry. The gate’s open. I stood there and looked at it for a while. Fancifully, I call it the tenth gate. It is Ethics, and that’s the whole field and all. Others have passed through. That road isn’t overgrown. No hunger, no thirst, just clouds rolling slowly by. Plenty of time. So I now kind of sit and wait there. It’s tranquil. No enemies. No flies or ticks, and importantly, none of those annoying mosquitoes. Damn, hate mosquitoes. Their strategy, I suspect, is to get you to slap yourself to death. Thank goodness for the guy with the admin scale “Defeat Mosquitoes”. (You see how interesting it all gets, with admin scales?)
Regraded Being, right on target as always. The view from an insider’s position. The cult is shrinking and is concentrating on recruiting from other countries, where they are not as well known. Here is a link to a video made by a young man from Africa called “How I accidentally joined Scientology” if you have a spare 15 minutes, it’s a true story and kind of funny:
Our household is looking forward to season 2 of Leah Remini’s show (Aftermath) good job Leah and Mike Rinder.
Thanks for the link. Best part was when the young man was trying to choose words to accurately explain what Scientology was without being too negative and offending scientologists and, of course, couldn’t.
I’m glad you liked the video, I did too. I thought it was really interesting to see what the reaction was from somebody who has never heard of Scientology before.
If the C of S were wise, they would listen to feedback from the general public. Everything I’ve seen from newcomers talks about how people are annoyed at how long they have to spend there (hours!) to take what they thought would be a 15 minute IQ or personality test, and how strange it seems to them that they are the only person in the ‘seminar’ or one of maybe 2 or 3 people maximum in attendance. If they really wanted to expand, they would make it more friendly for the public.. the problem is, I don’t think they really care about expanding, they just want to get enough people in to justify continuing to ask their large donors for more funds.
– T.J.
The OT Levels and their benefits have become kind of a running joke. I’ve thought a lot about the OT Levels and whether they are “for real” or what. Personally, I had gains from doing them. I started the OT Levels while in the SO. On OT 2 specifically I had a chronic somatic in my nose completely disappear. For me this was a big deal. So that is a gain. But what does it mean? Does my gain prove that LRH was right about Body Thetans? I’ve been giving it a lot of thought and I’m just not sure what to make of it.
I had chronic back pain for years and even had to go to the emergency room once. It disappeared about ten years ago. I’m not sure why but had it coincided with a scientology process I may well have committed the fallacy of ‘false causation’.
I attributed the improvement of a chronic skin condition to doing the purif, I later discovered that it was a vitamin deficiency, which of course would be helped by taking mega doses of vitamins every day for 3 weeks. So it sort of helped but not in the way they advertise.
Your mention of a chronic somatic led me down a rabbit hole on google. I learned interesting things. It’s very hard to say what helped you. Your story is fascinating.
If you make a real study of logic and succeed. Scientology falls apart before your very eyes.
OR, you could short cut that and simply look up what LRH said was delivered by achieving Clear & OT and then HONESTLY asking yourself whether or not you got that. Most cannot make that leap of logic as they are too brainwashed and need a gradient approach.
I saw that movie (Glengarry Glen Ross) mentioned so many times here that I finally watched it… it made a real impact. Powerful movie and intense scenes with great actors. Now I understand what people mean when they say ” A-B-C Always-Be-Closing” manipulative sales tactics. !
Impressive this week.
Beautifully catches how Bubble dwellers of Different kinds use Bubble talk and buzzwords to make black white or white black whatever is required.thanks RB of documenting the last gasps of this cult.
If I tell how it was to my grandchildren in 10 years what happened they will not believe me.I will need the RB cartoons. Most if not all of them to get a complete grasp(if anyone wants to grasp anything)of the twisted logic in the bubble.
It seems arguing with the last remaining Koolaid drinkers does not work so well.
Anybody had any luck with RB read the comics and see what is going on technology.Going Clear and many other books were great great.The movie is an undercut.Trouble maker was great,a&e seems an undercut.RB seems even an undercut especially those still in.
Anybody any experience on this?
Priest Penitent – what does that mean again?
It’s an fascinating study, what rats on a sinking ship will do. Morbid, but fascinating! They’ll try to maintain the status quo at all costs until the reality of their circumstance is forced upon them, panic eventually becomes their best option. Not long for Scientology now, it’s staff are really hurting, the clever & sane ones are long gone, along with the life boats.
You’ve pegged it once again RB!
Overall, it’s “damned if you do, damned if you don’t!” There isn’t any “winning” any longer in scio, despite the enforced testimonials. And have you noted, Mike, the total lack of any public displays from the whales they promote at big events? We never hear anything further from them.
Not many people want to spend hours that could otherwise be used to make the money required to pay rent, have a car, buy clothes, eat good food, go places, in short have a life, in order to suffer the stress of high pressure to achieve unachievable goals and work for a sinking outfit that everybody seems to hate, all for NO money.
The pool of candidates for that sort of punishment is a small one and it’s shrinking. Lorraines are in short supply so this is where human trafficking comes to the rescue.
“…where human trafficking comes to the rescue.” Oh my… that’s a very sobering observation. It’s one of those believe it or not scenarios where the average Joe will have a hard time coming to terms with it and will not believe it is occurring within a tax exempt entity protected by the US Constitution. My coffee just tasted a bit bitter thinking about that and the grip on my cup tightened considerably!
Then, to top it off with even more insult and injury, when you finally arrive at the gates of $cn heaven (Oatee 3) you learn that it’s all that evil galactic overlord Xenu’s fault and that, on account of him, you’ll be telepathically exorcising imaginary space aliens spirits stuck to you by the thousands until you either run out of money or reach the level’s EP, which is to become as crazy as Elron was when he passed on to the Big Implant Station in the Sky.
