Tony Ortega has a must-read article on his blog this morning.
Researcher R. M. Seibert obtained Freedom of Information Act documents from the FBI about the “ops” (the scientology term — short for operations — to describe campaigns against enemies) against former Clearwater Mayor Gabe Cazares. The stories about what was done to Cazares are horrifying.
But it’s also worth noting the underlying POLICY of scientology that resulted in these actions against enemies of scientology.
It is often claimed (and I did it myself for many years) that the Guardian’s Office were “rogue operatives” — but that ignores the fact that L. Ron Hubbard laid out how to go about destroying enemies of scientology with these sort of staged operations and planting of false stories. Hubbard fancied himself as a spy and wrote a considerable amount of scientology POLICY about the craft of “intelligence” and covertly controlling and influencing people and situations for the benefit of scientology.
This is STILL THE POLICY of scientology. It is written by L. Ron Hubbard and thus cannot be changed or altered in any way.
Read the article by Tony Ortega today before you read the document below. You will understand how scientology using planted documents and fake scenarios to smear and scandalize opponents came to be.
The examples of “Gosh Porge” and “Bish Smish” in the reference below are not just funny asides. They are directives on HOW to destroy someone. The parallels to Cazares and Paulette Cooper are eery.
This is ONE of Hubbard’s writings, directed to the Guardian’s Office. It has subsequently been formalized into an “OSA NW Order” — this is a retype of the original communication Hubbard sent to his wife, Mary Sue (CS-G – Commodore’s Staff Guardian Office) and other Guardian Office executives and “intelligence” personnel. As with a lot of Hubbard’s communication on “sensitive” matters, it was not signed. He did not want to incriminate himself (in later years, he would sign his name “*”). Bear in mind, this is just ONE of the documents Hubbard authored on the subject of “Intelligence” and dealing with enemies. It happens to be the one that has the most direct relevance to the story today.
Below the document I have pulled some specific passages to highlight and comment on them.
A typical Intelligence action is to turn over some exact data to PR to “get known” that will then push forward an Intelligence objective. Or to squash an enemy release.
This is exactly what was done with Cazares. Once the “op” (e.g. the faked hit-and-run) occurs, information is then sent to the media from “anonymous” sources (or using fake names).
Whoever regards Intelligence solely as “information gathering” has not moved with the times.
The Japanese disturbed all this with the Intelligence creation of “incidents” then exploited by PR.
The “incident” brought about behind the scenes is then pitilessly exploited by PR.
Intelligence is supposed to INFLUENCE activities and control them, not just gather data.
Any Intelligence man worth his salt could have staged the same thing…
Now you see where we are trending.
Here is where the rubber meets the road. Hubbard now begins to offer up examples of “where we are trending” and how to “stage” situations to bring about the demise of enemies…
Example: Gosh Porge is located as an antagonistic source in the Bureau of Mines. Study Bu of Mines. They frown on corrupt and bankrupt employees, it is carefully worked out by survey. Gosh Porge receives a check for 250 pounds from the Aluminium Company of America at his office for “tip off and patents sent” and “his wife” runs up fur coat bills at Harrods who sue and “a man in Soho” wants his 1800 pounds gambling debt and “a mistress” calls his boss and demands the return of her diamonds “Gosh borrowed” and as it keeps up, even Gosh Porge’s best denials won’t prevent his being sacked.
This is specific direction to STAGE these events. Cause a check to be sent. Run up fake bills at Harrods. A fake mistress and gambling debt (scientology created a fake “wife” for Cazares to “prove” he was a bigamist). The Cazares staged “hit and run” and tip off to the media is textbook “Gosh Porge”…
And here is another example:
Without consulting Legal Bu Bish Smish is suing C of S for truckloads. Survey his attorneys covertly. One finds they detest “people from the City”, very prejudiced against money clauses. So City blokes start appearing on their lines for Bish Smish – will he win the suit? Broker wants to know can Bish Smish cover his margins?
City bowler hat beats up lawyer with an umbrella because Bish Smish said he was going to get the lawyer to sue him over the “blocks of stock” Bish Smish swindled. Keep it up. Soon he won’t have any lawyer!
Or in the case of Cazares, use a scientology operative to BE his lawyer!
Remember — this remains the operating policy of scientology TO THIS DAY.
It will never change. It cannot. Scientology is stuck following the direction of L. Ron Hubbard for as long as it can survive.
Knowledge of the truth about scientology and exposing it to the world serves to inhibit their actions. The more they are exposed, the harder it is for scientology to get away with their taxpayer supported abuses.
You know, since the cult is continuing in these same tactics today as they used on Gage, you’d think officials who can actually do something would be very eager to ACTUALLY do something. Officials have so much documentation, witnesses, evidence etc. I often wonder what keeps them from pursuing prosecution, tax exempt revoking…etc. When did basic morality or the law begin to be ignored so drastically in our society…or the world for that matter.?
