Next in the series — the infamous “Pass The Pen” drill hat write up.
Another proven “successful technique” of how to shame your marks into forking over more money.
Scientology — the religion that coverts other people’s money.
Something Can Be Done About It
“LRH not only made Herbie return the money immediately, but he made Herbie personally deliver the check to the wealthy donator.
Tell me Robert, when LRH so sincerely suggested to Herbie that the $100,000 be “returned immediately” did he at that time also ask that the suitcases with millions of dollars of cash that were being hand delivered to him from book sales and church operations be stopped?
Did LRH suddenly declare his shame at having fooled all Scientologists for years about the inurement he and his family were found by the IRS to be benefiting from that he suddenly gave all the money back to the church? Did he do an overt / withhold writeup and publish it broadly?
Did Ron ever let Scientologists know that the reason that Scientology lost it’s tax exemption for more than 20 years was that Ron and his family were found by the IRS to be personally benefiting from church monies? “Self dealing” by LRH were among the words used in the Tax Court ruling.
Really, let’s cut the nonsense.
L. Ron Hubbard was found by the IRS to be personally benefiting from his management of the church and it’s finances. That is why Scientology (and all Scientologists) lost tax exemption for more than 20 years. This is historical fact.
All the “it was better when Ron was around” in the world does not change this fact. Hubbard was money motivated (for himself) in the extreme. He was just better at hiding it than his successor.
This is a “debate” that is never going to resolve. But I will add my 2c in the interest of as much information being available as possible.
There are no “dox” about the refund, but I have seen and heard mention of this a number of times and from extremely reliable sources who witnessed the events and have no dog in this fight. I believe it is true. You believe suitcases of money with “millions of dollars of cash” were “hand delivered to him” but you have no dox to support that statement — though there are accounts of suitcases with tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars being transported (though to Swiss banks and to Pat Broeker according to what I know).
You also assume that the IRS were correct in their conclusions — as if they have never accused anyone of anything that was not true. I believe Hubbard was getting money from the church and telling scientologists he “made no income from scientology” and that was not true. There was more to the withdrawal of the tax exempt status of various churches than “self dealing.”
The difference between L. Ron Hubbard and David Miscavige is that Miscavige is without doubt a sociopath. Textbook. Based on my experience with Hubbard, he was not. He had compassion for others and concern about their wellbeing. He had plenty of faults, but he believed he was doing something to help people. You can dispute the efficacy of scientology, but if you had spent any time with the man, you would know that he absolutely believed what he was doing. Down to his last dying breath he was still trying to achieve a better spiritual state by doing to himself what he told others to do to themselves (auditing). He did not live lavishly though he could have bought himself a huge estate anywhere in the world and a jet and anything else he wanted. Instead, he lived in a trailer, drove a Subaru and kept trying to “improve” scientology with new “breakthroughs.”
Thanks for this Mike.
Thank you, Mike. I really appreciate reading what you have to say about LRH. It confirms what a new friend who worked directly with LRH in the early days described to me. He said Ron was a Big Being, and was on a mission. He did everything to get that mission done. It was “the end justifies the means” with Ron. And he said yes Ron embellished stories to make himself look good, lied about some of his track, but my friend didn’t care. He said the work he was doing was important and vital, and his overall intention was to help. He said the tech when applied correctly does work, and that despite all else. Ron’s intensions were good etc.
To contrast that my friend said he also met Miscavige and the first time he met him, he saw through the mask briefly and, “he scared the shit out of me.” He said it was cold, calculating evil and more evil than he had ever had to confront. Miscavige, according to this man who worked with Ron, is a sociopath.
Cindy — you should read the Russell Miller book. I would say LRH lied about a great deal of his track. Like virtually everything was at least embellished or romanticized. There were plenty of outright lies. Probably the worst concern his family. Claiming he was never married to Sara. Disowning his children. Infidelities. These things are ugly and they hurt people. Claiming medals during the war he didnt earn or travels to the Far East that were basically fiction based on the smallest facts are unsavory for someone who professed to be all about “truth” — but they aren’t as egregious to me as the abuse of family. And that continued all the way through Mary Sue and his children with her.
