From: [email protected]
To: [email protected]
Sent: 7/5/2013 3:52:44 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time
Subj: Fwd: Tonight…..mind blowing briefing from you know whoFLAG GRADUATION GETS BETTER AND BETTER. GET IT FROM THE TOP
And here is one from Dan Sherman, cleverly disguised as “Barbara Dews.”
From: Barbara Dews [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Tuesday, July 02, 2013 8:17 PM
Subject: Want to know even more about The Golden Age of Tech Phase II?
Here is some data on the briefing that the Chairman of the Board RTC gave to welcome the trainees at Flag on the Golden Age of Tech Phase II.“Let there be no doubt, you are about to embark on a training program the likes of which has never existed,” said Chairman of the Board RTC in welcoming the legions of technical delivery staff from every corner of the Scientology world to a confidential, closed-door briefing. What followed was a vast, three- hour overview of everything that comprises the Golden Age of Tech Phase II.The final phase of our Golden Age is all-inclusive, meaning from the bottom of the Bridge to the top, on both sides of the Grade Chart: On the Training side, it includes Student Hat, Pro TRs, Pro Upper Indoc TRs, Pro Metering, Academy, New Era Dianetics and Solo. On the Processing side, it’s Purification, Objectives, Expanded Grades and New Era Dianetics and further includes Power, Super Power and Cause Resurgence.So, what is the Golden Age of Tech Phase II? It’s the Golden Age of Tech plus the Golden Age of Knowledge. For if the Golden Age of Knowledge was the recovery of our basics and the Routes to Knowledge. Then the Golden Age of Tech Phase II is exactly that for the entire Bridge.As Mr. Miscavige put it, “Golden Age of Tech Phase II is not a ‘refinement’ of Golden Age of Tech – it’s a whole new world. No, it does not change the Gradation or Classification Levels. Yes, it does remove any and all arbitraries—in fact, obliterates them.”But even more than that, and just like the initial phase of the Golden Age of Tech, it includes all manner of training aids, which will fuel an exponential acceleration of training. Throughout the briefing, samples of all materials and training aids were rolled on and off the stage as Mr. Miscavige spoke of each one in detail. The scope of the program further includes new enlightenment films—many of which were previewed—that will escalate Bridge flow like never before. Moreover, the program encompasses all administration so that once it is launched, it can be kept in –forever.Placed in the perspective of other major ongoing strategies—the Golden Age of Knowledge, Ideal Orgs, the Public Phase and all of our Introductory Routes—the Golden Age of Tech Phase II is the final element to an Ideal Org. But not only that, it is the final element as regards Planetary Clearing—because what rolls out from here will not only move greater numbers than ever onto and up the Bridge, but it will generate a commensurate number of auditors to flow outward, opening new field groups, missions, social betterment activities and all else that bring LRH tech across an org’s geographic zone. At which point, the cycle starts anew, generating even more new organizations—which, in turn, flood multitudes up the Bridge who spread LRH tech even farther across their fields.By the end of the briefing, all tech personnel were fully oriented and ready to move through their study in preparation for the launch of delivery in their org. In that regard, the Golden Age of Tech Phase II also has everything to do with the manner in which it is supervised. For that, too, is a recovery of lost tech—and with the full range of supervisor courses on the lineup, may well be the most significant of any recovery of lost tech ever.In demonstration of its massive scope, Golden Age of Tech II materials lined the walls of the Fort Harrison Auditorium for all present to review for themselves. Following the briefing, they swarmed the displays—at which point, Chairman of the Board RTC personally demonstrated a new, revolutionary training aid.By nights end, it was abundantly clear that technical staff on this training program would attain total certainty and perfect application of the tech, for the bottom to the top of the Bridge.What transpired that evening signified the beginning of a new beginning. For the next day, the international assembly of technical staff would step across the threshold into a new universe of Scientology and start their own study in the RTC Special Training Program confidential course rooms.As that training got underway, one thing was abundantly clear: The Golden Age of Tech Phase II will raise every Scientologist’s ability to free others, by orders of magnitude. Combine that with the release of Super Power and Cause Resurgence, and this is the LRH blueprint for a self-generating juggernaut—and the certain formula for world clearing.Once they have completed their training programs, these staff will possess the skills and be equipped to deliver everything comprising Golden Age of Tech Phase