She is like the Energizer bunny. Turn on the switch, point her and off she heads, banging her drum and looking stupid until someone pulls the batteries out of her back.
The building is DONE Laurie? A few weeks ago your letters said for people to arrive in mid-September so as not to miss the long awaited “grand opening.” But there she still sits, paper over the windows, looking exactly like it did a year ago. It awaits the blessing from Dear Leader to allow the unclean to enter his palace and mess up his oiliness table. But it seems he cannot make up his mind. So, take the opportunity of another delay to suck in some more bucks….
It seems there is nothing these people will not do to get money. I wonder if someone told Laurie Webster they would give her a million dollars if she walked naked down Ft. Harrison Ave whether she would do it? I think she would — after all, it would be the greatest good for the greatest dynamic and the others don’t matter.
You have to laugh when she says that “by opening those front doors, we are also opening the doors of Scientology to the world” because we all know the unstated end of the sentence “…provided of course the world have their sooper sekrit Scientology ID cards to allow them in, otherwise the doors are SHUT.”
Oh, and Andy Ponniz — there is a Nigerian Prince on hold on the other line. Perhaps you could help him out. He is looking for someone JUST like you….
I received this letter too.
These letters will never stop. When the buildings are closed (or never opened in the first place)and the utilities turned off, the letters will come with instructions to just send your check to a PO Box.
Then, someone will check the PO Box daily, gather the checks and laugh all the way to the bank.
And she get’s 10% of what she reges still?
ok, I realize I am a little late to the party on this one…but, I was just really looking at that screen shot of the status levels and what you get. The last one is hysterical…for the most contribution, you are awarded being first in line when SuperPower is released! hahaha!!
…Key word being “when”.
She had me at “full completion”.
To be honest, I’d take half a mil to walk down Ft. Harrison Ave street naked……anyone!?
I think you’d have to post a photo of you NOT naked before we would be willing to ante up any money. Even SPs have standards.
My bet is that Miscabbage will head for the Persian Gulf…one of the Emirates will sell him an island where slavery is essentially legal…and only the richest Members can even visit.
I always thought it was weird and possible bad PR depending on who got their hands on it to ask for stuff like a $12,000,000 donation on a mailer, or on any public printed material. I mean, who is going to check the little box and send back with a $12,000,000 check?? Do they do it to make the smaller ($35,000 etc) donations seem more confrontable? Oh, other people are doing $12,000,000? The least I can do is $1,000,000, right? I feel sort of out-ethics for only doing one.
Chris — after receiving a few hundred of these, I doubt if anyone feels anything any more. I mean, the numbers are outrageous enough but look at the names assigned to the statuses. Master Builder of Merit, Legion of OT Meritorious, Master Legion of Honor, Beyond Remembering What I Gave Because I’m Now Broke Meritorious.
The word Numb comes to mind when I read the letter and attachments. I don’t feel anything, and I strongly believe that’s the effect that’s being created. Like in the novel, The Time Machine by H.G. Wells. Towards the end of the story, the Morlocks sound the siren and the Eloi, in a trance move towards their cave — and dinner, with them being the main course.
Thought and emotion have long since ceased. They just keep repeating the Command Phrase, and all too many people, start reaching for their checkbooks. Sad really. Wake up!
Yeah, “to get us through this final leg.”
Could that be the ‘final leg’ that bears the foot you just shot off by still regging for Super Power, you silly twit?
Oh, no, wait. That would be the other leg left standing. Be careful, Lauri. Keep shooting and you will no longer have that last leg to stand on.
Maybe that’s already happened?
This LRH quote says it all… (and Laurie has read this too, which speaks to her own personal character, which is in the toilet):
“Don’t engage in ‘fund raising’ or ‘selling postcards’ or borrowing money. Just make more income with Scientology. It’s a sign of very poor management to seek extraordinary solutions for finance outside Scientology. It has always failed. For Orgs as for pcs ‘Solve it With Scientology.’ Every time I myself have sought to solve finance or personnel in other ways than Scientology I have lost out. So I can tell you from experience that Org solvency lies in More Scientology, not patented combs or fund raising Barbecues.”
