Serious question. As a Scientologist, how do they justify how it would even be possible to achieve “Planetary Clearing” with so many SP’s running around on the loose?
Are the actual thetans the SP’s? Or is it only the “meat body” that’s an SP? Say for instance, if an SP passes away, does their thetan remain an SP in all of their future lifetimes? Or does the SP thetan get to just start over with a clean slate when they go to Mars and get their memories erased (or whatever that particular belief is)?
This is not a rhetorical question. I’m seriously trying to understand how they believe this ultimate goal of clearing everyone on the planet and “only reading about SP’s in the history books” (or whatever it was that TC said) is even possible with Suppressive Persons that get reincarnated into new bodies.
Yes, it’s the thetan that is suppressive and is born again suppressive, unless it allows itself to be “handled” by scientology (the a to e steps) if it hasn’t done anything too bad I mean. Its better, though, to be thought of as an SP by scientology than become a scientologist again and be thought of as an OP (oppressive person) by everyone else.
A person is a spiritual being, a belief held by many if not most religious philosophies. For this one, the belief is that negative characteristics as well as positive are part of the person’s makeup. When they reappear in a new body, it is always possible that the person may lead a cleaner life and have better aspirations than last time. Or they may retain their ‘suppressiveness’. What do you believe?
I personally believe that reincarnation does not happen at all, at least not in another physical body on Earth. I have many doubts about all beliefs pertaining to the afterlife, even my own practice of Christianity. Unfortunately, the only individuals who know for sure are the ones that have already passed (and they may not even be capable of “knowing” anything anymore for that matter).
Mick, applying logic and reason to Scientology? Really? Might as well explain to your kitty why she has to go to the vet. It will never make sense to her and she will never willingly enter the pet carrier. Possibly she will find the sound of your voice droning on and on soothing but she sees right through the deception when you try to get her into the car.
As usual, Hubbard explained it different ways at different times, often contradicting himself. There is a lecture where he talks about taking over the mental health business. In “Science of Survival” he talks about “disposing quietly and without sorrow” of those who are chronically hostile, sad, apathetic or antagonistic. Sounds more like the philosophy of the re-education camp guard than a great humanitarian. But even if you kill off all the SPs won’t they just come back? Or are you hoping that they will all spend a few lifetimes as crocodiles or black widow spiders and you won’t have to deal with them? Not explained and I don’t think he had a clue.
Later on he crowed that he had solved insanity, that he “looked into the black clinker that you suppressives call a soul” and discovered how to redeem a suppressive person. The Expanded Dianetics and Introspection Rundowns come from this imagined great insight. The Lisa McPherson tragedy is an example of how well it works.
So to answer your question, the vague hope is that once many have achieved the state of Clear that reason will reign. The pesky problems like insanity, suppressive persons, poverty, crime and war will be solved rationally. No more petty in-fighting and bickering, once there are Scientologist Presidents, legislators, judges, doctors, dentists and chiropractors everywhere the new day will dawn.
We laugh at the geriatric porch-sitters, but with Miscavige in charge over the whole world they will burst forth from their impotent back-ally Ideal Orgs and impose their will in true 100% cold chromium steel Hubbard approved fashion. “Never fear to hurt another in a just cause!” will ring out across the land.
It won’t be a tyranny to rival the Soviet Union or the czars or the Third Reich. No! It will be the tyranny of the rational, the pure, the enlightened. More like the French Revolution, where they reinvented measurements, redesigned the calendar and scientifically designed humane and swift instruments of execution. The guillotine was pressed into service to effectively remove the irrational, recidivist, counter-revolutionary elements in 18th century France and so it will be in the Scientology worker’s paradise that they imagine.
As for me, let me live as long as I have to live in the messy, misaligned, glorious and trashy real world. If someone does not agree with me I do not have the immediate impulse to put an end to them. I’m funny that way. Who knows, someone who does not agree with me might have something to teach me that I need to know. But in any case I can always try to enlighten them as well and the world grows that way. Not a paradise or a circle of Hell, just folks trying to get by and help each other as best they can.
Thanks a ton Bruce. I suppose you’re right. Scientologists seem to be programmed to not even question LRH or the “church” in any way, shape, or form whatsoever (that also seems to apply to a handful of people of many other faiths, including my own). Applying logic and reason to matters of religious philosophy would be more “science” than “faith”. The one difference that I can see though, is that Scientology claims to be more “science-based” as opposed to “faith-based”.
Also, you wrote: “It [Scientology taking over the world] won’t be a tyranny to rival the Soviet Union or the czars or the Third Reich. No! It will be the tyranny of the rational, the pure, the enlightened.”