II, and so train tens of thousands more. In effect, this training is the very ignition of a perpetual motion engine, designed to accomplish clearing across every org’s geographical zone.While as for a glimpse of what they are studying: There’s the tech of metering—which, along with TRs, is the back bone of auditing. At the May 31 Flag Graduation, Chairman of the Board RTC described meter training in this way: “A Pro Metering certificate is a hell of an accomplishment. Nevertheless, and let’s face it, when a person finally achieves that certificate, it is looked upon as making it to the top of Mount Everest. So, how much is that going to change? I can tell you, there is no cutative. We’re talking real pro metering, every E-Meter drill, even including this-lifetime and whole track dating. So what are we looking at in terms of certainty? Total Certainty.”In testament to that certainty, staff on a full-time schedule achieved a Pro Metering pass in just one week—and that was three times through the checksheet, both Theory and Practical. The difference is orders of magnitude.While as for another vital element of the lineup: Student Hat is the most important course in Scientology for the fact one must apply it to all studies—and it has been brought to a whole new level.As Mr. Miscavige put it: “Is this something spectacular? You bet!”How much faster is it? With total certainty? The answer is that the average length of time through the LRH Study Tape lectures is one-fifteenth the time it took previously. Or put another way: If a student took 300 hours of study before, they will take 20 hours now. And again with total certainty.Indeed, from the moment Flag supervisors first announced “Start” in the Golden Age of Tech II training course rooms, it was obvious something was different: Students rarely ever raised a hand.“I have trained literally thousands and thousands of students and I never imagined this could happen,” said a Flag Supervisor. “The best way to describe it is ‘blindingly fast’ and F/Ning from start to finish. And students’ certainty is out the roof.”One glance around the course room confirms that fact, no matter the language, students progress through their materials at startling speed.When they finish their confidential training lineups, they will fire to every corner of the Scientology world—setting in motion the unstoppable momentum to a cleared planet.Now is the time when every single being on this planet can make it. I want to help you make it. Call me or write anytime for anything.Love,Barbara DewsFlag Service Consultant323 872 3585
From: John Spagnola <[email protected]>
To: undisclosed-recipients: ;
Subject: New Flag Price and other ChangesJust wanted to let you know of some recent changes at Flag!
Just today it was oked that if one is CSed for only one intensive of Ls they
can just pay for 1 intensive!Prior, you had to buy at least 2 intensives to do any L. That means if CSed
for 1 you need only pay $12,000 for an L!Objectives
They are required as completed first, for all those who want to do Super
Power. Purif as well if it is needed to be redone.OT 9
Those planning to do OT 9 will also need a flat Purif and a full set of
Objectives that are completed.OTVIIIs who recently had to do objectives at professional rates now can buy
the Objectives on a co-audit basis for less then $1,000.A lot going on at Flag and I wanted to share data I got from my reg and
other staff.Please feel free to call Flag and reconfirm.
In other words, if you are OT VII or OT VIII and thought you could avoid having to REDO your Purif and Objectives yet again if you avoided doing Super Power — we thought of that too. Because if you want OT IX, you are going to have to do it too. Right now. Then each year from here on out….
I highlighted some of the most significant points in the OT Committee minutes — always a good source of “party line.”
Flag OT Committee
Meeting Minutes, July 1, 2013
Sue Moore, Deputy Chairman relayed that Kaye, our Chairman, and some other of our execs were running late due to a special project in the Ballroom. Sue quickly devised a caper and as Kaye came late into the meeting in the Flag Auditorium, the attendees all stood and cheered for her.
Call to Order:
Kaye Champagne, Chairman thanked us and then welcomed attendees calling the meeting to order.
Sue Moore, Deputy Chairman reported some stats from the past week:
Number of Active Members – up from 217 to 238
Total Funds Raised – down slightly
Volunteer Hours – up from 1127 to 1417
Total Arrivals – up from 75 to 118
Lyle Roland, OES added that there was a “Highest Ever” stat to report:
Number of OTC Members Service Starts – 30Announcements:
Kaye Champagne, Chairman cautioned us not to miss Flag Graduation. She said that this week there are many OT VII completions and also, “he’s in town.”Kaye let us know that there had been a Confidential Briefing by COB to Cornerstone Members in the Crystal Ballroom. She said it is all very exciting, and the she and Jim Bridgeforth and Tom Cummins had been there, along with other Cornerstone Members.
