There is supposedly an old saying “if it isn’t fun, it isn’t scientology.”
Today, it’s “If it isn’t fundraising, it isn’t scientology.”
Here is a frank, somewhat incredible email sent out to try and shame people into giving money for the Ventura ideal org. This effort is denominated a “war” and you are thus expected to sacrifice for the cause.
The problem is that there is not a shred of evidence that the sacrifices people make for these “ideal orgs” changes a damned thing.
Just for fun, yesterday evening I drove past the new Valley ideal org.
It was 6:50pm.
This is the parking lot of the ideal org across the street. taken from the back of the lot, looking toward the front of the org. There is a SINGLE vehicle in the lot. The unused “VM Van” that all orgs were forced to purchase from Ford Motor Co because Miscavige’s driver contacted Ford to negotiate a group discount.
This is what all that sacrifice and $40 million buys you. A white elephant. Remember how this was the final piece of the puzzle that would make Clearing Souther California a reality? Remember how many people “fundraiser” for 12 years to make this happen? The great goddess warrior if the vast valley territory (or whatever they called Bart Simpson) forked over millions. Wonder what she thinks when she never drives by. Bet she has not set foot I side this place since the ribbon-yanking. The grand humanitarian job was done when the final check was cut.
Nothing has changed in SoCal. This, Pasadena, LA Org, CC, Inglewood, Orange County and San Diego all remain empty. When will the sheeple ever recognize just how badly they have been fleeced? Why do they go on believing the bs when the evidence is right before their eyes that they are being lied to?
I received a similar letter about 6 years ago – I was brain washed enough and stupid enough to hand over ANOTHER $50,000 – that was my business down the toilet right there. Has taken me 10 years to pay off all my debt but has left me hanging with a credit rating from hell! No fun at the time when you couldn’t even get money to pay rent and having to go to a charity to get food vouchers to feed your family…. because guess what.. your so called friends in the church were even in a similar situation or the so called OT’s would just say “make it go right” or “just pay for your next step on the bridge” and I would say “what with” and they would say “make it go right”… that’s a mind fuck!
Isn’t extortion against the law?
This seems pretty close to extortion to me.
You know, aberration is contagious. Stupidity is contagious too.
There is a saying: Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.
I have no doubt that the “Tech” found or invented by DM is a complete success. Since it”s obvious intent is to make people stupid enough not to see the obvious scam run by DM; it ia a clear cut success. They should send people to the examiner to attest to the new hence unobtainable states such as the state of idiocy.
They are right about one thing; it is a war, a way against intellence, a war against sanity; i.e. the exact opposite of what Scientology was supposed to be. I could say more, but being in proximity to it will make me stupid too.
Totally classic! That “rally the troops” letter was a double “make wrong”! You’re WRONG for not being in it to win it like all Good $cientologists should be, but you’re double wrong if you start getting all defensive and ridgy about being talked down to and bullied…”see, Elron said so, right HERE!”
By now, almost every single public $cilon who’s been in the cult for awhile and who has been paying even the slightest bit of attention to the cult’s claims will have noticed what’s perfectly obvious here: The Ideal Org program is a total bust in achieving its stated purposes. So, even if you devoutly believe in $cn, why would you want to throw good money after bad on something that has not been effective?
But the cowed and craven $cilons are just too afraid to speak up and take a stand on the issue, so the “emperor’s new clothes” scenario just continues on, getting more and more obvious with each passing day.
One thing the letter doesn’t mention is any LRH policy that backs up fundraising. Made me think of Debbie Cook’s infamous email which opened everyone’s eyes to this crazy shit. The writer uses low tone methods to shame the recipient versus saying something higher toned that might inspire people. Words from a desperate leader fighting a losing battle.
Yep, and it just shows how a person can take anything LRH said and bend it to their own purposes. I just finished reading the whole reference, and using that quote in that context is not what I get out of that reference.
