I was talking with some friends after watching Going Clear, musing about what Miscavige would do now.
One of the participants remarked that I should put this on the blog, as people may find it interesting. These thoughts are not based on some “leak,” they are merely speculation based on experience.
I believe there are two things Miscavige will be concerned about following the deluge on Sunday night that was the leading edge of a category 4 shitstorm making a direct hit on his gilded beachhouse.
His first concern: shore up Tom Cruise.
This will be his highest priority. Miscavige no doubt watched the movie along with the rest of North America on Sunday evening, but I would guess Tom Cruise did not as he doesn’t want the “entheta on his lines” — even though he is the master at confronting and shattering suppression and SP’s. Miscavige has to prepare Cruise for the inevitable questions he will be asked, first by his people production company/agent/publicist/lawyer and then by the media. Miscavige has to fill him in on the SP’s and liars who put together this hit piece on the two of them, along with some stroking on the order of: “Tom, it’s you and me against the world — as usual. Us big beings have a mighty cross to bear.”
His second concern is for the big donors.
He has to keep them from becoming disenchanted and no longer handing over their cash. I think there is a possibility Miscavige will write an issue similar to “The Wake Up Call” after 9/11. That was a”pulling together as a team” pitch based on the “destruction of society” and that everyone had to become active. This one will pull the team together to vanquish the common enemy of the media merchants of chaos and their lying sources who are trying to “destroy man’s only hope.” But this time, it won’t ask people to get active, it will demand MONEY.
“Signs of Success” will be the “LRH tech” that is applied to the situation:
Whenever we’re really winning the squirrels start to scream. You can tell if somebody is a squirrel. They howl or make trouble only when we’re winning.
Spectacular success can quadruple the number of complaints.
The vague generalities of “squirrels” being upset about the “golden age of standard tech” Miscavige has ushered in will be the euphemism used to describe the sharknado that is raining down. A few catchphrases will be tossed in “the merchants of chaos” and “bitter defrocked apostates,” “axes to grind” and “admitted liars,” but no specifics and no names so as not to “spread the flap” (even though everyone that is not deaf and blind already knows what is going on).
And then, without irony or recognizing the contradiction, it will go on to announce the “massive interest” in scientology that Going Clear engendered. A bunch of strange stats about “how many people per nanosecond thought about scientology based on clicks on the internet” will be trotted out to “prove” that this whole affair is simply reinforcing the brilliant expansion that is ongoing.
One minute its “squirrels screaming” and the next minute it has become “massive interest.” In the world of scientology, everything is a WIN — I will never forget Jason Beghe in the film dramatizing the “good scientologist” saying how “great” everything is with a shit-eating grin while suffering a massive migraine. This happens on an institutional level too. EVERYTHING is always great, wonderful, expanding like never before and a milestone of planetary clearing.
That is how this will be spun, whether it is in the form of an issue or not.
But he doesn’t have another “international event” scheduled til June and the hemorrhaging must be stanched sooner than that.
Everything will be geared to needing more money — first to “fight the war” and then to “get the word out to a world that is desperate for our answers.” Yep, get them coming and going on the fundraising too.
But of course, he cannot allow a document with his name on it to go out in public for fear that someone will give it to the nasty merchants of chaos and bitter defrocked apostates and they will poke holes in his pitch and expose it for what it really is. And in this case, signing it Karin Pouw isn’t going to work.
So, the answer might be a limited volume of numbered copies being sent to the RTC Offices at Flag and in each of the SO Orgs with instructions to pull in the whales, one by one for a “confidential briefing from Chairman of the Board.” They will be “bonded” not to disclose anything about the meeting. Then, in the presence of the RTC Rep they will be shown a copy of the special message from COB and told to read it. They will have to hand it back once done. When they are complete, they will be asked “What are YOU going to do now to back up COB?” And they will be routed to the reg.
This is all hypothetical of course. Such a thing could never happen because it is not “per policy” and if there is anything we know, it is that the church of scientology is 100% down the line, by the book, standard in tech and on policy.
But regardless, right now it’s a race. Can this disaster generate MORE income from the faithful or will it erode the base of big donors?
It is most likely the only question that really matters in the overall scheme of things. There isn’t much more that can be done to destroy the reputation of scientology, Miscavige or Hubbard. They are all pretty much yesterday’s toast. And it is also fairly certain that no NEW people are going to be walking into any scientology organization and moving onto services, unless they literally never go on the internet. And the number of people like that in the areas where scientology actually exists (primarily developed nations) is practically zero. So, wasting effort on trying to deal with the PR nightmare created with the general public is wasted effort in the mind of Miscavige. Focus on the internal public and try to keep them on the reservation.
It is really a question of how deeply is the income stream savaged by this exposure.
There is only one wildcard — can there be enough media and political pressure brought to bear that the government takes effective action to put an end to the abuses.
Peter Finestone says
mike, thank your for your courage and demonstrating its never too late to find oneself and start again. Also props for taking on the fascistic leviathan scientology. be well.
newinsights4all says
7 Years in New York Guardian’s Office [PR] during the 70s the likely strategy and B.S. lines that will be spouted by the officialdom is as likely as you say Mike. Same shit pile–different century. Stuck in time….lying pathology is timeless. Criminals rarely see beyond their own arrogance and denial.
Raging Cyclops says
The only reason I have an axe to grind is because because I was issued shitty tools on the pack RPF, took a pipe to the eye and was told to lie to the OSHA inspector about it.
I’d gladly trade their axe for my eye.
Chris says
Thank you for this Mike. I will keep checking your site daily for updates and sending them out into the WWW.
Bonnie Kittelson says
Spot on as usual, Mike. I think your analysis is perfect.
burnedbutnotbitter says
Thank you Mike
Kronomex says
Drooling Maniac will find some way of spinning the documentary (sigh, I’ll be waiting with bated breath for the DVD to appear unless, and I doubt it will happen, the theatre chains put it on) into a way of sucking the marrow out of the robots, sheep and rich idiots.
BlondesAreDumb says
What should Dave do? Dave is reading this blog and other sites looking for information. Evident that he lost Rinder as his best strategist and thinker. No one has replaced this role with intelligence, experience, and savvy. Dave has surely taken to the internet to get help and direction as the whole world now does. He’s no different than the common man in some respects.