I realize this question is unanswerable or that it likely will have many answers in its complexity. Just reading Tony’s article and today’s blog reminds me that the values and morals of our legal and justice system got so manipulated with loop holes that it’s almost impossible to pursue justice. And…that these agencies that were designed to pursue justice got so political and fat with backstabbing and secondary motivations that, in the pursuit of persona/political agenda’s, innocent people hurt thru the cult’s actions aren’t even on their radar enough to care.
Sad commentary and the results of system unchecked for decades.
I have read documents that Mr Ortega is under investigation for being involved in child prostitution.
Hardly someone to praise surely?
Or is this police lies and he is really just, “a very nice guy” and an expert in Scientology and it application etc etc having been one for years?
You need to stop reading the Freedom site.
Believe me, he is NOT under investigation for child prostitution.
But Danny Masterson IS under investigation for rape.
Anything to say about that?
Mike; I notice in this article and a lot of others you often say “It is written by L. Ron Hubbard and thus cannot be changed or altered in any way.” I imagine that’s what church members are told and it’s pounded into them that LRH is the ultimate authority but…………………I was wondering – to what extent do you think David Miscavige and others at the very top of COS actually believe in LRH’s writings and teachings at this point? Do they really buy into it all and follow it as a “religion” anymore or do they just use it to gain money and power for themselves? Or is it somewhere between the two?
Somewhere between the two I think.
All scientologists, Miscavige included, believe in the infallibility of Hubbard. It’s an article of faith. It’s irrational, but it IS what scientologists think. Even ones who have left the organization.
But it’s cynical — first, Miscavige knows that him being “on Source” maintains his power. If he overtly proclaimed he no longer followed Hubbard, he would be toast. He has support BECAUSE he claims he is the most “on Source” scientologist there is on earth. Does it really matter if he believes it or not? He professes to. But it’s also cynical because if he and others TRULY believed in scientology being the answer to everything, then all Sea Org members would be OT VIII (not really a hard thing to do, instead of spending time filing, do auditing) and scientology would spend it’s money to SUBSIDIZE making auditors (like PAYING PEOPLE) so they could accomplish more clearing.
It’s an interesting point and one I’ve wondered about occasionally too. Evidence suggests to me that he leans a lot more heavily on the cynical ‘adherence’ than perhaps one thinks.
He demonstrably lied to one and all when announcing Hubbard’s death, a fact that, unless he is totally deluded and deranged, he himself is acutely aware of and has been trying to justify ever since.
So he knows that’s a crock and must know a whole lot more.
And I’m 95% certain that he was not only aware of the numerous gross personnel policy violations that were enacted by the Mission 1st, Lucky Story, during her disastrous tenure at London org in 2007-8, but that he in fact endorsed them – in his role as Msn Ops (as I believe he was).
Any staff member worth their salt (in scn terms) knows well certain key policies on quicksilvers and musical chairs, and yet these were so comprehensively and, dare I say it, contemptuously violated in the face of Command Intention that it did indeed trigger my first signs of cognitive dissonance.
That alone tells me he pays no attention to LRH when it doesn’t suit him, which would suggest at least some disdain on his part, I would venture.
Mike – I’m not getting any notifications at all. Used to get several every day (new posts, comments). This stopped on the weekend.
OK, still trying to sort this out. Sorry.
I thought it was just me! I was worried, I don’t want to miss anything!
4 quick things.
1. What a brilliant comment by IYawn, “(LRH had) . . . complete contempt for the well being of those that dedicated their lives to Scientology.”
2. Thanks Mike for directly answering some questions. I liked it better than the Reddit Q & A.
3. I really appreciated the Lois R “history” about LRH.
4. A “Mike Answers Your Questions” afternoon would be great. (For instance: I think you said there were 5 (6?) events a year that everyone was supposed to attend – what and when are they?)
The events:
New Years — held sometime in December (this Sat this year…) and then replayed in orgs around the world on 31 Dec.
March 13th
May 9th (Dn Anniversary — now downgraded, not done by Miscavige any more but still supposed to attend)
Maiden Voyage Anniversary — actually 4 or 5 events during the summer — the Maiden Voyage is early June. The events in the orgs are usually in July.
Auditor’s Day (not really even an event any more, done locally rather than with “int event” materials) — Sept 11th or thereabout
IAS Anniversary — Oct 6th but usually held later
Mar 13 is LRH birthday.
SO in addition used to get Aug 12th for SO day when we rented the Queen Mary and there used to be a Family Day off to go up to a lake or somewhere family fun is.
Thanks and Thanks, Mike and Cece.
As I read the “Gabe Cazares letter” I got the feeling that it was written by the Fatman hisself. The turgid prose and idiotic plot were a dead giveaway. It reads like one of his bad pulp stories.
Hi Mike. Thanks for being open to answering questions.That is something that never seems to happen with scientologists, especially staff. At least honest answers, that is.
