This is the state of “Ideal Orgs” in the UK.
The guy in charge of “Ideal Orgs” is begging for money to set up a Purif in HAPI. Could it really be true that in more than 30 YEARS AFTER the release of the Purif, this org, still in the same building they OWN since 1968 STILL has no sauna? This is straight up and vertical expansion in action.
And they are so hard up for donators in the UK they are trying to shame people into “completing before the end of the year” by announcing their partial donation and letting everyone know they will be the next “Humanitarian”.
Really this is just pathetic.
It’s not even up to the level of “Ideal Orgs”, it is just begging for money to try and operate existing orgs under the guise that this is somehow “Ideal Org fundraising”….
This is the ONLY org in the entirety of Scotland. It has been there for a LONG time. And in the era of straight up and vertical it remains prostrate and on life support. Can you imagine how far away they are from having “all orgs Ideal” in the UK when they are having trouble building a sauna in HAPI?
I guess the need for “release” of OT IX and X remains so far in the distant future that it isnt even worth talking about….
Date: Fri, 13 Dec 2013
From: Aaron Sheppard <[email protected]>
Reply-To: [email protected]
Subject: An Ideal ChristmasHello Xxxxx,
Its Friday the 13th!!! Its 12 Days till Christmas. So exciting!!!!!!
What do we want for Christmas this year?
Well we want all orgs in the UK able to deliver the Purification Program in-house and that is the immediate target I am working on. I am currently up in HAPI with a team here getting the HAPI Purif Center built as well as the restoration of the final section of their building. that is why you have been hearing from ED HAPI regarding flowing towards making that happen so please keep up the good work.
The other thing we want for Christmas is Humanitarians for the UK Ideal Orgs. We should acknowledge our most recent key contributor to the Ideal Orgs in the UK, Mr Wilf Adams has pledged to do his Humanitarian for the UK to become one of the first 100 and he did a significant donation towards that this last week and will be one of the next UK Humanitarians before the end of 2013!!!!
So now is the time, its Christmas and its going to be great. So lets get the party started and make the end of this amazing year something to remember and help make the first Cleared Country!!!
UK LandlordDate: Fri, 13 Dec 2013
From: Aaron Sheppard <[email protected]>
Reply-To: [email protected]Dear Xxxxx,
The Hubbard Academy of Personal Independence which is the original name for the Church of Scientology here in Scotland, is expanding!!!
Did you know that in the very building they are in today is the original building where the first land based Advanced Org started in 1968?
Did you know that the org here has been able to perform religious ceremonies since 2007 and have performed marriages, naming ceremonies, etc… Since that time and you know about the big win in London!!!
There is a great team up here and they are on their way to making an Ideal Org here in Scotland.
With the release of Golden Age of Tech II they are on a mission to get their whole public and field up The Bridge and this is the time for huge expansion in Scotland.
So if you want to help, please contact me or the org and do something to push this campaign forward in a big way and you will be greatly acknowledged and appreciated for your help.
Kind Regards,
UK Landlord
Give us money to build a restaurant so you can pay us to eat here… Or pay for my beauty salon so you can pay me to give you a facial.. Do you hear how ridiculous that sounds. Please, the cheek of these people!
your continual debating with remote viewed does have a positive, we get to hear what really went on behind the scenes. I find it amazing how people assert their rightness even when they have no idea. Merry Christmas!
PS, by the way, it was in HAPI where I found the person who would eventually become my loving, beautiful wife and companion. She was the Flag Rep at that time. Our love is now over 30 years young and getting better!
Mike, this post has sent me on a trip down memory lane!!
As some of you may know, I was a Flag Bureau evaluator from 1975 to 1981. I was in charge of evaluating individual Orgs as well as what we used to call “continents”. At one time I was in charge of all class IV Orgs in the UK. In 1980 the WDC sent me on mission to all the UK Orgs (except Saint Hill)to handle various problems found through extensive evals, mainly (surprise, surprise) GI and dissafected EDs/COs.
