There is a steady stream of reports coming in of the new gestapo tactics being employed to try to enforce “standard tech” on the field with GAG II.
It is fascinating to watch the organization eat itself. It’s like a trapped rat, gnawing off its legs in a desperate attempt to avoid the inevitable, but in the process hastening the end as it bleeds out from its self-inflicted wounds.
Apparently there are “Sea Org missionaires” on the warpath to shut down missions and field auditors that are not “GAT II trained” and/or don’t own a Warehouse 8 meter.
I have reports from several missions and field auditors in different areas of the country that they are on the verge of bankruptcy and closing their doors. They hardly have any pcs and no new public. They have little to no reserves. Their auditors are being forced onto full time training and they don’t even have the money to pay for the training. And they cannot make money to get trained as they are not allowed to audit.
And it’s the old Catch 22 — if you are “CI” to “getting through GAT II” or using a Warehouse 8, or even just protest that you have to earn a living and cannot afford to go off onto full time training (starting with Student Hat), you become the target of investigation. They come to your home and confiscate pc folders to “inspect for out tech.” Of course, not a single one of these inspections has ever NOT found “out tech.” This is then used as a club to force/extort the auditor into retraining, with an ethics order “suspending certs” if need be.
They are informed that if there is “out tech” in the folders of their pc’s, they will be confiscated. It’s a great way of scraping the last few public into orgs, which also have no inflow and a good percentage of their remaining public (the few that are still active) have been shanghai’d to Flag.
The mafia are sloppy amateurs in the protection racket business when compared to scientology.
This is another of the routine witch hunts — this time to “explain” why stats are not going up with GAG II. The field is always the why for Class V org failures. The rape and pillage of the Mission Network in the early 80’s was the same thing. Since Class V orgs are incapable of getting new public on the bridge it only makes sense to raid the field when they need new pcs. It’s cutting their own throat in the long run, but who cares, stats are up this week.
Meanwhile, in related news, LA Org is shrinking. Even after forcibly retraining auditors in the area on GAG II and after they were announced yet again as being newly “ideal.”
Without doubt, this is a direct result of malicious and intentional CI to Command Intention. So Dave’s Minions (the CMO — COB’s Messenger Org) are rummaging around in LA Org to find the SP. Apparently they fixed their steely gaze upon the Senior C/S Andy Seidler (son of George and brother of Melanie Seidler Murray). Of course he was recruited for staff with promises of a reduced schedule due to some health issues, and he was also told he would be allowed to keep some field pcs he already had to supplement his income. Now they are suddenly aghast at the brazen out ethics he is involved with. So, he is under Comm Ev and LA Org is sure to boom as a result.
As one of the sources of the reports so aptly commented: “The CMO always reminds me of the Sierre Leone child soldiers, the Khmer Rouge, and the Hitler youth. They have complete literal certainty and absolutely no judgment, consciousness or awareness of what they are doing. They wipe out working installations; denigrate people of good will who are actually trying to make things work in a bad situation, and march off with no responsibility for the wreckage they leave in their wake.” I couldn’t have said it better myself, so I didn’t try.
And just as a final note, in spite of their new found status as “ideal” ASHO, they too are going nowhere. GAG II has left them with virtually no public and stats that are long term emergency. The Briefing Course is no longer being delivered. And even with their magnificent marble floors, perfectly matched demo kits and a full complement of Warehouse 8’s, things really suck in the ideal ASHO.
Just had a cognition:
Miscavige is very intelligent.
Miscavige knows the intricate workings of Scientology management.
Miscavige has complete authoritarian control over Scientology management.
Miscavige is aware that the current course of management is driving Scientology toward systemic failure, yet has not changed course.
Therefore, Miscavige wants Scientology to suffer a systemic failure.
My theory: Miscavige is bored with the whole game (maybe?).
I would like Miscavige in a space alone with someone of courage and no large grunts backing him(DM) up. One on one and I know Miscavige would shrivel into a mass of quivering dread! In early May of 2012, Frank McAll, at the age of 93, told me he would like to be alone in a room with Miscavige for 5 minutes. Frank was still iron gripped even then and had the intention of a giant jack hammer. If he had needed to he could have taken Miscavige apart for the sniveling coward that he is. Unfortunately, he dropped his body toward the end of May. It was his connection to a wife who wanted him dead so she could get his savings he saved for his return. He wanted his daughter to get the gold and silver coin he had amassed over the years. Frank’s widow wrote a $30,000 check to Frank’s daughter and the check bounced. Another example of the frauds who work for Der Furher!
Thank you for sharing this …my father was one of the most dedicated .
And there may come a time when a grownup appears, and Miscavige bursts into tears like the superannuated little 16-year-old He is.
Oh, Gawd, the fucking CMO. A bunch of screaming angry little teenaged girls. Oh, and David Miscavige. All the training they ever had was lighting the Old Man’s cigarettes and holding his ashtray. Absolutely useless. The CMO was LRH’s biggest fuckup IMHO.
Of course, Miscavige, having been CMO (cigarette lighter and ashtray holder) (oh, and shirt rinser), would put that asinine group at the top of the food chain. Fuck the auditors, let’s have a bunch of screaming teenaged girls run things.
CMO. What a bunch of useless assholes.
Somewhat strange thoughts — do you really believe the CMO was LRH’s “biggest fuckup.”
Miscavige didn’t put CMO at the top of the food chain, LRH did (though arguably, after that he put RTC and CST above CMO).
“and if today’s report by Mike is to be believed…”
Oh, it is.
Roll call for the BC used to take 15 minutes. 15 minutes! And that was DAY.
And 30 years later… Zero. Zero minutes, because they aren’t even delivering the fucking BC. Hey, Miscavige, how ’bout you plot that on a graph and show it at the next Event?
“Roll call for the BC used to take 15 minutes.” and as you say that was the Day students only. Now THAT is impressive Gus. Probably one of the most impressive and informative remarks I have read on this blog and sums up the whole situation. Maybe someone should write a book about the good old days so that this generation, which will never see or hear these things, can get some reality on how things were – and should be. After all, I think we are all probably getting a bit sick of reading and hearing about the current scene. It could be titled “The Ideal Org” (tongue in cheek there of course) and then at the end of the book a paragraph saying “well, this is how it used to be, before some creeps came along and messed it all up”.
And The BC Supervisors stats were so high and the course room so full that they didn’t need to worry about the 15 minutes “wasted” spent doing the roll call. Can’t see that happening these days (apart from the er, fact, that there are no students anyway). From a course room that takes 15 minutes to read the roll call to an empty one – yet no one sees this as an outpoint. One supposes the attrition has been somewhat gradual but which is still no excuse from failing to see the elephant in this particular room.
How was it “in the old days?” I am sincere in my request to know this. I am trying to understand what the draw was back then, what this institution was intended to be, and what brought so many souls in the beginning, pre-Miscavige. I understand if you’re exhausted from explaining this to others, so please, point me to some resources. Your help is most appreciated.
Anna, the draw “back then” was the same as it is now. Promise of super powers and immortality. Only “back then” you had a country full of drug addled Boomers who were super gullible. Even then only a TINY % fell for the scam. But that was enough to fuel it until now. That generation is dying out and so is the scam. Prior to DM taking over the church the criminal insanity of Hubtard was mostly kept from public view. After he died his and DMs insane policy was unleashed on all levels.
I have some questions. Do you think if LRH was alive today that the church would have drank the killer kool aid by now and when do you think people like Kirstie Alley (I’m certain I misspelled it, sorry) are going to wake up and realize that everything they are doing is askew? Do you think more orgs will implode first before that happens or do you think Miscaviage will lose it first?
IMHO… LRH mixed the Kool Aide. The Miscariage was a very thirsty adolescent (still is an adolescent but now in-charge of the mixing).
For the likes of KA to wake up is a stretch. The Orgs ARE imploding. No public = no delivery. Miscaviage has lost it but there is a good amount of momentum in the organization. It will continue to slow down and it will stop. More bankruptcies from the whales, more disconnections and family disasters are to be had before this sordid mess grinds to it’s final resting place.
The numbers of happy and free people are growing. Get ready to party!
Thank you for your answer!
It is stunningly sad to see this carnage.
I loved that description of the CMO and RTC as well. I didn’t get too much of that levelled at myself but I saw enough of it to take issue with it in my own counter-intentioned little mind. The whole activity is based on a few issues or quotes about acting that way. Esto Series and Org Series, comm cycle and any intention to help be damned. That’s probably 5 inches thick of books and information not read, understood and applied correctly so that the place could thrive.
I was thinking about being a mission or field auditor’s pc and finding out that “there is out tech in your folders” and now I have to go into the org to pay exorbitant amounts of money for repairs that I didn’t even think I needed. I wouldn’t want to go, so then I get pulled into an ethics rat race. Then I stay away and see that I’m stuck, no more auditing, no more Bridge, unless I find another field auditor, but oh wait…the org has my folders. I’m completely stalled. Nice job! Shut down the auditors AND the pcs.