When I was in, this was every ones favorite game: Take whatever LRH said, and bend it so it can be used to make the other person wrong and make you right. The context where the quote came from made no difference as long as you would get people to do whatever you wanted them to do. Donations, coming in on Sundays on your day off, people calling from TUEU to get you to do a translation of a reference that was “vital to get done right now”, watching a part of a event video TWO times and doing wordclearing in between all while the CMO missionaire was keeping an eye on everyone.
It all comes down to this: You are the public (or staff), and you exist to serve and feed the church your time, money and all your lifes energy. If you are doing anything less than that, you are not taking full responsibility and if you have no money left you are not applying LRH policy in your life, and there are areas of your life where you are not running on full reponsibility. We can help you with that… here is some intensives and these are the courses you need… and so you get the dwindling spiral…
That is just so over the top that I busted out laughing! Not because it’s funny; it’s because I’m so relieved I don’t have to deal with that bullshit anymore!
PS: Dear COB: I included that semicolon Just For You. And I squoze in a colon too, didn’t I?
Lol that letter means the writer should word clear “excuse”, because the people obviously aren’t not going to events because of “dinner plans with friends”, they aren’t going because they don’t WANT to, but they make they the excuse rather than saying so and having to deal with all the Scientology bullshit that would trigger.
They should also word-clear the phrase “free will” because I’m pretty sure that’s one of the first things the CO$ removes from your life when you join their organization.
This letter is a perfect example of a skilled reg/d of p/ethics officer/class V exec communication. It is actually quite brilliant in how it lays out just how people are controlled in Scn. There is the LRH quote intro to establish credibility, then a warning that you might be who that quote is talking about, then a stern “R Factor” laying out what kinds of actions demonstrate that you might be one of the ones in the quote (not the good one). Then heaping praise and multiple assurances on how of COURSE you never meant yourself to be that way and TA DA a way to fix it….by doing or being what I tell you…which is what LRH intended you to be/do.
Also, another weapon to use on you if you get “mis emotional” after being regged for 5 hours (AKA pissed off). It is all such a giant mindfuck. I used to be SO good at it too. But I BELIEVED it was true. I BELIEVED it with all my heart. It is so sad but I do understand what it is to be a sheeple. I feel such heartbreak every time I read a regraded being strip. They are never funny to me. Such stabbing blinding truth in each one.
greybiscuit, I believe that you believed with all your heart that what you were doing was right. Its also obvious that you think way differently now. Don’t beat yourself up, please. As ex-Scientologists, we’ve ALL experienced this sort of awakening and subsequent self-castigation. Its fine. We get it. We here on this blog understand VERY well what some very wise man meant when he said, “The road to hell is paved with good intentions”. I’m glad you’re with us, greybiscuit.
Ya, we went by the SMP bldg. a little while back. Empty and no Security except cameras.
Mike, I don’t know if you have a punching bag at home, but now is the time to use it. You have shown yourself to be such a gentleman and I am sure your young son is lucky to have such a thoughtful and stable father.
Unfortunately, there are some children who will suffer from their father’s erratic behaviors. All children need a safe place, but we can’t pick our parents. Your hard work and good choices are an example to parents everywhere. I hope some people will learn that their public behavior will only hurt their child’s emotional development before it is too late to change.
Wow Mike. This is something. The gun to the head pic grabbed me immediately. I thought..WTF????
Then I read the letter….it is so completely beyond disgusting. Screw your life, your job, your family….GIVE US MONEY!!!!!
I get the premise….greatest good for greatest number…..blah blah blah…But this really drives it home. They don’t care about people….just their wallets.
This letter should be picked up by some of major newspapers and published…if they had the balls.
It really is abhorrent. There is no shame. Of course…if you don’t give up everything for this fucked up bullshit….its YOUR fault.
Continue on your path my friend……it will stop. And Karma is a real bitch….you can’t escape it in Jon Lobbs.
Yours…… OverTheBridgeTPA
I’m curious if “fundraisers” get a commission or piece of the cake for “expenses.”
No. They just don’t have to go to the RPF until later.
