What could be more exciting than hearing you have to start Solo NOTs all over again because you didn’t have “all the tech, just like LRH wanted you to have…”????
This invitation arrived first…
Come one, come all on Saturday the 17th in the FH Ballroom (must be REALLY important — in the Ballroom? With the “Senior CS” not even the “RTC Rep” let alone Dear Leader…)
Now it’s on Monday in the “Boardroom”? Must be expecting a huge crowd…
A fleecing we will go, a fleecing we will go, hi ho the derry-o a fleecing we will go.
How much more do they actually think they can squeeze out of these people?
Shouldn’t this be GAT III? If not, what wasn’t it released when GAT II “Advanced Solo Auditor Course” was released.
I can imagine the sinking feeling in people’s stomachs when they got these emails. Oh no, what do we have to do now?
The only thing GAG II for Solo NOTs will be good for is blowing some more people “off the level.” A good thing.
And WTF is that creepy Anna Paddock doing? Ex-SO (in fact, ex-WDC) who showed up to harass Monique Rathbun about Marty’s “squirreling.” And now she is the “RSVP” for the Senior C/S Flag? With her personal phone number and personal email address? Huh? There is some scam going on here. She MUST be making FSM Commissions or something? She was also the person organizing the “dinner party” at the Wintereggs that was in last week’s Thursday Funnies?
L. Ron Hubbard, here I come!
Right back where I started from
The basics replacing all my old wins
Where ethics protect us from all our sins
Our religion must be saved
Thanks to Dave I now donate
Open up that golden cage
L. Ron Hubbard, here I come!
I’m kind of low on the Bridge, have never been to Flog and am unfamiliar with OT auditing procedures. There’s my justification for asking what is probably the following (probably very stupid) question: does this new release mean that anyone who has completed VII, and is on VIII, or, who is mid-VII, will have to redo it altogether.
No Aqua., what’s done is done, on Solo NOTs. They will have just changed a few HCOBs perhaps or “poshed up” a few drills, and they will carry on the rest with any changes made. I can’t see it will be anything fundamental though.
Uhm, Well its probably the same content as usual, maybe a few fixes here and their.. but i wouldnt be suprised if you had to redo the courses if you have done it. I mean, it would’t be the first time the church has pulled this one over on its members.
“We now stand at the cusp of whole track history –factually, literally.” Chairman Miscavige
This is an actual tweet from @ScientologyLife
They actually put “Chairman Miscavige????” Bwaaaa-ha-ha-ha! Chairman Mao-scavige lol
Gosh, Gus, that’s probably an insult to Mao. I can hear him rolling in his mausoleum….
And that is factually, literally a totally meaningless statement. “The cusp of whole track history”…Jesus.
Dm is the energizer bunny of insanity. He just keeps on going and going….
If additional proof was ever needed, dear leader is definitely intent on destroying the church. If this doesn’t empty the church even more, I can see the look on my ex OT 5’s faces, not to mention those on OT 7, as the last straw on the camel’s back for these people, then I can only think that those who comply deserve all that’s coming to them.
This is HUGE, this is momentous. This must surely be the writing on the wall for those left in the bubble. Surely! You would think so. Hey?
I meant: “…my ex OT 5 friends’ faces…”
I often wonder if DM is purposely trying to destroy the church so he can just be done with it. Does he plan on skipping out with his private stash of cash and just disappear into the night?
Dawn I don’t think he is trying to destroy the church. If that’s what he wanted to do he could do it simply by spilling the beans regarding the truth about Scn & Hubbard. POOF! That would be the end in 5 minutes.
No, he’s trying to keep the scam going and the $ flowing in. He’s nuts so he’s not that good at it but, that’s his intention as backed up by actions.
Takes a licking and keeps on ticking.
The good news is that Regraded Being is in no danger of running out of material for his wonderful and acutely perceptive weekly comic strip! So much new ‘source’.
Paraphrasing Zoolander 2 trailer: “Jesus sheeple, you’re so frickin’ stupid it’s insane!”
God to Scientologists: “I know you don’t believe in me, but Jesus!”
Sign up today for the epically monumental ‘Solo Tie Yourself Up In Knots Course’ ©®™ where you become self-determinedly dependent on David Miscavige forever. Welcome to your eternity!
