Haven’t heard from Jeanie Sonnenfeld for a while. But when she makes an appearance, it’s like a flaming comet across the night sky. A short-lived “look at me” moment that provides little illumination but a lot of “Wow, did you see that?”
The ED of Greater Cincinnati Ideal “Day” Org (is there actually a “Foundation” or is this just a convenient title so she can not be full time due to her physical condition?) lets fly with some totally over the top hype about GAG II — but makes sure everyone knows she is telling the absolute truth by stating “This is not hype.”
Correction to your first sentence Jeanie — you cannot “now” get up the Bridge “at least” 3 times as fast. NOTHING has been released. As of now, you just have to plod along at a “snail’s pace” as you so artfully put it.
But it raises a really interesting point — if this IS in fact true, WHY HASNT IT BEEN RELEASED? Why has Flag been taking the elevator and delivering these “spectacularly fast grades” for 9 years and everyone else gets the shaft? And still are? And how do you feel about the people you have sold and delivered the “old, slow” Grades to over these years when the “new. fact” ones were available the whole time? But you just weren’t allowed to deliver them?
This is not hype, this is just mangling of metaphors and batshit crazy: “Your pace will now be 5X that of a cheetah.” Unless of course there are a lot of cheetahs going up the Bridge in Cincinnati….
And come on in for your “Readiness Consultation” — the regges are lined up and waiting to pounce on you. With Jeanie at the head of the line — as long as you come in during “Day” hours.
Date: Tue, 8 Oct 2013
From: Church of Scientology Greater Cincinnati <[email protected]>
Subject: Message from Jeanie SonenfildHi,
You can now get up The Bridge at least 3 times as fast!
The Golden Age of Tech Phase II is being released!!! You will be blown out of your head – that is a guarantee. The speed of progress from here on out makes previous progress look like a snail’s pace. This is not hype. It’s a fact. Your pace will now be 5X that of a cheetah.
We have a new free service to get you prepared. It’s called a “Readiness Consultation”. I need you to come in at once to get your Readiness Consultation. You will be thrilled. You will get a detailed program laying out what you need to do on your Golden Age of Tech Phase II services and what you can get started on at once prior to the release. This will be tailor-made specifically for you once your evaluation and interview have been done. You need to do this now, now, now.
Please contact the Deputy Executive Director for Delivery & Exchange, Jeremy Kasle, at once to schedule your appointment. You can reach him at (513) 674-8859.
Your friend,
Jeanie Sonenfild
Executive Director
Church of Scientology of Greater Cincinnati, Day Org
PS: If you have not seen Leah Remini’s performance on Dancing With The Stars last night, pop over to Tony Ortega’s blog and check it out. It was a middle finger of magnitude to Puppet Master Miscavige
Who Who speaks like that
The ridiculous technical degrades just keep on coming. They’re not even pretending any more. Ron made such a point of saying not to alter & it goes on and on. Jeanie must be a gag product because she’s going backwards. I love cheetahs, lets leave them out of this.
Cheetahs never prosper, so now you will be not prospering 5x faster!!!
Is it worth going to these crap events to sus out these new gat releases or will someone get a hold of these checklists and show them on line?
They will show up on the net sooner or later, just like everything else.
Jeanne Franks/Bogvad/Sonenfield was at one time about the most alive person you could ever meet. However, she was somewhat of a loose cannon, which is probably why Bill Franks and Jens Bogvad (no slam on Jens; he is one of the finest people I ever knew) were attracted to her or vice versa. DM knows this and that is why he has had her on Solo NOTs for more than 30 years! Twice a year she has to drag herself back to Flag for sec checks so DM can keep tabs on her. And it has taken quite a toll on her health. Ray Mithoff once told me that the minimum number of hours that someone had to audit on Solo NOTs to even be considered to be complete was 250 hours. The reason? That is how many hour LRH audited on Solo NOTs. That’s right, folks, the second highest level on the entire Bridge is hamstrung by a complete arbitrary: TIME. Wonder how many hours Jeanne has audited in 30 plus years. Thousands? Maybe for the past 20 she has not audited at all but just went to Flag twice a year for her semi-annual bruising. None of this excuses her ridiculous email, but it shows what can happen to a bright, alive person under the thumb of The COB.
