The secret of the GAG II Purif has leaked out.
The “new tech” incorporated into the “GAT II Purif” is a VITAMIN DISPENSER and BLUE AND WHITE UNIFORMS (wrapped in plastic).
This is MAJOR.
No doubt the SP’s that originally transcribed the Purif materials and left these vital elements out have been assigned to re-do their Purif 100 times and then run around a pole for eternity (they are SP’s, they deserve it).
And meanwhile, the good lemmings are filing in for their uniforms and lining up at the vitamin dispenser. A report just in yesterday spotted John Allender flattening his unhandled drugs at Los Gatos sort of Ideal Org. I guess his drug flashbacks were getting the better of him….
Here are some recent promo pieces that show off the new uniforms nicely. The top one also contains the “New Super Quantium Ultra Vitaminomatic” that speeds up the Purif by 50X.
The successes are rolling in, with these uniforms there are just no barriers to moving up the bridge faster than ever!
I wonder if you are forced to wear the uniforms. Anyone know?
When I did my 2 purif’s, I had to wash many clothes and wear multiple outfits during whole thing. I know ONE outfit isn’t enough (after one 5-hour sitting, those clothes will stink!) I would think they would be charging for multiples and making you wear the uniform. If not, then that’s a plush
Anyone know the deal?
I’m waiting for the lime green headband and neon orange fanny pack to complete the ensemble. It’s gag couture.
And don’t forget those cute running shoes Hallie. I think they’re called Air Slave, er, I mean Air Dave.
Haha! How about “going nowhere”?
Mike, forgive me for not knowing this, but is “New Super Quantium Ultra Vitaminomatic” really what it is called? It reminds me of the famous “Vitameatavegamin”:
No, I just made it up.
Just like Davey, eh? 😉
Wow just found some lost Tech!! When you run around the pole you should have your
sweat suit on and you can purify and causeify at the same-time, and since this can only
be done at Flag, Dear Leader can double the price!!
Real cause can only be found at Flag. Real purification can only be realized by doing
the cause resurgence RD at Flag. Universe Clearing finally realized!!!!
Ooh… vitamin buffet… yum?
Harry Wong is really on purpose. He is reading a (I guess a basic) book while in the sauna.
I did the Purif short after my army service. Running outside in the winter. With army boots (as staff I had not much money). The public sauna was not a good idea. Every time a really beautiful women entered I had to go out. (I did not know how to stay cool in such events) [an overdose of niacin can cause blood vessels to expand. The red skin is an indicator. The flush syndrome.]
At least all my alcohol events during my service ran out.
I had a great LSD flashback on the original sweat out program. Fortunately that was before having to wear a rubberized suit. Running in the English country side… can’t beat that for extroversion!
Now I am confused, they are now wearing a uniform IN the sauna??? Really?
If that is true this is going to go over really well, like a lead balloon. In Europe we did the sweating naked of course like everybody else there. It was bad enough having to wear swim wear on the 2nd Purif in the US.
Both Purifs had good results.
When I saw this photo of the Purif credenza today early on I figured people on the Purif were maybe supposed to wear this while exercising only. Who gets blue? Who gets white? Is it a mix of blue and white?
Maybe white for upstat with hours in the sauna and blue when downstat??
Somebody please help me out here.
Wait a minute: a vitamin… DISPENSER? This is…TECH? And its called a “vitaminomatic” Mike, this is a joke, right? It has your humor stamped all over it. In any case, it has triggered my memory of a funny old “I Love Lucy” episode wherein she and Ethel get jobs pitching “VitaMetaVegamins” on television. Talk about tech.. Maybe this is what the Purif needs. Maybe this can be Captain M’s next solution to Planetary Clearing.
Hey, give DM the benefit of the doubt again. These might be special uniforms specially designed and manufactured from special materials which suck drugs directly out of the skin and hold them until washed out with a special detergent specially designed to remove them from the special material when it is washed.
The writeup for this innovation may have been discovered behind some furniture in the Motorhome that Ron lived in before he passed away. These uniforms might be vital for completing a standard Purification Rundown. After all they were approved by the “Ecclesiastic Leader” of all of Scientology!
Robot conditioning drill: 1. Never doubt Dave. 2. Do whatever he says.
I wanted to post this comment as a reply to remoteviewed but can’t and put it
at the end.
