I have assumed since the release of GAT II in November 2013 that it meant that all previous auditor training was no longer valid.
Though of course, at the outset, this was never stated. Might have the natives to get restless.
Those natives are pretty docile, fed on a constant diet of lies and half-truths to turn them into sheeple. The trick is to keep them thinking that the next big thing has just been given to them and that this “breakthrough” will cure all the previous failures to deliver what was promised.
So, it is nice to finally see it in writing — direct from COP hisself.
It’s also nice to see that nearly two years after the new “streamlined, lighting fast” training line up was sprung on the world, that they NOW have internships for Class IV and V and for the Purif. But just “Qual OK’s” for the “other tech courses.” Oh, bow down and kiss the dirt that COP walks upon for he has blessed us with the internships he didn’t give us when he released the new, streamlined incredible training line up.
And these people just keep buying it. And they truly believe they are the top 1% of the top 10% of the people of earth (or whatever that quote is, I cannot remember it verbatim and don’t really care if I misquote it, everyone knows what I am referring to).
I suppose it’s another aspect of the control — the praise and validation that you are so smart for going along with what is obviously so stupid…. Ergo, you would no longer be smart or superior to others if you stopped going along with the party line.
Sad really.
The release of the Golden Age Of Tech Phase II has made it possible to train auditors in a matter of months especially those who have put in a standard study schedule. As with everything, the more time is put into something the faster it goes to complete the cycle of action.
We now also have the Internships for Class IV and V as well as for Purif C/S and we have the Qual OKs for the other tech courses.
It is fully expected that all our auditors get through their training and through the Internships as fast as possible. Remember that certs are only validated and permanent with an Internship as otherwise the certs expire after 1 year. If you have done your courses more than a year ahgo, route onto the Internship as soon as you can. For those who are completing Class IV from now on best thing is to get straight away onto the Internship to prevent your cert from expiring. Note that the
The question has come up if previously interned auditors have to do the GAT II Internship. The answer is: Yes. Per the latest IG Network Bulleting “All existing golden Age of Tech Phase II auditors and delivery personnel can now attain permanent certification and must do so by completing the Interneships and Qual Okays for the courses they have done.” – COB
Please fill in the below so that we have your update on where you stand and your target to complete the various levels and Internships.
1. What GAT II courses have you done so far?
2. Which GAT II course are you on now?
3. What is your target date to complete this course?
4. What is your target date to complete the line-up to Class IV?
5. What is your target date to start the Internship for Class IV?
6. What is your target date to complet the full training line-up and internships?
7. If you are currently living in a country where there are no orgs where you can do the training (India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal), what would you need to do before you can get your self to a country where you can go to an org (UK, US, South Africa, …). Please include any steps you need to take to make it happen.
8. Conditional for those in non-UK countries: If you have worked out your plan of action as per point 7 above, where will you do0 your training and what is your estimated arrival date?
9. Is there anything else you want to communicate about your GAT II training?
Thank you very much for your data.
Please tell me that he spelt hago (sic) wrong, that would make my day in terms of irony for superpowers
Stupid Rob bots will follow any moron who issues “bulletins” telling them to do X. amazing. Any Class IV auditor who couldn’t tell that their PC’s were not REALLY obtaining the EP’s of the grades after seeing the PC in action later in life, deserves to get fleeced.
Interesting. The first time I ever heard DM speak, I did not trust him. You see, I have always had a way to decide (for myself) if I trusted a COS executive. What I would do was to imagine sitting down across from that guy or gal in an an auditing room with me holding the cans and and imagine them saying, “This is the session” and see how I felt about that. My immediate thought when I considered this scenario with DM was: “No way are you going to audit me. You are not a nice person!”. Shall we say that he just does not exude an aura of trustworthiness and kindness? That would be charitable.
Hi Espiritu,A wonderful post.I would not want David anywhere near me with cans.Wait maybe I do I’ve been known to blow up lights and scammeters would not work at times during session.I would drive him crazier than he already is.XO Ann B.
Yeah. People like DM who already “know everything” have no need to learn.
