Give us $3500 now for a Mark VII that will be obsolete within weeks. We know that, and we are not telling you. The Orgs know it so we cannot sell them this deadstock. Thus we have got to try to unload these useless items to you at a small discount (don’t worry, there is still plenty of profit in a $3500 meter). What a joke — selling them at “staff” rate. Like there are any staff that can afford a $3500 meter. “Staff rate” should be “cost” and that would be 1/10th of this.
This is the best indicator that the big sales item for “GAT II” is going to be the “Mark VIII”….
Hi Xxxxx,
Did you get my last email on the 25% e-meter special?
If you are interested, please let me know which color you prefer as some of the colors are selling out pretty fast.
25% discount on available colors:
woo hoo 25% off – hell you get 20% off with IAS discount already. I’m drooling over that 5%!
another example of the Church being out exchange and rip offs with their members. How much longer will these people (members) close their eyes and be zombies?
He reminds me of the Dennis Waterman caricature in the Little Britain comedy series whereby most of the jokes in the sketches are about Waterman (a veteran British actor and sometime pretty awful singer/songwriter…) being extremely small making common objects massive in comparison to him. The character is offered but always declines respectable roles because he is not allowed to star in, or “write the theme tune, sing the theme tune” (pronounced as “write da feem toon, sing da feem toon”) of, the particular production. DM would not have this problem because he’s running the show so I can only cringe at the thought of him presenting his new creations to staff and forcing them to sit through him singing his new Scientology anthems, hymns and other tuneless vocal creations. I suspect his tunes would all be suitable for marching to. OMG can you imagine being force regged into buying the new bumper box set of them….?
Apologies for not being able to post comments as myself but this is due to threats and stalking by, yes you guessed it….I left almost a decade ago and still to this day friends of mine who left years before I got wise (geddit?!) are being stalked by COS staffers on their ways to work, shopping and with their children present. What a lovely, cuddly ‘Church.’ Anyway, I digress…
These are old, old meters. I saw them when I was around and they could not get rid of them then so what they’re doing here is plainly disingenuous to say the least. I suppose it’s their take on the garage sale. Then the ‘New’ meter will be ‘Unveiled’, this will all be written out of history and it will be another pressure reg campaign to buy the New ones, also having been sat in a warehouse for years on end.
However, if anyone is left in the *Church* they must be pretty willing dupes of so totally PTS to the big C this kind of campaigning has become the norm as has being heavily in debt. which will never be recoverable.
Up next the ‘New’ Miscavige Standard Tech blow up doll. I would not put it past him. I met him twice. He’s a midget.
Still Hiding.
Thanks for your observations.
Is this the one with serial ports, 5 1/4″ floppy and vacuum tube screen?
Don’t get me started Nomnom…when it comes to electronic technology the church is clueless. The simple fact that they have their latest and greatest, super-advanced, technically superior, all-singing, all-dancing eMeter sitting in a warehouse for the past 8 YEARS, tells you it is dead in the water upon release. This area of technology changes sooo rapidly, that you would be lucky for any product to be “advanced” for 12-18 months. The sad thing is not that they “don’t know” – they don’t know they don’t know. Worse still, they are convinced “they know” and that those goofy wogs are operating in the stone ages. Talk about arrogance.
There is no reason the eMeter could not have evolved as a software product. Sure, you can have dedicated proprietary hardware, but the real advancements are made on the software front. Any inexpensive tablet could quite easily handle any functional aspect of an eMeter. The fact that they continue to remain in the hardware market as a boutique device manufacture tells you all you need to know.
The only reasons this area continues to limp along are:
1) Out-sourcing of component manufacture to China
2) Slave labor force at Gold
3) Virtual monopoly on the production of eMeters
4) Captive market of onlines Scnists, who they have by the short ‘n curlies
5) Ridiculous profit margins
Normally, any one of these would be enough for a wog business to leverage and be successful. But to have all five is unheard of. And what do we see as a result? Technically advanced devices? No. Low, low prices? No. Proliferation of devices? No. But, guaranteed you will see Gold Plated Special Edition going for 20k, or a Limited Edition Ideal Org Founding Humanitarian for 50k.