I did missions in London Fdn (CO Ron (Hoppy) Hopkins), Manchester (CO Ira Chalef), Plymouth (ED was an american girl) and HAPI. Previous to my mission to HAPI, an eval was done calling for replacing the ED and getting a rather failing org back on it’s
feet. Just in case people don’t know, HAPI was never a very successful org in terms of volume of delivery. As far back as 1980, their staff was extremely poorly paid, most of the staff I met were having to do moonlighting in order to pursue their Scientology careers. The Org’s location is ideal for foot traffic and their main problem was they didn’t have enough Auditors and C/Ss to deliver a higher volume. It had a Flag Rep, an LRH Comm and an Assistant Guardian (GO). The staff were fully committed to their posts and I remember the main thing they hated was “missions” from FOLO UK who always came to “handle the GI”. Overall a nice and very committed bunch of people intent on clearing Scotland. The Hubbard Academy of Personal Independence (HAPI) was given that name based on PR Series Surveys designed to find the most acceptable name for the country. For the Scots, Indepence has always been a very big button and that is why, through survey tech, LRH decided to call it Hubbard Academy of Personal Independence. Same with Mexico. All existing orgs in Mexico are not registered as a church, which would not be ethnically accepted by the population and the government. They are called Asociacion civil (Civil Associations). During the years LRH was running the show, it was most important to be ACCEPTED to begin with and that led to the wide use of the PR Series surveys. Scotland would have been up in arms if HAPI had been called a church and Mexico would have been the same. If you look at what orgs used to be called around the world, you will notice that the given names were based on that country’s cultural values and not blanket “church od scientology”. Acceptance was key so that we could attract public to try our services. Even the prices for services had been surveyed to find what the working people of that country could afford. And we did it! Between 1975 and 1985 we boomed Scientology and Dianetics across the world. It just goes to show you the degree of ignorance, greed and insanity that drives David Miscavige. The PR Series is dead, long live David Miscavige. Evaluation Tech is dead, long live DM. Making Auditors, C/Ss and course Supervisors is dead, long live Miscavige. LRH’s Tech and Admin are dead, long live COB. In my personal view, COB/David Miscage/DM is fully responsible for turning an effective help method into a despicable, criminal activity now called the Church of Scientology. Look back to the times when LRH was around and compare those times with PT. Sad but true.
Obviously the insane addiction to the exclamation point is not limited to the USA!!!!!!!!!!!
Hey there Mr. “Land-Laird”,
Instead of begging for money, why don’t you READ the HCOB that Ron wrote describing exactly how to build a sauna. No, I am not going to give you the reference. First sober up, and then go look in the Tech Vols index under “sauna”. You’ll find it. Then go down to the building supply center and get the materials you need. Then get some fellow Scientologists together, roll up your sleeves and get to work building yourselves a sauna. It’s all laid out in the bulletin. That’s how it was done in the old days when orgs and missions were starting up and something had to get something done. Start!
Oh, and stop signing off your letters with “cheers”. That can easily be mis-interpreted (or correctly interpreted). Anyhow, stop it.
Now stop begging on the street corner and get your fat arse to work.
My recommendation is to visit a SPA instead
great return for money
Damn right, Carcha.
Actually Foremost,
The Reg-o-erama is a very traditional fundraising event which has it’s origin in a famous blue-berry pie eating contest fundraiser from the ’60s. The modern day Reg-o-rama produces similar results………..
Well, just when you think people inside the bubble might be stopping the koolaid drinking, I saw this from “Bubble Boy/Conspiracy Theorist” Larry Byrnes facebook page:
Ron Hubbard exposed this mind control activity in the early 1950s. And solved it completely and MUCH more with Scientology. Which is why the CIA, MI6, KGB, etc. spent billions to infiltrate and propagandize against Scientology. They all failed, we won and anyone can achive Total Spiritual freedom anywhere in the world where Scientology is delivered. Which is now everywhere – thanks to the brave and indomitable leadership of David Miscavige and so many more INCOMPARABLE Scientologists! It is such a pleasure to belong to this team of competent spiritual beings. Merry Christmas!!!
Wee iz Spyuntologee.
Wee wants muneeys for saunas and stuff.
We need moar now!
Give give give……COB says you haz too!
Or else yu will get it right up the vertical!!!!
OW, OW, OW!!!!!
They should talk to those nice Nigerian princes to learn how it is done. 🙂
Really?!?!? Two years ago I spoke to a former FBO who, some 25 years ago, was COMM EV’ed for soliciting dono’s to build a CL V org’s purif sauna….
