This is a perfect example of the “dangerous environment” and “us v them” that are the mainstays of Miscavige and his IAS.
Every fundamentalist movement must have forces of evil they are waging a holy war against — and in turn those forces of evil must threaten the good guys’ very existence and require the ultimate sacrifice from their loyal minions to defeat the evil that is seeking to consume the world.
Are there abuses in the field of psychiatry? Without doubt. (Though these days it is “the psyches”, meaning any profession that has “psych” in its name — psychiatrist, psychotherapist, psychologist).
Is there value in cleaning up the field of mental healing? Of course.
Are the “psychs” hell-bent on stopping Scientology? That is ridiculous.
Scientology is becoming increasingly irrelevant and laughable all on its own. Go to an APA Convention — CCHR holds demonstrations outside and that is the ONLY attention “the psychs” ever pay to Scientology. Try and find any literature on the subject by “the psychs” or any media articles or reports about their efforts to destroy Scientology? See if you can locate a seminar or briefing at one of these conventions to address the “problem” of Scientology? These days there aren’t even any big bad guy psychiatrists to kick around to symbolize the evil — no Jolly West or Ewan Cameron. The “war against the psychs” AND the “psychs war against Scientology” are complete illusions. They don’t exist anywhere other than in the minds of Scientology event-goers who are indoctrinated into believing what they are told is reality. They are no different than the fundamentalists at Westboro Baptist Church who are convinced that the devil is destroying society through the evils of homosexuality. And they will stand on the streets making absolute fools of themselves, convinced they are moral, right and know the truth that nobody other than those inside their bubble know. And so they rage on insanely proclaiming “God Hate Fags” while the rest of the world looks on them with a mixture of contempt and amusement.
So too fundamentalist Scientologists.
And by the way, I bet there was not a single completion at “Friday Night Graduation.” This is not really an org and never has been.
And why no name? Couldn’t be anyone really important. Of course, if it was someone important, they would not be wasting their time in Orlando when there are a lot bigger fish to be caught in Tampa Bay.
But I would like to hear the presentation so I can find out what covert activities the SP’s are engaged in. I wonder if that includes the unemployed-bloggers-on-the-fringes-of-the-internet-SP’s?
From: “Dianetics & Scientology Orlando” <[email protected]>
To: “ORL” <[email protected]>
Subject: IAS Friday Night Graduation
Date: Wed, 26 Feb 2014 22:20:48 -0500
Very Special
Friday Night Graduation
Don’t miss this Friday Night’s Graduation where,
in addition to the Wins, Graduates, Announcements and Ideal Org News,
you will also receive a very relevant briefing from a veteran
Scientologist who participated personally in the main battles for
Religious Freedom in Italy and the U.S.
He is one of the key staff responsible for Milano booming in the 1980’s
and was the ED CCHR Italy who created “big flaps” for the psyches.
Now a Class VIII PR, Flag PR Briefing Course Graduate!
At this one – time – only briefing he will provide you
vital information on what covert activities the SP’s are engaged in,
in order to destroy this civilization, build up police states, and stop Scientology!
This information is extremely valuable to you in adjusting your
efforts in order to achieve YOUR FREEDOM!
Friday, February 28th, 2014
8:30 PM
Come early and join in the creative and constructive endeavors of your OT Committee which meets at 7:00!
Call or email to confirm you are coming:
Whatever you do, please keep that sense of humor of yours intact.
I burst out laughing when I saw the image above.
It still bugs me to see PR compared to Tech. In 1971 I was the first person on the planet to route onto the PRO course. I was given the original handwritten checksheet by Diana Hubbard and approved by LRH. I had to tell the Course Admin at HEI (Hubbard Executive Institute) in LA that I couldn’t use the original because it’s a valdoc. Finally, I was allowed to photocopy it and use that for my checksheet. LRH was writing the PR series while I was on the course. One day some guys from the GO barged into the course room and ripped every copy of HCO PL Black PR out of everyone’s course pack. Wild times.
My realization on this course is that PR is a bandaid. The real deal is the tech. I later did the BC and Class VIII courses and internships which proved my hunch to be correct. Unfortunately now this tech has been corrupted and is being misused to suppress people instead of freeing them.
And I appreciate your knowledgeable and sensible comments, Leonore.
There’s an old saying that “you can have God without religion; but you can’t have religion without the devil.” As one who thinks there is very great value in auditing and in being trained AS an auditor, I have to say how unfortunate it was for the long term existence of Scientology as a movement, that LRH apparently just couldn’t help himself. He had to dramatize the long term VERY aberrated Earth game of always HAVING to have the ultimate enemy to “survive” or to play the game. This is the same vicious, losing, costly Earth game played not only by most religions, but of course by most states as well. The English had the Spanish, then the French, then the Germans …. it was ALWAYS someone that the king had to send his army and navy to fight and die for. AND OF COURSE RALLY THE CITIZENS, who in their aberrated state, have always responded. IT’S THE EASY WAY of manipulating the folks on Earth. AND RON FELL INTO IT AS WELL (for whatever personal case reasons or personal demons of his or flaws, a debate for another time). But he went for it big time and Kim Jong Dave has continued this on steroids.
