A little humor to start the week.
Battle has been joined. Another crazy email clearly signals David Wilson is determined to wrest the crown of FSM Wacky Maximus from Mike Smith.
While Smith has had no challengers to his undisputed title for over a year, Wilson is quickly making a name for himself in the status stakes. This is a battle for the ages and the prize has never been higher — the entire future of mankind and this planet hangs in the balance. And these two titans of titillation are not taking that lightly.
Wilson is a strong challenger. Logic doesn’t reside in his corner, but he makes up for it with the fixed, dedicated gaze of a KoolAid junkie that gives him PCP-like superhuman strength to press on in the face of the impossible, irrational and truly idiotic.
Wilson is a cunning challenger. He has lined up a formidable team in his corner: His missives of madness carry the stamp of approval of the official “scientology.net” super net nanny. The full weight of the Valley Crazies behind him makes the challenger a virtual lock to end this with a knockout.
Date: Sun, 29 Sep 2013
From: From David Wilson <[email protected]>
Subject: New Civilization on its way Blog – Post # 7Necessity Level and Hell fire:
Heard an interesting story about fund raising:
At one org we had about $10 million to rise. A week or so after we got started a Christian Church down the street put up a thermometer sign showing that they also needed $10 million for their renos. Within a month they were done! One of our fundraisers spoke to the pastor to find out what was his successful actions. He said that it was simple. His main donor gave him $100K at the start. He then had him go round to each of the parishioners to tell them that if they did not donate a similar amount they would go straight to hell!
Fact is that the pastor had it exactly right. The only difference between their fundraise and ours is that he could put all the data into one pithy statement without having to consult the parishioner’s understanding… Just drop him right into an implant and suddenly the necessity level is there for them to find the money. Bypasses all the circuits that otherwise pop up.
The other point that the pastor got right was the amount he was asking for; $100,00, the same as our Humanitarian level. $100,000 is a substantial amount but for most people who are spiritually inclined its only about 1/4 to 1/5 the value of their house. One might say “But I’ve GOT to have a house, where would I live?”
Why wouldn’t one apply the same logic to having an Ideal Org? I’ve GOT to have an ideal org! Where else will my children and I go free? And as I go OT- how else are we going to handle the mess this planet is in and keep my family safe at home? Re-read KSW One and I think you will see why that is such a sane statement. The fact that the psychs are so scared of us getting Ideal Orgs is a testament to how right this action is.
The successful action in any fund raise is to spread the load and to get the field invested in the new Church. We have made 36 Humanitarians so far. Portland with 1/5th the field made 90. We need to hit 100 which means that 64 more families have to step up. It may seem impossible now but the proven way to do it is to commit to your next status, get it done, then repeat.
Lets take it up!
Much Love,
David Wilson
Gold Humanitarian Valley
To sum this up in “one pithy statement” — David you are hallucinatory cause.
Crazy vulture culture is crazy.
Update: After I posted this I saw ANOTHER Wilson email had come in. This guy is on fire.
LOVE this bit: the definition of right and wrong depended on how powerful or how much money one had.
No irony whatsoever….
From: “From David Wilson” <[email protected]>
Date: September 27, 2013 at 9:20:10 PM PDT
Subject: New Civilization on its way Blog. Post # 6
Reply-To: [email protected]
Reasons for the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
Roman Ruins at Salimis in North Cypress. I was looking for the parallels between the fall of Rome and the fall of modern civilization. Put the headline above into Google and one comes up with many articles which go back and forth from the decline of Morals to the invasion of the Barbarians.
But reading between the lines and putting all the data together one can see that what happened was the the Society went down tone. While we have video games of killing people they had going to the Coliseum and watching Gladiators kill real people. Promiscuity was all part of life and the definition of right and wrong depended on how powerful or how much money one had. Sounds very close to the current society.
While Rome took a hundred years or so to actually fall its taken us less than 50 years to get to the stage just prior to the fall. That means we have very little time left to raise the tone of this society and prevent a descent in to chaos.
Auditing and education are the two valid therapies that we as a group can apply to raise tone. This will come about in volume with a new Ideal Org of the Valley.