Lauri writes ‘Dear Scientologist” and ends off with a PS “I can’t wait to see you at the Grand Opening…”. Is it too hard to personalize the letter with a name?
Apparently they “could care less” about the members whom they consider to be so “self absorbed”. Why address members by name when you can give them some sort of generic appellation and put them all in their rightful faceless, nameless place? Your (nameless, faceless) support has made this dream a reality, and we need your (nameless, faceless) support for the final leg. And when you (nameless, faceless) scientologist have been crushed, bankrupted, and ARC broken, we won’t have to worry because we don’t give a %#@*&% about your nameless faceless name and face.
They (Lauri and her boss) can barely hide their contempt…
“Gold Super Power Rings” … LOL
“We need your help to get us through this final leg”.
How many final legs this proverbial Centipede has?
Such bullshit. I hope Lauri will escape soon.
How many legs does eternity have? Start running!
Money madness, cognitive dissonance and selective memory and awareness. God, so easy to see when you’ve decompressed a little. Even in, you notice you feel somehow bent and this is not really what it’s supposed to be.
How long will it take for people to see? Even after DM is gone, there will be many hanging on to LRH’s words, unwilling to look or examine them. They will re-enact the whole thing with viciousness, Scientology 2.0 or 3.0, as long as they remain in that environment and system. You can hope it’s all gonna be flowers when this is over, but I’ll wager you’ll be in for a disappointment.
Still, I do pray for family reunions. Just want to say DM is not the end of a painful road, just a wayside stop.
That little disclaimer on the very bottom of the letter seems telling: ‘…not advance donations for Scientology religious services and not refundable.’ Admitting that they take donations for services…can that be right under their 501 (c)(3)?
Do you see this? It is actually a bilateral contract.
A contract is an agreement having a lawful object entered into voluntarily by two or more parties, each of whom intends to create one or more legal obligations between them. The elements of a contract are “offer” and “acceptance” by “competent persons” having legal capacity who exchange “consideration” to create “mutuality of obligation.
Everything promised in this waiver by the Church is a legal obligation in exchange for a donation. Forget that it is called a “donation”. It is an offer which is accepted by the Church based upon PERFORMANCE they promise in this waiver.
Do you know what breach of contract means?
Do you know what makes a contract voidable?
Do you know what makes a contract enforceable?
Do you know what contracts can not be enforced?
A bilateral contract is an agreement in which each of the parties to the contract makes a promise or set of promises to each other. You can read the promises the Church is making in the contract they give in exchange for a donation.
On this waiver the Church makes promises IN EXCHANGE for consideration (donation).
Consideration is something of value given by a promissor to a promisee in exchange for something of value given by a promisee to a promissor. Typically, the thing of value is a payment, although it may be an act, or forbearance to act, when one is privileged to do so, such as a donation.
In addition to those elements of a contract:
A party must have capacity to contract
The purpose of the contract must be lawful
The form of the contract must be legal
The parties must intend to create a legal relationship
The parties must consent
What makes a contract void voidable or un enforcable?
Mistake (such as non est factum) Non est factum (Latin for “it is not [my] deed”) is a doctrine in contract law that allows a signing party to escape performance of the agreement. A claim of non est factum means that the signature on the contract was signed by mistake, without knowledge of its meaning, but was not done so negligently.
Incapacity, including mental incompetence and infancy/minority
Undue influence
Misrepresentation or fraud (cough)
Frustration of purpose (hello)
Such defenses operate to determine whether a purported contract is either (1) void or (2) voidable. Void contracts cannot be ratified by either party. Voidable contracts can be ratified.
So, for all out there that think they have NO recourse as a result of signing this bi lateral contract with the Church, this is just not the case.
The promise made in writing by the Church of Scientology on this contract is the promise to expand the religion of Scientology. Not it’s real estate portfolio. The RELIGION.
They have breached contract with every person they have contracted in with in exchange for donations.
It is simple contract law that these “donations” given, in exchange the Church’s promises to expand the religion, should be returned upon request based on simple contract law.
The IAS has contracts also with every person that exchanges a donation with them for their promise. These are verbal and implied and even legal contracts publicly announced.