It’s not a pleasant picture and I cannot attribute any good intentions to that aspect of his life. He was a flawed character, though just as certainly larger than life. And frankly, I am unaware of too many people who have been “larger than life” who have not had ugly warts along with their brilliance.
Mike I agree with everything you say. I wasn’t trying to whitewash Ron. I also was appalled at how he treated his kids and wife and how he let Mary Sue take the fall for him and how he never even spoke to her after that. Heartbreaking.
The friend who worked with him said that Ron wrote Way to Happiness as a PR piece for others to do, but he never followed it. He said that anything Ron did was to forward his mission and it was “the end justifies the means.” I think you are spot on when you say:
“It’s not a pleasant picture and I cannot attribute any good intentions to that aspect of his life. He was a flawed character, though just as certainly larger than life. And frankly, I am unaware of too many people who have been “larger than life” who have not had ugly warts along with their brilliance.” I think this sums it up brilliantly.
mike, hubbard bought saint hill, bought 3 ships, sailed the Caribbean for years, had an army of people at his disposal and indulged his every whim. he lived lavish enough.
there are a lot of people who spent a lot of time with LRH and they say different. they say his was not compassionate. they say a lot of things and they knew him better than most.
if he really thought sticking a kid in a chain locker or throwing an old lady over board were acts compassion, then he was delusional. those are just some things people who KNEW him said he did, they knew him and knew him well. if they are not lying, then who are we to argue.
I don’t think you understood what I said. But it doesn’t really matter as opinions about the man are generally very polarized — saint or devil. I happen to believe he was both. And neither. He did bad things to people around him (see my comments about how he treated his family) and I wouldnt classify them as compassionate, I have no idea if he thought they were. My observation was that Miscavige is a classic sociopath. No conscience. No remorse. He ONLY lives for himself. Hubbard tried to do things for others, believing truly that he was helping them. That’s not a sociopath.
I think they have a typo somewhere. Instead of GAT, the new program seems to get GET.
Bam! The picture that slammed into my brain, after reading the original post, is that scene from War of the Worlds when people are trapped inside the alien’s food storage pouch cage thing or whatever it was, helplessly watching in terror as one by one, they are sucked up and digested.
But anyway, hello everybody. I’m just a nobody wog that fell down this bottomless rabbit hole (perfect term for it) about a month ago. I’ve been following this blog for a couple weeks. Just when I think the story of the real deal behind the Church of Scientology can’t get any worse… oh it does, without fail. I don’t even have words…
I’ve never been rich enough to consider being a big donator so I always felt a bit inadequate to the cause. Now I feel rather vindicated and…..well…..fabulous! I caught a lot of shit for spending money on my kids education but I guess it wasn’t an overt after all! I believe it was Eleanor Roosevelt that said, do what you feel is right because you’ll be criticized either way.
You know you are using a word like donate too much when you feel the need to shorten it to “dono”. Seriously, it is only six letters to begin with!
I meant to say NOT going bankrupt and into debt = out of valence? Trying to properly construct my sarcasm is getting the better of me. That’s why I’ve never made a long comment before – I’m bound to screw something up.
This is nothing new. The regges used the same trick on getting people to sign up for their Bridge package – i.e. tell them it was their “case” or in a “valence” that was stopping them from signing the check and if they were OT enough to rise above their “bank” then they would write that check and be well on the way to becoming OT. They were lying, manipulative scumbags then, when selling the Tech, and the dono regges are lying manipulative scumbags now. Same Church, same techniques, except that the Tech is obviously totally worthless now (instead of being unobviously totally worthless back then) so they now give nothing in return for donations instead. They are using the same techniques that LRH told them to use and made sure they were drilled in the technique and could pull it off flawlessly. It’s just that the Dwarf unfortunately destroyed the “processing” side of the Bridge so there is no longer any pretence of selling that crap to the Scn public.
