RB – Great strip. Nowadays I like to mention “I used to be a Scientologist,” In a group of five people maybe one or two have heard about scn and it’s a great conversation starter! My claim to fame!
We just watched Episode 2, and I duplicate your moment of realization and revelation that: You have the right to your own sanity AND, you have the right to leave a game. You walked/ran to the nearest exit.
Ron stated those 2 rights at the start of PDC 10, if memory serves.
In the early 80’s I told friends, regarding my absence in the orgs, that I was applying those 2 rights until things got safer/saner in the orgs. Never happened and I never returned.
What I currently read and see ( and per RB) is that they have gone two or more levels below the rabbit hole, out of which they cannot crawl.
Hi ya Jim. Returning doesn’t work with organised Scientology. It’s how one uses “being organised,” is the real clinker that confused even the most clever with matters of the mind.
Totally Hilarious and soooo subversive! Leah’s series is entitled, “Scientology: The Aftermath,” but there’s also going to be the aftermath of the Aftermath story, which is already beginning to be felt despite the fact that only two episodes of the 8-part series have aired.
True Believer $cilons need to become social pariahs for their gullible and unquestioning support of this killer cult. Any religion that can order its members to disconnect from their own closest family members is certainly not going to have any qualms about telling $cilon bosses, like the cartoon one that RB created here, to fire or demote any one of his workers that badmouth $cn.
What I really liked about this week’s comic was how slyly it pointed up the fact that, for all its petulant, butt hurt whining and wild personal attacks, the cherch has yet to provide any substantive rebuttal to the very serious allegations that have been made against it. Like the $cilon construction boss’s crew, we’re just waiting to hear the specifics of exactly what the cherch’s story is.
I’m definitely not holding my breath there, though!
??? “Yea, maybe if you watch “Going Clear” or Leah Remini’s 8 episodes, you could tell us what the lies are. In the meantime, the boys are reading ‘Counterfeit Dreams’.”
Funny RB???
This church, cult, religion, organization, business or whatever you want to call it (“rose” if you want) is toast.
My daughter was christened in scientology, but I was fully out before she was old enough to understand what it was all about. I have talked to her a little about “Going Clear”, “Troublemaker” and a few other of the more mainstream new things coming out. She has shown little to no interest. I have seen no reason to push the issue.
The day after Leah’s first episode with Amy aired, I called her about it. I asked her if she knew who Leah was. Her response was “oh yeah, she’s that girl who was on “Who’s the Boss” and “Saved by the Bell” but then disappeared then all of a sudden got fired by “Talk” because she was so self righteous, but then she left scientology and now scientology is being mean to her just because she left them wtf?”
I told her about the A&E series. She has just sold her house and will be moving into her new home on the 13th, so with two babies, you can imagine, her life is just the teeniest bit crazy right now, and they don’t have any TV but Netflix, but she asked for the link to the series site. I texted it to her.
The next day, I texted her a link to some homemade lotion and for some reason, it deleted the link.
She texted me right back, HEY! My phone deleted my link to A&E series with your last text, please resend. I really need to watch this.
People who really have just tolerated the ramblings of us old has beens are actually starting to sit up and take notice now. It no longer feels like snapper fireworks being thrown on a cement sidewalk barely causing someone to look up and pay attention but full on bombs breaching the foredeck. The fake naval ship has been breached and is rapidly taking on water IMHO.
Us ‘old has beens’ were the oil that greased the wheels once upon a time. They may leave the nest, but the nest straw always leaves a residue. Sage is a great herb, it makes even a better term for experience. Naval stuff is no different that what occurs on land, one floats and the other doesn’t. What’s the big deal? Shit happens to both. Take heed of all responses and do what you always do….
Well said RB. Every known clam is going to have to increasingly deal with all the truth about CO$ that is getting in the vox populi faces. Not even the longest neck Ostrich is going to be able to hide from the HERricane that ‘$cientology, the Aftermath’ is.
Remini’s show is the best thing to come down the anti-clam pike, ever. All the previous books and newspaper stories got the ball rolling, but A & E is rolling that bowling ball for a strike.