So I have always wondered what he internal OSA and management reaction was when Arnie sent my doubt formula and demand for refund to all those WISE scientologists. Do you have any recollection of what the impact of that was in your area and management in general?
Thanks for all you are doing.
So I have always wondered what he internal OSA and management reaction was when Arnie sent my doubt formula and demand for refund to all those WISE scientologists. Do you have any recollection of what the impact of that was in your area and management in general?
Sorry, no recollection of this at all. I don’t recall your name from when I was in OSA — I certainly know Arnie and dealt with him personally.
Mike, thanks for keeping the information flowing to us who want to know more about this horrific “religion”. Have you and Leah thought about going to other countries for your show? Would be interested to see Scientology’s impact and horrible deeds in other countries and cultures.
Despite never deviating from Hubbard policy, the scientology of today is not like the scientology of yesterday. Or, maybe a better way of saying it, the world that scientology operates in today is MUCH different than the world of the 1970’s. Social media, the internet, and highly publicized defections have been eroding the reputation of scientology, and the public is openly hostile towards it.
What was once a mighty juggernaut of evil intent is just a shadow of its former self. Everybody knows their shenanigans, and they usually get caught in their hapless practices. Foot bullets fired by a clown with egg on his face, that is the modern scientologist.
Scientology today is like a mosquito in your bedroom at night. A bothersome pest that feels it must be relevant by buzzing in your ear, demanding attention.
I have not received your email for the last 3 days. Everything is good on my end just stopped getting them!
Il documentario della Rai radio televisione italiana su Scientology: Report è una delle trasmissioni più seguite ,sono giornalisti che fanno inchieste. Sarebbe utile se Leha Remini venisse a fare in Italia una puntata di ” la mia fuga da Scientology”
Translation: The documentary of the Italian radio television RAI on Scientology: Report is one of the most followed programs, journalists who make inquiries. It would be useful if Leha Remini came to Italy to make an episode of “my escape from Scientology”
Goodness me… these are the inner workings of a modern day religion? I may have a simplistic view of the world, especially as I get older and can’t be bothered with the bs anymore. But what in the world was Hubbard thinking when was writing such policy and ordering these games to be played? His organisations future must have looked very dark, even to him playing around with long term cover-ups you can’t possibly or successfully hide. Geezers, talk about short term tunnel vision! His arrogance knew no bounds and as far as I’m concerned he must have known he was setting up his organisation for certain failure. What a criminalist asshole he was, with complete contempt for the well being of those that dedicated their lives to Scientology.
It’s difficult to conceive being part of an organisation with such incredibly dirty washing and with such criminal intent employed and lived with by its management on a day to day basis. No wonder Miscavige is such an insane ao!
The most ethical group on the planet hey? Vomit!
On the topic of crazies. I saw a couple of days ago Rathbun has another poorly-done video on youtube. He’s wearing the same outfit as in all the others. Davey’s not paying the man enough to change his clothes.
Yeah, he doesn’t have much to say either except to read from the notes that are sitting just off camera about how Tony Ortega is supported by pornography and Leah and I have unlimited funding to find old liars and trot them out on TV. It is really dull, repetitive stuff. Not sure why they are bothering. The same 5 people tell him how great his “insights” are and the rest of the world just shakes their head in pity.
Thanks for reminding me, I was meaning to ask Marildi what she found so “enlightening” in his recent video?
Nothing worse than Scientology groupies. When I was in the cult groupies would get all mushie towards powerful executives and OTs.
Marty’s groupies are better than a clay demo for demonstrating the dangers of Scientology beliefs and auditing.
Did Marty just turn his site over to Oracle? Does this women work or does she hit it hard from the bottle and start writing stream of consciousness gobbledygook.
She’s actually an embarrassment. Why would anyone let this women cluck such nonsense and think they are protecting the good name of Hubbard and Scientology?
I think these apologists are auditing BTs everyday. We may need to cut them some slack and have some pity.
On some level they represent who we all used to be.
Mike: “I was meaning to ask Marildi what she found so “enlightening” in his recent video?”
Actually, the word I used was “informative.” This was the video about Tony Ortega’s involvement as Editor of the Village Voice with its Backpage ads for prostitution, including that of children and teenagers. One thing of note, in reference to victims later speaking out, was Tony’s statement that people dredging up memories from childhood is completely abused because in “most cases” when it’s investigated there’s no corroboration and in fact somebody has influenced them to make the accusations. That statement was all the more notable considering how it contradicts some of the Aftermath episodes, ironically.
You think it is informative when Marty repeats the scientology foolishness about “Backpage Tony”? You do not grasp that he is reading “talking points” from scientology?
Did you ever look to find the actual facts about Ortega and what he said or you just accept Marty at his word at this point? He has been astonishingly helpful with the Aftermath series.
What did you think when he said “I am an open book, unlike Rinder who never seems to know anything and always refers to ‘they'”?
Was that informative too? Or how we have an “unlimited budget” to dredge up “old stories”? I can assure you, there’s no “unlimited budget” (the only people that have that are scientology) and people come to us with their stories.