We do have to admit that in the SHORT term, this is an extremely successful action. We all know the briefing on the “SPs” and what we have to do to battle them in PT is a reg event, and the expected response to the threats is TO DONATE!
LRH got progressively sloppier in how he presented this as the years went on. He knew that “the faithful’ knew that he was “source” and never to be questioned, that he was to quoted as the “source of ultimate truth” on EVERY SUBJECT. So when HCO B Pain & Sex identified psychs on the whole track as the source of all evil, he didn’t need to back it up with ANYTHING, any actual data at all (of course he hadn’t had to do that with any pronouncement in many, many years). He was infallible, the speaker of all truth. So immediately, he was quoted. It got to the point where ANY societal outpoint AT ALL was identified as “psych” (psychs in schools, in the arts, military, etc)
But LRH, as successful as this method has been for a few decades, really sowed the seeds for his own church’s eventual destruction, because the great amount of public open to become Scientologists in the 50s to 80s were those folks WHO DIDN’T WANT TO PLAY THIS GAME. He made it almost inevitable that someone like Dave would replace him, and so I give you ladies and gents, today’s Church of Scientology.
Excellent comment Joe. I think this is accurate observation and analysis.
I suggest you pull your head in Espiando, because if you couldn’t perceive that far from parroting anything from anyone I was speaking from extensive study and experience outside Scientology, and you don’t realize that it’s far from only Scientologists that decry the failings – all too often fatal, as in the case of my friend’s cousin who suicided a couple of days after completing his courses if ECT (
( you see, despite the immobilizing muscle relaxants, and the consciousness depriving total anaesthetics, the brain is still the brain and electricity is still electricity…and this electricity does do. damage to the brain..and I know of so many others that have suicided after this “safe and effective treatment” …) then it may be no use to debate. Also, there is no need to attack anyone just because their views differ from yours as this is not conducive to fruitful communication.
Shakespeare, “King Lear” Act IV, Scene 2:
“Wisdom and goodness to the vile seem vile,
Filths favor but themselves.”
(“Science of Survival” says much the same, but in a clinical, and much more precise manner with specifications at all levels of the Emotional Tone Scale.)
Thank you Carcha! The Bard knew whereof he spake.
To reg or not to reg. That is not the question.
What the hell is right Sylvia. Now the Class 8 or 6 is an expert in PR, not in handling people. And the ias “graduates” people, to a state of insolvency. They say more than they know. Great series of posts Mike, I’m catching up and really appreciate all your work. The humor and artwork is priceless.
There are some psychiatrists, and many psychologists, who are honest, caring, compassionate and helpful. So it’s absurd, and far from productive in the long run, to simply decry and attack psychiatry per se. It’s the harm and tragedies that ensue from psychiatric mistreatment (psychotropic drugs, ECT etc), the misinformation (eg the DSM scam)and collusion with the monolithic drug industry, whose money and influence don’t merely influence but practically control the focus and direction of mainstream psychiatry (see Dr Loren Misher’s resignation letter amongst myriad instances of honest independent psychiatrists declaiming or admitting as much) that needs exposure.
These facts are undeniable to anyone who honestly looks at the subject with anything more than a cursory glance and accepts a biased or vested view without honestly and diligently looking into it themselves.
Much really needs to be done to radically but compassionately and rationally improve the field of mental health.
It’s a tragedy, more than a shame, that this vital mission has been tainted with horrid hyperbole and diverted into entrenching a mindless us and them mindset. There are many committed passionate and competent people who in varying degrees align and effectively co-operate with CCHR in some excellent work that does expose the false and the harmful, and promote the honest and the truly safe and effective in mental health.
But the hype and the subversion of a vitally valid mission into a mindless “us versus them” dichotomy make it much harder,if not impossible, for many many more to co-ordinate with the valiant and genuine CCHR members and volunteers to clean up, make honest and safe, and vastly improve the field of mental health.
With honest communication, common worthy goals can be shared and helpful actions be co-ordinated, instead of wasting energy with created strife.
It starts with integrity.
Victor Frankl is an example of a very well intended psychiatrist. He should be recommended reading for not only Scientologists, but anyone searching for answers to a meaningful life.
I second that, MJ. I just finished the book and found so much good from it and I intend to do what he suggests. It is recommended reading for everyone in my book.
You all stole Cat Daddy’s heart:
Have you ever taken a psychotropic drug? I have. I’m on them now. They have done wonders for my life. You are invalidating my wins. Aren’t Scientologists not supposed to do that?