To anyone this is happening to, just forget this utter nonsense and find your old friends who are indies now and find another auditor and get going again. Leave it all behind. You’ll feel incredibly de-stressed and free. Field auditors, do what you want–audit who you want. Don’t turn over your folders. Simple. Take your goldenrod and shout it loud and proud. Stop being scared and threatened and get out there and do what you want to do to help people. There are references on what to do if you don’t have pc folders. Fires have destroyed folders (for example) and that doesn’t mean someone can’t ever get auditing again.
The faster you get out of the RC$ the happier you’ll be, the more money you’ll have and the faster you’ll get your own goals realized. Unless you like being a gestapo guy yourself.
Sage advice Mr. Rojo.
Great advice Rojo
I had this terrible nightmare. David Miscavige could
no longer afford $5,000. John Lobb shoes and was shopping at payless
for footwear. Tell me it’s not true,he,he,he, snicker,snort.
David MESTcavige.
You magnificent wordsmith!
When your slaves
All misbehave
It’s too late Dave
You’ve dug your grave
“The CMO always reminds me of the Sierre Leone child soldiers, the Khmer Rouge, and the Hitler youth. They have complete literal certainty and absolutely no judgment, consciousness or awareness of what they are doing. They wipe out working installations; denigrate people of good will who are actually trying to make things work in a bad situation, and march off with no responsibility for the wreckage they leave in their wake.”
This whole scene brings to mind the novel Lord of the Flies by William Golding about young boys stranded on an island and a mess of trying to govern themselves – complete with bullies and prejudices and all the nastiest human traits and potential for cruelty unchecked. Of course, Sea Org youth don’t read literature – might give them ideas or an independent (dangerous) thought or two.
Leonore — yes, perfect reference that I have cited before. I re-read that book after leaving the SO (along with 1984) and it is a very good description of the descent into madness….
:-). I missed your earlier reference. Literature can have good lessons as with this and 1984.
The movie “The Killing Fields” illustrated this madness very well also. A sobering and difficult movie to watch, but an important historical lesson. The Khmer Rouge thought the children should rule because they were unadulterated. It’s funny because this movie made me understand, what a necessity vigilant parenting is. The SO recruiting these children and giving them powerful jobs because they’re “clean” is very parallel. They seem to think anyone having sex is “unclean” so no red blooded adults fit the bill. Some how this repressed, puritan ethic came into the group. It certainly wasn’t the case in the 70’s. I plead the 5th. Perhaps children coming into sexual maturity in the SO, got overwhelmed by so much invasive scrutiny and eval, that 2D oppression became more and more the norm.
Yes Hallie, especially as there is an LRH policy “Second Dynamic Rules” which actually forbids interference in people’s sex lives (unless it starts to badly effect the Org). The puritan ethic came in I believe around the late 80s early 90s. I heard of one org (It may have been implemented worldwide) that if a Scientologist – staff member or public member – wanted to start a 2D with another Scientologist this had to be “cleared” with the local HCO! This is yet another example of this verbal admin coming down the lines – there is an HCO Policy about the matter but it is covertly ignored and overriden by an “ethos” or attitude (of puritanism) coming down telex lines and/or verbally passed on to others. As in IAS and Idle Orgs etc. Same thing/principle – already covered in Policy yet covertly ignored. Of course the “thing” about sex is that it is of course or can be a common denominator where people have a few things to “hide” and so they can be easily controlled by admonishing them and then threatening to expose the “things” of which they are touchy. Superb control mechanism! I wonder who thought that up? One guess of course.
Well that really started with the LRH FO that said out 2d in the SO was a beachable offense and then reiterated in 1976 with a series of Commevs at flag for out 2d then his FO 2D Rules in 1979. All this trickled down to class 5 org sand the public. LRH ordered several people to be declared because Suzette wanted to have a 2d with them including the ED of Miami Org who he said was dramatizing his name (Sexsmith) and Arnie Lerma. The policy on 2d was contradicted by subsequent issues and orders well before Miscavige was even in the SO let alone in any position of authority.
Thanks, I remember good old John Sexsmith. He was very well liked by all, sexy too! Rumors went around as you stated, then he disappeared, but was not forgotten. Would love for him to be public.
Mike: My main point is that it should not have trickled down to Class V Orgs. The SO is another matter and when you join you know what you are getting into (somewhat), although that of course has been “extended” with enforced abortions and the splitting up of married couples deliberately, amongst other further things.
My other point was that it got far worse than LRH getting annoyed at some dude who wanted to play around with Suzette (“normal” father’s reaction – ha! I wish I could have declared a few of my daughter’s ex-boyfriends!) The whole Dynamic has become a minefield of dos and don’ts, which in Class V Orgs has no place.
Got you. And my point was that the weird puritanical obsession over the 2D in scientology came from LRH not from Miscavige as you seemed to imply. Maybe that isn’t want you were saying, but it’s what I thought you had said.
Well, yes, that is what I am saying. I am saying it has gotten FAR worse under Miscavige. Since the late 1980s and early 1990s onwards. In my time in Orgs there was no “problem” as such with the 2D apart from the fairly usual stance at that time against homosexuality, which was of course in reality totally unnecessary and again was usually formulated based on the prejudices of local Execs. Otherwise it was a fairly liberal ethos. However, I knew quite a few staff and public who were thrown out because of their homosexuality but again that was mostly “local” interpretation and prejudice and as I recall again the (local) SO or the GO were always involved in the decision.
But having to report to HCO if you had “2D intentions” is not what Hubbard planned is it? I have read other reports that they even tell you now what type of sex to have and not have, and people are “shown references” on this (that don’t exist as I have read everything) but I don’t want to go into er, detail here, if you know what I mean.The puritanism (apart from the anti-homosexual thing) did start after Hubbard died.
This is and was actually the core issue facing Scientology – this “management” group engram or service facsimile. It is like an open sore that has been festering for over 30 years now (although the “Battle of Britain” in 1974 was the first open display of such so it started even earlier) and inflames itself now and then and runs riot destroying Orgs and Networks when it perceives imagined “enemies” (that never existed). As I said in another article I would not be particularly worried if all the RTC, CMO, IAS & Idle Org “staff” and regges, and a few other assholes, all fell on their swords and literally drank the Kool Aid a la Jonestown. I am sure they deserve to “end it all” and go down honorably. And as I also said – it would mean Dept 3 and Qual had nothing to do for a few decades, which would be a good liability formula for them before perhaps rejoining, although they are of course all in treason. It has only been kept going (barely) by a few desperate and perhaps decent people still in the ranks who have covertly ignored the management insanity and done their jobs or tried to regardless, even if they have been “trained” to do otherwise. Perhaps Cesar Milan the dog trainer should be hired from any remaining SO Reserves as he might be able to save them with some careful re-training when the shit finally hits the fan. Show them how to get along with other dogs and people etc. Ha!
Is it not amazing the managers cannot see the gross effects of their actions? Or “management” sits down and evaluates and analyzes what has occurred and resolves never to do such again? But no – they cannot correct themselves. But then such a style of management has long since disappeared. COB has created and enforced a group management engram and that has replaced policy. The “management style” ironically is not covered anywhere in policy and is a perfect example of the blind leading the blind, contagion of aberration and also verbal tech (admin). These young 16 year old “Execs” observe other “Execs” behaving harshly and dictatorially and think “this is the way it is done”, and of course they get older and still practice this. And this is driving “Scientology” (it’s not really worth that name any longer) – into the ground. The proof of the pudding is in the stats and the empty Orgs that when some few people and hangers on are actually present are composed of browbeaten and fearful people. And the stats have crashed long term.
Andy Sidler may have been a saint at one time, but when he got onto Solo Nots at Flag he was under a lot of pressure to “get more money”. A couple of years ago he embezzled money from another Class VIII while she was having severe medical issues which resulted in dire financial straights for her. Andy then used his clout with IHELP (as Senior C/S of the LA org) to avoid responsibility and to throw her under the bus. The other Class VIII, Carole Blume, later dropped her body.
Andy may be a good C/S, but he was blinded by fear of being kicked off Solo NOTS and by his own self-importance.
Like many cool-aid drinkers, he became a fallen angel.
Here’s a thought for Andy: “Lie down with dogs…..get up with fleas”. You need to make amends, so get out of the “church” and start helping others using the LRH tech that you actually do know rather than Miscavigology.
Ha ha …. LOVE IT! …… this is the kind of great news that just keeps comin’ ….. look forward to more down stats on the way ….
And the old timers? The senile, numb, totally at effect long time staff who have checked out on KSW 300 times and STILL couldn’t apply it if their lives depended on it even though they are Cl 8s? What a stalwart group! DISDAIN? Ha ha ….. they would have to come UP ten tone levels to even sniff disdain! I lost ANY admiration or respect I had for these people years ago.
Love the ASHO demo kits though.
Oh man, the same thing almost happened to me. In my case it was because people were not donating enough to the Idle Org fund. I was out-tech because I wasn’t purportedly being so standard that public were swarming the org in droves. Some idiot from FSO and the fund raiser decided to target me and another senior tech terminal and make us out to be SPs.
Pardon my candor, but what a bunch of a$$holes.
That was definitely the best thing that could have happened because I got out.