Mike: “You think it is informative when Marty repeats the scientology foolishness about ‘Backpage Tony’? You do not grasp that he is reading ‘talking points’ from scientology?”
I have no doubt the CoS would capitalize on what has been in the news that reflects badly on Tony. The upshot of it is there was a U.S. Senate committee investigation into Backpage, including the years Tony was Editor-in-Chief over it. For me, it was enough to read the committee’s report (parts of it, that is – it’s very long), to see where Tony is coming from in relation to child sexual abuse. The report is titled “’s Knowing Facilitation of Online Sex Trafficking.” Here’s an excerpt from the findings :
This report contains three principal findings. First, Backpage has knowingly concealed evidence of criminality by systematically editing its “adult” ads. As early as 2006, Backpage executives began instructing staff responsible for screening ads (known as “moderators”) to edit the text of adult ads to conceal the true nature of the underlying transaction. By October 2010, Backpage executives formalized a process of both manual and automated deletion of incriminating words and phrases, primarily through a feature called the “Strip Term From Ad Filter.” At the direction of CEO Carl Ferrer, the company programmed this electronic filter to
“strip”—that is, delete—hundreds of words indicative of sex trafficking (including child sex trafficking) or prostitution from ads before their publication. The terms that Backpage has automatically deleted from ads before publication include “lolita,” “teenage,” “rape,” “young,” “amber alert,” “little girl,” “teen,” “fresh,” “innocent,” and “school girl.” When a user submitted an adult ad containing one of these “stripped” words, Backpage’s Strip Term From Ad filter would immediately delete the discrete word and the remainder of the ad would be published. While the Strip Term From Ad filter changed nothing about the true nature of the advertised transaction or the real age of the person being sold for sex, thanks to the filter, Backpage’s adult ads looked “cleaner than ever.”3 Manual editing entailed the deletion of language similar to the words and phrases that the Strip Term From Ad filter automatically deleted—including terms indicative of criminality….
You really ARE a dup. Funny how you want to forward the scientology lies and try to make them seem true. You are EXPANDING on Marty’s bs, not finding it “informative.”
This will likely be your last comment here.
Have you not understood that Tony was the Editor of the VV. There is a separation between editorial and advertising in journalism. In fact, the Backpage was run by a different company than the VV. Tony had no say and no control over what the VV did with advertising. He had control over the content of their news. Scientology HATED that. The corporate bosses at VV eventually caved to the scientology pressure. Tony never would. You do know he doesnt work there any more.
Sorry, but taking up space on my blog to spew manufactured shit about Ortega is one step too far. You are now actively participating in the smear campaign against him. And that is not what this blog is for.
Bye bye. I hope you continue to find the scientology talking points relayed by “Marty” “informative.” Perhaps you can ask the “Open Book” why he dismissed the case and screwed the lawyers? And what he does for a living…
Thank you Mike,
Every now and again I realize that OSA definitely has moles and trolls on these sites. How can they not?
It’s what Hubbard instructs them to do. So I’ve concluded that they are here beyond a doubt.
There is one dynamic in all of these back and forths with apologists that I try to be sensitive to:
Who avoids
Who deflects
Who seems to actively create disharmony while claiming to be fair.
Who attacks people frequently
It also seems to me that apologists post until there is upset or they are called out to be Scientology trolls (true or not) and then they leave for a while and come back with friendliness and love bombing to gain trust again.
After the trust is gained they start the cycle of disruption again.
True or not; that is my experience of some apologists.
I think marildi is someone who thinks scn can somehow, some way be reformed and presented as a useful subject or used as an additive to other subjects outside of the official CoS. I also think marildi must have been the captain of her high school debate team.
I vacillate between brainwashed believer and brainwashed operative. She went over into the operative column firmly now with her “additional info” about Tony Ortega that she dug up by herself after being “informed” by Marty…
“Bye bye. I hope you continue to find the scientology talking points relayed by “Marty” “informative.” Perhaps you can ask the “Open Book” why he dismissed the case and screwed the lawyers? And what he does for a living…”
Or better yet, ask him this question:
Is Marty Rathbun really some kind of droll comedian now?
His site is hilarious… “backpage Tony”, and his yellowed pallor and dry-mouthed delivery…
Jesus H Hubbard, Miscavige please give that sock puppet a drink of water once in awhile, will ‘ya?
Arrogance always has a part in the the undoing of power
Hi Mike – I did not receive an email notification of your blog again this a.m. Thought you might want to know.
Hmm, will ask Nathan to see if he can figure out what is going on…
If Nathan can’t fix it, no one can. I was having some problems posting, but, Nathan fixed it.
It’s been two days for me.
same with me
Maybe you’re not to popular……Nah! You’re popular.
I haven’t received one either since Saturday. I’ve just been going online. Glad to know I’m not the only one. I really look forward to reading this every day!
Not receiving emails of your blog. Was working great until this weekend.