Have you ever had ECT? Do you know anything about ECT other than what Hubbard said about it? Do you know that it’s considered a treatment of last resort these days, and that there are any number of protocols in place to ensure the patient isn’t harmed?
This is why I fight against the Church and against the Indies when they decide to parrot this nonsense like you do. Your line of nonsense is harming people who could be receiving legitimate help from medical professionals, whether it comes in the form of a discussion, a pill, or a non-invasive surgical procedure.
What nonsense exactly? Be specific.
My observations and conclusions are similar to yours. Unfortunately, the repute of the C of S has been so damaged that good intentions, reputations, and efforts of groups such as CCHR have been tainted and undermined, too.
All in all, I do think that for our future human beings should be concerned about the intentions and applications of people in the field of mental health. If beliefs and viewpoints that are politically incorrect can be characterized and “treated” as a disease, and all divergent points of view regarded as some sort of brain misalignment, we are opening the door to a very scary future. (Good movie material here – reminds me of the ending of “Man Who Fell to Earth with David Bowie, years back).
A couple points related to this whole discussion:
LRH did try to introduce dianetics to society on pscyhiatric/psychological lines in the very early days. Not being part of the establishment, not having the degrees and certifications, LRH and his work, dianetics, were rejected. There was some degree of popularity and interest in dianetics, so this probably did create a backlash from opinion leaders in the established mental health field who sought to control it.
Just as with doctors, teachers, lawyers, there are for psychology and psychiatry regulatory bodies manned by establishment experts that approve certification of professional competence and techniques one can and cannot use. You need one of these certificaitons to hang out a shingle and advertise services. There are laws that make it a crime to practice such professions without licenses.
Certain psychiatrists were hostile and tried to thwart the increasing interest in and practice of dianetics. There is documentation that it was the American Medical Association DC Committee on Psychiatry who contacted the IRS Investigation Division in early 1950s to complain about dianetics and early C of S organizations and activities. This person in charge at the IRS finally admitted this fact in deposition (this fact discovered and documented years BEFORE David Miscavige came on the scene to do anything about the IRS and before his gloating IRS win speech).
LRH was understandably bitter about being undermined and ridiculed by establishment leaders in fields of psychology, and no doubt he then decided that scientology would be more safely presented as an “applied religious philosophy,” taking the subject and its practices out of the realm of psychiatry and psychology. As a religion in the West, dianetics and scientology would be able to be practiced without governmental regulatory interference. Personally, I think dianetics and scientology rightfully belong in the religious column based on the axiomatic beliefs in theta (spirit)/body/mind relationships and perspective that the mind is the tool and position of a spiritual being.
There was also A LOT going on in the 1950s having to do with brainwashing, psych hospitals and barbaric “psychiatric” techniques (yes – Pain/Drugs/Hypnosis) being used in certain parts of the world for controlling political dissidents. There were also the brainwashing incidents with Korean POWs. In general, a hot topic of the day was how to control the minds of people and politically manage the masses. These things have been documented and exposed – not just on Scientology lines. And, as has been mentioned, the CIA made its own experimental foray into mind control.
LRH’s direction then was really the opposite of most of these mind control projects.
I don’t see that LRH’s antagonism towards certain psychiatric elements and practices and people was evidence of insanity. He had in many ways a correct target for the times.
It just seems ridiculous, out-of-touch, and immature that scientologists become frothingly apoplectic over and run away from anything spelled with the letters P-S-Y-C-H. Reacting that way is just proof of being out of comm and is out-reality. In order to help in any field, one has to communicate, get in ARC, listen, acknowledge, weed between those with good intentions and those with bad, and make friends of supposed enemies!
So, Oiram, I appreciate what you said here.
Correction: …the mind is the tool and possession of a spiritual being…
As soon as I saw “IAS Friday Night Graduation” the rest of the e-mail became pretty irrelevant. It should just say “An IAS event is being tacked on to Friday night graduation. Come or else. We will be regging the fuck out of you as usual.” It doesn’t matter who the special speaker is. They always have a hyped up special speaker of some kind or another. Same ol’ same ol’.
Friday IAS Reg Night! Bring your credit cards. Free cookies and coffee for all those who up their status.
Agreed. It’s an IAS reg event, tacked on to graduation. The poor graduates can’t just get their certs, share their wins and enjoy some space and a sense of accomplishment.
They have to be overshadowed by the IAS vultures and get an enforced briefing and wallet draining. Whether they want to receive this communication or not. The only purpose is to get money out of each attendee. I’m guessing that it’s become very difficult to get people in to attend any IAS briefings, so it’s forced on graduation. They do the same thing on course breaks and holding students after course is over. I’ve had donation envelopes forced into my hands during these times and its really pathetic.
A simple example of how the faithful public who is trying to improve their life, or do the right thing by going on course in good faith, is betrayed for money.