I mean, really, there’s just too much money to be made to seriously consider Clearing the Planet.
Don’t be suppressed, Bigger is better. It’s got to be 8 inch floppies in an 18 inch rack.
Damn! i was going to go for that Teal meter, but its SOLD OUT! ohh well….maybe next time…….
There went your Eternity – up in smoke, sold out. Well, cheer up – you still have the present!
Does anyone know what these cost the church to manufacture? At one time I read it was around $30/each.
I heard the components wholesale are $30 (Batteries not incl.), but some parts such is the CPU are no longer available. The movement itself is less than $5 but then you can’t get any components that sub-standard any longer. By today’s standards, these are ancient electronics although they still work very well, but also more prone to failures, hence the silver-certing.
Without any attempt to peddle anything, I consider the the Clarity AutoReset™ Meter a far superior meter to anything CO$ has ever set on the table. I’ve used both, and wouldn’t touch a CO$ meter ever again. Solo auditing with this puppy is unparalleled, and whatever CO$ releases in the future is likely neither here nor there.
Thanks for the data. Tell us more about this meter. I am hoping to be solo auditing here shortly in the independent field. Starting to look at options.
I gave my Mark VII Quantum to the ex-wife when I left.
Greetz Axiom …
An explanation …. words cannot do it justice … you’d have to see them side by side hooked up with 2 solo cans, 1 for each hand to appreciate the difference. The CLARITY meter is so ever more responsive yet the needle flows like sweet molasses. I ran into trouble on OT II with the Mark VII and comp’d the level with the CLARITY. That’s when it hit me how piss-poor the CO$ meters actually are (all hype). Baseline compensation of the Quantum chip is not all that and a bag of chips, the CLARITY in fact does it completely flawless across the whole TA range (CO$ claims the Quantum does, but the CLARITY actually does it). If you’ve been working with a variety of different CO$ meters, you’ll know what I’m talking about away.
Secondly … why would I want to fook with a remote tone arm when I have both auto-needle-centering and a footpedal needle centering which not only prevents missing reads often caused by over-compensation, but also requires less attention on the meter. Larger needle dial too, reads EZer to see.
“Good Trade” if you got to keep the house then … lol.
Update concerning the documentary about Independent Scientology, “Scientologists At War,” to be shown on Channel 4 (UK), 9pm 17 June 2013:
The documentary is being rebroadcast throughout the week.
Channel 4 – 9:00pm Mon, 17 Jun
Channel 4 +1 – 10:00pm Mon, 17 Jun
4seven – 1:10am Tue, 18 Jun
4seven – 10:00pm Tue, 18 Jun
Channel 4 – 11:40pm Wed, 19 Jun
Channel 4 +1 – 12:40am Thu, 20 Jun
4seven 1:35am – Thu, 20 Jun
4seven 12:05am – Sun, 23 Jun
4seven 9:00pm – Sun, 23 Jun
The Scotsman preview:
Johnny Stringer review from a documentary film festival:
Communicator I/C, This program is being broadcast in the UK. Are any of these re broadcasts available in the States to view it? I went to my TV to set it up to record and none of my channels get it.
I’m thinking that ANY product developed under the aegis of Miscavity is worth staying away from. As for the report, reported by whom?
“Call to find out if
you qualify:”
As a staff member I got the “reduced” rate for a meter and it took almost all my pay for over a year + a loan to get it paid for. Then a Mission came into the Org and needed a meter, so they requisitioned mine and when they were done, they fired back to AO and took my meter with them.
No amount of Knowledge Reports or just plain bitchiing ever got my meter back. I was just robbed and was to quit Dev-T’ing everybody … they had more important things to do. So I definitely know about being ripped off – in so many ways … don’t get me started!