Yes they get a percentage – I think it used to be 10% – not sure on the exact percentage? This is the main public Regis, usually the OTV’s and upwards, hence why they will go around Org’s in their county or neighbouring country and be ‘guest speakers’ etc. back in the early stages of the Ideal Org push I knew some public Regis, where making $40,000 plus for a few hour work!!
The letter is a classic example of how others attempt to use guilt to make you act against your own self interest.
Yes, this clown is writing in the 1.5 band (Anger, Expressed Resentment) with plenty of make wrong in order to “command” the attention of his recipients whom he believes are in a lower tone level (Apathy). The overt make wrong, the “…then this letter is for you”, the accusations and finger pointing are all purposely done as what is believed necessary to “arouse” those sheeple who are apathetic. He’s trying to make them afraid, as in, “OMG, he’s talking about ME!” It’ll probably work to some degree on some of them. But here’s the thing: what he’s doing with this type of low toned comm is NOT viable in the long term. It has shock value the first time but he’d better not get in the habit of sending out this kind of make wrong comm on a regular basis, in that, the Sheeple ARE in apathy, and too much of this will just make them sink into it more solidly.
Its a slippery slope. Keep this up and soon, to get their attention, he’ll have to make them MORE afraid, like, of a terrorist incident, a nuclear incident, to get them to donate. Once he starts coercing donations by disseminating dystopia he’s stuck with dystopia. Its a real trap – for him, poor devil.
Whoa! That is one empty parking lot…….Bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!
Sorry, I just couldn’t keep it in…….Bwahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!
An empty lot? I’m shocked. SHOCKED. Shocked that they have not rented out the parking lot to make extra money from the neighbors. I guess there must be plenty of street parking.
At least their van does not have a flat tire, unlike the Inglewood Comm Ctr. lot:
Or all four tires flat like the VM van at CCNashville.
Here’s what I don’t get: If you have a business that you know is just chomping at the bit to expand, what do you do? You try to acquire what you need: Inventory, vehicles, workers, even a warehouse or two. Once you have these, they will pay for themselves. After all, your business is expanding.
Even your bank–not given to emotional decisions and gestures of friendship–agrees with you and loans you the money needed. Of course, this is even easier if you have reserves; it’s child’s play if you’re a $$$ billion business that does not even pay taxes.
What you DON’T do if you have an expanding business: Leave buildings that should be thriving with activity and bring in oodles of $$$ sitting vacant and become ever more decrepit. Or get your potential customers to buy you a business upfront so that you can serve them. (It takes a real “special” customer to want to do that anyway!)
If I didn’t know any better, I would say that the cult’s business strategy makes it look as though they don’t really believe in their own expansion. It would appear that they don’t even believe that more buildings would mean more business. After all, they have the means to erect several dozens truly new (meaning not mere renovations or replacements) ideal org’s around the world RIGHT NOW, debt-free, no loans needed.
Here’s a simple test: An organization that has plenty of money tells you they need yours too–for the survival of the planet. What is your reaction? If you start even pondering whether their claims may be true, you just failed the cult test! Run…
Thank Xenu I have way more important things to do … like bingewatch stuff on Netflix.
I turn on my X-Box and play Tomb Raider. Much more satisfying.
OK, so let’s get this straight: If I read a letter and it upsets me (for example because I feel the writer is lying to me or trying to take advantage) that is MY fault. I need to change my attitude and “accept responsibility.”
Because Hubbard says so–as usual, without providing any evidence whatsoever or establishing any authority he may actually possess. He says what he says. And whether is makes sense, is extremely self-serving, controlling and cultish on his part, or is spoken straight out of his ass, HE is right and YOU, the reader/cult member must change to embrace HIS reality.
When it comes to “accepting responsibility” there is hope: For want of more effective alternatives one could (1) accept that they’ve been duped, (2) reject what is just one in an endless series of con attempts, and (3) absent oneself from harm’s way. (4) Take a good look at Hubbard, his true qualifications, his track record with truth and that humanitarianism so often bragged about as well as the “cult that Hubbard built.” #4 will ensure that #1-#3 won’t happen again!