Bit off topic, but today in the Daily Mail, an exclusive interview with Leah Remini, in anticipation of her book release in November. One more nail in the coffin of CoS…and the hundreds of scathing reader comments are the best part!!
Thanks — this is no exclusive. And it’s not an interview. They took stuff from other places. The story is a pretty good summation/collection
Another thought … is it possible that the “church” KNOWS about under-the-radar members and allows them to be so, in order to extract their leftover dollars?
Mike, as this cult shrinks, is it possible that information will also dry up? As “still-ins” become “outs” and “under the radars” are exposed and forced out, will the news from the inside become less and less available?
Will it still be possible to track the downward spiral?
I recognise that it may not be possible to answer this without betraying sources.
It will always be possible to track and probably easier. As the bubble shrinks, so does their unreality. They will be announcing “big wins” that they got a start on the Intro service. Or a staff member resigned their contract.
Oh, that’s right, they already do that…
They can’t help themselves.
LOL Mike. So true.
Chris when did you pop up. Am I busted? Hey man, I been posting here. I mean like a cherry bombin’, mean rat bastard trouble maker. They sleeping soundly at the new blog? heard you said something sensible. I intend to make myself better known over there, you know, submit some firecracker comments and the like, I do, thanks. happy man, Mark. Have fun. Dammit.
That why I had to speak. You. I have been having so much fun, thanks. Thanks for exposing the darkness by the light of critical thought. -agent mm, decodified ps this sector appears to be clean, sir.
Maybe the people leaving will recruit replacements and turn over their hats. *snort*
I turned over my hat once, LFC. I found a centipede in it. That’s why I don’t wear hats. Arrrggg…..
Thanks Mike.
You know, it is a tough call, a very tall order: Take your beloved and comforting belief-system and toss it out the proverbial window, burn it to ashes and start over. The question will hit the thoughtful Sea Org sailor like a lead brick between the eyes. He will choose not to think or he will have to choose:
Start over.
Start over. That is what the Buddhists say, you know. It is all imagination, the workings of your mind and, btw, fiction. You want the truth? Your only chance is to start over by destroying your concept of reality and recognize that life is a dream, not LIKE a dream, but actually a construction of your mind, beginning middle and end. If you want the truth, the first thing you will have to do is step outside of the dream… for what you see is not so much reality but rather what your powerful mind has put together in its place.
So, here is Helmut, a person of some experience I would say.
What I gather is that he was once a [____] of some kind in scn-gy. He stepped out and now here he is…
For all of us, recognizing the belief-system of the present as false means taking that first step to get out of it. The most important step you take is the one you are taking now.
After that, it is one step at a time, again, for all of us. Which direction that next goes is important only to that same person’s relative location, and not to anyone else’s. We can offer guidance in the form of knowledge, but mistakes would surely be in the making, to judge or measure the relative correctness of other peoples’ perspective against ourselves.
Back to the question then, what is Scientology in reality, and what should we do…
Mark…. Respect thyself and others is a good start, the rest will come in time. 😉 great post.
thanks and thanks for letting it fly, Mike.
(insert monk-gargoyle happy face here,
and let the party begin, its millertime
i believe.)
Let’s see, the briefing will begin at 6:30. The briefing and post-briefing regging should be done between 8:30 and 9:00. By 9:30, Mike and Tony will receive the first e-mails. If, as we expect, every OT7 and OT8 will be forced to re-do OT6 and above, we know what tomorrow’s articles will be.
I’m not necessarily going to go in that direction. DM is not that stupid or greedy. He’s been forcing through OT7 completions for the last year like they’re going out of style in order to get anyone to go to the Failboat. There’s too much dissatisfaction with people at the top of the Bridge redoing Stupid Hat and the Death March Rundown, not to mention the Putrif. I have a feeling he’ll pull out a new course that would have been right at home with GAT 1: the Solo NOTs For OTs Certainty Course, available at Flag and on the SS Mesothelioma. Ass-pull some routines from Creation of Human Ability, mix with a soupcon of repurposed Clear Certainty Rundown bullshit, add water, and instant five-intensive-minimum income.