How times have fuckin changed….
“Oh, shit! The FP Nazis took all the funds for cob’s tanning bed light bulbs. I know lets go steal from the public! and send out a promo piece so the world knows how staunchly independent we Scotts are to make things go right!!!”
Times certainly have changed. I remember well the disdain that LRH had for anyone trying to raise money in orgs for ANYTHING that did not involve services. It was wrath of God stuff. When he heard about the Safe Environment Fund (the GO forerunner to the IAS War Chest) he hit the roof and ordered it eradicated with an atomic branding iron. He called the people involved with that operation “GO criminals”. It was shut down HARD. I can imagine what would have happened if the “Int Finance Police” under the “Int Finance Dictator” had uncovered this going on back in the early 80’s. It would have been a massacre.
I love the way you put things, Mike.
Prostrate and on life support
The Warehouse VIII
We should have our own lexicon of such terms all in one place.
I recently suggested a name change for the KSWLIONS group that was quoted in a recent (November 27) SA post. Knowing the group (or at least Larry Byrnes) they should be called the KSWBABOONS.
I’m not sure what is more ironic… the acronym “HAPI”… or the words themselves… personal independence… really?
Oh that these poor souls could see the wood for the trees.
Today is the 60th anniversary of the founding of the first Scientology org in Camden, New Jersey. Why isn’t this being celebrated?
By Whom?
The official church line is that it was started in Los Angeles in 1954 by “Scientologists.” So, this piece of history (as well described by Tony Ortega in his posting this morning) has been officially “rewritten” and thus it could not be celebrated….
By Scientologists. I guess next year will be the big silver anniversary–and a reason to ask for more money.
See Marty’s recent blog post for the drill on how to make that untruth a reality, with conviction.
Speaking of Christms, wanted to share my Christmas card and pass it on for those who can use this. I light candles each year for those still trying to make their way home. My other wish this year is for peace and love in every org and under every tree. Or emeter. Thank you to all who help shine the light in your own unique ways.
I thought the first land based AO was in Alicante Spain.
From what I understand HAPI was a Central org established in the early ’60’s that had a Pubs Org and AO mission garrisoned there for a while in ’68 but most of the action was occurring in LA because of the UK ban.
(The AO was moved back to SH in the early ’70’s after the “castle” was built and another one was established in Denmark leaving HAPI to its own devices.)
Seems the UK Landlord is as historically challenged as his nominal boss.
But anyhoo…
It’s kinda of an outpoint that an Org that had been established for close to 50 years would be lacking a sauna.
What the hell have they been doing all this time?
Also why do they need all these beans to build a sauna?
Especially since there is an HCOB telling you how any Org can build a sauna for very little cost since 1980.
Enquiring minds want to know.
My opinion like pretty much everything else being promoted by the Church these days. It’s just another False Flag Op.
Rather surprisingly, here they are pushing the idea of a church in Scotland, when in fact LRH set it up differently from the church in the rest of the UK. It was meant to be for the advancement of education in Scotland and for the education of the Scottish public in the technologies of Dianetics and Scientology. HAPI was supposed to sidestep church issues and press the education button and bypass religious bigotry. There is even a very clear issue put out about it – purportedly written by LRH. Too bad their website and doorway signs push Church of Scientology. The homeless organization situated next to their front door doesn’t help with the image. Ron’s Journal 67 made it clear that HAPI was to be different and for very good reasons, all of which are lost to current ‘management’ who are forced to toe the line from above….totally missing the original LRH intention for an org in Scotland.
These two e-mails created no emotional response in me whatsoever. I never would have picked up the phone and called them if I were still in the church:
What is needed? It didn’t explain any specifics at all. Do you need sauna doors? Do you need cedar wood? Does anyone in that Org do any financial planning, at all? It just sounds like a bad multi-level marketing email where they don’t tell you anything (except it’s the most life changing product ever!!!!) until you show up for their seminar.
When I’ve gone to other (non-Scn) Churches, they say exactly what’s needed. “Parishioners! We need a cross! Mr. bill is going to install it for free. It will cost $2,000 to be made at Stoney Steel mill. If anyone has a better price, let us know! Let’s do a bake sale! Any extra funds will go toward new bibles for the youth group…” It’s a true group effort. A real team.