You didn’t screw anything up Juggernaut, fantastic comment! It’s so shocking, the degree to which, he invalidates the shit out of someone’s personal life, decisions and priorities. There’s NO acknowledgement of individual autonomy or the right to privacy, it’s really outrageous! Rant away whenever you like.
I started reading Dennis’ fund raising hat from the link provided by Joseph Barnes. One of the most offensive things I’ve seen come out of the RCS. Got so mad I have to rant:
The hat compares fundraising to an auditing process:
“As Fundraiser, you are acting as the auditor of the group. You’re running the process called Donate. The target met is the EP.” “…these two “accountants” keep a running record of the donations. These are the event “worksheets” which are vital to documenting money donated.” “What kicks the tone level up is DONATIONS, DONATIONS, DONATIONS in large chunks. That’s the tone-arm moving down during a fundraiser.”
The hat admits they’re asking people to do things they rationally decided are NOT in their best interest and shamelessly says to go ahead and do it:
“You literally need to get people to step outside of themselves… those valences they’ve mocked up and think is them… and do some very courageous donating.”
Courageous? Going bankrupt and into debt = out of valence?
The hat shows a compete lack of caring about anyone as a person and says that NOT donating enough is aberrated and part of your case. Obviously, the church doesn’t care if it ruins people’s lives and finances for years:
“Dinner is fully done and people have had their after-dinner coffee. They have been attentively engaged by the speaking/presentation portion of the event. They are tremendously excited about their new building or their renovated building. It is very real to them. They are uptone. They are about to be asked for money — lots of money. If left to their own devices and allowed to donate what they felt was appropriate for them, they would give you a fraction of what you need from them and then they would go home feeling they’d done their part.”
“…the audience really looks forward to all parts of the event except for being asked for money. There’s a sort of tension that is tangible when you shift into the money phase of the event. It’s just peoples’ non-confront and Q&A about money, about help, or whatever other button is getting pushed (and about to be pushed harder) that is getting keyed in. They sense they’re about to be challenged to do more than they think they can or want to do.”
“The truth of the matter is, and this is backed up by many LRH references, that the biggest wins from the event will come from getting the audience to confront and get through their own barriers to donating big — which gives the big win.”
And then the whole part about using shills. Disgusting and slimy.
Yes, what a FABULOUS “game”! …. sounds like tons of mass … uhm, I mean fun.
Dennis … disconnecting from your son … Devin … informing on your brother’s communication … there’s an “All Scientology” Second Dynamic in action …. and Dennis was moonlighting as a 2D chaplain on occasion … kinda like going to the Reynolds Tobacco Company for lung cancer treatment. Oh, well, it all sounds …. well … just FABULOUS!!! (*by the by, notice how in the shakedown promo, there’s a lot of “games” … you know, we’ve got a new game – now we need to extort your money for the gold laced drapes for COB’s office …. kinda like your dentist saying … new game today, multiple root canals and we’re out of novacaine …..)
Some church.
And the “Hat Write Up” was update 2003, come on. Since then the beaten parishioner have been passing the pen what, 11 years by now?
What is disgusting, as other have noted, is the avarice the write up conveys “it will flow more money” and people is characterized by ‘a donor of comparable magnitude’, it is so, so, so degrading that causes nausea.
You have noted in the past Mike the level of mest and solidity the church has become to be but, as any other mest, it doesn’t last forever; eventually it breaks, corrodes, deteriorates wand whatever else.
What is the use of millions if you have NO one single friend with whom to have fun with and smile? Family, friendship…these things do last. Lets keep having fun.
“Family, friendship…these things do last. Lets keep having fun.”
