One of our Special Correspondents pointed out what this promo piece says:
Mr. Gavin Potter gave a great briefing on OT IX having to do with Orders of Magnitude and how that ties in intimately with LRH intention and the Ideal Orgs strategy which puts in Orders of Magnitude on the expansion and clearing of our area.
Say what?
Mr. Gaving Potter has about as much idea about OT IX as he does the secret formula for Coca Cola, though the formula for Coke actually exists. He has even less idea about “LRH intention” for the “ideal org strategy” as there is NO LRH intention for the “ideal org strategy” though there is a policy letter of the same title and it has NOTHING to do with what Mr. Gavin Potter is talking about, which should rightly be called the “ideal building investment strategy” or perhaps “the ideal rip off fundraising strategy.” And I would love to see what evidence he has about how any of this “puts in Orders of Magnitude” when the clear evidence of all the other “ideal orgs” is that the “order of magnitude” of expansion is ZERO.
But as long as someone throws in the catchphrases, no questions are asked. And beyond even that, it is now turned into something forwarded to others as if it is the word of God….
Tell the sheeple it’s “command intention” or that it will “make planetary clearing a reality” or will “clear their area” and instantly all logic, critical thinking and any modicum of common sense drains from their bodies and seeps through the floorboards.
And how strange, right after I received this and made my comments above, someone sent me another promo piece promoting Mr. Gavin Potter. I wonder if he discloses the true secrets of closing scientologists — remember the catchphrases “command intention” and “making clearing a reality.” Because I will admit, he successfully closed the Mountain View sheeple on “anything.”
You mean there even is someone small enough to be a “mini” David Miscavige? I thought he was the smallest! Well, maybe Tom Thumb still lives.
I’m of the opinion that David Miscavige knows that Gavin Potter will be talking about OT9. I think he wants this subject floated again, to gauge its reception. I think he’s really desperate now because GAG II is flopping and he needs something else now. He always needs to be the one to start a new game, because, he thinks, if he doesn’t (from the Bolivar PL) “someone else is jolly well going to start one”.
Also, because there are no new people coming in, he has only this group of still-ins to keep happy and hopeful, which means that if his flavor of the month Squirrel Bridge crap doesn’t sell he must come up with something else very quickly. Its not like 10 years ago when he could afford to spin things out for years. He doesn’t have that luxury anymore.
Why does Gavin Potter looks like a Miscavige Mini Me? Do you think it’s “Don’t Hit Me” tech?
Gavin Potter is a dm wanna be. He even LOOKS like a young dm.
Better watch out Gavin, you might be getting a little too powerful and that’s usually the time that the cob likes to do a smack down on people.
I share Mark’s curiosity (in a comment above) about this OT IX chatter. “What does it signify?” he asks.
I wonder too. Is it remotely possible that Dave Miscavige is feeling ballsy enough or desperate enough to “discover” these higher unicorn levels of the Bridge?
He’s got nothing much left to sell. GAT II is a flop. Clearwater is a ghost town. His Ideal Org scheme may be hitting some kind of wall, as evidenced by how quickly he’s pivoted from Sydney (a city with a real, though now broke & demoralized, field) to Auckland (a city where the field is mostly imaginary). Maybe after all this, Dave reckons that LRH has been dead long enough, and people who knew LRH are mostly gone from the church, or in the Hole, or whipped into submissive silence. So what’s to stop him from rolling out some fresh revelations from beyond the grave?
There’s a bit of precedent. The Gospel of Mark was finished by about 70 CE, at a time when people were still alive who had seen and heard Jesus (who died around 30 CE). Mark doesn’t have a resurrection story or many of the other dramatic flourishes that appear in later gospels that were promulgated over the next few decades, after the living witnesses were gone. Could it be that Miscavige reckons we’ve reached the Gospel of John phase of Scientology? Safe now to start making shit up? Who’s gonna know?
Based on what I hear from OT VII and OT VIII people they believe LRH wrote these levels and they will be released after the Ideal Orgs are finished. Thus there is no need for the Gospel of Mark. There is no way to prove one way or the other right?
Correct Pete2. Basically all the VIII’s who are still active share that insane delusion. Definitely the VII’s who are still in and haven’t experienced the fraud that is palmed off as the first real OT level.
!!!!!! gosh !!!!!! Who needs enthusiasm when you have exclamation marks?????!!!!!