This is plain as day on their web site:
“Membership fees in the IAS are invested in the dissemination and expansion of Scientology”.
Scientology is a religion right? A religion only expands in numbers of the people attesting they are part of that religion.
Now, David Miscavige has had his agents, Sea Org Member, contracting with consumers for three decades and amassing huge bank accounts. How does he get away with breach of contract? By enforcing a code from the ethics book by members of the RELIGION, that says they must not comply with the demands of civil law.
I hope this spells out this game and it’s instruments, agents, and main broker David Miscavige. And helps you understand your rights.
Be aware, that this small section of the ethics codes for the members, was with held from the U.S. Government when the Church was going for tax status relief.
Now, the U.S. Government CONTRACTED with the Church, Offered tax exempt status based on information the Church gave the U.S. government. But they with held the information in the ethics code that denies a member the right and strips his duty, to comply to the demands of civil law. So, there was fraud and misrepresentation, which also makes the contract they have with the U.S. Government for tax exempt status VOID.
That would be this section of the ethics code:
Under SUPPRESSIVE ACTS (That which will get you expelled)
Delivering up the person of a Scientologist without justifiable defense or lawful protest to THE DEMANDS OF CIVIL OR CRIMINAL LAW.
The Church makes and breaks contracts with consumers (It’s customers ARE CONSUMERS THAT ARE CHARGED FOR EVERY BOOK AND SERVICE) and then expects the consumers to be quiet about it or otherwise expelled from the Church.
This locks them right into a GPM.
THIS is how David Miscavige earns a living. He convinces everyone to live beyond the demands of civil law.
Under SUPPRESSIVE ACTS (That which will get you expelled)
Delivering up the person of a Scientologist without justifiable defense or lawful protest to THE DEMANDS OF CIVIL OR CRIMINAL LAW.
How lawful is it for the U.S. government to grant tax exemption to a group of people who will be punished if they rise to the demands of civil law?
Lastly, whenever David gets called into court his attorneys direct everyone’s attention to his position as COB RTC. He has ANOTHER POSITION called COMMANDING OFFICER OF THE SEA ORG. And by it’s Org Board and Comand charts, it is CLEAR that every Sea Org Member is acting as HIS AGENT.
Well, I am just going to go ahead and admit that if Laurie does decide to take a stroll naked I am going to find it hard not to look.
If she happens to be wearing high heels it’s going even more difficult to look away.
You obviously do not know Laurie either.
On a more serious note, I met Laurie on one occasion at Flag. I was sitting on a sofa in the PC waiting room. She showed up and I felt her “scan” me like the Borg from the Star Trek series scans a target just before it absorbs that target. I very strongly perceived her postulate that I was not a “player” in her game and she moved on without a word.
I could have been offended I guess but I was happy not to have been crushed reg’d by her.
Don’t feel bad. Everyone else will be looking, too. LOL And, if you feel bad afterwards, you can always ask for a review session!
Ha ha…..Maybe I should feel bad I don’t. It was my recent review sessions that got my back in the spirit of things and wanting to look in the first place! LOL
This is just sucks…this people still asking for more money…you really has to be stupid to continue pay more money for that fucking building….when is already done..what else Dear Fucking Mini Leader want? You know Mike I start thinking when he finally open the fucking building the MTF is going to suck more money to open another super power building in europe o someone else…just to keep fucking more people and suck more money…
Don’t give him any ideas, Chris. 🙂
Plus, he’s so pissed off and so in fear now, I doubt that he’d want to do much traveling. Hey Mike. Maybe he’s already on a “Do Not Fly” list because he’s been named in a court case for fraud. Could it be that that’s why he wanted the tent to come over here? Oooh, the walls of the world are closing in, Dave. Don’t you feel a little claustrophobic right about now? Can’t get out? Oh, sorry, Didn’t mean to give you an out-list (stuck in…). 😀
Wouldn’t that be interesting for someone to find out about? If he’s on a Do Not Fly list? Hmmm…
you are right…i know he probably read everyday Mike s blog..thanks
Don’t worry about Wee Davie on a no-fly list. If Ron could head up to the Van Allen belt when he felt like it DM can fly wherever he wants in the world anytime. When JT and TC get fed up with giving him rides he will buy a corporate idealsuperjet with the tax deductible charity dollars Lauri and others drum up for him. He can then have an elite SkyOrg.