David says
I want to know where Miscavige’s wife is. Disappointed that the documentary didn’t go there.
Michael Mallen says
Shelley got the golden age of tech parachute.
cindy says
Sorry this is a bit off topic, but what is happening on the Mosey and Marty lawsuit against DM and the church? When do they go to court again? Or is it over?
non-scientologist says
As discouraging as it may be, I do not think the IRS will move against the Church of $cientology for the next two years. Presently the republican presidential candidates (notably Ted Cruz) are babbling about shutting the IRS down. Members of the IRS are also being investigated by the house for allegedly discriminating against various Tea Party groups which were trying to obtain tax exempt status.
Given this polical climate, the IRS will be leary of getting involved in any additional battles unless the Republicans were to tell them there would be no repercussions for investigating scientology. I doubt they could obtain such a cut protection from their traditional enemies on capitol hill.
Perhaps when Obama has finished his term, and a new President is in office the IRS may feel that they can raise the issue but I am pessimistic they will enforce their agreement with scientology because of the disfunctional politics in Washington D.C.
violetskyye says
I have a theory about how the documentary may lead to Scientology’s downfall. It is in some ways comparable to how bullet proof cyclist Lance Armstrong seemed to be for so long. Lance would smear and litigate to exhaustion anyone who tried to “attack” his hero status and reputation to the point where many were afraid to take him on. But once he fell, he fell very hard, very fast. [Ironically, Alex Gibney directed the documentary of Lance Armstrong during the good times, and happened to be filming his documentary during Lance’s fall]. People tried to show how Lance doped for years, and ended up almost being ruined because of it, but once the dam finally broke, it was just days before Lance was finished. Now, granted, Scientology has a lot more money than Lance, but the situations are similar [except Lance was much more liked by most people than Scientology is].
If you’re interested, Gibney’s film is “The Armstrong Lie.”
John Locke says
violetskyye, Scientology stopped growing (and thus, started dying) in the late 70’s. It has been downhill since then. This movie is more like a Toe Tag that lets people know what the corpse is.
violetskyye says
True, but I think they were dying a too slow death, and I’m hoping the film is kind of the final shove off the cliff.
John Locke says
I hear ya violetskyye and agree 100%
shelley says
Great article Mike, and wonderful dialogue going on here. We cannot access HBO from South Africa which is a real pity, but the comments and blog posts are keeping us somewhat in the loop. Thanks to all. 🙂
Fred says
I haven’t seen the HBO documentary, but I have read the book. One thing I did notice was a steady increase in stories about “Going Clear” as the broadcast date approached.
There is a saying that “corporations never forget”. I doubt that the general news media has forgotten about what the Co$ did to Paulette Cooper and while many had the poop scared of them, they also saw the Church of Scientology as their enemy. The actions of the Troll in charge haven’t helped change that.
This may be the beginning of a long awaited revenge.
Maureen says
I think Tom Cruise will watch the movie. He thinks he’s ‘big being’ enough to handle anything. Besides, what person in their right mind would NOT watch a film that discussed points of their own personal life that was broadcast to millions? Minimally you’d want to know what was said in the movie so you’d have some good responses to what will inevitably be said to you. If he doesn’t watch it, he’s one cement headed robot.
Maureen says
Those guys (Cruise/Travolta/Alley/etc.) better start practicing PIE FACES right away!
jeff says
WOW, brilliant analysis and writing mate!!!
Michael Mallen says
A little levity if you please.
Robert Almblad says
Mike, I think your analysis of what Miscavige is doing as a result of HBO Going Clear is as accurate as can be without being a fly on the wall in his office!! And, I agree that the “brand” of Scientology and LRH are yesterday’s toast.
Maybe DM could extend the Scientology brand into some new markets like Crest toothpaste extending their brand into Crest mouthwash. Here are a couple ideas for him….
Do you want to quietly get rid of your spouse without a messy divorce? Try SDS Scientology Disappearing Services. “Quiet tasteful disappearances guaranteed”
Do you need to scare some IRS agents away from your business? Try SST Scientology Scare Tactics “We dig up the dirt on agents so can scare the crap out of them”
I am sure there are more..
Gerhard Waterkamp says
Now that the Scientology Chill factor is greatly reduced one thing I really look forward to is how all the creative comics in Hollywood and New York let fly their long pent up ideas.
I mean Jay Lenno confessed once Bill Clintons Cigar paid for his house and cars. Imagine how much money can be made in comedy with the ultimate gift that keeps on giving, the Church of Scientology.
So come on Saturday Night Life, here is material for hours and hours of the most funny shit you can imagine. Will be interesting to see who is the first to put something up.
Laughter is still cheaper and can be much more liberating than 5 intensives at FLAG.
So I really hope “Going Clear” has emboldened some major talent to let it rip.
Michael Mallen says
Could start a GCCC (Going Clear Comedy Club)
Jack says
The @freedomethics twitter account does an amazing job of confirming many of the films points. I was actually indirectly pointed here while going through its bizarre attack tweets.
Michael Mallen says
Tom announcing at a press conference that he’s not a Scientologist.
“I was only studying for a role. It was all just an act, man.”
Ray Ruiz says
Lets not forget to sign the whitehouse petition to Revoke Scientologies tax exempt status that is gaining ground
Petition page : http://wh.gov/iWAUo
I Yawnalot says
Yes, logical Mike, this post is a spot-on speculation. The somewhat aggressive chessboard is set and it’s their move but miscavige is definitely on the defensive, plus this ‘waiting’ is bitch, come on, give us a sign davey!
I suppose another speculation to throw in is that miscavige will make his own sort of retaliatory documentary. He’s certainly not short of the equipment or money to produce it, but geezers, who would act in it? TC, Nancy Cartwright perhaps? Make it an in-house whales only showing and drinks and nibblies with rich and famous afterwards for the sadly noble whales they manage to re-hypnotise. Their own “rally round the Flag” response perhaps? On the ‘ship of broken dreams’ perhaps?
Maybe like Hubbard was forced to do once, he took his organisation “to sea” to avoid a severe backlash. Goodness me… the speculation never ends!
I just found out the number of viewers that watched Going Clear last Sunday:
“HBO Scientology documentary “Going Clear: Scientology and The Prison of Belief” attracted a rounded 1.7 million viewers on Sunday, according to TV By the Numbers.”