Sound like fun? Nope, not to me either. Small wonder the culties work so very hard to deny the reality of what the Oatee levels are all about. I mean, imagine the reaction they’d get from some poor newbie if they were upfront about what the most central and fundamental beliefs of $cn actually are! Everyone would be backing slowly toward the exit while making placating noises, then turning to run for their lives once they made it to the door.
The cult is in its End Times, but there will be no Rapture…that is, unless being fleeced of all your assets (Wallet Rapture) counts in your book 😉
Friends don’t let friends do $cn…it’s as simple as that!
Another hilarious, but oh-so accurate snapshot of how things really are in the cult behind closed doors. Do staff recruiters actually discuss such things among themselves in such a calculatedly predatory manner? Well, do birds fly!?
Even way back in the day the secret staff recruitment M.O. was to thoroughly fleece the public sheeple of all their cash and max out their credit BEFORE conning them into joining staff. When the Co$ actually had a thriving mission system, prior to the massacre, there was a joining requirement at the mission where I was jumped into the cult that you had to have a certain amount of training and auditing that you’d completed prior to being eligible to join. That way the cult got your assets before you realized that you’d need them to live on while getting paid next to nothing for working long hours in your new staff job.
Like Tom Sawyer and the classic fence-painting scam, $cn used to have that staff recruitment scam down pat! I can even remember a few poor sub-standard thetans whose fondest desire was to join staff, but couldn’t because of this or that situation. Like the Marines, $cn was looking for a few good thetans, which made becoming a staff member a desirable and status-conferring career move. Unfortunately for those who did sign up, the pay was well below a living wage then, just as it is now.
Destroying the mission system back in the early 80’s was like killing the goose who laid golden eggs and it doomed $cn’s future to become what it is now: a rapidly contracting faux religion that can no longer get anyone new onto the bridge, unless they’re from Taiwan, Russia or Venezuela and don’t understand English well enough to realize that the cult is dying off everywhere else for the very good reasons that they’ll be learning for themselves in very short order.
“a rapidly contracting faux religion that can no longer get anyone new onto the bridge, unless they’re from Taiwan, Russia or Venezuela and don’t understand English well enough to realize that the cult is dying off everywhere else for the very good reasons that they’ll be learning for themselves in very short order.”
The implication of these words would be that it’s of utmost importance to translate anti-CoS material into Russian, Spanish (specifically the dialect spoken in Venezuela), Chinese (specifically the dialects spoken in Taiwan) and then upload it all online.
Yes indeed! The situation is analogous to the one that faced Big Tobacco after folks in the states finally caught onto how deadly the habit is and we began to regulate and tax the hell out of it. They just took their advertising and promotional efforts overseas and hooked a whole new population.
The cult is trying there best to expand internationally as it collapses here in the states and almost everywhere else that it spread in it initial outbreak. Dead agenting the cult before it gets a firm foothold in places like Taiwan is a necessary and worthwhile step in clearing the planet of this deadly meme disease!
I got in and out while still a young adult, so my life as a cultie ended up being only a minor detour on my education/career/life path, thank Xenu!
What really opened my eyes to what the cult was all about was when I was sent to Flog as an outer org trainee and saw first hand what a bunch of steely-eyed Ronbots the $ea Orgy was made up of and encountered the cult’s thought reform/forced labor program, which sent a chill through my heart that stuck with me long after I left. Being a constantly broke mofo while on staff didn’t hurt either 😉
Yeah, I hear ya! I recall my first time at Flog too. I rejected my initial WTF! when I saw how they acted and treated each other as staff. I should have taken my first instincts to heart and got the hell out of Dodge. Instead, I thought it was just me and pushed through it all and ended up losing lots of money, couple of family members and a whole stack of friends in the process. At best, those fuckers owe me decade or two of my life back, the money, well… shit happens! But I won’t forget, ever.
Yep, I can’t vouch for other regions, but that was definitely the game plan where I was. This was also during the time that greedy ass Elron was putting the squeeze on everyone by raising prices 5% a month. So, staff recruiters seduced the gullible with promises of getting trained and audited for free if you joined up.
I don’t know how to feel about Lorraine. On the one hand, I feel awful for her that she was manipulated into joining staff rather than finding a paying job to support herself, and I feel bad that she’s unhappy. But… I balance that with the delight that she’s totally fucking the org up with her complaining and flighty, dreamy ways, for clogging up their Ethics disciplinary pipeline and just being an all-round spanner in the works. Bravo Lorraine! I hope she does maximum damage by the time they offload her.
It is based on reality, by now they will be scraping the barrel for anyone they can drag in as a staff member.
There were some severe screw ups recruited at the local org, what a brilliant advert for how able scientology makes people.
Classic. I’ve seen that same scenario go down more times than I can remember at the Class V organization level. There is no way these so-called executives could make it in the real world.
Nailed it again RB. That is EXACTLY how the staff act behind the publics back.
They are “trained” to act that way with the Scientology tech.
It is really disgusting when you find out what they have been saying about you behind your back after acting so “caring and concerned” about you reaching your goals whilst they regg you.
Scientology – the Science of turning nice people into monsters.
“Scientology – the Science of turning nice people into monsters.”
See, this is why I twist my mouth a bit when people say that most Scientologists are good people at heart, with altruistic intentions. Perhaps they were, and almost certainly they will be once they leave, but while they’re being mangled in the maw of the organization? It’s difficult. Scientology actively suppresses (word used deliberately) any feelings of empathy, kindness, and compassion.