[ hey, how come nobody ever mentions Life Repair, what, they don’t do that step any more? I’m a Life Repair Completion, and I guess I’m taking that one to the grave, but I got it on my own two feet. After that, I was just screwed and felt screwed two years later, too, still yeah working like a dog, or a pack of dogs as me, >>> I got Drug Rundown, 1975. That’s it. Not even kicking a stone off the almighty Bridge, that’s it. Just after completion of that little number on my head, ?, and they announce, hurray, the New Drug Rundown (“Shit!!”) is available being offered with a guaranteed 40-day completion time. Back on Staff my efforts just got me demoted, doing The Non-Existence Formula because my junior mopper there just got thrown in Ethics, a thing that until that moment I did know was possible. Those two years,
aint them the good ol’ days]
This is interesting. Does this mean that all OT VII completes have to go back and re-do OT VI then go back and audit more on a level they’ve attested to? Cha-ching! The regges at Flag must be salivating.
That has already been done at least once. It was done in the late 90’s when I was at Flag and it easily generated over 100 million dollars in the few years that followed. It also drove a lot of dedicated members out of the “church”. Let’s hope greed drives Davey to do it again.
When will they stop with this craziness? Pure insanity.
(not ever)
What ever happened to… “There’s no hidden data line” “if it’s not written, it’s not true” “LRH is the only source” etc etc. Really, how does a Scientologist justify all these changes in the tech? If LRH had a grave he’d be rolling over so much he would have dug another 20 feet.
A recent article by Jeffrey Augustine calls scientology a “master race cult”:
His conclusions are why I don’t feel any empathy for those being fleeced. Anther recent
article has compounded my disdain. It was by George Devitt, author of
“The Education of a Southern Gentleman, Racism in the South”.
Mr. Devitt tells this story: He was talking to elementary school children about how being
a racist had made him feel superior to black people and a fourth grade girl asked him this illuminating
question: “Did you enjoy this feeling of superiority?”
And Mr. Devitt, to his credit, admitted that he had.
My conclusion is that fleecing is the price that the sheeple willingly pay for this feeling of superiority.
After all, being fleeced will not crush your soul. Being a racist, will.
Has it occurred to you that when you loose empathy for those who are being fleeced, you’re in agreement with the ones at the top who are doing the fleecing with no remorse? The so-called sheeple do more than just keep the money flowing. They also keep the power base intact and reinforce the walls of the bubble that trap so many young people born into the Scn world and know nothing else.
If we really want to see the Church of Scientology fall, getting people to wake up and leave the fold is essential if not a penultimate concern. The best way to keep the exodus going is to show those who are beginning to doubt their steadfast dedication the things Scn is unable to show them: kindness from strangers, compassion for the sacrifices they have to make to leave and empathy for the mistakes they have made.
When we stop showing them those things and resort to using the same type of extremist rhetoric we see in Freedumb Mag, we begin to dramatize the bitter apostate stereotype that their church wants so desperately to pin on everyone who leaves and speaks out. And all that does is convince those who are beginning to doubt to stop looking at entheta and turn a blind eye to the fleecing and other problems going on,
Well said.
well done indeed
Definitely agree. That should be said more.
“A recent article by Jeffrey Augustine calls scientology a “master race cult”:
His conclusions are why I don’t feel any empathy for those being fleeced.”
His “conclusions” are based on quotes taken completely out of context and conveniently used to “prove” a silly point that was apparently already decided upon to begin with. Those are not conclusions at all , but a manifestation of fixed ideas and hate.
I count three SOlo NOts: One is the original one, then GAT I, and now GAT II. Or did I miss another incarnation somewhere in there? The biggest overt on parishoners is not the money, although that is egregious enough. the biggest overt is on the cases to be so overrun on this level. They’ll have to keep on mocking it up just to run it. Maybe DM is really Xenu reincarnated and come back to destroy it all…
Cindy, There was one more in I believe 1991. It was called “the updates” It went along with new OT 5 at the time. We redid the entire course with some changes in auditing method.
Wow, so are you saying there are actually 4 OT VII’s? OMG, four. four f”ing versions of OT VII.
Number of times over equals certainty and results.