But you can get your tone raised much sooner than that by coming to a Valley org Tone Raiser at the Anoush Banquet Hall at 6730 Laurel Canyon Blvd this Saturday Night (28th of September) at 6.30pm. Great entertainment, No Seat Charge for a great meal, uplifting Speakers and exciting announcements.
Call 818 947 0600 to confirm.
See you there.
David Wilson
Mike, “Titans of Titillation” is a classic! You’re in excellent form…haha!
I did not benefit from any scientology study tech and I suspect my IQ far too low to understand Golden Age of Tech. However, I do believe a cypress is the long green tree …Cyprus is the island. Sorry; that secular government schooling … what can you do?
LRH did say at one time in a lecture, he thought the 9 th dynamic was money.
I just had a significant cognition. If I ever wanted to get back on lines I would only need to do one thing. Go back as a Reg. It is actually quite simple. It wouldn’t matter if I had the most evil intentions on earth. No one is going to question me as long as I were raising money. Most of the parishioners that are left in the church are scared shitless about losing their chance at freedom so you can manipulate the shit out of them and the minute they exibit any counter intention or disagreement you threaten to declare them and thus their eternity. If I were that evil intentioned it would be the perfect scenario.
Jeff Pomerantz is still doing it – regging for the IAS. He’s also working at Gold as a public slave for DM, driving back and forth from his home in the Hollywood Hills to Hemet at the spontaneous whims and demands of Mr. Only-One Miscavige.
Jeff Pomerantz…
Okay, does anybody know WHY he was always being the narrator voice in events in the past and maybe even still?
Talk about out of valence…
Easy, he was living in the ‘penthouse’ at the Manor, needed some income. That’s not cheap.
I guess he was just not quite making it as an actor.
“Heard an interesting story about fund raising:”
I’m sorry, no one has EVER heard an interesting story about fund raising:
“the entire future of mankind and this planet hangs in the balance”
OMG. You CANNOT make this shit up.
Mike, kudos, your blog gets better everyday! I hope you cherry pick your best posts and publish a “Best of 201*” book. It’s epic stuff, and Hollywood will no doubt come calling. The story of the fall of Miscavige has bestseller written all over it.
Wilson admits “its taken us less than 50 years to get to the stage just prior to the fall”. That’s right, whether you date it from when things started to sour in ’65, or the big takeover in ’82.
He is a despicable individual. Bankrupting people for personal profit…
He’ll end up punishing himself
The whole Pastor story, what a big LIE!
I still go to church sometimes with my parents and for all sorts of family events. No Pastor, Minister or Priest treats their parishoners this way. He’s trying to talk about a real church, not the shake-down one.
Love the second paragraph, “Fact is that the Pastor had it exactly right…”
I bet these guys donated heavy and are now bled dry. Then they go into this valence so they can continue to “contribute” by helping bleed dry other Scientologists. Whats 1/4 the value of your house anyway. Were talking about saving all of eternity and the entire universe here. Damn, get your ethics in and give us all your money already, why do we even have to ask? You should just give it as a stimulus response- pavlonian conditioning type thing. You see a reg, open up your vein and bleed it dry man. You can keep your shirt and pants. Leave the jewlery and gold teeth, we can sell that.
“…..No Seat Charge for a great meal……”
Since when does the Cof$ give ANYTHING away FREE? Do they really think “their” public is that stupid? Just this little line is a HUGE red flag to anyone even remotely familiar with Cof$ fundraising practices.
“Great entertainment, No Seat Charge for a great meal, uplifting Speakers and exciting announcements.”
Translated into Miscaviagese this line reads
“We are going to be so ENTERTAINED grinding your DB faces into the mud until you beg us to take every last red cent out of ever last fucking account you have, and when its all done we are going to announce to all you stupid MF’s just how much EXCITING property this will put into Miscaviage Inc’s real estate portfolio. It will UPLIFT our otherwise limp d%!@s to explain to all you morons how after you buy me this palace, how much it will cost you to rent it back from Miscaviage Inc. And you all better fucking clap and cheer–loud.”