Yes, the staff plot amongst themselves about how to get this or that out of their publics. But they’re REALLY good at convincing the public how caring and unselfish they are. Really good. I fell for it. I actually believed these people cared about me (hangs head in shame).
I did not experience this as staff in a Class V org. We hired people and were up front about the low – no pay. I did hear of others down playing the pay or glossing over with promises of reaching SH size etc, but I never saw it in my own org. It would have backfired any way because we rarely got any pay at all.
There was no talk of getting their money before joining staff. Once in awhile someone would join staff who had training paid for, the book store officer would usually go after them to use that money for books. But there was no conspiracy stuff or PC folder snoops or anything like that. I was a senior exec and would have known.
I’m not saying it didn’t happen anywhere – but it wasn’t the order of the day in all orgs.
We were happy to get new people on staff to help us, we were all pretty dedicated and jazzed.
In the past there was always the promise of good pay just around the corner, today they call it volunteer work, an interesting choice of words for people who barely get a day off and certainly don’t get to choose their own hours. I was considered an ‘upstat’ individual so they tried to recruit me multiple times, I just threw back at them the fact that the pay is non-existent, of course I signed several staff contracts, just never quite got round to jumping onboard.
I agree with you, Sir Railliart. My experience with Scientology staff execs and staff in general – the ones who work, not the trust fund babies – is that if they work at all their wog jobs fluctuate continually and that they never stick with any of their lines of endeavor long enough to do well at them.
Actually, it would be one thing is the staff were sacrificing their dynamics for a lofty purpose that was really HAPPENING. That wouldn’t be bad. I could get behind that, actually. But, that they are wasting their lives, being poor and otherwise forgoing much of life’s usual pleasures for what? Nothing. For nothing. AND, its not only for nothing but they also have to PRETEND that its all worthwhile, that its all so worth it, that there’s nothing they’d rather be doing – they have to pretend to the public, to other staff members, their seniors and worst of all, to THEMSELVES that its all SUCH a successful action…again, “Thank you, God”, for keeping me strong enough back in the day when I sensed the truth of this despite being suffused with guilt. I say “stong enough” because I would be a wreck and fit for nothing after being regged for staff.
“…they are wasting their lives, being poor and otherwise forgoing much of life’s usual pleasures for what? Nothing. For nothing.”
Nothing of lasting worth to them, that’s for sure. But it sure is keeping lil davey the despotic in pricey scotch, fashionable footwear, exotic motorcycles and Xenu only knows what other kinds of high-end indulgences his royal tinyness gets that the rest of the poor $ea Orgy staff will never experience in this lifetime if they stay in the cult.
Off Topic but important I think. This is a vid recently taken by a couple of people videoing the Int Base in Hemet. The Sheriff was called. The Deputy is seen being refused ID by the people videoing. Under CA State Law police cannot demand ID under these circumstances. This shows how bought and paid for the Riverside County Sheriff’s office is by Scientology.
Wow! Just watched the video and I’m dumbfounded by the officers comments about how good they (Gold) are and how they’ve helped solve a few crimes. People are forcibly kept behind the gates. How on earth can they be crimesolvers assisting the local sheriffs department?
Oatee suppa powers transcend space and time, so merely by “pustulating” reductions in crime, $cilons work their magic in whatever areas they live. Plus, the $cilons safe pointed the area around Hemet a long time ago in their own special way…by bribing, blackmailing and sweet talking law enforcement there.
Those cops are just following the script given to them concerning Scientology by their senior officers and are keeping the peace and doing their duty. Pretty cool under camera really and those guys obviously really care about grass roots law and order. For them as servants to & protectors of the law to be mislead by such a deceitful and cabal criminal organisation who report other criminals to throw them off the scent is despicable and it must have taken place at senior levels. But that’s Scientology, their stolen money and Hubbard’s playbook for you. Any chance to stop Scientology’s criminal operations must occur at a senior level from all entities affected by their organisational and lawyer imposed influence.
That video will be damning evidence one day against Scientology.
I think the scariest thing is that the information probably is coming from senior staff and that we are suppose to believe that the Police are there to protect us. Shouldn’t they have their eyes open to all views and stay unbiased? Watching this is scary to think that if we can all see what is wrong with this cult then why can’t the CA State Law police?
Jonny says
Since I left the Sea Org in ’81 it seems the down hill spiral has gotten worse. It was bad back then but because Little Napoleon ( David Miscavige) started his take-over at that time it has completely blown up. Talk about a SUPPRESIVE PERSON. He is the definition of one. I have never agreed to the Disconnect policy. I would not even mention that to my students while I was Tech Sec at ASHO day. I got to meet with Hubbard a few times back then without Little Napoleon’s knowledge. It seemed to me that Hubbard wasn’t in his right mind. That’s when I started taking a look at various HCOPL’s . These policy letters didn’t seem to me to be anything a real Church would do. I was able to find out that some of the HCOPL’s weren’t even written by Hubbard. I was a Book One auditor and Class Four. I still use what I learned in Book One every once-in-a-while to help get someone through a traumatic time they are in. Some of the tech that Hubbard developed does work. I like the Study Technology the best. It does work. The staff members now days can’t see the forest for the trees. Very sad. I will never return to that organization. It is the definition Brain Washing. 🙁
Shirley Hubbert says
Hmmm. The writing is too small to read on my phone. ??
T.J. says
By the way, for anyone who enjoyed watching “The Path” series on Hulu, it’s back for season 2! I think there are 7 or 8 episodes out already of the new season, we’ve watched two so far, and it’s very interesting, just like last season, better even. The correlations to Scientology are so clear.