“Accept that they’ve been duped”. Whoo baby! That’s the tough one for them. So much easier to go on believing or pretending to believe than to admit that that their church has made fools out of them.
Personally, as disparate as we possibly are as a group, I believe – this is just me – but, I believe, that all of us here have a higher than average ability to confront the fact that the Church of Scientology made fools of us.
Without this high ability, we’d all still be in.
Now, I’m saying this in a funny way, but, truthfully, I am proud that I’m able to admit and confront that I was an idiot. 🙂
And I’d like to acknowledge each and every one of you former idiots also 🙂
“The war to establish Ideal Orgs is very real and critical to our future.”
Even though it’s antithetical to Source.
You ain’t kidding.
“We own a tremendous amount of property. We own a tremendous amount of material, and so forth. And it keeps growing. But that’s not important.
When buildings get important to us, for God’s sake, some of you born revolutionists, will you please blow up central headquarters. If someone had put some H.E. [high explosives] under the Vatican long ago, Catholicism might still be going.
Don’t get interested in real estate. Don’t get interested in the masses of buildings, because that’s not important.”
-L Ron Hubbard
Tape: The Genus of Scientology
Anatomy of the Human Mind Congress
31 December 1960
Save that LRH quote. I’m sure that Miscavige will edit it like he edited all of LRH’s books.
Talk about a hard sell. Not only does the OTC threaten you with the wrath of Lron, but they threaten you with uncounted ‘special events’. In this world you are only as good as your ‘contribution’. Or should that be ‘protection payoff’?
Anyone sitting on the fence is going to jump over it after getting this. But DM doesn’t care about that, if you won’t pay up and worship him, you are an SP need to get out. Currently, the clampire only values your money and your fealty. Don’t fall behind on either.
I wonder how many will take the bus tour to hell? Counting that number would be very telling. As Paul Simon said, ‘get off the bus Gus, no need to discuss much, just drop off the key Lee, and get yourself free’.
Any Under the Radar, fence sitting, sideliner, doubt ridden, not fully KSW types receiving this letter will soon be migrating to Mike’s blog and other far flung fringes if the Internet. Welcome!
Congrats on being named part of the troika, Mike! We hear in the troll farm were hoping you’d be one of the Big Three in the ASC.
Dunno about you, but it looks like an Ideal Scientology parking lot to me.
Indeed! That is an Ideal Parking Lot. Lots of room to run around on. No vehicles to impede your fun! You could spend hours in a parking lot that.
Hello Mike I just read the Garcia letter. Obviously DM never did same. I am new to Scientology ( only as a critic thanks to you and LR ) i am amazed that the entirety of cos hasnt left to join the free zone. Im my opinion the only way dm will leave is by FORCE.
All my best to you
“Make it ‘all’ go right.” I think that’s altered tech. LOL
Hubbards 1952 article on Cause and Effect was written as technical paper having to do with AUDITING. The fact is the ruthless cult that survived him is using his image and writings to further bolster their guilt tripping shaming and criminal ongoing activities and is in fact ……. disgusting.
Great article, Mike! Have you seen Marty’s latest video? You are a troublemaker, Mike!
I could be wrong, but,that isn’t the only parking lot that the org has. Don’t they also own the lot across Farmdale Avenue? (That’s the lot to the left of the org as you’re facing it on Burbank Blvd.). They used that lot for their “grand opening”.
That absurd, passive-aggressive letter from Pete Sokoloff earns him a punch in the face.
This line killed me:
“If you’re so busy with work, family, and TV that you don’t have the time to put your shoulder to the wheel with the rest of us..”
What a shameless prick. Family and work generally takes up the entire day for most people. God forbid people kick their feet up after a long day to relax and watch TV. He says “family and work” as if these things don’t matter.
Oh, wait. It’s $cientology. They don’t matter (unless you’re a whale or celeb making tons of cash and giving it to the cult).
Then he has the nerve to talk about “free will”.