LRH once wrote a policy where the title said, HOW TO “SELL” SCIENTOLOGY TO YOUR FRIENDS. He purposely put the word “SELL” in quotations marks because he was using the term in irony, meaning that you shouldn’t really have to “sell” Scientology, per se. Then he got involved in complexities and accepted bad advice from Les Dane, whose selling techniques were then hyped by DM and int management. These supplanted everything else inuse and the result is what we see today in the COS… purpose to actually help beings, just greed for money.
I worked at Bridge with Gavin for some years. He then went to the ship office as a reg along with his wife. He is no long ball hitter.
If you knew nothing about Scientology and just looked at the promotional pieces that get sent out.. we went from trying to actually help people and improve conditions to “experts” in closing techniques. The order of Source is now:
1. DM
2. Les Dane
3. Selected LRH that does not conflict with 1 & 2.
I love how that flyer is a careful hedge — see the bullets on the left side.
“Immediate LRH tools to increase your income and go up the Bridge.” Notice that this can be misread as promising to immediately increase your income. No. All they are offering is to give you immediate tools. Semantic sleight of hand.
“Greater certainty and skill in the application of LRH closing and dissemination tech.” They are not promising more success. Just greater certainty and skill.
“The opportunity to take your closing and successful dissemination ratio to a whole new level.” Hmm. They are not saying you can actually get to a whole new level — just that you will have an _opportunity_ to get to a whole new level.
This is the epitome of misleading advertising. If I ran that seminar, I could deliver exactly what I actually said, and you might or might not be the barest amount more successful. This is from the guru of marketing? He’s learned the American way well.
And for crying out loud, as stated above, all Scientology ever had to do was produce one Clear or OT VIII by their original definitions and the entire world would have beaten down the doors demanding services.
Les Dane? Come on… now that’s OLD SCHOOL. Time to get into PT with those ‘closing techniques’.
Cog – Martliese’s promo is just for lulz! She brags that people ‘hadn’t laughed this much in a while.’
And the fundraising aerobics team ‘showing us how to donate’ – like, lobbing gold bullion into the basket from 30 paces away?
In “the event on Saturday night” was Mr Potter leaking details of the confidential OTIX? I don’t think so; more like he was taking the statement ‘Orders of Magnitude’ and twisting it to mean whatever he wanted it to mean.
As for “trained by Les Dane,” hah! Les Dane gave seminars in the CoS, but he passed away in 1990. More like Mr Potter M9’d Sales Closing Techniques.
OT VIII is apparently quite ‘light’ in content. Could The Furer – far more appropriate than Pope and I think it will burn his rrs – have split it up to deliver bits and pieces as IX, X etc?
I vote Gavin Potter be promoted to new Church Spokesman at OSA INT !
Every Idle Morgue needs staff fully capable of “Closing”.
Somebody needs to know how to turn off the lights and hand over the keys to the new owners.
I learned closing techniques at the cult Lifespring. Horrifying now that I know John Hanley was connected to LRH. And that is exactly what we called it: Closing.
I would not mind telling my story about working for the cult Lifespring back in 1979-1981. Would you be interested Mr. Rinder? There are some major similarities and if I could help anyone bolt from SCIONville it would be worth any risk to me of someone figuring out who I am IRL.
so LRH was into the ideal org strategy was he?
I don’t remember that policy letter and I did the OEC course before it was altered by the dwarf.
I suppose after the ideal org crap followed by the ideal region crap will the dwarf roll out the ideal country campaign, followed by the ideal planet, then solor system,the ideal Galaxy.
Do these prats never run out of money to give him?
When will they start to deliver Dianetics and Scientology standardly?
Er well actually never. That was the olden days
LRH Closing technology. OMFG. If as a business I relied on Les Dane’s work to close business I would be broke. That ancient crap is so old school that no sales people use it anymore. Thats the type of tech that gets the check and within 24 hours your customer is calling the bank to get their check cancelled. They fail to realize that you cannot control your customers anymore. There is this little thing called the internet. It levels the playing field so that all sales tech before 2005 is redundant.
You can try and control and bullshit your customers but the minute you leave the meeting they are researching your ass and fact checking your stats.
it really speaks volumes about their sales skills when they talk about closing techniques. Nowadays good sales people educate and have relationships with their clients. Its based on trust. Something the COS lost with their public years ago. Sales now is delivering what you promising and social media presence. People listen to unemployed bloggers on the fringes of the internet. They are generally better informed than you think.