I would like to believe that Laurie cringed when she found out she would have to write this begging letter, after having already R-factored everyone that the building was all done and they should plan to arrive in September.
I would also like to believe that she had to get handled or drilled or something in order for her to drum up the necessary confront to do it.
This is what I would LIKE to believe.
Because its kind of hard for me to conceive of anyone NOT freaking out in such an embarrassing situation, under the capricious thumb of such a boss. Unless she’s just a zombie by now and just running on a circuit, in which case she would have to come way up tone to be able to be embarrassed. Yeah.
Aquamarine — In 0-8 there’s a Scale of Self-Determinism. At 40.0 it reads: Total self-determinism, Total Lack of Automaticity. At 0.0 it reads it reads: Total lack of self-determinism. At -8.0 it reads: Total Automaticity.
They do it, because their self-determinism is shot. They have relinquished Cause, in the false belief that they are doing the greatest good. It’s an express elevator to Total Effect. The Catholics (and others) call it Hell. What should we call it?
You obviously do not know Laurie. No shame, no remorse, no problem taking what she wants, no problem with pathological lying. The only thing that makes her cringe is being broke.
A little bit off topic here, but not by much. A friend of mine is under the radar and has a kid on staff. He asked the son, “Do you know what the org’s overall product is? What product does the org produce?” The kid answered, “Number of books sold.” OMG! Whatever happened to Number of auditors made? and Number of Well Audited PCs? The young people don’t have any track with the church when it was good and run on standard LRH. And this is what they come up with for their product.
Time to send some of those process servers to Lauri.
At the least, Hubbard was about ‘exchange’: as in, You pay for this, we’ll supply you with that’, Now it’s straight down to begging- coercive begging, an in your face ‘give me the money’. It’s really coming from Demented Deranged Davey Savage Miscavage’s South Jersey/Philly upbringing. You can see it when he speaks: he talks out of the side of his mouth. Unconsciously. Continuously. Not realizing it’s a major ‘tell’ from So. Jersey gangsters, lower class hoodlums, who want to seem ’emphatic’. Diminished Davey can’t help himself. Begging.
Who sends a letter dated in only month and year?
The truth is that the more money taken” in” beyond what it
took to float this boat, the more it sinks.
My most often repeated quote is ” There is no such thing as free money”
Even the Casinos in Vegas give lessons on how to play card games
because its good for business. What is the problem with making
lots of Auditors ? Anybody., Anybody ?
My favorite WTF moment in years past, regarding Superpower and the Cornerstone club fundraising, was that one of the benefits listed out for cornerstone members was, “50% reduction in the requested donation rates for all superpower services.” So, let me see…you donate 50,000.00 and then you STILL have to pay, but at a 50% discount?
Tell me, does Superpower remedy the inability of people to do simple math?
John Doe,
You are f…ing critical!
Go directly to Ethics. Do not pass Go. Do not collect any auditing.
Don’t make a fuss about Monopoly. They are the “Authorities” (TC knows).
Question: Where in the Corporate Shell Game does the “Church of Scientology Religious Trust” come in? It’s not one of the “usual” ones (CST/RTC/etc)
It’s a trust that is simply a repository for money and titles of buildings. It has not a lot more significance than a bank account, except it is a legal entity wholly controlled by the church.