Naomi Davis, 10,000 on Solo NOTs Officer, spoke about Tuesday’s Keys to OT Event. She said that this week (July 2) Michael Chan will be giving a new seminar he has not done before, his “Be, Do, Have Seminar” which will last an hour and a half, and will include drilling. The Keys to OT Event is weekly on Tuesdays at 7:15 PM at the Sandcastle Restaurant. Ali Osborn, Tours I/C added that Michael Chan is a power speaker who gives great seminars that are “on source” using LRH, and that each time he gives an event the stats go way up on success stories, recoveries, and services starts.
Anna Paddock, Ideal Field Project I/C briefed us about the new monthly potluck meeting she is launching for members of this project. Also, there is a new form available to use when doing home visits, that includes a “calling card” that can be left for the person if no one is home. Lyle added that the purpose of this project is to get people on lines and getting onto their Purif and Objectives, and getting ready for their next steps.
Debbie Sharp, Public Exec Sec, introduced a new volunteer for the Tours Project, Duncan Pringle. Duncan said that he is Ali’s dad, and is now the Debrief I/C for Tours: He takes all the data that gets reported about their events and seminars by Tours Members each week, and compiles them into a format that is usable and for our archives. He said it is his 3rd week on post and he loves it. Duncan referenced “Axiom 4” about theta creating space, and related a huge win: “This is the largest OTC in the largest Org, and as I have debriefed members from all over the planet, I can see that this OT Committee really knows how to create space!”
Emmett Osborn, OTC Dir IAS Field Dissemination gave us a nice briefing about progress in the Far East: wins from the Kaohsiung Org and also a reach for Study Tech for the country of Korea. He also briefed us that at this year’s “Psych Convention” the members couldn’t come to agreements on the DSM. Emmett announced two OT VIII’s in our OTC who recently achieved Silver Meritorious Status in the IAS: Stephen and Weibke Koenig. Stephen said that before he made the decision, he didn’t have the money, but when he made the decision to do it, it all came together. He said, “There is so much going on here and now” that he wanted to back it up with this donation and, “There is so much future.”
Debbie Sharp, PES announced that on Sunday evening, July 21 there will be a special IAS Briefing by invitation only for some OTC Members. She said that it is very important for those who receive the invitations to arrive, and that the speaker will be an IAS Freedom Medal winner from Germany. She said to “save the date.”
Dusti Woodbury announced Source Night on July 15th, two weeks from tonight. She encouraged members to bring friends and acquaintances, and emphasized it is not just for OTC members. This will be at our regular OTC meeting time and place: Monday July 15 at 6:15 PM, and refreshments will be served. A Sea Org member will share stories of what it was like to work with Ron. RSVP to Dusti Woodbury: 727-515-2378 or email [email protected]
Tom Cummins, Deputy Chairman for Production reminded us that he has taken over the Ideal Org Fundraising project for the Southeast Alliance, which is an expanded area for Flag and the Captain FSO. He said that the expansion at Flag is exploding, and that we need to create the safe environment and Ideal Orgs that will support and contribute to that expansion. Tom said that a group of volunteers is being formed to be the “Captain’s 300“ who will work on this, from all over the planet. To volunteer, contact Tom. There will be a meeting with Tom after the meeting. Kaye added that we need to enlighten a lot of people regarding Ideal Orgs and what we are doing.
Kaye reminded us to bring a lot of people to next week’s OTC Meeting.
Scott Superville, Dir Success FSO reminded us all to attend this week’s graduation, and hinted that it may start earlier this week so to watch our emails.
Kaye read an LRH quote about “time” from the 6th ACC, and then adjourned the meeting, with standing applause for LRH.
Love that “Ideal Field” — and that requires getting everyone onto Purif and Objectives! Remember, this is the FLAG OT COMMITTEE!! What an Ideal Flag Field that would be, all public on the Purif and Objectives. Wowee zowee — that is really blowing open the top of the Bridge!!