The backstory always seems to be horrible.
Jeanne Danilovich/Franks/Bogvad/Sonenfild was a bundle of energy from the get-go, but one thing about Jeanne is that Jeanne is for Jeanne 150% – always a very competitive girl. She has had the smarts and training to know up from down and right from wrong. Much as I like her and care about her, I know that she is looks out for self first and is an artist at manipulating things to her best advantage before any other consideration. I don’t think she will step out or speak out until it’s personal for her. I love brother John, and I wish they’d both do what is right for the subject of Scientology and speak up.
Dan, that number of hrs surprises me. Are you sure you didn’t leave off a zero so it should read 2,500? 250 hrs on Solo Nots seems like not many to me.
You need to report immediately for your Readiness/Wherewithal consultation. This is where we consult your assets to determine if they have the ability to pay for GAGII. If you do not have the requisite funds, you will be sent to ethics to find your treasonous condition.
Treason Condition Formula in RCS: “Find out that you are a cash cow for the church.” (And the added step, cough up the dough)
That’s about the size of it…
Formost, you could thank them for the mail/promo with the remark that you are forwarding it to Mike Rinder and/or Tony Ortega who would really appreciate it for publication on their blogs. That could get them to do what “they need to do”.
Cheetah are sprinters that can go very fast for very short periods, then must rest. Bad choice of metaphor, unless she means your progress will be fast in short bursts followed by long pauses. Hmm…
I think you’ve got it!
5X faster… Lets see, first there are the Basics, all of them, before that maybe some Life Repair or Book 1, and/or several Life Improvement courses, then some ethics, then the Basics, all of them, throw in a Purif along the way, then Objectives, apparently hundreds of hours, then Upper Indocs, Student Hat, Pro-TR’s and by now add a few intensives of Sec Checks and if you’re lucky you can move onto the Pro Metering Course. Did I miss anything?
Nowadays we are talking for the majority of public, years before they see their first Auditor Course, years. Yea, quite the training line-up. I would have blown Scientology decades before if those prereqs were in place.
5X faster………… LOL
Pardon me, but I’m having some problems with metaphors. If you will now go up the bridge 3 X as fast, and that will be 5 X faster than a cheetah, I’m figuring that you are now going up the bridge 1.67 X faster than a cheetah, which is also a snail’s pace. Huh?
LOL! I fail to get the cheetah thing to begin with. Mike got it right as a mangled metaphor. Faster than a “rocket read” (needle motion on a goal) would be more appropriate, but smooth and reliable progress is what people are looking for.
Thanks for the evals.
One of the most obnoxious things in any comm cycle (“need you to“) from CO$ peddlers who I often never even heard of who want my money. What gives these clowns the idea I participate in Scientology based on what they need? Ever heard of N-E?
However, what I really “need them to do” is to stop calling me 20 times a week and cease sending me hundreds of pounds of junk mail annually.
Formost, wait til you get a load of the next posting coming in the next couple of hours.
Kapow! Wow! Bam! Biff! Boom!
Can’t wait, Mike!
And yes, let me pile on with all who loathed the “You need to___”, o,r the more frequently used, “What’s (urgently) (vitally) (totally) needed and wanted is for you to ________RIGHT NOW.”
I am recalling how after a numbe of years I would boil up inside when I would get this kind of comm. I really hated it, and it would take every ounce of my self control to not to respond with, “F**K what’s needed and wanted OK? I don’t care!” But then, actually I did care. I just hated to be so controlled.
Here was my “trick” for getting off the mailing list. That is if you don’t want to know what is going on in the bubble …
Open up a P.O. Box. Send or call them with a change of address to that P.O. Box. You can just let the mail pile up and once a month empty it in the trash or after the 6 months are up close the box. Since they mostly send “Junk Mail” it will just be thrown out in the trash as junk. They will never get it returned and not think that you moved and try to find your new address, which is really your old address.
This has worked for me for over 2 years. I can feel the freedom.
Hope this helps…
I didn’t see her actually say “old” in the email.