“The viewer total (more specifically 1.652 million) makes the film the pay-TV network’s most-watched doc premiere since Spike Lee‘s….”
Jose Chung says
1.7 million watched Going Clear on HBO Sunday.
that’s more than 33 X Scientologists who cough,cough, wink,wink, did not watch Going Clear.
CM says
I’m not a Scientologist but I certainly am finding this an amazing study on the human condition…on sooo many levels. I do have one question, Mike. Are there are firearms that DM has access to? This could all go sideways for DM and…..well, I was just wondering.
RolandRB says
DM has skeet guns. It is his hobby.
katageek says
At the next academy awards, it’s going to be hard for John and Tom to ignore an Oscar winning documentary that features them.
They can ignore a LOT of things …
Michael Mallen says
Perhaps Tom and John can get nominated for best supporting actors in a documentary.
katageek says
Oscar’s TR0 never blinks. The dude never flunks.
Just Me says
Michael Mallen says
Acceptance speech:
“We’d like to personally thank David Miscavige for making it all possible.”
Pepper says
Michael Mallen says
It would be a career boost.
violetskyye says
Wouldn’t it hilarious if they had Cruise present the Oscar for best Documentary? Of course he has enough clout to get out of it, but a girl can dream.
nightshade09 says
Given the piss poor attempt at damage control by Scientology to counter Going Clear (Basically they appear to have bought ad space on Twitter to spam it with their attack drivel. That is all) This clearly is a new de fanged version of the Scientology fair gaming we’ve grown to love to hate.
It appears by this pathetic attempt that the fight has gone out of them or that there is so much chaos going on behind the scenes that the public is not aware of that their attentions for the moment are elsewhere. I E more pressing issues going on behind the scenes.
Could there be a internal power struggle going on for control? The long awaited over throw of Miscavige taking place? That has little Napoleon complex ridden Miscavige far more concerned that HBO’s Going Clear??
Joe Pendleton says
Mike, everything you say here makes sense to me. I’ll just add my two cents that while I do not know Miscavige or any of the celebs or heavy hitters, just knowing people, it is hard for me to imagine that Travolta, Cruise, Nancy and some others will not REALLY want to see this flick. If for no other reason than it is all around “the industry” now and they would want to know specifically what people are talking about. Of course for all we know, Miscavige has already talked to all these folks and gotten their agreement not to “flow power to the SPs” by watching it. But you would think just common freaking CURIOUSITY would drive these folks a bit. Ditto for a guy like Duggan. With all the tons of millions he’s given, do you think he wouldn’t consider that he has a right to at least KNOW what all these other people in the USA now know? I’d find it hard to believe that he wouldn’t see it. But I guess who knows how crazy people will act.
Gus Cox says
That’s quite likely, Joe. I had similar curiosity when it occurred to me that after South Park, my non-clam friends knew more about my “religion” than I did. I watched, and ended up listening to the actual tape of the Fatman talking about those 3D “motion PICK-SHAHs.” And I didn’t get sick.
The Fatman seemed obsessed with the idea that reading his shit could make people got sick, go insane and/or kill themselves.
zemooo says
The ‘clamnado’ will continue to gain in strength and blow the houses of sticks and mud down. Going Clear is perhaps the most widely seen expose on the CO$ that has been done in recent memory.
So what will the half cooked clams do?
The usual. Deny it, compare it to nazis vs jews. (Like that will work)
Karin Pouw-grams to any media that do a Going Clear story. That will just cause updated stories with the clam lies getting more play. Another major fail.
Tom Cruise and John Travolta will continue to get extra special attention. If Travolta wouldn’t do anything for Spanky, what will he do now? Nothing. It doesn’t matter why, he knows he can’t defy Miscavage. Travolta will continue to low key play the ‘the CO$ helped me get through my dead son’ crap. That is the only card he’s played since 2009.
What will Cruise do? Nothing at the moment. The only thing that will get through his titanium bubble is a noisy boycott of his movies or the quiet lack of any scripts that he can bid on. Bid on is exactly what he does. Straight pay versus a cut of back end, with whatever promotion work the studio wants, he’ll play that game until it becomes unprofitable.
If TC’s payday takes a big hit, that will get his attention. Nothing else will pierce his titanium bubble. I doubt he’ll get on the public relations circuit, that didn’t work out so well for him in the recent past. He may ‘defend’ his ‘religion’, but only to a planted question on some talk show. Otherwise, he’ll shut up. He has nothing to gain by defending his ‘faith’ in a noisy public manner. Like all clams, he’ll disconnect from his daughter if told to. Katie Holmes may be an SP, but how can a little girl be an SP? Maybe that dichotomy will finally give TC that WTF moment that pierces his bubble. But I doubt it, he seems too vapid and stupid to see how he has been conned.
MIscavage will do his usual and keep everyone’s nose to the grindstone. More emphasis on services, and donations to the IAS, donations to Idle mOrgs, more stealth donations to keep the lights on at current Idle mOrgs. Keep the peasants too busy to notice that no one is coming in to the mOrgs.
Then comes the only thing that Miscavage can do. Announce a special ‘levy’ (read required ‘donation’) to a special fund to play the ‘age of reason, where technology meets spirituality’ commercial on a national basis. Yeah, bait that mystery sandwich, and watch more people laugh at the clampire. They just can’t admit that the $cientology brand name has become a hugely negative thing in the public eye. Nothing can repair the damage that the last 15 years of internet freedom and testimony from the former members have done.
The whales will get all the attention they need, to keep them paying to keep the lights on, They are ones DM needs and fears the most. Any collapse in their donations and the whole clampire becomes financial unstable (how profitable is it right now?). I don’t see how Miscavage can keep the whales happy 2 years from now. Any push back against Going Clear and its fallout is just short term hocus pocus that will only work for a short time. The whales will only keep the lights on at so many mOrgs. What will Duggan do when he’s asked to keep an entire continent lit up?
Aurora says
‘Scientology Exposé ‘Going Clear’ Is HBO’s Biggest Doc Premiere in Almost a Decade’
Almost 1.7 mil, and that was just the first night….!!!
Gus Cox says
Holy Shit! and that doesn’t even include the HBOGO viewers!