There we go again, for the umpteenth time at the carnival, on our all time favorite ride ——-the Mi$cavige-go-round!!! merrily,merrily jousting and kicking out against the restraining seat chains, testing how far we can fling ourselves way out of the orbit, (while hoping that THE carnival master is watching our antics with approval ) How verrry short sighted they be! The said “ride” is expressly designed, to be “inescapable!” for all concerned, (the safety chains across your waist, DON’T release)—- including for the kool-aid imbibing promoters. Sucks, especially to wind up in a dead-end as a Mi$cavigeoholic! Only working antidote?? — 1) Open both eyes. 2) Wake up. 3) Look. 4) Get out as fast as possible!
5) Get to a safe Indie terminal ASAP. 6) Begin decompression immediately. 7) Say thank you to Mike Rinder for publishing all this stuff and saving your ass. 🙂
“Crazy vulture culture is crazy.”
warms my heart Mike or rather It plays my heartstrings 😉
Which Christian Church? Which Pastor? Would Mr. Wilson provide this data so we may independently verify?…
Hmm, don’t hold your breath….
Gibbon could have saved himself about 700,000 words if he had just known the true cause of the decline and fall of the Roman Empire: “…what happened was the the Society went down tone.”
Yes well, that does happen when you have Visigoths in all the best night spots.
Dear Faithful,
As I draw my final breaths, I write you these words of warning. ____________ doom is upon us! I researched for hours and saw _________ precedent. Only ___________ stands between _________ doom and the charred and blackened ruins your children might otherwise call home. Please donate ___________ to ________ today or it will be too late!
Faithfully, yours,
2 thumbs up!
DW says “While Rome took a 100 years or so to actually fall it has taken us just less than 50 years to get to the stage just prior to the fall”
“Uhhh…who do you mean “us”, pale-face?”
YOU are in a heap of trouble, the RCS – YOU have taken just less than 50 years to get to the stage just prior to the fall.
“the definition of right and wrong depended on how powerful or how much money one had. Sounds very close to the current society.”
Sounds very close to the current “Church of Scientology” to me.
But someone who can’t tell the difference between Cyprus – the island, and cypress – the tree probably can’t be expected to see what is in front of their nose.
Doesn’t matter if it’s IAS, Ideal Orgs, Cornerstone and what have you not … it’s all the same … we tell you a story usually with some type of impending doom, you give us your money. Irrelevant what we tell you, as long as it gets you to fork over your wallet … that’s all that matters. You pay to be extroverted from whatever shore story we just introverted you.
Fuck you Dave. Sorry, I rarely swear on these posts, but just couldn’t help me self. FUCK OFF Dave. Gee, the Christians can raise 10 million in a month, why can’t you? And in the same breath invalidate the Christians for being “stuck in an implant”. Guess what Dave, KSW #1 is Scn’s implant, which you so cleverly leverage to control people to give you money.
This shit makes me sick.
You are wise
Best reply ever.
The guy has an IQ below 125;
He googles the Roman empire and then found out the why of it’s demise just by reading some articles ……He doesn’t know anything about Rome, it’s like TC who studied the history of psychiatry by reading some articles of CCHR.
Why doesn’t he google Scientology ?
+1 Truly ignorant!
Very interesting to know that Portland org’s call in list has approx. 450 names on it, and that of those, only 90 were willing or could be forced to go all out to support the off-purpose activities.
A friend of mine was recently in shock when another friend told him just how small Co$ is. But it is smaller still, and shrinking by the day.
Nella fantasia….
… and as they say in the Sea Org (or ought to), Nessun dorma.
Richard Grand, you’re funny! Nessun dorma indeed!
His lack of creation invited him to ask a priest how do they achieve a successful fundraising? David himself could not think of any ideas himself. Then, to add to his lack of creation, he uses a bad allegory stating the priest threatened the parishioners with hell and accuses him of using an implant…well David, you are a dramatizing psychotic using threats and attempting to implant others with lies and disjointed statements so you can make money for exchange of nothing. There are no Ideal Org, these are just portrayed empty building used to collect money. You are the one stuck on an implant and are dramatizing the implanter job…And like the priest said, you are going to hell…
To David Wilson and the Holy Fundraisers at the IAS (Idiotic Arrogant Scientologists)
The actual reason for the fall and the demise of the mighty Roman Empire was its takeover by a cabal of criminal High Priests from the new Cult of Christianity.