One final oddity — obviously He has known that he planned to have everyone re-do their Purif and Objectives for a LONG time. Years, if not decades. So, why wait until now to do this? So He can hype the stats at Graduation?
Leave it RCS to describe something that has no mass in these terms 🙂
OMG, the irony.
Hogwash will be name of the next new release and the funny thing people will follow DM bc for sure the blind is leading the blind!!
Another great post, thanks Mike. “Our main speaker,” made me laugh the most – god, that’s funny!
>>>When they finish their confidential training lineups, they will fire to every corner of the Scientology world—setting in motion the unstoppable momentum to a cleared planet.>>>
—Yeah, right! Davey Miscabbage couldn’t set in motion the unstoppable momentum to clear L.A. Calif. 90029 – or, say, how about a cleared Orange County – let alone a cleared planet. Diminished Dave sells delusions.
Is David miscavige self appointed dictator,the new author of the church of Scientology ,did Ron give him the church ,I thought the church belongs to every one,,I’m still waiting mr David miscavige ,for all the basics ,to arrive at my local library ,which I paid For,also mr David miscavige how about the book and lectures that where suppose to arrive in the country town I once live,2007 till 2013 is a long time ,are there ever going to arrive,if your intentions where good mr David miscavige and you want people to go up the bridge to total freedom,Why was the money taken out of my training account ,why was $50000.00 taken out of my training account ,why did you mr David miscavige ,send your team of OT s. , I.A.S to slaughter Brisbane org ,and take out Funds ,you knew Brisbane org was suffering ,and decided to destroy it completely .there is a lot of people good stuff and public that are very upset here in Brisbane ,and Melbourne .
I spoke to a lady that used to be on staff,she donated the basics,max all her cards ,spent 5 years on stuff,
The lady today lives in living in a room struggling to survive ,by food,from 2007 when the basics came out till now ,the lady is up to her neck with bills,while mr David. Miscavige is living the high life,lap in at up,lap at up,
I’m sorry mike,The I.A.S took $5000.00 out of my account ,not $50.000.
Brisbane ,Australia
A vast, 3-hour overview? Just contemplating that, my bottom-side went numb and my eyes glazed over.
Unless they are in a position to string the little peckerCOB up to high heaven if he fails to deliver on a set OT IX release date, I’d take this with a YAWN. Scientologists have no input in respect to the release of their bridge services, one single diminutive non-accountable clown calls all the shots and strings them along any which way he likes.
How can anyone plan for something that was supposed to have been released 28 years ago with still no firm release date indicated?
David cancelled the certs of every auditor on the planet with the release of GAOT 1.
This goes against rules spoken in Hubbard’s own voice. Certs are not to be SUSPENDED let alone CANCELLED!
“Attitude and Conduct of Scientology”
“…the arduous lesson along this line is that no-communication lists, revocation/suspension of certificates, court action of any kind whatsoever within the realm of Scientology and so forth, is not only not only difficult to do but does not work. That’s just the end of it. It just doesn’t work.It’s for the sea gulls. That might work in Gestetner Limited or Westinghouse, but it does not work in Scientology. Got that?”
“It’s because they are people of good intention. And by saying that these people are not fit to associate with us anymore, we have told a lie of magnitude. This is not true. It’s never true. You got it?”
“Our inability to understand the actions of other Scientologists has a very fascinating barrier. The limitation on our understanding is simply this: we say they have bad intentions, and that is a lie. Got it?”
“So the whole situation is liable to enturbulate around that postulated bad intention. That’s what enturbulates the situation. That makes a lie. “The situation then becomes unsolvable. Because we’ve entered a changing factor called a lie into it.”
“The most valuable asset we have, actually, is our ability to understand, to do the right thing, to be kind, to be decent.”
“Well, I hate to unsettle a very stable datum, if it does unsettle it. But the only way anything ever does resolve is by letting your own kind heart reach through. That’s the only way it ever does solve. “And it never solves by being tough.”
“What do we really have of value in the organizations of Scientology? The only thing we have of value, actually, is Scientology, an understanding of life, increasing ability to communicate, a good concept and grip on reality and the ability to like guys. That’s all you got.”