Michael Mallen says
Guess those cancelled Scientology subscriptions didn’t quite do the trick. 😉
Someone else's problem says
To Mike’s point on how the church will attempt to spin the fallout from Gibney’s film Adweek ran an interesting piece today about Scientology purchasing “promoted” tweets during Sunday’s showing of the film which included the below “official” comment from everyone’s favorite sock-puppet Karin Pouw:
“We had an all-time high interest in Scientology during the airing of the HBO show,” said Karin Pouw, a rep for the Church of Scientology. “Over 50,000 people came to our website before we even issued a tweet. As there were so many people curious and interested, we decided to spread the word.”
Read the entire article at:
Church of Scientology Buys Promoted Tweets to Battle HBO’s ‘Going Clear’
Michael Mallen says
LDW says
Hi Mike,
It looks like the scenario is playing out quite differently than any of us would have thought:
Mike Rinder says
That is really funny Les 🙂
Mike Rinder says
Les — if you like that one, someone just sent me this:
Roger Hornaday says
I’m sure literally HUNDREDS of scientologists world-wide will answer the call to arms. (Or whatever)
Aquamarine says
Mike, while reading these speculations of yours as to how Miscavige will handle the fallout from GC, and, based on what I’ve read about him from those who worked with him, I got a flash of a picture:
PottyMouth, with a deep frown, intently studies your article, and then, quickly, in sequence copies down the main points, then hands it to an underling with an explosive, “Get this thing fucking-typed up! THIS is the program that is fucking-needed to handle every last mother-fucking media SP! Make sure its M-9nd! Make sure its implemented and followed to the letter. Of course, I’ll be doing my own part with Tom, but AS USUAL, I have to do every OTHER fucking thing around here too!”
That was my picture, lol.
torychristman44 says
Also, what do I think “dave” will do now?
Considering his complete obsession with Tom Cruise, I think you’re correct:
#1 will be to get anything that needs to be done to “handle”, TC. This could include Tommy boy to the Freewinds with “dave”, they traveling together….who knows. Time shall tell on this one.
2) Yup—-shore up the biggest donors who no doubt will be pissed off by this documentary.
This will include furious “Black PR” on any and ALL SPs they may listen to, covertly.
3) My guess is he’ll go into a massive PR pitch of how “Fantastically we are ALL doing” “Once
I joined $cientology, all my problems vanished” etc.
Bottom line: Tick Tock, Tick Tock, Time IS on *our* side!! 🙂 (Man did that come true 🙂
shelgold says
Dani – thanks again for all of the excellent work you do. I really enjoyed our conversation a couple of months ago and I can really tell that you care about helping others. You are a mensch.
I think it is great to have auditing and training in the field for those that wish to avail themselves of it.
I agree that DM will never admit he is wrong and I also believe he is doing EXACTLY what Mike said.
danilemberger says
Thanks Shel. Me too, talk to you again soon. Love to Sara, a true hero of our cause!
torychristman44 says
Agreed, Mike as to the IRS. Do you think there is any chance we might be able to get them to re-open
this can of worms? If so…what would you suggest be done to get this happening? I know ministers are ticked off that they get “Non-profit status” so there’s a huge group who would probably (Hopefully) request it.
Also, DollarMorgue: They tried that on my computer in 2008, pretending to be “Anonymous”. I had predicted this when Anonymous arrived, as *I* opened up their phony accounts (Until I realized what they were actually using them for, and once I did—I left $cientology, forever, soon after). BUT—they spammed my computer with 8,000 E-mails. It was amazing. Plus Death Threat Calls.
I made a video and said: “Whether you are some kid in your parent’s basement, OR people from the “church” of $cientology—either this stops by 4:00 OR I WILL BE CALLING THE FBI, and “Trust me …they WILL find out who you are!” It all stopped immediately—-which proved it was NOT Anonymous…they would have done it 10 X’s more. LOL. Good luck 🙂 Tory/Magoo
Mike Rinder says
Tory — the IRS responds to media pressure and pressure from congress. Congressional Reps writing to the IRS, particularly if they are on important committees, cannot be ignored. The IRS has to get their budget approved too.
torychristman44 says
This is excellent news: thank you, Mike! Ok, so media pressure and pressure from Congress.
So it’s time each and every one of us writes to our Congressional Reps asking them to re-open
this case and truly look into the financial status Scientology has gotten (Specifically their non-profit status when they are, unquestionably, a flat out business). If I’m off on this, please let me know. I want to get this going 🙂
cindy says
I agree with Tory that we should do a concerted and orchestrated effort. First we find out who the right peole are to be writing to and then we do massive letters to them. Hey, instead of a filing party like the orgs do, let’s have an Indie writing party! I’ll bring pizza.
Michael Mallen says
How ’bout a bombing party?
cindy says
Even better Mike!
Michael Mallen says
DollarMorgue says
I’ve noticed the church is trying to spam my assorted inboxes to death in some illconceived, antequated DDOS attempt.
Squirrels are screaming? We’ll just scream louder!
Michael Mallen says
Dave to minions: “Do something!”
Newcomer says
More out tech! When the TA is moving you do nothing.
Yo Dave, Howz the TA today good buddy? Stuck on 6. Guess MM was right!
eldritch cuckoo says
“Dave to minions: “Do something!””
Well they should all take him at his word and take a looooonnng bubble bath.
To do exactly “nothing” is to do “something” as well, right? What’s true for you…
Sorry, couldn’t resist. Everyone, enjoy the popcorn. Or the bubble bath. Or both. ^^
Pepper says
I immediately thought of Tom Cruise too. No doubt, his poor publicist is deluded with calls and requests for statements and interviews. I wonder if he even knew it was coming. He is target number one for both sides of the coin. Knock – knock; a reality check is waiting at your door Tom. Time to find out what it wants.
Margaret says
I wonder if any of those calls are from studio heads, saying WTF???
John Locke says
Forgot to post this yesterday. Some MAJOR US journalists are asking on their private FB pages if any of their friends have ever been exposed to the church or been a member. Look to MANY follow up pieces!
eldritch cuckoo says
I’m just throwing you a belated THANK YOU for participating in this wonderful documentary. I watched it live and enjoyed the live comments on ESMB (for the people who couldn’t watch it). The atmosphere was great. This documentary is really well made. So many more people are going to watch it.
