Old Adelaide guy here living in London, Ontario, Canada now.
I follow the ‘Tiser and they had a big article in the paper today about court avoiding Miscavage and the missing Shelly today. It’s good to see main stream media taking a bigger, more critical interest in Scientology. Unfortunately it’s behind a paywall but still, lots of people are going to see it and be aware
Goodness me… after reading some of the comments here, all I felt was stunned outrage at the sheer, reckless stupidity of Scientology and Scientologists!
I hope to heck, Scientology loses its tax exempt status as fast as possible, and has to enter the world of commercially accountable actions and services. Waiver or no waiver, death by negligence is still death, which is preventable in the majority of cases. Surely a class action for negligence causing death, directly or indirectly could become a legal possibility.
While Fred’s stupidity is epic which most anyone could expect from a died-in-the-wool scientology cult member, I empathize more with cartoon Ramona. And I think the reges here are just too nice.
After my first husband was declared, I later remarried. He was also a scientologist. He complained of pain, but he, unlike Fred here, went to a medical doctor, discovering he had one instance of testicular cancer. He had an operation and many post-op tests and was finally given a clean bill of health.
Six months later, we woke one morning to prepare for work, and he dropped to the bathroom floor. I resuscitated him and called the paramedics. Forty minutes later, he died in the hospital. He was thirty-one years old. He’d had pulmonary thromboembolism brought about by a blood clot that had formed and traveled to his lung due to another cancerous tumor.
Two days later, the AOLA FSC reges were on me like a deer tick on a hound, along with their pet FSM. I was so out of it that I could barely put one foot in front of the other. The insurance from his death and I were at Flag within a week of my husband’s cremation. At Flag, I was given no time to grieve. When I started to sob, I was told to get my TRs in, and get hold of myself because LRH said dropping one’s body should be no more upsetting than losing one’s purse. Auditing was immediate, interspersed with the PTS/SP course – evidently, my deceased husband was an SP for getting sick and dying, and I had been PTS to him.
Although – seeing a “western medical doctor” (aversion to), isn’t only limited to heavy duty Scientologists. This has always been an issue across many cultures (even those that aren’t Scientologists), and some you really have to “force” to see a “western medical doctor”.
I’m specifying “western medical doctor” for there are also those that will *only* see a “traditional doctor” (these are generally in Asian cultures), as they do not believe in “western medical doctors”.
I just want to ensure that we are aware that it isn’t *just* hard core Scientologists that “refuse” to see a doctor – there are other folks on the planet, that have this same idea, or thought process.
For me, if i really do feel lousy – I do see an actual “western medical doctor”. Although, there were times when they completely misdiagnosed what was wrong….. like having “asthma” but was actually an allergy to guinea pigs…. sheesh…..
Still, even “western medicine” isn’t perfect, but it’s still much better than “attempting fate” with your own “faith”, that some “philosophy” is designed to “cure” you. Until that philosophy actually comes into existence (proven to be so, included), I think for myself, and for now – I’ll ensure that I accommodate the use of “western medicine”.
I have to say I wondered about Kirstie Alley because colon cancer is usually preventable if one gets screened once a decade.
I have known Scientologists who are like this.
I never was. If I was ill I went to the doctor just like anyone else.
I have to say though that on staff it was never considered acceptable to take time off due to illness.
I remember being on post with very severe flu. This was very pernicious.
Something I have carried over from Scientology is a certain amount of suspicion about the drugs I am prescribed and I always check them out. Sometimes this is justified.
I was prescribed Vicodin as a pain killer after some dental work. I took one and binned the rest.
What I needed was Tylenol or Aspirin, or possibly not anything at all.
You are so right, Cavalier. Colon cancer does not just suddenly appear willy nilly in a healthy colon. Humans have up to 8 feet of large intestine. What goes in the mouth gets prepared for processing in the stomach, then goes into the small intestines; in the small intestines what the body needs it takes and what it doesn’t need gets forwarded to the large intestine. WHATEVER is in the large intestine the body does NOT need. Whatever is in the large intestine is TOXIC and must go OUT. If what the body doesn’t need doesn’t go out the way it should, a person auto-intoxicates, and year in and year out of that, years, decades, possibly of bodily poison not being eliminated, and you’re at high risk for cancer, whether its cancer of the colon or liver some other organ. And a person does not have to be overweight or obese to have a toxic colon.