Trying to get this resolved. Sorry.
And to this day current and former “scientologists” who are aware of the Cazares fiasco, believe that he was an FBI plant from the get-go.
There is a real paranoia instilled by the Co$. We believed we were being attacked by the FBI, the CIA, the AMA, aliens from Farsec etc. etc. From my many years of involvement in that organization I’ve come to the conclusion that the basic pattern is now this:
1. Someone in the Co$ screws up
2. Someone outside the group gets blamed
3. A program is executed to to destroy whoever they decide to blame
4. The program inevitably recoils creating more bad PR for the Co$
5. The folks inside the 1984 world of the Co$ always believe their own misinformation campaign…but
6. Eventually people wise up and leave
Cognitive dissonance breaks when enough facts are presented to shatter previous erroneous assumptions and cause one to admit to himself that he’s been duped.
People are far more likely to ignore the dox while they are still getting enough wins to justify ignoring them.
Because of current obsessions, the wins are fewer and further between so people are leaving much more quickly. Despite the fancy buildings, the current Co$ is dissolving like the wicked witch of the west.
Yep, that’s Scientology for you, good summation LDW. Even the most insanely dreamed up justifications become ‘fact’ in their bubble.
The greatest test of all Scientologists and appears to be – have you got the stomach to face your founder’s past actions, his lies & his contempt for anyone questioning him or his organisation, including his confidential policy directions inciting dissent against both your local and Fed authorities and still remain a Scientologist in good standing? No wonder hiding and non confront is an ability well acquired and practiced within Scientology and its affiliations. It’s amazing what dirty money can create.
Great insight LDW. Well said.
CoS may be paranoid, but from my experience the Indies are just as bad if not worse. I flirted with the Indies for a while and ended up being put onto a video conference call with a woman (apparently a top C/S) living in the darkest depths of South America, where she was hiding from authorities. I don’t know which was worse – the video or the audio. This woman clearly wasn’t getting outside much, or even off her sofa. According to her the FBI, CIA, KGB, Interpol – you name it – were after the incredible tech of scientology. I’m not in a position it dispute any claims, but I can say the interview gave me the creeps. The hysteria reminded me of CoS’ nonsensical obsession with psychs, but worse. Seems the spooks were very interested in remote viewing.
dr mac, the indies I’ve dealt with over the years start slipping into that mind set because they have to justify the failure of LRH and no OTs. This turns into things like gov conspiracies hunting OTs and killing LRH and replacing him with a simulacrum so that all the “original” ot making instructions were changed/destroyed and the like. This also manifests in the oft heard refrain that everything was working until DM was born and he from his crib took on LRH and all the OTs at the behest of the US Gov. Etc., etc.
With the above in mind and other OSA directives, I’m very concerned for the persons that have spoke out on Aftermath especially the younger ones recently uncovering the churches cover-up of sexual crimes. I’m hoping there is in place some amount of protection for them, their children, loved ones and pets.
I’m also wishing a RICO suit is being worked on in America.
Thanks for all you are doing.
No worries Cece. They will get nothing but standard disconnection insanity and smear websites.
COS would be clumsy and extremely unintelligent to go all out on fair gaming these victims featured in Aftermath. The public is mad enough. The crappy smear videos are only for current members, and the greater public sees right through them.
And yes, a raid and RICO suit… well let’s keep watching, shall we?
Democracy will die?
A week at a hospital and democracy will be back better than ever.
If it ain’t crooked it ain’t Hubbard.
Hubbard was such a sick fuck. No compassion, no empathy.
I cannot even imagine the insanity raging inside his head OSD
He was a freak of nature. On the Dark Side.
Yea but you really can’t afford a lot of warm and fuzzies when you are solely responsible for saving the universe!
Amen to that OSD. Hubbard refers to the Russian invasion of Hungary in the sentence before, ‘Democracy will die’. Long ago had a good friend who escaped that occupation by crawling out of Hungary under a barb wire fence. This is what he wanted to emulate ? So damn sick.
His favourite prefix was always NO, unless it was for money or servitude.
Nooooooo, really?
Hi Mike,
would you consider sharing your personal experiences and involvement with the Office of Special Affairs – now that 10 years have passed since you left the organization? I think it would be of great interest to all the readers to learn about the inner workings of OSA, recounted from someone who had held the top position (CO OSA Int). I for sure have many questions and you might be able to fill a number of gaps.
I have shared TONS of these experiences. What specific questions do you have?
Here is the first batch:
1) Have OSA operatives ever successfully infiltrated state intelligence services in Europe?
2) Has OSA placed a mole inside the foreign German intelligence service (BND) through Alfred Kohl (during the 1980s)?
3) Were Timothy Bowles and Kendrick Moxon Sea Org members during the 1990s? In the magazines they were always presented as external attorneys, although Scientologists. Were they actually staff at OSA?
4) As CO OSA Int did you read the reports from the Continental OSA offices? If so, on a daily basis, or on a weekly basis?