Maybe I missed it even though it is implied. As well as “no longer used”, “historical”, “background” etc.
(You know sorta like the “New” OT levels implied that the original ones were “old”, “background”, “historical”, “no longer used” , unless you had a Top Secret clearance and were a “former” spook but I digress…)
Which is basically a tech degrade.
Ironically it’s a degrade of GAT I which is a implied degrade of Standard Tech.
(Actually it was more than implied when one got on a “Golden Age of Tech” course but that’s another story…)
So basically she is degrading a degrade.
The more blatant tech degrades that show up like that comet metaphor you use so well such as:
“Boasting as to speed of delivery in a session, such as ‘I put in Grade 0 in 3 minutes’. Etc. and “Shortening time of application for financial or labor saving considerations.”
Blaze across the above email so brightly that you almost need shades to read her message:
“The speed of progress from here on out makes previous progress look like a snail’s pace. This is not hype. It’s a fact. Your pace will now be 5X that of a cheetah.”
If that is not “boasting” which is defined as:
1 [ reporting verb ] talk with excessive pride and self-satisfaction about one’s achievements, possessions, or abilities: [ with direct speech ] : Ted used to boast, “I manage ten people” | [ with clause ] : he boasted that he had taken part in the crime | [ no obj. ] : she boasted about her many conquests.
2 [ with obj. ] (of a person, place, or thing) possess (a feature that is a source of pride): the hotel boasts high standards of comfort.
Then I don’t know what is.
We can also see that she is “talk(ing) with excessive pride” and for our Christian friends reading this blog. You know what pride goes before according to Proverb 16.
For those who are not familiar with the Bible ,I’ll quote the above Proverb:
“Pride goes before destruction, And a haughty spirit before stumbling.”
HA! Good one.
Shades of San Francisco Org.
Lots of this going around.
I was going to qoute Clint Eastwood from Dirty Harry
but I think it would be preaching to the Choir.
*snort* I read that last line as
…preaching to the Chair!
These rumors are abuzzing. I heard the same yesterday, that now you can get onto OTVII in as little as 4-5 hours of eligibility time. All because of GATII! Everything has been “shortened now”. It’s all hyped to be a quick and fast Bridge. Probably mostly Squirrel.
There is desperation to get people back on lines. There’s not enough students in the courserooms or PC’s waiting for session that can be regged on the bases or in the orgs. Going to people’s houses to hit them up for money isn’t so great either anymore. Nobody answers their doors or telephones for them like they used to!
Good luck (actually failure).
Lets compare the above Miscavigology to the actual subject of Scientology by recapping from an actual Case Supervisor Series written by the man himself LRH , in this case C/S Series 9 “Superficial Actions”. Where Scientology has “failed” you will find that Miscavige and his ilk have actually done just the opposite of what is supposed to be done. Herewith the quote: SPEED LIABILITY
When speed is the consideration, not results, you get a very cheap camera or car. And you can expect it to fall apart very soon. You also get a cheap reputation.
Hype would be far too complimentary a term for this babble from the bubble
Jeanie: “This is not hype”
Mike R: “This is not hype, this is just mangling of metaphors and batshit crazy.”
🙂 🙂
I knew Jeannie (Danilovich) in college. Seen her a few times since. Just wondering what the physical condition is.
Well do I remember Jeanie Sonenfeld. A very sweet, seemingly kind and concerned ED who would do anything in her power to help you. I trusted her to a certain extent,,,Who could doubt her dedication after all? I also remember going to her and explaining a serious family emergency and how I couldn’t go into my 5 hour Purif that day because it would be auditing over a serious PTP that needed my immediate attention. She swore that she would be right there to help me solve my family’s emergency as soon as I got out of the Purif that day. Oh! I forgot it was Wednesday night, so obviously the weekly stat push was more important than my kids. Naturally she was nowhere to be found when I got out of the Purif.
She had, “gone home”. I was naive enough to be shocked that she had lied.
After that, the next time she made me a promise I had her put it in writing. Of course, that too was a false promise…and I still have her signed statement as proof.