Actually, this is a great example of the almost beautiful strategy that Scientology runs to scam their public out of every last cent that can be scammed. I’ve noted before the miniscule number of people who are involved in Scientology …. a tiny, almost microscopic percentage of the population of Earth. But … that is perfectly OK when it comes to the money con. See, it doesn’t matter at all that there are just a handful of people involved in Scientology. Let’s say that Lauri uncovers just TWO HUNDRED qualified prospects who can be milked in the next week (and there are probably that many on Flag/Freewinds lines). Let’s say they can be conned for an average of $10,000 next week (for the “solution to planetary clearing” ha ha ha) …. uhm, that’s TWO FREAKING MILLION BUCKS …..for just sending out a freaking LETTER!!!). And what if there are THREE hundred people that can be scammed on this, or FOUR hundred? These are still VERY small numbers of people. BUT the money is big as it’s all gravy …. millions for doing absolutely nothing, but having SO regges set loose on the red meat. And what if just ONE or two of these people can actually be bamboozled out of a hundred G’s? or 500 G’s? See? All this letter has to do is reach a VERY few people ….. and the potential is right there for possibly TENS of millions of dollars gotten!!! WOW!!!! Talk about taking candy from a baby!!!
And do I have to mention that any people who continue to fund the SP building are essentially mentally ill? These people are no longer functioninally sane in any way (that is, their ability to recognize differences, similarities and identities is virtually nil – they have been driven into intellectual catatonia by their involvement with the church of scientology). Oh, would the Gambino family love a few hundred “marks” like the Scientology public.
Its the help button. Its a being’s basic desire to help married to belief and trust that a certain way of helping is something that will work. Its that whatever- you- want -to- call- it that impels someone to drop a quarter into a homeless person’s cup, or works on someone else to give a million bucks to some cause he believes is worthy and effective.
Oh, f**k that. In Co$ it has degenerated to a desire to look and feel good. Hero of the world, look at me!
It is frightening that the people who have attested to the highest level of OT (cough cough John Allender) in the COS are the ones manifesting the greatest degree of insanity in society these days. Not sure if that’s a sign of the Level or the leader but either way I’m so glad I escaped.
It looks like she has not done the new Objectives, thus she is really out of PT.
Rumors say she was programmed for 350 hrs of Objectives with an additional note that she may need more due to her chronic blindness to PT…(or out of valence if we care to word it differently.)
“…this building will allow for 100% standard delivery of all services at Flag…” You see? It takes a building to do that.
Ah! Of course! COB was right all along – I get it now. The bigger and more expensive the building, the gaudier the decor, the more case gain. Silly me.
Wrong! No one mentioned case gain. Only delivery, which pulls in money. Case gain will STILL NOT be allowed. People must restart at the bottom and REFUSE to gain otherwise they won’t be allowed in the building to be delivered to 100% standardly.
“Doing the things that won, not new things untried as yet.”
The well is deep because the RCS knows how to press the help button, the being’s desire to help. F***ing creeps.
It’s amazing how many times Scientology can go to the well with its parishioners. There seems to be no limit.
Sad, some people are going to go down with Miscavige. The harm he has done and will continue to do until the very end.
Status Hogs!
I know it!
You want some of that status for yourself, don’t you, V!
Special statuses available for blog contributors: Fringerian, Fringerian with Honors, Fringerian with Apostate Seal, and Master Fringerian with Seal of the Interwebs.
Do we get Fringerian Bunker, Fringerian Rinderpest, Fringerian Martius, or are they all lumped into the same Fringerian status, come on here, we SPs need answers. How do these statuses work? Are we upgraded for Exclamation Marks!!!! and CAPS???? Downgraded for “quotes”?
Bad new Andy, you have just enrolled in an organization that “has undergone a net decline reflected by greed and moral abuse while the Temples continue to impress.” Well a few of them anyway. Remember the old adage about doing the same thing and expecting a different result. We’ll leave the light on for you.
The Garcias can use the letter as evidence. They keep on collecting money with a false story … the building is ready to be opened, right?
Oh My God, has David Miscavige deleted “Psychopath” from all dictionaries
in Florida or is it that Lauri Webster can’t read ?
What will happen when this flow reverses and Super Power is still an empty monolith ?.
More questions come to mind than answers, to be polite.
Bravo Mike.
Laurie Webster is a psychopath is there ever was one. Why, she wouldn’t notice anything wrong with David at all!
Rinderpest, are you getting funnier or is it the Cof$? LOLLLLLL!!!!!!!!!!
The balls the Church of Scientology has to put off the opening whilst begging for more money – just amazing!