This weeks strip could have been about me. Back in the day, I was a proud scientologist. Even though I wasn’t ever a disseminator, I wasn’t too shy about letting my co-workers know that I was a member of a very cool new religion that was saving the planet. Looking back, I’m very grateful for their tolerance level and for not holding all of that against me.
Back then, there was no internet and no one would dare to do something like Leah (and many others) is doing these days. It sort of worked in reverse. I remember coming home one Sunday night after being on course all day. My roommates told me about seeing someone from the church of scientology being interviewed on 60 Minutes (if I remember correctly). They hesitatingly reported that the guy didn’t come across very well, was clownish and evasive. In other words, his TRs were in. Since I didn’t see the show, that was my out, since I knew I couldn’t defend what they had seen.
I believe that it was Heber who appeared on the show, but I could be wrong. This would have been around ’85 or so. I don’t know what official role Heber had back then, I don’t think he was ever an official spokesman. He was a popular figure amongst scientologists (and probably would still be if ever brought out into the light of day again and ‘undissappeared’). I knew him personally and he even stayed at my house once. I think he was a genuinely nice guy, but when trying to defend the indefensible, you are going to automatically look like a complete ass. In fact, just being all KSW turns anyone into a complete non-thinking, zombie fool.
I think KSW is the best thing that ever happened to scientology. It’s the seed of doubt that is planted for anyone with even the smallest particle of common sense lodged between their ears. Many of us were so stoned on the kool-aid that we bought KSW completely (except for that small seed of doubt). Those seeds can be dormant for a long time, but eventually conditions are right for the ripening and the mindfuck of KSW can be seen for what it really is. At that point, it’s adios scientology, hello freedom. Fortunately KSW is the first thing that scientologists read when doing any course.
“Many of us were so stoned on the kool-aid that we bought KSW completely (except for that small seed of doubt). ”
So true! The small seed of doubt that I had after reading KSW for, maybe, the sixth time was that it was so over the top in its militant zealotry that it just seemed odd and propagandist for no good reason that I could see. Later on, in recalling that part on “closing the door forever on…” it occurred to me that what was really having the door closed on it was my open-mind!
One of the reasons that $cn worked so well back in the day was that it played the long, slow, gradual con on folks in which each new bit of rubbish that you were being asked to swallow whole was only a little bit more bizarre and unbelievable than the last. Plus, my affiliation with the cult was before the OaTy 3 materials were leaked and well before the internet made finding out more about $cn as easy as mousing over and clicking on a few links
Yeah, I can follow that train of thought without hesitation or disagreement. In retrospect KSW 1 was the turning point imo from bizarre, but sure had what seemed some good possibilities and morphed into “ACTHUNG! You will believe and you will think and act this way. There is your enemy – go get ’em! You have everything to lose if you don’t!”
I still remember what I sometimes refer to as the ‘Old Ron’. When listening to his lectures from 1951 before the kool-aid reached dramatic and addictive proportions in my life I liked the subject of my own free will. Back in ’51 it was a whole different ball game and you were expected to think and act for yourself with the information. But the gradient of change was already manifesting itself when I really take a close look at it. He salted everything with “further research is needed as you can’t do what I say I can do.” The research could only ever be done by him and enforced thinking kept it that way and it was imperative you must wait for the next breakthrough. Hubbard never really trusted anyone to really be independent, not really, but some of his concepts were indeed enticing enough to think you could be with what he presented. His ability to handle his organisation was nothing short of dictatorship in (dominance in waiting) practice and never followed what what he wrote elsewhere about how good it can all be. Trying to place people into a category of “standard” could only ever lead to people being dominated by a dogmatic, authoritarian hierarchy. Like a uniform for your mind with shinny buttons and all. So much for self-determinism on a group level – I don’t think that’s possibly anywhere except for maybe the odd time when we have to band together to handle some calamity, after that, leadership and or politics takes over – and so the cycle goes. Individually it’s another matter and bunches of individuals can get agreements and do wonderful things, like music and sports etc but add money and it generally is only a matter of time before that changes too. I guess it’s life’s journey that is cool, not the destination. Being yourself is a tricky business but I do have Scientology to thank for showing me how not to do it. I still like some of it though, but I stole what I liked and made it mine (I do that sort of thing with a lot of thinking stuff). But I am tired of people trying to own my mind, but every now and again I let them have it (generally with some sort of force attached).