The cult of Scientology is about secrets and hidden data lines.
At one time “Reaching” meant interested in Scientology, nowadays a potential donor some money can be gotten out of.
“Its Friday the 13th!!! Its 12 Days till Christmas. So exciting!!!!!!”
This first sentence is really enough to make me ________. You can fill in that blank with so many things.
One thing that is so amazing to me is how gullible most kool-aid drinkers are. I know similar stories have been mentioned before, but in light of the latest and greatest tech recovery of all time, this really bears repeating.
In 1973, I bought a training package that included the PRD (primary rundown), Standard Dianetcs and all of the levels, 0-IV for $1300.
On the PRD, one of the academy level III students gave me method one word clearing, then I payed it forward when on level III. Method one was awesome and really changed my life. I then did the student hat method 8 style (clear all words before listening to that tape or bulletin).
The end result was a state called Superliterate. Was a wonderful program – delivered to thousands of academy students during the 70s while LRH was alive and overseeing the technology.
Come along miscavige who obsessively changes the workable tech from the 70s.
He now charges $1500 for the student hat alone. And apparently, you have to do it regardless of how many times you’ve done it in the past.
He always pushes the same buttons about how the tech is now finally the way LRH wanted it. Apparently, he never read KSW which was written in 1965 where LRH states 1. having the technology, 2. knowing the technology and 3, knowing it is correct. All of which have been achieved.
It was so easy to get up the bridge back then – ESPECIALLY THE TRAINING SIDE. I was literally a professional Dianetics and Class IV auditor by June 1974, having first been introduced to SCN in March 1973. And back then a Class IV could audit everything a Grad V can currently audit.
I’m not bragging, I was one of thousands that did the same. It just never ceases to amaze me why all of that was changed.
Plus, I was never asked for a dime that didn’t go to my bridge.
So strange that an org that has been around forever can’t even afford a goddam sauna. Especially during the period of “our greatest expansion.”
I’m sure miscavige is quite proud of the 1-2 billion he has raised on straight dono’s, but there is really no way to quantify and put a dollar amount on the number of people in the US alone, that have been totally turned off by his methods and wouldn’t get near an SCN org no matter how many square inches of gold lined the walls.
Well described Sheldon, I was there too. It pains me to think of the quantity of people that could have been trained and audited with all this wasted money. These status claims remind me of porn titles “Debbie Does Dallas”…. “Bob Does His Humanitarian” ….the same moral plane.
Same here.
Took me less than a year to complete my Levels and Dns Course.
The BC took me a couple of years but I was detoured by the RP pilot and the CCRD pilot and ….when I went onto non SO staff.
Not that I minded.
It covered my living expenses.
I mean back then they paid auditors, C/Ses and Course Supers well ,not as well as the geeks over at INCOM and of course LA Law, but it was still better than getting a “real job” 😉
For me it was the late 80’s early 90’s when things started to change for the worst and they’ve been getting worse ever since.
I’d say after the glorious IRS “victory”(or sell out depending on your perspective when the “Tax Cruds” over at the “Infernal Ravening Service” became our “friends” ) things got really bad when the attention shifted exclusively from selling services to regging for Tax Exempt “donations”.
After that was the Golden Fuck up of Tech and as they say it went from “bad” to worse.
Since I was never on Mission or Franchise lines I missed the whole Frisco Conference debacle which I guess would have been a good indicator of what the coup’s actual intentions were and that we were in the process of being taken over by a bunch of fascist lil nazis who couldn’t seem to hide their totalitarian tendencies.
(I mean who’s idea was it to call that Himmler look alike Wendell Reynolds the “Finance Dictator”???)
But like most Scientologists I read the sanitized version of that insanity in (it seems oxymoronic now that RTC would call their rag) “KSW” News in an article called “The Sea Org Moves In”.
Unfortunately back then the tech in the field wasn’t as good as the tech still being delivered in the Orgs.
At least it was somewhat Standard which I think was the reason many of us persevered through the storm which eventually became a typhoon which blew the subject away.
Robin: Just so you know, it was LRH that appointed Wendell Reynolds and gave him the title Finance Dictator. It was also LRH that required IRS recognize the churches (and specifically CST) as part of his estate planning.