Mike Rinder says
It’s up to Episode 11 🙂
Mick Roberts says
So, basically….
Supervisor: You need to recruit this person right now!
Subordinate: I don’t think it would be a good idea to have this particular person on staff.
Supervisor: Stop making excuses! She’s not on staff yet because you haven’t figured out a way to make it happen! It’s all your fault! You suck!
Subordinate: [works her ass off and successfully recruits the person]
Supervisor: Oh my God! This person is horrible! Why in the hell would you EVER recruit someone like that!
Subordinate: [blank stare]
Supervisor: It’s all your fault! You suck!
Subordinate: [instant Condition of Confusion… the literal sense of the word]
That the basic gist of it? This stuff I learn about the inner workings of Scientology never ceases to amaze me. Just a totally different universe……
Lois Reisdorf (Lowie) says
Mick, I just love the way you have really “duplicated” the whole scn thing. I love your comments and so happy you are here.
Mick Roberts says
Thanks Lois. I enjoy reading these blog posts and the comments to learn more about this subject. The history and philosophy of Scientology is fascinating to me, but it was the personal stories of heart-wrenching devastation (like yours and your family’s) that got me emotionally invested in trying to think of any tiny little way I might be able to contribute to help end these abuses and see people reconnected with their loved ones.
Howard K. Smith says
you look like a guy thats casing the joint whats up with that…
Ed says
Well of course you’d want to join staff, it’s the most ethical thing you could do for your dynamics!
I recall being asked to join staff at the local org. I couldn’t think of a more repulsive thing to do. I politely said it was not for me. So of course her reply to that was a sugar coated threat of a trip to ethics. “Well of course you WANT to join staff, you just can’t right now, right?”
xenu's son says
Hey RB.I thought it was just me. But if I read the other comments you upped it.
Peeled a new layer off the onion.
The sanity and certainty of the last ones left in the cult is approaching ISIS level suicide bombers in Mosul.
Only ones now left are 3rd world slaves,second generation like my son Wilmar Vos body routing at Sunset and Vermont every day,geriatrics in the org who have nowhere to go,or geriatrics who are in denial like frogs over the ever increasing temperature of the water.
Evil thought:Are the last remaining Scientologists worth of saving?
Can the hardening of the arteries be reversed?
Maybe we should set up Scientologist old age homes with posters of volcanoes and clear america 1972 campaigns.
Eileen says
It is never too late to get out, even if it only happens with a person’s last breath. The time to leave is now.
Aquamarine says
“You need to look thru her PC folders to learn what her buttons are.”
Looking back, I now understand why I felt uncomfortable at best and at worst, wretched guilty for refusing to sign up during staff reg cycles.
And now I am giving thanks, and this is no joke:
“God, or Supreme Being, or Whomever, thank you for getting me out of there. Thank you for causing me to look and question and thank you for helping me to follow my essential instinct to not become staff of SO, no matter how guilty I felt. Thank you for helping me stay true to my instincts, despite the pressure. I was one of the lucky ones. Thank you.”
Aquamarine says
Grammar Nazi Edit: “wretchedLY guilty”…”to not become staff OR SO”…
Nickname says
FWIW – A ton of people never joined staff. The question is, where are they? I know some are auditing, but the whole thing was built around a centralized control, and a) that made it easy to hijack, and b) when it collapsed, the story of the Tower of Babel comes to mind – all were dispersed. I’ve have found, empirically, that every time I question Hubbard, I end up realizing I was wrong or missed something, but one thing I’m sure of, he intended everyone to question, increase their own self-determinism, and increase the certainty of their own perceptions, considerations, and decisions.
Watch the movie “The Ninth Gate”. Don’t get drawn into details or “significances” of Lucifer the Bringer of Light and all – it’s fiction, a story, a movie, a tale to entertain, a visual novel to leave one with thoughts. What caught my attention was that finding Scientology has become a bit like finding the Nine Gates to unravel the puzzle. Traps and wrong directions everywhere. I love the ending of it, when the guy solves it, unknowingly. He finds he is already “there”, and didn’t realize it.
I was going to write an article titled “The Tenth Gate”. In the Scn Tech Dict you find the tenth Dynamic defined as “probably ethics.” One always has to find that oneself. The substance of the article was to be about how to use an admin scale as one easy way of discovering, defining, and developing one’s own personal ethics, and through that, solving the riddles to walk through The Tenth Gate.
In the movie, the Ninth Gate promises equality with God. In my article, the Tenth Gate (purely a flight of fancy, calling it that, you understand) promises equality with Man. A thorough and complete understanding and ability. The thing is, though, it seems, that if one can achieve that for oneself, all that must still be expanded across Dynamics – one does not just go alone. There is all the rest of the world to go back and get – or wait for. Technically, it’s the difference between is-ness and as-is-ness. One can as-is for oneself, but that doesn’t mean others can. I don’t mean to sound preachy.
Wynski says
Someday, maybe, the brainwashing will wear off.
rogerHornaday says
“I’ve have found, empirically, that every time I question Hubbard, I end up realizing I was wrong or missed something, but one thing I’m sure of, he intended everyone to question, increase their own self-determinism, and increase the certainty of their own perceptions, considerations, and decisions.”
Your statement about Hubbard wanting everyone to question and increase their own self-determinism is of course demonstrably and obviously false. It is by our actions we are known, not our lip service. Otherwise Hubbard would have responded to criticisms with detailed apologetics that would have negated the criticisms while advancing knowledge of scientology. Instead he exacted vengeance. As for you realizing you are in error every time you question Hubbard, I’m intrigued to hear a “for instance” with that.