“There is this little thing called the internet. It levels the playing field so that all sales tech before 2005 is redundant.”
Richard, we used Solution selling (1970’s tech) all through the 2000’s and made MILLIONS in sales. You should learn it. LOL
True Story:
Next to last time in Ship Office in L.A..CLO WUS
I had laid for next trip to FSSO services.
As I’m leaving the SO office guy raises his hand
and I think he is going to say thanks,instead
he says “We own all of your money anyway”
just like that and the guy has an ear to ear smile.
Poor Gavin he doesn’t get any of the money he fleeces. What a fool.NO I meant
what a tool.
You don’t think he gets 10% of everything he raises?
WAY back in the day I know that S.O. staff got 10%. Don’t know if still true. Probably is.
All I can say is that’s some chutzspa.
Conflating Orders of Magnitude with this Ideal Orgs scam.
Personally I disagree that these levels don’t exist and that they are probably somewhere in note form possibly on foolscap, a spiral note book or maybe even a table napkin like he says in various HCOBs but like original OT V and VI these could be based on earlier processes given in the Creation of Human Ability or the Phoenix Lectures or maybe even PDC or some other lecture series that deals with OT Phenomena.
Fact is in the earlier policies on the Grade Chart he mentions using R1 processes as part of the proposed OT Levels.
That said none of these processes were ever directed toward any kind of Org Structure but where directed toward familiarizing a thetan with operating outside of the confines of his or her physical body.
The only other person I know of other than Mssr Potter here who conflates the Organization and the Org Board with the OT Levels is Captain Bill Robertson in what they call “Excalibur” over at Ron’s Org FKA the Freezone.
No surprise here since the orgs have pretty been sold on “Seminar Tech(tm)” which was developed by Werner Erhard.
I wonder where they got this wonderful sales technology Ron supposedly “developed”. As far I know Ron had a rudimentary understanding of many subjects and like many larger than life individuals he was autodidactic but one area that he admitted to having a lack of fundamental understanding was the area of sales which is why he tapped Les dane to include his book Big League Sales as part of the curriculum of Div II and VI registrars.
It boggles the mind.
Having pretty much read the OECs cover to cover as well as the management series and not finding much on actually selling a product directly to a customer other than the fact that there must be some kind of *exchange* which seems to be a lost concept in the Org these days since they almost exclusively rely on *donations* am at a loose to what Gavin Potter is referring to….
Or is he just cynically making shit up which seems the current MO of the Church of Scientology these days.
I don’t know if there is an OT 9 or not but
you are right in that there is plenty of early
stuff LRH wrote and said that could be used
for an OT level.
The problem is does he still have any tech
terminals left that know and understand the
early stuff enough to conjure up an OT level?
Also all that early data is valid workable stuff.
Does midgy really want people to have those
And then of course there is the fact he is totally
fucking people up by moving them up and down
the bridge so much that they may not be able to do
those early processes.
Well the good thing is we can repair all these poor
souls at some point. That will finally be money
well spent for them. Or maybe well bartered as
they have no more money.
True we can dispute whether there are levels above the current level of OT VIII which is somewhat different than the original theory published in October ’69.
As I wrote if notes do exist as he says in Current State of Materials and Tech Correction Round Up then I agree there is probably no one in the Church these days who could possibly decrypt these arcane instructions if they do exist.
I mean they can’t even get Super Power right which to a large degree was pretty much written up and tested back in ’78 as a “parallel rundown to power” according to RJ 30.
The fact is that objectives isn’t going to cut it. Even the additional objectives developed specifically for the SRD such as Order vs Disorder.
I know a little about this having been seconded to NWC for a short time.
The importance of the Clay Table Processing which is part of KTL/LOC and the Pro TRs Course is totally ignored.
Same with actions like full Post Purpose and Product Clearing, Ethics and Conditions By Dynamics and understanding the purpose of the Org Board which is part of LOC.
Personally I think one of the reasons that LOC was such a bust was they skipped PPC and did Product Clearing Short Form instead of the full rundowns and had students doing endless O/W write-ups on each department and division.
BTW I remember the first issue of the HCOB on O/W Write Ups was basically how to do them if one had to do one then later after RTRC got a hold of it. It became a panegyric about how wonderful OW write ups were etc.
(I wish I had the original HCOB to hand instead of the “assisted by” version because they are almost two different HCOBs . The only thing that is the same is the title.)
Moving on.
In summary. Not only do you have god awful overruns from rerunning levels that already achieved the EP.