Number of times over = $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
Are you counting cob’s perversion of the level with the 6 month checks in the early 90s? The first overtly taken step by that black soul to own the public on VII?
Gayle, that’s when we were told we had to go back on OT7 because nobody had really made it, yes early 90’s, I believe 91.
Two of my favorite sayings capture a lot of wisdom:
“It sucks to be Miscavige.” (Mike Rinder)
“Scientology. It’s always weirder than you think.” (Tony Ortega)
Maybe I will go charge up my ole e-meter and run out the BT that made me write that.
Mine is: “Scientology! It’s far, far worse than you think!”
1. Miscavige sucks
2. It’s always worse than you think
Crap! I totally forgot that Miscavige sucks! Remind me next time…
forever etched into my brain…
is the memory of Jenna Miscavige, specifically her face which is young and beautiful.
She is seated behind a desk, looking quite proper in a blue dress, camera rolling in a studio and off camera the pontiff asks this simple question, “Is David Miscavige a evil man?”
And her face contorts. There is this visible consternation. You think the girl is struggling for the appropriate response, live TV, when out of the moment she says,
“Well, YES.” and then she looks at the interviewer, silent. Right there, that expression is the keeper for me. Now her face was saying,”How could you be such a dork?” How on Earth could you ask such a stupid question? I hear Jenna is happy now, married and living a wonderful life. I’d call that a miracle, considering her uncle is cult overlord of the Galaxy, and if anybody gets the bright idea to ask me what kind of guy DM is, I pass. Give the microphone to her, or to his Dad. These people have the floor, own the deed to the whole ranch, if you ask me.
This is actually good news. It will definitely thin the ranks of the SNOTs fraternity even more! The more GATs the better.
To those on that level (winless as it is) the financial strain is tremendous, let alone having to travel and stay at Flag twice a year with regges hunting them down at every turn in the corridors.
Another major foot bullet by dm or maybe he’s scouting for some extra cash before an extended departure.
Naw. Now it will be faster and more streamlined since david miscavige got rid of the squirrels that mucked it up. He’ll probably bring back Blowing By Inspection or the brief or fleeting F/N will be back in vogue. Finish the whole level is 6 months.
Any GAT I OT VIII will have to redo it, of course, because now they are truly in PT.
…after they redo their objectives (SRD), i.e.
I also heard that OT 1 and OT 3 have been changed as well.
OT1 is a bit of a joke, so I can see them making changes. But OT3 is the Holy Grail and the Sacred Cow that uses the grail for Two Girls, One Cup. If they make changes to that, that’s the official beginning of the DM As Source Era. The screams from the Indies will be intense, and the Never-Ins will understand why. The stablest of stable data will be destroyed without mercy.
In other words, get the popcorn popper ready.
Not going to happen. It’s handwritten. Can’t be changed with the normal “SP transcriptionist/typist” line. Miscavige would have to have his own revelation of Incident II or something. Even the most die hard sycophant would not swallow that.
Mike, That’s very interesting that you think they wouldn’t follow. You know much more than I do. I would think as much as dm keeps everyone in line they would follow him anywhere into a revelation or anything he chooses.
The Miscarriage finally realized that the Hawaiian Island Volcanoes did not even exist 75 million years ago so an update has been included for those that accidentally ran it.
The new GAG III includes an Underwater Repair for all Ohh Tea Threeze and above although rumor has it that all Ohh Tease, regardless of case level are currently underwater.
Geezuz you crack me up with your “0h Tea Threeze.” So funny.
He’s the funniest poster here. Smartest one too…
Geezers! Does seem to mean that when you pass through the org board, you pop out the other side into a newer and shinny wog? Hence you start again. Dave’s math is monotonously money based.
Your posts McCarran are more accurate than I Ist realised.
Right On, this will only blow more people away.
I was blown away just reading it!
Let’s check that on the meter.
Auditor: Ok, OSD, now pick up the cans and give me light squeeze. Good. Now, regarding your cognition of being “Blown away….” What was that? MY GOD! Not only is your needle floating, you made 5 swings of the needle! No has ever done that before! You need to attest right away and write a Success Story! Gosh, this is going to look very good on my stats!
So you see, Mary, it’s not so bad to have cogs checked on the super reliable e-meter.