Yes, the Christian zealots slithered their way to power, supported by the worst, most illiterate, dumbed down of the roman population.
These hysterical literalists, incapable of penetrating the Ancient Mysteries, were used as mobs to bring to an end, a thousand years of the magnificent Greco-Roman Civilization.
It was imbeciles like you that tore down that ancient cultural high ground, the highest point then of our Western Civilization.
The Christian High Priests then proceeded through merciless persecution, genocide, library burning, terror and fear, to wipe out all traces of culture, knowledge and free thought.
These Christian fanatics and their brain washed flocks launched one thousand years of Dark Ages, marked by religious intolerance, ignorance and superstition.
Yes, Mr. Wilson, you and your dumbed down flock are following on the steps of your old Christian brethrens, and as you once made nothing out of higher spiritual teachings, you are now busy destroying, any goodness and mercy that Scientology can deliver.
But time is NOT on your side now, civilization moved on; we are smarter and better off, having survived that holocaust of reason, we now can see you for what you really are: pathetic, fearful, greedy priests that are still incapable of penetrating the Mystery of all Mysteries.
mike, not sure if you are aware of this minor glitch with your publishing settings so i thought i’d mention it.
the posts you post today don’t get added to the “all posts” list until the next day. in other words if you click on “all posts” right now, today’s posts won’t be listed and since on your front page it only lists 3 posts followed by an “all posts” link, that means that if you post 4 stories in one day, the last one will be in no man’s land, no way to view it or know it is even there until the next day. it’s minor but just thought you should be aware.
“Just drop him right into an implant and suddenly the necessity level is there for them to find the money. Bypasses all the circuits that otherwise pop up.’
OH GOD talk about…….cognitive dissonance
“Freedom is for honest people. No man who is not himself honest can be free – he is his own trap.”
-L. Ron Hubbard
In your terminology Withhold(s)
Right Cat Daddy. It’s classic reverse Scn again. They are using the knowledge of restimulation to key people in, to make them vulnerable, to forking over the cash. It’s disgusting. The invalidation of considerations is common in the RCS as well, if you say anything in disagreement with the current command orders, then your thoughts and valid reasons are called circuits or other case terms. You may be very in ethics, in your reason and contemplation, of your own optimum survival, but this is degraded and characterized as something aberated about you. This is another way people are introverted into compliance.
For a fleeting moment when I saw “FSM” in the first para of this post I thought Wow, there’s still some people getting others onto a service with some exchange taking place. Should have known better.
I thought it stood for “Flying Spaghetti Monster”.
“64 families need to step up” by next month another 64 families are going to be stepping OUT. Every penny donated to this sham is eventually going to be liquidated to pay the victims of the *Church* of Scientology. Hell, $100,000 would pay for an entire families bridge outside the cult.
,,”The fact that the psychs are so scared of us getting Ideal Orgs is a testament to how right this action is.”
David, now that the psychs (or maybe you ment us, on the fringe of the intrrnet) are helping your fundraising they might demand 50% of your commission. Where are the FSM slips?
Me thinks they’ve just hit “Must be contributed to” on the Havingness scale. Only one notch left before they fall out the bottom. “Created” = An large empty building with little to no training or processing occurring.
Song playing in my head:
Where have all the Auditors gone, long time passing?
Where have all the Auditors gone, long time ago?
Where have all the Auditors gone?
Ran off by DM, everyone.
Oh, when will they ever learn?
Oh, when will they ever learn?
They hit must be contributed to a long time ago. They are being created right now.
If they are on a create anywhere, then it is by providing footbullets a dozen a dime, and bitter defrocked apostate fringe lurkers by the hundreds. They are creating their own destruction. I don’t see any other create going on.