I can imagine having a huge win completing a course and giving your huge win at graduation, all glowing and beaming. And then when it’s over, the registrars cluster-reg you and the win is over, the key in takes over, he feels like shit. So in session on the Rehab, he’s asked, “what keyed in to end that keyout?” or something similar and he tells of the vulture regging that went on. The next C/S is: “Rfactor pc he is now beign put on an HCO Sec Check.” Let the games begin! Be glad you all go out.
Comparing the WBC to how irrelevant and nutty Scientology looks to outsiders is a point worth making!
Can’t recommend enough “Banished” by a young woman raised in the WBC and then kicked out. An amazing look at the inner-workings of a cult, perhaps the most insane expression of human behavior there is.
The Us versus Them mentality: L.Ron Hubbard RJ 67
Incoherent utterances.
Joan, how dare you say that about this thesis of LRH that is obviously the result of hundreds of years of research compressed into a few years of brilliant detective sweat and toil? Seems he really relied on a few English-centric sources like the sunday newspapers.
When I dared to question a scientologist where the evidence was for what LRH postulates all I got was a look and words that told me she believed him and believing in it worked – no need for further proof. Which is fair enough if you’re needy enough to fall back on a religion. Scientology is not the only “religion” which demands that suspension of disbelief and logic. But why people feel the need to allow religions to direct and dominate their lives escapes me.
I have to dissagree, It follows a consistent line of thought
tony-b,, there was much misinformation on all lines in these days
You can hear the years of cigarettes in his voice – probably early COPD.
Of course, the biggest Psych scalp claimed (that I know of) was that of Raj Persaud here in the UK. Following an article critical on Scientology, CCHR went through every word he ever wrote, found some suspiciously plagiaristic passages, complained to GMC, and Dr Persaud lost his post, his reputation, and a lot of potential earnings (briefly covered in The Psychopath Test by Jon Ronson).
It could actually be argued there was some public benefit here, as Raj was lifting huge tracts of other peoples work without permission. But now of course, there is nothing holding Raj back in his criticism of Scientology and LRH, and he has an axe to grind…
Id be very interested to hear if any readers know any more about the behind-the-scenes decision making in this case?
Didn’t know about Persaud.
Do know that CCHR and various factions of the Anti psychiatrist movement went after Cameron and West by linking them to Mk Ultra.
Helped in launching a major lawsuit against Mcgill U over “sleep therapy” which didn’t do too much for his legacy as such.
West well West was pretty well connected to CIA and other US Government agencies’ Mind Control agenda. Much of what he did was still classified and thus very hard to file suit against for the typical reasons of “National Security”.
While I was on CCHR staff in the early ’90’s we help bring down National Medical Enterprises by turning over what evidence we had over to the FBI.
This was before CCHR are was turned into a traveling side show under Jan the pedophile enabler.
This so called war being fought by Scientology against the psyches is to me truly ironic.
A psychologist is primarily engaged in various forms of talk therapy for example.
The psychologist is educated, regulated, tested and licensed following a specific set of guidelines over many years. Throughout their career there are continuing educational and licensing requirements.
In Scientology you have an Auditor or counselor who closely resembles a psychologist. They are trained via the teachings of Lafayette Ron Hubbard’s written guidelines.
Dianetics aka Scientology is LRH’s codified self help system. This subject is extensively covered by numerous authors across the globe who have published articles on Ron’s system of self help.
As with all human beings there are those who are essentially good and those who are bad or poor at their jobs.
So I would submit that there are psyches that are not good at their jobs. Just as there are Auditors who are not good at their jobs.
As every human being is unique different types of therapy work better for one person versus another.
I believe there are good and bad points in all types of therapy. Unfortunately for Scientology David Miscavige has destroyed what goodwill corporate Scientology had to offer to the world.
The difference in the publications and reviews of the psyches versus those of LRH is peer review. A good psyche journal won’t publish a review or a study until the review/study has been scrutinized by a panel of experts for scientific validity.
Do those published articles on LRH’s “codified self help system” you are referring to use peer review by academic experts?
1. Having failed for six decades to deliver even one objectively verifiable clear or OT, the Church’s remaining deliverables are mocking up (imagining) enemies, buying buildings, and repackaging and reselling old materials.
2. The writer of the announcement needs word clearing for this phrase: “created ‘big flaps’ for the psyches.” The word “psyche” does not mean “psych,” which can be short for psychologist or psychiatrist. Rather, “psyche” means the soul, mind, or spirit — what Scientologists would call the thetan. So the flyer announces to the world that the writer does not know English, or that the speaker did actually fight against the human spirit.
“psyche” vs. “psych”: another e-mail example of Scientologist illiteracy.
They have their own dictionary!
You’re right Mike.