So, has anyone called? Good roads, fair weather? 😉
Well…living at the beach we almost always have good roads & fantastic fair weather….But, no one has called me.
Unbelievable! But doable! ROBOTS ‘R’ US!
First scientologists get NEW old stuff, then BRAND NEW old stuff, then BRAND SPANKING NEW old stuff…at some point some of the less brain-dead of the group are gonna say, “hey, wait a minute, it almost looks like we’re being played!”
Yeah, it’s not a fraud swindle where the rubes are brought in and money taken from them. No, it’s a “briefing,” as if the rubes, marks, and suckers are Navy or something, getting “briefed.”
Utter insanity.
It’s best when it’s a confidential briefing.
A “Closed Door” briefing.
A closed door fleecing.
Wait…what? No new GAG II for the Comm Course? Just as Ron wanted? If all the other courses and auditing levels were, in fact, NOT what Ron wanted, it seems the Comm Course would be up for renewal too!
Staff: Andy, you need to redo the Comm Course.
Andy: WTF for? I’ve already done the Comm Course!
Staff: Yes, but, that was the old Comm Course. COP discovered many, many errors and semi-colons and colons out of place! And, by himself, he’s fixed everything for us! So you need to route onto the new Ideal Comm Course.
Andy: Bullshit! I just don’t believe any of this! The Comm Course, which had been the same for 5 or 6 decades, suddenly is no longer standard?
Staff: No, it’s not. But thanks to DLHDM, it’s now as Ron intended. So, when you can you start?
Andy: Ummmm…When Hell freezes over? When Hubbard comes back? When I get a new girlfriend? After I do OT 9 & 10, if they really exists? You tell me! Just pick one. All of you folks can kiss my ass!!!!
Staff: Andy, you know very well that ass kissing is reserved for corn on the COB ONLY! Are you disaffected in any way?
Andy: Am I disaffected in any way? Gosh, how do I answer that one: FUCK YOU!
I heard on the sly that the new GAT OCA is in the pipeline too, shhhh keep it hushed up now. It’ll blow all the stops and barriers on your road to OT.
Are you talking about the Non-Oxford Capacity Analysis? If so, you’re right on the money, I Yawn! That piece of shit survey was written back in the 50s by Ray Kemp. It has nothing to do with 2015. Nothing.
I brought that up with a young staff member at the Pasadena Idle Morgue after finishing the 200 stupid questions. I said to him, “This feels like it’s from the 50s. He relied, “We made like that on purpose.” That’s when my head started spinning…..
It’s actually gpoing to be called the Oxford Incapacity Analysis.
Truer words were never spoken, iamvalkov! Nice post!
That’s disturbing OSD, made it like that on purpose??
They really pump up the Ron valence don’t they? What’s next, we all have to wear 1950s hats and move to Phoenix for awhile?
Well, keep in mind, I Yawn, that Hubbard said that 75 million years ago, the people living here looked like they were from the 1950s. And, of course, Hubbard said this planet had 250 billion people on it. Keep in mind we have 7.4 billion now. But, hey, I like dressing up in period clothes!
I love your posts.
Back in the 1970’s I was at Saint Hill and talked with staff who
worked with RON. The one thing that they agreed upon was
none of Scientology was planned.
Everyone on Earth was going to purchase a copy of Dianetic’s
and book one co audit to Clear, that was it.
So realistically then GAT 4 will be a planetary Book one co audit
as LRH intended, David Miscavige retires on the Freewinds
and all Ideal Orgs are sold to the highest bidders( D,M. sole owner of them)
( Whales and staff holding an empty bag)
You just describe my dream, Jose!
The real Scientology business model of the COB does not work
no matter who or what is thrown into the chaos ie. bigger status trophies
course catch phrases. Will the dwarfenfurer pull a Hitler ? no probably not,
but he has celebrity private jets ,his private ship and plenty of IAS loot
offshore in many accounts. D.M. could purchase his own island like
Saint Kitts and declare himself immune to any legal threats
open a chain of casinos and brothels, anybody’s guess.
Jose, you have a very keen sense of the issues.