Jeanie seems to be one of those skilled people who can look sincerely right into your eyes and tell you anything they think that you want to hear to get what they want from you.
I look forward to the day when she wakes up and realizes what she has done to people.
That day when I listened to her rather than to my own heart is one of my lifetime biggest regrets. And I really doubt that I am alone with this kind of memory.
It’s straight out of Hamlet…One can smile and smile, and be a villain.
I met a lot of people like that.
With the stat-push, punishment driven admin tech, I guess one becomes this to survive.
Laura, Luis and Monique the city of Chicago going to court to fine Scientology $2000 per day for the decaying building on the 18th. So many cases not even including Narconon in multiple states along with insurance agencies investigating them for fraud.
As I have read on this and other sites it must be hell to be around David Miscavige the micro-manager. I just don’t see him being able to release the gagII his paranoia must be unfathomable. Thank goodness Mike, Marty and Marc etc.. are no longer there it would have been so unimaginably horrid in my opinion.
After being “blown out of my head” (which is apparently guaranteed) will i still need the bridge or anything like that?
All this 5x faster story ….. sounds like the last time I heard this…which was like the last time I heard this before that….which is like the last time I heard this before THAT….. Yawn!
Come in for your free “readiness consultation” = reg cycle. Sometimes A does equal A.
“What is the difference between right and wrong?”
Give two examples.
(You’ve just completed my “readiness consultation” which you were not readinessed for.) (And btw, what “you need me to do,” doesn’t interest me. I make up my own mind. Pay me enough to do something you want done, and I’ll consider it.)
Write up 200 examples. These may be simple. “How to pour a glass of milk” (e.g. “In the glass” is right; “On the counter top” is wrong). They may be very lofty. “How to live” (e.g. “Life has meaning” is right; “Life is meaningless” is wrong).
When you’re done, you’ll be smarter than Jeanie Sonnenfeld. Unless of course Jeanie Sonnenfeld also does this, in which case you may see her posting here someday soon.
It’s not hype, because she said so.
And Nixon was not a crook, because he said so.
There you have it.
Used to be a HIGH CRIME to brag about speed of delivery.
So for tech not yet released ?????
Now I’ve heard many times about “The proof is in the pudding ”
At the risk of sounding like a Dickens Character I have to say:
“But Sir,I have no Pudding” !
Totally!!!! I don’t understand … who is still-in and buying this bullshit?
Always the sad excuse that the reason you aren’t doing well is because you need this next greatest thing… Wash, rinse, repeat.
The worse parti of all this is that they really don’t see the lies they are being fed…they just take them as a fact, as a truth and, of corse, they will keep pretending all is “fantastic and better than ever”. But so what, the money keeps coming in, that is what matters.
Re Leah – she, as Tony said, has guts. Intelligent, clever, charming and she expressed her message very well. As far as the Independents is concerned the vote is a 10+. VWD Leah.
Considering the fact that no Cheetah has ever gone up the Bridge, then doing the math, going up the Bridge 5X faster than a Cheetah adds up to 5 X 0 = 0, meaning you’ll never get anywhere.
What did LRH warn about bragging about speed of delivery? Has Quickie Grades turned into a completely Quickie Bridge?
I am not so much interested in getting it quick I just want to know that I am actually getting it. I like to have what LRH intended with no attention on speed. Chetahs are cool but I don’t move at that pace and I would like to take time to have a cup of coffee betweens sessions and say hello to my friends. I guess I’m kind of dilettante that way.
We are living in the age of the “McDonald’s-ization” of scientology. You can have freedom and you can have it your way, fast easy and cheap (Well not cheap).
I gotta say…I got real tired of various people at the church telling me over and over again “what I NEED to do”. …nuf said.
That is exactly why I left and have not looked back. It just gets so old after a while.
But as far as “Readiness Consultation”, I would simply ask for the LRH policy on this and observe the silence and blank stare that I get as a response.