It’s you the whole time, scary thought isn’t it and a bloke called Hubbard came along and built a whole religion based on it. Pity it all fell in a heap.
Nice comment, Yawn. Thanks. The sentiments you expressed resonated. 🙂
It’s getting much, much harder for John Travolta, Tom Cruise, Kirstie Alley, Nancy Cartwright and others to put on a happy face and say ‘that hasn’t been my experience’.
Scientology has had a bad reputation over the years, but it has never been such a pariah and it’s getting even lower with Mike and Leah tellin’ it like it is.
They have nobody to blame but themselves, LRH, and their illustrious leader who has a John Lobb stuck in his mouth and it isn’t coming out…ever.
Not a peep from Miscavige, hiding like the silly, black hearted little psychotic despot that he is.
Time for a politician, any politician, to grow a pair, step up and introduce a bill to strip Scientology of tax-free status.
I’m sorry to say that such a law is probably not possible. The U.S. Constitution (Art I, Sec 9) prohibits bills of attainder, which are laws that target specific persons or groups.
What’s needed is for the IRS to enforce existing law on the requirements for 501(c)(3) filings for so-called religious organizations, which has not happened in many, many years.
“It’s getting much, much harder for John Travolta, Tom Cruise, Kirstie Alley, Nancy Cartwright and others to put on a happy face and say ‘that hasn’t been my experience’.” Yeah, and where are these friggin assholes? I haven’t heard a peep (then again not on social media 24/7).
Mr. Cruise, you need to answer about all the slave labor working for you all these years.
Why do I get the feeling this RB story is not over yet. I’d love to see what happens when he actually watches the Rimini shows. He might need a box of Kleenex.
When He does crawl out SD, He is likely to mistake the scorched earth for His shadow.
Yo Dave,
Here is how you can tell the difference; take a whiff, if it sells like burning cult in the morning or perhaps your shorts, it isn’t your shadow …… good buddy.
We’re only two episodes into Leah Remini: Scientology and the Aftermath, and the show has already found an impassioned audience. The show has been praised by critics but has yet to dominate the blogging landscape in the way that HBO’s Going Clear once did. However, reactions on Reddit and Twitter prove that audiences have been watching and they are outraged
Classic RB at its Scio introverting best. Never considered the reverse flow of “good roads good weather” from wog to Scio before. The stigma of a Scio as having some kind of mental illness is growing, no wonder they learn to avoid the truth. The first symptom of the dreaded Scio mental virus – hide! Cover your tracks and run.
Good one RB.You are like old OT1 after clear.You show us the changed or changing landscape.Guess I am off to painting the guest room for my still-in but soon-out son.
Nothing can stop the ground swell now Dave its growing day by day.
The only reason you are upset and attack and criticize LEAH is she is missing your WH’s and crimes. I have dreams of protestors marching around Churches of Scientology with signs stating SCIENTOLOGY CONFESS YOUR CRIMES!
Pay back is a bitch Dave. Are you about to pee pee your little pants Dave?
That’s what got me out. Being challenged by someone and my then looking on the internet to see what he was talking about. Wham! Finding out how Hubbard actually died was all it took for me to start looking more… and more — for weeks, reading the stories on the exscn.net forum. 30+ years in and I was out! It has cost me my son & daughter, but I hope that soon they will be free too.
Hi Lois. Thank you for sharing your stories with us. I can never find words to express what I feel after reading about your experiences. You send me to reminisce about old friends and experiences of my own throughout my many years in Scientology. Then there’s the jolt of recalling the realization that there were some among us whose intentions were of a wicked bent.
I truly believe that their game is nearing its end. Their only play left is to keep those they have already captured but they can only offer tepid enticements and their threats of penalties ring weak and hollow.