“The fact that the psychs are so scared of us getting Ideal Orgs is a testament to how right this action is.”
I bet “the psychs” could care less about your Idle orgs…
I would also like to know which pastor it was who told his donor to go out and tell people they would go to hell unless they gave 100k to the church. This practice would not have been out of place in the 1500’s, but this just doesn’t fly today.
The “Psychs” laugh when the “IDEAL ORG BUILDINGS” sit empty and then later are sold at a loss…it is the Ideal Scam for David Miscavige to fund his “legal costs” that are straight up and vertical these days!! Clever…very clever!
Wasn’t there a big whale that David was groviling for that owns a Big Pharma company ?
How is it a “fact” that the “psychs” are terrified of Scientology’s Ideal Orgs? Where is the evidence to support this “fact” that Mr. Wilson is pulling out of his posterior.
“Halucinatory cause”. You nailed it, Mike.
Some people walk around in institutions thinking they’re Napolean or Julius Caesar or some all-powerful figure of the day. This is where Mr. Wilson belongs. He is so very deluded. His non-confront of the actual scene is deep. I can just picture him walking around telling the nurses how everyone is so scared of him and his “church”. This man is nuts!
Thanks, Mike, for tempering the necessary facts with your own brand of humor which I particularly enjoy. This kind of stuff is so pukeworthy, but you still get me chuckling, and that’s the right way; because this is insanity and one cannot take it too much to heart. One has to laugh while confronting, as Randal McMurphy/Jack Nicholson did in “One Flew Over The Cuckoo’s Nest”, otherwise it will just break your heart..
I am a retired “Hippie” ,
going to Hell is on my list of tourist destinations
Rome is still there, it didn’t go anywhere
Roman girls are as hot as ever so this Fall of the Roman Empire
is a bogus lie. The Pizza is great in Rome
The Valley Org is not worth anything, it’s begging PR is a laugh.
David Wilson, if there was a “Dislike” button for you then I would have pressed it by now. You know that parishioners do not go up the bridge because of you f….ers. You know that they leave because of you f…ers. They struggle, they disconnect, they lose all. You are evil! You are the 2.5% of the 2.5%! Assuming 40,000 members then there are 25 of you.
I’d love to say it differently, but this would be to high on the tone scale for you to understand.
Mike, I gather this is the same X-RAV David Wilson. Is this the Mike Smith that used to be the NSO County Liaison in the Port Captain’s office? I hope not. He was a truly nice guy.
Wow, I would never have seen this coming when David Wilson was acting the part of the college English major in the Pro TRs film, blowing off the Ethics Officer for not looking up his MUs because of his degree. Hey, David, Peter Finch died of a heart attack shortly after making Network because he forgot to stop being his character in the film. Take a hint before it is too late for you and you become completely morally blind.
Ahahahah! Thanks Dan,
Now I KNOW who David Wilson is.
I guess he is STILL playing the role of not REALLY educating himself!
Another good example of why so many Scientologists are stressed out. They take out 2nd mortgages on their homes, max out credit cards, give their inheritances and empty their retirement accounts for this kind of logic.
It is very sad and tragic that so many lose their homes and end up almost penniless in their golden years. Those are the lucky ones who didn’t become ill or die from the stress of submitting to repeated financial rape. Those gruesome outcomes stand in stark contrast to the faux-noble tone of these irrational, rapacious emails.
Scientology destroys its own members by bankrupting them. It’s okay for Scientology to have reserves and not spend them – they are sitting on a billion dollars and they never spend any money for anything except lawyers and Private Investigators and publishers that write for “Freedom Magazine”.
It is a HIGH CRIME in Scientology to have any money, have a home or have good food and clean clothes. “Reserves” are for the namby pamby panty-waist dilettantes!
If you get a list from any Org and look up each individual in court records or tax assesors – you will find 99% of them bankrupt, upside down on their mortgages if they even still own a home – many have been foreclosed on.
I know a long term staff members that stopped paying their mortgage payments for years after filing bankruptcy and lived in the house and never paid taxes, insurance or any mortgage payment…eventually walking away from the home.