There’s nothing like Ewen or Jolly out there in the Psychiatric Community these days. Nor is there anything like Mk Ultra going on.
From my perspective CCHR and the Antipsychiatry movement led by Dr Szasz pretty much cleaned up the field and anything the Church is currently doing led by those money grubbing cretins in the IAS is pretty much overrun.
Funny how the Church these days has the ability to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.
Lol love the term ‘a very relevant’. Love that they are now having to persuade attendees that it’ll be actually relevant.
Yet again the so called experts of communication seem totally oblivious as to what they really communicate through their own stuff!!!
Evening assuming arguendo that Scientology has, and has had, a legitimate mission in reforming “psychiatric” abuses, what real or lastpng effect has the Church, IAS, CCHR really accomplished in at least the past 20 or 25 years? I would say basically none. IAS event graphics would show “the amount of government appropriations for psychiatry cut from their budgets,” as if Scientology was de-funding psychiatry – but that is a lot of bull – there is still plenty of government funding for psychiatry-related matters. And I am sure all the “big wins” like psychs in jail or psych hospitals closed was more the Church dishonestly jumping on the events that were happening anyways and claiming all the credit. This is more of the Pope Miscavigus the Last and his Truman show world.
I think that when LRH shook his finger at psychiatry, it was before “One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest” was made, and what angered him were things like ice-baths, electro-shock, lobotomies, hypnosis, and other such things – they probably used water-boarding, too, but imagine if prisoners at Gitmo or Abu Ghraib were treated like that? MANY reforms have taken place since then, many probably simply on the recognition that they were mistakes, and were stopped out of some sense of shame. That change was productive, but it has been brought. The Co$ “war against psychs” may simply be a broken record lack of direction.
LRH only turned against psychiatry when they refused to acknowledge his “brilliance”. It had nothing to do with reform against abuse. Once the “psychs” told LRH that Dianetics was a pile of garbage, the war was on. Sorry, Tom Cruise, that is the history of psychiatry that you don’t know.
CCHR definitely had a role in pressuring the FDA to use “black box warnings” on antidepressants, as well as influencing key changes in policy with regards to the TeenScreen program. I believe it would have had far greater clout and respect, however, had it not been part of an abusive “space cootie” cult.
It’s called a “seige mentality”.
Attacked. Victim.
As a scientologist this point of view lands you in Ethics doing lower conditions faster than you can part the clouds.
If you’re a scientologist, wherever you are on the bridge, remember one of the senior policies: Think for yourself.
Ask questions.
Nobody cuts your balls off without your implied consent.
And castrated parishioners don’t fight back.
As usual, Scientology takes a little bit of truth and adds a whole lotta LIE to it.
Are psych drugs overprescribed? Yes.
Are they overprescribed to children? Yes.
There will always be those few bad eggs who take the kickbacks from the pharmaceuticals…
…there will always be those whose first inclination is to prescribe a pill.
But WHO is REALLY doing something about that problem?
NOT Scientology.
Ummmm…the psychiatric and medical professions do a great job of monitoring from within.
These professions are very heterogenous. There is lots of spirited dissension and fighting in the ranks.
Within those professions, there are FAR more who really care…
…who got into the profession in order to help people…
…and are effectively pushing back and regulating against the ‘one pill fits all’ mentality.
The thing about psychiatrists or psychologists?
If you go to one and don’t like the answers you’re getting…you can stop going…and find a ‘psych’ who more fits your needs and philosophy. You’re FREE TO CHANGE.
There is no “one size fits all” answer.
Unlike Scientology.
My childhood friend who is a world-renowned child neuropsych…had never heard of Scientology. Only that it was “that Tom Cruise cult.”
Never had a clue they had a bee in their bonnet for psychs.
That’s how effective COB has been at ‘confronting and shattering’ the psychs.
A doctor or licensed health care professional is regulated by the state. If they did things to people that are routinely done to people in orgs, they would lose their license. But this con-scheme gets away with it under the 1st Amendment. We need better laws to protect people from destructive cults. Maybe that can be the legacy of Scientology?
Don’t need new laws. Just enforce the laws already there.
Madora – It is a very dangerous game to second-guess LRH. If Scientology were secular, and regulated, you or your children could be ordered to take courses and receive auditing. The tendency may be to look around for faults in ‘the system’ and, in anger and frustration, think it is the system’s fault. The fault is most probably in a misunderstanding or misapplication of the system. The existing laws recently found against a dentist (I think it was) who ordered employees to study Scientology – the finding was based on the fact that Scientology is a religion. Scientology is a religion. It is a spiritual pursuit. It is knowledge of life. It continues and improves upon the religions of the past. And laws do exist to regulate the ACTS AND BEHAVIORS of religion, if only more people would get out of their Middle Ages engram about it. – Carcha.
You are 100% right. Just look at Lisa Mcpherson’s body in the morgue.