So right Silvia…
Oil the jail door hinges – that is group criminality, a shadow away from mob rule, witch burning and KKK style hanging. It’s time for serious exposure and justice for that type of behaviour.
Scientology makes the most unethical car salesman look like a saint.
As the most philosophical person I know would say, “Correct-O-Mundo.”
That was Fonzie, right?
so miscavige knew hbo and the bbc are doing movies and he obligingly sent his goons to show up on cue.
after so many years of insulation he’s got to have some brain damage.
it’s like he’s the mother of all trolls. he actually spends his days forming and dispatching troll squads to go out and troll people. it’s juvenile.
miscavige is seriously underestimating the forces that want to see him taken down.
the swell of people that want to see this organization taken apart and miscavige brought to justice grows everyday. once someone concludes scientology is criminal, they never change their minds again. the swell never decreases in numbers, it only grows. and it’s only going to grow more when these movies come out.
and then there’ll be another movie and another book and another…………..sooner or later so many people will have joined the swell there won’t be anyone left to convince.
David, it really is true, the road to your door is being paved even now.
Yo Dave,
You are, as they say in the vernacular of ‘the cult’ good buddy …….TOTALLY FUCKED. How many days until the Sundance Film Fest begins? Count em up! Whatever stats you think you might be able to achieve in 2015….divide it by a very large number…………SIR!
David Miscavige is a pitiful character that I WOULD actually pity except for the cruelty he has inflicted on so many. He truly is certifiable and if you guys in OSA were smart you’d Baker Act him right now. But you guys in OSA, being cut from the same cloth, won’t do that; so, all I know now is that David Miscavige will continue to suffer til the bitter end.
That is my only solice.
Well thought out and presented. A good observation/prediction nicely said.
Miscavige has been a cornered beast for some time now although he’ll never admit it, even to himself in his quieter times. His desperation shows no sign of sanity – he’s not capable of that. His operating basis just varies in volume or becomes more covert, either way he’s a nutter.
The juvenile mother of all trolls ……..that’s so perfect WhiteStar.
One of the worst things about what Co$ became are these “fund raising events”. Group – peer pressure intimidation in the extreme. It was no longer viable to be an FSM for the cause, as suddenly an FSM only got paid on what a selectee started, not for the training or auditing package so a career FSM had to become a Fund Raiser for the big bucks. I’m pretty certain that was strategic looking back.
Here’s some info about Dennis Negley.
OT VIII (old), Class IV (old, Apollo trained), Veteran Scientologist (active since early 70s). Husband of veteran staff member, Wendy Negley (nee Peterson), who trained to Class VIII in the late 60s (maybe early 70s) and was the Senior C/S San Francisco Day until 1996, when the Golden Age of Tech (squirrelled) came out. Dennis is currently a public, Wendy is currently the OES SFOD. Their daughter, Devin Weber (nee Negley) is the D/ED SFOD, is OEC trained and recently went Clear, after Golden Age of Tech II (non-squirrel, for now). Their son, Sean, is a declared SP and they have all disconnected from him. Sean was on staff for 10 years and after routing out, posted song lyrics on Facebook, including the song from TOOL with the line “Fuck L.Ron Hubbard and fuck all his clones”. His sister saw the quote and reported him; “y’all busted”.
Dennis used to be a mortgage loan broker, helping a bunch of Scientologists refinance their homes so they can pay for more services/IAS donos/etc. In 2006/2007 the real estate market crashed and he lost his job as a loan broker, as well as his own house, and he ended up declaring bankruptcy. He would no longer be able to donate anything substantial to the IAS/etc. and in exchange he agreed to be a full-time fundraiser. Whenever there would be a fundraising event, he’d be there on stage. His deal was that he wouldn’t take any commission earned (since he was a public fundraiser) and that money would go straight back to the IAS, so that was him “doing his part”.