L Ron Hubbard “Attitude and Conduct of Scientology” (4th London ACC, 3rd November 1955)
My note to all fence-sitters, uncertain about what to think about all this GAT II stuff, is it a good thing or a bad thing:
It would be wonderful if students could go through a metering checksheet three times in one week and pass a metering video correctly with total certainty.
It would be great if the all the Supervisors in the whole world excelled beyond any Supervisors who had ever existed previously.
It would be great if GAT II actually would raise every Scientologist’s ability to free others, by orders of magnitude.
It would be awesome if a student who would have previously taken 300 hours to study the Study Tapes could now, as a result of a new course, do it in 20 hours, and then have total certainty on all the important study data, and apply it easily in all his future studies.
If you can’t make up your mind about whether you agree with all the comments in this blog about how it’s all just hype, you have a way to know for yourself with a sufficient degree of certainty, whether it is just hype or whether it is legitimate.
The way you will know for sure is if you look for your self objectively whether these things actually do happen consistently and invariably as is being advertised here, after GAT II is released.
Will you actually see students routinely finishing the Study Tapes in 20 hours, and thereafter be masters of study tech, where they all apply it correctly and consistently from here on out?
Will you actually see graduates from the metering course, consistently having completed the course in a week’s time, who then don’t make metering errors? Or even rarely make metering errors?
Will you actually see the result of GAT II being that every Scientologist’s ability to free others had been increased by orders of magnitude?
Remember that in the Barbara Dews despatch it says that the newly trained delivery personnel will be able to train tens of thousands more! That’s a specific quantity. It will either happen or it won’t.
Remember that at the release of GAT I back in 1996, COB said that the problem of not being able to train thousands of auditors perfectly in any org in the world, had now been SOLVED UTTERLY. It didn’t happen. Now 17 years later if you want to give him the benefit of the doubt, go ahead. But at some point, the guy has got to answer up for his stats. It doesn’t take 17 years to re-solve a problem that was supposed to have been solved already.
Observe what you observe and know for yourself what you are observing.
Well spoken Dave! Common sense! Reason! Kind of refreshing to hear your voice!
well said, Dave!
Great post Dave.
If GAT II is what COB says it will be… will you actually see Scientology experience true explosive growth, with new public pouring through the doors and new orgs popping up around the world?
Will you actually see a cleared planet as COB promises?
“Without His brilliance, can you imagine what Scientology would be like? Empty orgs. Bad PR. People stuck on the Bridge. No auditors. Shrinking Missions and groups. OMG it would be just a shambles…. It is so fortunate He is around to straighten everything out!”
This is known, I believe, as “biting sarcasm”. Actually, beautiful biting sarcasm.
…”Ideal Field Project I/C”….hahahahahaha!
Wow. He’s really putting it all on the table. All of Miscaviges programs have failed utterly. The Metering Course, TR’s courses, GAT, GAK, it’s all been a huge pile of you know what. This is 10x anything he’s done before and it’s being promoted as the grand solution. I have to assume it will bring about his demise within a few years.
Repackaging all of Scientology in shiny binders. Training aids?? I hope they are as good as the drills binders, dusty simulators and his EM9/9a that show prior reads. I don’t even want to know what he’s done here. Where he’s messed up certain parts of Scientology before it appears he has now done his work on the whole thing. I see he is cancelling arbitraries again. Was “Arbitraries Cancelled” an arbitrary that is now cancelled? He’s cancelling his own arbitraries? Do people still stand up and clap for this stuff?
It may be obvious, but I’ll state it anyway: almost no one currently onlines gets any hatting from HCOBs or HCO PLs. The course packs have been redone, slick and modern, but not – pull out the applicable red/green vol and read it there for yourself. (And maybe read a few pages more before the sup came wandering by! ) There are gains to be had from the books, sure, but none make auditors except maybe Dianetics & Self Analysis. And being an auditor, able to help someone, that was one of the biggest selling points of Scientology wasn’t it?
Almost all of the training is now done with such modified tech, the trainees have absolutely no way of knowing the “real thing.” A whole new generation is being brought up to think they are getting something fantastic and I suppose there is some truth to that. All great lies contain some truth, don’t they?
You could almost play Mad Libs with Miscavige’s planning nowadays.