(I mean the only EP of objectives at the level below Grade I is basically being in PT enough so that one can run subjective processes.
Also even if for some reason they don’t get the full EP they still have a chance to fully achieve it on Grade I.
The Bridge as it was originally designed was set up to pick up anything that was missed later which is why the OT IV Rundown was developed.
Consider the fact that there are three different Drug Rundowns. Now at various levels.
In other words there is no reason to invalidate the PC or Pre OT by making them go back and do a certain level. That is unless one is *suppressive*
Even in the bad ol’ days of Quickie Grades PC and Pre OTs were specifically told that their grades were being “Expanded” not that the triples or singles they ran earlier were invalid.)
Anyway the fact is that this can all be repaired using Standard Tech including handling any eval or inval using a Questionable “Auditing” Repair List then putting the PC and Pre OT level they should be on, usually the one they were on before the “call back engram”.
I agree with your comments.
I really liked the clay table
I know Gavin from PAC. A decent enough guy. I think he will be among those who wakes up sooner than later. I know sooner has long since passed, but relatively speaking I mean. Like Janet Light, Gavin is a smart one who does what needs doing to get by, and does it well. But eventually he will get fed up with the BS cycle of being the hero one minute, and the devil the next minute. Much like I did.
welcome to 1998 scientology, “we’re the org that is the best!”.
i wonder how long it will be before they begin claiming the .org domain was actually a master plan they put over on the wogs to disseminate to word “org” to billions everyday.
if i didn’t know all this was really going on, i’d swear it was a cheap scifi novel.
Maybe he is dangling OT 9 now because since Super Power isn’t the flavor of the month anymore, the floods of people aren’t doing it so……gotta have something to dangle. Might as well be something that is so far into the future that it will keep the cultie’s attention for a long, long, good ol’ fundraising time.
So Gavin is going to teach tools to Overcome the “economy” objection. Like, ” it doesn’t matter if the person ends up on the street and has no $ left, the important thing is to get all their money”. Or, “It doesn’t matter that the money is needed for the persons family to survive, the important thing is to get all of it and and to convince them it’s for the greatest good for the greatest # of dynamics. (The dynamics of doors, windows, floors, empty space etc).
More shameless promotion of something that doesn’t exist, yet costs you a lot of money, time and energy.
It seems Mr. Potter will never give up his antics. I have been the recipient of his B.S. briefings several times in the past and he is a real slick, snake oil salesman.
Several years ago, I got a call from him to donate for the Way to Happiness in Columbia. It was a “super-secret briefing only for those very special people.” I never bought into this kind of crap and tried to get him off the line but he insisted that my husband and I hear him out over the phone.
The Freewinds was in port in Cartegena and he told us about how the police in Columbia (Cartegena) were approved to do the Way to Happiness course and that they needed a course room. Now, a course room shouldn’t cost a whole lot of money to deliver a WTH course. Especially in Columbia. All you need is a space to accommodate whatever number of students will be there at a given time and tables and chairs. Gavin wanted $5-10,000 dollars and he told me that he was getting donations from all over the world for this “very special project.” Of course, it was “an emergency” and the money was “desperately needed right now”. He sounded hyper and stressed over the phone. Desperate actually.
I believe that Gavin probably raised quite a bit of money for this project. Who wouldn’t want to support raw public doing a WTH course?
Speaking of the Ship, the next thing you know, donating money for fuel for the Ship is clearing the planet and creating a new civilization too. My husband told me that when he was at Flag recently, he was put in the pressure cooker to pay additional money towards OT8 because “they needed fuel and have a lot of expenses to run the Ship.”
Perhaps one purpose of the carrot dangling of OT9 and 10 is to flow money to the Freewinds and keep it afloat. Don’t forget that Miscavige also needs his space to relax and play and the parishioner’s and staff are “responsible” for keeping him well and happy.
Regarding Gavin’s fundraising for TWTH for the law enforcement public in Columbia:
Gavin raised money for this project by contacting private parishioners who paid for it. I know this because I was one of those people who contributed. Note how the IAS TOOK THE CREDIT FOR IT, that “This is what your IAS donations pays for” often stated at the events.
More and more LIES.
But of course, it is justified under the “WE are the IAS.” More of the group is all and the individual is nothing ethos of the FCoS.
