What you see below are 4 letters asking someone in Clearwater for money for Orlando “ideal” org.
All 4 of them were put into one envelope.
Apparently the Orlando org does not have enough money to mail 4 separate letters. Nor do they have money for letterhead. Or anything but the cheapest paper and envelopes.
Yet, after years of begging for money and failing, they were just given a new building. A building they don’t need. A building they cannot afford. A building they couldn’t even fill if they took everyone who has EVER been on staff and everyone who has EVER taken any scientology service in Orlando and put them all in there at once.
But, as is usual in scientology, facts and logic are never allowed to slow down fundraising efforts. By now, the few public in Orlando know that the Flag OT Committee couldn’t raise any money for their “ideal org” at all. And eventually the inevitable bailout happened so Miscavige would have something to say at the March 13th event. Remember it is the one event that happens in Clearwater each year, so he needed something to stroke the Flag public with first and foremost. You can almost hear him saying it: “The orgs in the ‘Flag Alliance’ of Tampa, Atlanta, Orlando and Puerto Rico are DONE Sir” to a standing ovation from the public at Flag who love the fact that the world has been led to believe that the biggest and baddest OTC on earth has pulled off the miracle. The same public who KNOW that they didn’t really do anything to accomplish this at all.
The letters are borderline illiterate. They are also pathetic. If they are going to beg for money, they should be asking for contributions to do something about the state of the org and its handful of beleaguered staff — this “org” is an unviable, basically bankrupt part-time failure. The last thing it needs is a Taj Mahal to sit empty and useless.
FG says
Why do they imitate Hubbard handwriting?
Fred G. Haseney says
Oy vey!
Gadfly says
Sheeple, sheeple who need sheeple
Are the stupidest people in the world
They’re minions, needing other minions
Never using their logical mind
Ignoring those doubts deep inside
Acting more like minions than minions
Doubters are very special sheeple
They’re the luckiest sheeple in the world
With one doubter, one very special doubter
A feeling deep in your soul
That one day you’ll get up and blow
No more corn on the cob every day
Don’t be a sheeple who needs sheeple
Sheeple who need sheeple
Are the stupidest people in the world!
Kronomex says
I actually thought the first letter (skimmed it too fast) was written by Dipstick Moron because I thought it was signed “Ima Midget”. Did they have to pay paid for the paper, pens, etc or did the org?
exccla says
So sad for them, but it’s so good for us. As a former cult member, I would NEVER do anything like cf, writing letters or anything that a staff member should be doing. I did fsm-$ for me. I paid the cult good $ for my services-which I’d love back. Was at flag a lot, and I’d see lots of staff doing things I’d never do. Would like to say’ tis a ‘pity’, but it ‘s what they brought about themselves and whatthey deserve.
Espiando says
There are only two occasions when Outflow = Inflow:
1) Scientology
2) Sewage
Please make your own jokes. I don’t go for low-hanging fruit.
Jose Chung says
Course room letter writing was to get
public back on lines.
They are running out of tricks.
Old Surfer Dude says
Nah, I think they have plenty of tricks left. What they don’t have is luck and time.
Natural Clear says
Jose Chung says
March 7, 2016 at 3:07 pm
“Course room letter writing was to get
public back on lines.”
“They are running out of tricks.”
Letter writing didn’t even work before GAT 1 and 2.
I hope some of these elderly Sea Org and Org Staff Members realize that time is running out as they are not getting any younger. Some can play the game all they want that your going to “come back”.
Will someone else know that you came back?
Who will listen to you? Believe you? Your Scientology parents if you get “lucky”? Your non-Scientology parents?
If one found out it was true, what then?
Live your life now.
Jose Chung says
Back when Moby Dick was a Minnow
an entire course room of 35 or 40 people would write a
come back to course letter to somebody.
Then the supe would mail this collection to the individual.
Money was never mentioned.
What is scary is only 4 people on course ?
And only for money?
Open a traveling Hot Dog Stand if you need money.
I had a client who did this and became mega rich.
(owned race horses,etc.)
Mike Wynski says
Well El Ray said that outflow equals inflow. In this case an inflow of ridicule & mirth.
BTW, any word on when the First Independent Church of Scamology is going to build its first “hole” for being out KSW? Just wondering…
I Yawnalot says
That really smacks of severe desperation. The misguided souls who write those letters are probably doing no more than trying to keep their seniors off the backs. ‘Outflow,’ any outflow is their only tool they have to buy even the slightest respite from the endless pressure to acquire money.
Organisationally, management has and is actively throwing their members under the bus, the cycle obviously has descended into the ‘begging’ stage. What’s next is sheer apathy and through the door onto the street.
Nothing good comes from being a member of the Cof$.
Friend says
A child of 10 years write such letters .. come on come on we need help ..