That’s a problem in and of itself. Stalin and Hitler, as well as their minions, truly “believed” that they were not tyrannical, but were “the rational, the pure, and the enlightened.” That’s the danger in absolute conviction of one’s own beliefs without question.
As for your last paragraph? Absolutely perfect. I couldn’t agree more. Thank you again.
I worry about the young ones that grew up in Scientology. They are so vulnerable to joining the Sea Org. How effective is SO recruitment these days? Does anyone know?
RB defines the ‘moving target’ part of the scam. When too many get near the original target, you move it. That way income keeps coming in and so what if a few drop out. Others will take their place. Or will they? How many people wander by that Front Porch on their way to infinity?
It cracks me up that they still use LRH’s appropriation of an anachronistic racist slur for outsiders. Even Muggles sounds nicer. And “goyim” is a Hebrew term that meant “nations”, so its continued use is at least millennia old. But WOG? It just conjures up some condescending, Gilbert and Sullivan-esque, British Empire snob (even though I believe it was Australian in origin).
I’m wondering if this “channel” is going to have paid advertising? If so, let me know so I can boycott the sponsors. Those are the kinds of letters that work in the real world.
Endorse the sponsors of A&E and Remini’s Serious Public Warning about that predatory cult, and at the same time boycott any and all businesses that have anything to do with scientology.
Boycott sponsoring companies, scientology owned businesses, and any project by any celebrity scientologist. (I for one would be happy to never hear the words “Mission Impossible” ever again in my life, vapid movies anyway.)
I’ve read it in Kiplilng as well, IIRC. The Australian version is said to derive from the word “golliwog” which was a black minstrel character in a book in the 1800s. The British version was used to denote darker skinned people from the Middle East or India. While the exact etymology is not clear, it is definitely derogatory and racial in overtone. It was a kind of British version of the “n” word. But nothing I’ve heard about LRH showed he was the least bit sensitive to people. I’m just surprised it stuck.
Forget about whiling away your not-so golden years in a rocking chair on the Front Porch of your Eternity, all you Oatee suppa-powered beings, you’re going to die waiting for your earthly salvation because THERE IS NO Oatee 9 & 10, unless lil davey finally goes ahead and makes them up. In that case, the result will be just as squirrelly as the rest of the crap he’s come up with!
Instead of Waiting for Godot, these poor duped and fleeced $cilons are waiting around for something that Elron himself never achieved, so how in the world could he provide it to others? These defrauded marks have to be the most gullible and non-critical thinking folks in this sector of the universe because they keep coming back to purchase more and bigger patches of blue sky, year after year, despite having never achieved any of the cult’s promised super powers.
If 9 & 10 IS added….does that mean the Bridge has suddenly been “extended” so now of course it will take long and cost a Hell of a lot MORE $$$$ to fully cross that bridge to “Total Freedom”.??? I smell a rat, and see more $$$ going in to line someone’s pockets…..too sad.
L Yash, at this point in time anyone who would “do the bridge” is prone to be suckered by any stupid scam. One cannot live in the modern world and NOT know it is a scam.
Agreed to a point, but as many have mentioned here, the “older ones” may never wise up and get the picture…..they don’t want to loose what they THINK they have…….and some are at “8”……they surely won’t give up now.
I glad many of you have made your exit, started life anew, and saved yourselves money, frustration, time, and a distaste for Kool Aide.
Opening the door even a crack to what’s been more or less their “private inner circle” might allow some of the well hidden skeletons to fall out of the closet. How many other big hit TV shows including those of a religious nature, have been shaken to the core when the once well hidden “surprises” came on display.
I could name a few, but I won’t…use your imagination……
RB you just defined Scientology in three panels.
It’s going to happen, just over the next rise.? The solution to all your problems is contained in the next release. The updated rundown will handle your situation.
Hubbard truly delivered a “steaming crock of s–t”.
I’m really looking forward to season 2 of $cientology & the Aftermath, congrats to both you & Leah, hopefully you will be “upstat” with the ratings from last year. Maybe someone from the gov. will watch and be moved enough to get the ball rolling on taking away their tax exempt status.
Leah needs to ask A&E for a official count of Scientology protest letters and then read that number on her show. I am sure that they could only get a few hundred…..
Then Dave could issue shits (sorry, I meant to say chits) to all Cult members in good standing who ‘failed to lodge a complaint’.
Of course all remaining cultites would then dutifully comply by mailing in a hate letter to A & E with one of their epic ‘All Hands Efforts’ to eliminate suppression …… ‘Once and Forever!.
And then we would have an exact count on the number of Kool Aide consumers ‘still-in’.