Just another shake down. Miscavige gets excited when he orchestrates these MASS EXODUS’ from the Church. The Mission Holders Massacre, the Mayo debacle, cancelling certs across the planet, ordering the OT8’s to go back onto OT Vll, the announcements that Hubbard was an overt product maker, cancelling family time, appearing as the main spectacle on Anderson Cooper, his comm ev findings playing in theaters across the planet.
He has managed to shake down the Church and empty it. After all, his only real potential threat or critic, is a Scientologist or a former Scientologist. If they all vanished tomorrow, he wouldn’t be accountable to anyone and nobody would be missing his with holds.
Booby trap systems Dave! Booby trap systems!
Wow, really well said, Oracle!
As much as I have been in tune to all those happenings, you make me want to put it to music when you list it all rapid-fire like that!
Name of the song: Booby Trap. I think it will need to take a hip-hop route…maybe when “Chili-Beans-and Rice” wakes up, he can bring your words and my vision to life as one! If he doesn’t wake up soon, chilly beans and rice is all he’ll be eating, kinda like an honorary sea org celeb-wanna-B
The Clampire must have noticed a revenue shortfall from GAT2, Electric Boogaloo. Now there will be GAT 2, OT levels, and a re-re-re release of everything else. The Freezone is going to make out like bandits (Mongolian ones) when all the hard core Lroners escape.
The South Park Xenu episode has become Truth.
There’s no Class VIII course, that’s being redone.
There’s no Briefing Course, ditto.
The Tech Vols are being redone, again. The Green Vols are being redone, again.
Purif, TRs& Objectives -redone; Student Hat, GAG II auditing and training, and now, GAG II for Solo NOTS OTs are also being redone.
Too bad if you don’t understand why, Sheeple.
Tough on you too if you don’t agree.
Co$ requires no understanding or agreement from its parishioners.
When we tell you to do something, you do it.
When we tell you to buy something, you buy it.
You will redo these auditing actions, and like it.
You will do these courses again, pay for them again, and like it.
You will throw out your old materials, buy the new materials, and like it.
And if you don’t comply, and/or if you comply and don’t like it, you’ll be made to understand that there is something seriously wrong with you.
You want policy on this, Sheeple? Sure, here’s your policy. Here it is, for you to repeat to the wall until you have a Major Stable Win:
“Ours is not to question why; ours is but to do and buy”.
There’s your fucking policy, Sheeple.
Follow it, or get the hell out.
PS: And, yes, we hear you whining, and no, LRH didn’t write that policy. You got a problem with that?
Great post oracle, as always. 😉
Stunningly presented facts Oracle, and who said miscavige isn’t source of something?
Louis Swartz should be the first lamb in line for the slaughter.
He got me face to face at CLOWUS to tell me he audited me
on OT 5 ! Then confessed his health did not improve ,
poor bastard has DEMENTIA so bad makes Charles Manson
nearly Saint !
David Miscavige Tech will produce more suicides,dementia,
murders,bankruptcy’s,and insanity.
Absolutely no doubt! There have already been many strange deaths and suicides for their numbers.
True, if they keep going at it more people will end ‘off the level’ up to the point that the next meeting will be in the bathroom as no one will be left to attend a bigger space.
I learned solo knots for free from a cute sailor in San Diego.
I thought we weren’t going to talk about that, BlindersOff! I thought that was between you and me? I’m crushed…..
OSD I thought that was between you and ME!
Well, we’ll always have last night, OSD2! You were simply incredible….Imagine, two OSDs together! Now that’s awesome….
Mike, this gathering is really an IQ test. If someone shows up they have an IQ <50.
Wait, how do the signs work again? I was too busy doing objectives to learn math so help me out. 😉
Oh no the signs didn’t show up
Dang it and they didn’t again. I give up – greater than and less than inequality signs. Hopefully someone at least gets a laugh at my inability to post symbols lol.
Dynamic 3 > 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
Yup.. it’s a new and improved mousetrap.
Just like cereal. New and improved. How can that be, though? How can the runt change the Tek when he’s not source. New and improved indeed…
The invitation addresses OT5’s. But does this mean that those who are already auditing on OT6 will also have to redo the Solo NOTs course?
This is too funny!
Come out and have the biggest, greatest, bestest. mind blowingest,…uh, again.