Let me demonstrate: I ALWAYS find when I question Hubbard that it is he who is in error and not my critical analysis. FOR INSTANCE when Hubbard said “What is true for you is what you have observed for yourself…” he carelessly fails to mention that personal observations are limited and subject to misinterpretation therefore the observations of others is essential to arrive at knowledge. For instance, Al Capone’s housekeeper thought he was a wonderful person.
Spike says
Nickname, I like your analysis. Keep going.
Nickname says
Spike, Thanks. There’s really no choice: either eat the ice cream, or let it melt. Not hard to figure out what one wants to do.
I’ve seen civilizations crumble. Either bad foundations, or (usually) eroded and brought down from within.
I do kind of wish someone would ante up and let me know if they get what I’ve been saying about using admin scales, so I’d know better if I’m just saying what others know, or if I should come down a level to put it in reach. Solo NOTs and the Ethics Conditions match up too closely to be just coincidence, so there’s a lot more to Ethics. But Scns mistook the organizational ethics of the church as their own personal ethics. Dumb mistake. [What is one to do? Leave it at a hint, with just “dumb mistake”? Or try to explain further, e.g. that is why the church ended in collapse? Try to explain what personal ethics is? And how that is making up one’s own mind? Is that too high a gradient?]
You start looking at worthwhile philosophy, especially in Ethics, men who really put thought with perspective into it all, and you find truths scattered all around. But they are scattered. Sometimes it’s like finding one grammatically correct sentence in a paragraph of abandoned subjects. Scientology gathered the good ones and ordered them, made sense of them, and drew logical conclusions about what to do. It’s amazing that it had to be so precise. No one would have guessed. It is as much an example of persistence as it is an example of insight. Truly a colossus of accomplishment of purpose.
But as Hubbard said, people are interested not in grand goals of philosophy, but in why they don’t have money and sex, why their knee won’t heal properly, why more people don’t eat at their restaurant, that they opened up, etc.. So you have to do something for them, personally. You have to find their present interest admin scales. The thing is, I personally think, you have to get them started on Ethics, themselves. It is the individual doing something for himself, all the way up. Auditing and training by themselves are not enough, if you do not include personal ethics tech. It is critical to include that! The tech is there. Right up the center of the Grade Chart, you have the levels of awareness, and up at the top, you have Source, Conditions, Existence. That’s Ethics. Clearly labeled. So you get them started on Ethics. Their PERSONAL ethics, NOT the organizational ethics and rules and regulations of the church. You get them to do an admin scale on “Making Breakfast”, and later, “Going to Work”, and later “Work Product” and then you work on that one in some detail on Projects, like researching some marketing tech and finding what people have on their admin scale “Find A Good Restaurant”. (And for their knee, send them to a good orthopedic guy who’s really good on an admin scale “Heal Knees”.) With auditing and training, the PC gets higher levels of awareness, clears up some buggy admin scales like “Revenge” for himself, and then, hopefully, he’ll get to the point where he starts thinking about bigger admin scales, and philosophy, and Ethics.
If 1 (one) found and assembled the answers of 30 men, if 300 held off a trained army, surely 300,000 can win a world. But the Ethics must be there, and that is personal. Some would be jet pilots, some would be bean counters, some would be doctors, and some would be bold enough to open the front door of society, step outside the hallways of offices into the great outdoors, look at the sky, and be philosophers.
Keep going? Keep eating ice cream! If it feels right, do it! I picture a dirt road leading through an open gate in a simple rail fence, through a fallow pasture, up over some swells in the land to a line of trees where surely a stream runs through. No hurry. The gate’s open. I stood there and looked at it for a while. Fancifully, I call it the tenth gate. It is Ethics, and that’s the whole field and all. Others have passed through. That road isn’t overgrown. No hunger, no thirst, just clouds rolling slowly by. Plenty of time. So I now kind of sit and wait there. It’s tranquil. No enemies. No flies or ticks, and importantly, none of those annoying mosquitoes. Damn, hate mosquitoes. Their strategy, I suspect, is to get you to slap yourself to death. Thank goodness for the guy with the admin scale “Defeat Mosquitoes”. (You see how interesting it all gets, with admin scales?)
Spike says
Nickname – Love it!
I agree about ethics. If one is not creating an ethical life, you spiral down quickly.
Wish we could converse outside of this blog.
Nickname says
Got it. I’m not the only one recommending admin scales, btw. Just seems that various people have independently found them indispensable.
Rainbow says
Exact the words they use until the cult is gone forever!
T.J. says
Regraded Being, right on target as always. The view from an insider’s position. The cult is shrinking and is concentrating on recruiting from other countries, where they are not as well known. Here is a link to a video made by a young man from Africa called “How I accidentally joined Scientology” if you have a spare 15 minutes, it’s a true story and kind of funny:
Our household is looking forward to season 2 of Leah Remini’s show (Aftermath) good job Leah and Mike Rinder.
Happy St. Patrick’s Day! 🙂
Love to all from T.J. <3
Liz says
Thanks for the link. Best part was when the young man was trying to choose words to accurately explain what Scientology was without being too negative and offending scientologists and, of course, couldn’t.
T.J. says
I’m glad you liked the video, I did too. I thought it was really interesting to see what the reaction was from somebody who has never heard of Scientology before.
If the C of S were wise, they would listen to feedback from the general public. Everything I’ve seen from newcomers talks about how people are annoyed at how long they have to spend there (hours!) to take what they thought would be a 15 minute IQ or personality test, and how strange it seems to them that they are the only person in the ‘seminar’ or one of maybe 2 or 3 people maximum in attendance. If they really wanted to expand, they would make it more friendly for the public.. the problem is, I don’t think they really care about expanding, they just want to get enough people in to justify continuing to ask their large donors for more funds.