I´m angry now! Real angry!!! Less than 3 years ago I bought for $43,000 old type auditing. What I´m being told now is, that it took me 3 times longer to get through it and cost me 3 times as much as it would have cost me today, because the auditing I got wasn´t standard the way LRH wanted it. And yet the church was delivering it and telling me that it was absolutely standard. – What the F#?%£&!!!? – So, I should only have paid $14,333 for that exact same auditing. No, not that exact same auditing, but a new improved and better and much more standard auditing. And all the while they were delivering this new type auditing at Flag. This is outrageous! I want my money back!
Sue the bastards!
1) I didn’t know cheetahs were doing their bridge – but it’s nice to know that freedom is being extended to the fastest of the animal kingdom.
2) 3x speed of bridge progress (but also 5x that of cheetah – is it just me or does it really sound like cheatER?) makes it sound like the meat grinder production line of spirituality. Churn out the enlightenment like never before.
3) Readiness Consultation – I like the euphemism. One of those creations that allow you to fondly provide your own hazy and pink definition, but bound to leave you naked and raped in some spiritual back alley.
Well, that was all I saw in the light of the comet’s glow. Actually, I think Mike lit a match and kindly provided most of that light himself.
I can honestly state that I have never used the term lol, ever. Dollar, I was bouncing around in my chair with laughter…a real honest to goodness chuckler…”didn’t know cheetahs were doing their bridge, and the meat grinder, hey just another “process”. Best of all; provide your own hazy and pink definition…..isn’t that often the case, especially since there is no more use for word clearing. It made me think that maybe the real problem for the cos is conditions. If you could just forget about keeping stats you wouldn’t have to be afraid/concerned with the facts, ie. your boat is under water and you never learned to swim (in the outside world). I sincerely wish everyone would wake up and get their lives moving upward again. all except for one of you.
😀 The cos is riddled with many problems, not least of which is the prevalent mindset. An interesting mix of an honest desire to help paired with an air of superiority and entitlement.
I agree with you, and I think more and more are overcoming the fear of looking for (and finding) the truth.
As to He (Who Must Not Be Named, otherwise His Ears Won’t Stop Ringing and He HATES That), even He could move upward a little, from crime lord to freelance fashion model for orange overalls. It would do him a world of good.
Ah yes, and boat under water? They bought it expensively and only just now learned the shipwright used water-soluble glue. Oh … dear.
Jeanie is both an OEC and a trained auditor. She’s been hyping GAG I relentlessly since its immaculate inception. Total out-tech. She’s been hyping the so-called “Ideal Org Program” with the same manic fervor. Totally out-admin. Of course her current blather is HYPE.
Her so-called Saint Hill Sizing of the LA Org was a total stat push. My memory of it was seeing six of her staff outside in the ASHO parking lot smoking pot at lunch hour. Mexicans who could barely speak english; there only to pad the stats.
The only thing one could do, and still retain an ounce of integrity, would be to flip miscavige the bird–like Leah just did on national television.
A new “free” service!!!!! Who said you have to pay for everything in Scientology? I got an idea for another “free” service – Free IAS Status Consultation. Ha ha ha. One question. Jeannie is still married to Sonenfeld? She must be slowing down.
Still married to David, AFAIK. He was in Cinci with her.
Gatchild, what does “AFAIK” mean?
As Far As I Know
Smells like out-tech ….
3x as fast. A grade was 2 intensives, so you make it in 8 hours now. This equals one or two days. Clear in a week – yay!
Why did Ron the idiot not know this new tech?
Why did Ron not build ideal Orgs?
Why did Ron not concentrate on regging with “exchange on dynamics”.
Why did Ron have so few PCs?
Ooops … he had 10x as many PCs and 10x as many clears per year?????
Clear in a week – yes! But just your bank account is clear in a week.
They’re not running all processes on a grade to EP.
They basically run quads, then start on the “major processes” until you EP the grade. Then you’re done.
Also, and this is a bit vague from the source, apparently you’re not checking the questions to FN any longer.
Seems that was mentioned in a policy. Was it Tech Degrades?
I wonder if people read this “policy” stuff anymore.