5) What was your stat as CO OSA Int?
6) Why was Kurt Weiland demoted in 1994 to Deputy CO OSA Int? Because of the Situation in Germany?
7) How many staff had OSA Int in 1994 and at the time when you left in 2007?
8) How much money was paid to private investigators on an annual basis during the years from 1994 until 2007?
9) What was the true involvement of Gary Scarff with Scientology and OSA? After positioned himself as a critic in the 1990s, did he ever fall back and helped OSA to inform on the critics?
10) In 1991 the FSO staff were put on alert because it was feared that the government would raid the place. Do you have an idea why that was?
Wow — I will do my best. Realize there are a lot of things I do not know about. All information is compartmentalized, vertically and horizontally. As for “first batch” I don’t have a lot of time to answer individual requests which is why I have a blog so I can cover things that may answer questions for more than one person at a time.
1) Have OSA operatives ever successfully infiltrated state intelligence services in Europe? Not that I am aware of
2) Has OSA placed a mole inside the foreign German intelligence service (BND) through Alfred Kohl (during the 1980s)? Not as far as I know. But it’s always possible.
3) Were Timothy Bowles and Kendrick Moxon Sea Org members during the 1990s? No, they were never in the SO. Were they actually staff at OSA? No, they were hired as independent contractors. THey worked in the law offices on the 10th floor of the HGB (OSA Int)
4) As CO OSA Int did you read the reports from the Continental OSA offices? If so, on a daily basis, or on a weekly basis? Not routinely. If I was at OSA Int I would read the reports from the Continental CO’s each week. I read a daily report of information collected from all areas and compiled at OSA Int (and forwarded to RTC/Miscavige)
5) What was your stat as CO OSA Int? Unhandled Threats
6) Why was Kurt Weiland demoted in 1994 to Deputy CO OSA Int? Because of the Situation in Germany? Do not recall. I didnt even realize he was demoted? Maybe it was just because I returnbed to OSA after having been LRH PPRO Int? Dont have any clear recollection.
7) How many staff had OSA Int in 1994 and at the time when you left in 2007? Don’t know. About 120 during that entire time.
8) How much money was paid to private investigators on an annual basis during the years from 1994 until 2007? A lot. Could not estimate this. Realize a lot was funneled through lawyers. But tens of thousands per month.
9) What was the true involvement of Gary Scarff with Scientology and OSA? After positioned himself as a critic in the 1990s, did he ever fall back and helped OSA to inform on the critics? He was nothing. He tried to flip a few times and sell information on critics. He was considered so unreliable and unhinged that he was never taken up on his offers. But he DID offer to provide information for a price.
10) In 1991 the FSO staff were put on alert because it was feared that the government would raid the place. Do you have an idea why that was? Not a clue
Hi again,
thank you so much for this!!! I cannot resist: I have to ask you two more questions today. Sorry for that!
1) You might remember the shooting of the German WDR documentary in Clearwater and Los Angeles in 1996 (which was aired in 1997). In that documentary Gary claimed that he flipped and that he informed “you”, the Office of Special Affairs, about the activities and the plans of the tv crew. There was a “dramatic” scene where he was crying like a baby, sitting next to the car and telling the producers that he feared for his mother’s life. From what you telling me, I suppose he was merely acting. Did he inform you on the plans of the tv crew or did he just try to sell it?
2) In 1996 or 1997, OSA got finally into possession of the “Cult Awareness Network” files. There was a set of photos with a triumphant Ken Moxon unloading the truck that delivered the files. Do you know what OSA did with those files? Do you have any idea where they are now?
Thanks again for your help!!!
Hi Martin:
1) All an act. He played the victim to both sides. He may have told someone about “plans” of a TV crew. That is the sort of thing he did pretty often — sidled up to some OSA person on the street somewhere and told them “I have valuable information” and would maybe toss in a fact or two (or at least a pretended fact or two) to whet the appetite to try and get a nibble for a bigger payoff. Like I said, he was never paid. He bounced around like a yo-yo one side and the other, he also claimed he was in the People’s Temple and other craziness.
2) Sorry, no idea about the CAN files. I would assume they are within the overall files of OSA Int. There were hundreds of filing cabinets full of GO/OSA files. They were being computerized for years. Intensive work was done on that. I assume everything is computerized by now, though the physical files still exist because that is what the Hubbard writings say. But there is nothing forbidding them from ALSO being computerized!
I’m gonna call foul here. Scientology DID make use of Scarff. Whether they paid him, or gave him orders, I don’t know. But they did learn from him, for example, what the German film crew was up to. They did get intel on us protesters in Clearwater from Garry. He was one of the handlers of Jason Scott at the CAN conference where I met Garry. So yeah, Garry was crazy, unreliable, etc. but he could still be a somewhat useful tool for OSA, and they took advantage of that.
What’s the foul? I said he passed on information to try and get a nibble. Some of it was true. That was not the question I was answering.