Great point Aquamarine. I kind of did the same. When I was in I had very little attention on DM. A Scie. friend told me DM was a class vi and was the lead auditor at Saint Hill by age 14 and I bought it.
Yes, its amazing, the lack of curiosity about Miscavige’s auditing and training level, and I include myself in this because when I was in I totally dubbed in that he was at the very tippy top of both sides of the Bridge. It never occurred to me that he would not be. It was only after I went UTR that I read about his slapping debacle and realized, OMG, this guy is RTC and never comp’d his Class iV Internship! Blew my mind. It still does!
Aqua, it should blow your mind even MORE once you realize that El Con allowed this guy to be promoted to the upper parts of the Scn Org board with those deficiencies. In direct violation of personnel policies HE wrote…
All these changes coming from a guy who is not tech trained. Who won’t delegate responsibility to anyone who is, because of course, he can’t find any tech terminals he can trust. Has anyone ever heard DM talk about any of his personal tech/auditing wins? Something like: “I just finished OT…. and it was great!” Or: “I just had some great auditing from this great auditor” I haven’t. This is the guy that is trusted to “fix” the tech?
If you want to be a standard Scientologist/auditor…run! As fast as you can the other way.
Overrun, DM knows that the tek (including OT levels) is a scam. Why would he care about delegating responsibility to “tek trained” sheeple?
This is my favorite line Mike from your writing and got a good laugh”, (or whatever that quote is, I cannot remember it verbatim and don’t really care if I misquote it, everyone knows what I am referring to).”
Me too, deElizabethan! I thought that was hilarious! Thanks for the laugh – again! So funny.
Everytime I read that line I laugh out loud.
Hi deElizabethan, I laughed over Mike’s line as well.Wonderful stuff & so true.Always Ann B
Putting pressure on the sheeple to get trained will I think cause blows. For a decade these guys have been conditioned into believing that they’re clearing the planet via their donations to Ideal Morgues and the IAS. They’ve been implanted (via their own full cooperation) with a real A=A MU, yet now they’re going to have to STUDY and become AUDITORS…whoa. I’m chuckling away here. I predict blows. I know one untrained OT8 who needed 8 years to read Dianetics. The OTs on the OT committee at my old org were none of them Academy trained auditors; nothing against OTs but the ones I knew were, with one exception, middling students.
Hi Aquamarine,Eight years to read Dianetics? He must have been stuck in that volcano ! XO Ann B.
You speak sooth Aqua.
Most exec’s wouldn’t have a clue how to audit, but they are all experts on the subject. Go figure hey??
“Per the latest IG Network Bulleting “All existing golden Age of Tech Phase II auditors and delivery personnel can now attain permanent certification and must do so by completing the Interneships and Qual Okays for the courses they have done.” – COB”
No wonder I saw no Tech vols at Londons empty Ideal Org, they run on IG Network Bulletins now except they cannot spell.
Perhaps GAT III “The Golden age of spellcheck” will help
The “IG Network”…I wonder who all is posted in that network these days?
“Gag Me”.
The natives seem a bit masochistic. It’s therefore that Ian Dury pops up: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0WGVgfjnLqc
“All existing golden Age of Tech Phase II auditors and delivery personnel can now attain permanent certification and must do so by completing the Interneships and Qual Okays for the courses they have done.” – COB
Wonder who miscavige audited on HIS internship. Surely he is here on the same terms as the rest of sheeple!
“Wonder who miscavige audited on HIS internship.” I’ve often wondered that, and in particular the identity of the PC he slapped, who if she is still alive (and I’m assuming this PC of his was a girl) is probably being paid handsomely by the cult to keep quiet about it. Cynical me.
Hi Aquamarine, Well could I please be your second cynic? Money has been known to change hands as concerns the cult.They offered me a small amount over the phone after the Madman or Messiah book came out.I turned them down.XO Ann B.
Come on now LDW… are you scientologically affected? “Miscavge is here on the same terms as the rest of the sheeple.”
Davey boy isn’t a sheeple, he has not bought a single course or hour of auditing for over 30 years let alone followed a single word of Hubbard’s policy in any of that time. “He’s da man!” He’s source’s sauce, the guru’s mentor, the top of the pile, beyond reproach, the nee plus ultra of modern religion. He sets the pace, guides the unguidable, understands the unfathomable, points the way, he is the mountain etc etc. He is the shinning beacon of delusions of grandeur.