This article is so true. I personally know some of the field public caught up in this mess and they are enturbulated to the core. The idiots who think they are managing anything in the CoS are doing nothing but bringing ruin to the group and upset to the people attached to this recent activity.
Even KA public who know about this are pissed and there will soon be more disaffected public who will leave. They will not disconnect from people whom they know to be of goodwill either. At least the close ones I know of. While I feel bad for the people who are suffering through this, I am also happy to see the RCS implode.
So be prepared to face the consequences, CMO/RTC. They’ll be there waiting or you.
That definition of Messengers. Just. Perfect.
Excellent post Mike.
You have no idea how lucky you are. Should taken a sefie !
Try free zone and indie’s
I’ve been following, out of a sense of curiosity, for years now about about how $camology is self destructing and believe that at some stage in the future Cap’n Shorty and his selected crew will disappear along with the hundreds of millions he’s been stashing away.
On a side note: back in the late 80’s I was reading books like Messiah or Madman (just to name one) and the part about the Sardinia “treasure” hunt piqued my curiosity so off I went to the Edward Street, Brisbane branch of $camology to see about getting a hold of a copy of the book based on his Mission into Time. I wandered up the stairs and waited for about ten minutes before someone actually came out to find out what I wanted. Told her the title (which escapes me after so long) of the book and she produced this small thin hardback and told me it was $18.00. There was no way I was going to pay that much and told her I didn’t (had more than enough in my wallet) have that much money. She whipped out some forms from her desk drawer and told me that if I signed up for a free six month membership I could buy the book for a cheaper price.
While I was reading the form she asked me where I had heard of the tome in question and I replied that I had just finished reading L. Ron Hubbard: Messiah or Madman. Next thing I now I’m being escorted from the building and banned from entering the place ever again. I never did get to read the small thin book.
I’ve posted this before, but it’s specifically addressed to David Miscavige and anyone lurking at OSA. I hope you all read this. The words are not mine, but I’m fully in agreement with them, as I suspect many others who contribute to this blog are.
“I have sworn upon the altar of God, eternal hostility against every form of tyranny over the mind of man.” ~Thomas Jefferson
And by the way OSA, if you need the quote by TJ that MJ posted spelled out …………….it means that you have a major shitload of hostility coming your way and it will not stop until you degenerate pieces of shit are completely neutralized. Know this: we will never rest until YOU ARE GONE!
I know you’re out there. I can feel you now. I know that you’re afraid… you’re afraid of us. You’re afraid of change. I don’t know the future. I didn’t come here to tell you how this is going to end. I came here to tell you how it’s going to begin. I’m going to hang up this phone, and then I’m going to show these people what you don’t want them to see. I’m going to show them a world without you. A world without rules and controls, without borders or boundaries. A world where anything is possible. Where we go from there is a choice I leave to you.
On this blog the final death throes of Scientology is being recorded. The great Con is coming to an end.
Great description of cmo. I remember this little piece of shit (a young blond American girl) throwing her weight around in the SO base in Sydney. One morning she came into the males OOT room unannounced just criticising about tidiness of the room and what she thought wasn’t exceptable. She was just one angry little bitch. Then another time I was having a quiet conversation with a female friend in the hall at the base and she walks past and accuses us for going out 2D. I told her she was rude. She didn’t take that too kindly. Haha.
Should have told her to go fuck herself.
My memory of the facial expressions of the CMO brats who gave me a TM to get a compliance submission done (with no comprehension of what was to be done) when I told them to “Shut up, and get the fuck out of my space” is one I shall joyously carry with me for eternity.
If any SO or staff member did that when called for we would not have the kind of mess we now have. They would not dare to sack or RPF the whole crew!
With a rasp file.
Exactly Invisible Man, that young lady was very rude and I would have told her the same thing, along with instructions that she would not speak to me like that again. Also, I would have thrown going out 2D back at her and told her that she should speak for herself, not others. Some people need to be put in their place. You did her a favor.
For the faithful still in:
Our David, which art in Hemet,
Hallowed be thy Name.
Thy Morgues have come.
Thy stats are half done on earth,
As it’s not in heaven.
Give us this day our daily dread.
And forgive us our trespasses,
As we persecute them that trespass against us.
And lead us not into wogdom ,
But deliver us from Marty.
For thine is the fiefdom,
The power, and we’re sorry,
For ever and ever.

Beautiful, you’re too much
Dave inspires my true religious impulses.
Thanks Zephyr. Alternative line – Hallowed be thy name to shallow be thy game.
MJ wrote:
Thanks Zephyr. Alternative line – Hallowed be thy name to shallow be thy game.
The Chili Peppers!
Right here on Mike’s blog.
In my opinion the case gain available from the left side of the bridge has been decimated by gat. LRH said that training was 50% of the gains, so it was necessary to do both sides in order to get 100%. Well how does this happen exactly? It’s not just the data about the mind, that’s just the beginning. First you learn about the mind, cognite, then you apply it to someone, cognite, then you observe the gains of the other person, cognite, and then review any errors and cognite some more. It’s a very active series of expanding experiences. If you audit someone on communication and hear their cognitions, and then another and another and another, then your viewpoint is expanding and expanding. After auditing 100 people on that subject, your viewpoint is quite expansive and the cool thing about thetans is, none of them are the same. As your application becomes more skilled, the quantity of cognitions in others increases and so does your own. Your perception improves, your comm lag shortens and the difference between the theta and physical universe becomes crisper and more distinct. As ability increases, so does confidence which eventually becomes certainty. Anyone who’s audited knows this does not occur overnight and takes a lot of study and practice. You learn to audit by auditing. There is not a snowballs chance in hell that anyone comes off an auditing course and does it perfectly. Humans are just not perfect. The set up with gag is an invitation to not perceive, by forcing robotic actions on the auditors, by making tech points not made, and enforcing actions regardless of what the pc/preot is doing. This is the death of a session. The unsafe and stressful environment will shut down the ability to tap into perceptions which observe correctly and create cognitions. In order to audit well, you have to do it as a being to another being. You have to perceive and comm and utilize your instincts about what you’re seeing against the data you have and the purpose of what you’re doing. It’s live and live is necessary for auditing to occur. All misuse of ethics aside, an auditing session does need an atmosphere of optimum survival to have optimum results. An auditor who does not have conceptual understanding, (because they were told what it means) or is worried, stressed, not able to address the person in front of them, are afraid, or otherwise not 100% there, will not be successful. The whole of gag has bypassed the beings who are going to do the job. As usual in the rcs, beings are not important. There are no standard thetans and there is no auditing without them.
Beautifully expressed Hallie Jane.
Yes, beautifully expressed Hallie. Actually the point of GATs 1 & 2 were to deliberately lose the experience of all those tech trained people gained over the years, mostly it seems from malice and envy. Witness the destruction and denigration of the Class 12s. The statement “the blind leading the blind” was a snide 1.1. comment because he knew he could never be a part of that group due to his own personality traits. He doesn’t even know what an F/N is! But actually all one had to do was get trained and shut up and listen a bit to people who had done it, but that was beyond his inferiority complex. His statement of “the blind leading the blind” is of course his justification in destroying or attempting to destroy that group, although they could and probably will rise again like a Phoenix.In fact they are already there, not just waiting in the wings but doing. These people don’t “go away”. I sit in rooms with Class 12s and Class VIs, auditing and cramming people and not hitting them over the head if they make an error or two. Real Scientologists are the greatest revolutionaries of all time.
Right on Foolproof!
“Greatest revolutionaries”? Strangely enough, I don’t remember any of the major figures in the American, French, or Russian Revolutions as being homophobic genocidal bigots (other than Stalin), like “real Scientologists” are.
“All time” Espiando means in this sense not just the past couple of hundred years. Ok now? No, not really eh? What are you on about this time? Can you direct your bile somewhere else? Ex Scientologist Message Board would love someone like you! “Homophobic” is probably correct for some Scientologists but not the majority and as to “genocidal” – where does that idea spring from?
ESMB is too wimpy for me. Always has been. If you think it’s hostile, that’s how far you’re still in the bubble. You should have experienced WWP when it was still Enturbulation back in ’08. Your mind would have been blown permanently. I loved that place before it turned wussy.
The charge of “homophobic” and “genocidal” both come from the same place: the definition of 1.1 in Science of Survival. I don’t know how you can interpret “eliminate, quietly and without sorrow” in any other way. And if you don’t regard homosexuality as deviant and in need of elimination, aren’t you out-KSW?
This is not going anywhere. You two will never see the same thing the same way. One of you sees the glass half full and the other sees it half empty. I appreciate both of your views and willingness to take the time to write, but you should by now recognize there is not much chance you will change each other’s mind.
Hallie Jane,
You got it!
Vee Haaf Ways of Making you talk ,Ya !
GAT 2 is very Good for you,He,He,He.
Increase your status now for Herr COB
or you will “not get audited” on the Eastern Front in your underwear.
Vee Haff Vays of Making You WALK…….
Vee Haff Vays of Making You BALK……
“The mafia are sloppy amateurs in the protection racket business when compared to scientology.”