He was already pretty good at getting SF idiots to give money, during their Idle Morgue building fundraiser, so he wrote up all his successful actions. You can find his full 2003 write-up here: Though this addendum seems to have been written later. I wonder what the date on this is.
At some point after 2007, he was mid OT VII and unable to pay for his next “6-month check”. He was routed to Ethics and threatened with a Comm Ev if he couldn’t pay for his next trip. He ended up routing off the level, and later told me the story about it. He was sitting in a Qual Library and thought “Right now I’d be better off dead. … A ha! That’s a suicidal thought!” So he wrote something up to his D of P about it and was taken off the Flag base pretty much immediately. When he told all this to me, he called it his “getting out of prison story,” with a grin as he said it.
The more you know.
JB — interesting story. I knew Dennis pretty well, while I was staff at SFO and knew Wendy even better. She was an great intuitive C/S and I watched a lot of happy, handled PCs leave Day Org’s HGC. What a waste! OES — god, like having a Master Carpenter making For Sale signs.
Your last line about Dennis’ “get out of prison card” makes me wonder. If he likened leaving Flag, to getting out of jail, I’m surprised wife and daughter are still speaking to him. Unless of course, he continues to reg for the IAS. Then all sins would be forgiven.
Thanks for the update.
And yet I wonder if Wendy now even thinks about SFO being PACKED FULL forty freaking years ago and what it is like today. Has she ever even NOTICED the decline over decades amid the assertions of “applying” the conditions/standard admin? Or has she also agreed to allow herself to be driven completely down the tone scale and every other scale in 0-8? Is she, like so many other old timers, OT8s and Cass 8s among them, on intravenous Kool-Aid? She had three CS’s working under her forty years ago when she was Sr. CS at SFO Day, two intern supes, etc (yes, she was a primo CS, the best) I haven’t spoken to her in 15 years so am not personally aware of the extent of her current decline as a being. But as she is still on a post, she must be in some large degree in “walking anaten.”
*Odd Thomas, do you feel comfortable about providing an email address for old SFO folks to get in comm with you?
Hey Joe,
Absolutely, I’d love to hear from old SFO staff! You can reach me at [email protected]
Let’s get in touch.
WOW! I felt wobbly after reading that. How do people like that sleep at night?
Joe P:
I recall around 2009 or 2010 Wendy making an off-handed comment that the release of the Basic Books was when Scientology went down the tubes.
Yet she still goes to the org day in, day out. She still disconnected from her son. But who knows how she really feels about the Church.
She obviously was too late on the chain. Can you imagine the degraded state a being must be in to disconnect from a son or daughter over a religious issue? (I will contact her son in the next day or two myself just to let him know that some of the old timers he knew when he was a kid are still able to communicate freely).
I still can not get out of my head that a Class 8 as Hubbard said,
couldn’t but boom an org.
Joe I tried to reply to you but there was no “reply” button. But yes, a person would have to be a degraded, PTS Robot of DM’s to disconnect from their own son or daughter. Even seeing them covertly and lying to the church that they duly disconnected is better than nothing. And yet I know of several parents who disconnected from their kids. It’s just insane.
“If they still don’t make a movie you can say jokingly, with high ARC something like…”
What does ARC mean again? Because here is seems to mean “manipulative utterances.”
Pass the Pen is highly manipulative–I also do not see how it can be fun for those who end up giving large sums of money to the Church because of it. These fundraising ploys are shameless. Moreover, when people realize they are giving up money out of manipulative tactics, they experience a painful drop in havingness. I know, because it has happened to me through manipulative, high pressure registration cycles.
It’s not fun to donate large sums (or any amount) of money against one’s best interest. These games are sly.
Saying that people are having fun playing them is a rationalization to mask the criminal intent to milk people out of their hard earned money for something which will never have any real value to them or anyone else. As in a building fund in this example.
I agree Pepper. If this was a voluntary fundraiser for a charity of your choice, it could be very rewarding. There is also the hidden threat in the background, that one could lose their bridge access if they don’t participate which is extortion.