Regarding the yack about OT9 and 10:
This is planting the seed in the public’s minds to get ready for OT 9 and 10. I believe that after the hub dies down with Super Power and GATII, which is lackluster, don’t be surprised to see regging to start “putting a flow towards your OT9 and 10” coming.
for something that doesn’t exist.
Pepper, you hit the nail on the head. I believe your predictions will come true. And re donating for the Columbian WTH, I was nabbed by Rick Alexander at Flag for this. I said no, and he said that I had money on the Ship I could use for it. I said no again that I was not going to unmock my OT VIII. He said, and I quote, “but that money on your Ship is just for accommodations and so it isn’t for VIII.” This was his justifier for raiding my Ship account. I told him that accomos are needed to do OT VIII and I wouldn’t unmock my VIII just so he gets a stat. Well he worked on me some more and unfortunately I ended up unmocking my accomos on the Ship to help the bogus made up Columbia WTH campaign. But my point is not that I was a victim. My point is that they are so desperate to get money and to get their own personal stats up, that they will cannibalize and eat their own leg so to speak. There is no new money coming in. It is just eating up some other org’s CF in order to save your own neck. How long can that keep going on? It is the old shell game of which shell is the pea under… the transferring of money back and forth just to keep someone from being sent to the RPF. But the money is all at the same place, so it is just a shell game with no new funds coming in. The end is near.
I have been reg’ed by Gavin Potter and his Norwegian siamese twin.
It’s not LRH closing tech, no such thing. It’s Scam tech that inmates learn in prison.
Just sugar coated as LRH tech.
Diagram all that comes out of all of Gavin’s orifices,all flows default to gimme your money !
If they want to isolate their closing problem
they should come to this blog and drill their
closing techniques on us.
Aaah, more exciting PR and Prop. Kinda makes ya wanna dance in the streets don’t it? Freedom to secure one’s eternity – I dunno sounds a little oxymoron to me. I still shake my head on the “eternity” thing, as if anyone could lose it. Now there’s a good lie :).
Its a different twist from the old days. Now they rely on donations and fundraising instead of actual sales of services, it seems. It seems one expanded on actual “earned” money back then – but hey what do I know – if you’re gonna be criminal at least be creative about it, right?
And if people are gonna be giving “that” much money – they better be entertained enough to laugh their stupidity away and actually believe they can “clear” a planet, which in itself was a catch phrase made up over beers and backyard talk (I met the person who actually came up with that saying giving it to LRH).
Took the wind out of my sails – that’s for sure.
All I can say is – good for them! They can scam with more catch phrases and they can sleep well knowing they have their eternities “secure”. Why not create a “level” called “Eternity OT” where you know you will be a forever being and that’s after you’ve done the bridge “again”, shaken hands with DM and done OT X, XI, XII and also on the side a few more objectives (oi vey).
Admission is FREE!!! Such a DEAL! I wonder what the admission fee will be for the IAS event, New Years event and next year’s Birthday event starring cob?
Mr. “Gave-In” Potter $elling $OP – Same ole Poop. Gave-In has never run anything yet he gives seminars on how to run a business. He only knows how to lie, manipulate and deceive! No one ever went to his stupid seminars when I was in and no one goes to them now except a few clubbed seals that don’t want to lose their family members and can’t be wrong!
Well, I guess salvaging the future eternity in the correct orders of magnitude is just very expensive.
Does Davy know someone is talking about OT9? He would not like someone letting the premise for GAT 3 out of the bag. Where were the Lroon note for #9 found? On the back of an old pack of Kools?
David has obviously kept it a secret from the staff. Looks like they still believe it exists.
One thing is for sure: Gavin has been ‘closed’ definitely.
at OT XII you will will understand why all Orgs should be Ideal .. it is wish of LRH that he gets all Ideal when he comes back to us .. everything must be Ideal, because otherwise he can not live a life .. nobody can live a life if it is not ideal .. so make everything ideal .. it is all in all LRH purpose ..
I think the ideal world of a wolf is not to be a wolf, as like as the world of a tiger or snake or spider .. no one would be what he is if he goes over Ideal .. I get now an overrun on the word ideal .. the word becomes a new sign as the ultimate goal for everything .. one word ..
I remember Earth 700 Mio years ago, it was an ideal place for animals and plants .. one eat the other at every day .. not good for men, but there were only a few there .. most came for holiday reasons for seeing how ideal a world can be .. it was a good planet once ..
The unprofessionalism of these marketing “products” staggers me. I get hung up on the bad writing, inconsistent messaging, bad information, tacky design. These things deliver the message that only stupid, uneducated, people with no taste and no standards are Scientologists.