– T.J.
Mo Pearson says
The OT Levels and their benefits have become kind of a running joke. I’ve thought a lot about the OT Levels and whether they are “for real” or what. Personally, I had gains from doing them. I started the OT Levels while in the SO. On OT 2 specifically I had a chronic somatic in my nose completely disappear. For me this was a big deal. So that is a gain. But what does it mean? Does my gain prove that LRH was right about Body Thetans? I’ve been giving it a lot of thought and I’m just not sure what to make of it.
rogerHornaday says
I had chronic back pain for years and even had to go to the emergency room once. It disappeared about ten years ago. I’m not sure why but had it coincided with a scientology process I may well have committed the fallacy of ‘false causation’.
Gimpy says
I attributed the improvement of a chronic skin condition to doing the purif, I later discovered that it was a vitamin deficiency, which of course would be helped by taking mega doses of vitamins every day for 3 weeks. So it sort of helped but not in the way they advertise.
Shyla says
Your mention of a chronic somatic led me down a rabbit hole on google. I learned interesting things. It’s very hard to say what helped you. Your story is fascinating.
Wynski says
Mo, I had chronic pain in my right Quad for YEARS. I was watching a James Bond flick and it disappeared.
This is called
If you make a real study of logic and succeed. Scientology falls apart before your very eyes.
OR, you could short cut that and simply look up what LRH said was delivered by achieving Clear & OT and then HONESTLY asking yourself whether or not you got that. Most cannot make that leap of logic as they are too brainwashed and need a gradient approach.
WhatAreYourCrimes says
Glengarry Glen Ross…
You liked the movie!
You loved the play!
Now live it, for real, in the form of a “religion”. Join staff!
A-B-BR ~ Always Be BodyRouting
Scientology, the religion that offers you the reward of steak knives if you can get your stats up.
T.J. says
I saw that movie (Glengarry Glen Ross) mentioned so many times here that I finally watched it… it made a real impact. Powerful movie and intense scenes with great actors. Now I understand what people mean when they say ” A-B-C Always-Be-Closing” manipulative sales tactics. !
xenu's son says
Impressive this week.
Beautifully catches how Bubble dwellers of Different kinds use Bubble talk and buzzwords to make black white or white black whatever is required.thanks RB of documenting the last gasps of this cult.
If I tell how it was to my grandchildren in 10 years what happened they will not believe me.I will need the RB cartoons. Most if not all of them to get a complete grasp(if anyone wants to grasp anything)of the twisted logic in the bubble.
It seems arguing with the last remaining Koolaid drinkers does not work so well.
Anybody had any luck with RB read the comics and see what is going on technology.Going Clear and many other books were great great.The movie is an undercut.Trouble maker was great,a&e seems an undercut.RB seems even an undercut especially those still in.
Anybody any experience on this?
I Yawnalot says
Priest Penitent – what does that mean again?
It’s an fascinating study, what rats on a sinking ship will do. Morbid, but fascinating! They’ll try to maintain the status quo at all costs until the reality of their circumstance is forced upon them, panic eventually becomes their best option. Not long for Scientology now, it’s staff are really hurting, the clever & sane ones are long gone, along with the life boats.
You’ve pegged it once again RB!
thegman77 says
Overall, it’s “damned if you do, damned if you don’t!” There isn’t any “winning” any longer in scio, despite the enforced testimonials. And have you noted, Mike, the total lack of any public displays from the whales they promote at big events? We never hear anything further from them.
Rainbow says
How True.
rogerHornaday says
Not many people want to spend hours that could otherwise be used to make the money required to pay rent, have a car, buy clothes, eat good food, go places, in short have a life, in order to suffer the stress of high pressure to achieve unachievable goals and work for a sinking outfit that everybody seems to hate, all for NO money.
The pool of candidates for that sort of punishment is a small one and it’s shrinking. Lorraines are in short supply so this is where human trafficking comes to the rescue.
I Yawnalot says
“…where human trafficking comes to the rescue.” Oh my… that’s a very sobering observation. It’s one of those believe it or not scenarios where the average Joe will have a hard time coming to terms with it and will not believe it is occurring within a tax exempt entity protected by the US Constitution. My coffee just tasted a bit bitter thinking about that and the grip on my cup tightened considerably!
Harpoona Frittata says
Then, to top it off with even more insult and injury, when you finally arrive at the gates of $cn heaven (Oatee 3) you learn that it’s all that evil galactic overlord Xenu’s fault and that, on account of him, you’ll be telepathically exorcising imaginary space aliens spirits stuck to you by the thousands until you either run out of money or reach the level’s EP, which is to become as crazy as Elron was when he passed on to the Big Implant Station in the Sky.
Sound like fun? Nope, not to me either. Small wonder the culties work so very hard to deny the reality of what the Oatee levels are all about. I mean, imagine the reaction they’d get from some poor newbie if they were upfront about what the most central and fundamental beliefs of $cn actually are! Everyone would be backing slowly toward the exit while making placating noises, then turning to run for their lives once they made it to the door.
The cult is in its End Times, but there will be no Rapture…that is, unless being fleeced of all your assets (Wallet Rapture) counts in your book 😉
Friends don’t let friends do $cn…it’s as simple as that!
Andro Villans says
I look forward to Friday so that i can see this “Regarded Being,” This was a better than usual offering, thanks, it perked up my day!!!
Old Surfer Dude says
Andro, RB makes everyone’s week.
thegman77 says
Well Regarded Being, methinks!
