Well, perhaps there is some truth in scientology advertising after-all.
If there was a fundraising Olympics, they would gold in every event. The Buy Now Sprint. The Marathon. The Hard Sell Hurdles. The Crush Regging Relay. The Credit Card High Jump.
Of course, the people who copyright, trademark and service mark everything, because they don’t want any “unauthorized” use (ie where they don’t collect any money) have no problem using a clear rip-off of the Olympic symbol (the real one has 5 rings, not 7). Can you imagine if someone opened a center and called it Scinetology — they would be claiming this as a violation as it was intended to create confusion in the minds of consumers with the real thing. Just like their sleazy symbol below.
This is a pretty sad commentary on the state of scientology. They feel the need to try to cash in on the Olympics, but are aware that using the Olympics symbol without approval might land them in hot water, so they try to sleaze by using a knock-off symbol that is intended to make it appear it is the real thing.
How utterly unoriginal. Love to hear them explain how this is all according to the Way To Happiness…
The actual Olympic symbol:
The promo materials are good enough when they put scn in a similar position with something big and important like the Olympics. These aren’t the best that I’ve seen, and during the ideal org evolution there have been some good ones. Others can vouch for that as well. There are S.O. people that are very creative.
This reminds me of back around 2014, they were using the ANZAC word in their PR for fundraising. This was a huge flap, it created a lot of bad publicity.
How dare they!
They have no shame.
The orthodoxy police checkpoint/editorial approval job in Scientology has the abbreviated name AVC, standing for Authorisation Verification and Correction unit.
This AVC approval/orthodoxy checkpoint/editor job used to be mostly ultimately worn by Miscavige.
This job’s oversight boundaries which keep up Hubbard’s “standards” and maintain orthodoxy is slipping worse and worse, makes me wonder who has been given the AVC job at present who is authorising all this poor quality ad themes.
Mike, do you think Miscavige is doing this? Who’s letting this recent years slippage go on and on to worse irreligious degrees?
Wasn’t OSA supposed to have some input to keep things more “religious” to the selling of the quackery?
Maybe it’s simply that there is so much promo released around the US and around the world that DM can’t oversee all of it.
Someone on a blog once mentioned that there are individuals in OSA who are so totally “programmed” that they can read over any negatives about scn, no matter how logical and obvious, and it simply doesn’t “process” and is just categorized in their minds as entheta.
DM purges all people who exhibit any “counter intention” so maybe he simply has to trust that whoever is in charge of local promo is sufficiently programmed that they won’t release any negative promo and create a flap. If they do create a flap they get purged, or at least sent “away”.
That’s a bit off of what you are questioning but I thought it was worth mentioning. I don’t have any knowledge of the internal workings of the C of S which might be considered a relatively large corporation.
I don’t have any knowledge of corporate management other than in US corporations if the corporation is failing or in deep trouble the Board of Directors can convene and decide if the Chief Executive Officer (or other individuals?) need to be replaced.
Mike, in the venerated tradition of Hubbard, some Scientology layout artist took something original altered it and put it into Scientology. Hubbard was a great teacher regarding plagerism.
The Olympic committees are also notoriously controlling when it comes to their trademarks and copyrights, I’d love to see them take on Scientology for this. This usage is likely not worth their attention though.
Mike haven’t the rank and file tired of this relentless push for more money? Conventional wisdom would dictate that they can only dress up a pig or cry wolf for so long before it falls on increasingly deaf ears. The ones that still have money that is.
The face is still being palmed.
Hi Mike, this is a different subject but would it be worth a blog to talk about Hubbard and his motorcycle accident where he broke his arm and a couple of ribs. I don’t think $ci ever denied this happened. I find it fascinating that the man with the ‘Tech” to cure himself of near blindness and war wounds couldn’t cure himself of his motorcycle injuries. He allowed a doctor to come on board and confirm his injuries. He was on pain medication and was in quite a bit of pain for several months. Once again $ci and it’s followers ignore the obvious facts/truths.
Not only that Gordon, but why didn’t his ability to postulate, pre-warn him of the accident.
Only lazy illustrators steal their images from others. And cheap ones. And those with no discernible standards. So of course $cientology does that.
Also interesting how they have removed any black representation. Grey is the new black.
Anything to try to push the right “button” to extract more money.
U got it
But now it is done on virtual format ( online) loosing grip of physical influence.
The Covid 19 scenario is going to be real test for Cults in general for Scientology in particular.
The half & half (50% in
& 50% out) Cult followers shall take it as blessing in disguise. No pressure , no threat, no tactis, no mind games and no physical confinement .
This phenomenon shall act as virus itself.
It shall encourage 90/10 to be 80/20 then at 70/30 , 60/40 , 50/50 ,60/40 , 70/30 ,80/20 till it reaches 90/10 ( only 10% in , 90% showoff)
Massive Exodus of Cult followers are expected by end of this year.
It’s not me ,it’s written on the wall.
Mark Karman,
I tried to look up the word “tactis” in the dictionary but could not find it.
Is it possible you meant “tactics” or maybe “static”?
My problem is neither of those words seem to make much sense in that context.
plural noun: tactics
an action or strategy carefully planned to achieve a specific end.
“the minority attempted to control the Council by a delaying tactic”
Just Google it .