Mike, great article, but I disagree with this, the mafia knows that to keep getting money from a business, that business has to be kept alive. The rcs doesnt even know this, it happily goes along killing field auditors, missions, orgs, AOs and finally Flag, a good mafia man would spit on them for their incompetence!
If you look at it from the angle that the dwarf’s (DM) FIRST goal is to destroy Scientology as it would behove a real SP and getting very well rewarded in doing so, then it adds up nicely.
Otherwise I think you are correct re the business practices of the Mafia. They DON’T kill the ‘golden goose’.
There is so much here that just sends me right back to the good old days of the last mass exodus. It’s all there. But what’s different this time is the very line that to me is the only evidence I need that the abusive insanity is coming to a screeching halt:
“It’s like a trapped rat, gnawing off its legs in a desperate attempt to avoid the inevitable, but in the process hastening the end as it bleeds out from its self-inflicted wounds.”
When former OSA starts exuding vivid poetry like that, recovery and healing for us all is just around the corner.
I light of the posted image:
Oy vey!
Oy fucking vey on steroids! Cat Daddy, now that was some funny shit!
Dave’s OLs are Adolf and Mao.
I think Atilla the Hun and Caligula is right in there with them.
And let’s not forget that old standby Genghis Khan.
Management by sycophants, fear and mushrooms:
GAG II can be continuously implemented by Miscavige, even though it is a complete and utter failure. This is because of a bubble inside a bubble inside a bubble. The 1st bubble, his closest staff, are sycophants that praise his every move. In the 2nd bubble, the core administrative staff, have more data about the failure of GAG II, but they keep quiet for fear of getting killed for delivering the failure message. The 3rd bubble, the general staff and Scn public, are given the “mushroom treatment”: they are kept in the dark and fed bullshit…
There used to be a 4th PR bubble for the general public, but thanks to Mike and many other whistle blowers , that bubble is gone…
The whole thing’s about to burst.
“Reality is fundamentally agreement. What we agree to be real is real.”
L. Ron Hubbard
One nice thing is in Miscavige’s attempt to clean up the field; he will aid and speed up the demise of his reign.
His cleaning up the field will turn his few remaining allies into enemies. But he’s so good at that.
He wrote the book on it…
Thank you very much for posting this. I don’t contribute to this blog very often, but I read it first thing each morning, no matter where I am, sometimes several times to read all of the fantastic comments.
I was in that cult for 30 years, out now for 2. The tiny mission here of mostly all old timers didn’t appreciate that I and another couple left and of course disconnected from us. I actually felt sorry for those still in that they would not look.
After this posting, I have no more sympathy. That’s it, I’m done. This is so “in your face” blatantly obvious there are serious crimes and I don’t get it. Yes, it took me 30 years and I invalidated my knowingness many years ago when I “knew” there were out points and I stayed. Ugh!!
So glad I’m out and so glad I did LSD!
Thanks Mike for everything you are doing.
OSD, I am inviting myself to your party…
Sheila, I insist you come to OUR party! And like you, when an in-your-face SO mission came to recruit at the Honolulu mission, I was targeted. So glad I did LSD in college. Now that’s good use of a drug!
Also, so very, very happy you’re out! Thirty years is a long time, dear. May your life, from this moment on, be filled with love, joy, happiness, health and prosperity & especially peace of mind.
You stated you don’t contribute to this blog very often. Well, I’m sure the rest of us would love it if you did. Being in for 3 decades, you’ve seen quite a bit. When and only when you feel up to it, tell us your story. You are among friends.
Peace & Blessings to you, Sheila…
OSD, what a wonderful note…yes, one day I will tell my story. I really love reading your comments. Sure looks like that party is coming soon! Would love to meet you, kid…YAY, LSD.
Mike, With all the pressure on the members to “produce” in an impossible situation, do you think they have a higher risk of suicide as the only way out. I wonder if the Internet information on the CoS may give them a better chance to see they are on a sinking ship and it is not their fault. I bet the upper management use a lot of guilt to motivate it’s members. If they are working in a vacuum, the hopelessness of failure can make someone spiral into severe depression. And if not acknowledged and treated there is a greater chance of suicide. It’s so sad!
Truly suppressive. It’s all stop stop stop and all about the money. What a freaking tragedy of epic proportions.
Good riddance crazy mothers.
Doug, in this case I do believe the use of the word “mothers” constitutes a half word.
“It’s like a trapped rat, gnawing off its legs in a desperate attempt to avoid the inevitable,”
Sometimes the lines just write themselves. Nice prose Mike. All too accurate.
Auditors are no longer the be all and end all of the clampire. It is the IAS and straight ‘donations’. Without good {Lron worshipping, light hypnotic brainwashing} auditors, there will be no new meat. From now on, all auditing will be done at the Idle mOrgs, bastions of servitude to Miscavage. This is real retrenchment, if you can’t pay, you can’t play auditor, or case supervisor or any part of the self help pyramid scam.
‘Public’ $cientologists appear to have intense loyalty to their auditor, how will they respond when ‘floating needle Fred’ can’t audit them anymore? A massive escape of these disaffected clams is in the works. The non-ideal locations are being cut off and set adrift, they aren’t loyalty approved and don’t generate enough money to bother with.
It is always about the cash and the cash flow.
That’s Dave’s deal McCarran. We just follow orders.
The folks at OSA (Office of Supreme Alienation)
Blockbuster comes to mind too.
Mike, out of curiosity, what was your post at this time in 1982?
I was on a project doing the corporate reorganization of the church with Larry Brennan and Lyman Spurlock (I had been at the FSO at that point setting it up as a separate corporation).
My wife had just given birth to our second daughter and I was called to Int to assume a post in WDC.
The week of the SFO Msn Holder incident I recall clearly as I met Miscavige and Co at LAX as they were returning to LA from SFO. I was flying out to Clearwater as my week old daughter had died of SIDs. Shelly Miscavige had woken me up at 4am to tell me the news and I drove to LA to get on the first flight to Clearwater. Miscavige saw me and asked me WTF I was doing at LAX and where I was going. I told him and the others. They expressed obligatory “so sorries” and went on their way.
Mike, my humble condolences for your loss. Such tragedy at that time would have been extremely hard to bear. I admire your fortitude.
Mike, I never knew that you had a infant daughter who died of SIDs. I’m so sorry for your loss. I can’t imagine losing a child like that. And the treatment you received from the dwarf and his minions was probably SOP. Well, they can take their “so sorries” and & shove it up their collective asses.
Geezus Mike, that is too surreal. You have tremendous strength.
Mike, losing your baby like that is heartbreaking. I’m so sorry for your loss and the others you’ve had. Blessings and cheers for you and your new family. May your joys be endless.
So sorry for your loss, Mike. David Miscavige and friends do not do well with the subject of death. Compassion is far too difficult to fathom, let alone actually feel and communicate. Help is thrown to the wind. We, obviously, are far more compassionate and communicative and helpful. We share your loss. Rachel
Very sorry to hear about that, man.
I find the Nazi youth particularly distasteful. I see a lot of post traumatic stress disorder in their future, they will reap what they have sown. Too bad they don’t know how to audit.
Where was it that LRH said, (I’m paraphrasing) Any group that is not enhancing one as a spiritual being is destined to fail?
When I was still in I saw a documentary about China. This was when they were still under communist rule. When I saw everyone marching in lock step, the number of children allowed per family and raised in communal nurserys , the rehabilitation camps, family members ratting each other out for violating the party line, I wept for hours. Then I pulled myself together, pushed it all down and got back on the gerbil wheel.
The exact same thing happened to me when I was, temporarily, working in the Guardian’s office during the initial phases of the “Snow white” operation. My job was to type up all telexes that came in or went out. Some of the ideas were so over the top out-ethics and scary. I was quite upset at first but then I rationalized that the “end justifies the means.” Looking back on those times makes me feel ashamed, somewhat. It also gives me insight on those that are still in.
Thanks Marsha. You captured what a lot of us have felt….
China is still under communist rule…But, the comparisons with what you posted and the cult, is chillingly similar. Scientology has traits of both the Chinese Communists as well as the Nazis.
So is the Cult!
If $cientology continues to implode and the only places left are ghost-town versions of Flag, LA, and maybe London, how will the Demented Dwarf sell that as “straight up and vertical” expansion?
Easy, Visitor! His Dwarfness will simply say, “Our program of straight up and vertical expansion is progressing beyond ANYONE’S wildest imagination!” Then he’ll dare anyone to contradict him. And, of course, if someone ever did, we all know how that would work out. He might even say, “Chanting “Straight up and Vertical over and over again will make you an “Ideal Member” or an “Ideal Staff Member.” I wonder if they have Ideal Toilets in these Idle Morgues?
Now that’s some funny shit!
Pardon me, but their shit -being ideal – would not smell,right?
It smells ideal.
Reminds me of 1982 when the Int Finance Police descended upon the San Francisco Bay Area in droves of Black Uniformed spit polished shined black uniform dress shoes, black gestapo like hats. They first showed up at the San Francisco Foundation Org(on McAllister Street) at night on a Thursday with all the Int Execs in attendance and Interviewing the org execs in customary forced sec check style(3-4 “blasting” interrogatory questions) on one reg or exec. Marc Yaeger grabbing up books by Ruth Minshall or Omar Garrison and any other ‘non-LRH’ books being sold in the bookstore out of the bookstore and throwing them in the dumpster out front. ED Int calling the San Francisco Mission ED to get his ass down to the Org right away for a sec check.