Everybody get in here! I’ve got an amazing technical upgrade. I worked on it for ___________ years, and look at how much better it is than the old version because I personally supervised the work. Since I changed ___________, arbitraries are gone and I’ve recovered LRH’s original intentions. You need to redo ____________ because the old version is no longer valid. Now, auditors and pcs will totally get wins they couldn’t have gotten before.
Also, _____________ is almost ready to be released and it is the key to clearing the planet! But before it can be released, you all need to pay _________ and redo __________. Everyone needs to come to __________ because your old orgs and missions aren’t properly equipped to handle this yet.
Shermanspeak makes me nauseous. Literally.
But thanks for the report.
Cool. The stage is now set for the GAT III Student Hat to recover the tech of creating a tintype lost by GAT II. 😉
Damm. Why was I so stupid as to go and get myself declared. Now I am missing out on all this tech of giving all my money to them with no exchange and being overrun on objectives by at least 10,000 hours.
I’ll bet those OTviii’s who paid professional rates to redo their objectives are so happy to hear that now it will cost less than 1000. I’ll bet they cant wait to kiss dear leader’s ring and thank him for being such the benevolent monarch he is. Also prior L’s comps gotta be so stoaked that people only have to buy one intensive instead of two now. I’m sure they can’t wait to kiss King Humperdink’s feet. Dave your the greatest! FUCK YOU!
By the time all is said and done, Review & Qual handling, C/Sing costs, never mind accommodations, it’s gonna hit between $ 5,000 – $ 10,000 before they are done, all the while open season for IAS, Cornerstone and whatever other bullsh*t they come up with to thoroughly cleanse the pockets. In this fashion FLAG gets a lot less, the direct no-exchange Dono machinery a little more.
“Walk over to that wall.”
“Thank you.”
“Listen George, you really need to become a Meritorious (Fill in the blank) member.”
“Sorry I’m broke.”
“Turn around.”
“Thank you.”
“Look at that wall.”
“Thank you.”
“You may have credit you are not aware of, George.”
“Sorry, but I really can’t.”
“Walk over to … “
Gawd, When GAT 2 goes Belly Up and the Sand Castle Chickens don’t lay square eggs
D.M. will be on a European vacation loading up on Scotch and place the blame on hapless minions.
Listening to the study tapes has gone from 300 hours to 20 hours – is this a new stat ? The quickie stat? Is this saying that 280 hours of what LRH said is irrelevant? They say it is “blindingly fast ” – sounds as if someone who tries to LOOK will actually miss it. And student certainty is way up. Certainty about what?
Debbie Sharp says that the IAS event is coming up and that it is very important that anyone who receives an invitation arrives. Well there you go, “invitation” now means the same thing as “you have been summonsed”.
Yes, Wendy…regarding IAS event…it used to say “mandatory”, but that did not go over too well with all the talk about Human Rights recently, so now it is an “invitation” and “very important for those who receive the invitations to arrive”… i.e. mandatory, but we can’t use that word anymore.
Well, it’s going to be a spectacular success. Either for Scientology Inc or for Independent Scientology.
Guess which one I’m rooting for.
“He’s here!”
“He’s in town” very reminiscent of the billboard at the 500 Club in Atlantic City when Frank Sinatra would play there: “He’s here!”
Thank gawd he omitted the SHSBC and the Class VIII course from this massive alteration.
That is Squirrel Tech II the sequel.
Then again maybe he omitted mentioning them because they plan to omit them entirely, especially Class VIII since I’m sure they wouldn’t want anyone who knows anything about Standard Tech around.
‘Nuff said on that.
Mike you gotta get us some inside skinny on what these new marital….er….I mean training aids are.
I couldn’t get over the use of the word “caper” as in pulled a caper a word used constantly by the GO staffers I used to know like skinny which I use somewhat in jest.
Makes me wonder if Sue Moore was former GO.
Following Miscavige isn’t all that different to following Kember both of them as off policy as one can get while claiming otherwise while leading their faithful minions down the road to perdition based on their cult of personality.
I can’t help feeling a little schadenfreude when I see these fat cat cornerstone members being told to do their purif and objectives again.
Reminds me of a joke we used to tell back in the days when Scientologists had a sense of humor. Before the days of J&D.