My colon cancer appeared only over a few months. I had kept up with all my scheduled screenings prior. The first symptom was constipation but by then I was already Stage 3. So I wouldn’t be too hard on Kirstie. It could happen to anyone.
I am not a medical person. I’m not a doctor, nor am I a nurse, nor do I work in any area of the field of medicine.
I myself have always been very healthy.
I lost several close loved ones to cancer, early in my life, including my mother from leukemia when I was 14.
I’ve always been interested in wellness, not illness. I’ve read a great deal, about health, and what foods support bodily health and wellness, and what foods and habits are illness producing.
According to what I read, cancer does not attack, it is created and it evolves and eventually manifests as tumors.
It might interest you to read “Fit For Life: A New Beginning” by Harvey Diamond. He’s not a doctor either but his research about cancer, what it actually is and its evolution and eventual appearance is backed up by many doctors along with a number of well known and accepted medical organizations, all of which are listed in minute detail in the book.
Many people can make wrong decisions for themselves, but you can tell that the criminal organisation known as the “church” of $cientology is a cult in how it makes the wrong decisions for its victims.
And all that, just to put more money into off-shore accounts.
Isn’t that the damn truth, You just delivered a Truth Rundown with this one.
My ex, is a Fred. In Tacoma his Allergies kicked in so bad he was coughing blood, had gotten an infection and ended up bed ridden. He only accepted assists. After the 4th day of him getting worse, I really gave the ultimatum, go to a doctor or I am walking out.
Doc gave antibiotics, suggested Tylenol, and a benedril. Guess what? THAT was a miracle cure. He was up and functioning the next day. The stupidity of it is staggering.
Notice I say ex husband, it (the stupidity) never ended.
Now he and another Scientologist are hunkered down in the middle of nowhere retired early to go Bridge, living in shacks, hiding their materials in the attic, completely withdrawn from society, no closer to Clear (after 68 years in Scientology). Oh and broke with debt. He did do something like 11 false purpose Rundown though to pay for, and new materials to replace the old.
Looks to me he ended up the opposite of what is promised…call me skeptical.
Signed, the bad wife
The one true fact about the cult is that it is only and solely interested in taking your money. Results? Don’t ever follow that carrot on a stick friends. Don’t EVER let their dangling of it “hook” you.
Not to be disrespectful but you have to wonder if Kirstie Alley died of cancer because she wouldn’t see a ‘wog doctor’ and refused to doubt the tech?
Again, not trying to be disrespectful. Just wondering.
I’m not a medical person but I’ve always read a great deal about wellness.
According to what I’ve read, too much animal protein and fat, and dairy products and the fat from that contribute to a toxic colon. These are just two of the factors, according to what I read. There are other contributing factors.
I know as a former Scientologist getting auditing we were encouraged to eat a great deal of protein every day via meat and dairy.
According to what I read, colon cancer does not just all of a sudden attack; it evolves, over time, and doesn’t become a tumor detectable by a colonoscopy until a person already has cancer. But tumors don’t just pop out overnite; a person doesn’t just wake up one morning with cancer.
Again I’m not a medical person but I have read extensively about what foods and beverages and life styles and so forth contribute to wellness, and those which foster and create disease. Applying what I’ve read has worked for me.
Good point, Aqua. The whole thing of eat loads of protein before auditing is simply another example of LRH not knowing what he was talking about. That along with the idea that smoking Kool brand cigarettes was actually good for you simply demonstrates the pseudoscience that is Scientology. I guess we’ll never know how much of it contributed to not just Kirstie but also to Kelly Preston. It’s like the Christian Scientist who won’t see a doctor or a Jehovah’s Witness who won’t get a blood transfusion because ‘my religion forbids it.