“The greatest enemy will hide in the last place you would ever look”.
Julius Caeser
Yes, just look at the little man standing behind the podium !
Psychs are the enemy, my ass.
Speaking of generalities, what is more of a generality than “the psychs”?
Yup! In plain view.
David Miscavage came in the belly of a wooden horse and slithered out to announce Ron’s death…a death that he probably helped hasten along, and only a day or two after the Will was mysteriously changed?
Someone should have put period to this punk at the outset. Sad to say I was too brainwashed at the time.
Well — psychs DO know about scientology — but not because they are afraid of scientology.
They know about scientology because THEY TREAT former scientologists who have been harmed by the tech, how it was applied to them, or how they perceived it was applied to them, through the loss of family members and all sorts of skewered belief systems.
I know this is true because I have TWO close personal friends who are in the mental health field.
One is a Harvard medical school psychiatrist –now in private practice who does NOT administer drugs but who treats patients and has treated former traumatized scientologists.
The other is a psychologist in Northern California who has had several former scientologists as patients.
I believe MORE AND MORE psychs are going to know plenty about scientology as more and more former scientologists recognize that there IS genuine help available from someone who is knowledgable about the advances in science AND the brain AND the mind.
Many “psychs” are buddhists … one of my friends is a practicing buddhist – the other a life long Catholic.
Neither feel fundamentalism is healthy.
Both of them are right 🙂
Well said Christine,
I wonder whether there is such a thing as a former $cientologist that was not traumatized by the experience.
Coop, although your question is rhetorical, I’ll answer it literally. I don’t know of one person who has left the cult who was not traumatized by it. And I have talked to a lot of Indies and Freezoners and UTR’s and KA drinkers to come to this conclusion.
I wasn’t. Mostly because I only had myself involved and not my whole family.
I got in contact with Scientology only for the spiritual goals I had and not because of any obligation to “save the world”. And the tech certainly helps me reach many of those. I never was TOO closely attached to the Orgs or what they thought of me. I mostly stayed on the sidelines and dared to go in and put off with crap I disagreed with when I had to. And it wasn’t until I was personally targeted with their nonsense that I decided to go looking elsewhere.
I always quietly disagreed instead of pushing a ridge against them. But now that I’m out, I certainly do think it would have been better to disconnect from that group sooner. They slow people down in life. Nothing more.
I do understand the situations that others have gone through. What I’ve seen them do to others has understandably been traumatic for them.
But once I found the great people in FZElma, and began to understand, “Yeah, I guess we can do this in freedom. Without this manipulation of one’s private life,” I began to slowly peel away the layer of what works and what truly is bullshit.
So, I just want to let you know, I’ve found a very peaceful and uplifting gem in the middle of that onion. Once I peeled it. =)
Agreed. To be a scientologist, for an length of time, is to experience trauma.
Your view of life, people and the world is so skewed. There’s no way to live through it unharmed.
I agree with you Cindy that the damage has been horrific. I have to say though that repair and revitalization can be very fast under the care of an Independent auditor who knows what they are doing. I really don’t think about the past misfortunes with the church anymore. L-12, OT V and general repair actions have been truly remarkable and cleaned this all up and my attention has swung to the future.
As soon as the weather breaks (spring) I am doing the Cause Resurgence RD under the care of a former Flag Class 9 auditor. I’ve located an open field near my home and I am going to plant a pole in the center it and then walk, run or crawl until my either eyes begin to bleed or I’m done. LOL
I think public who didn’t join staff and didn’t drop an incredible amount of money have pretty good chance of saying they weren’t traumatized.For me it was 90% good but I was so turned off by the fund raising tactics, I just avoided it like the plague. I remember a “come to Jesus” moment when I was being regged for a donation for something and the amount I offered wasn’t good enough for the guy on the phone and he was trying to “handle” me. I had a realization that it was never good enough. It was like a patter and he got to the step “Ask the Shill if there’s anyway he/she can donate (insert double the amount offered here)” – just like a vampire that is never satisfied while you still have blood left in your body.
Scientology has the “EST Repair List.” Now we need a “Scientology Repair List.”
“At this one – time – only briefing he will provide you vital information on what covert activities the SP’s are engaged in, in order to destroy this civilization, build up police states, and stop Scientology!”
Inside scientology is the place where you’ll find the ‘police state’.
Vital information, huh? Somehow I think I can live without it.
Yeah, they looooong ago killed off the real meaning of the word “vital.”
“Necessary to the continuation of life; life-sustaining.” Well MJ, be careful, we all may drop dead before the Oscars are over….
Tom Cruise has more chance of winning an Oscar tonight than that happening.
“Us vs. Them” is the ultimate service facsimile. It’s A=A. And a motivator/justifier.
It is indicative of blindness (the not-isness) that people within the cult can’t recognize it as case.
What a paranoid email. IAS = paranoia.