All the others were kinda horse doot…but THIS time its fer reelz!
Why would we lie?
I’d bet they’ll have all the OTs levels till VII again after that, since all of them have still some doubts regarding their possible BTs lefts. Okay, Triscavige the Great could then collect and count what HE thinks are BTs.
I gotta say, this just makes me smile….
I know!
It’s so insane it does make one giddy. I had a friend (disconnected from me as she is still “in”) say to me in 1991, “When are we going to stop having to redo things?”
And, Mary, did you reply, “NEVER!” With an evil laugh? That’s what I would have done…
No! I was still in my SFI phase. (SFI= Stupid Fucking Idiot)
Haha Mary you should send her an email, asking the same question all these years later..
Oh, abso – fucking – lutely, Mary! Ask her the same question!
Mike I was thinking the same thing about Anna. I was on the RPF with her and her daughter Donna. (how sad is it that they weren’t the ONLY mother/daughter combo on the RPF at that time) Has she rejoined the Sea Org? Is this ANOTHER amends project for her? So weird.
So many hats, so few heads. You’re going to see weirder yet in the downward spiral. Soon, senior execs will be cleaning bathroom floors with their tongues — or did that happen already?
Sorry, hgc10, it did, indeed, happen already. But, hey, they can always do it again! Nothing like licking the floor of a bathroom, I always said. Now that really takes confront….
Nora, you are are hero that puts Laura Croft to shame in my book, however…you may have missed the memo; SOB, out of the kindness of his tainted pitch-black heart, went out of his way to arrange that family time as a reward to the mother-daughter SO teams…clear your words, girl!
Oh right!!!! . . . . I forgot about “family time”. I really shoulda had a V8.
BBJane, I really loved you on the video you made that was on Tony’s blog yesterday. You are a beautiful person.
Nora, you are are hero that puts Laura Croft to shame in my book, however…you may have missed the memo; SOB, out of the kindness of his tainted pitch-black heart, went out of his way to arrange that family time as a reward to the mother-daughter SO teams…clear your words, girl!
Jane, how sad you can recall several mothers and daughter on RPF together. Well at least they got to see each other unlike many other families. Just depressing.
Maybe GAT II Solo Nots will finally require a check to make sure you have sold your soul to the church of scientology BEFORE you start that level. There’s got to be a meter check for that.
Are you familiar with Tory Christman? The very beautiful and long time critic of the Church of Scientology?
I have got some news. When Tory was still in the church they used her for a video to announce to the OT world that “finally, the missing SOLO NOT’s tech from LRH had just been incorporated into the new SOLO NOT’s data that all OT’s must come to Flag for to get”? Wasn’t that about 20 years ago that video was released? And now here is MORE NEW TECH? And for the last 20 years Flag has been producing GAT type OT VII’s? LRH must be hiding out somewhere and writing this stuff for the church! 🙂 It would seem like this tech has been released at least 3 times or maybe some people have not been around that long? Or is David Miscavige hard at work again messing up everybody’s life including his own life as well? 🙂
Like I’ve always said, Lawrence, they just can’t seem to get enough of DM’s funky stuff. And they really say with a straight face that auditing INCREASES your IQ level? Seriously?
It seems as though the tech is now approved by DM to be RE-RELEASED in a RE-CORRUPTED state and then RE-REPAIRED and RE-RELEASED as “What LRH Originally intended” over and over again. Like a service facsimile almost. Just as long as the underlying cause of human problems remains implants, carry on with your “NEW TECH” DM and see if it works! 🙂
There is a meter check for that one, Mary. However, the NEW meter has to come from Target 2. It’s going to take awhile to get here.
Hey Dude,
I suspect that there will have to be two checks done. When the Ohhh Teeeze find out what the new GAG meter check will cost they will likely shit a brick requiring an MD to do a Rear End Repair Action.
Of course with Obamacare in full swing, the regges can just route the bankrupt Oh Teeze onto the public dole for a full RERA until they are recovered enough to resume the standard reaming.
Ah yes, Newcomer, standard reaming. Know it well. I hope they keep the Rear End Repair Action going. It’s always fun to hear cult members scream….
Is Taurus pulling the cart?