Harpoona Frittata says
Another hilarious, but oh-so accurate snapshot of how things really are in the cult behind closed doors. Do staff recruiters actually discuss such things among themselves in such a calculatedly predatory manner? Well, do birds fly!?
Even way back in the day the secret staff recruitment M.O. was to thoroughly fleece the public sheeple of all their cash and max out their credit BEFORE conning them into joining staff. When the Co$ actually had a thriving mission system, prior to the massacre, there was a joining requirement at the mission where I was jumped into the cult that you had to have a certain amount of training and auditing that you’d completed prior to being eligible to join. That way the cult got your assets before you realized that you’d need them to live on while getting paid next to nothing for working long hours in your new staff job.
Like Tom Sawyer and the classic fence-painting scam, $cn used to have that staff recruitment scam down pat! I can even remember a few poor sub-standard thetans whose fondest desire was to join staff, but couldn’t because of this or that situation. Like the Marines, $cn was looking for a few good thetans, which made becoming a staff member a desirable and status-conferring career move. Unfortunately for those who did sign up, the pay was well below a living wage then, just as it is now.
Destroying the mission system back in the early 80’s was like killing the goose who laid golden eggs and it doomed $cn’s future to become what it is now: a rapidly contracting faux religion that can no longer get anyone new onto the bridge, unless they’re from Taiwan, Russia or Venezuela and don’t understand English well enough to realize that the cult is dying off everywhere else for the very good reasons that they’ll be learning for themselves in very short order.
Oren E says
“a rapidly contracting faux religion that can no longer get anyone new onto the bridge, unless they’re from Taiwan, Russia or Venezuela and don’t understand English well enough to realize that the cult is dying off everywhere else for the very good reasons that they’ll be learning for themselves in very short order.”
The implication of these words would be that it’s of utmost importance to translate anti-CoS material into Russian, Spanish (specifically the dialect spoken in Venezuela), Chinese (specifically the dialects spoken in Taiwan) and then upload it all online.
Harpoona Frittata says
Yes indeed! The situation is analogous to the one that faced Big Tobacco after folks in the states finally caught onto how deadly the habit is and we began to regulate and tax the hell out of it. They just took their advertising and promotional efforts overseas and hooked a whole new population.
The cult is trying there best to expand internationally as it collapses here in the states and almost everywhere else that it spread in it initial outbreak. Dead agenting the cult before it gets a firm foothold in places like Taiwan is a necessary and worthwhile step in clearing the planet of this deadly meme disease!
I Yawnalot says
Ouch! Walked into the same minefield (spelled mindfield) back in the 80s myself! Still pulling the shrapnel out of my butt.
Harpoona Frittata says
I got in and out while still a young adult, so my life as a cultie ended up being only a minor detour on my education/career/life path, thank Xenu!
What really opened my eyes to what the cult was all about was when I was sent to Flog as an outer org trainee and saw first hand what a bunch of steely-eyed Ronbots the $ea Orgy was made up of and encountered the cult’s thought reform/forced labor program, which sent a chill through my heart that stuck with me long after I left. Being a constantly broke mofo while on staff didn’t hurt either 😉
I Yawnalot says
Yeah, I hear ya! I recall my first time at Flog too. I rejected my initial WTF! when I saw how they acted and treated each other as staff. I should have taken my first instincts to heart and got the hell out of Dodge. Instead, I thought it was just me and pushed through it all and ended up losing lots of money, couple of family members and a whole stack of friends in the process. At best, those fuckers owe me decade or two of my life back, the money, well… shit happens! But I won’t forget, ever.
Doug Sprinkle says
So even the Missions and not just the orgs tried to take every penny from the public? Just when I thought nothing else could surprise me.
Harpoona Frittata says
Yep, I can’t vouch for other regions, but that was definitely the game plan where I was. This was also during the time that greedy ass Elron was putting the squeeze on everyone by raising prices 5% a month. So, staff recruiters seduced the gullible with promises of getting trained and audited for free if you joined up.
Ann B Watson says
I just love this RB. You are Tremendous doing this work each week. Many hugs to you and yours. ?
hgc10 says
I don’t know how to feel about Lorraine. On the one hand, I feel awful for her that she was manipulated into joining staff rather than finding a paying job to support herself, and I feel bad that she’s unhappy. But… I balance that with the delight that she’s totally fucking the org up with her complaining and flighty, dreamy ways, for clogging up their Ethics disciplinary pipeline and just being an all-round spanner in the works. Bravo Lorraine! I hope she does maximum damage by the time they offload her.
Uh, wait. This isn’t real, is it?
Gimpy says
It is based on reality, by now they will be scraping the barrel for anyone they can drag in as a staff member.
There were some severe screw ups recruited at the local org, what a brilliant advert for how able scientology makes people.
SirRalliart says
Classic. I’ve seen that same scenario go down more times than I can remember at the Class V organization level. There is no way these so-called executives could make it in the real world.
Idle Morgue says
Sir Ralliart in da haus!! Nice to see you.
Nailed it again RB. That is EXACTLY how the staff act behind the publics back.
They are “trained” to act that way with the Scientology tech.
It is really disgusting when you find out what they have been saying about you behind your back after acting so “caring and concerned” about you reaching your goals whilst they regg you.
Scientology – the Science of turning nice people into monsters.
costermonger says
“Scientology – the Science of turning nice people into monsters.”
See, this is why I twist my mouth a bit when people say that most Scientologists are good people at heart, with altruistic intentions. Perhaps they were, and almost certainly they will be once they leave, but while they’re being mangled in the maw of the organization? It’s difficult. Scientology actively suppresses (word used deliberately) any feelings of empathy, kindness, and compassion.