Understood, Alco. Except the problem with cancer is that once the biopsy shows it, you already have it and you pretty much have to seek medical help because if you don’t it will grow and/or metasticize, etc Now, according to what I read about wellness, cancer is cancer no matter where it appears in the body. It can be on the skin or in the iver or colon or lungs or in the blood, etc., etc. but no matter where it shows up, its cancer. What I read is that cancer cells can’t exist in an alkaline, pure and clean blood stream. On the other hand, cancer cells multiply and thrive in an acid blood stream. The acid forming food are animal proteins, dairy products except butter, refined sugar products and refined flour products, caffeine products, alcohol, and tobacco smoking. All of the above make one’s system highly acidic. And the more animal protein and animal fat one consumes is the more one craves refined sugar products. This last I’ve experienced myself – eat a lot of protein, and the reaction in the body is to crave sweets. And of course, the more sweets one eats is the more empty calories one is consuming the more undernourished one is and the hungrier one is for more sweets, etc. Of course, one tries to quell this sugar craving with heavy protein or heavy caffeine or possibly alcohol. well, I could go on but the point is that the more animal protein one eats (and I am not a vegetarian by the way) the more one must surround it and ensure its digestibility with fresh fruits and vegetables – high water content food. This way the protein and dairy digest properly and get eliminated regularly, and the blood stays pure and cancer can’t develop. Stress, is also a major factor as is cigarette smoking. In brief, not enough high water content food, too much flesh food and dairy, too much fat, too much refined sugar and processed foods with no fiber or nutrients coupled with high stress and/or tobacco means a person is literally poisoning himself, inside, and it might take decades but such a person is prone to cancer. This doesn’t even factor in people who have to breathe in bad air because they live near factories or other sources of toxic chemicals.. And last but not least being thin doesn’t exempt a person from getting cancer. Its all in the blood. Again, this is according to what I read.
All good except to someone who believes that their religious practices make them immune to disease and illness. Like a certain religion we talk about all the time on this blog.
Death is truly horrifying, but the cult always finds a way to make things much worse. Something tells me there is a big donation cycle in her future.
Hi Mike,
Old Adelaide guy here living in London, Ontario, Canada now.
I follow the ‘Tiser and they had a big article in the paper today about court avoiding Miscavage and the missing Shelly today. It’s good to see main stream media taking a bigger, more critical interest in Scientology. Unfortunately it’s behind a paywall but still, lots of people are going to see it and be aware
“We’ll have you ending cycle on Fred and donating again before you can say ‘Life Is Basically A Static’.”
Oh, RB. Oh, you kid. You are sooooo extremely sick in a highly amusing way. I would love to meet you one day. I’d be honored, no kidding.
No one, but no one, satirizes the cult in the dead on accurate way you do.
Still laughing!
Have a great weekend, everyone 🙂
Goodness me… after reading some of the comments here, all I felt was stunned outrage at the sheer, reckless stupidity of Scientology and Scientologists!
I hope to heck, Scientology loses its tax exempt status as fast as possible, and has to enter the world of commercially accountable actions and services. Waiver or no waiver, death by negligence is still death, which is preventable in the majority of cases. Surely a class action for negligence causing death, directly or indirectly could become a legal possibility.
While Fred’s stupidity is epic which most anyone could expect from a died-in-the-wool scientology cult member, I empathize more with cartoon Ramona. And I think the reges here are just too nice.
After my first husband was declared, I later remarried. He was also a scientologist. He complained of pain, but he, unlike Fred here, went to a medical doctor, discovering he had one instance of testicular cancer. He had an operation and many post-op tests and was finally given a clean bill of health.
Six months later, we woke one morning to prepare for work, and he dropped to the bathroom floor. I resuscitated him and called the paramedics. Forty minutes later, he died in the hospital. He was thirty-one years old. He’d had pulmonary thromboembolism brought about by a blood clot that had formed and traveled to his lung due to another cancerous tumor.
Two days later, the AOLA FSC reges were on me like a deer tick on a hound, along with their pet FSM. I was so out of it that I could barely put one foot in front of the other. The insurance from his death and I were at Flag within a week of my husband’s cremation. At Flag, I was given no time to grieve. When I started to sob, I was told to get my TRs in, and get hold of myself because LRH said dropping one’s body should be no more upsetting than losing one’s purse. Auditing was immediate, interspersed with the PTS/SP course – evidently, my deceased husband was an SP for getting sick and dying, and I had been PTS to him.
What a sadistic handling you had to your horrific loss.
Scientology, it’s always worse than you think.
Thank you, Lili R.
Yes, they are worse than you think. My loss occurred in 1987, and their “handlings” seem to have become even more horrific as time passed.
Please accept my sincere commiserations.
Thank you, Yawn.
It happened over thirty years ago, but it still causes moments of sad and angry reflection, so your empathy is very much appreciated.