Yo Dave,
I know you want to desperately use all the names in your now totally current ‘Central Intelligence Files’ but we will dutifully cry foul and expose all of the dead and gone members. So whaddaya gonna do Dave? Are you feeling cornered yet good buddy?
Perhaps you had a win in Muddywater and bought the farm ……….. I mean aquarium ….. property? How did that go good buddy?
RB’s best text ever?We are always waiting for something to happen that needs something else to happen first.
I never imagined sitting on The Front Porch of Infinity was a rocking chair event
Dear $cientologist:
You already know everything turns to be the same con. It is called gatopardism. Do keep trying and you will get your very sour reward!
Maybe this is why some some of the most active scientologists are the older ones. They have to make SOMETHING happen so that they can get the something they have been waiting for while they are still around. Then again, it might be because they are the ONLY ones left! Sure applies to the people I know that are still in. I can’t wait to see the millions of letters of protest.
Serious question. As a Scientologist, how do they justify how it would even be possible to achieve “Planetary Clearing” with so many SP’s running around on the loose?
Are the actual thetans the SP’s? Or is it only the “meat body” that’s an SP? Say for instance, if an SP passes away, does their thetan remain an SP in all of their future lifetimes? Or does the SP thetan get to just start over with a clean slate when they go to Mars and get their memories erased (or whatever that particular belief is)?
This is not a rhetorical question. I’m seriously trying to understand how they believe this ultimate goal of clearing everyone on the planet and “only reading about SP’s in the history books” (or whatever it was that TC said) is even possible with Suppressive Persons that get reincarnated into new bodies.
Yes, it’s the thetan that is suppressive and is born again suppressive, unless it allows itself to be “handled” by scientology (the a to e steps) if it hasn’t done anything too bad I mean. Its better, though, to be thought of as an SP by scientology than become a scientologist again and be thought of as an OP (oppressive person) by everyone else.
A person is a spiritual being, a belief held by many if not most religious philosophies. For this one, the belief is that negative characteristics as well as positive are part of the person’s makeup. When they reappear in a new body, it is always possible that the person may lead a cleaner life and have better aspirations than last time. Or they may retain their ‘suppressiveness’. What do you believe?
I personally believe that reincarnation does not happen at all, at least not in another physical body on Earth. I have many doubts about all beliefs pertaining to the afterlife, even my own practice of Christianity. Unfortunately, the only individuals who know for sure are the ones that have already passed (and they may not even be capable of “knowing” anything anymore for that matter).
Mick, applying logic and reason to Scientology? Really? Might as well explain to your kitty why she has to go to the vet. It will never make sense to her and she will never willingly enter the pet carrier. Possibly she will find the sound of your voice droning on and on soothing but she sees right through the deception when you try to get her into the car.
As usual, Hubbard explained it different ways at different times, often contradicting himself. There is a lecture where he talks about taking over the mental health business. In “Science of Survival” he talks about “disposing quietly and without sorrow” of those who are chronically hostile, sad, apathetic or antagonistic. Sounds more like the philosophy of the re-education camp guard than a great humanitarian. But even if you kill off all the SPs won’t they just come back? Or are you hoping that they will all spend a few lifetimes as crocodiles or black widow spiders and you won’t have to deal with them? Not explained and I don’t think he had a clue.
Later on he crowed that he had solved insanity, that he “looked into the black clinker that you suppressives call a soul” and discovered how to redeem a suppressive person. The Expanded Dianetics and Introspection Rundowns come from this imagined great insight. The Lisa McPherson tragedy is an example of how well it works.
So to answer your question, the vague hope is that once many have achieved the state of Clear that reason will reign. The pesky problems like insanity, suppressive persons, poverty, crime and war will be solved rationally. No more petty in-fighting and bickering, once there are Scientologist Presidents, legislators, judges, doctors, dentists and chiropractors everywhere the new day will dawn.
We laugh at the geriatric porch-sitters, but with Miscavige in charge over the whole world they will burst forth from their impotent back-ally Ideal Orgs and impose their will in true 100% cold chromium steel Hubbard approved fashion. “Never fear to hurt another in a just cause!” will ring out across the land.
It won’t be a tyranny to rival the Soviet Union or the czars or the Third Reich. No! It will be the tyranny of the rational, the pure, the enlightened. More like the French Revolution, where they reinvented measurements, redesigned the calendar and scientifically designed humane and swift instruments of execution. The guillotine was pressed into service to effectively remove the irrational, recidivist, counter-revolutionary elements in 18th century France and so it will be in the Scientology worker’s paradise that they imagine.