Here the results of his great scientific research about LSD.
After he examined 2 people he JUST KNEW EVERYTHING about LSD cases and Labeled 1000ds of people as Zombies.
The proofs are the Rollings Stones, the Beatles and all those great Artists from
this area, which most are still alive today, in very good health and very succesful,
even they are Zombies and never did the prurif.The greatest artists of the 20th century are or were LSD Cases (Zombies) !
Also he knew more about the discovery of LSD then ayone else. It was discovered in 1943 by a swiss called Hoffmann
who finally died at the age of 102 as a Zombie. Only LRH knew that he was a Nazi.
HCOB LSD; Years after they Come Off
Characteristics of persons who have been on it from examination of 2 cases:
1) They are disassociated—meaning they are separate from anything they are
2) Whatever occurs has nothing to do with him.
3) Not responsible for their own action or anything else and it doesn’t occur to
them that they ever should be.
4) Their emotions are shut off to a greater or lesser extent.
5) Consequences mean little or nothing to them.
6) They are stupid.
7) Normal actions that another can do easily get mucked up by them.
8) They are unpleasant to associate with.
9) They are de-humanized and can be vicious or irrationally cruel.
Apparently they have become a sort of a vegetable or a zombie to a greater or
lesser degree.
The LSD apparently stays in the system and is liable to go into action again giving
them unpredictable “trips.” Which could be quite fatal while driving and even walking
A Drug Rundown which has to include LSD cannot be considered complete until they have been
sweated and given liquids and exercised for months as well as heavily audited. They
can recover with auditing and this handling, but it won’t be very fast.
I took LSD once….I have no idea if it
ran out during the Purif….but I did feel
pretty good when I finished.
As far as the rock musicians of the ’60’s
and ’70’s go how do we know they all took
LSD….they could have said they did as a PR move
because it was popular to do back then.
Hell look at Mick Jagger….my god that guy’s
body is the same size now as it was in the early
’60’s. I don’t see how anything could stay in that
skinny body for very long. There are many musicians
from that era who aren’t alive and healthy….two Beatles,
I think all of the Four Tops, Jimmy Hendrix, drummer from
Led Zepplin, two of the original Temptations, Jim Morrison,
Cass Elliot, Janis Joplin….I can go on and on. Some of them died as the
result of drug overdoses or excessive alcohol use.
I don’t think using living, healthy musicians from the ’60’s as an example
to why the Purif does not work is a good analogy.
There are some recent success stories posted on Vimeo the links are below to me they are very sad. One guy that they roped in who had left and the first man who appears to not have a full grasp of reality right now. I mean the first elderly gentleman is just realizing now that he is, “a good man”.
Personally I think it starts with those hypnotic & quite possibly dangerous TR’s. When this all comes tumbling down I think it really going to be sad.
Taylor, you are right. They are sad. It’s waffle, waffle. I couldn’t listen for long.
I consider the TR’s to be quite useful
and not dangerous at all. I can see how
they might be hypnotizing if you don’t
understand their purpose and are robotically
doing them.
They should have surveyed me. Do they do that anymore?
I want :
A twin. I know you don’t have one. After the initial wave of John Allenders your gross cheap vitamins will rot in their bins.
A single hatted purif I/C.
A shower and place to change. A locker is nice.
Maybe towel service like at a nice gym? I don’t know, there are probably twenty other things before I would get to vitamin dispensers and uniforms.
Some additional promotional shots have been added displaying the uniforms on models and showing the vitaminomatic in use on a real live Purif set.
Those promo shots are beyond funny. Anyone who believes that’s what their Purif is going to look like is going to be sorely disappointed. How many active Scientologists look like that in those uniforms? Show of hands here. Bob and Trish Duggan riiiiiiiiiiiiiiight. Name any whale who would look like that, any SO member, hell, any average Joe. At least they won’t have to reshoot those photos when the people blow since they were never in.
Reminds me of the promo for the Freewinds.
From that promo I thought going there would
be fun and nice little vacation. I was never happier
to leave a location in my life than when I was in the
cab pulling away from that boat.
Nowadays all their promo is nothing more than
smoke and mirrors.
Uniforms? Every day I read this daily blog and I am amazed that parishioners put up with this.