COB lost his bite a long time ago. His bark has become a shrill whine.
Not a soul on this planet has the courage to stand up before any public and attempt to defend the Church of Scientology. Even their best champions can only say ” It’s beautiful.” when confronted by friendly reporters and hide from those who may be more daring in seeking the truth.
I pray and hope that the disconnection practice soon comes to an end whether it be through reform or through collapse of the organization. It must stop.
We went and saw a “Sound of Music” recital by a local school and art group last year and we still can’t get some of those damn tunes out of our heads. Doe a deer, a female deer, ray a cup of golden sun… far, a long, long way to go… OMG!!!! AHHHHHH… TURN IT OFF!!!!
Seriously? Rocks can’t actually fly? Holy shit! All this time, when I was at the Honolulu Mission mission, I would ask the auditing question, “Do rocks fly,” and people would reply ‘Yes!’ Does this mean I have to do the purif, SRD & student hat again?
Well yes OSD. But first you must check to see if you International Asshole Status is current. And remember, it’s not about the money but rather your deeds.
RB – Great strip. Nowadays I like to mention “I used to be a Scientologist,” In a group of five people maybe one or two have heard about scn and it’s a great conversation starter! My claim to fame!
We just watched Episode 2, and I duplicate your moment of realization and revelation that: You have the right to your own sanity AND, you have the right to leave a game. You walked/ran to the nearest exit.
Ron stated those 2 rights at the start of PDC 10, if memory serves.
In the early 80’s I told friends, regarding my absence in the orgs, that I was applying those 2 rights until things got safer/saner in the orgs. Never happened and I never returned.
What I currently read and see ( and per RB) is that they have gone two or more levels below the rabbit hole, out of which they cannot crawl.
Hi ya Jim. Returning doesn’t work with organised Scientology. It’s how one uses “being organised,” is the real clinker that confused even the most clever with matters of the mind.
Totally Hilarious and soooo subversive! Leah’s series is entitled, “Scientology: The Aftermath,” but there’s also going to be the aftermath of the Aftermath story, which is already beginning to be felt despite the fact that only two episodes of the 8-part series have aired.
True Believer $cilons need to become social pariahs for their gullible and unquestioning support of this killer cult. Any religion that can order its members to disconnect from their own closest family members is certainly not going to have any qualms about telling $cilon bosses, like the cartoon one that RB created here, to fire or demote any one of his workers that badmouth $cn.
What I really liked about this week’s comic was how slyly it pointed up the fact that, for all its petulant, butt hurt whining and wild personal attacks, the cherch has yet to provide any substantive rebuttal to the very serious allegations that have been made against it. Like the $cilon construction boss’s crew, we’re just waiting to hear the specifics of exactly what the cherch’s story is.
I’m definitely not holding my breath there, though!
??? “Yea, maybe if you watch “Going Clear” or Leah Remini’s 8 episodes, you could tell us what the lies are. In the meantime, the boys are reading ‘Counterfeit Dreams’.”
Funny RB???
This church, cult, religion, organization, business or whatever you want to call it (“rose” if you want) is toast.
My daughter was christened in scientology, but I was fully out before she was old enough to understand what it was all about. I have talked to her a little about “Going Clear”, “Troublemaker” and a few other of the more mainstream new things coming out. She has shown little to no interest. I have seen no reason to push the issue.
The day after Leah’s first episode with Amy aired, I called her about it. I asked her if she knew who Leah was. Her response was “oh yeah, she’s that girl who was on “Who’s the Boss” and “Saved by the Bell” but then disappeared then all of a sudden got fired by “Talk” because she was so self righteous, but then she left scientology and now scientology is being mean to her just because she left them wtf?”
I told her about the A&E series. She has just sold her house and will be moving into her new home on the 13th, so with two babies, you can imagine, her life is just the teeniest bit crazy right now, and they don’t have any TV but Netflix, but she asked for the link to the series site. I texted it to her.
The next day, I texted her a link to some homemade lotion and for some reason, it deleted the link.
She texted me right back, HEY! My phone deleted my link to A&E series with your last text, please resend. I really need to watch this.