Aquamarine says
Yes, the staff plot amongst themselves about how to get this or that out of their publics. But they’re REALLY good at convincing the public how caring and unselfish they are. Really good. I fell for it. I actually believed these people cared about me (hangs head in shame).
secretfornow says
I did not experience this as staff in a Class V org. We hired people and were up front about the low – no pay. I did hear of others down playing the pay or glossing over with promises of reaching SH size etc, but I never saw it in my own org. It would have backfired any way because we rarely got any pay at all.
There was no talk of getting their money before joining staff. Once in awhile someone would join staff who had training paid for, the book store officer would usually go after them to use that money for books. But there was no conspiracy stuff or PC folder snoops or anything like that. I was a senior exec and would have known.
I’m not saying it didn’t happen anywhere – but it wasn’t the order of the day in all orgs.
We were happy to get new people on staff to help us, we were all pretty dedicated and jazzed.
Gimpy says
In the past there was always the promise of good pay just around the corner, today they call it volunteer work, an interesting choice of words for people who barely get a day off and certainly don’t get to choose their own hours. I was considered an ‘upstat’ individual so they tried to recruit me multiple times, I just threw back at them the fact that the pay is non-existent, of course I signed several staff contracts, just never quite got round to jumping onboard.
Aquamarine says
I agree with you, Sir Railliart. My experience with Scientology staff execs and staff in general – the ones who work, not the trust fund babies – is that if they work at all their wog jobs fluctuate continually and that they never stick with any of their lines of endeavor long enough to do well at them.
Actually, it would be one thing is the staff were sacrificing their dynamics for a lofty purpose that was really HAPPENING. That wouldn’t be bad. I could get behind that, actually. But, that they are wasting their lives, being poor and otherwise forgoing much of life’s usual pleasures for what? Nothing. For nothing. AND, its not only for nothing but they also have to PRETEND that its all worthwhile, that its all so worth it, that there’s nothing they’d rather be doing – they have to pretend to the public, to other staff members, their seniors and worst of all, to THEMSELVES that its all SUCH a successful action…again, “Thank you, God”, for keeping me strong enough back in the day when I sensed the truth of this despite being suffused with guilt. I say “stong enough” because I would be a wreck and fit for nothing after being regged for staff.
Harpoona Frittata says
“…they are wasting their lives, being poor and otherwise forgoing much of life’s usual pleasures for what? Nothing. For nothing.”
Nothing of lasting worth to them, that’s for sure. But it sure is keeping lil davey the despotic in pricey scotch, fashionable footwear, exotic motorcycles and Xenu only knows what other kinds of high-end indulgences his royal tinyness gets that the rest of the poor $ea Orgy staff will never experience in this lifetime if they stay in the cult.
Wynski says
Off Topic but important I think. This is a vid recently taken by a couple of people videoing the Int Base in Hemet. The Sheriff was called. The Deputy is seen being refused ID by the people videoing. Under CA State Law police cannot demand ID under these circumstances. This shows how bought and paid for the Riverside County Sheriff’s office is by Scientology.
skinnyvinnysmom says
Wow! Just watched the video and I’m dumbfounded by the officers comments about how good they (Gold) are and how they’ve helped solve a few crimes. People are forcibly kept behind the gates. How on earth can they be crimesolvers assisting the local sheriffs department?
OhioBuckeye says
Money doesn’t talk….it screams !!!
Old Surfer Dude says
Really, really loud…..
Harpoona Frittata says
Oatee suppa powers transcend space and time, so merely by “pustulating” reductions in crime, $cilons work their magic in whatever areas they live. Plus, the $cilons safe pointed the area around Hemet a long time ago in their own special way…by bribing, blackmailing and sweet talking law enforcement there.
I Yawnalot says
Those cops are just following the script given to them concerning Scientology by their senior officers and are keeping the peace and doing their duty. Pretty cool under camera really and those guys obviously really care about grass roots law and order. For them as servants to & protectors of the law to be mislead by such a deceitful and cabal criminal organisation who report other criminals to throw them off the scent is despicable and it must have taken place at senior levels. But that’s Scientology, their stolen money and Hubbard’s playbook for you. Any chance to stop Scientology’s criminal operations must occur at a senior level from all entities affected by their organisational and lawyer imposed influence.
That video will be damning evidence one day against Scientology.
PegCityPatrol says
I think the scariest thing is that the information probably is coming from senior staff and that we are suppose to believe that the Police are there to protect us. Shouldn’t they have their eyes open to all views and stay unbiased? Watching this is scary to think that if we can all see what is wrong with this cult then why can’t the CA State Law police?
PegCityPatrol says
I think this Video was already removed 🙁
Wynski says
Nope PegCityPatrol. It is up (I just checked it). I know the channel owner. He doesn’t pull videos. Something is amiss with your browser.
PegCityPatrol says
Thanks, I will check it out again with a different computer.
john johnson says
bwahaha the last panel is too funny.
Ever met an SP? says
Lorraine seems fun! She should ditch Scientology and just start going to science fiction conventions instead.
Old Surfer Dude says
Or….Jedi Knight conventions! May the Force be with you!
And…regarding Scientology, may the Farce be with you! Forever….
Harpoona Frittata says
Hahaha…they’re a farce for good (or at least until we clear the last of them from the planet)!
L Yash says
“Beam me up Scotty, there’s no intelligent life in COS”…….
Wynski says
LOL. Doesn’t that old staff member know that the Universe Corps SPECIFICALLY doesn’t touch a Class V staff member unless they are already “Clear”?