So sorry for your loss. I always hated seeing the org vultures swoop down on high affinity people with losses.
It just wasn’t right.
No, it wasn’t right. And indeed, they were like vultures.
Although – seeing a “western medical doctor” (aversion to), isn’t only limited to heavy duty Scientologists. This has always been an issue across many cultures (even those that aren’t Scientologists), and some you really have to “force” to see a “western medical doctor”.
I’m specifying “western medical doctor” for there are also those that will *only* see a “traditional doctor” (these are generally in Asian cultures), as they do not believe in “western medical doctors”.
I just want to ensure that we are aware that it isn’t *just* hard core Scientologists that “refuse” to see a doctor – there are other folks on the planet, that have this same idea, or thought process.
For me, if i really do feel lousy – I do see an actual “western medical doctor”. Although, there were times when they completely misdiagnosed what was wrong….. like having “asthma” but was actually an allergy to guinea pigs…. sheesh…..
Still, even “western medicine” isn’t perfect, but it’s still much better than “attempting fate” with your own “faith”, that some “philosophy” is designed to “cure” you. Until that philosophy actually comes into existence (proven to be so, included), I think for myself, and for now – I’ll ensure that I accommodate the use of “western medicine”.
Been thinking about this one for a while. All I can say is it is really sad.
I have to say I wondered about Kirstie Alley because colon cancer is usually preventable if one gets screened once a decade.
I have known Scientologists who are like this.
I never was. If I was ill I went to the doctor just like anyone else.
I have to say though that on staff it was never considered acceptable to take time off due to illness.
I remember being on post with very severe flu. This was very pernicious.
Something I have carried over from Scientology is a certain amount of suspicion about the drugs I am prescribed and I always check them out. Sometimes this is justified.
I was prescribed Vicodin as a pain killer after some dental work. I took one and binned the rest.
What I needed was Tylenol or Aspirin, or possibly not anything at all.
Of all the ridiculous and disgraceful things!
You are so right, Cavalier. Colon cancer does not just suddenly appear willy nilly in a healthy colon. Humans have up to 8 feet of large intestine. What goes in the mouth gets prepared for processing in the stomach, then goes into the small intestines; in the small intestines what the body needs it takes and what it doesn’t need gets forwarded to the large intestine. WHATEVER is in the large intestine the body does NOT need. Whatever is in the large intestine is TOXIC and must go OUT. If what the body doesn’t need doesn’t go out the way it should, a person auto-intoxicates, and year in and year out of that, years, decades, possibly of bodily poison not being eliminated, and you’re at high risk for cancer, whether its cancer of the colon or liver some other organ. And a person does not have to be overweight or obese to have a toxic colon.
My colon cancer appeared only over a few months. I had kept up with all my scheduled screenings prior. The first symptom was constipation but by then I was already Stage 3. So I wouldn’t be too hard on Kirstie. It could happen to anyone.
I am not a medical person. I’m not a doctor, nor am I a nurse, nor do I work in any area of the field of medicine.
I myself have always been very healthy.
I lost several close loved ones to cancer, early in my life, including my mother from leukemia when I was 14.
I’ve always been interested in wellness, not illness. I’ve read a great deal, about health, and what foods support bodily health and wellness, and what foods and habits are illness producing.
According to what I read, cancer does not attack, it is created and it evolves and eventually manifests as tumors.
It might interest you to read “Fit For Life: A New Beginning” by Harvey Diamond. He’s not a doctor either but his research about cancer, what it actually is and its evolution and eventual appearance is backed up by many doctors along with a number of well known and accepted medical organizations, all of which are listed in minute detail in the book.
I wish you well.
Many people can make wrong decisions for themselves, but you can tell that the criminal organisation known as the “church” of $cientology is a cult in how it makes the wrong decisions for its victims.
And all that, just to put more money into off-shore accounts.
PS per my last comment, you may have hit a sore spot. Lol 😉
Isn’t that the damn truth, You just delivered a Truth Rundown with this one.
My ex, is a Fred. In Tacoma his Allergies kicked in so bad he was coughing blood, had gotten an infection and ended up bed ridden. He only accepted assists. After the 4th day of him getting worse, I really gave the ultimatum, go to a doctor or I am walking out.
Doc gave antibiotics, suggested Tylenol, and a benedril. Guess what? THAT was a miracle cure. He was up and functioning the next day. The stupidity of it is staggering.