During that time – the staff member purchased $100 outfits for a doll for her daughter!
Absolutely no remorse for being irresponsible with money – just the “way to be” in Scientology!!
The making of a criminal!
bankrupting, killing, driving them insane, abusing them, enslaving them, messing up childrens minds with seck checks, childrens rpf and what have you.
I first started to see outside the bubble when my scientology friends & business associates became ill and died in increasing numbers. In a 1-1/2 year period, 3 friends (scientologists) died, 2 of heart attacks (age 39, 45) and one of cancer (age 50). Another one was hospitalized with a life-threatening condition. Outside of my immediate circle, I heard of other illness & deaths (mostly cancer). My employer’s business continued to decline while he constantly promoted pyramid money-making schemes. No one in my circle of friends was doing well financially. Some declared bankruptcy.
How could this be? I believed that the practice of scientology should make one well, happy and prosperous. I couldn’t see the source of suppression but realized that I lived in a dangerous environment and needed to leave it. A while after moving to another city, far from any scientology PR influences, I started to look on the Internet and found answers.
Though it was years ago that I disconnected from David Miscavige and his RTC culture, I still currently hear of illness, death and bankruptcy from a relative who is still in good standing: Father of 2 dies in his sleep at age 55; Husband & wife lose beautiful mountain home to foreclosure and, financially destitute, must move in with their own children; Parents going so deeply in debt that they must borrow money from children; Adult children who must live with parents because they can’t afford a place to live.
Now I am financially secure, have a beautiful home and a wonderful family. I feel for those still trapped. Except for the sake of looking (not listening), I could be one of them.
And what is Davids take home from the carnage? Do the FSMs still get the 10%? Raise $10,000,000 and take home a cool $1,000,000 and then donate back say $500,000 to make it all look on the up and up.
Back in the day Michael Roberts was making a pretty good living acting out his part in the Kool Aide contest.
I am guessing here. Anyone have factual data?
Michael Roberts is an IAS FraudRaiser and has been for years…part of his “OT VII” doingness – es. He felt “washed up” as an actor due to reality TV shows so he joined the ranks of the ultimate criminal organization ever to hit Teegeack – THE IAS. I hope he wakes up soon and gets out!! Anyone have an update on Michael Roberts? Too bad he did not pursue his acting career – he was good and I liked him!! What a waste of a life!
He is acting again. Has a recurring role in cable series I think.
Yes Coop they still make 10%. Michael Roberts and that other guy he always used to reg with did it for the money. And many Power FSMS gave up FSMing so that they could become reges for the IAS and make their money much easier — no exchange to get in and make a cool 10% for providing no service.
Wait…am I understanding this correctly? If (for example) Michael Roberts were to reg Deana Holmes for $1 million (hahaha) to the IAS, he’d get a cut? Maybe even 10 percent? Is that true? Can someone explain this in more detail? I know getting a commission for courses is one of the many aspects of the Scientology tax exemption I take exception to, but when you don’t actually get anything except for a temporary warm fuzzy feeling and maybe a gaudy trophy before DM kicks you again…well, there’s something weird about it.
If I’ve got this wrong, please correct me. I honestly thought that FSM commissions were only for courses (and auditing hours).
Mirele, you have it right. That’s why Quentin and Collin Tauffer’s mom, Mary Tauffer, has become a full time IAS reg. And why Michael Roberts and Jeff Pomeranz and others are IAS reges. More money in it. And why Power FSM’s are leaving that to go be full time IAS reges. And per one Indie auditor, when she was still “in,” she was told she’d make more money to give up her Indie practice and become an IAS reg instead, and then you don’t have to spend time auditing them and getting products, it is just a clean, get the money, get commission and deliver nothing. Luckily the auditor didn’t do that and kept auditing her pcs.
Might the other guy be Jeff Pomerantz?
YEs Greta, Jeff Pomeraantz was the other one of the dynamic duo of IAS reges who made house calls.
“titans of titillation”
ROFL!!! OMG, Mike, I wish they could have as much fun inside as we do out here!