Sec checking obviously doesn’t work too well on missionaires. Of course the thief probably got validated since he would have been single-handedly responsible reducing mission expenses and upping the org stats by having you buy another meter. Can you feel the love?
Noticed the contrary fact? …” as some of the colors are selling out pretty fast” – yet, he has only one color left for each!!!
And sure creating scarcity when saying: “For a very limited time ..”
Yet, not one iota regarding “you want to audit”, or “for auditors so they deliver..” or such.
Just keep lying to the public and stealing them under false pretenses…poor show to say the elast.
This reminds me of similar past things.
I had one friend who finished the BC a week before the GAT came out and had to pay for and do all the new checksheets immediately.
Another friend was product officered to get through the last bit of OT VII. Tne NEXT DAY, the new GAT OT VII was released. Sorry, they told him, we couldn’t be unreasonable by not pushing you to get done. Go to the reg now and pay for the new VI A course.
And a friend of mine bought his whole basics library again and then a month or more after that they came out with books on CD which he would have preferred to buy. They sold him the books knowing that they were coming out with books on tape soon. Scam.
Just imagine how people are going to feel when they buy one of the “discounted” Mk VII’s only to see a newer meter released, not unlike books being sold only to be antiquated and replaced by the new basic books. BETRAYED is how they will feel. Way to go CoS and DM. Making enemies of your friends and followers. Another self destruct sequence initiated. All we need to do is sit back and watch. Popcorn anyone?
They pulled a similar sucker punch back when they switched from cassettes to CD’s: “great deals” on their personal cassette listening system, instantly obsolete once the CD products were released. And at the time I bought this cassette listening system, the CD’s were released within a month or two, of course along with a new listening system…….for CD’s. Grrrrr
It’s all about money. It is ONLY about money. When it all finally crumbles, we’ll find Miscavity has disappeared along with all the millions which he’s been piling up.
He has no place to go, unless he is leaving this planet. So many comm lines in to all the counties of the world now. Not like it used to be. It is a lot harder to find a place to hide. If he tries, he will be discovered sooner or later.
I do not get the idea that he is going to take off and hide somewhere. Heck, we could probably find him with Google Earth or whatever is the next technology along that line.
Tell Miscavage, “Nowhere to run, nowhere to hide.”
He could go into exile and hide in the same place where he banished Debbie Cook to. I hear she is flourishing just fine there though.
I want one! I want one!
Please, please give me one.
I’ll pay ANYTHING for it!
Want an even deeper discount? Go to Ebay and grab one of the five Quantums there selling for about $1000 on average.
I am looking forward to the release of the new meter -reported to be a great product which can only help Independents with their auditing and training.
K, those Mark VIIIs you’re looking forward to have been sitting in a warehouse for dog’s years. Us never-ins were told that five years ago by people in the know.
They’re almost certainly going to be advertised with “advanced features” that allow for computer interface; the actual interface is a nine-pin serial port, which has been obsolete for over a decade. No USB to be seen on the Mark VIII. They’re as out of date technologically as a tube radio, or a Mark III e-meter.
You want real progress when it comes to metering? A pair of cans with a USB interface and e-metering software you can run on a laptop would do the trick. Or a smartphone app that uses the touch-screen for the resistance measuring. Whatever is progress in this regard, the Mark VIII won’t be it.
There are actually some independent meters you can by for reasonable cost. The mark vii actually is squirrelled and is built electronically incorrect. I wouldn’t trust dm to build a proper meter in the mark VIII.
Mike, if you are interested I can write a little article explaining the short comings of the mark vii.
ST — to be frank, I would not know enough to know if anything you were to say was true or not. I dont think you would make something up, but I dont like to put things on this blog that I don’t know for myself to be true. I tend to be pretty liberal with anyone who wants to comment here as long as they don’t violate the basic idea of what I am seeking to accomplish with the blog, but I am somewhat cautious about anything that could be a claim about something that I have no way of knowing about. So, thanks for the kind offer but I am afraid this isnt the place for it.