But the very real attribute he can never be challenged on or denied is that he is the fiscal destination – “the buck stops here.”
In the mind of miscavige planet earth is one big sheep farm and he’s the only shepherd.
Does he wear wool suits just like in little red riding hood? You betcha!
This is how confidence frauds work, you keep the mark strung along, taking as money money from the rube as possible by blaming the fact that the fraud doesn’t work on the rube himself.
The most successful crimes against people are those where the victims walk away thinking they got the better part of the deal, yet Scientology doesn’t aim for that, these violently insane criminals got for the long haul, keeping the dumbfucks forking over all their money for decades.
And the Federal prosecutors? Where the bloody hell are they? Arresting non violent dope smokers toking up in the privacy of their own bedrooms at night, putting them away for 20 years while these human rights atrocities Scientology commits only get indicted and put away by ones and twos over the years.
Outstanding post, Fredric! Just outstanding! “The most successful crimes against people are those where the victims walk away thinking THEY go the better part of the deal…” Once again, they do have a remarkable record of brainwashing and thought stopping. That line you wrote, Fredric, is really scary.
Didn’t think feds would want competition in trampling over folk, yet maybe they see kindred spirits in the cult.
When this all comes down there will be hand wringing and crocodile tears from our leaders “if only we had known!”
The truth will be that the law, and those who hold it over us have done more to keep scientology going than anything.
Thanks Mike, you’re really more vital than you realise.
“And the Federal prosecutors? Where the bloody hell are they? ” Frederick, Under the US Constitution, the Fed gov cannot interfere with ones chosen religious beliefs and practices in that manner. If one chooses to belief that by giving money to their church they will receive some spiritual benefit, it is up to the INDIVIDUAL to take their chances. As it should be. Anyway, it IS Darwinism at work…
It’s such an incredibly sad statement to me that those left in don’t care. They don’t care about the redo, about the redo do, about the redo do do – never mind about abuses, about broken families, about empty buildings, about being embarrassed to admit openly that they are scientologists – As long as they have their friends, their jobs, their families – or what is left of them – as long as they have something to define them and give them their pivot foot – something to hold onto. Never mind that they are contributing to a “Suppressive Group.”
They’re not sheep – more like the walking dead.
Its all they have, McCarran, and they’re clinging desperately, but its only a matter of time before their lives crumble, and what kept them together will split them apart. You’ll see.
My eyes can’t wait!
Hi McCarran, Liked your image of the walking dead & they will all be putting in the miles going up and down the bridge of broken dreams.XO Ann B
+1! Again, party at my home at the beach! My wife and I hosted a great SP party several years ago and we can do it again. Got a nice big backyard with a sea breeze coming through it.
Hi OSD, Love that sea breeze,you have the Sea Light in your soul.Bless you my dear friend.XO Ann B.
McCarran – perfectly stated!
PLLLEASE, Lets not insult Teletubbies, brought many hours of entertainment and EDUCATION to my minions (kids) and for next to NOTHING! BL
Hello Ann:
I wonder if if decide to get trough these fantastic certifications, and knowing for sure they will be permanent…
Ohhh, I remember having some “Permanent” certificates decreed invalid by some SoB!
Now, what to do?
I am not planning to get back into Scientology, but if I were to train, it would be in the independent field.
But there you only get standard Scientology — not the Scientology that LRH intended.
I remember internships. What a wonderful way to get HGC auditors to deliver to your paying customers, and they pay for the privilege. I wonder how many Flag public, who paid top dollar to be at the Mecca of Technical Perfection, were audited by interns. I know I did it when I was there back in the 70s.
Indeed. The missive starts with this thought stopping dictum: ” As with everything, the more time is put into something the faster it goes to complete the cycle of action.” Uh…wot? Generality much? Rapidity of particle flow? More time = faster?
From what I have seen, more time = slower progress, more exposure to vultures, and greater out-exchange across the dynamics.But your mileage may vary.