Surely, one would consider, they have mixed feelings and thoughts about the consequences of no longer participating in the “nonsense.”
I received good wins from my purif,
This is really “silly” to have parishioners wear a uniform.
I believe I paid $1,000 for the puff 25 years ago at the Clearwater mission.
How much does it now cost?
Deniece ….. it costs more now.
$2,500. Price list here.
The vitamin dispenser looks unsanitary to me. Get Salmonella typhimurium infection from the vitamins, and a Staphylococcus aureus infection from the sauna benches. At least the uniforms are wrapped in plastic.
Those synthetic vitamins are disgusting enough. I imagine they might even be worse after sitting in a gumball dispenser in a sweaty room for thirteen months.
Uniforms are a David Miscavige fetish.
Right down to Sea Org members not being permitted to own their own linen and bedspreads.
Uniformed Sea Org linen slept in and the uniform of the linen is mandatory.
Absolute control right down to what pillowcase you may have.
Jeez. I thought the uniform linens was just a Freewinds thing.
“A report just in yesterday spotted John Allender flattening his unhandled drugs at Los Gatos sort of Ideal Org. I guess his drug flashbacks were getting the better of him….”
“Now, THAT’S expansion!” (Hip hip hooray!)
The uniforms are obviously to provide a modest uniformity while in the sauna and to prevent any ogling of the opposite sex while sweating in the oppressive heat. We know how much Dave dislikes the 2D.
I did two purifs and hated them both, but it does clean you out. A diet coke does taste terrible after a purif.
Where is the oil and CalMag dispenser?
For me, diet coke always taste pretty much awful, and I’ve never used any detox program in my life. Actually, I always wonder how people can keep on drinking that horrible, horrible stuff. Must be because I’m what is known as a supertaster.
As to the oil, it is of course in the SP building, in that favorite contraption of CoS critics everywhere, the Oiliness table.
Oh, yes – about Calmag and calcium overdose: It was found that my friend, the same one and the same homeopath, had bones calcifying and she was instructed to get off the calmag immediately. She’d been taking it for quite some time, every day.
I did feel better after my Purif, for whatever reason. I certainly now can’t drink much alcohol after experiencing hangovers on the first two days of the purif. A small amount goes to my head and liver very quickly and I can have a hangover after half a glass of wine.
Also, 11 years AFTER my Purif, a homeopath was testing with her machine for radiation and she was perturbed that she couldn’t find any. She prodded and prodded with her electrode until I asked the reason and explained to her about the Purif. So, it did have some value for me.
However, I doubt very much Ron’s tech on vitamin intake and calcium. I always wondered about his saying the one has to have vitamin C and B together in proportion. Huh? And, even recently, I wondered why when I took Vit B 1 to quell unwanted emotions after an upset, they didn’t work for me. Well, I know now. One has to have folic acid taken at the same time. Welll, well, well. He didn’t know that now, did he? No wonder. He made all the stuff up about it.
NAAA, that’s a photo from Camp FUGAWE
The T shirts have “WERE THE FUGAWE”
Niacin, also known as nicotinic acid and vitamin B3, is a water soluble, essential B vitamin which, when given in high doses, is effective in lowering low density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol and raising high density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol, which makes this agent of unique value in the therapy of dyslipidemia. Niacin can cause mild-to-moderate serum aminotransferase elevations and high doses and certain formulations of niacin have been linked to clinically apparent, acute liver injury which can be severe as well as fatal.”
After seeing some close in shots of Anita’s liver, I can’t help wondering if the lesions weren’t caused by the excessive doses of niacin she was given on her over-extended purif at Flag.
It would seem from the reading I’ve done that niacin has benefits, just as many vitamins, nutrients and minerals do. It would also seem to me that taking anything to excess can do irreparable damage to vital organs which might even be fatal.
It’s my observation that the medical okay given to many people who get onto the purification rundown are given by a scientologist chiropractor and not a certified MD who actually checks the guy out properly to make sure he’s physically in shape to do it safely.
If it came to pass that certain types of liver damage were to have as their common denominator excessive dosages of niacin, and that the people inflicted were given bogus medical approvals to do the program and kept on it for longer than the 2-3 weeks stated in the bulletin, and it were discovered that the people who administered the program were completely ignorant of the dangers and that the inflicted people’s lawyers were aware that miscavige was worth billions…
just sayin.