… wait ….
First time poster on this blog. Just stretching my legs. It’s a wonder anyone keeps showing up for these Freewinds events. Taking a cruise while having to do services at the same time seems like such a waste of a cruise.
I’d never go on the Freewinds. It’s like a little dingy compared to a real ship. Small ship for a small man I guess.
Yes it is a small ship. Maybe this is one of the upcoming “Ideal Fundraising” campaigns – “The Freewinds is bursting at the seams accommodating the hugely increased (and highest ever week after week!) flow of PreOTs onto OT VIII. We need to get a newer and much larger SHIP! Come to our inaugural fundraiserand earn your statuses including the top level: Platinum Shit Head (oops *Ship Head).
What is all this tosh about OT IX? It must be Miscavige-sanctioned tosh, or the loathsome Potter would’ve been in the RPF long before now for spreading blatant heresy.
And if so, what does it signify? Anything from DM finally growing a pair after thirty years and actually concocting the non-existent level – to DM not giving a damn what lies get spread about, so long as it keeps up the cash-flow in the short time left before Operation Moonlight Flit…
Potter? More like Gavin Rotter:
Your link is hysterical.
now, i am wondering, how it that these orgs or individuals can or are allowed to make these claims? doesnt the leadership look at these updates and fliers and say “uummm, hey guys, we dont have a level 9 yet.”, maybe i just dont know enough about cos to apply that logic. can anyone in cos just have a self help seminar and make fliers with various claims about lrh intentions or sales tech etc? maybe they have to submit their event for approval? sorry about all the questions and thanks mike for helping the world understand more about this.
Hi mr.underbocky,
Hahaha! What made you think that :”logic” applies to the cos?
With them, any sort of rationality went out the window a long time ago. The current RCS reminds me of those crazed baboons in Hunger Games 2.
Mr. Underblocky,
Good questions?
Actually local events and what they say at them doesn’t need any approval from upstairs. At least that was pretty much the way it was when I was in.
They don’t allow just anyone per se. Usually it is an “opinion leader” of some kind who is invited by someone in Div VI like in this case Gavin Potter who is known by most of the people there.
Back in the day they just talk and say something interesting.
Now they do “seminars”.
This seminar like structure is actually a relatively a new thing piloted by Werner Erhard FKA John Rosenburg back in the ’70’s for which he was awarded the prestigious level of Supreme Squirrel.
According to the “scriptures” of Scientology. You are supposed to gain an understanding of the subject by doing the courses listed on the left side of the Grade Chart and reading the texts and listening to the assigned lectures.
This precludes anyone like say Gavin Potter here from slanting or spinning the subject for their own selfish benefit by conflating “Orders of Magnitude” with “Ideal Orgs” just to reg a few bucks off the marks.
Noticed a couple of typos after I posted my comment.
I guess that’s what happens when you let your spell checker run rampant without checking context.
Wait a minute …..
I think I hear the word Gestapo knocking 😉
I still find it amazing that after doing an OT 8 that in NO way delivers what LRH promised it would, there are people willing to listen to babble about OT IX. Well, ANY OT 8 that still believes this junk deserves what they get. Ya cannot fix terminal stupidity. And who is Gavin Potter exactly? He was a whiny little kid at CLO WUS the last time I saw him years ago….
Old School – as strange as this may sound, the fact that OT8 does NOT deliver what people thought it would, helps to fuel the whole OT9 thing. The carrot of “Superman/no case/able to exteriorize at will, etc etc etc” and/or that THEIR case will finally be handled is still the hope many Scientologists have as being just over the horizon ….. on the next level.
I guess you are right Joe. That plus the proven axiom by Sam Clemens: “It’s easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled.”
I just can’t imagine bringing a new person into one of these mega-fundraising centers. Judging by the number of new folks they are getting into the building, it would seem the sheeple feel the same way.
I well recall my own sins of pretending out-points didn’t exist or weren’t important or could be ignored. The daily sins of these sheeple are sending them right into the suppressive valence of their fearless leader with every justification they sell themselves on. And apparently they are capable of selling themselves and each other on anything.
HOW TO CLOSE ANYONE ON ANYTHING Delivered by Mr Gavin Potter
“ANYONE” has to be defined as any person dumb enough to still be on lines after years of DM squirreling Scientology out of existence. These people have to have closed their eyes to so much that they can’t be too hard to manipulate.