The hard earned, PERMANENT, gold seal that was previously put onto an auditor’s cert obviously means nothing. Someone needs to clear the word “permanent”. And perhaps they also need to read the policy that says only a Comm Ev can cancel certs.
It appears they are only permanent until the next GAT release comes out. So, if those routing onto the new internship think they are getting “permanently” certified, they will be in for a rude awakening a few years from now.
I wonder how all those trainees, who spent YEARS at Flag training for the release on GAT1 and earned their “permanent” certs, are receiving this news,
Ummmmmmm….they’re praising COP for bringing them GAG II? And then GAG III? And then GAG iV? And then GAG V? And then……
“And perhaps they also need to read the policy that says only a Comm Ev can cancel certs.”
EASILY handled Frank. Make a new Policy stating otherwise. 😉 That is basically what COP has done.
“It is fully expected that all our auditors get through their training and through the Internships as fast as possible.”
Be wary of mandates in the passive voice credited to no one in particular. This is very weaselly way of saying you gotta do this, and there’s no use asking why because there’s no one to ask. If Ann-with-no-surname had balls (or the female equivalent of testicular fortitude) she would say, “I expect you to do this time-wasting spin on the hamster wheel and be quick about it.”
But alas, Ann won’t take credit for this fully expected expectoration, nor will she credit RTC and its dynaminutive leader.
LOL! Nice one hgc.
““It is fully expected that all our auditors get through their training and through the Internships as fast as possible.”
………………so that you can audit no one in particular because there is no one left who wants any of the hokum pokum! Well the hokem is pretty non existent for sure but there is still lots of pokem goin on!
Yo Teddy Braggin,
How are those IAS stats lookin this week aboard the Freakwinds? I bet you have got your list of pokem candidates all in a row, just like the usual Tuesday before Thursday at too. Good luck and have a nice rest of your life with der leader!
So what you’re saying is, less hokem but more pokem. Gosh, Coop, I don’t I want those cult members to poke me. It just might tickle…and I might catch something!
Indeed, it’s a big shit sandwich and everybody knows it and since there is no allotment of time for complaining (questioning), you’re supposed to comply at once and as usual, “suck it up with a smile.” Whenever I see pictures of scientologists smiling big I think of that old song by Melissa Manchester, “Don’t Cry Out Loud”.
It’s the Scientology equivalent of “Badges? I don’t have to show you any sinking badges.”
stinking (damn, no edit!)
Hi Roger Hornaday, There really is something about those “suck it up” smiles that appears creepy to me now.Might have something to do with Control,but not nessarily Knowledge & Responsibility.They all seem frozen onto the twisted bridge.XO Ann B.
It appears one will need some sort of cert to actually understand that stupid questionnaire about certs. Let’s see….I will be leaving LA flying to London then flying out to that place in Switzerland, once there I will hop a flight to Russia and then onto Bangkok. If I can get a non stop to NYC then I will……wait what is your location? Anyway I will be in NYC ready and raring to go once you tell me where in the hell you are. I just can’t wait to get my cert back so I can then call three swing fn’s with total confidence. It is so great to know COP will grant me the ability to audit again…..by the way can I hit PC’s with this new cert?
Hey Potpie, can I tag along? You may be close to a couple of surf spots I know.
And…of course you can hit PCs with your new cert! If COP can punch hit PC, you can slap them with your brand new, COP certified, Grade ‘A’ cert.
Hell yeah you can come along. You can even teach me how to surf along the way.
Hi GBTO,I hear you with burning your certs.I bet the GOI kindly burnt all mine for me after I blew.It felt so good to know they had solved my problem of what to butn and would there be anything I would want to keep.Well truth be told I have one SO item I have not gotten rid of.A key to my room @ the Hollywood Inn.The day I can let that go,I will be totally free of Ron/David’s World.Take Care Ann B.
Hi Potpie,I second OSD’s post.Whack them good with your cert! That’s fair play for what we all got.XO Ann B.
Contradictory – certs expire in a year, so better do internship fast.
Later on says- you will get a permanent Cert.
So, does it expires or is permanent? Or is it permanent because Pompadour can not make this game of redoing courses for the 47X time again?