I’m still reading all the Twitter comments for #GoingClear and #alexgibneyfilm.
All the media coverage “before” and “after” is amazing, it is too much to read it all! Over all this, let’s not forget the times when every article was precious…
Google statistics are showing that on Sunday, “Going Clear” was the 4th most searched term in the USA: http://www.google.com/trends/hottrends#pn=p1
Zola says
I expect Tiny Fists to use this to crank up the fundraising for the new media studio, and to focus on increasing worldwide promotion over the airwaves and the Internet. Agree that Tom and the whales are a very high priority. By the beard of Zenu, I wish TC would wake up and find a healthier playmate.
Zana says
I hope that nobody in Los Angeles in the film community will rent any of their space. !! They should all be afraid to step onto that lot. They will be assaulted by grinning zombies.
Chris says
I have a feeling that any rehabilitation attempt that CO$ mounts on the internet will be met with widespread disgust and hilarity. There’s just too much information out there now. And like the vermin they are, Miscavige and his crew (I’m looking at you, Tom Cruise), they are most comfortable hiding under rocks out of the way of any reasoned and truthful scrutiny.
Dani Lemberger says
Dear Comrades,
Even though in distant Israel, I did just get to see the film. Thanks to some probably illegal tech called “streaming”. I’ve also read the book recently. Both are riveting and shocking. But mostly, to a Scientologist of 35 years, embarrassing.
I was a staunch supporter of the Church until three years ago, flowing hundreds of people into their traps and millions into their coffers. For our past sins and misdeeds, we must do our “Liability Condition”: “Deliver an effective blow” and “Make up the damage”. This I have been doing arduously since leaving in June 2012. Mission will not be complete until we are rid of Miscavige.
I do know he’s in trouble and must be suffering. He deserves it and it’s getting constantly worse. We who fight him are steadily growing in numbers, boldness and resources. His are dwindling. These two stats will cross in the not too far future.
I trust Mike’s description of how Miscavige will handle his immediate “Danger Condition”. In the long term he cannot change because that will be admitting to ever being wrong. Lunatics are never wrong. The film shows Ron saying “Yes, I’m mad. Only he who never thinks he is mad, is really mad”. (from memory, not accurate quote.) Ron could at least laugh about himself, Miscavige never did, only mocks others.
I liked Dio’s comment above saying:
“The only way or best way to deal with the cos and DM is probably the way it is going now.
“Educate the public on the truth.
“Dry up the sources of money.
“Promote the fz orgs.
“Build better bridges. (Most important to build better bridges.)”
Thanks Dio for your encouragement. If not said cynically, this is the advice I follow.
1. We need to step up legal actions against them. I have one lawsuit going well already, another one coming soon.
2.This blog and many others educate the public on the truth. And what wonderful job have Wright and Gibney done. And the years of hard work by Marty, Mike, Karen, Haggis, Jason … creating the uproar and gaining the attention of Wright and Gibney. Thank you again for pioneering this “War on Lies” and “Campaign for Truth.” Your courage and sacrifice will forever be our model.
3. The education keeps people away and donors shy. The less people the less money. No doubt he’s got lots left and some more coming in, but I am sure this is drying up. I know in Israel millions were raised until a few years ago, but it’s all over now.
4. Finally, promote “FZ/Indie” Scientology and build a better Bridge. This is done daily by hundreds of practitioners around the world and is the most destructive to the Church and DM. People walking away, getting themselves mischievously declared, doing their Bridges everywhere but in the Church. There’s no data but I’m pretty sure there’s more hours delivered and OT Levels done outside than inside the church.
All this will inevitably bring about Miscavige’s downfall. The Soviet Union just collapsed one day and people were surprised and, “How comes we didn’t see it coming.” His is coming too, and soon.
Thanks for reading, Dani
Pepper says
Thank you Dani. I second the part about education keeping people away and donors shy. The best thing any Scientologist can do who is still connected to the church in any form is to stop supporting the church financially. Do not give them one penny. Second, stop supporting the CoS with your time and energy. This means that you don’t show up for course, events or briefings. Third and very important; if you have children, do not bring them into the orgs so they can get new blood to recruit and feed on throughout their adulthood. Protect yourself and your family. The CoS survives as it does because people help it to. There are still plenty of enablers. Don’t be one.
Espiando says
When we Anons started out with our protests, there were a lot of heated debates over whether or not to promote the Freezone and Indies. It really became a moot point when we started up the themed protests, so the debate was never really resolved. My feeling about this is that despite hating Scientology the philosophy, the Indies have a role to play in acting as safe landing zones for people who want the Tech. The only thing I’m not sure about is that after twenty years of pushing statuses and heavy regging, how many Kool-Aid Drinkers there are left who regard the Tech as a primary motivator for staying in. I’m sure there are some, but I don’t think there are as many as you might think, Dani. That’s what two decades of destroying the Lower Bridge does.
This is not to denigrate what Dror Center is doing. They’re the Model Ideal Indie Org, an idea and concept well-executed with a passionate clientele (you can tell from Sunday’s comments). I’m glad that they’re out there, just like I’m glad Les and Anita are there (to cite one example). It’s just that I have a different view of what they ultimately are. The Indies are hoping for expansion. I’m hoping for them being a halfway house that will serve its use and then disappear.
There is something I’m curious about, Dani, and it’s something I avoided asking on Sunday. Do you use the same criteria in regard to acceptance of people on service that the cult does? I’m going to take me as an example since I’ve been criticized by Exes for never having “done” Scientology. According to Hubbard, I’m a 1.1, and I refuse to “upgrade” my tone level (a big reason I’m an ex-Catholic: it’s fine for me to be gay in the Church as long as I’m celibate). I also take psych drugs and have had what I consider wins off of them. According to Hubbard policy, I would be considered an Illegal PC and refused service. The cult, of course, would take me in, take my money, and then pull the “You’re an Illegal PC” card. Would Dror do the same thing? Would Dror refuse to have me start, as HCOPLs would dictate? Or would Dror say “None of that matters, since we’re here to help”? I’m not being snarky, and I’m not trying to trap you into anything or use what you would say against you. You’re an honest guy, and I expect nothing more than an honest answer.
Mike Rinder says
Wow Espi, you are destroying your reputation as an asshole 🙂 (Not found by me to be the case here, but you have commented about being banhammered by Tony).