I like the purif. I did it twice (15 years apart). Both times took less than two weeks because I exercise a lot to begin with. I believe it can do some good. In our delivery, we are meticulous with our physicals and won’t accept anyone who is not physically up to it. We rarely take more than two weeks and very rarely get over 2,000 milligrams of niacin (and that only for a day or two). We get the stated EP and get them off it quickly.
People who didn’t need it to begin with will not experience much or any “resurgence.” Often the ignorant staff will just keep them going and going and going anyway (I’ve seen several over 120 days).
This blanket executive C/Sing of people to re-do their purif is beyond squirreling. Way beyond into the zone of criminality. If people get hurt I honestly hope miscavige pays dearly for it. And I say miscavige because he is, after all, the COB, the captain and the pope of the racket and HE gave the order.
Well, it does look like an automat from the 40s coupled with cheesy bad 1970 shelving. How could anyone not be jumping for joy. I do so hope the cost is double for this priceless tech.
The Purif is complete hogwash in every conceivable sense. Your body already has a fantastic detoxification mechanism – it’s called your LIVER! You cannot “sweat out” toxins. The “toxins” referred to herein and in any other New Age or related detox program simply don’t exist. This is just another example of cognitive dissonance at work. You may as well just slap some Kinoki Foot Pads(tm) on your feet at night or wear a magnetic bracelet or something. It’s all hokum, every bit of it. The time these people spend stuffed to the gills full of niacin and sweating every ounce of moisture out of their bodies would be better spent adhering to a balanced diet and getting regular exercise. That would actually DO something beneficial for them.
True this.
Homeopathy is complete nonsense as well.
Save money and eat well, just buy plenty of fresh vegetables if you want vitamins.
“A report just in yesterday spotted John Allender flattening his unhandled drugs at Los Gatos sort of Ideal Org. I guess his drug flashbacks were getting the better of him….”
That line had ROFLMAO 🙂
This whole thing about requiring plastic lined “uniforms” is sooooooo *out tech*.
So is the vitamin dispenser unless it’s the Purif I/C dispensing the vitamins.
(I remember getting into a knock down drag out fight with the GO over this in my short life as WDC approved Tech Sec which is another story.)
But then either way.
How hard can it be to open a vitamin bottle even with the “child proof” lid?
But I digress.
One of the reasons Ron replaced the sweat program was so nobody would ever again have to wear those stupid rubberized or plastic suits recommended.
Not that any of us on the original Sweat Program ever actually wore the damn things.
I mean it was bad enough wearing them outdoors.
Never mind in the restrictive confines of a sauna cooking at over 100 degrees.
Seems Dave or whoever is advising him seems to be finding “tech” that was *lost* for a reason.
Next they’ll probably advising auditors to feed their PCs Bennies because according to DMSMH they seemed to make the PC more alert.
Like I said there is certain “tech” that’s been lost for a good reason.
You know like Ron’s not so bright idea but seemed like a good idea at the time to allow RTCU via the Board to issue a bunch of squirrelly drills per “A Talk on a Basic Qual” known as Auditor “Expertise” Drills which were quietly buried without ceremony to relief of all of us involved in training auditors when he issued the new Levels check sheets per the End of Endless Training.
Oh well.
Now I’m beginning to see what he means when he says he is the finder of lost technology.
If he was a MD he’d probably be advising the AMA on the virtues of leeching tech.
‘Nuff said.
These are *wrapped in* plastic. Not plastic suits. They may have been cleaned. They may be new. But they are not plastic uniforms (polyster maybe…)
Whoops my bad 🙂
I thought the leeching tech had been in full use for years. They certainly have the tech of sucking the life blood out of anyone who ventures in.
Regges will be getting the new Flag Only ‘Bite and Suck Rundown’ now that they have auditors trained in GAG II.
Bite and Suck …. do you get to do all four flows on that rundown? Just askin’
Leeches actually are used in real medicine:
“Nowadays, leeches are routinely used to drain blood from swollen faces, limbs and digits after reconstructive surgery.
They are especially useful when reattaching small parts that contain many blood vessels, like ears, where blood clots can easily form in veins that normally drain blood from tissues. If the clots are severe, the tissues can die — drowned in the body’s own fluid — because they are deprived of oxygen and other vital nutrients.”