Your and Marty’s stories of Miscavige’s out of touch with reality mindset, well that “leadership” lack of mindset has even been noticed by Clearwater’s mayor, who gets applauded for having to deal with Scientology.
quote from the Tampa Bay Times, showing even the Clearwater mayor spots Miscavige/leadership as the real problem:
“Cretekos nodded while he picked at a Panera Bread bagel, before quickly adding that his issues with the sect are not with the local members. “But for some reason, its leadership thinks it is above the community.” ”
The truth is spreading to the public about Miscavige’s bad role in things!
Yes Chuck. He is becoming known far and wide for his arrogance. He made a big deal about how HE was the star of the events in his tent in Clearwater. And that caused all sorts of friction with the city. And though he was announcing at graduation each week “I’m still here” to elicit cheers and whistles from the KoolAid addled audience, he did not even attempt to reach out to the city personally. He no longer feels he needs them, so they are relegated back to unimportance. Back when he felt he DID need them — during the McPherson case — he was on best bud terms with Mike Roberto (City Manager) and Pam Aiken (City Attorney) and would go over to City Hall to visit with them often. He also met with Bill Horne (who is now the City Manager) and he no doubt recalls the days of “Diamond Dave” being solicitous to the city and bringing them plans to beautify downtown and bring in a Starbucks to revitalize downtown (the work actually done by Tom DeVocht). Miscavige is “above” the peons in Clearwater now. I am sure the current Mayor has heard from the people in the city how things were when Miscavige felt vulnerable and thought he may need their support.
He can and does turn anyone into an enemy, for absolutely no reason, other than he can.
He needs the “Tyrant Leader Rundown”, or just a few thousand times around the running track on the Cause Resurgence Rundown, on the running program floor of the Superpower Building.
Out of touch tyrant syndrome. Thanks for the details, they really explain so much.
You’re welcome Chuck.
I recall the late 1990s article(s), extolling the seeming change of Scientology leadership, Marty was there to be quoted, Miscavige even was quoted in some then St. Pete Times’ article(s) about Scientology, showing a better scene.
Marty in his St. Pete Times “Truth Rundown” interview mentioned some of the changes, Miscavige personally being brought into the suit by the McPherson family, as part of his hibernation into this new bader tyrant phase he’s been stuck in.
His life, a book on him, would be a mighty challenge, but I’ve heard several ponder doing such.
There’s plenty of firsthand sources to detail the exciting life of the tyrant leader blundering at the top of Scientology today.
thanks again for all your years of being public!
“He can and does turn anyone into an enemy, for absolutely no reason, other than he can.”
Is this not the EP of RCS?
Recently, as a member of the Clearwater Citizen’s Academy, I explained personally to city manager, Bill Horne, the insane reason why I was expelled from the cult after 40 years of contributions.
I also engaged both the Mayor and City Manager in a conversation about SCN during a Q&A with the Academy. Though they were politically correct in their responses, you could see the smoke emanating from their ears.
Miscavige’s policies has made an enemy out of me, a NEW OT VIII, Grad V and recent HGC auditor at Tampa Org.
I once announced to a bully who was threatening me in school for no other reason than I was making friends easily, to meet me after class to settle this. We made it like a boxing match with the two of us in the ring and the other kids cheering us on. I felt exhilarated and won by TKO. DM, wanna go a few rounds?
“He can and does turn anyone into an enemy, for absolutely no reason, other than he can.”
Sounds like a GPM dramatization to me…
Thanks for speaking up, Sheldon.
“He can and does turn anyone into an enemy, for absolutely no reason, other than he can.”
That’s what sociopaths do. Everyone is eventually an enemy. But in the meantime, they try to get your money.
Interesting. Well, you need an opponent to have a game and keep it that way, meaning, it is a game, experience some competition, have fun.
But this story of “the psychs” purports an opponent that ‘has to be destroyed’. Vert, very, very low tone game. I guess if you fight an enemy that does not exist, very likely you will end attacking and destroying your own group (as it’s happening now with Black Heart’s one).
But the worst of all on the e mails is the “Class VIII PR” title. What the hell? A Class VIII in PR? I bet he is not a GAG II Class VIII as, these days, Scn Inc’s PR is way down the tubes and, in fact, a disaster.
I made up a definition for “PR” in that sense. Permanently Retreading
Also persistent redo’s.
I would argue that RCS’s opponent has become its own membership, not the psyches. Trotting out the psyches as the baddie is just a money-making gimmick. Their real target are free-thinking, courageous individuals who refuse to lick the boot.
It’s really hard to eat all that shit and pretend it tastes good.
Silvia as you know LRH gave the church a proper opponent and that of course was and continues to be the reactive mind. These other “opponents” were never supposed to be given the time and resources that DM has repurposed for his private ancillary wars.