Mike, I am maybe sweeetness and light but it doesn’t look very LRH to me “Finance dictator”. How do you know LRH did it?
I saw the traffic. At the time there was a weekly report sent to LRH by WDC and Int Finance. I was a WDC member. The original concept of a Finance Dictator came from one of the responses to the weekly report and then the “Finance Police” were added into the equation at his suggestion also. By 1980 LRH was bloody minded about what he perceived to be “out ethics criminals” seeking to make personal profit from Scientology Orgs. There are plenty of people around from that time who saw the traffic (and before Robin jumps in and says it was “written by Miscavige pretending to be the Ol’Man” this traffic arrived at the Int Base in the form of LRH DICTATION and it was transcribed by Susie Bennick and Co and then distributed to the recipients).
Still doesn’t change the fact that Wendell’s a Heinrich Himmler look alike and “Finance *Dictator*” in my opinion smacks of Fascism aside from the fact that the post is non existent in actual policy nor does it exist on any Org Board I’ve ever studied.
So really I don’t give a flying f_k at a doughnut if God himself came down from heaven and posted him.
You see policy is your basic agreement which in a Scn Org is supposed to be senior to anything other than purposes or goals.
Policy and Tech are what Ron refers to when he talks about “source”. So even if he thought it was a good idea at the time (and until I actually see something in writing with his signature (that is actual signature not one forged by paper hanging Dave) or approved by AVC or the International Board which you say doesn’t exist I’d be suspicious but say on the off chance he did )then I’d say he made a dreadful mistake in appointing him.
Yes, he sure did.
I never said AVC didnt exist. And there are plenty of AVC authorized utterances from the Int Finance Dictator.
Oh and add to my last comment Mike.
Yes I’m well aware that the Ol’man wanted 501 ciii status for CST per Trust B and he also explains why in the policy on Corporate Status which is in Vol 7 “new” (you know the one that leaves out March 1 1966 but doesn’t give an actual policy canceling it per the policy “Policy, Source of”) and “old”.
Doesn’t change the fact that the IRS are a bunch of blood sucking “Tax Cruds”.
Can I ask you a blunt question Mike.
Why do you feel this urge to patronize me?
Robin — I have explained it before.
You present information with an air of authority and experience.
And you assert things that are untrue, and perpetuate the false idea that the Ol’Man was somehow perfect and there is an explanation for everything — its either someone lied, or its a “false flag operation” or some other “reason” to attempt to explain away things or justify them which keeps the myth of LRH infallibility alive and well.
Yes but none of these AVC approved orders or whatever were ever issued Green on White.
In which case the policy on Hidden Data Lines would apply.
Another circular argument. Whatever. You can assert that LRH never knew about Wendell Reynolds the Int Finance Dictator based on “seniority of orders” and “its not green on white” and “I never saw it in writing” and its “contrary to a policy on OEC Vol 7”. And you would be wrong. LRH did a lot of things that were contrary to his own policy. He issued enormous amounts of orders — that one would be sent to the RPF for not complying with — that were never written as “authorized issues”. That is just a fact. And it gets tiring debating this with you.
I never said he never knew about Heir Wendell!
I actually agree with you that Ron did things that were off policy and that were occasionally out tech.
Like you say he wasn’t perfect.
You seem to think that I believe that the Ol’man was some kind of paragon of perfection and virtue.
This is not true.
Like everybody else he made mistakes and violated his own policies.
Like for example “Ethics and Franchise” when dealing with the Franchise holders.
But why didn’t anyone query such an order? Or the one appointing Heir Himmler as Finance Dictator.
As far as I’m concerned the Ol’man cross ordered his own policies.
Hey I’m not blameless Mike. There’s blood on my hands as well by my own overts of omission.
I mean I sat back and watched it all roll out much like an interested spectator since it had nothing to do with me.
Believe me.
Anything that directly affected me went directly to the Tampa Office POB completely bypassing the LC of my Org
But since it never affected me I did nothing.