Thanks Jon,
Very interesting.
Never knew that.
Though there are other aspects of phlebotomy that should remain buried.
Technically, those uniforms are non-standard. They’re exec div colors. They need to be green, or maybe yellow for folks doing the Purif intro route. I wish they’d get their priorities straight.
My wife wants to know if the uniforms
are cotton or polyester. Also are the new
dispensers on fast flow or do the vits just
kinda plop out one at a time?
I believe the uniforms are a new sort of “ideal” polyster, made exactly as LRH intended and for the first time there are now 100% on Source Purif Uniforms.
The dispensers have only now become possible because earth electronics were not advanced enough previously to make the dispensers capable of doing the job as LRH wanted. They do NOT need to be silver certed and they can now be calibrated on your laptop to measure the precise doses needed, down to 1/10000000th of a milligram. This is the easiest, smoothest vitamin deliver system in history, and we are poised on the verge of a flood of incredible results that put planetary clearing in our grasp.
They can’t be purple because of the homosexual connection…
They need some stripes …………….. black and white…………..or maybe just straight gulag orange!
I preferred it when the purif I/C would hand out the vitamins etc and go through your CS with you. At least it felt personal. I had a wonderful I/C!.
Maybe they don’t have enough staff to have a Purif I/C anymore ?
Anyway they are not my teams colors so stuff it’
I guess David had to blow a wad on uniforms and vitamin dispensers. Spend some money fast against the back drop of this law suit. Issuing uniforms to the public? Lord knows they will not have any case gain if they aren’t in a uniform to walk towards the sauna. But that uniform shelf really kills it. Veneer with chrome legs? Parked inside all of that splendor. The tile needs more grout and the floor molding is a poor excuse. A wooden lawn chair, seriously? I’m beginning to think you can’t take the Philly out of the gangster.
David is SOOOOOOOOO gangster! OSA is SOOOOOOOOOOO gangster! John Allender is SOOOO gangster! David has gone into the Frank Sinatra valence. He is now “the voice” . Excellent narrator and voice actor! Instead of pushing narcotics and boosted merchandise, he is pushing religion and pimping ministers and beggars.
At the opening of the Las Vegas Celebrity Center, he hosted Oscar Goodman, attorney for the mob! And a Congress woman (recently busted for financial irregularities) voted the most corrupt senator in Washington!
He is still bragging about them on the Las Vegas web site for the church. While one of his top execs sits in prison for planning a gangster style kidnapping plot and execution on a cop.
United States Congresswoman Shelley Berkley was also a guest speaker.
She was campaigning for votes.
She lost her bid for senate and has been immersed in ethics investigations.
“David has gone into the Frank Sinatra valence.”
Why do you think he calls himself “Chairman of the Board”?
Actually, the wanna be cop killer P.R. rep for Vegas is out on parole.
And Oscar and Shelley are unemployed.
I can only imagine upon her release, the memo from Dave. “Go __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ on Las Vegas Boulevard.”
Wow! Craptain is currently working on the sooper Ultra Mega Ideal Demo-Kit!
Some Sps already declared had infiltrate one could demo with leftover items!
Squirreling no more!
The Release of the 100% On-Source Kit is in the making, and will be released in due time.
Next thing will be lead lined suits that block the effects of SP media who can’t stand the thought of someone going free. And Scientology Helmets that have built in sound canceling technology to block out any disparaging or critical remarks that would induce “cognitive dissonance tremors”. The WHY is always STUFF, they need more and more STUFF. It’s a good thing Hubbard is dead, otherwise he’s be embarrassed and humiliated by the brilliance of The COB.
Oh damn, OK you got me. I screwed up all the original tech. I guess I’d better check into the sauna for a dangerous period of time whilst taking toxic levels of niacin. Should I wear the blue or the white uniform? And will that go in my PC folder?
I’m sure that is what the orgs are told when they buy the ‘purif credenza’.
Credenza only ………………$10.000.00
Fully Stocked Credenza…..$25,000.00
Glorious Maximus Crendenza…..$500,000 (sparkly bowling trophy included)
With hot and cold running vitamins!
My gosh, does Capt COB have to do everything himself?
No, only the nasty ones, those that intimidate and degrade others. He leaves *any* positive activities to others, generally condemning them for it instantly.
