Christmas seems to start earlier every year.
But not for the staff. All they are getting is lumps of coal thrown at them by Miscavige and his unhappy, unsmiling, cold chrome steel RTC robotpersons.
Staff around the world, but ESPECIALLY at AOSHUK know they are going to be in BIG trouble if they don’t get “Highest Ever” attendance for these, the most important (non) events in the history of mankind.
Little notes attached to the lumps of coal tell them the events are happening “soon” but there are no dates. As good, loyal SO members they are doing what they can to “make it go right.” And all that is happening is they are making themselves look like complete idiots sending out silly pleas for people to “confirm” attendance at unscheduled events “in consideration of the fact that you are a member of the IAS”?? Sheer lunacy.
Captain Miscavige has decreed this is the way it is, so like lemmings leaping off a cliff, they launch without a moment of thought into stupider and stupider statements and actions.
You can literally watch the disarray and confusion grow as the contagion of insanity spreads outwards from Ground Zero — Miscavige’s suite in Clearwater.
In fact, everyone is going to be receiving a large lump of coal in their stocking for Christmas this year — they have been told its the greatest gift in history, in fact it is simply a new edition of that first steaming pile of horse manure known as GAT.
First is an email, followed by a piece of promo received in the mail today. Note the “DATE” at the bottom of the promo.
You may have heard that there are three major Church events coming up. and that the dates (at this moment of writing) are not established.
Notwithstanding the lack of concrete dates, I want to establish with you that in principle (in consideration of the fact that you are a member of the International Association of Scientologists) that you will make it go right to attend the these events.The events will all be held at Saint Hill on either a Friday, Saturday or Sunday evening before Christmas.The events are :Opening coverage of the Flag SuperPower buildingRelease of Golden Age of Tech Phase II (possibly two events on the same subject)29th Anniversary of the IAS event.As soon as the exact dates are known, I will advise you soonest .Meantime, please indicate your intention to make it go right to attend these events.Best regards,Rufus Fraser
hang on .. Arent’t they all supposed to go to Flag? What kind of CI suppressive stays at home?
“make it go right” or its cleaning dumbsters with a toothbrush for you !!!
Another way to answer might be to answer with another question. One could say,
“There is no one on Earth who knows what you have done better than you, so, what HAVE you done to me? I am listening.”
……..On the fifth day of Christmas, Mi$cavige gave to me-
The Golden Age of MEST!
Four squirrel busters
Three French lawsuits
Two faced lies,
And a lump of coal instead of Eternity!
Sad to think of a sea org Christmas. Miscavige could not care less about them.
Bela – usually there is some hill-10 all-hands that cancels holidays anyway. I recall one day bringing my 3 children to post with me one Christmas I was ordered to show up to post. Well I did and my kids LOVED getting to be at Mom’s work 🙂
I’m truly surprised DM has not simply cancelled Christmas period.
Oh, I’m sure he has tried…
Good on you for taking in your kids! And how nice that they liked that! 🙂
Unbelievable. Such a farce.
Things remind me of the fictional movie done in 2006, “The Bridge.”
Hi Chuck,
Good to see you posting on here.
Maybe I don’t get it, but that session demo in the film “The Bridge” is so flawed it’s ridiculous if it is supposed to represent auditing. The guy cuts her comm at almost every sentence, and I have never heard of the command “Go over it again” as anything other than possibly a (sloppy) prompt to clarify something the auditor did not understand. It certainly would not be given in the middle of the PC’s sentence.
The session demo is the approximate equivalent of showing shots of some swampy area of the Congo and representing it as a scene from Times Square or Piccadilly Circus. Really … this film’s “session” is more bogus than the Co$. I stopped at the point where the Auditor’s Code is broken yet again by the gross evaluation “You are about to blow session. I don’t think that’s a good idea.” There are so many GAE’s (gross auditing errors) in that session demo it’s hard to keep track of them, and I don’t see that demo is nothing more than a direct insult ridiculing any auditor. It is a total misrepresentation.
Garbled my words editing there at the last – I meant to say, I think the demo in that film is a piece of shit. Hope that clarifies.
I agree about the session in that film. So many Gross Auditing Errors it is like they are trying to paint a horrible picture to slam Scn and auditing.
Either way Lady Min you had me at SNAFU…..
Thanks, appreciate your ack!
Jeez, if I sent a similar message to my clients, I would likely receive a complaint from the State Department of Insurance- so insensitive and plain desperate.