I’ve worked in sales for years and I consider myself to be pretty good at it. I would never want to take the view point that I want to “close anyone on anything”. That’s a low toned point of view that results in things like people be bankrupted by spending money they don’t have for buildings that aren’t needed.
Flunk!!!!!!!! See Gavin for your cram and then stop by Davey’s office for your success.
Good point Paul. Sales people who care about their product and sell with integrity usually do very well. This Potter is a piece of work. He actually told a 13 year old, after hurricane Katrina, that FEMA camps, set up for homeless refugees, were actually death camps. He actually told a child that the government was putting people to death in these camps to coerce her into the SO. True story, the child told me personally.
Hallie Jane,
If what that child told you is true, that Gavin Potter was scaring that kid into the Sea Org with talk of death camps, etc., then Gavin is not only a snake oil salesman, but he’s a death talking, child abuser too.
I also agree that Gavin’s smiling picture is looking more like DM as time goes on. A younger one without that long vertical crevasse running down the right side of his face, like DM has.
Mike, about these empty streets in front of Scientology buildings. Shouldn’t it be like this? PCs in auditing rooms and students in the academy and NOT hanging around in the streets?
No. There should have been people arriving for the grand slam event. There should be people going in and out of Div 6. At 6 pm the students and pc’s should be going home or to dinner. There are plenty of UT students around the campus they are not ALL in lectures or the library at any given time.
“The First Funded Ideal Region on the Planet”…well, and what is the product? MONEY COLLECTED to build something in the future that is expected to ‘save the planet’ is NOT a product; it could be the step of a program or something like that, but nothing else.
And now they have a new carrot to dangle in front of the sheeple (even though sheeps don’t eat carrots) = OT IX. As you said it Mike, the amount of lying is, by now, is hilarious.
And how ironic that “Mr.” Potter says his talk is taken from OT IX info on orders or magnitude. The truth is Gavin doesn’t get auditing in the SO what with all the all-nighters he pulls,so he has no clue what is on OT IX or IF there even IS an OT IX at all. Word on the street by those in the know is that there is no OT IX and never was, Gavin. So dangling a lie in front of the sheeple as a carrot in order to lead them over the cliff like lemmings (sorry for the mixed metaphors here), it is just wrong. Gavin, get a real job and get some real actual exchange going. You’ll feel better for it. And drop the hairdo. It’s is a clone of Der munchkin.
“Mountainview Ballpark Renovations Fundraising..”
Well, obviously, since there is a ballpark included, clearing this sector is immediate and automatic. (If you build it, they will come.) How is it possible for anyone to have missed this obvious out point for so long?
Laughter! Mr. Potter is “trained in LRH sales and closing tech”. Huh? What was LRH’s sales and closing tech? I thought he handed that to Les Dane? But do tell Gavin, do tell us about LRH’s sales tech Gavin. And his closing tech too! This is amazing that you have been trained in LRH’s sales tech! And that you are trained in LRH closing too! I had no idea either existed! HCOB “How to close” or something of that nature Gavin? HCOB “How to sell” or something like that?
I recall when events used to be about service. Now it has come to LRH’s “sales tech”.
Achieve greater certainty in “LRH closing tech”? I mean, if we knew what it was Gavin………..
Gavin, I do not think David has yet informed all of the volunteers, that have been there for the last several decades with the belief there is an OTlX, that there is none, Gavin. Yeah, he has permitted them to live a lie. Oh I’m sure he has good reasons Gavin. Just like you do for “being trained in LRH closing tech”.
P.S. Sorry Gavin, I just have to ask. With all of your special “LRH closing tech”, shouldn’t you be representing David in court? He must have complete faith in you and Ron with Ron’s closing tech. Better yet, why doesn’t David use it to come out here and just close people on pulling out their law suits? Let’s get some priorities straight here Gavin.
David should take this “LRH closing tech” right down to Texas and close that Judge?
“Huh? What was LRH’s sales and closing tech?”
Like I said above, it is very simple: RAPE EVERYTHING IN SIGHT (bank accounts are first on the list but familes, businesses and things of that nature are also on the table) PILLAGE (this includes raking over the perp back and forth to be sure there are no undisclosed cash deposits or future income streams) and then BURN (what is left of the sad bastard who dares to resist the greatest ultimate force in the universe, Mr. closing tech himself and his henchmen).
Other than that, the cult can be a very disarming group!