This is probably what pisses me off more than your god damn patronizing manner 😉
If the government had ordered a covert infiltration of Scientology with the intent of destroying the Bridge and OT etc. then DM could not have done a better job. All auditing and training destroyed, few or no auditors or tech people being made.Staff treated like dogs, public ripped off openly with “donations” that are actually forced etc. In fact the whole subject more or less destroyed and perverted. I don’t believe like the Captain Billers do (I believe), that it has anything to do with government infiltration but more with the fact that DM is a failed auditor and obviously a failed student etc. who has been dramatizing his own Ev. Purps. on the movement. He is in fact a worse disaster than the OTIII incident for this universe.Still, we are all still here and pushing on. He won’t get away it with it in the end, but unfortunately he has up to now.
Well actually Bill Robertson believed it was an Intergalactic Marcabian conspiracy of some kind.
You listen to the lecture the “Role of Earth” and you can see where he might have gotten this idea.
Ron himself considered something more mundane and terrestrial in comparison which is shared by a pen pal of mine by the name of Alex Constantine of a Fascist conspiracy of some kind.
The latter seems to be proven out by Garrison’s two books Hidden Story and Playing Dirty both well documented and researched.
While the former is very hard to prove.
Seems aliens don’t leave a paper trail of any kind.
Except that there has been thousands of sightings of UFOs ( NKA Uncorrelated Target or UCT by the DOD since the early ’70’s if anyone has come up empty in their FOIA requests for UFO sighting since the late ’60’s) reported by what are called “qualified” observers (Military or Civilian pilots and ATC) and at least hundreds of incidents of Air Force planes being scrambled to chase them down.
But as I wrote earlier. No reports of them stopping by the local Org.
Yet there have been hundreds reports that the FBI under COINTELPRO and CIA under MH/CHAOS infiltrating and disrupting various organizations including the Church of Scientology recording in the Congressional Record under the Church Committee hearings.
There have also been reports since of various agencies continuing such programs under different cryptonyms like for instance X-Keystroke and others.
Does this prove that Miscavige is working on behalf of a hostile agency?
Historically there is always that possibility. But so far no smoking gun. Leaving it purely to speculation or theory.
However I do know for a fact that there are various files that are not “available for download” in the CIA’s FOIA Electronic Reading Room with an enticing one entitled: “SCIENTOLOGY FILES SEIZED IN FBI RAID INCLUDE CIA DATA”
Funny how these files were never made part of the public record when they released them back in the late ’70’s with such salacious material as say “Operation Freak Out” but there you go.
But I digress.
It may be true as you say that Miscavige is operating as some kind of lone gunman.
I’d be willing to concede this possibility if Miscavige struck me as someone with a certain degree of intelligence but he doesn’t.
As I wrote in an earlier comment. Someone would have to know the subject well enough to “f_k it up” this badly and those things you say may be the reason such as a failed case, auditor, administrator to me prove otherwise.
But anyway.
Aside from the possibility of a vast Government conspiracy is the fact that in order for Miscavige to achieve what he has he’d need a network of willing accomplices to do his dirty work.
So in either case there is a conspiracy of some kind though the latter is more prosaic.
Mr. Sheppard:
I am unable to do-nate, because if I give out something very hard earned, I will be nattering (natter [ˈnætə] Chiefly Brit
(intr) to talk idly and at length; chatter or gossip) and so your Idle Enterprise be filled up of gossip! and it may sound as if the CoB was authoring that BS
If it were really to go up the Bridge, fine; but is a redo of prior services already EP’d. Why to overrun the action? Money, money, money…definitely off purpose.
This is giving the Scott’s a bad name.
You can cobble up a wood burning sauna from scrap metal and stones,
some surplus wood from building sites. Are these Scott’s gone daft ?????
A Scott begging for money is pathetic.
“A Scott begging for money is pathetic”.
John Gourlay himself sent out a begging email recently, this one for straight donos so HAPI could buy its E-meters and GAT II materials to sell to their public.
I didn’t know LRH personally but I’ve read almost all of the greenonwhite , and people, those of you who had experience with LRH – can IMAGINE his reaction orgs’s begging this way?
I can imagine it. I can his response HCOPL upon learning of this as if it were right in front of me now The single line sentences, the key points in capital letters, some in caps and bold type, and some repeated, for emphasis.