People who really have just tolerated the ramblings of us old has beens are actually starting to sit up and take notice now. It no longer feels like snapper fireworks being thrown on a cement sidewalk barely causing someone to look up and pay attention but full on bombs breaching the foredeck. The fake naval ship has been breached and is rapidly taking on water IMHO.
Us ‘old has beens’ were the oil that greased the wheels once upon a time. They may leave the nest, but the nest straw always leaves a residue. Sage is a great herb, it makes even a better term for experience. Naval stuff is no different that what occurs on land, one floats and the other doesn’t. What’s the big deal? Shit happens to both. Take heed of all responses and do what you always do….
Well said RB. Every known clam is going to have to increasingly deal with all the truth about CO$ that is getting in the vox populi faces. Not even the longest neck Ostrich is going to be able to hide from the HERricane that ‘$cientology, the Aftermath’ is.
Remini’s show is the best thing to come down the anti-clam pike, ever. All the previous books and newspaper stories got the ball rolling, but A & E is rolling that bowling ball for a strike.
This weeks strip could have been about me. Back in the day, I was a proud scientologist. Even though I wasn’t ever a disseminator, I wasn’t too shy about letting my co-workers know that I was a member of a very cool new religion that was saving the planet. Looking back, I’m very grateful for their tolerance level and for not holding all of that against me.
Back then, there was no internet and no one would dare to do something like Leah (and many others) is doing these days. It sort of worked in reverse. I remember coming home one Sunday night after being on course all day. My roommates told me about seeing someone from the church of scientology being interviewed on 60 Minutes (if I remember correctly). They hesitatingly reported that the guy didn’t come across very well, was clownish and evasive. In other words, his TRs were in. Since I didn’t see the show, that was my out, since I knew I couldn’t defend what they had seen.
I believe that it was Heber who appeared on the show, but I could be wrong. This would have been around ’85 or so. I don’t know what official role Heber had back then, I don’t think he was ever an official spokesman. He was a popular figure amongst scientologists (and probably would still be if ever brought out into the light of day again and ‘undissappeared’). I knew him personally and he even stayed at my house once. I think he was a genuinely nice guy, but when trying to defend the indefensible, you are going to automatically look like a complete ass. In fact, just being all KSW turns anyone into a complete non-thinking, zombie fool.
I think KSW is the best thing that ever happened to scientology. It’s the seed of doubt that is planted for anyone with even the smallest particle of common sense lodged between their ears. Many of us were so stoned on the kool-aid that we bought KSW completely (except for that small seed of doubt). Those seeds can be dormant for a long time, but eventually conditions are right for the ripening and the mindfuck of KSW can be seen for what it really is. At that point, it’s adios scientology, hello freedom. Fortunately KSW is the first thing that scientologists read when doing any course.
“Many of us were so stoned on the kool-aid that we bought KSW completely (except for that small seed of doubt). ”
So true! The small seed of doubt that I had after reading KSW for, maybe, the sixth time was that it was so over the top in its militant zealotry that it just seemed odd and propagandist for no good reason that I could see. Later on, in recalling that part on “closing the door forever on…” it occurred to me that what was really having the door closed on it was my open-mind!
One of the reasons that $cn worked so well back in the day was that it played the long, slow, gradual con on folks in which each new bit of rubbish that you were being asked to swallow whole was only a little bit more bizarre and unbelievable than the last. Plus, my affiliation with the cult was before the OaTy 3 materials were leaked and well before the internet made finding out more about $cn as easy as mousing over and clicking on a few links
Yeah, I can follow that train of thought without hesitation or disagreement. In retrospect KSW 1 was the turning point imo from bizarre, but sure had what seemed some good possibilities and morphed into “ACTHUNG! You will believe and you will think and act this way. There is your enemy – go get ’em! You have everything to lose if you don’t!”