This was just in the first couple of hours. I and other staff were on the fourth floor on staff study doing the pilot of the Key To Life Course. We were all ordered off course(violating “Courses Their Ideal Scene” PL which was a High Crime) to go to the first floor in case the Int Execs needed data from us. Many of us on course were either Day or FDN execs or Day Org regges.
I was “pleasantly” ordered by Guillaume to go to the San Francisco Mission to “get the ED” and bring him down to the org, which I did. The “sec checks” continued long into the night.
The Day org ED, Louis Swartz, was called in to be interviewed and he came in as soon as he was ordered. It was gestapo-like just like what seems to be happening today with Miscabbige’s private SS Storm Troopers(Captain’s Messenger Org).
Soon thereafter several of the staff who had vehicles were enlisted to transport In Fin Police to different sectors of the Bay Area to do their inspections and $10,000/hour audits of Mission’s accounts. Then on to the Mission Holders Conference that hijacked COSMOD into obscurity.
This was truly the beginning of the end of the Co$ as we knew it!
Wish it were on video!
MJ — well, there are about 500+ people who remember exactly what happened and when, including me. I had just finished my last contract months before, but was lucky enough to make it on their Comm Ev list for writing an article in a business magazine that promoted and acknowledged LRH. Can’t imagine what possessed me.
One thing I will never forget. All the Storm Troopers used force and fear to control others. It was 100% threats. Funny thing though, I had never seen, before or since, such a motley crew of disorganized and incompetent people. They had to use force because not one of them had the skill level or TRs to effectively do anything. ‘Thankfully’ there were no Whys to be found or situations to uncover, because none of them had the perceptions or presence of mind to look beyond the body count.
Thanks for that Odd. Sounds like echoes of Torquemada to me.
Pericles, that’s when I got out, in ’82. I was good friends with Bent Corydon and I went out to his Riverside, CA. mission. The “Finance Police” and come and gone. With them, they took all of the Mission’s money. These people were out for blood! 1982 was the start of the Era of the Gestapo. And, of course, it’s NEVER been the same since. Speaking of Gestapo, that sounds like what these SO missions are doing now with field auditors, and auditors in general.
For those not familiar with COSMOD, it stands for Church Of Scientology Missions Of Davis.
The description of the CMO is priceless. It amazed me that we would get a young SO recruit who would come into Bridge Publications wet behind the ears, many with little to no experience in practical Scientology. After a year, if they were “clean” meaning they never had a relationship, or took a chance on anything, they would be promoted to the CMO.
Months later this person would be giving the CO of Bridge Publications orders. At that time it was Lis Astrupgaard, OEC/FEBC with 25 years experience running a Class V Org and Bridge Publications.
Zero understanding of the issues at hand, but perfect for Dave’s micromanagement. They were drilled not to be friendly with the staff as they were above the peons who actually did the work there.
My final memory at Bridge was being at my desk working. I was 51 at the time and needed reading glasses. The senior messenger saw me working and told me to “stop dramatizing being old” and told me to take off my glasses.
I look back and laugh at the absurdity. At that point, I just tried to avoid these people and move around them in an effort to produce something.
Reminds me of when I was the course supervisor at Guardians Office Worldwide. We could never get Herbie Parkhouse (Deputy Guardian Finance) to come on course. He was so “busy and important” that he could only study in his office. Ends up that he needed glasses to read a course pack and didn’t want to be seen with glasses, as this was an indication that he had overts.
I still have overts and wear reading glasses, but am happy in Hawaii. Go figure.
But at least you are no longer dramatizing being old….
Thanks Mike.. in retrospect maybe I took his advice. Spent all last weekend learning how to surf with a kayak out in front of my house. By the way Mike, invitation is still open for a visit. Surf’s up.
Thanks Mark. We will make it some day. We’ve done Texas and London. Hawaii next…
I had LASIK surgery to get rid of all my overts. It was cheaper than a confessional.
Mark, your story is priceless. I love the “stop dramatizing being old”. Too funny.
Confessional, meaning sec check. All this talk about ASHO days reminded me of the time I was there at the Temple St. ASHO doing the then called Confessionals Course.
That was hilarious Bela!
Ha Ha!! thanks for the tip Bela, I will have to get rid of my overts too!
Hey Mark! Hawaii has been my home, off and on, since 11959. My family was there from 1890 until about 7 years ago. I was on staff at the Honolulu mission. Are you on Oahu?
Ok, ok! I know! I know! One to many 1’s! I get it! Hey, ‘senior moments’ rule my life now.
I live on the ocean.. Kalakaua Ave near the Outrigger/Elks club.
Mark McKinstry
Great story Mark and so true and multiplied manyfold in my life as an SO member.
As a veteran could you please do me the favor of getting in touch with me?
Having recently read Jung Chang’s biography of Mao Zedong Mao: The Untold Story I find your tale of the reading glasses utterly chilling. The more I study the Hubbards, Maos and Kims of the world, the more I see that they are all cut from very similar cloth. As for your new beachfront existence, I’m glad that you found a new axiom to live by: Living Well Is The Best Revenge.
This article is so packed with material it’s hard to decide which horrific subject to comment on.
Let me take the Briefing Course. It’s been shut down? Oh my! This is so agregious-ASHO was supposed to be thee training Org. The Duke’s of auditing elite was there siren call since forever.
Just sadness.
I was told by Ben Shaw, late 2010 that the SHSBC was being worked on by the leader and would be available in the near future for public extension courses. Don’t ask, never heard or saw another word the following year.
Just another ruse?
Interesting deElizabethan… I’ll believe it when I see it, huh?
Mike.. EEEEEEp did you have to use the analogy of a creepy rat chewing his leg..OMG
Great news. Great post, Mike!
What does it take for a mission to become Ideal? I understand Lake Oswego is opening as an Ideal Mission. Are there Ideal FSMs?
Considering that many missions don’t really exist (some sucker was sold an expensive mission kit), will they have Ideal Post Office Boxes?
Don’t know about that, but the ideal blog for Scientologists and non, is this blog.
I’ve got an Ideal trash Can to throw all that shit into.
That’s an interesting question. I’m going to get an ideal grilled cheese sandwich for lunch and think about it.
Soon there will be Ideal Ideals. It won’t make any sense just like the cult.
I don’t know why but I just feel a tad more ideal than you.
It is a bit like the pigs in Orwell’s 1984 being more equal than the others.
We really need a structure a la IAS to measure our idealness -drip, drip sarcasm not to mislead
any trolls…
Dave’s the ideal tyrant.
Scientology is definitely killing itself.
I ask myself, “when LRH died, the question must have come up ‘Do we keep going and probably fail, or do we get out, and if we do get out, how do we get the money out of the church?’ ”
How was this question answered, they were young SO executives, you can’t tell me that they didn’t talk about it.
And are there any of those executives, that are out now that aren’t well set up financially?
The money is just bleeding out of the church – lawyers, real-estate brokers, construction companies, law case pay offs, ect.
So the money is being successfully gotten out of the church – at a loss but who cares when it’s Billions, and it’s not your money in the first place.
Davie is the scapegoat who, cashed in his chips for a lavish, if dangerous, lifestyle.
Davie could not have taken control all by his awesome self; it’s a coup.
I agree. I think there must be others in the background here. Dave is just crazy enough to be willing to be bait out in front. To be out front and take the fall. But there must be others involved in this whole scam. Someone who had exited Scientology just as I was coming in (around 2001 or 2002) told me that this was the case. A few people had high jacked it. I joined Scientology and got on course anyway and I just filed that information away with a “wait and see” attitude. Now I have finished the “wait” part and I’m looking at the “see” part. Does anyone else have any information about that?
This theory of some broad conspiracy has been put forth here too often for me to respond yet again. You can read about this in Larry Wright’s book, Marty Rathbun’s blog and books and from the “Gang of Five”. It is perfectly feasible this was accomplished by one person, who coopted a lot of others to enable him. In fact, it’s more than feasible, it is the reality of what happened.
Dave’s the fave in the making of slaves.
To look at the evident situation and speculate about it is a distraction. Currently we are at war with Russia. Do we want to win that war and take over Russia? Look at the past wars from 1914 to present time. Did somebody take over England, France, Spain, Germany, Russia, Austria… All those countries still exist. And the people too. So, the goal of all those wars never had been to take over a country. Even if conspiracies had been involved. Somebody or a group of some had started those wars. For what purpose? Evidently not for the purpose people had been told the purpose is.
Same with Scientology. If there had been a conspiracy or not, if David had done it on his own or not is not the question. Now as Scientology had been supposedly taken over what is being done with that win? Basically nothing of any value. (Money is no value these days. If someone wants money he sits on a computer, types in some numbers and has it. You do note even have to go to the printing press. Just type in the desired numbers and hit enter. That is how money is created today)
As a first entrance point here ask yourself the question: “If that take over, war or whatever did not happen, how would the situation now be?” Not the question “if we had won the game, war or whatever” but what had happened without that war in the first place, or without soandso showing up suddenly. Guess about those and similar questions you have more chances to find out the situation behind the scene.