Notice I say ex husband, it (the stupidity) never ended.
Now he and another Scientologist are hunkered down in the middle of nowhere retired early to go Bridge, living in shacks, hiding their materials in the attic, completely withdrawn from society, no closer to Clear (after 68 years in Scientology). Oh and broke with debt. He did do something like 11 false purpose Rundown though to pay for, and new materials to replace the old.
Looks to me he ended up the opposite of what is promised…call me skeptical.
Signed, the bad wife
Hi Ruth,
If being the smart wife is being the bad wife, do bad. It’s good.
The one true fact about the cult is that it is only and solely interested in taking your money. Results? Don’t ever follow that carrot on a stick friends. Don’t EVER let their dangling of it “hook” you.
Not to be disrespectful but you have to wonder if Kirstie Alley died of cancer because she wouldn’t see a ‘wog doctor’ and refused to doubt the tech?
Again, not trying to be disrespectful. Just wondering.
I’m not a medical person but I’ve always read a great deal about wellness.
According to what I’ve read, too much animal protein and fat, and dairy products and the fat from that contribute to a toxic colon. These are just two of the factors, according to what I read. There are other contributing factors.
I know as a former Scientologist getting auditing we were encouraged to eat a great deal of protein every day via meat and dairy.
According to what I read, colon cancer does not just all of a sudden attack; it evolves, over time, and doesn’t become a tumor detectable by a colonoscopy until a person already has cancer. But tumors don’t just pop out overnite; a person doesn’t just wake up one morning with cancer.
Again I’m not a medical person but I have read extensively about what foods and beverages and life styles and so forth contribute to wellness, and those which foster and create disease. Applying what I’ve read has worked for me.
Good point, Aqua. The whole thing of eat loads of protein before auditing is simply another example of LRH not knowing what he was talking about. That along with the idea that smoking Kool brand cigarettes was actually good for you simply demonstrates the pseudoscience that is Scientology. I guess we’ll never know how much of it contributed to not just Kirstie but also to Kelly Preston. It’s like the Christian Scientist who won’t see a doctor or a Jehovah’s Witness who won’t get a blood transfusion because ‘my religion forbids it.
Understood, Alco. Except the problem with cancer is that once the biopsy shows it, you already have it and you pretty much have to seek medical help because if you don’t it will grow and/or metasticize, etc Now, according to what I read about wellness, cancer is cancer no matter where it appears in the body. It can be on the skin or in the iver or colon or lungs or in the blood, etc., etc. but no matter where it shows up, its cancer. What I read is that cancer cells can’t exist in an alkaline, pure and clean blood stream. On the other hand, cancer cells multiply and thrive in an acid blood stream. The acid forming food are animal proteins, dairy products except butter, refined sugar products and refined flour products, caffeine products, alcohol, and tobacco smoking. All of the above make one’s system highly acidic. And the more animal protein and animal fat one consumes is the more one craves refined sugar products. This last I’ve experienced myself – eat a lot of protein, and the reaction in the body is to crave sweets. And of course, the more sweets one eats is the more empty calories one is consuming the more undernourished one is and the hungrier one is for more sweets, etc. Of course, one tries to quell this sugar craving with heavy protein or heavy caffeine or possibly alcohol. well, I could go on but the point is that the more animal protein one eats (and I am not a vegetarian by the way) the more one must surround it and ensure its digestibility with fresh fruits and vegetables – high water content food. This way the protein and dairy digest properly and get eliminated regularly, and the blood stays pure and cancer can’t develop. Stress, is also a major factor as is cigarette smoking. In brief, not enough high water content food, too much flesh food and dairy, too much fat, too much refined sugar and processed foods with no fiber or nutrients coupled with high stress and/or tobacco means a person is literally poisoning himself, inside, and it might take decades but such a person is prone to cancer. This doesn’t even factor in people who have to breathe in bad air because they live near factories or other sources of toxic chemicals.. And last but not least being thin doesn’t exempt a person from getting cancer. Its all in the blood. Again, this is according to what I read.
All good except to someone who believes that their religious practices make them immune to disease and illness. Like a certain religion we talk about all the time on this blog.
Quite right! Talk about inability to confront equating to total delusion!
Good thing this Fred left scientology.
I should leave a snarky comment.