I heard from an OOT who sent me the “grand opening of Super Power and SQuirreL Phase II e-mail” but NO DATE announced!!
You are so funny, – love reading your blog daily. Nice work.
On a slightly different note, I held my nose and browsed some RTC web pages today> I lost count of the number of fawning and obsequious pages of adulation dedicated to Dear Leader. Really cringing stuff. The official Vatican site by comparison has a simple one-page modest Bio of Pope Francis
Secret confidential survey for Mike’s family and friends. DO NOT leak this to Mike or to any persons on his comm lines. Survey follows.
Does this man ever sleep?
Do you love this man?
Do you feel a desire to see this man burn himself out? (Y/N/kind of)
Do you have a thought that this man may achieve wins from a week or two in a different climate, such as coastal Maine at peak leaf-changing season?
Have you heard of Kickstarter?
Would you make a pledge to a Kickstarter campaign that involves stealing his laptop and forcefully shipping him away for some R&R?
End survey
I think we should pay the oldest bills first. Set up kickstart to get the money back David Miscavige and Tom Cruise stiffed Sinar for for catering the wedding to Nicole. In fact his elderly mother ended up paying for the caterer for Tom and David to chow down. How WRONG is THAT? Let’s find out much it was and start some fund raising for that!
Then of course, who wouldn’t kickstart for Mike? 🙂 🙂 🙂
Oh, so much comedy value in this. I’d love to see a conversation for example between a Legion of Honor ($1,000,000 donation) and a Master Legion of Honor ($12,000,000 of donations) at the opening ceremony – if it ever actually happens. They’re both “first in line” to get SuperPower. Does the Master Legion of Honor get in the building 12X quicker than the lowly Legion of Honour? Will the lowly Legion of Honor get resentful of this? What on earth will they both do when they see the great unwashed pitiful Cornerstone members clogging up the lounge? Will they get priority cushions and extra prawn cocktails? Well I guess Lauri Webster will be on hand to help them out.
Also be sure to read what Andy had to say without the slightest trace of irony – “…a net decline reflected by greed and moral abuses while the temples continue to impress.”
That reminds me of a certain church whose name escapes me… 😉
Spot on! And as Andy went on to say “Wrong solutions continue to pile up……….” He is getting close………. just has to make the connection between temples and mOrgs.
I don’t think it is a Nigerian Prince on hold for Andy. It is more likely an IAS reg being micromanaged by Dave the Dickhead from Hemet who is madly looking around the place to find the leaks which are causing that loud sucking noise!
Alas ……it does suck to be Miscaviaged!
Ahem I see your Miscaviaged and raise you a Micro-Miscaviaged, which, as the queen of typos (and the one who first said Rinderpest-although inadvertently), I am allowed. BTW, I read your comment as Micro-Miscaviaged to start with, had to go back to re-read it to be sure that is not what you said. It does work, though. It’s his stock in trade.
Hahaha ” When the ribbon drops the world will forever change” As if some magical spell will embalm the whole world to change for the better. Wow quite delusional I feel.
Nice verb for what Scientology will do to the world.
I honestly am beginning to feel sorry for these people. When their tightly closed eyes begin to open and they realize they have been subject to the ultimate betrayal, the classic “help becomes betrayal” I hope their outrage will trump their overwhelm.
Not likely though. Probably just go back to sleep and clap with the other annointed seals.
“We need your help” “This is the solution to planetary clearing”.
Sounds like some cryptic plea from inside. Some hidden code for someone to call 911.
“We need your help”. She has already taken 145 million from the public for an 80 million dollar building and she still needs help. It can’t be more money she is asking for.
Those donation levels totally took me aback. 12 million? I received this as well and wrote Lauri back asking if that included premium access to the oiliness table/sex suite. Wonder if she’ll write back…
BTW, In the interest of full disclosure, I too am a cornerstone member which I willingly donated to as a full fledged card carrying kool aide drinking member of the Kult.
So I’m pullin for ya Andy! (snap) WAKE UP!!!!!!!!!!!!
OMFG Mike, Did you read the fine print on Andy’s flyer?