This well reasoned and polite discussion is really cool.
1984 says
Espiando, I see that you do not abide by your own advice (‘let’s all work together..”). Perhaps you should change it to ‘the enemy of my enemy is my friend”. That way you leave yourself free to attack later. That you want support is one thing, but you are not willing to share support.
Joe Pendleton says
Espi, I’ll let Dani answer for how he runs his show. But I will say that in the olden days (throughout the 1970s) we had gay people (and transgender) on courses and auditing pretty much continously and it NEVER came up as an issue that needed to be addressed as any type of “requirement.” In fact, as someone who was in the technical area as an auditor and case supervisor, I can honestly say that no one’s sexuality was EVER discussed (with me anyway). We also had an openly gay case supervisor and another one I just assumed was gay and they went on to do their OT levels in those days with no problems. Obviously things changed in the CoS (to say the least) in its becoming its current homophobic self.
As far as drugs go, I can just say that you wouldn’t be audited while ON drugs (that’s the rule we always followed per LRHs instructions back in the day, and there were reasons for it).
danilemberger says
Hi Espiando,
I totally agree with Mike, this is a real pleasant discussion. We’re all too tired to fight after sweating it thru Going Clear. I’ll answer your questions sincerely.
It does piss me off that you say: “I’m hoping for them being a halfway house that will serve its use and then disappear.” (Yes, that is 1.1!) If I provide services that someone wants, then why should I disappear? Why does ours and Warren’s and many others’ activity bother you?
I’ve always believed Hubbard’s Tech works perfectly well and I certainly could not improve on it. I have, though, always questioned much of his policy. Policy, by definition, is “what works, based on group experience”. So what works today in Israel for me, is not what worked for Ron at Saint Hill in the 1960’s. And I personally am very smart as a manager, so I can formulate my own policy, based on my group’s approval. It’s a group activity, formulating policy, and I steer it. And it’s dynamic, on-going.
I never agreed with the “illegal pc” policy and argued with our C/S’s that people should be accepted when we were in the church. They couldn’t then because we might be disciplined by “authority”. All are welcome now.
If you are gay, there’s a big gay Scientology community in Tel Aviv, around the brilliant auditor Don Schaul, 21 years old, and they’re great friends of ours, we support them a lot. If you are on psych drugs, we’ll help you get off of them, they’re bad for your health.
Scientology is for everyone. Only one, well, two conditions. That he wants to do it and, 2, can pay. We still can’t work for free. Doesn’t mean we’ll put you on OT Levels right away. First thing is basic courses, then Life Repair auditing then the Lower Bridge. Way before Clear, you’ll see if you like it and want to continue.
You made my day in saying, “They’re the Model Ideal Indie Org,” Real sweet of you. But still, some come and leave after a while. they expect instant miracles, (which we don’t deliver) or to hold on to secrets (which doesn’t work).
Scientology is tough to do because it’s highly “labor intensive”, hence not cheap. Worse, it demands a willingness to expose yourself, look at yourself, confront who you really are. Most people aren’t willing to do that. They lie to themselves (and others) about some stuff in their life and don’t want this to be inspected. You can spend years with a shrink and he’ll let you get away with it, not so a decent auditor.
You sound like a real nice guy. Try some auditing, you may surprise yourself, pleasantly. I know several great auditors in the U.S.
theosismanidesosismanidesheosismanides says
Hi Dani. Theo, from Athens, Greece. It’s amazing to see what a good manager can do as he/she takes care of his/her resources. I think you guys are a stellar example of what is Admin. It’s not just a rote thing, it’s a breathing organisation and a good manager knows how to let the whole organisation breath. Actually the 7 Div Org Board is a HUGE platform upon which particles can flow en mass. How fast and correctly this is done depends on the Manager’s Know How.
Espiando says
First of all, I’m not being hypocritical. I said on Sunday that it was a day to forget our differences and celebrate the Chewing Of A New Asshole that the Toxic Dwarf received. I’ve never wavered from my view that the Tech is not based on scientific principles and is generally more harmful than good. That does not mean that I can’t have polite discourse with people of the opposite viewpoint. In fact, I want to have polite discourse with those people, because it gives me an insight into their feelings. You can consider that a cynical “know your enemy” move on my part if you wish, but in general, there’s more behind it than that.
Dani’s explanation to me was honest and sincere, something I knew it would be. He firmly believes in the Tech and its benefits, and is willing to bend from Hubbard’s absolutes when the situation warrants it, and he doesn’t promulgate the discriminatory policies of the cult. This means that he’s not my enemy, just a guy who I have a disagreement with. I’d have no problem going into the trenches with him in this war against the cult, unlike, say, the dogmatists of Milestone Two. Dani’s an upfront guy, and, let’s face it, if you’re at war, the one group of people you want on your side are the Israelis.
From what I’ve seen, Indies are generally more inclusive. They’ve ditched the pigeon-holing of people that the cult does as general practice. They’re also far more willing to listen to alternate (and even opposing) viewpoints if they’re presented rationally. I’ve got a lot of personal reasons to hate the Tech and Hubbard, but most Indies, despite disagreeing with them, will not dismiss them out of hand like a Kool-Aid Drinker will. If Indies reject the homophobia of the cult and don’t elevate Hubbard into the object of a cult of personality, I have very little trouble with them.
Joe, I’ve seen you write about what was going on in the 70s before, and I have no reason to not believe you. Here’s the problem I have: Scientology is like one of the island nations in the Caribbean that are former British colonies. They still have sodomy laws from the colonial days which proscribe hard labor for violations. They say that they don’t enforce them, but they won’t take them off the books, so if they decided they wanted to do so, they could enforce them. So let’s say that I meet the guy of my dreams and we decide to head to Bermuda for a romantic getaway. We could be arrested and sentenced to 25 years in the slam for expressing our romance. That’s what happened to the cult. Both Hubbard and Miscavige are/were homophobes, but Hubbard never really enforced his own rules except on rare occasions (RIP Quentin). Miscavige, though, brought them back with a vengeance. It’s just one of a whole panoply of psychosexual neuroses that he’s inflicted on the cult.
I will point out one thing about the psych drugs I take: I’m also diabetic, and Cymbalta, which I’m on and have had good results with, is proven to lessen the chance of neuropathy in diabetics, which could lead to having to have limbs amputated. I don’t think auditing can provide the same benefit.