As for me, let me live as long as I have to live in the messy, misaligned, glorious and trashy real world. If someone does not agree with me I do not have the immediate impulse to put an end to them. I’m funny that way. Who knows, someone who does not agree with me might have something to teach me that I need to know. But in any case I can always try to enlighten them as well and the world grows that way. Not a paradise or a circle of Hell, just folks trying to get by and help each other as best they can.
Thanks a ton Bruce. I suppose you’re right. Scientologists seem to be programmed to not even question LRH or the “church” in any way, shape, or form whatsoever (that also seems to apply to a handful of people of many other faiths, including my own). Applying logic and reason to matters of religious philosophy would be more “science” than “faith”. The one difference that I can see though, is that Scientology claims to be more “science-based” as opposed to “faith-based”.
Also, you wrote: “It [Scientology taking over the world] won’t be a tyranny to rival the Soviet Union or the czars or the Third Reich. No! It will be the tyranny of the rational, the pure, the enlightened.”
That’s a problem in and of itself. Stalin and Hitler, as well as their minions, truly “believed” that they were not tyrannical, but were “the rational, the pure, and the enlightened.” That’s the danger in absolute conviction of one’s own beliefs without question.
As for your last paragraph? Absolutely perfect. I couldn’t agree more. Thank you again.
I worry about the young ones that grew up in Scientology. They are so vulnerable to joining the Sea Org. How effective is SO recruitment these days? Does anyone know?
“…the Front Porch of Infinity…a rocking chair event.” I’m on the floor! Thank you, thank you, RB. I desperately needed a laugh today.
There will be an “Expose” on Scientology on CNN
RB, as always, you da man!
Nailed it! What a Cra Cra Religion. Just astounding.
And crazy too! Bat shit crazy! The kind of crazy that warps people’s minds…
Don’t forget Key To Life and Life Orientation. That was supposed to “make planetary clearing a reality”, too.
The Key to Life is never, ever join the cult.
Yeah, and KTL/LOC was like 25 years ago!
Excellent RB!
RB defines the ‘moving target’ part of the scam. When too many get near the original target, you move it. That way income keeps coming in and so what if a few drop out. Others will take their place. Or will they? How many people wander by that Front Porch on their way to infinity?
YOu captured it, RB! “I never imagined that being on the Front Porch of Infinity was going to be a rocking chair event.” You said it!
It cracks me up that they still use LRH’s appropriation of an anachronistic racist slur for outsiders. Even Muggles sounds nicer. And “goyim” is a Hebrew term that meant “nations”, so its continued use is at least millennia old. But WOG? It just conjures up some condescending, Gilbert and Sullivan-esque, British Empire snob (even though I believe it was Australian in origin).
I’m wondering if this “channel” is going to have paid advertising? If so, let me know so I can boycott the sponsors. Those are the kinds of letters that work in the real world.
Endorse the sponsors of A&E and Remini’s Serious Public Warning about that predatory cult, and at the same time boycott any and all businesses that have anything to do with scientology.
Boycott sponsoring companies, scientology owned businesses, and any project by any celebrity scientologist. (I for one would be happy to never hear the words “Mission Impossible” ever again in my life, vapid movies anyway.)
In the movie ,Lawerrnce Of Arabia.A British officer is outraged that Lawerrnce, brought a “wog” into the officers bar.
I’ve read it in Kiplilng as well, IIRC. The Australian version is said to derive from the word “golliwog” which was a black minstrel character in a book in the 1800s. The British version was used to denote darker skinned people from the Middle East or India. While the exact etymology is not clear, it is definitely derogatory and racial in overtone. It was a kind of British version of the “n” word. But nothing I’ve heard about LRH showed he was the least bit sensitive to people. I’m just surprised it stuck.
Forget about whiling away your not-so golden years in a rocking chair on the Front Porch of your Eternity, all you Oatee suppa-powered beings, you’re going to die waiting for your earthly salvation because THERE IS NO Oatee 9 & 10, unless lil davey finally goes ahead and makes them up. In that case, the result will be just as squirrelly as the rest of the crap he’s come up with!
Instead of Waiting for Godot, these poor duped and fleeced $cilons are waiting around for something that Elron himself never achieved, so how in the world could he provide it to others? These defrauded marks have to be the most gullible and non-critical thinking folks in this sector of the universe because they keep coming back to purchase more and bigger patches of blue sky, year after year, despite having never achieved any of the cult’s promised super powers.
If 9 & 10 IS added….does that mean the Bridge has suddenly been “extended” so now of course it will take long and cost a Hell of a lot MORE $$$$ to fully cross that bridge to “Total Freedom”.??? I smell a rat, and see more $$$ going in to line someone’s pockets…..too sad.