Veiled threats – yes Hallie Jane. It always seems to have some connection to money or Sea Org recruitment of minors in my experience.
Have you ever experienced a hidden threat as a public to do auditor training? I never did.
No never. I actually had to fight tooth and nail to train. In ’75 I was actually expelled when someone took me off training to be a reg, when I refused to take the post. The Swartz brothers were already very aggressive regges at that time and I thought they were assholes. I worked a job till they asked me to come back and then I paid for my own training, with the money I’d earned. That’s how I became a professional auditor. I’ve always been a rebel. 🙂
When Jonestown happened there was a reason all those people drank that kool aide. A reason why they went along with what that group was doing. Those same reasons exist today best seen in these fundraisers where people do irrational things.
I guess one way to put the fun back into fundraising would be to take that pen and, grinning broadly, walk up to that board and write “SCAM!!!” in bold, capital letters.
Perhaps some in the audience would get the message. Sadly, it might also be the last time any of them saw the generous donor of that dissonant information.
Exactly. For someone in the crowd to get up and write on the board exactly what everyone else is thinking.
“I’m outta here!”
A few more possibilities for the fundraising board, in large caps:
Or – OR – LOL, let someone hands you the pen, reach for it eagerly, then drop it while you jump up out of your chair with a bloodcurdling, “OUCH!”, then run out of the room, moaning in pain, “Oh, my hand, my hand…” (A fake gadget quickly taken from one’s pocket squirting artificial blood would make this gag unforgettable.)
Listen, I’m full of ideas, among other things. All I need is the invitation!
I just thought of a variation: DON’T drop the pen, just stand there holding it and screaming in pain, with the fake blood dripping all over the place, and THEN hand the pen to someone else and walk away, holding the bleeding hand way out there and moaniing….oh, if only…
Watching someone walk up to the chalkboard and write SCAM!!’ would be the highlight of the evening. I would love to see that. Except I don’t go to fundraisers. Damn.
Ya, but what a way to go!
Just gross. The disregard these folks have for their parishioners is frightening.
O/T I asked this at the Bunker yesterday, but didn’t get an answer:
There has been quite a lot of activity at the former KCET Studios lately. Does anyone know if the cherch plans on finally finishing renovations there? I believe the property has been sitting there since its sale in 2011. Why the rush now to finish?
If anyone can shed any light on this, it would be greatly appreciated.
I’m still blown away that they can get even one person to go these fundraisers.
But I guess if you like your religion mixed with the high-pressure tactics of a time-share-salesman, Scientology is the place for you.
Well, Kevin, they do have “trouble” getting people to show up for these. Even the Koolaid drinkers are sick of these fundraisers. David Miscavige will probably come out with something “toward the end” that states how he had no idea people were being so suppressed and that the SP(s) have been found and it is not going to happen any more. But not yet. Not now. He needs to suck more of their blood ’til then.
I think Miscavige has made attendance at these larger fundraising events mandatory. Not only that, I think they are obliged to up their donor status to the next level before turning up.
It has got to the stage, I guess, where most Scientologists would be happier if they were dead. And I am sure it will get a lot worse soon.
Dennis Negley was President of the Auditors Association
and would sing a dtti about public not confronting and Clears are not Clears.
He was busted and made President of the OT Committee, SF Org lost 90 percent of it’s public.
Now this crazy fu*ker has become make believe Jew ?
The product of failed Mayo OT 7 solo auditing, in it for the money!!!!!!
Oops, I missed something…Denny was a jerk in Davis in the early 1970’s, so nothing there has changed.
However, I’m lost as to the “make believe Jew?” comment. Please explain.
Sot: 2. a person stupefied by or as if by drink
Some of these people are sociopathic con artists who make big bucks on sucking the money out of the deluded sots who are intoxicated by their delusional fantasies.