Mr. Hubbard, wherever you are, you were no saint and I will never worship you, and I don’t like and I don’t agree with a number of things you did and said, but boy-oh-boy do I respect you for what your tech did and still does for me, and let me also say that I know that you would never have countenanced such blatant out-exchange emanating from your Scientology orgs.. Leaving alone the factors of off-purpose-ness and unworkability, your personal pride would not have permitted it.
Sorry for the missing prepositions in my above post. I got a little animated.
What kind of title is ‘UK Landlord’? That’s just weird sounding.
Excellent point, Tia. Sounds like …… A BUSINESS.
This is so sad. If these people could just realize they are propping up a squirrel group with a mad man at the helm , they could leave and get on with their lives. Or go do an actual purif with an Indie group. It just shows you how manipulated and fearful they are. Holding onto a false hope.
Sometimes the right thing to do is the hardest to confront. Stop holding on to false hope and come to present time.
News like this…just makes me sad. Institutional Scientology has been so utterly destroyed over the past 30 or 35 years due to gross mismanagement, horrible strategy, terrible methods of interaction or communication with the world external and in particular “critics”, ridiculous over-hyping of products, false and overt products, abuse of staff and public, devolving into seedy, money-grubbing scamming, and in so many ways doing the opposite of what it claims to do, i.e. by breaking up families and friendships, violating human and civil rights, generating conflicts instead of resolving them,wasting and misusing parishioner contributions (while claiming to have the secrets to good finance) and on and on and on. Just sad. Maybe it was never what we thought it was, but it still could have been a positive force for improvement and good in the world, instead of what it has become. Maybe it’s time for the funeral….
SSA–that’s it in a nutshell. (tee-hee…) Sometimes I think what it could have been in these last 30 years if it hadn’t gone totally squirrel. So many of us got great wins and positive changes in our lives before it all went down the toilet. It’s now the exact opposite of what it once was.
For the record, when LRH ran the place, it was all income from services, not a penny of it from “gifts.”
Very sad but no surprise. HAPI should petition the central church for the funds to complete their purif area. After all, the central church has been gifted with hundreds of millions of dollars of real estate, courtesy of the public. Oops, that’s not the way it works in the CoS one way flow of money world.
Slightly off topic but concerning fundraising, Lauri Webster is at it again!
I received a letter from Lauri yesterday on a CST letterhead, thanking us for our help to accomplish the new Flag Building. Thus “Super Power and GAT II were released and we are well on our way to a Cleared Earth”. Sure we are, Lauri.
“CRST is going to be launching its next project in the coming months – of which you will be hearing more about- you may even see some of our staff in your city! That said, the foundation of our next project is going to be laid by our existing supporters, namely you”. Then she ends it with, “The future, for all of us, depends upon a shoulder-to-shoulder effort once again”.
I was amazed at the level of Ms Webster’s arrogance and contempt for the public. The letter is dated 18 November. Can’t she take a breather?
I wish I could upload it with my post, sorry for that. Maybe someone else who is(un)lucky enough to get one of these letters can.
Pepper, see my email to you.
Endless regerama.
How many times will one listen to all sorts of tall tales to get money out of you before deciding enough is enough?
“What do we want for Christmas this year?”…that says it all, doesn’t it?
While this time of year is meant to be about peace, love and giving toward others, childhood fun and general goodwill…for the church, it’s about “We want”.
This is a great point that’s generally overlooked. “What do we want” is actually “what do I want” from the person writing the email who desperately needs his stats up.
The Orgs cant even pretend (for PR sake, of course) to support good will and cheer for the season. They are just acting like selfish 6-year old boys.
Let’s go Barney and split the difference.
HAPI want $$$ for XMAS. Otherwise HAPI be SAD.
Who’s running this Church? Rain Man?
I met my spouse in the sauna on the purif – LOL : ) in 1981 and we are still together. Beautiful sauna, exercise area with treadmills etc., vitamin station etc. This sauna was built at the – mission – and was up and running very soon after the Purif first came out. The sauna was full of people, public and staff from all levels of the bridge so it made it interesting and fun. Though, this was before the takeover when the missions were booming, the academy was packed and the HGC was full with PCs waiting. The missions at that time really were running very successful actions. Very sad to watch the takeover occur and all the destruction that occured from that.