I still remember what I sometimes refer to as the ‘Old Ron’. When listening to his lectures from 1951 before the kool-aid reached dramatic and addictive proportions in my life I liked the subject of my own free will. Back in ’51 it was a whole different ball game and you were expected to think and act for yourself with the information. But the gradient of change was already manifesting itself when I really take a close look at it. He salted everything with “further research is needed as you can’t do what I say I can do.” The research could only ever be done by him and enforced thinking kept it that way and it was imperative you must wait for the next breakthrough. Hubbard never really trusted anyone to really be independent, not really, but some of his concepts were indeed enticing enough to think you could be with what he presented. His ability to handle his organisation was nothing short of dictatorship in (dominance in waiting) practice and never followed what what he wrote elsewhere about how good it can all be. Trying to place people into a category of “standard” could only ever lead to people being dominated by a dogmatic, authoritarian hierarchy. Like a uniform for your mind with shinny buttons and all. So much for self-determinism on a group level – I don’t think that’s possibly anywhere except for maybe the odd time when we have to band together to handle some calamity, after that, leadership and or politics takes over – and so the cycle goes. Individually it’s another matter and bunches of individuals can get agreements and do wonderful things, like music and sports etc but add money and it generally is only a matter of time before that changes too. I guess it’s life’s journey that is cool, not the destination. Being yourself is a tricky business but I do have Scientology to thank for showing me how not to do it. I still like some of it though, but I stole what I liked and made it mine (I do that sort of thing with a lot of thinking stuff). But I am tired of people trying to own my mind, but every now and again I let them have it (generally with some sort of force attached).
I Yawnalot: “Being yourself is a tricky business but I do have Scientology to thank for showing me how not to do it.”
I feel the same way. And, ironically, this is probably the biggest gain one could get possibly get from anything.
What’s that old saying? All roads lead to Rome!
It is indeed an ironic gain isn’t it?
“What’s that old saying? All roads lead to Rome!”
I’ve also had that same thought about it!
Perhaps it shows that intention rules the day. 😉
It’s you the whole time, scary thought isn’t it and a bloke called Hubbard came along and built a whole religion based on it. Pity it all fell in a heap.
Nice comment, Yawn. Thanks. The sentiments you expressed resonated. 🙂
It’s getting much, much harder for John Travolta, Tom Cruise, Kirstie Alley, Nancy Cartwright and others to put on a happy face and say ‘that hasn’t been my experience’.
Scientology has had a bad reputation over the years, but it has never been such a pariah and it’s getting even lower with Mike and Leah tellin’ it like it is.
They have nobody to blame but themselves, LRH, and their illustrious leader who has a John Lobb stuck in his mouth and it isn’t coming out…ever.
Not a peep from Miscavige, hiding like the silly, black hearted little psychotic despot that he is.
Time for a politician, any politician, to grow a pair, step up and introduce a bill to strip Scientology of tax-free status.
I’m sorry to say that such a law is probably not possible. The U.S. Constitution (Art I, Sec 9) prohibits bills of attainder, which are laws that target specific persons or groups.
What’s needed is for the IRS to enforce existing law on the requirements for 501(c)(3) filings for so-called religious organizations, which has not happened in many, many years.
“It’s getting much, much harder for John Travolta, Tom Cruise, Kirstie Alley, Nancy Cartwright and others to put on a happy face and say ‘that hasn’t been my experience’.” Yeah, and where are these friggin assholes? I haven’t heard a peep (then again not on social media 24/7).
Mr. Cruise, you need to answer about all the slave labor working for you all these years.
This is probably in my top 3 fav RB comics! Great job!!
Why do I get the feeling this RB story is not over yet. I’d love to see what happens when he actually watches the Rimini shows. He might need a box of Kleenex.
I was thinking he might need a box of Depends to wear while watching it.
“That’s a real hoot!”
Indeed. Six more weeks of this before Dave can come back out of his own Hole to check for his shadow and see how many more weeks he has left.
When He does crawl out SD, He is likely to mistake the scorched earth for His shadow.
Yo Dave,
Here is how you can tell the difference; take a whiff, if it sells like burning cult in the morning or perhaps your shorts, it isn’t your shadow …… good buddy.