So, can the $ci’s exhibit their own free will and tell Pete to kindly f*%k off?
An asshole of the first degree. And, when it comes to ‘free will,’……THERE IS NO, I REPEAT NO FREE WILL IN Scientology ! When you join, you become a captive.
Oh, I dunno. I escaped somehow.
Pete and his wife are from Pasadena. And helped Pasadena go ideal. So now they’re coming up to Santa Barbara to help Santa Barbara go ideal. So they’re basically fsm’s. And they’re basically making 10%.
His letter if it had any shred of Truth in it should say something like, get off your fat ass and give us money because I like my 10%. Which I deserve because I’m such a magnificent, big being, pious, head up my ass, hypocrite-fundraiser. I’m in it for the commish, and the love bombing I get for being a big ass being.
Flirting with bankruptcy because of your fam and you don’t make enough at your work? Well suck it up buttercup. I’ve got my targets and I mean to make them.
Pete Don’t-You-be-Slackin-off
Clearly not clear,
Everything you said, plus the cherch is on FSMs who make good commissions like white on rice.
Pete Baby is probably himself getting regged within an inch of his life. That’s a tactic the cult uses to “activate” well heeled, high producing Scientologists to get their poorer fellow Scientologists by the throat and squeeeeeeeze.
I thought it was Pete Sukuoff. At least that’s what they call him in the cult.
That line shows their hatred and how they really feel about public. So elated to be out of that mind f**k cult!
Nowhere in the lexicon of legitimate psychotherapy or psychiatry does the word ‘mis-emotion’ appear. Only a cult leader would want to label certain emotions as ones you shouldn’t have. Getting angry with Ron or feeling antagonistic towards him or being in fear of him could all be clues that something’s not quite right about Ron. But NO! Those are mis-emotions and thus not valid. So swallow them down and focus on the emotions good ol’ Ron says you are allowed to feel. All part of the mind-fuck.
“Only a cult leader would want to label certain emotions as ones you shouldn’t have.”
Excellent point. All of the basic emotions have helped us survive and progress as a species. Even “negative” emotions like anxiety, anger and disgust. Anger can be a clue that something is very wrong in your environment; for example, angry at a boss who treats you badly and causes a lot of stress–probably means you need to find a better job, or anger at a spouse who abuses you. Feelings of disgust at the thought of having sex with your parent or sibling has cut down dramatically on the cumulative detrimental DNA effects of inbreeding. Disgust at the sight of feces has greatly decreased the risk of us being contaminated by bacteria. Anxiety, in it’s milder form can help motivate us to perform at a higher level.
There really are hundreds maybe thousands in the building because they are all taking Uber now. Just watch all the Uber vehicles come by. Scientologists no longer need vehicles.
Dear ML Suckoff,
Does vomiting on your email count as an emotion?
Does pissing on your email count as an emotion? If not, I can certainly do worse. And I’ll be glad to do so, you piss ant.
So if I am sad (or as scientologists call it “griefy” because a family member died, it is because I haven’t accepted responsibility for it. I did NOT know I could control death. I wish I had figured that out sooner. The quote is such BS that once you step away and start reading things like that for what they are, reading the rest of it is just utter drivel.
Does Mr. Sokoloff realize that in that letter, he is stating in black and what the facts that those of us outside the bubble have known for years: There are very few who care and there is a strong possibility that those who are actually doing something don’t really care but are “other determined”.
Pete, grab a lifeline and get out while you can.
What a big bully.
What a delusional group of people.
I remember being stuffed in a bus (no choice) to go to the Portland Crusades. Definitely over capacity. Every row of seats had two people sitting and then one on the floor in the aisle. Yep, we broke the law! Putting our lives on the line was less important than getting to the crusade. Those were Sea Org members with no choice. I’d love to see the Public that will be riding this bus – I envision something Gary Larson would have a lot of fun with on The Far Side (WHICH IS WHERE THESE PEOPLE SEEM TO LIVE!)
I can just see it now:
An overcrowded bus careens off a cliff packed to capacity with panicking passengers. The caption reads: Another typical day in Scientology.