One thing Scientology strives to teach you is certainty of knowledge. Well I have certainty of knowledge that the purification rundown does not run out drugs and toxins. It’s unworkable. Don’t get me wrong, I love much of the tech. Tr’s, overt motivator sequence, the tone scale, ARC, etc. lots of these things really work well. But the purif is not one of them. The minute amount of toxins that leave the body with forced sweating is negligible. The body sweats to cool off. That’s it’s purpose for doing so. Taking massive amounts of vitamins and niacin is not good for you. OK, so the toxins are locked up in the fat; I can go with that. But I’ll tell you what, drinking straight oil to “replace” the bad fat is just nuts. If you drink straight oil it just adds to the already existing fat. These things I bring up? tip of the berg. Lots of sane reasons to contemplate. But go ahead, bring your cigarettes and vitamins, spend lots of money, get yourself a uniform and start wasting your time. if you’re lucky it won’t make you too sick.
I liked my purif and its effects to body and mind.
Although today I would consider a softer version of the purif with a far infrared sauna.
Google “detox with a far infrared sauna” and you will see how many people in the world are doing their “purifs”.
Beg to differ ORC,
Fact is the purif is quite effective when done on someone who actually needs one like LSD cases which was the key reason for the rundown.
See HCOB LSD; Years after they Come Off and the original Sweat Program HCOB.
But running it on everyone like they’re doing. Just as they are having everybody do Objectives is just a waste of time.
According to other data sets mega dosages of vitamins of for example vitamin C according to Linus Pauling has produced beneficial results.
Just like Scientology vitamin therapy can be misapplied or intentionally made to fail.
My opinion.
LSD does not leave residue in fat tissue. This is scientific fact. Hubbard was flat-out wrong, like he was with virtually everything. He knew as much about biochemistry as he did about physics, and thanks to having an actual degree in said subject (in other words, I passed my Physics courses, unlike Hubbard, who failed the only one he took), I can spend hours and hours having fun ripping All About Radiation to shreds if you’d like.
I’m not saying that people don’t experience wins, just that they are placebo. Toxins will not leave the body via sweat glands. And drinking straight oil (Yuck) doesn’t replace bad fat. Large dosages of vitamins are unworkable and can be hurtful. I’ve done 4 purifs, and 3 sweat out pgms. One with the “rubberized” sweat suit. Look, lets take just one aspect. If the toxins are in the fat, and you don’t lose any weight while on the purif, the fat and all of it’s components will still be there. Right? Even more so because of all that damn oil you have to drink. There are ways to purify bodies, that just aint one of them.
I think it is much more than a “placebo”.
Regarding the oil like the theory that drugs and other toxins get locked in the fat cells.
The theory behind the oil is based on exchange. Good for bad.
Again when done correctly that is the purif I/C assuring by report that the PC’s weight doesn’t increase or decrease then it seems to work.
Though I agree the oil tastes like crap.
Same with the CalMag which most orgs don’t seem to know how to make which should be tasteless but tastes like vinegar.
Of course one solution is to take the oil and the Calmag and pour the stuff on a salad 😉
“LSD does not leave residue in fat tissue. This is scientific fact. Hubbard was flat-out wrong, like he was with virtually everything.”
I’m not sure about that, Espianso. The last full blown LSD trip I took was on Purif about 30 years ago.I didn’t take anything, it just happened.
Of course, I’m pretty skeptical about “scientific facts”. “Global Warming” for example.
Whether LSD remains trapped in the fat cells is basically a theory which as you’ve pointed out Ash seems to work out in practice forwarded by a layman.
Not by a peer reviewed circle jerk by a bunch of PHDs which is why it is not accepted the Church of Orthodox Science.
I did two posts recently about the Purification Rundown; one post has the original Sweat Program issues embedded in it.
Read ’em both.
Personally I always thought that “retreading” the purif was squirrelly.
Linus Pauling did not know how to do a clinical study and was made too arrogant by his Nobel prize to ask someone who actually knew what they were doing. He’s the first example that comes to pretty much everybody’s mind when discussing “Nobel sickness”, that sad tendency some Nobel laureates have of spouting nonsense in fields they have no experience in. His vitamin C studies are an example of the things you should not do when studying a compound for efficacy.