Hey guys you are all missing the point here in that there is a new Ethics Condition just issued by Lowliness:
The condition for all to apply is “Find out when it is”
“Find out when it is”.
Much laughter here! This should be sent to HIM at Flag, immediately.
And people, I am looking forward to the invitations that WISE might get ordered to send out.
Of course, I won’t get one but hopefully someone will leak it to MIke – WISE’s invitations for the Momentous Event(s) – occurring sometime “before Christmas” – oh, please, please.
The next to last line should read:
Below Confusion, there exists the Condition of Stupidity.
Why do we call it Stupidity?
Poor Rufus walks into an org in pieces. Gets scotched-taped, bondo’d, superglued together and begins to walk upright. He begins to display a reasonable attitude. KRs show that on-and-off post he talks about off-purpose activities like getting paid, chasing skirts, gaming, internet, and sports.
That is, until we re-break him again and give him a new identity. Repeat, rinse, RPF as many times as needed (or just fitness board and offload).
Sometime in the future Rufus writes this letter.
Really? Spend all the time, money and effort to get ready to spend X-Mas with family and friends at home and then at the last minute jet off to Florida to spend some more time and money and then have to hustle back for X-Mas Day?
It is traditionally slow at Flag around time X-Mas time. It seems to me that David is setting himself and staff up for an epic fail. Embarrassment at global and highest ever levels await-A lump of coal indeed.
No scheduled date is a step in the right direction. Abolishing events altogether would end cycle on this quarter-century old crowd-control & money-grab charade.
In further research it was discovered that there is a Condition below CONFUSION. The Condition of David Miscavige. All Staff and Kool-aid guzzlers, You are Hereby Assigned The Condition of David Miscavige. The Formula: GET OUT!
LRH says that up to 50% of Production is wasted in Dev-T. In Miscavige’s case, there’s no question, it’s a full 100%.
If you look up the term Dev-t Merchant in The Tech Dictionary, there’s a picture of David Miscavige. The Dev-T could not be more Straight Up or more Vertical!
ring ring, Hello, this is …. I’m calling to confirm you for the big events coming up at Flag. Can I confirm you? Sure. When are you arriving? Uh, I don’t know. What do you mean, you don’t know. Well, how can I know until I know the event dates. Well, you said I can confirm you. You can. But how can I confirm you if you won’t give me a date when you’ll arrive. Uh, I guess you can’t. Then what are we talking about? Uh, I don’t know, can you give me another clue?
Dates may get narrowed down involuntarily. Got this from Tony’s site from a article:
. The church and city agree that shutting down streets and closing sidewalks will only work on a Sunday.
“Only three Sundays remain open during the city’s busy festival season — Oct. 27, Nov. 17 and Nov. 24”
There is other hilarity in the article.
Scientology representative talks to Clearwater residents, says little
CLEARWATER — A Scientology official didn’t have much to say about recent church activities, but she told a gathering of Clearwater neighborhood activists Monday that answers would be coming soon.
A new date for the dedication of the massive Flag Building downtown, which the church had originally tentatively planned for Oct. 6, will be made public “very shortly,” said church spokeswoman Pat Harney.
“It’s going to happen soon. It’s something we’re all looking forward to. I assure you that it’s a bright future, not just for Scientology, but for all of us here,” Harney said.
That answer didn’t satisfy some at the Clearwater Neighborhood Coalition meeting.
“We’ve been hearing that for several years,” said one person.
I can just imagine the heat they’re getting from someone up the lines: “You’d better get xxx confirms for these upcoming events or else!” Maybe Miscavige just needed a new stat: “Number of people confirmed to planned future events with no established dates.”
Let’s break this down exactly:
This year, Christmas falls on Wednesday, the 25th so “before Christmas” on a Friday, Saturday or Sunday, would be, at the LATEST, 12/21, 12/22, and/or 12/23, and then, at the earliest, this weekend 10/11,10/12/and 10/13.
By my count there are six(6) Friday, Saturday and Sundays before Christmas, which makes 18 weekend evenings between now and Christmas which need, via intention, on principle, as IAS members, to be kept free on the chance that one or more events will occur on one or more of these evenings…
Rufus, honey, I don’t know you but here’s an intention for you, and I’m flowing it very strongly with lots of ARC. :
I intend that you will very soon have your cognition and leave.