L Yash, at this point in time anyone who would “do the bridge” is prone to be suckered by any stupid scam. One cannot live in the modern world and NOT know it is a scam.
Agreed to a point, but as many have mentioned here, the “older ones” may never wise up and get the picture…..they don’t want to loose what they THINK they have…….and some are at “8”……they surely won’t give up now.
I glad many of you have made your exit, started life anew, and saved yourselves money, frustration, time, and a distaste for Kool Aide.
Opening the door even a crack to what’s been more or less their “private inner circle” might allow some of the well hidden skeletons to fall out of the closet. How many other big hit TV shows including those of a religious nature, have been shaken to the core when the once well hidden “surprises” came on display.
I could name a few, but I won’t…use your imagination……
Outstanding RB! Scientology is indeed the epitome of the dangling carrot. Just keep walking and you’ll get there
My thought exactly! Just keep walking, AND paying.
C’mon now Jim, its FLOWING not paying!
Just keep walking, paying, & drinking great wine.
Sign me up for that Rundown, and hopefully I’ll have to redo it over
Always waiting for the real benefits to arrive. The check is in the mail. Scientologist might as well wait for Godot.
Not only will Godot not show up, all the benefits are nonsense. Oh, and the check in the mail? It never shows up. Ever…
Nothing good can from being a member of Scientology…
That’s why it’s a billion year contract!
I’m surprised they didn’t make it a 5 Billion Year contract…
5 billion dollar contract
I’ll sign that contract. And give away most it. To you posters and Mike & his family.
All number’s pulled out of a conman’s a**, so what does it even matter anyway.
RB you just defined Scientology in three panels.
It’s going to happen, just over the next rise.? The solution to all your problems is contained in the next release. The updated rundown will handle your situation.
Hubbard truly delivered a “steaming crock of s–t”.
I’m really looking forward to season 2 of $cientology & the Aftermath, congrats to both you & Leah, hopefully you will be “upstat” with the ratings from last year. Maybe someone from the gov. will watch and be moved enough to get the ball rolling on taking away their tax exempt status.
Good Luck
An absolutely perfect punch line, RB! Big laugh here.
If you have a Front Porch of Infinity, is there a lawn to tell people to get off of?
Don’t know, but I’ll bet there’s one for the rpf to cut blade by blade with a pair of mini scissors.
The Front Porch of Infinity…The Backyard of Hor
Should be, Backyard of Horror.
Leah needs to ask A&E for a official count of Scientology protest letters and then read that number on her show. I am sure that they could only get a few hundred…..
Then Dave could issue shits (sorry, I meant to say chits) to all Cult members in good standing who ‘failed to lodge a complaint’.
Of course all remaining cultites would then dutifully comply by mailing in a hate letter to A & E with one of their epic ‘All Hands Efforts’ to eliminate suppression …… ‘Once and Forever!.
And then we would have an exact count on the number of Kool Aide consumers ‘still-in’.
Yo Dave,
I know you want to desperately use all the names in your now totally current ‘Central Intelligence Files’ but we will dutifully cry foul and expose all of the dead and gone members. So whaddaya gonna do Dave? Are you feeling cornered yet good buddy?
Perhaps you had a win in Muddywater and bought the farm ……….. I mean aquarium ….. property? How did that go good buddy?
+1! Coop, you got that right!
Not more than 47 I’d bet.
LRH put the ‘Ron’ in iRONy. Boycott A&E, but buy the cable package it’s part of? Ha! Good one, RB!
That last sentence … priceless
“It seems we’re always waiting for something to happen that needs something else to happen first”.
Scientology has not changed in my experience since 1972. Always waiting for something to happen.
Because everything before it was complete and utter nonsense…
It’s even worse than “waiting for Godot.”
RB’s best text ever?We are always waiting for something to happen that needs something else to happen first.
I never imagined sitting on The Front Porch of Infinity was a rocking chair event
Damn right it is! Since Scientology is mostly old people, the Rocking Chair Event is a big deal!
Dear $cientologist:
You already know everything turns to be the same con. It is called gatopardism. Do keep trying and you will get your very sour reward!
Maybe this is why some some of the most active scientologists are the older ones. They have to make SOMETHING happen so that they can get the something they have been waiting for while they are still around. Then again, it might be because they are the ONLY ones left! Sure applies to the people I know that are still in. I can’t wait to see the millions of letters of protest.
Go Mike, Leah, and A&E!
Having to have before you can do. That was L. Con’s motto. Now scamologists live it.
I can do do. Does that count?
Only if I can have OSD.