I love that! A lot of great marriages started there …. cults attract quality people, and I’m not joking. It’s the truth. People with a high sense of purpose, unselfish, intelligent, want to help. But they attract criminals and crazies, too.
This is really sad. There’s a picture here of the staff building the sauna in HAPI courtesy of Tony O’s last Sunday Funnies John Gourlay I believe is the ED there – a proud Scotsman through and through. Used to be a fisherman actually, and notwithstanding his inability to see the elephant dumping on his shoes, a really nice guy. The list of donators here is very interesting to anyone familiar with the UK scene. Hardly a new name amongst them, and many are ex-Sea Org staff. Still, for £250 you can at least get a packet of fudge (sigh).
“Its 12 days till Christmas. So exciting!!!!!!”.
Why is that exciting to an org or org termnal? Because it is a time for receiving? The emphasis on MEST over Christmas by someone who practices a religion that is not associated with Christianity is in poor taste. And then there are the exclamation points again.
What do we want for Christmas? The religious holidays of other religions should be entirely off limits, and should most certainly not be used as a means to elicit money and donations. Trying to soften it by calling it “flowing toward making that happen”, and “doing his Humanitarian” just shows how tacky they think it is – hence the euphemisms.
“Stick your hand in the air. Gimme all your money” is what they are really trying to say.
At the last Christmas party I attended at my former org they turned a good portion of it into an Ideal Org Fundraising action. I was so turned off. They would never use Channukah or Ramadon that way. And I’m not a religious Christian either, but I had thought we could just have one nite getting together, singing carols and eating the modest buffet (the inevitable cheap pasta dish but that was ok). But it just could not be, I suppose. I thought fundraising at a Christmas party was in extremely poor taste and I told the staff so, and it was the last one I attended before fading away and going under the radar several years later
WHAT?! This drama is getting REALLY bizarre. As the radius to the centre of the drain shrinks, the outflow gets more ridiculous.
Apparently Mr Wilf is not reading this or any other blog. How many are left who will pay for their ‘freedom’ with willful and proud ignorance?
They want that for Christmas? They don’t even believe in Christmas.
🙂 OK, Hannukah. Or maybe Winter Equinox? Or Martin Luther King Day? Groundhog Day? Black Friday? Secretaries Day? Thursday at two?
I know that place, I was there couple times before. Looks like the PR for the Corporate Church of Scientology is going down like never before…hey Mike question what happen with Manchester…I remember the cycle with the 3 guys P I know you probably knows that story..because is just fucking crazy how they got that building also.
You’re right, Poet, we didn’t “believe” in Christmas. We went through certain socially accepted motions regarding the holiday season. This included a couple hours off post to do the bare necessity of shopping for family and a little additional help from the mailing dept. to help us get out packages out. After they were all inspected by security first of course.
Years and years ago we had all sorts of fun little games amongst the staff (Kris Kringle, anonymously giving gifts and at the end your gift receiver had to guess who you were…), much longer shopping time, actual Bonusses, Christmas day off, and a couple rockin’ out parties. But all that is long gone. The last year I was there we had about an hour and a half of dinner and “family time” to exchange gifts and then back to work, all you ignorant, ineffective, non-productive peons.
Many years ago LRH wrote really nice things to staff and took the holiday times to validate them, send them gifts and saw that they had time off to celebrate. If Miscavige had his own way as far as Christmas is concerned he’d just turn it into any other ordinary day. Why celebrate anything–it just gets in the way. Unless it’s your own imagined glory and fantasticness or you can use it to squeeze more money out of people.
So for those of us who are free from all this crap now, Happy Holiday to us all! Shop till ya drop, and save the rest of your money by not handing it over for a bunch of nothing. Celebrate with friends and family. Go to the church services of your choice. Take a moment to remember what it was like and do what you can to get more people the heck outta there.
Business as usual, Mike. Or should that be NO BUSINESS, as usual. “Pathetic” is a very precise description of the situation.
The eternal, shameless begging for money without exchange.
It is rather sickening, isn´t it?
So they´ve been at it now for 45 years without ever having had enough customers in the shop to be able to build a sauna?! Pathetic!
pitiful and embarassing!!! The SCN will stoop to any level especially when asking for money. They have no boundaries when it comes to money. Run from this cult run for the hills your soul depends on it