Leave, Rufus. And when you do,find this blog and start reading it everyday so you can understand and heal.
Intention sent.
That’s a done. ..
Front row seating will get to hold battery ground cables connected
to “Ideal” Copper rods.
I’m under the radar still. Last week I received a letter from Miami org that simply read:
“What have we done to you?” Then yesterday a letter from ASHO, I believe, that read:
“What have we done to you?” Anyone else received one of these lately? Maybe the reason the events keep getting delayed is that the public are already gone? No one confirming? (Or in my case answering the phone!)
I’m under the radar still. Last week I received a letter from Miami org that simply read:
“What have we done to you?” Then yesterday a letter from ASHO, I believe, that read:
“What have we done to you?”
Now that is a very interesting development. Those letters tend to indicate that the current exodus of Scientologists out of the church is having a real impact. The fact that orgs on opposite sides of the continent have contacted you because you’re ‘missing’, is very telling.
I’m also just a wee bit surprised that the flow wasn’t more along the lines of, “Why have you blown?” I’ll bet it would be, if you responded.
J Scott, very interesting. Can’t say if I have gotten a letter like this, because I don’t open them.
J Scott- this is literally what it said??? If so, wow. They are really trying to push your buttons, aren’t they.
I’m sure that part of the reason why the events have been postponed is that DM is micromanaging and insisting that things be JUST SO, and pushing things back because of his current legal case panic.
But part of it is certainly that the public are disappearing in droves. DM is not an idiot. He knows that these events have to be packed… if they aren’t, it will sure look awful. After all, the church could summon 15,000 people to pack the LA Sports Arena to celebrate the “victory” over the IAS 20 years ago, why can’t they summon just 4,000 people to celebrate “Super Power” and the “greatest technical breakthrough of all time” today.
He knows that if his events aren’t packed, the situation is beyond hope… so he is rallying the troops to do whatever necessary to bring in attendance. All while being so disorganized that he can’t even set a damn date.
Maybe he won’t set a date for the events because he is waiting to see if he has to take the witness stand in court. He has been deposed in the Mosey trial after all.
Translation: Why are you STILL motivating, you out ethics asshole?
J Scott, The line from the letter you got,from the org, “What have we done to you?” is actually based on Letter Reg tech of writing from the viewpoint of the receiver and taking their R and only talking about their R. So the letter reg assumed that since you were out that you were motivating, and hence, “what have we done to you?” to get you in comm. Also there is Sec Checking Tech when you have a low responsibility pc that you get them talking about “what the other person did to you” because pcs love to talk about Flow 2, “done to you” much more than talking about Flow 1, “you did to him/her.” So per the Sec Checking tech, you get the pc talking about what bad thing was done to him, and then ask, “do you have a similar overt of your own?” It’s a way to get a person into comm.
But the interesting evaluation is that the org assumes that if you’re out of the church, that you must be motivating. They assume that all of the Indies are “bitter, defrocked apostates” or “bitter public person apostates.” And that evaluation simply isn’t true in most cases. I’m not bitter. I’m happy and glad that I’m out. I count myself very lucky to have escaped.
Jane Doe-
Excellent post. That really does hit the nail on the head, and I’m sure this is exactly where DM got his idea for this letter campaign (I’m certain something this provocative and domineering must’ve started with DM). Those still drinking the kool-aid assume that naturally, if you’ve left, you MUST have overts and withholds. Naturally, you MUST have something wrong with you. Of course, this is the opposite of the truth.
How wrong they are. Best wishes to you, and so glad you are not bitter- that’s a great thing to hear. You deserve a great life full of family, friends, and love… not a life full of bitterness, guilt, and coercion!
Dirk Niblick, What a nice validation. I love it. Thank you and I wish you a great life too!
CLEARWATER — A Scientology official didn’t have much to say about recent church activities, but she told a gathering of Clearwater neighborhood activists Monday that answers would be coming soon.
A new date for the dedication of the massive Flag Building downtown, which the church had originally tentatively planned for Oct. 6, will be made public “very shortly,” said church spokeswoman Pat Harney.
“It’s going to happen soon. It’s something we’re all looking forward to. I assure you that it’s a bright future, not just for Scientology, but for all of us here,” Harney said.
I don’t need to go to this event to find out how the IAS Global Salvage campaigns all “align”. They align because they are all the same, as in “Give us your money for Problem X, and we will claim we are solving it while not actually spending any of that money on Problem X.” It’s a very simple formula that can be applied to any and all situations.