Jake Hamby (@jhamby) says
They don’t even have a postage meter in the office? Maybe it would be too much of a temptation for people to use to send personal letters. The Church probably forces the people writing the letters to pay for the stamps to mail them as well.
Lawrence says
Jake, it is unlikely if you are contributing to Mike’s blog that you would be surprised at things members may do under the guise of helping themselves up the Bridge. I have to laugh as I write this. I once had 2 OT’s “make case gain” by banging on my windows and front door in broad daylight when I was home. Then the squad car I summoned pulled up and you would have died to have seen the expression on those 2 OT’s faces. I was watching through the blinds as the Police questioned them what they were doing here. You see, I have lived here at this address for 36 years. No way are they telling the Police or anyone else “They think they know who they are dealing with”. Real wise guys. Real arrogant wise guys. First and last time they ever visited my house. 🙂
SadStateofAffairs says
Once when walking in the streets of Madrid, I was surrounded by several young gypsy women, who were begging for money, when I was not forthcoming with any, the four of them closed in on me grabbing at me, trying to grab my briefcase and find my wallet to snatch. C of S fundraising and regging sort of reminds me of that incident.
civmar says
My only encounter with a Gypsy was also in Spain, in the early ’80s. I was strolling outside the walls of the city.
She offered to read my palm and I didn’t quite get all that she saw there but it sounded like “You will have a happy home and have two sons”. Damn if she wasn’t right about that.
She forgot to mention the four daughters, though.
SadStateofAffairs says
Next logical step in the fundraising strategy: Get staff and public dirty, dress them in rags, give them hand-lettered signs with misspelled words asking for handouts because their Ideal org is not completed, and let them loose on the streets.
Willie AKA Good Old Boy says
The RTC rep of that Org is frantic and scared knowing that if the money is not raised in a timely manner she is doomed to the raft of DLMDM. I’m surprised there isn’t a suicide a week in the bubble. Or most likely being in the bubble is a type of suicide in itself, Very slow and very painful. The RTC rep is giving the execs and their staff hell at this moment to save her ass. A classic pain driven management system.
Snake Thompson's Ghost says
What is DLMDM?
Bob Eckert says
David “Let Him Die” Miscavige
by “the raft of DLHDM” I assume “the wrath” is meant
Hennessy says
Did the Mother Church actually end up paying for the Orlando Ideal org building? I don’t know much about Orlando and don’t recall seeing many promos for it like the ones Mighty Miami or Atlanta has been generating. If miscavige bailed this one out, why doesn’t he do it for Valley Org, which has been fundraising for close to a decade now? How very stubborn of him!
Bob says
Hi Mike;
Were these letters originals of photo copies?
Leslie Bates says
How does one make fun of this?
threefeetback says
Albuquerque update:
You tell us. When Quinn sees that you FAILED to bail him out of the desert (now hanging out in the Valley to get better at bloodletting) won’t he decide to take a clue from Steely Dan, head West on Sunset Blvd, and not look back?
N. Graham says
Gadfly says
Words of wisdom from LRH, ex-Scientologists would probably like to have applied to themselves in retrospect: “If they’re going to quit let them quit fast.”
Murray Luther says
Wow. They’re still sending out hand written letters. Nobody does that any more. We used to do it after course when the sup would make us write random letters to random people we didn’t know. We all knew it was just a letters out stat push but did it anyway.
Skeptic says
Actually, I got one from Jehovah Witnesses about a month ago. Same MO.
justmeteehee says
Ire a Migel…”Priceless gift, yadda yadda”. What an oxymoron, it’s neither priceless nor a gift or you wouldn’t be begging in tandem.
Thomas Weeks says
Please, please, please give us money, etc etc. Callusor email!
thegman77 says
You don’t understand, Mike. These folks live in NeverNeverLand and the rules there are very different from those we live with here. In NeverNeverLand, bad news is forbidden by fiat. For that matter, only news from within the group is permitted and MUST be accepted as Truth. Punishment is quick and vicious for those who act otherwise.
Amy Scobee says
Steve says
Pathetically pathetic!
Gadfly says
Prophetically pathetic.
Old Surfer Dude says
Existentially pathetic….
Gadfly says
Irrevocably dianetic.
Xenu's son says
If the zombies of the Walking Dead could write,they would sound like this.
But no worries,the sciombies who receive them can’t read.
And so, a good time is had by all and the goal of clearing the planet of scientology is getting closer one stumble at a time.
Graham says
Wow! That is way beyond pathetic. About the level of an average ten-year old. Still I suppose it gets the ‘letters out’ stats up by 4 even if it is only one envelope. Hey, they’ve increased the effectiveness of every stamp bought by x4. What’s not to like?!
Old Surfer Dude says
I applaud them for their innovation…..