Sociopath: “Holy crap, can you believe the commissions I raked in tonight!”
Sot: “Oh my god we’re soooooo saving the planet with our new Idle Org.”
Almost drunk: “Holy crap, what the hell have I just done with our family finances.”
Come on Mike, this is totally standard regging procedure as LRH wrote in these top confidential “For your eyes only” advices, specifically written for the only being on earth able to understand them…
You know who I am talking about.
The greatest leader of the biggest religion on earth.
You had the privilege to work with him. You heaven got blessed getting beaten up by him.
And you escaped this paradise?
Frog, to what LRH advices on fundraising are you referring? I’m curious.
Or perhaps I’m taking literally what you meant to be tongue in cheek..
This is totally disgusting. They rounded up every “guest” on the Freewinds each time I was there into the Starlight Ballroom and played these kinds of games. Truly sickening. I hated sitting there in the audience and watching people whom I knew couldn’t afford it max out their credit cards almost as much as I hated that weird goading that those helpless, trapped Sea Org members who wouldn’t know how to survive in the outside world try to pressure me out of my money. At some time in their lives I think that they will be truly embarrassed by their willingness to rip off other people while throwing their own life energy down the drain.
What a bunch of blood sucking parasites these morons are.
For anyone who is looking at recovering some of their financial losses with the Church, they might want to take a look at this organization:
They have being exposing and helping prosecute much bigger fishes than Scientology, so they might be a resource.
Did I tell anyone how happy I am to be out of that insane game called “going broke for nothing but a lavish lifestyle for Slappy and Keeping Scientology Working by hiring the best (sleaziest) PI’s and Attorney’s in the land”?
If I did not – let me say it now – I am so happy to be in Wog Land living a wonderful life and keeping all of my money if I want to!!
I love MEST!!!
Me too, Idle! Me too! Being in and being out is like night and day. You don’t really know what freedom is until you’ve left a cult like scientology. It’s like your life starts all over again! Ain’t it wonderful!? And for those of us who are out, it truly is “A Wonderful Life.” Yea for all of us!
Yup. I agree OSD – like night and day. It’s truly amazing. Even with the good I did receive, I’d give it all back knowing what I know now about this horrible group. Being out is inexplicable, unless you’ve actually wrapped your mind around a cult mentality. The main good thing about being part of this cult is that I appreciate Freedom so much more now – being OUT.
EP of those who have ‘graduated’ from scientology.
Abi Ja, the citizens need to be educated or this will never end. And yes.. it is soul rape and mental murder. Thanks for speaking up.
A fabulous game? Games are when both sides know the rules and play together. This is a one sided, covert operation designed to fool people into donating. It is sick. Do they practice their acting abilities before the event?
Scientology is a game where only one side knows the rules, and doesn’t abide by them anyway. The other side is handed fake instructions.
if this is not mental, social, psychological murder then what is it ??!?!?!
When will the government wake up and protect its citizens ?!?!?!?
The Governments job?
That is just what is needed….a group of corrupt politicians “protecting” poor
citizens. That ain’t gonna happen because the politicians don’t see how they
will increase their wealth or power by doing so.
No I don’t think so….how about these poor citizens start taking responsibility for
themselves? These poor citizens duped by Scn need to step back and look….many have
and many more will because of blogs like this…..not from a government intervention.
I for one have much more faith in the individual than the government.
The government has many more pressing problems to handle than an out of control
church that is imploding on a daily basis.
You want someone to handle these poor folks? Then continue to support this blog and others like it.
The government ain’t gonna do squat.
This type of manipulation is common in many fundraising circles. It is not the governments job to ‘protect’ fools from giving their money away. How will Ernst Angley or Joel Osteen pay the rent if they can’t pray on distracted widows?