Right Norman…..HE will go after CL V orgs
and take what vestige of auditors they have.
Totally bankrupt the orgs, sell them all for
a tidy profit and then make Flag and LA the
only spots to receive services in the USA…..much better
control. Maybe one central Flag type org in Europe for the
rest of the world.
HE better hurry up and get that Hubbard Hall built as that is
where HE will continue HIS massive events of bloviation.
In the immortal words of Arthur O’shaughnessy:
For each age is a dream that is dying,
Or one that is coming to birth.
Nice MJ. The implosion begins.
The implosion from the erosion is fast approaching.
To me, this has been one of your best reports so far. I have actually enjoyed reading nearly everything you have written but this one really hits the mark and is very accurately descriptive of what is occurring in the RCS.
David Miscavige’s Scientology is doomed and I am extremely thankful for that. Tick Fucking Tock David.
I love your way with words, Dean! “Tick Fucking Tock David.” That should be on a poster at a protest event.
What other kind of event is there anyway?
That’s what I say, too, Dean.
In addition to field auditors and missions, very soon the same problem will be affected by class V orgs, because their auditors that are not “GAT II trained” will not be authorized to audit.
I feel like tooting my own horn here today. I am referring to predictions for scientology that were made on John P’s blog early this year.
I pointed out that the implementation of GAT II would have some very detrimental effects on the field. What we are seeing now is that this is actually happening and if today’s report by Mike is to be believed, it is happening with all the style and flair the the Finance Police brought to the field in ’82.
Staff members have always had a simmering disdain of field auditors and the public in general. SO folks have always had a simmering disdain for staff members. It’s like “my team is better than your team” rather than “we are all playing this game together and we each have a vital role and contribution to make to the whole”. This simmering (or not so simmering) covert hatred is coming to a head.
There are even reports of regges being regged of their commissions as we saw with Quinn Tauffer and his wife ‘moving up in status’. Quinn’s mom, Mary Tauffer (IAS reg) has been noted as a donor in some IAS promo material.
I’m just loving this, not just because of the accuracy of my prediction, but because this is the sort of activity that will insure the demise of the cult. It can’t happen fast enough as far as I’m concerned, but it sounds like the SO missionaires are doing their part to expedite matters. For some reason they have never been able to figure out that a thriving field and mission network are necessary to expand an organization. Instead they are so short sighted because of ‘stat based admin tech’ that they can’t see the future past every Thursday a 2:00. It’s as if Hubbard and his brilliant admin tech is trying to defy the laws of the physical universe. The last time I checked, even lowly wog plumbers know that shit runs downhill.
Ms. B Haven wrote:
“For some reason they have never been able to figure out that a thriving field and mission network are necessary to expand an organization. Instead they are so short sighted because of ‘stat based admin tech’ that they can’t see the future past every Thursday a 2:00. It’s as if Hubbard and his brilliant admin tech is trying to defy the laws of the physical universe.”
Yes, it’s a precise application from L Ron Hubbard’s “Tigers Eat Their Young” School of Business.
I was unable to reply to Ms. B but she said “Staff members have always had a simmering disdain of field auditors and the public in general.”
I noticed that as a public a lot, especially my last event when a person said “won’t it be wonderful to see the day when we are all Sea Org members.” I said well, we do need the public as that’s where the money comes from, no? I was met with a glare that could kill and the negative comment I don’t remember.
I always appreciated the staff in Miami since I couldn’t make that commitment and choose to buy my way and felt it was helping. I guess they can’t see the real picture?
Your prediction is proving provident.
Several folks also pointed out the the Ideal Org strategy was never actually an expansion strategy, but a way to cover the contraction of global Scientology.
The gigantic new FLAG building is a consolidation move…as are the few Orgs that have gone Ideal.
The Ideal Orgs will be the last bastions of Scientology and all services will be delivered from those few places. The shore story is that they are IDEAL and thus the proper place for delivery.
The truth is that Scientology has shrunk so dramatically that all delivery globally can now be handled in a few dozen locations. Everything else is a drain and will be sacrificed.
Scientology is the Sears of the cult world, closing locations everywhere one looks.
Ms. B? You are spot on! I remember the animosity between staff and SO. Scientology is like an armed camp with many factions always battling themselves. I remember hearing about how the SO staff at FLAG would MAKE FUN OF people on OT 7 who had been on that level for years. And that everyone is spying on everyone else, no one is really your friend.
But I am glad they’re doing the work ofs dismantling the cut.
Great post!
+1 Ms B Haven. Well said.
Way to go Miss B Haven! You were right.
My only disagreement with this is your generalization that “Staff members have always had a simmering disdain of field auditors and the public in general. SO folks have always had a simmering disdain for staff members.”
Of course there is some of that, in that this was an aspect of Ron’s beingness that from time to time would ooze out in his policy letters. Remember, us “degraded beings” outnumber the Big Beings 18 to 1!
I was SO staff and CLIV Staff for a combined total of 32 years. I have visited almost all the orgs in EUS, WUS Canada and LATAM. So, I know what I am talking about (I think!). IMHO, I’d say the number of staff members and SO members who regard other staff and Scn public with admiration outnumbers those who regard others with disdain by about 18 to 1 too.
There was resentment from time to time that was preached from “on high” towards others, but this was pretty superficial.
The guys on staff and in the SO who don’t like other people, don’t like each other as well. And they don’t like themselves either.
I would agree with you Dan.
Correct Dan – there were only 2 or 3 that spoiled the place, the unfortunate thing is is that these fools (they were actually dramatizing SPs) were often given power. Most of the rest of the staff got on well with each other.
Dan, I can’t argue with 32 years of experience. All I can do is relate my own experience as someone who was on staff for only a short time at a mission. I would be the first to admit that my views my be skewed and may be mine alone. Here is what I observed. One of my first Red Flags was when i was on the Comm Course or HQS course and there was a notice posted that a certain staff member had completed their contract. (Remember back when there were public notices folks, it used to be regular thing, even posting the much dreaded goldenrod). I naively suggested to a nearby staff member that there should be some sort of public acknowledgement of the departing staff member’s years of service. Boy did I get a sour look. In most organizations, there are even going away parties to celebrate a persons friendship, contribution, hard work, etc. I have NEVER seen this in scientology before or after Hubbard was around. Instead there is a routing form one has to go thru and usually there are heads hung low as people slink thru this procedure. Maybe it is just me, but when someone left or wouldn’t join, there was a pervasive ‘us and them’ attitude amongst staff. This is expressed nicely in KSW where one is expected to be all in, or die in the attempt. This isn’t some sort of fun game we are playing, blah, blah, blah… Staff resented field auditor because field auditors were making a living without having to moonlight, collect food stamps, welfare, shack up 6 to an apartment just to make ends meet. SO resented staff because staff conditions, no matter how bad were better than SO conditions. Staff were perceived as being less dedicated than SO and as such were of lesser status. Exceptions to this were folks who were celebrities or who had considerable sums of money. These people were still looked down on because they weren’t playing as big a game as staff. The reason that I believe this is the case and not just my own projections is because it was thrown out in staff meetings whenever the opportunity arose, and there were a lot of opportunities for this to come up. Like I said, this might just be me. Maybe I was always hanging around the bad apples. I would love to hear what others have experienced.
I’m not say that staff are not dedicated and feel a strong sense of duty, they do. What I am saying is that accompanying that sense of duty is the attitude of ‘higher purpose’ that goes along with it. I think anyone who has ever had anything to do with scientology as public or staff can simply reflect on their own experience of how they felt when someone left. Did you feel joyful? How about envy, anger, abandonment, disgust, remorse, betrayal, or what? These feelings can run the gamut of emotion but my guess is that for most of us joy and happiness for the departing comrade weren’t part of that line-up.
Mike wrote:
“So Dave’s Minions (the CMO — COB’s Messenger Org) are rummaging around in LA Org to find the SP. Apparently they fixed their steely gaze upon the Senior C/S Andy Seidler (son of George and brother of Melanie Seidler Murray). Of course he was recruited for staff with promises of a reduced schedule due to some health issues, and he was also told he would be allowed to keep some field pcs he already had to supplement his income. Now they are suddenly aghast at the brazen out ethics he is involved with. So, he is under Comm Ev and LA Org is sure to boom as a result.”
As Class 8s with direct connections to LRH, Andy and Melanie (and George) were all targeted during GAT 1. I watched it first hand and tried to do whatever I could for them. What I saw during GAT 1 contributed to my leaving Scientology in the late 90’s.
Obviously, once again, Andy is a “bird dog” right there in the middle of the org!!
Andy is a second generation Scientologist. All he knows is his father’s retail book business (now bankrupt and closed) and Scientology.
I really feel bad for these guys.
If you feel bad now, consider WTF these kool aide mixers and servers are going to do after the collapse.