Joe Pendleton says
Dear Ms. Champagne (or can I be presumptuous enough to call you Kaye?),
The Orlando OTC just had a FABULOUS idea for fundraising and as THE opinion leader for all of Florida, we think you could help spearhead this very bright strategy.
What we are thinking is … what if you and all the other major Clearwater public donated their COMMISSIONS to our Ideal Org Fund? Wouldn’t that be GREAT? You know, FSM Commissions, IAS Commissions, etc We know that none of you are money motivated and do all that you do to help clear the planet and this would CERTAINLY be accomplishing something in that direction.
Much much much love,
Bob Babalooza
Orlando Org OTC Chairman
*PS – Do you have Arte Maren and Michael Roberts’ home addresses, phone numbers and email addresses? I just KNOW that they would want to be among the first people to join in this EXCITING NEW GAME!
And one of these letters says: ‘the next phase is designs and planing’. Really? More begging?
Yet, these letters also demonstrate the dire state os scientology orgs – if it were true that there are 1,000s and 1,000s and scn has expanded more than in the last 40 years, then, how come staff have to drop their job
functions to write letters to an almost extinct public?
Scn under miscavige has been, and continues to be, a nightmare and continues to head to a complete disaster.
Gadfly says
Dear friends,
As you may know, Belinda and I are planning to get married this June. In order for it to be the most epic and glorious affair, we are going to book the biggest room at the Hilton, with the top cordon Bleu chef flown directly from Paris and entertainment provided by, hold your hats, Beyonce! In order to pull this off we need your help! If you can each send us $1000, we will together make this happen. And if you wish to give more, please do so. As LRH said “splurge on it!” Let’s make this wedding ideal in every way!
roger gonnet says
What I fear most is that Belgium’s trial results could get any effort of “O” org worse than ever for the old man “birthday”, in Orlando or anywhere else in the small scientology planet!
Lawrence says
Roger, au moins je vais dire joyeux anniversaire L. Ron Hubbard. Si elle ne lui appartenait pas nous ne savons jamais même sur la Scam Idéal Org. Son anniversaire, je pense que la semaine prochaine 🙂
In English:
Roger, at least I will say happy birthday L. Ron Hubbard. If it wasn’t for him we would never even know about the Ideal Org Scam. His birthday I think is next week 🙂
hgc10 says
I have an image in my head. It’s an image of a room with rows of monkeys chained to desks, each hunched over sheets of stationery and squeezing out letters. There is a task master walking the rows, cracking a whip across their backs, making them flinch and suppress cries of pain at each snap. There is a trustee who scampers about collecting the letters, collating them, and shoving them into envelopes in a pell-mell fashion. Except they’re not actually monkeys; they’re Scientologists.
katsmidlifecrisis says
PETA would never allow monkeys to be treated like a Sea Org member is.
hgc10 says
PETA! Interesting you should mention that. We have a kind of virtual group going on here, and in the Underground Bunker. It’s called People for the Ethical Treatment of Scientologists (PETS). As it so happens, PETS is totally disavowed and attacked by the Church, who see advocacy for ethical treatment of Scientologists as a bigoted attack on their revenue stream.
Jose Chung says
Deja Vu, there was HEAVY ETHICS way
back when where staff where really chained to desks!.
This was short lived and all traces vanished
and discouraged from talking about it.
Financial Police revived some of that with
beatings of top exec’s for “The Money”
and the “HOLE” more current.
see Debbie Cook on U Tube.
Jose Chung says
Rick Mycroft says
Didn’t there used to be Sea Org daggers? I guess they made Miscavige nervous.
Leslie Bates says
One of the earliest press droppings put out by Baen Books was a rewrite of the life of Julius Caesar set in the U.S. with the Rio Grange as the Rubicon and the the central character being stabbed to death on the Senate Floor with glass daggers.
Rick Mycroft says
It’s like journal entries from Scott of the Antarctic.
“The last FSM went out for a smoke and said she may be some time. We considered boiling the covers of some leather-bound limited-edition LRH histories for soup, but decided against that. Please help our people. So cold. ML.”
Wagstaff says
Oh yes, at least three is not so bad, occasionally an Org will send out a “letter bomb” in the publics own words; a single envelope containing anywhere from 5 to 30 letters stuffed to an almost brick like appearance.
freebeeing says
Yes, I recall the academy students all writing letters to one person to get them to come back on course. Never worked, go figure
Gimpy says
Receiving something like this is always a great reminder of just how nuts they are, confirming one’s opinion that getting out was they only sane thing to do.
The addresses we had to work with from CF were hilarious, I still remember one which had been transcribed as “91 Brockly Pork” Who knows what it was supposed to be, but the idiots in charge insisted I keep this address record even though it was clearly worthless. Apparently they were going to put them through an address verification programme to check them at some point, as you can imagine this has never happened.