“….. a very aesthetic country steeped in Buddhism which has undergone a net decline reflected by greed and moral abuses while the temples continue to impress.”
WTF !!!! Andy good buddy, you are not talking Buddhism in Thailand, you are describing the Church of $cientology in the good old US of A. Pahleeeeze get your head out of the darkness and look around!
And he continues….. “Wrong solutions continue to pile up on this 3rd Dynamic ……………”
Now that is a frickin understatement! Andy, that is not a simple pile. It is a mountain of shit and your good buddy Dave the Mismanager is your WHY. Deal with it.
End of rant!
Wow. We got five of these last week and if I’d had a scanner I would have sent you a copy! I sat there, speechless, when I opened one.
Even still-ins don’t know (as of yesterday) that the October event has been canceled. I spoke to four and they all hadn’t heard the news.
OMG! I hope you didn’t tell them!
“by opening those front doors, we are also opening the doors of Scientology to the world”
More fraud and more lies.
You force your public to disconnect from families.
You hold their “eternity” over their heads.
You commit fraud by promising service then string people along using their money on account for services they didn’t want or need, breaking them financially then sending them home.
You don’t return money on account when people leave.
You violate basic human rights.
You dominate and nullify.
You lie about your statistics.
You are criminals.
The world doesn’t want Scientology.
By calling yourselves Scientologists you’ve ruined the name and destroyed any good will.
There is none left.
You are imploding.
You are in denial.
This process has but one command: Wake the hell up.
Oh, boy…this is really something. Poor Andy…”I am from Thailand, a very aesthetic country which has undergone a net decline reflected by greed and moral abuses…”
Boy, is he is for a rude awakening.
Rude awakening for Poor Andy… he just jumped from the pan into the fire.
Wow, amazing, Mike. My first thought though was, “Won’t this actually help the Garcias to cinch their case?”
Sure sounds like it! 🙂 🙂 🙂 Regging for the building that has been done for ages? How the hell do they even justify that???
What do you mean? Scientology wrote the book on justifications! and a second book on smoke and mirrors and to cap off the trilogy, Deception, Greed & Disconnecting Loved Ones
Begs many questions though… Does Miscavige know about the fraud lawsuit? If so is he that stupid that he can’t manage to put an end to the footbullets/evidence against him? Or has he lost complete control of his cult and it’s ecclesiastical exhaust?
Btw… Did anyone else notice that you get the same benefit for a half a million donation as you do for twelve million?
I certainly hope that someone who has a personal comm line with Luis and Roccio Garcia forwards this article to them. This is evidence they can use in their lawsuit… that the church is still begging for donations “for the last leg” of the Super Power project “so that it can open.” This begging for more money is being done when they already collected 3 times what it actually cost to build and furnish that building already.
No, I think they figure this is a blow to the Garcias’ case because, of course, it’s proof that “THERE CAN NEVER BE ENOUGH FREE MONEY!” Besides, if you donate enough, you get access to a spiffy, exclusive lounge in exchange for your money. So really you’re just purchasing special seats at the train wreck. No out-exchange here!
Mark my words…The “LOUNGE” will be fully equipped with lots of booze and tons of regges! Get em drunk and then give the commands: “put your wallet up to mine and contribute to the motion”….
No one will go in to them…if they ever open?
I can’t wait to see the fees for this sci-fi greasy, spinning, stinky and useless super power building…the FEES will be HUGE so no one can do them. Must keep it secret. If the “justice/ethics” rundown did not help Slappy MissCabbage – It won’t help anyone with anything anyway!
After Super Power and Squirrel Tech II – there is really NOTHING else to release…so Miscavige (if he is not in jail or has offed himself) will get rid of everyone and start fresh – maybe go to some underdeveloped country to snag some Orphanage kids that would love to be part of the most ethical group to fleece the planet!!
My bet – he sells all the property and moves the Mecca to another country where slaves are part of elite’s operating basis and all there will be is the elite – DM and his slaves and no one else.
He can slap, punch, kick, starve and kill – and no one will even care! That is the ideal scene for Miscaviage! The US is just a bunch of namby pamby panty waist dilletantes that can’t get anything done.