Right on.
Good lord.
ST, I am knowledgeable in electronics, and I am interested in knowing about the meters, including how the various meters compare. Can you send me an email?
[email protected]
Hi 1984, the mark iv was the best meter. It was responsive and precise. It had one problem, it was expensive to make, and when you want to make 20X profit every dollar cuts you profit by $20. Hence, the mark v came to be. Cheap to make alas not responsive enough. To cover for the shame LRH called it a TA meter. When solo nots was developed, it became evident that the mark v would not work, so they built the mark vi. That was a disaster. Not only was the mark vi less responsive, it was also prone to register noise from the environment, many false rock slams (God only knows how many SO members found themselves in the RPF due to electronic noise). Thus, the mark vii was developed.
Now lets talk about the mark vii.
1. Cheap batteries: even at the time, the used the cheapest batteries they could find – Nickel Cadmium. These are heavy and unreliable. Worse of all, they leak. If you wonder why you need to certify every 2 years, it’s the batteries leaking. Usually, with heavy use they do not survive two years. At the time it was already obsolete technology.
2. Cheap electronics: because they use the cheapest components they could get there is a great discrepancy between devices. Hence, you need to keep trimming it, even while in session. Add that to the fact that the battery cannot keep its voltage stable even for an hour, and you are screwed.
3. Electronic design: clealy the person who designed it had no idea what he was doing. The device is a 1 Hz filter. This means that any read shorter than one second is greatly attenuated. Instant reads? Yeah, right. The meter introduces a few fractions of a second delay to the read. Thus, instant reads are read as latent reads (a person can decipher about one thousands of a second, few tenths of a seconds are very observable).
To compensate for the sluggish response, a 1 Hz amplifier was introduce. This is the worse solution as it causes oscillations in the device. You may have noticed that on a fast fall the needle goes back and forth a few times. This is a typical response of unstable electronics. It does not come from the PC. I wonder how many false FNs and false reads that caused.
4. Quantum: as the resistance (TA) goes up, the gain (sensitivity) goes down. It is a natural phenomenon of electronics. I do not know if the idea to compensate by increasing the gain came, indeed, from LRH. It is not a bad idea. The problem is that the quantum way over compensate. Thus you see the needle becoming very “responsive” at high TA, and very sluggish at low TA.
I have not tested other meters. I use the virtual clarity meter. You need to make sure there is no noise source around you. This is done by watching the needle without it being touched, and making sure it does not move. The TA is automatic, and the meter keeps a running record, so FNs are a breath.
And for what it’s worth I’ll vouch for techlibrary on ebay. I bought a NIB set of tech vols from him a little while back. Great price and got exactly what I paid for.
Going to Ebay (gasp!) means that Scientology Inc won’t get the money.
But when the Mark VII Quantum evolution happened, everyone on org training was disallowed from using a non-Quantumized meter in the courseroom or on an internship. Also, the SHSBC courseroom supervisor auditing system would only work with Quantumized Mark VIIs. So if you didn’t want to Quantumize your meter, you were off course on an indefinite LOA.
Hey wait. That may be a way to get off course or OT levels or whatever without getting declared!
I actually had a mk v in the course room at CC int. while doing M1 after the GAT. I was treated like a poor excuse for a scientologist. MY answer was always “well it was good enough for LRH so its good enough for me.
Where is the compassion ,unbelievable
$3.500 dollers for these e meters is another dishonest act.
It’s fraud.
It would be great for anyone who has a large list of email addresses to send an email announcing the MK 8 e-meter. Also that this meter has been sitting in storage for years. If it is so important to Clear the planet why was dm sitting on this if makes auditing easier? This would let the cat out of the bag and let the people hypnotized know that there are others on the “outside” that really know what is going on.