I think the fastest way to raise the tone is look, look some more and keep looking until you reach a point where you can actually see the funny side. Thanks for that 🙂
You’re a great comedian Mike, I love your commentaries! 🙂
Me too. The fight and contenders and image, all wonderfully funny. I love your writing ability and sense of humor.
Doesn’t seem to realize he is talking about the rise and fall of Cof$.
Off topic, but Tony Ortega reported this morning that Freedom Magazine has a new editor. The old editor, Tom Whittle, is someone I consider to be a personal friend although I haven’t been able to speak with him for about 4 years. Does anyone here know what’s happened to Tom Whittle?
One of Tony O’s earlier posts said that Freedom was hiring a new editor because the old editor had died. I don’t know if it was Tom Whittle who died, but you can search Tony Ortega’s site for past posts and find out.
He was referring to Jim Lynch….
Yes, and Jim was a correspondent, not the editor. Just for the record, Jim Lynch was NOT a personal friend of mine.
I did find a clue. Tom Whittle is listed as the co-author of the recently released “The Gold House” trilogy. These cover a story Tom originally broke in Freedom about 20 years ago, about government corruption and a fortune in old Spanish gold found buried in Vittoria Peak, New Mexico.
Since this would definitely be “other fish to fry” I’m guessing Tom has routed out, probably around the time of Freedom’s response to the Truth Rundown. If so, good for him!
I don’t think that many of the people that receive these letters from David Wilson actually read them. LA and the Valley have may disgruntled lurkers of this Blog. Who wants to be connected to a pychopath that enslaves people and then beats them up? David and Bonita Wilson, please wake up!
Ever since Mike’s been posting and commenting on them, I’ve been reading a lot more Co$ e-mails with a lot more interest 🙂 Otherwise they just go straight to the trash by way of blacklisting (spam filter).
David get real! You sign off as a humanitarian who wants to free the world while you spread the word that the economy has collapsed because slavery was abolished. That is a fucking situation called a GPM! David Miscavige don’t ser fac on him, you do the same fucking thing. Preach Freedom while you piggy back off the misery of slaves and beggars. You both are stuck in some obsolete historical whole incident and are totally out of PT. I don’t care if one of you head honcho of freedom and the other thinks he has surpassed Jesus Christ. You guys are tripping!
The Oracle kindly posted this a little while back. I thought it somewhat suspect, now I know it is. The Valley should be coloured in deep purple.
$100,000 is a substantial amount, but for most people who are spiritually inclined, its only about 1/4 to 1/5 the value of their house.–David Wilson
Yeah, that’s all, only 20-25% of the value of your house, and we will be super, super happy with you for a week!!!!
Honestly Mike, I thought this was a spoof email, but if not, then David Wilson has become so delusional, his email confirms he has left the solar system.
It does seem that commenter Oracle is right: David Wilson is teaming up with Miscavige to destroy the church for good.
The difference between DM and David Wilson is that DM is a sociopath evil SP. David Wilson is just a stoogie duped by DM and doesn’t have the evil ints that DM has. He is being used and manipulated by DM.
If you think Dave Wilson does not have evil ints, I’m sorry, you are mistaken. These fundraisers are getting a percentage of the money they are regging, and (in the case of the Clearwater local FSM) see enough to regularly go out for chartered fishing trips, buy an Audi R8, and, when the parishioner asks them for help getting into session, tells them that their OCA is too low for audiiting, and that they should do Div 6 courses. Mind you, this is a Scn professor, Class IV auditor, and someone who now refuses to have anything to do with Scn and believes the Tech is a fraud.
I’m just appending this for clarity.
The professor, et al was the public in question, refused service and belittled by the “Power FSM”. She had 5 paid intensives, never delivered (nor will they ever be delivered). She is quite vehement in her decision to never have anything to do with the Church again.
Ah, I remember the old days when the most active scientologists were awarded for the number of new people they got started on a first service, or how many hours an auditor audited…but now its how much money did you suck out of people for donations…
David Wilson wow. Former ex SO member and RPFer. If I was a Kool Aider and got these emails, my honest reaction would be “what?”