It’s good to have a nice, polite discussion about these things without going into invective. I may not be convinced about the efficacy of auditing, but I do know that the new Salted Caramel Truffle Blizzard from Dairy Queen is incredible. It’ll make you blow charge.
Dio says
Thanks for your feedback.
The thing to keep in mind when building a new and better bridge is that like Einstein said:
You can’t solve a problem with the type of thinking that caused the problem.
The problem is that most people are thinking with scn thinking.
You have to think from outside the box with fresh new impartial thinking, critical thinking, intelligent thinking, properly informed thinking, constructive thinking, fresh new ideas, and dialectical thinking.
Here are my definitions of intelligence:
1. Intelligence is a relative ability to evaluate data (evaluate information and solve problems) and compute a most superior computation (the most superior evaluation), (e.i. answers and solutions) towards the highest degree of success possible on all dynamics. Win-win solutions for all concerned that are of the highest ethics. The greatest good for all concerned.
2. the ability to learn or understand things or to deal with new or difficult situations
3. secret information that a government collects about an enemy or possible enemy; also : a government organization that collects such information
4. the ability to learn or understand or to deal with new or trying situations: reason; also: the skilled use of reason. There is intelligent reasoning, good reasoning, stupid reasoning, bad reasoning, perverted reasoning, backward reasoning and insane reasoning.
5. the ability to apply knowledge to manipulate one’s environment or to think abstractly as measured by objective criteria (as tests)
6. Christian Science: the basic eternal quality of divine Mind
7. mental acuteness: shrewdness
8. an intelligent entity; especially an angel
9. the act of understanding, comprehension
10. information, news
11. the ability to perform computer functions.
12. the ability to make good decisions.
13. the ability to make the right decision.
14. the ability to handle confusions.
15. the ability to identify and solve the problems of life and find the right knowledge as required so as to achieve success in any and all areas of life.
16. The ability to bring order to one’s environment
16. The ability to bring confusion to order
17. Intelligence is not what you know, it is what you do when you don’t know.
“Dialectical dialogue is a rational, cooperative, intelligent, two-sided truth-seeking art that requires having the right knowledge on the subject to be properly qualified to discuss the subject, education and training in proper communication skills, a mind that knows what truth is, is capable of recognizing truth when encountered, a constructive and balanced attitude, and using the best available empirical science and facts, partial only to the truth, to compute the most superior computation, the highest truth possible, the best solution possible, the most right solution, the most workable or most practical solution possible, on a given subject.
Whereas eristical dialogue is a foolish, stupid, ignorant, non sensical, irrational, one-sided, quarrelsome, and antagonistic argument, usually based on specious and spurious reasoning and opinions and beliefs, instead of facts..” — From Douglas Walton’s 1999 book One-Sided Arguments (paraphrased)
“Does free speech tend to move toward the truth or away from it? When does it evolve into a better collective understanding? When does it collapse into … the pointless and eristic game of talking the other guy into crying ‘uncle’?” — From an article by Mattathias Schwartz in the New York Times Magazine, August 3, 2008
danilemberger says
it’s past midnight here and what you say above is above my intelligence. Almost. See what I wrote Espiando.
We have a team of very bright young guys and in a free yet challenging environment, the best comes out of them. We constantly evaluate the data we gather and are not bound by someone’s policy or dictates. Hence it’s fun and mostly successful.
Dio says
The article “How to study a science” in New Slant on life, explains the formula for understanding.
That is: In order to understand a subject, you have to study and evaluate all other subjects of comparable magnitude in the known universe.
Without doing that you can not honestly and truly understand scientology.
Hubbard further says in that article, that (in my words) if a person does not do that, then he is only parroting the author, which is a slight aberration. Parroting is not a significant amount of intelligence.
(That is a truth. In school, (especially university) students are taught to research subjects and write essays on their findings and they are given some months to do that. That is how true and honest research scientists work.)
Hubbard is evidently referring to scientology and himself. He is telling people to quit parotting him.
There is also evidently an underlying message there.
The underlying message evidently appears to be one of frustration, he his fed up, he has had enough, he is telling people to wake up and smarten up. He is telling scientologists (his sheep) to go and do their own research, think for themselves and quit questioning him and quit parroting him. In other words, leave him alone, get off his back.
The article also holds the keys to the door out of the trap of scientology, for the wise.
(Like I said before, scn is a gold mine of knowledge, wisdom and power for the wise and a trap for fools.)
I could easily put myself in Hubbard’s shoes when he writing that article and feel his feelings and think his thoughts. It is a moment of contemplation, reflection and honesty for him. This is the honest part of him talking.
Now; there is no subject of comparable magnitude in the world. Scientology has many individual components, which all have subjects of comparable magnitude in the known universe.
There is somewhat of an exception to there being no subject of comparable magnitude to scientology:
That is all the work that has been done by thinking people who left scn and developed new or improved tech and processes. And today there is a good amount of that available. I highly commend these people.
So when choosing subjects to evaluate scn against, you have to study and evaluate all subjects of comparable magnitude in the known universe on:
all religions,
all philosophies,
all spiritual teachings,
all self help,
all self improvement,
all life improvement subjects,
all personal development subjects,
all communication courses and subjects,
all data on each dynamic
all study tech and learning systems,
all psychologies,
all mind improvement subjects,
all professional development subjects,
all subjects on justice,
all subjects to do with personnel management and people skills improvement,
all business management subjects,
all efficiency subjects,
all subjects on morals and ethics,
all spiritual healing subjects,
to evaluate the purif course and supplement protocol, evaluate all body detox methodologies,
all natural health modalities,
all the data that has been written and developed by people who left scn,
all the bridges they developed,
all the processes they developed,
all the critical books written on Hubbard and scn,
German New Medicine. (which is medical dianetics)
Without knowing “German new Medicine” (GNM) in full detail a scientologist is only playing with a half a deck.
Go her to learn GNM: http://learninggnm.com/
That is all I can think of now.
With all due respect, my dialectical question to you is, in your evaluation of the data you say you do: Have you and your staff researched and studied the above list?
Because without honestly doing that, you are still only really parroting Hubbard.