This ‘hatting’ does show the shift from worshiping the wit and wisdom of Lroon and the switch to ‘donations’ that is the current incarnation of $cientology. The devotees only value is what is put on the board and paid off, in easy to arrange monthly installments. Or they’ll take out a credit card in your name and plunder it for you.
How ‘ecclesiastical’ is that?
“Pass the Pen”, or “How to publically introvert an individual in the presence of their peers”
Scientology is so theta.
Theta? What s that?
You can only mesure someone OT ability by the amount of money she/he can donate.
Can you help someone? Can you audit anyone?
Who cares?
If you are not cause over MEST (able to make lot of money) you are not worthy to by in that group.
So pass the pen…
I would use the word Humiliate rather than introvert.
+ 1000
The callous disregard for the parishioners is sickening. This is another activity that will bring some of them to not throw that pen as hard as they can at the MC’s head but instead quietly think, “Last time I’m coming to one of these.” So, bring on your sick games.
It can’t implode soon enough is right.
Shame and embarrass people into donating. Yup, sounds like scientology to me.
The Miscavige Church of Avarice financially ruins its members with unscrupulous fundraisers that use covert means to get the money and when the member finds out he has been conned out his money, Miscavige will not return it.
Here is a brief story to put things into perspective and show how things have changed: In the early 70’s a wealthy public at the DC Org wanted to donate $100,000 to “forward the cause”. This was an unsolicited donation. The Org ED (Executive Director) asked LRH what to do with the money, and he said put it in a special account separate it from normal funds. Several months later, the wealthy donator changed his mind and requested his $100,000 donation be returned. (About $500,000 in today’s dollars) Herbie Parkhouse, the top finance person at the time, refused to return the money. The wealthy donator talked to the Org ED about his problem, the Org ED informed LRH of the situation and LRH not only made Herbie return the money immediately, but he made Herbie personally deliver the check to the wealthy donator.
My, how things have changed?
This is not just “My, how things have changed,” it’s a complete overhaul of the entire sick fucking organization to extract every dime a member has. How can they not see this?
Utterly disgusting behavior…peer pressure fleecing promoted by a “religion”. It can’t implode soon enough..
“Scientology — the religion that coverts other people’s money.”
Covets? Unless you’re coining a new term…which works, too.
Covets. But covert works too as this group is covert.
This is really quite nauseating. Getting audience members to put pressure on their friends to donate is just sickening. I think there must be a special place in hell for these types of fundraisers.
There is and it’s called $cientology and fortunately the cult has sealed its fate and it’s place in history. I think it will be referred to as ‘peak cultism’ by future generations. At this point the only ones playing that game are the die hard (and they will) kool aide consumers who still have two nickels to rub together.
I’m sure Dave, not wanting to be upstaged by a public in creating tortuous games now has his own to play in the Hole. Probably calls it ‘Pass the Dildo’ and has those he tells to SCOHB get involved.
Yo Lou,
Can you weigh in on this one?
Lou says that Miscavige’s regime has sunk so low that it is a disgrace to those who do SCOHB. SCOHB is upstat by comparison.
Yes, Lou said she knows “every 1 inch of him.”
It’s a crush-reg co-audit!
I sure hope so, Draco! But I fear Hell would be too good for them. This really is a sickness the permeates the entire organization.
This is just so sick! I think that perhaps your vulture shot falls short of what these people do. I was thinking more of a vampire, sucking the blood straight out, not waiting for the mark to die.
Oh my fucking God — I read that and fell to my knees over the sheer religiousity of it !
The pen is mightier than the .. ermm … check book/credit card?
Praise Be to COB !! The Scientology religion is truly restored !!
You took the words right out of my mouth, RolandRB! I mean, if the suckers…ahhhhh, ummmm…I mean the members, are stupid enough to play this game, maybe they do deserve what they get. Flagrant is a word that come to mind. But, at least it shows that this group is ONLY about fleecing its members until they’re completely dry of cash. And, they make no bones about it too.
Religiousness, Roland, religiousness…