The fact that the Class 8 course room is closed at AOLA should tell us everything we need to know about DM’s sense of what is important.
The church can never survive until it makes the training of auditors and the handling of what people consider is disrupting their live through auditing important again. Training and auditing have fallen completely out of fashion because free money became the crack habit the church (DM) couldn’t get off of once the addiction had its hold on him.
Well, I would not agree that the enemy was not identified as psychiatry well before Miscavige arrived on the scene.
There is a LOT of LRH material about this starting in early 50’s, through RJ 67 and all the way to the Pain and Sex HCOB and his musings about Farsec.
This is not an invention of Miscavige. Though until the IAS there was no program of scooping up hundreds of millions to “eradicate psychiatry”. THAT is Miscavige’s invention.
So I agree with you about that. Money has become the motivating factor in everything related to the RCS.
A little Steve Miller for you:
They got the money, hey
You know they got away
They headed down south and they’re still running today
Singin’ go on take the money and run
Go on take the money and run
Go on take the money and run
Go on take the money and run
Go on take the money and run
Go on take the money and run
Go on take the money and run
Go on take the money and run
Ummm not sure how well you know yor LRH history! Not only were the psychs enemies but he repeatedly referred to SMERSH, yes SMERSH, like in James Bond as a real enemy and fave updates on the battle agaisnt them!
This is all documented in his own bulletins during his early time on the Apollo. You can find the docs easily online.
Look, confront and educate yourself!
KFrancis – I had the same thought (well … close) this morning. The reactive mind is an invasive, insidious, lying, cheating, brutal, camouflaged opponent – and that is very obviously what all of Dianetics and Scientology is about defeating. I think it was in DMSMH – if ever there was a Devil, he invented the reactive mind. I find it interesting that two (or more) individuals can see the same thing, independently, while the bank functions on agreement only (that I can see). – Carcha
Very spot on K Francis and Mike. Although LRH started the “war on psychiatry,” (which is covered in Marty’s latest book, on WHY Ron suddenly was so down on psychs), it was McSavage that keeps trying to make the psychs our arch enemies out to get us. All this in order to get tons of money from donations to wipe out the enemy. And yes, once they tasted the crack cocaine of money, the addiction took hold and now is the monkey on the back of Scn. He doesn’t want to break this addiction. It is his driving force and that of his minions now. It is what the church is about now.
We’ve come a long way baby!
It has to be a very, very intoxicating feeling to have someone write a check for $100,000.00 and give it to you with only trust attached. Now imagine hundreds of people willing to do this for years and years. I’ll bet DM and the rest of management were a bit in shock when this first got going and saw with what ease parishioners were willing to part with fortunes. Honestly I’m sure some of the SO members must have looked around the room at each other as the massive RTC fortune just kept building and were in a state of shock over it.
How do you get off this road once you’ve started down it and millions are pouring in weekly? Free money with only trust attached to it. The easiest collateral ever is, “Thank you for your donation, we will use it for good.”
Honestly, it really is bad crack habit and in this case the patient has no desire to reform so death is the only realistic outcome.
(Excuse me for essentially repeating what I wrote earlier)
Cocaine running around my brain.
Your mentions here of fundamental official Scientology failing to find bad psychs to attack, I wonder if that comment will spur Miscavige to order OSA to get cracking and find the missed bad psychs to target!
yes, official Scientology’s gotten out of date.
They will take decades if ever to change their spots.
A quick way though, would be to openly drop OSA, openly drop disconnection, and openly drop the money grabbing.
But that is a couple long steps away. 1) Lose Miscavige, somehow he decides to leave, which seems impossible, but it happens all manner of ways in dictator/totalitarian groups and countries worldwide all through history. 2) Drop their extremist shunning 3) Drop OSA 4) Drop their money focus as starters.
Part of dropping the money focus would be making all the lectures downloadable on iTunes, all the books available on Kindle, offer downloadable meter software on Amazon for use on a computer (and send electrodes hardware in the mail), have all the course packs available on Amazon and just let people get on with it. Make it dirt cheap. And set up the orgs to accommodate mostly co-audit and repair auditing. But that would be too easy and inexpensive. And all that freedom would be soooo nasty.
This can never happen. Just imagine the possible reviews on Amazon?
I agree this is the only way forward if you truly have “clearing the planet” as your goal. But the goal of the Church of Scientology is money, so the last thing it will do is destroy its revenue stream. After all, that would be the “greatest whatever for the greatest dynamics,” or whatever that bullshit phrase is that the CoS likes to use (but doesn’t mean).
Drop kick DM out of his castle right into the Hemet jail.
One Time Only, adjust my efforts?
OK—– I’m having apple pie and a coke for breakfast.
Cocoa puffs and raspberry juice.
Fear is a “wonderful” condition to be forced to live in inside the bubble.
IAS= Insane And Sick
Inept and stupid.