Mike – #5 – “unhandled threats”, what does that mean? I would think handling threats and making them disappear would be an OSA stat. I’m confused, please explain.
And thanks for answering the questions.
It’s the number of situations that have been identified but remain unresolved. It’s an “upside down” stat, like the national debt. The number is better when it is smaller.
Thanks Mike. Very interesting stuff.
Geeze Martin, have you made a donation lately?
That is funny.
But I do understand the enormous desire people have to get their questions answered. It is only natural. You get fooled into thinking a certain way and noticing outnesses but explaining them away. ANd when you finally realize you weren’t crazy to think something was odd, now you wonder about all the things that puzzled you.
I didnt take Martin’s questions as ill-intended or strange, which is why I did my best to answer them.
Unfortunately, a lot of people think I know about every detail of everything that ever happened in OSA… I know a lot, but not everything!
Well, I like this dialogue – I like it a lot!
I know one kind of infiltration in Europe which has been documented is the infiltration of the inner circles of the president of France so as to influence a court case. All in glorious telex detail from a later raid on OSA and today on the OSA file archive on Operation Clambake, title “The message is: ‘It is okay and the green light has been given.'” One telex is addressed to CO OSA INT, so I think the curiousity is understandable
Can you send me the link to this telex or copy it for me? Havent heard of this before. May be able to shed some light on it…
How did OSA hide for the longest time from public and staffs that Hubbard, despite the fact he made many grandiose proclamations about his god-like case state, possibly had some form of dementia (or early Alzheimer’s) and died an ignoble death like many? He also willfully denied obvious medical treatment at a hospital so he would die (suicidal), rather than be medically healed as most people with strong survival instincts would want.
I just don’t get how all this was hidden from 1986 to about the time of Lawrence Wright’s reveals in his book Going Clear in 2013.
Did OSA know about all this? How on earth did they hide it?
Do OSA people know about all this now? How do they live with themselves nowadays having to blatantly lie and cover up the obvious?
Honestly, the cat’s out of the bag for god’s sakes.
With respect, Forever Lurker
First, the only people that REALLY knew the truth about Hubbard’s final days were those who were with him. I did not know about his state until I met Sarge many years after both he and I had left the SO. Let alone run of the mill staff, OSA or otherwise. Everyone bought the concocted story about “moving off to continue his research unencumbered by a body” because that is what all scientologists WANTED to believe.
Hubbard had a doctor with him almost full time — Gene Denk. He was on medication and getting routine shots. Not sure what treatment you think he should have received and based on what?
Simply put, a person has a bad stroke, then gets transported to a hospital immediately by ambulance, treated in ER, and gets care with a team of doctors and sophisticated medical equipment. Perhaps surgery. One does not stay at home and get home treatment, even if a doctor is present. (Hubbard had a stroke that January then died shortly after, I’m told.)
I don’t know much about medicine, but this is what I’ve routinely seen in my life among family and people I’ve known.
Hubbard didn’t seem to want any of that and wanted to stay put in his RV and ride it out. Just seems very peculiar to me.
Again, those of us who threw away hundreds of thousands of dollars and decades of our lives on this man’s fantasies are curious how this all ended and why we didn’t know the truth sooner.
Again, I’m no medical expert . . . just sayin’.
Do you think current OSA people know he died like many normal older people do and are merely hiding that fact as they’ve been ordered from above? I mean the Sarge information is everywhere you look.
The vast majority of scientologists, SO members included, have never heard any of the information from Sarge, and if they have they have been informed it’s the ramblings of an old drunk who was a chronic liar and was kicked out for failing to live up to the ethical standards of scientology (or some version of this).
I have no idea what hospital treatment you get for a stroke? Is there something they can do in a hospital for this?
I don’t even know that he didn’t go to a hospital. I don’t think he did, but I don’t know for sure.
blood thinners are pretty routine.
I assumed so. But you don’t need to be in a hospital for that…
I’m on blood thinners for life due to 3 rounds of blood clots. All you need is a prescription from your doctor. And you might want to have blood work done.
Usually – for normal people anyway – a stroke victim would be rushed to hospital and would come away with a a prescription for anticoagulants which prevent (or at least minimize the possibility of) more strokes, or, depending on what sort of stroke it was, blood pressure medicine.
Not Vistaril.
If you have a stroke, and can get to a hospital asap, you increase your chances of (partial) recovery. They can operate. There is lots that can be done via post-stroke therapy. It’s a lot of work, though. My brother went through this recently at age 59, he is now a specialist volunteer in the stroke arena. If you do
nothing and sit at home, your chances of improvement are very slim.
Sarge would have mentioned if Hubbard did NOT recover from a stroke. There are VERY visible physical manifestations. Most “treatment” for a stroke is P.T. at home anyway.
I can certainly vouch for that.
An additional couple questions . . . .
Who specifically concocted the story about “moving off to continue his research unencumbered by a body?” I mean someone knowingly made that up. There is a “who.” Do you know who that might be?