It seems he can not make up his mind. Wonder why.
Just like the super-duper-whoopy e-meter, if you don’t get it re-licensed/refreshed/whatever after a year all certificates spontaneously combust and turn to ashes – and back you go onto the merry-go-round. No such thing as the words permanent & church of scientology in the same sentence any longer.
I ripped up and burnt all my certs/ commendations/correspondence from the church the day I left. They were worthless anyway, but it felt really good!!!
Exactly. These questions are already covered in policy, that “old stuff” we don’t read or pay attention to anymore. We make up new stuff as we go, bleating merrily in the path of Mi$cavige.
They remind me of Teletubbies. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCOk55dAgB8VnMlhaTEMeX5A
Internships ? (Shakedown)
Make then pay yet again, brainwash them some more with RCo$ Kool Aid, rinse and repeat.
Organized crime could take lessons from these assholes.
That’s why this cult has been referred to as a cross between the Moonies and the Mafia. Hey! You lookin’ at me?
I think you’re giving a bad name to “Moonies” and “Mafia.” I guess we could call them “Moofia.”
OSD, please apologize to gangsters, goombahs and goodfellas everywhere for this mortal insult 🙂
I do, Aqua, I really do. Especially the goombahs! They really serve up a great clams with spaghetti dish.
LMAO!!!!!!! Once again, Mary, I must bow to your superior comment. It is an insult to mafiosos everywhere as well as the Moonies. And I really like the new name: MOOFIA! They can all get sec checked right before the mass wedding of 3,000 members.
That’s about how many are left. I hope they don’t make baby Moofias.
OMG! Baby Moofias! You know, Mary, they just might grow into monsters. What if, like the NOI joining with SCN, the Moonies come on board too? That’s almost too hideous to contemplate…
Yo Ann,
Glad to see with all the new Morgues happening around the planet that you have narrowed it down to only four countries that don’t have an org for the sheeple to do their GAG IT Training.
And I can only imagine you will be inundated with responses to your questionnaire….
Oh, Coop, I believe there will be truck load of responses to their questionnaire! Maybe even boat loads.
Cart fulls? Wagon loads? Perhaps even 47x unsubscribes?
Yep, especially if His Royal High Nass leaks that non-responsive public may be called in for whine finding ……………. more commonly known as a routine MAA clusterfuck………….heavy on “who have you been talking to?” and light on the vasoline!
gtsix, perfect! 47x unsubscribes! I like it! See that implement that right away!
And Coop, you mean they have routine clusterfucks? Nothing special? No food? No Epic info? No massive straight up and vertical? I’m crushed, crushed I tell ya! I guess the expansion is all straight down and headed for the graveyard of cults. Hmmmmm…I like that.
So then… How did Bob Anderson get so highly trained? I love their double standard. No one is trained but people have to be trained to deliver all this upper level new OT stuff so we will use his old training to classify who he is but….
Head. Spinning.
No wonder they are docile steeple. Nif you actually asked a question and started trying to figure out the answer, even started comparing promos and lies between promos, your head would soon explode.
Don’t worry the ethics officer/MAA is trained to spin heads back on that roll off their shoulders. BTW. It’s all the persons fault and the flaws they see in Scientology are the result of their own bad deeds and don’t actually exist! /sarcasm!
Hi MostEthicalPimp,I love your post.You nailed it regarding Ethics Officers/MAAs.Thank you.Take Care Ann B.
Yes, re #8: Is there anything else you want to communicate about your GAT II training?
Yes, thank you. How about GO FUCK YOURSELF!
I duplicate you Joe! LOL
Oh…real nice, Joe. Just peachy! THAT’S WHAT I WAS GOING TO SAY. I’ll crawl back in my hole now.
It’s OK OSD , go ahead and repeat. they have a lot of that coming.
Thanks, Cre8tivewmn. Re: Anything else that you want to communicate about your GAT II training? Why yes, yes I do and really thank you for asking: GO FUCK YOURSELF!
Oh…and your mother dresses you funny! Whew!!! Man, feel a lot better now! That was bitchin’!
I like the Sheeple picture with the grass hanging out of the mouth and the shepherd dozing under the tree.