“Going on hoping”…and its absurdity reached unimaginable levels.
Yes, the staff is, at least, in confusion as they have to come with the product of confirms yet, no date. Bad scene to say the least
“Going on hoping” is a good way to put it Silvia!
The Golden Age of Torture has begun for SO members below Int level now, so watch for a fresh exodus of Sea Org members who simply can’t take it anymore. At some point the cognitive dissonance of “Scientology produces total freedom and my rulers are on-Source” vs over-the-top abuse, oppression and insanity WILL break down for people. At that point, if they can possible escape, they will RUN.
OMG. It is idiotic. Truly scary. Dizzyingly stupid. Thanks for the update!
I’ll be responding to this post shortly. Exact time and content will be announced as soon as finalized. Meanwhile, I need every blogger on this site to confirm their intention to read my post the moment I post it.
It’ll probably be on a day ending in the letter “y”.
ROFLMAO! Only luckily fur us, you can’t mete out punishment for non-compliance.
Oh, wait…
YOu just made the light bulb go off in my mind War Horse: Davie can just tell the sheeples that the event will be “soon, on a day that ends in “y”, so be sure to confirm for it.” Then his ass is covered. Yeah, that’s the ticket!…
Funny, War Horse !
“everyone is going to be receiving a large lump of coal in their stocking for Christmas this year — they have been told its the greatest gift in history, in fact it is simply a new edition of that first steaming pile of horse manure known as GAT”
You got that right Mike.
The release of GAT was probably the beginning of the end for the Church of Scientology.
I mis-read the poor ashouk staffs signature as “dufus fundraiser” bad bad.
At a loss for words. I really feel for these staff. DM is now making the Christmas season all about him. People travel, take holiday, go home to spend with their family. This is smelling fishier and fishier. Perhaps he is preparing to finally blow.
DM’s “maybe” is getting bigger every day. As the supreme leader of the church his insanity is really beginning to show and all those that have not-issed it in the past will sooner or later have to confront the fact that DM is certifiably insane. There was a pab called the abberated personality or something similar to that and in it, LRH speaks of the secrecy computation. A few posts back this underlying secrecy that permeates the whole realm of the C of S…was referenced. Now it is extremely visible…plans are undisclosed. What can this mean? Well, we know one thing which is ANYTHING might happen at this juncture. With a pending potential deposition hanging over his head I do believe he is working out his contingency plans. Anyone that is still in has my sympathy, empathy and condolences.
The best place to put nuts is in a nut cracker. It’s about the only way to get them out of their shell.
I keep having more thoughts on this…sorry. This is just so typical.
But…I think the real reason for all this delay is because Miscavige does not even know where HE will be in the near future. In a Texas courtroom? In South America? I think he is putting everything on hold til he makes his plan based on the legal issues. It is all about him first and foremost.
I think the real reason for all this delay is because Miscavige does not even know where HE will be in the near future. In a Texas courtroom? In South America?
That is the only answer that brings as-isness to the question of why the church can’t pin down a date for The Greatest Event In The Entire History Of Scientology, On This Planet Or Any Other.
DM is completely fixated on the near term disposition of his own worthless hide.
Pity the poor souls at the Flag Central Reservation Unit…wonder what their ‘script’ is?
They’ve left themselves a big out here.
Before Christmas, yes.
But Christmas of what year? Hah!
Please call me to confirm. I will have my calendar out to check my available dates. My calendar is nestled directly on top of my checkbook. As soon as you can squeeze some exact dates out of your mouth, perhaps I can squeeze some money out of my checkbook to pay for the event. Or no.
Honestly, I preferred Rufus’ e-mail over the hype from Flag. “before Christmas” to me indicates “very close to Christmas” and therefor nearly impossible to say yes to. At least he had the decency to put that in.
Judging by the mistakes in that e-mail, he must be very, very tired.
Rufus Fraser is a classic example of what happens to a being under suppression having had his help flows crushed to death in the Sea Org for too long. He is actually a gentle soul – wouldn’t say Boo to a Goose, and somewhere, buried deep under sunken and tired eyes there is bright, witty person there. It’s for people like him that I hope and pray the madness ends soonest.
Yes, he is a great person. I’ll join you in your prayer.
Beautifully said, Martin. I feel the same way.