Did you personally have any sense from dispatches or phone calls from Hubbard to you that he might be going looney, off the rails, or suffering from dementia or mild mental illness? The reason I ask is that others have mentioned that they sensed he was, in fact, based on the content of his communiques from the 1980-86 time period.
People who were with him in the latter 70’s definitely noticed he was losing it and deteriorating mentally. Janis Grady has mentioned this in her recent interviews as well as a fellow named “cowboy,” who was a personal aide of his in the later 70’s. His remembrances and anecdotes are sobering and frightening.
Did you have any intimations or sense of this?
Thanks much.
Who specifically concocted the story about “moving off to continue his research unencumbered by a body?” I mean someone knowingly made that up. There is a “who.” Do you know who that might be? There were 4 people involved. The Broekers, Miscavige and Earle Cooley. My guess would be a joint effort by Miscavige and Pat Broeker.
Did you personally have any sense from dispatches or phone calls from Hubbard to you that he might be going looney, off the rails, or suffering from dementia or mild mental illness? The reason I ask is that others have mentioned that they sensed he was, in fact, based on the content of his communiques from the 1980-86 time period. No. This is not a thought that can even enter your mind. I don’t know who those others are. I doubt they were people who were privy to direct communications from Hubbard. We were the dedicated hard core. In my case, and I believe in the case of many others, the first step is not doubting Hubbard. That is too heavily embedded. It is to doubt those running the show, Miscavige in particular. Only after extracting yourself from the scene somewhat can you begin to contemplate that Hubbard was not all-seeing, all-knowing and had abilities far beyond those of other mere mortals.
People who were with him in the latter 70’s definitely noticed he was losing it and deteriorating mentally. This is I am sure only true retrospectively. I can certainly say the same thing now that I look back. His paranoia REALLY began coming to the surface after the FBI raid. He began seeing martians behind every bush — there were enemies everywhere. Literally. Including everyone in the GO. Scientology businessmen. Mission Holders. The Cine Org. etc etc
Janis Grady has mentioned this in her recent interviews as well as a fellow named “cowboy,” who was a personal aide of his in the later 70’s. His remembrances and anecdotes are sobering and frightening. Don’t know who “Cowboy” is?
Thank you, Mike!
Martin, I believe you will find many stories on Marty’s Blog. It’s got a good search tool.
There are still many untold stories and open questions. I had been following Marty’s blog while it was still worth reading it. I also sent him questions. In return he accused me of acting like an inquisitor. I have sent a number of questions to Mike. They are still being moderated.
I answered them a little while ago as best I could
Don’t forget the donos Martin.
Hi Martin, I understand that you have many unanswered questions and it is very hard for scientologists who had paid so much towards their auditing/training and all of this was going on.
I was one of LRH’s messengers and to tell you the truth LRH was a sick man from the minute I met him which was in 73. Being a messenger we knew a lot and also being young (I was 13 in 73) one just goes along with it because you had been born into it and did not know any better. But LRH had 2 heart attacks while I was with him, one on the ship in Curacao and the other in La Quinta. As a messenger I was never “allowed” to tell anyone else of what was going on with him physically, not even my husband. Everything was on a “need to know basis” and that is how he ran everything. In Curacao I do believe he went to the hospital or at least a doctor was called but in La Quinta (1978) he did not go to the hospital and he almost died. That is when Dr. Gene Denk got on the scene and was called from LA to help him. I have no idea how Dr. Denk managed to save his life without going to hospital, but LRH was bed ridden for weeks and we had to feed him porridge while he was still laying down in bed. But the whole time I knew him he was sick or in pain somewhere on his body.
I wrote a series of my life with him here on Mike’s blog, which you can find if you search my name in the search section. Janis Gillham has one book out so far (she was also a messenger and one of the original) and she is writing more books now and hopefully they will be out next year which goes through all the years.
During the years I was with him, up until 1980, there was no OSA, but the GO, and all the data and communication was also on a “need to know” basis. So even though we had info on some stuff we did not know the inner workings and all the shit the GO was up to, up to and including the FBI raid of 77 – when that raid happened it was a shock and to tell you the truth I still did not know all that went down until it became public knowledge. I also had never read LRH advices to the GO, but the one above which Mike posted, I can tell LRH wrote it because I know how he writes. LRH alwaysmet with Mary Sue privately and would give her direct orders during those times.
So even those people who were directly with him did not always know everything that was happening and I am sure that is how DM is handling things. It is on a “need to know” basis.
I hope this helps.
Lois, thank you so much for your valuable firsthand information. You are such a treasure and clarified a few things for me, as well.
I can add only one small fact to your information. As I was a patient of Shaw Health Clinic in the 80s, I know that the clinic staff told me that Dr. Denk was “over the rainbow working on a project for Ron” for a period of at least two years before L Ron’s death. He was not available as a doctor at the clinic at that time.
This is fantastic insight, Lois. Thank you..