Let’s see, perhaps put together a resume to get a job. No, better to go see Craig Jensen since he knows I’m an upstat Ex SO and he will hire me. Oops, there is a line there of over 100 Ex SOs and he won’t pay crap. Hmmm …..well I could apply for public assistance and shack up over in the garage behind AO. Well, I better get a resume’ together….lets see….. 20 years as a member of the elite corps called the Sea Organization, that should help. Let’s see, what skills do I have? I could do a Human Resource Job at a big company, I have the skills for that. Lets see, I can be totally on purpose, I can be tough and rough and I can chew out anyones ass who needs it, I’m fuckin awesome at anything I do cause I’ve been in the SO and I can send any mother fucker down the road who is a slacker ……. I’m worth a bundle to these guys…….I can even do who and why finding and clean up these loser businesses and hell, I can even do surveys. Let’s see, which one of these crappy wog companies am I going to bless with my abilities?
I have been wondering about Craig Jensen. I don’t see his name on the recent Ideal Orgs donors lists and the last fancy magazine didn’t seem to be showing pictures of the front row at events anymore.
OMG, so true and funny Coop. It’s too pitiful to laugh at though.
I imagine if Bart was hit up for being the whale blubber donor for Valley that Craig was also approached. If he has any sort of business acumen then he KNOWS the RCS is whacked on the subject of donos.
So maybe he balked a bit on coughing up the additional 3.2 million that Quinn needs and Gavin decided to Sec Check him and make sure his Happiness Rundown didn’t need a redo. If so, that might have dampened his enthusiasm for events!
Now you don’t think that Craig may have checked out the internet do you?
Better get on this one ASAP. If you lose your grip on Craig, the rest of us are soon to be having a major party near the beach! He will take a lot of other whales with him you know.
OR, Coop, the XSO member could be thinking: WTF! I was in a militant, brainwashing cult for 30 fucking years! I never went to college. Haven’t had a checking account for 30 years. Don’t really know what’s going on in the world. My IQ has defiantly declined in great measure. What am I really good? Well, I’ve been a good punching bag for the leader of the cult. Let’s see, I can survive on beans and rice for years at a time. I’m obedient to the core. If need be I can work on 3 to 4 hours of sleep. Hmmm, what else? OH! Who am I kidding! I’m fucked! And not in a good way either!
Sounds like a good resume for a bouncer!
Anf if there really really is no bad ass around that can be bounced or can be ‘suspected of being a bad ass’ -like a ‘suspected terrorist’ then he can do surveys.
Coop, Craig Jensen sold his company Diskkeeper (aka Executive Software) and moved to FL. Maybe he sold it cuz of losing that big court case, class action lawsuit by some of his employees who said he forced them to do Scn things on the job and to keep the job. He lost that one.
I also wonder why we haven’t seen Craig Jensen much in the Scn press? And he used to be the head of the OTC at Pasadena Org. I don’t see his name on the list of OTC members at Flag when Mike publishes those minutes. Could it be he has done a little reading on the internet?
Much of the time that I was on staff and in the SO, I felt very proud of my dedication to the movement and proud of my commitment. I thought that these were two of the most important aspects of BEING a Scientologist, just like out of the Promotion and Motivation HCO PL, where DUTY is the highest motivation. I am sure there are many here who felt likewise.
The Seidler family! What an absolutely amazing group of people. If there were ever to be an “Ideal” Family award (but from a REAL distinction of what is value and not this gobs-of-cash and buildings viewpoint), it ahould have been given to the Seidler family. George’s love of the tech and commitment, Melanie and Andy’s continuing friendliness and commitment to serve; that sort of involvement is worth a million other people’s half-hearted membership.
I think that this might be the final blow for the Seidlers. They have each taken some very heavy blows in the past, but they each just stood up, brushed off their clothes and Terminator-like, marched on again.
I am tempted, but I won’t push the metaphor further! My heart goes out to Andy. I am certain that, in his 40+ years of commitment, his number of pcs unselfishly helped is in the hundreds or thousands. There will be many who hear about this and who will decide they have had enough.
It was with my personal experiencing of similar injustices that I finally said “good-bye” to that group. Perhaps this will be a sufficient slap to the face that Andy and Melanie will be brought out of their hypnotism.
Andy is one of the nicest, most competent guys I have ever met. I hope the little nazi youth corps come after him with guns blazing and he finally decides he’s had enough. That would be the best thing that could happen for him.
Oh, the joy at contemplating punching out one of those little fucks! Sorry Jesus.
+ 100
it’s all so strange.
people who aren’t there doing stuff that never happens.
LOL…’re such a poet WhiteStar! You say a lot with few words.
Wow, WhiteStar! That twisted up my mind! This could be a mantra for the cult: “People who aren’t doing stuff that never happens.” It almost sounds like it’s from Alice In Wonderland. Whew! I need a glass of Merlot right about now…
Hmmm, a new chapter for the Twilight Zone….
Does the following definition resonate?
In modern terminology ‘witch-hunt’ has acquired usage referring to the act of seeking and persecuting any perceived enemy, particularly when the search is conducted using extreme measures and with little regard to actual guilt or innocence.
It resonates beyond belief, MJ. That’s a perfect definition of what what’s happening RIGHT NOW.
Nice post…
If it isn’t gruesome it isn’t scientology incorporated…….
LOL!! +! Tom…………………so true.
Observe carnage; look for RCS MAA nearby.
Yo Jasmin,
Have you done a forced disconnection or broken down any families this week? No? Are you running out of public to practice on there at the Flag MAAs office?
Yup, she’s another piece of work. But then so many just go into the valence of … well, someone mean.
Nice Tom! I like it! “If it isn’t gruesome, it isn’t scientology Inc.” That could become the new mantra. I’d love to see that message on a banner at a protest sometime. That’s as good as “Scientology is Over!”
The mafia protection racket does know one simple fact that CoS doesn’t: You can’t get milk and steak from the same cow.
Interesting business model, killing both the supply side and the demand side while squeezing every last dime out of those still in.
I know the Nazi analogy is trite, but the hoarding of cash, purging the higher levels and making the troops die in the field sounds too much like somebody’s getting ready to skip.
Can the fleecewinds actually make it to Argentina?
Bystander, you just said what I was going to post. So let me tag along with you. I’ve always thought that the cult had traits of both Communism (the group is all the member is nothing) and Nazism (destruction of people they deem not worthy of living). This is the “Perfect Storm’ of really bad shit. But this is the template of scientology. And it can only lead to one thing: Their eventual annihilation…
Right. Build up capacity while eliminating work-in-process inventory. It makes the same amount of sense as closed public events (such as ribbon-cutting ceremonies).
It’s a really exceptionally well put together article, that exactly lays it on the line. Excellent observational reporting. Building tens of millions of dollars worth of buildings while strangling all means of production (auditing), and at the same time eliminating demand for auditing and training. Really, it’s genius running the Co$ into the ground – just the minor little snafu about it being backwards.
Such happy news.
Scientology must be one of the few places on earth where annihilating/removing people is considered THE solution to a bad scene.
“They, (RTC and CMO and DM) wipe out working installations; denigrate people of good will who are actually trying to make things work in a bad situation, and march off with no responsibility for the wreckage they leave in their wake.”
Your source has that right. Well said. Mike thank you for this explosive and important article. I am still stunned. But it shows more than ever how the church is consuming itself and the end is near.
$camtology is on the path laid out by The Nazi’s “Final Solution,” but unlike the Nazi’s, CoS is engaged in annihilating/removing its own people first.
Even the Nazis weren’t that DUMB!
In the cult, the SP has always been the one initiating the witch hunts, e.g., the clown at the top!
Bye-bye Davey, bye-bye LRH
Couldn’t be happening to a nicer, more friendly group of folks. Thanks for the great reporting Mike.
Can’t wait for the party at OSDs house.
Yo Dave,
Better get on over to ASHO and LA Org to see what the problem is. When I did my BC at ASHO in 1977 there were over 200 public on the course. Twins were everywhere and we even managed to audit with one of those meters in a wooden box ………………. approved by your Commodore. You are doing one piss poor job of expanding the Cult good buddy, what with all of your idealness and new stuff it should be a breeze.
OK, well I’m going to contact some of my old classmates on the BC and see if I can stir some more shit for you. Have another nice one Davey. BTW, how were those 2:00PM stats yesterday? And for those of you over at OSA checking this out……………..are you getting the idea yet that your scene is frickin TOAST?
Yes Cooper, we at OSA realize the end is near but don’t have anything else to do, and didn’t that Hubbard guy say something about any game is better than no game?
MJ, I have to admit that I REALLY love watching them play the game of Total Destruction! I can NEVER get enough of it! Go team go!
I have had enough of it. There is enough suffering going on in the world without America’s North Korea contributing to it under the guise of creating a “better world”.
When are you guys at OSA going to learn that the suppression is coming from the top. It is really obvious.
Coop, go get ’em! Stir the shit well! And, yes, I’ll bet yesterday at 2pm was a real fun time at all 11,000 churches, missions and groups! If the wind is just right, you can actually hear weeping all over Teegeeack…
I believe that a large part of what has gone wrong in Scientology (going back well before LRH passed) is the “who finding” that goes on over and over and over again. And that “who finding” never results in a reversion of stats.