Me too. It really saddened me to see his name at the end of that e-mail. One of the loveliest guys I ever met. He must be suffering, poor fellow. Martin, could we not arrange an extraction team or something?
It is so sad to see Sea Org members degraded into asininity, especially in the UK where the public expects to be wooed and catered to already. Not to mention that there can’t possibly be any real Class VIIIs left within the church once the new tech “phase” is released. This whole thing is such an implosion.
You’re right, Mike, this is going to be the most miserable Christmas ever for staff, and that’s saying something! I remember my last Christmas on staff the DSA subsidized the Beer and Cheese Party, so the staff wouldn’t know how cheap Management held us in regard. This year they’ll all know, without a doubt.
The longer these events are delayed, the deeper the hole. Should be about 6 feet deep very soon.
Confidence in leadership has got to be dropping like a lump of coal to the bottom of the sock at this point.
I’m so glad you’re writing about this.. It must be torture to be around Miscavige now. Obviously, HE is ordering all staffs everywhere to get people to promise to attend events for which HE can give no dates, and will make THEM wrong if they fail to do this. His insanity is now at a level which, compliance to the orders notwithstanding, is clearly visible to all.
As a matter of fact, the Dwarf’s reluctance and/or inability to set dates for His events make far more sense to us as we know about the Garcias, the Narconons, Monique, etc., – all the legal bugaboos, but I without this inside knowledge I would think the majority of staff everywhere are puzzled and spinning, trying to make sense of this.
Pathetic. Rufus do yourself a big favor and find an editor or at the least a proof reader. Ever heard of KTL….grammar….sentence structure? It makes things easier for your reader to understand your somewhat discombobulated sp:? attempt at communications. Actually, I think it’s probably owing to the suppression, I know I would be a little cowed if I had to work under those circumstances. BUT- here is the really fantastic news- YOU DON’T!!!! If you still walk on two legs, point yourself in the right direction and walk away.
Wow. This is getting insane. Somebody has really f**ked up. Someone at the top.
So now they don’t ask for “confirms.” They ask for “intentions.” lol It is all unraveling before our very eyes.
“Its all unraveling before our very eyes”.
Is it ever! And, oh, how I would love to be the recipient of this particular invitation so I could respond with a straight face, “Yes, you have my full intention to have no plans for the next 6 sets of Friday, Saturday & Sunday evenings before Christmas. That would be 18 weekend evenings between now and Christmas. Yes, absolutely, full intention to have no plans whatsoever. And feel free to re-intention me anytime…”. Oh, the lulz…
David Clusterfuck: his wake of destruction in the guise of help never ceases to amaze.
I wonder if Las Vegas will start a book on the possible date for the various Scientology events that are supposed to happen “before Christmas.”
TO’s blog leads me to believe that David Miscavige will lump all three events together for one MEGA event. If the Church of Scientology does manage to put all three events on at the same time, how can David Miscavige possibly outdo himself? Where can he go afterwards? And what can he think of that will outdo this mega-event? The answer?
If David Miscavige continues as leader of the Church, he can only go down from here. There are no more rabbits to pull out of the hat. There are no more “advances in tech” that he can think up. There is no OT IX or X. And once Super Power is opened, there are no more carrots to dangle.
We are in the end game, people.
If David Miscavige is smart, he will use this one last event to announce the incredible successes that he has pulled off for the Church. He will want it to be rolling thunder on steroids. Now imagine if he finishes his 3-hour marathon monotone performance with the announcement that he is stepping aside.
That he has lead the Scientology movement for so long and wants what is best for Scientology. He would come across among the sheeple as great. And with the Church of Scientology heading for the shallows and the rocks, both in the courts and among the public, this would give him the chance to save himself before it all goes straight to hell. Later those who still blindly follow the Church will fondly remember the successes under Miscavige before the Church imploded.
It’s a win-win.
Of course, as a condition of his stepping aside, he could take legal steps to ensure that none of the legal heat comes back on him, an immunity of sorts. And that he would walk away with a generous settlement that would mean he could buy a small island in the Caribbean.
So it’s a win-win-win. 1. He doesn’t go to jail. 2. He gets rich. 3. The brain-washed will think of him as a hero.
These three events offer the perfect opportunity to go out on his terms. Because he can never top this. That’s if the events are put on. And if he’s smart.
Never underestimate DM’s ability and willingness to make up new tech. He’s done it dozens of times before… why wouldn’t he do it with OT IX and X? After all, he changed and rewrote OT VIII.