“Curiously every inaction also begins with a decision.”
To be perfectly accurate, every inaction does not necessarily begin with a decision. Sometimes inaction is the result of forgetfulness or backed up traffic on the 405 or a backed up colon.
But let’s talk about the inaction of not attending a Maiden Voyage event. What decision might cause that? I’mm thinking that the decision to no longer be a Scientologist might lead to that. It’s a decision that could easily be precipitated by receipt of one too many letters of the tenor of the one above. Just sayin’.
I had a backup colon while traffic was backed up on the 405. That experience scared me for life.
They know what is comming
What…ridicule that will go on forever? Get used to it.
Empty Parking Lots and Delusion Update:
Having strayed off the ‘great middle path’, the Joker is building a wall of videos. Is he pissing his pants while looking down the barrel of a gun next to the camera, or does he think that his ‘reality’ (Truth Rundown style)can contradict the facts? Does he get a blood money check per episode? By discrediting himself, he is setting up your loss. Here comes da Judge.
He is strategizing for a media war. For whatever reason. He is attempting to be in control of the narrative by causing a rift between Mike, Leah and Tony.
He is attempting to divide and conquer for assuming a position of power.
Maybe just deny him by ignoring him. Let Tony do the heavy lifting.
Dead agenting may not work this time. Ha…. it will not. Don’t feed his narrative. His own actions will be his downfall. He is his own personal prison, prisoner and warden.
But…. if needed, his achilles’ heel is his past.
And……. he is working up the conditions:
“The formula of liability is:
“(1) Decide who are one’s friends; (2) Deliver an effective blow to the enemies of the group one has been pretending to be part of despite personal danger; (3) Make up the damage one has done by personal contribution far beyond the ordinary demands of a group member…..
Some habits never die
Oh my God, there is so much wrong with that letter.
First off, lumping watching TV in with spending time at work or with family? They really think that those are all equally trivial, as none of them are Scientology?
And WTF is a “misemotion?” There are only emotions – good, bad, rational, irrational, but still valid emotions.
Their made-up words make my brain hurt.
When you claimed “misemotion” was a made-up Scientology word, I didn’t believe you and had to check. And I found out you were right. And that got me to thinking: why would L. Ron Hubbard invent the word “misemotion”? Based on the use of the word throughout my childhood, it was obviously intended to engender the Manichean worldview necessary to keep Scientology working in people’s minds. Obviously, emotions must be divided into good and bad categories; in fact, Hubbard did this for us with his Tone Scale. Misemotion begins at precisely 2.0.
I can hardly believe that I’m still unpacking this shit thirty years after I left the cult.
Anyway, thanks for pointing that out. Hubbard’s made-up words are still making my brain hurt, after all these years.
LRH’s original definition of misemotion was “emotion inappropriate to present circumstances.” Thus any level of the Tone Scale could be either emotion or misemotion. He later changed the definition of misemotion to “emotion below 2.0 on the Tone Scale.” That was an error on his part. We should use the original definition, IMHO.
Interesting. The first definition sounds sensible. The second one sounds nuts. Really nuts. LRH should have left well enough alone.
Infinitely More Trouble says: “…why would L. Ron Hubbard invent the word ‘misemotion’? Based on the use of the word throughout my childhood, it was obviously intended to engender the Manichean worldview necessary to keep Scientology working in people’s minds.”
That may have been how the word came to be used, but misemotion is simply emotion that isn’t appropriate to the situation, due to associations with the situation that are below the person’s awareness. From the tech dictionary:
MISEMOTIONAL, 1. such a word would indicate that a person did not display the emotion called for by the actual circumstances of the situation. (SOS) 2 . being misemotional is synonymous with being irrational. (SOS)
Again, that sounds sensible. But if LRH did change the definition afterwards, maybe that’s one of the reasons the Tech Dictionary has to be revised (or so I heard).