Overdoses of vitamin C are fortunately not as dangerous as niacin and are quickly eliminated in pee. With today’s year long availability of fresh fruits and vegetables, vitamin C supplements are pretty much useless. You get a much better deal ( and enjoyment, IMO, I prefer food to pills) eating actual fruits and veggies, as they contain other beneficial things.
If you want to take a supplement, one that might be warranted, especially during winter, is vitamin D – in a reasonable dosage, since that can also be pretty toxic in too large doses. There are preliminary studies which tend to demonstrate that people who live in northern countries have somewhat low levels of vitamin D and that supplementing might have a protective effect against cancer. Large epidemiologic studies are ongoing to confirm or infirm this hypothesis.
Thanks for these data.
“Taking massive amounts of vitamins and niacin is not good for you.” – I found out recently that in order for the body to absorb ANY vitamins, ANY vitamins! one has to be taking folic acid with them. What you put in, just comes out and this can be tested by testing the urine.
A close friend visited a homeopath who found that my friend had a vitamin deficiency in spite of taking the full spectrum of vitamins every day. She’s been doing this for years and years only now to find out that it was all for nothing.
She was advised to spread her vitamin intake over the day but never to take them without the accompanying folic acid.
So there – no risk of overdosing,, the body’s not been absorbing them in the first place.
I agree.
The only problem with taking massive doses of vitamins are their corrosive effect on the stomach if not buffered by food or yogurt.
Then of course there is Vitamin D which is toxic in high amounts.
Personally I think there has and continues to be an over reaction against Niacin in the medical community because the effects of taking large amounts can be quite startling.
Also in CMCB Ron says that you shouldn’t take it longer than needed to get the results of the Purif.
Finally ! THE solution to planetary clearing has been found !!!!!!!!
Sorry if this is a bit off thread, but I thought it was important. I “came out” to a Non Scn colleague recently. I usually never admit to having been in a cult because the PR for the church is so bad that it taints people’s opinion of you. But I decided to let her know. She already knew a lot about Scn because she is a court reporter and she took the deposition of one of the high profile ex SO members who got out and wrote a book, which she read and loved. Here is what she had to say after attempting to read my coming out story on Mike’s blog:
“I have read your blog but got lost in the abbreviations. My suggestion to you and others who have been disconnected who want to tell your story by way of the Internet is to put it in layman’s language as much as possible. I realize it is complicated but the average person interested cannot absorb the dictionary of terms and tends to tune out. Your story will appeal to the mass media if you “summarize” the events that occur that you wish to expose. I knew when Katy Holmes divorced Tom it was because she was afraid of losing Suri to the “church” as you have lost yours. At least she read the writing on the wall and bailed. Of course, the wealthy like Cruise and Kirstie don’t go through all the bullshit, they just cut a check. The church needs the high-profile people to make the church appear legitimate.”
I agree that if you come out publicly, make it in laymen’s terms so the world at large can read it and understand it. I wish I’d done mine that way.
Imagine how many times the proposals of the prototypes for
these dispensers came across DM’s desk before they were
approved. This is a major advancement of the purif so let’s
not knock it. And oh, batteries are not included. We’ll do some
A friend of mine just attested to his purif done at a mission in LA.
There was no special vitamin diapenser or uniform. The mission didn’t have these and didn’t know when they would come.
Will his attest to completion still count?
Damn Mike, this is MAJOR! How about a new slogan – “Get back in the fight, wear your blue and white.”
I am waiting for Golden Age of Clay.
Imagine all the academies in the world using “Squirrel Clay” for decades.
No wonder the stats for auditors are down!
It is a little more serious than that. The majority of the toxins being sweat out are found to be clay-based. It wasn’t the stenographers; it was the clay! (Yes, I used a semicolon.)
Wow, Squirrel Clay, who would have known? Some now Declared SP with dirty hands could have used that clay before a Patron Meritorious used it.
And also all those “Squirrel tech” LRH books that are in a lot of Libraries around the world. Are they going to have to turn in all those books for destruction?
All this AND copper wire tech too. I for one would like to congratulate CoB on cultivating at this point some real world class suckers/tragedies. 🙁
Let’s hear about this “copper wire tech” from an expert:
LMAO! Very funny story!
Great M&M “Sit Down” SP comedy show. Bring it on!
Kinda tragic isn’t it?