There is no way he would step aside. Make no mistake, Daveyboy considers the Church of Scientology to be his own personal property. He considers the wealth of the church to be his own, even if it’s not in his own name. There is no way he would ever willingly just “give” the church to someone else.
Whilst he is in the church he has access to immense legal firepower. He would feel utterly naked without it. And he has always been careful to keep himself “legally defensible”. If he was to run off with the money he could be found and prosecuted for inurement, and he would no longer be hidden behind a cloak of religion. That’s not his style.
And what are the “legal steps” he could take exactly? How would he get this immunity? He practically already has immunity it seems by conducting his behavior from inside a church, so why risk that by leaving his position of power?
Miscavige is a coward hiding inside a church – he will have to be prized away from it with a crowbar.
That’s hilarious.
I don’t get it? It is going to take place in what tent?
‘In principle agreement’ to attend events….roflmao
Good to know they have it nailed down to a Friday, Saturday orm Sunday before Christmas.
Too delicious.
Oh my, what I shame. I am going to be busy every Friday, Saturday and Sunday between now and after the first of the year….
For all those increasing STATUS will receive a Typhoon Leah Slicker.
Those who AP for OT 9 &10 get Surplus Vietnam era ponchos which
you can make into a tent . Comes in all your favorite colors as long as its OD Green.
Armani T shirts at the door (leftover from prior events)
Bring all your credit cards !
Mortgage your Home !
Bring your small children that can hold a shovel !
Confirm now !
ROFL! Especially “Those who AP for OT 9 &10 get Surplus Vietnam era ponchos which
you can make into a tent “
LOL! Don’t forget to donate the older children, teenagers can be exasperating.
Honest to God … that email sounds like it’s a joke, like you or OTVIIIisGrrr8! wrote it.
Oh Confusion …. ?
In fact let’s have a look:
The Condition of Confusion
The lowest condition is a Condition of Confusion.
In a Condition of Confusion, the being or area will be in a state of random motion. There will be no real production, only disorder or confusion.
In order to get out of Confusion, one has to find out where he is.
It will be seen that the progress upward would be, in Confusion, find out where you are; in Treason, find out that you are; and for Enemy, find out who you are.
The formula for Confusion is:
Find out where you are.
Note: It is important that the person who is in Confusion be cleared up on the definition of confusion. (This is done before the formula itself is started.)
1. Any set of factors or circumstances which do not seem to have any immediate solution.
More broadly:
A confusion in this universe is random motion. If you were to stand in heavy traffic, you would be likely to feel confused by all the motion whizzing around you. If you were to stand in a heavy storm with leaves and papers flying by, you would be likely to feel confused.
A confusion is only a confusion so long as all particles are in motion. A confusion is only a confusion so long as no factor is clearly defined or understood.
Confusion is the basic cause of stupidity.
A confusion could be called an “uncontrolled randomness.” Only those who can exert some control over that randomness can handle confusions. Those who cannot exert control actually breed confusions.
2. All a confusion is, is unpatterned flow. The particles collide, bounce off each other and stay in the area. Thus there is no product, as to have a product something must flow out.
The additional formula for the Condition of Confusion is:
1. Locational processing on the area in which one is.
Locational Processing is a Scientology technique done to orient and put a person in communication with his environment. This is done by pointing out certain objects and telling the person to “Look at that ______ (indicated object)” and acknowledging the person when he has done so. The objects could include such things as a tree, a building, a street, etc. This is done until the person is happier and has some kind of realization.
2. Comparing where one is to other areas where one was.
3. Repeat step 1.
Wow!! I just blew charge reading this letter, and I am going to add this to my tool belt of excuses for MEST things I am supposed to do around the house. “Take out the trash”…Sure honey, it will be sometime this Friday, Saturday or Sunday!
Also need to add…I can totally see all the staff dreading the thought of having to tell their families that they can not plan their holidays yet as it’s looking like Miscavige will plan so as to screw it up for everyone.
What makes you think they have holidays?
I received this same flier yesterday. What a joke.
And the email this guy sends with a make wrong, “make it go right” attitude. In other words, we are at the effect of this poor planning charade and can not tell you when the event will be, but if you don’t come, it’s your out ethics.
“make it go right”
That’s Maffia talk isn’t it ?
The bottom of the flier says the date “will be announced when it is finalized”. They can’t even give a date when they will be able to give a date?
This is a spoof, right?