We’re only two episodes into Leah Remini: Scientology and the Aftermath, and the show has already found an impassioned audience. The show has been praised by critics but has yet to dominate the blogging landscape in the way that HBO’s Going Clear once did. However, reactions on Reddit and Twitter prove that audiences have been watching and they are outraged
Brilliant, just Brilliant. I know of at least a half a done bosses that have non-Scn staff.
Love be a fly on the wall at their companies.
Classic RB at its Scio introverting best. Never considered the reverse flow of “good roads good weather” from wog to Scio before. The stigma of a Scio as having some kind of mental illness is growing, no wonder they learn to avoid the truth. The first symptom of the dreaded Scio mental virus – hide! Cover your tracks and run.
Good one RB.You are like old OT1 after clear.You show us the changed or changing landscape.Guess I am off to painting the guest room for my still-in but soon-out son.
Good work Xenu! Please let us know when your son pulls the plug.
Xenu, here’s hoping your son escapes before the paint is even on the walls.
RB always hits the nail on the head.
Nothing can stop the ground swell now Dave its growing day by day.
The only reason you are upset and attack and criticize LEAH is she is missing your WH’s and crimes. I have dreams of protestors marching around Churches of Scientology with signs stating SCIENTOLOGY CONFESS YOUR CRIMES!
Pay back is a bitch Dave. Are you about to pee pee your little pants Dave?
It won’t be a Pee-Pee only incident Willie! We are talking a full on Depends moment here ……. and for eternity.
Yo Dave,
Check out the 20% AP discount found here:
Time to stalk up good buddy!! (No, it isn’t a typo)
Magnificent idea
“…tell us which parts are lies. None of the scientology websites seem to be able to do that.” The gauntlet has been thrown.
Oh yeah!
That’s what got me out. Being challenged by someone and my then looking on the internet to see what he was talking about. Wham! Finding out how Hubbard actually died was all it took for me to start looking more… and more — for weeks, reading the stories on the exscn.net forum. 30+ years in and I was out! It has cost me my son & daughter, but I hope that soon they will be free too.
Brilliant RB. I hope my disconnected son is experiencing this.
Lois I hope my disconnected daughter is experiencing this also.
And I hope they both come home soon, Lois & Willie.
Hi Lois. Thank you for sharing your stories with us. I can never find words to express what I feel after reading about your experiences. You send me to reminisce about old friends and experiences of my own throughout my many years in Scientology. Then there’s the jolt of recalling the realization that there were some among us whose intentions were of a wicked bent.
I truly believe that their game is nearing its end. Their only play left is to keep those they have already captured but they can only offer tepid enticements and their threats of penalties ring weak and hollow.
COB lost his bite a long time ago. His bark has become a shrill whine.
Not a soul on this planet has the courage to stand up before any public and attempt to defend the Church of Scientology. Even their best champions can only say ” It’s beautiful.” when confronted by friendly reporters and hide from those who may be more daring in seeking the truth.
I pray and hope that the disconnection practice soon comes to an end whether it be through reform or through collapse of the organization. It must stop.
Thanks RB! You are a real gem on here and duplicate things so well.
LOL! Asking a RonBot for truth is like asking a rock to flap its wings and fly away.
Or asking a fish for its shoe size.
Ok yawn, now I’m going to be thinking about teeny little fish shoes all day.
We went and saw a “Sound of Music” recital by a local school and art group last year and we still can’t get some of those damn tunes out of our heads. Doe a deer, a female deer, ray a cup of golden sun… far, a long, long way to go… OMG!!!! AHHHHHH… TURN IT OFF!!!!
Seriously? Rocks can’t actually fly? Holy shit! All this time, when I was at the Honolulu Mission mission, I would ask the auditing question, “Do rocks fly,” and people would reply ‘Yes!’ Does this mean I have to do the purif, SRD & student hat again?
Well yes OSD. But first you must check to see if you International Asshole Status is current. And remember, it’s not about the money but rather your deeds.
Yo Dave,
Can you check on OSDs asshole for us?
No! NO!!! Anything but that!!! Nooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!
Is that what they mean when I’m told, “you’ve got rocks in your head,” I’m high or something? Well I’ll be… good to clear that one up.