Nah, it’s outdated, old, and no longer in use.
like someone earlier said, just WHO is this LRH?! Yea, that’s where it seems to have gotten to, the church of Davey and forget about that old dude Ron. arrrghh
I seem to remember being told I would go up the Bridge “5X quicker” after the release of GAG I. It was I think 3X quicker after I’d done an OT debug on the Ship, and another 3 or 4X quicker after the “streamlined Grade Chart”. So what with Gag II I should be able to go up the Bridge about 180X quicker. I’ll wait for Gag III when I’ll be able to go up to OT X by next Wednesday.
It’s been “this is going to make your bridge progress Yx faster” for at least 20 years.
All this hype about speed of progress up the Grade Chart is meaningless and the church knows it. True honest case gain takes as long as it takes. The church will always fall back on that stable datum. They can say whatever they want, they can give a PC an estimate of 2 intensives for Grade II, but value is that data? In reality it has no value. The PC is going to consume the exact number of hours he needs to attain the EP of the Grade.
The only way these statements can be true is if they simply reduced the number of processes on the Grade. Will these reduced Grades deliver the same EP? Don’t know. But, historically, if it took 50 hours to complete Grade II, Jeanie’s claim implies the same product can be achieved in only 10 hours. Pardon me for my skepticism.
I always found it humorous when I would receive a “Tech Estimate” of 8 intensives for some action, which I didn’t buy; then three months later I’m called in to be given a “revised” estimate of 5 intensives. What changed? I didn’t do anything. They simply invented some number they thought might spur me to buy. Doesn’t work on the initiated.
No, I’m afraid all this 3X, 5X or 10X talk is a bunch of hot air. Now, if they sold their service by result…then maybe people would listen.
“But, historically, if it took 50 hours to complete Grade II, Jeanie’s claim implies the same product can be achieved in only 10 hours. Pardon me for my skepticism.”
To relieve you of your skepticism as well and your money, Grade II is now handled several times a year on Super Security Checking, which can amount to 100’s of hours, annually And there is no possible way to quickie that. The only relevant overts and withholds anywhere on your whole track are failures to whole-heartedly, 1000% cheer and rave about Co$ Miss Management, give all your money as a gift, and your wife and daughters and sons, and your eternity, make a public fool of yourself, and profusely thank and praise the church for the opportunity of being allowed to do so.
KSW backwards.
OT VIII by Tuesday can be done. But There is no OT IX and X.
Good one, Bare!
I went down the Bridge 20 x’s faster after GAT. (applause) I was on Solo Nots and was r-factored I wasn’t Clear after being on SN for 4 YEARS. Then I did NED in the middle of Solo Nots and re-attested to Clear after spending 80K.. How is that for rapid progress up the “bridge”?
Sounds more like a rollercoaster wich in Scientology can be spelled in several ways.
The Plummet to Freedom?
As the saying goes “back in the day”, I started a City Office in Louisville, Ky affiliated with the Cincy Org that was being run by none other than Barbara Wilson with copious help from her husband Kevin. Mind you, they even had these small creatures called “children” and they still had the place packed and productive. From that City Office two people actually cogd and got themselves into the S.O. in Clearwater, back in the very early 80’s. Now returning to Jeanie, I’m guessing she never heard that joke about the race between the tortoise and the cheetah. After zipping across the finish line way ahead of the tortoise, the cheetah waited impatiently to brag about his accomplishments. He was confused seeing the smiling tortoise as he slowly spoke the inevitable truth: haven’t you heard? Cheetahs can never WIN !!!
LOL! Cute, KRCJenny
“This will be tailor-made specifically for you…”
Hahaha..there are no more “tailor-made” programs. It all looks like this:
The Basics
Redo Purif
End of Endless Objectives
DM’s twisted version of Scn turns the whole operation into a factory. Wogs go in one end, get programmed and handled by robot auditors and policed by Gestapo Ethics Officers, fleeced by an army of regs, and come out the other end broke, busted and disgusted.
YES Comrade!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We give you all of nothing for a lot of something!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We wish your credit cards are all belong to us!!!!!
GAT II, another game where everyone loses!!!!!!!!!!!!
Please, bend over now!!
Trust me!
The new “nothingness process” – you’ll feel lighter and literally be blown out of this universe.
LOL@ ” now now now”. Pushy lady it would seem.