The guy gets his invitation to do OT VIII, so he goes up to AC admin who opens up this huge vault goes in and comes out with this small slip of paper which has a message in the Ol’man’s handwriting and hands it to the guy which says:
“Do OT TR0
“This time do it right!”
I think the damage he did to the SHSBC was overwhelmingly done during GAT I, which taught you how to do things wrong, with wrong data, and with altered bulletins. Notably the F/N bulletin, but also by definition of Misunderstood as a left-hand button. which occurs NOWHERE in LRH.
Destruction of the Class VIII course occurred by forcing Class VIIIs to redo the SHSBC. Most of them couldn’t stomach it and vanished.
Ah! Good one Robin!
Thanks Tara 🙂
Yeah I did the Golden Age F__k up…er ….I mean Retread …. or as they call it “Certainty” courses.
The certainty I achieved on ’em was that they were a complete waste of time and money.
Phew! So Arbitaries are cancelled now. That’s a relief. Oh wait, which Arbitaries? The ones that were reinstated and re-cancelled or the new Golden Age of Arbitaries. Ah well I’m sure Top Man will clear it all up. This reminds me of a conversation I had with 2 recent OT completions I bumped into by chance just a fortnight ago who gushed about “how standard” it was in the church now. Good.
Top Man — like that one Martin.
What a life eh?
1. Create some arbitraries
2. Tell everyone your arbitraries are “breakthroughs” removing earlier arbitraries
3. Make everyone pay for the privilege of experiencing the arbitraries that remove the earlier arbitraries you already paid for
4. Repeat 1-3
Mike… Have you seen The Lorax?
“He” is Mr. O’Hare.
To a T.
Perfect Chris. Great movie….
OMG, Mike – this is getting sadder and sadder. After reading this, my estimate of how much longer he will last goes down to half to three quarters. 5 years if he is lucky, 2.5 years even seems realistic now. His GAT [GAG] II is going to be the beginning of the end… I think this is his “finale”. When this doesn’t work too and stats (“GI”) continues to plummet he’ll have no other choice than to start shooting everyone around him again and making them to blame. Soon enough the public will become his target (there’s just so much blood you can squeeze from a turnip – now they have to do Objectives and Purif AGAIN!?). How much longer does he think he can pull the wool over their eyes? No one new is going to “step up to the plate” and take his rants, raves, lies and beatings. He was already nuts but it is now apparent he is stark staring mad. The best indicator of it is that he has become so so so incredibly predictable! He didn’t used to be so predicable which made him a little more “scary”. Now he is as predicable as the sunrise and sunset. He’s obviously run out of ideas, running out of punching bags and all his imaginary resources are one by one failing him. We know better than most that he couldn’t possibly admit or take the blame and could never never ever be “wrong”. The writing is on the walls and stamped in cold chrome steel; he’s just about ready to implode, it’s inevitable, and soon!
Thanks Tom. Always appreciate your input….
Honestly Mike, I almost lost my dinner. These guys are absolutely slaves.
By the way, the statement about losing my dinner is meant literally. I actually had a physical reaction to read the bs coming from Co$.
“Subj: Fwd: Tonight…..mind blowing briefing from you know who”
WTF? Is Flag graduation now a meeting place for Death Eaters? Where’s Harry Potter when we need him? LMAO!
I am so grateful to have leapt out of the fish bowl and now have the pleasure of looking in at this strange little world called $cientology.
GAG is right….where s my sickie bag!
I think there should be a new Objective: Saluting, hip-hip’ing and cheering for yourself. The commands are run A, B, C … A, B, C, etc. The EP will be: Ability to validate your own awesomeness. The process is called: Op Pro by Dupe.
Bwahahahaha! Op Pro by Dupe! Sooooooo true!
Wow–if you need one you only have to pay for one. How Merciful.
But what I really wanted to comment on before I read some of the other Amazing Fantastic News was this….I wonder what the TRs are sounding like these days. If anyone bothered to learn the most basic thing about the tech they’d realize all this other over the top GAG II, GAG III, GAG IV re-do, re-write, re-everything is useless and won’t fix anything. It was good many years ago and the most basic thing about the whole deal is not “The Basics,” but TRs. I’d really like to see what they are graduating these days as TRs Course completions…..ouch!
Good cheerleading. He needs it in a world where he is overshadowed by Kim Kardashian.