Boo who.
Simple, you’re right on the money! You hit the ‘Bulls Eye!’ The sociopath dwarf, of course, could NEVER conceive he’s the “WHY.” So, that just means the REAL WHY has yet to be found. And come Hell or high water, he’s going to find the SP that’s CI to him. Mind you, he may have to go through thousands of staff and SO members (declaring them all) until he finally finds the CSCISP. And, when he realizes that all the stats are STILL crashing, well, simple, he’ll start all over again. And again. And again. And again.
Truly the beast is consuming itself…
Get out your party hats, OSD. :o)
Simple – quite right! Who Finding has been a national sport for the last few thousand years. It’s real easy to point a finger and shout – “it’s her fault!” From an evaluator’s perspective it’s lazy and unforgivable and points to a lack of conceptual understanding of what the Data Series is all about. You’re always trying to find out what was done – what actions caused an effect — good or bad. That Johnny was the Treas Sec when stats went up, is good to know, but what did he do?!
Who Finding, A Witch Hunt, the Spanish Inquisition, all games played by those with an ulterior motive – to harm or destroy.
It is like a 3rd Dynamic self audit, goes nowhere.
With NO Briefing Course, no Class VIII and particularly with NO delivery of the Data Series Evaluator’s Course and auditors being forbidden to accept a ‘good hat’ as a PTS item, this judgemental “game” of pointing the finger at the wrong person can indeed go on until the last shred of the Scientology Titanic has
gone under water.
… and then there were none.
Good one Mike…that’s my sweet little MAA at Flag…perfect!
“The CMO always reminds me of the Sierre Leone child soldiers, the Khmer Rouge, and the Hitler youth. They have complete literal certainty and absolutely no judgment, consciousness or awareness of what they are doing. They wipe out working installations; denigrate people of good will who are actually trying to make things work in a bad situation, and march off with no responsibility for the wreckage they leave in their wake.”
Your posted quote is spot on. As I sat there looking at my MAA in my final minutes at the top Org on the planet, I had this thought exactly. He wasn’t CMO, but he had complete certainty that Scientology was the fastest growing religion on the planet and that I and people like me had to be stopped. He pulled in my son and showed him all the “relevant” HCOB’s to convince my son that I was an SP and once he convinced my son of the “truth” of that and got him to disconnect from me, he had no compassion (“consciousness or awareness”) and “no responsibility for the wreckage” he and his ilk were leaving in their wake.
What a great post today, Mike; thank you. There is so much of this I witnessed in my long tenure as part of this group. It truly is coming to a head and gives me hope that I will see my son again soon.
You will McCarran. He’ll need your help to get his head straight. Stay strong.
I recall ASHO of the late 70s (GAG 0). Always around 300 on the briefing course. (did Big Blue ever have that many?) Long lines of 6 foot folding tables end to end with students shoulder to shoulder. Bustling fun place to be. Yeah, there was the weekly Wednesday stat push (students staying up late or all night), but it didn’t change the spirit of the place. Not enough room in there to change your mind. Not enough room in there for a reg to walk in and pester anyone…..hey! I think I’m onto something!
I was on the BC and Specialist Courses in the 80’s and it was bustling just like you said it was in the 70’s. So now ASHO doesn’t even have a BC??? That was the whole function and purpose of ASHO. And AOLA doesn’t even have the Class VIII Auditor Course? Wow. Almost unbelievable.
And Andy Seidler is a sweetheart. He is one heck of a trained CS and has been CSing since the 80’s or earlier. His sister, Melanie Seidler Murray, was a CMO to Ron himself and is herself highly trained and the dad, George, is a big deal Scn and sweetheart too. The CMO and RTC take the most highly trained, best people who are still willing to try to make it work under horrible conditions, and take them down. Oh the carnage! So if they take out Andy, let’s just see if stats go up as a result. It is just more wrong targeting which is what a suppressive person and group will do. It’s a crying shame.
If they declare Andy, which my guess is they will, (even though he is NOT SP and is a good guy), I hope in that case he comes to the Indie world and uses his talents here. He will make more money auditing pcs here than he ever did in the church. Andy, jump in, the water’s fine and you can make a good living CSing and auditing pcs in the Indie world and you can use Standard Tech without having squirrel tech shoved down your throat. Go to your Comm Ev and tell them to shove it and then just shove off and leave the squirrel church.
Well put Cindy.
Yep, second that!
I think you are! The statement that ASHO is no longer delivering the Briefing Course is an astounding statement. This ALONE tells you the condition of the rcs is treasonous and dire.
Yep Hallie Jane, you’re right. And if Andy Seidler gets declared, I wonder if Melanie Murray will disconnect from her dear little bro. Probably so. Another family broken up. Now that stat for the church is straight up and vertical. By their products you will know them.
As I may have mentioned earlier Cindy, the only thing straight up and vertical is Davey’s sexual fantasy as Don Juan.
Yes, that’s right, MJ, but it is only fantasy for DM because he can’t perform in real life. And size does matter and he ain’t got it.
Are you saying he’s got no balls?
A great post, Mike. This is a really good summary of exactly what is going on. Our efforts to expose the truth of Scientology and get the word out is valuable and we are doing our part to end the scourge of RCS, but there’s little we can do to compete with what a good job RCS is doing to destroy itself. As I said in my very first video, it is in RCS’s very DNA to destroy itself and that is exactly what we are witnessing.
The funny thing is, the solutions to how to handle this have been stated over and over again on this and other blogs – it doesn’t have to be inevitable that they take themselves down. And it’s not like people in the Church don’t read this stuff. But as was stated here: “They have complete literal certainty and absolutely no judgment, consciousness or awareness of what they are doing. They wipe out working installations; denigrate people of good will who are actually trying to make things work in a bad situation, and march off with no responsibility for the wreckage they leave in their wake.” That has to be the most accurate description of the CMO (and RTC Reps) I have ever seen.
Is there a difference between RCS and Standard Scientology?
I think the reason Scientology is in a “death spiral” has to do with the DNA of the subject itself, as you so eloquently describe, and the ever growing exposure given it by you, Mike and others.
Any subject founded on lies, like Scientology, will, in time, be destroyed by truth.
Sunlight is the best disinfectant, as Brandeis observed.
Poor sod.
Back in the 70’s Scientology was booming, with presumably the same DNA, and being involved in it was mostly an uplifting experience. I believe the unending series of destructive actions by the dwarfenfuhrer stem from his character. The little runt is an over-the-top sociopath, and can’t help squashing everyone and everything around him in order to maintain the ‘elevated’ status he’s sure he is entitled to. In his twisted one-dynamic mind, he is surviving better than those around him, therefore his actions must be pro-survival, right?
Just a theory here — I happen to think that the important difference between Hubbard and Miscavige as regards the (mis-) management of the church is that the little guy just has a lot more energy and focus, and thus his policies are more thoroughly destructive. Source’s direct involvement in day-to-day management was more haphazard, and thus less damaging.
Spot on, Mike.
CMO IS practicing standard admin.
Back in the 60s and 70s, LRH was still around and had the right to change his mind (as well as kidnap children, torture people, and make death threats, etc…) He could turn ona dime and blame it on others and could never be questioned. DM has no choice but to apply Hubbard’s poisonous, mendacious and evil tech as written. He can’t come up with new stuff, so people are forced to by the same shit sandwich in a new wrapper every few years.
Miscavige’s fault? Partly, certainly, but Hubbard never gave a damn what happened to the church and his misguided minions when he left; He got his, and just wanted his Author Services Organization around to make sure he stayed famous.
Scientology was created to rip off suckers, and is still doing its job, only people are better informed and have more choices today. The Net would have handed Hubbard his fat ass just as quickly… If it seems better when you were younger, well, the girls were prettier, the water was sweeter, and the sand around your head was softer then, wasn’t it?
Chris your summation of ““They have complete literal certainty and absolutely no judgment, consciousness or awareness of what they are doing. They wipe out working installations; denigrate people of good will who are actually trying to make things work in a bad situation, and march off with no responsibility for the wreckage they leave in their wake.”
This is bang-on. I had many, many experiences of this. When I joined staff last time round (I know – sucker for punishment) this is exactly what happened – CMO Mission arrived, ripped the Org Board to pieces (anyone heard of musical chairs?), showed us how to “inflate out states” (including counting ext course as BIS), and completely ignored the form of the org. They even went through PC folders to find “buttons” to use on recruit prospects – witnessed by myself and 2 other staff. I nick-named them the “Dis-Establishment” mission. The beginning of the very long end for Joburg Org……. it has never recovered.
Ah the sweet morning song of Scientology strangling. ASHO without the Briefing Course! LOL – new name needed.
Thanks Mike for keeping us abreast on the state of the church of Scientology. If someone would have told me when I first got in that these current practices would be standard operating procedure, I would never have believed them in a million years.
Excellent article Mike. And so succinctly put. Sometimes I wonder if we here in the Indy/SP/defrocked apostates zone need do anything at all to keep rubbing their noses in it.
We can just sit back and watch the monster devour itself. They are doing an excellent job!
Gobble, gobble.