Gavin: same damn zealot-to-the-Nth-degree-twerp, going back to his days in CMO CW.
I will tell you what the “EP” of LRH and Les Dane style closing tech is as unfortunately I ran across it online while studying real people who understand selling, such as Brian Tracy – just watch this video – if you can without becoming physically ill.
For that matter, what should “closing techniques” have to do with spiritual freedom anyway?
Perhaps I should have just mentioned that there IS NO “LRH Sales tech” and there IS NO “LRH closing techniques”. And there IS NO OT lX! Gavin is tripping!
My personal favourite is “This is what LRH always wanted”. Classic hidden data line.
If you ask for the LRH reference on that, its fast-flow ethics for you.
That’s an interesting point. Ask for the LRH reference and you’re promoting the enemy line.
By the by, there is no “LRH closing tech” per se and it really is an outrage that LRH ever introduced the Les Dane book nto Scientology. It is a handbook on how to overcome any self determinism a being has and extremely insulting to women as well. As for OT9 and a building securing freedom into eternity? As I noted in a post last week, these folks live in an altered universe where there is no objective truth outside of bank accounts and other mest ….. everything else is lies …. lies …. lies …. lies …lies ……..
a very simple operating basis for the cult; RAPE PILLAGE AND BURN until you get what you want – no holds barred and take no prisoners – defrocked apostates are better off dead than to live a life outside of the cult.
Well boys and girls, bring it!
Joe, LRH had no choice. His “tech” produced not a SINGLE clear or OT. (If it had, you would not been able to keep people out of the orgs with machine guns and tanks.)
This was the major red flag that caused me to look into the claims made by LRH and to discover that he was a pathological liar.
What Old School wrote is exactly what every Scientologist eventually has to face.
All the other wins, insights, cognitions, etc. notwithstanding, the original goals of Clear and OT VIII have never been demonstrably achieved. Never.
That reality is the bitter aftertaste that we need to face beneath the beguiling taste of the Kool-Aid.
Well … at least they were laughing … you know the saying … if I didn’t laugh I’d cry …… prediction : however much they’ve raised when the deadline has passed will be target achieved (and the last week of fundraising will be hell week for all Bay Area Scientologists who still have credit and own a home).
Oh Gavin boy, I can see you haven’t come far from the days of lying in recruitment cycles for Bridge Publications. Still all puff and fluff.
I remember those days too. Many of my young friends fell prey to Gavin Potter and his side kick, Nick Christensen.
“So we can give the people of Silicon Valley the opportunity to hear “This is the Session”…… yeah right, with the modifier “I am NOT Auditing You”
Silicon Valley Sec Check Tech and Fleecing of the masses.
Mr Gavin Potter….close this
Admission to Scientology events is always free. It is leaving the event that costs you a lot of money.
And leaving at all may cost you your life as you know it……………….just sayin!
And BTW Gavin, see if you can close your mouth ……………. or at least put a sock in it. WTF on your knowingness about that which does not exist …. more commonly referred to by the cult as OT IX and X? Sheesch!!!
It’s a repetitive machine, grinding out the SOS (“Same Old —-“). Since they’ve apparently abandoned the actual practice of scio, the children have resorted to playing in the sandbox, trying to build castles which will be of no value to anyone but Bullyboy. I’m curious, though: does Potter use the same hair stylist as Bullyboy? He really does look like a wannabe clone.
I looked at his photo… and if you change the hair color he would look like DM himself. I have been “closed” by Mr. Potter himself. He has no shame. None at all. I’m not sure if he’s human. 🙂
Oh my god, you are right! He looks exactly like David Miscavige. So much so that it makes me think of J.R. “Bob” Dobbs, the ascended master of the Church of the Subgenius.
Maybe the “orders of magnitude” of OT IX have to do with being a complete clone of the Sociopathic Pope.
DM must have fucked himself but good.
That pic does look like miscavige, especially if you squint
Strikes me that Mr Gavin Potter has what it takes to take over from David Miscavige. Charisma and a seriously large dorsal fin. All this talk of OT IX like he’s already figured out what it is going to be too. He’s appealing to the masses.
Ha! I thought the same thing…..he looks like a younger (and is no doubt taller) cob. Which should make him an immediate threat to cob……younger, higher on the bridge (assuming he is a non existent OT IX), taller………..
I am going to guess Gavin is going to get an invitation to Hemet soon
Cob can’t really call Gavin a “Mini-Me” though, for obvious reasons.