Wow! What an awful letter. A make-wrong disguised as “please help us” and an entitled a**hole who thinks he can invalidate the public in his area and evaluate for them because of some misguided, out-of-context LRH quote… So glad I’m nowhere near any of those areas geographically.
‘What an awful letter.’ These people don’t need no stinkin’ correct grammar! They have the tech! And stupidity…
1 vehicle, and it belongs to the cherch and should be in the lot. Your IAS donations hard at work saving the planet. I guess Davey needs more, his bank accounts must be dipping close to the 2 billion mark and that’s not enough of a buffer if/when it all goes tits up.
In today’s local paper a non-profit cat shelter had it’s tax exempt status yanked because they screwed up some paperwork. What is it going to take for the IRS to yank Co$’s exemption??? A paperwork snafu did it for an entity that actually does good for the community!! Co$ doesn’t actually do anything except collect money and buy real estate to hide that money. There have been so many complaints and petitions and still nothing. I know that the 1st amendment protects them because they are a “church” but they get that only from the IRS exemption. The gov’t doesn’t declare what is or isn’t a church just the IRS gives them an exemption, so… When will they finally do something? Soon I hope!
Mike & Leah, I love your work, You do so much good to right a horrible wrong. I can’t wait for season 2
Good luck
That letter makes me sick. This is “scientology think” at its finest. Think “What is the greatest good for scientology and david miscavige.” Then think, “Would I rather do anything that’s contrary to that?”
If so, you have overts, transgressions, sins, and/or crimes.
If you buy into the above “logic” then they own you.
But I have to also say that the above letter reeks of desperation. The church and the sycophants working for it/him used to be more covert in their attempts to extracts money and time from its parishioners. Now they just pretty much come right out and say how despicable they are. “Give us your money and your time or your a worthless piece of shit.”
Excuse me – grammatical error. “Give us your money and your time or you’re a worthless piece of shit.”
I vote for being a worthless piece of shit and keep every dollar I have!
? Much more pro survival.
Damn right it is!
I second your motion, OSD 🙂
“Give us your money and your time or you’re a worthless piece of shit.”
It should be ………… “We know your are a worthless piece of Daveshit but by paying us money you don’t have (or better yet is borrowed from one of your loser friends) makes you slightly more desirable.”
So nice seeing you Coop. You make me smile.
Same for me…
As a never in – I agree this letter reeks of desperation…it’s really a very telling look at what’s happening inside CoS…desperate ppl do desperate things. Be careful out there you ex-CoSers. Be careful cuz I think it’s going to get really nasty soon. No income, so they’re squeezing, squeezing, squeezing – until something will pop.
I guess sokolofs message was well received.
I wonder what DM has to say about the turn out. Looks like the “hole” will have a new tenant. Just sayin
I was thinkin’ the exact same thing. It’ll be good for the lad. He will be able to expand on all dynamics while licking the bathroom floors.
Talk about desperation tactics…
War? Against who? Who is fighting to prevent the completion of the Ideal Org? Do any non-scientologists even CARE if they build another Ideal Morgue? What evidence is there of any action taken to stop the org being built?
I get it – Scientology is at war with REALITY…
Or the staff is at war with the public….
Oh, no doubt! Public are the lowest of the low. The staff look down on them. And the SO looks down at staff and the pubic. They’ve got a great hate thing going on.
“a slave society that has forgotten about free will” sounds like Scientology to me! Perfect description! #saynotocob
Dear Pete Sokoloff, If I hit you across the face with a baseball bat for being such a slime bucket and you feel any pain, anger, etc. Please read the quote you provided.
??? Yes haha!!! ???
Yo Petie Pooh,
Why not just straight away tell em that any no shows result in an automatic sec-check done three swing style. BTW, I think Wynski is onto a great idea with that baseball bat thingy. You can test your Ohhhhhh Tee A-bil-a-tees while restudying your materials!
No one gets out unscathed!
Hey everyone! I just opened my new store! You’re going to love it: Baseball Bats R Us. And if you break one, you get a new one for FREE! Hurry, hurry as this deal won’t last forever!
Put me down for eleven!