Also, when was the last time you and your staff carefully, honestly and impartially reread each of the basic scn books and scrutinized and critiqued each word, each thought, each datum, each concept for factualness? For truthfulness? For workability? For contradictions? For logical fallicies? For credibility? For ulterior motives? For hidden false and limiting datums? For lies? For traps? For fraud? For good common sense? For brain fucks? For implants? Is it true according to your observation and experience? Compared it against the known universe? And everything else that would be required to critique the particular datum?
(I recently began that process with four or five of them books so far, and found them have lots of problems, lots of data that does not stand up to such scrutiny and critique.)
Carl Sagan’s Baloney detection kit is an excellent tool for developing honest thinking and critiquing that every intellectually competent person with intellectual integrity should adopt:
Sagan’s introductory quote by Francis Bacon eloquently expresses the problem with human thinking:
The human understanding is no dry light, but receives an infusion from the will and affections;
whence proceed sciences which may be called “sciences as one would.”
For what a man had rather were true he more readily believes.
Therefore he rejects difficult things from impatience of research; sober things, because they narrow hope; the deeper things of nature, from superstition; the light of experience, from arrogance and pride, lest his mind should seem to be occupied with things mean and transitory; things not commonly believed,out of deference to the opinion of the vulgar. Numberless in short are the ways, and sometimes imperceptible, in which the affections and biases colour and infect the understanding.
I have yet to meet a scientolgist that has done (or honestly done) the above.
Everyone I met has deep rooted biases and sees the world and everything in it through scn eyes and scn thinking. Like someone said: Scn is the ultimate implant.
Someone else said:
The most dangerous lies are the ones that are almost true. The more truth there is on a cognitive set up, the more the amount of truth hides and holds the embedded lie in place, which is thereafter not inspected, but defended to death.
Hubbard’s writings are full of such.
He was as much a genius, as he was a very clever conartist and criminal. A diabolical enigma.
On the other hand, I question if he was a genius at all?
I suspect that what ever truth and good there is in scn was channelled through him by one or more entities.
And being the conartist he was, he took the credit.
Scn was hi jacked by Hubbard, and contaminated with Hubbard’s lies, traps and false and limiting data, and covert business plan to make everyone(or as many as possible) his slave for a billion years, take everyone to the cleaners (masturbate everyone’s present and future financial resources) and make a boat load of money.
And DM is wholeheartedly carrying on with the mission.
Roger Hornaday says
“In order to understand a subject, you have to study and understand all other subjects of comparable magnitude in the known universe.”
Let’s evaluate that statement against logic and critical thinking to see if it’s true.
I know I have to understand chemistry in order to understand biology, but I DON’T have to understand biology in order to understand chemistry. Chemistry encompasses biology, they don’t mutually encompass each other. So in order to understand a subject I need to understand subjects of greater magnitude which encompass it. I start with the subject of greatest magnitude then work my way down FROM GENERAL TO SPECIFIC, that would be another way of putting it. Therefore, my evaluation of that statement, based on logic, is that it’s not true.
My purpose in commenting isn’t to pick a fight but to call out Hubbardarian gibberish. That is my chosen means of doing my part to end the tyranny of the CoS.
Dio says
You said: “you cannot work for free”.
I thought about that and realized that phrase and idea has to be dissected,
inspected and evaluated for hidden data, hidden unsaid agendas.
That datum is actually intellectually and perceptually dishonest. It is a very narrow and short sided datum.
On the surface many scn datums appear true on the surface, but when inspected and critiqued, are found to be false.
That datum falls under the following:
The most dangerous lies are the ones that are almost true. The more truth there is on a cognitive set up, the more the amount of truth hides and holds the embedded lie in place, which is thereafter not inspected, but defended to death.
All other churches in the world help people for free. It is the more able members, the affluent members of the church, the well- to -do members of the church and the members who have been helped previously who pay for the costs of operation of the church when helping people who are down and out, or are less able.
People with high potential can get them selves so bogged down, so screwed up in life with unsurmountable blocks (barriers) on every flow, so full of GMPs (failures) that they are then unable to do anything, without causing more problems and digging themselves a deeper hole, not matter what they do or how hard they try.
The more able a being, the more he can get himself in trouble and the better he can screw himself up.
Helping people with such high potential, who have hit bottom, can yield great return on investment of time and money, if and when done right.
High potential people often give back many times the amount they have been helped, when they become able to handle the mest universe and make a boat load of money.
The world has many remarkable and public examples of this.
Another program some organizations have is a sponsorship program, where people with money help those,… where they pay for others helping the less able and the down and out with no money.
The less able and down and out should, at the same time do what ever it is within their means, to help out. Pretty well everyone can do something. The little simple things, menial things are just a important in the big picture as the big things.
It could be mest work, admin assistant work, or and even paying what ever is within their means for services, even if it is 25 cents and hour, a dollar an hour or $5 or $10 per hour.
From another perspective:
In the bible it says that if a rich gives all his millions and a poor man gives all his pennies, God considers that they have given equally, because all is equal to all, and according to their means.
If a being is properly and honestly helped, he will pay back often many times the amount he was helped.
That datum is in alignment with the datum that a clear being is ethical and responsible.
If this idea or policy does not work, it is not the PCs fault, it is because he was not properly helped, he was not properly educated.
There was some deficiency in ARC and love.
In other words if it does not work it is because it was not done right.
In my experience, there is no such thing as a bad PC, there are only bad or incompetent auditors and bad or incompetent teachers.
In the above instance, I mean a PC who is there on his own volition and honestly needs and wants help.
I have seen that the problem in scn is that the gradient is often too high for some PCs, and also wrong data on OT zero.
All of our problems are due to failed parenting.
Many PCs, due to lack of getting it from conception to present, many PCs need unconditional love and emotional nourishment, and with 100% safe, sane, intelligent and unconditionally loving and able and properly informed terminals, before they can receive any other services.
Conventional churches generally have these kinds of people.
1 Corinthians 13 New International Version (NIV)
13 If I speak in the tongues[a] of men or of angels, but do not have love, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal. 2 If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have a faith that can move mountains, but do not have love, I am nothing. 3 If I give all I possess to the poor and give over my body to hardship that I may boast,[b] but do not have love, I gain nothing.
4 Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. 5 It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. 6 Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. 7 It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.
8 Love never fails. But where there are prophecies, they will cease; where there are tongues, they will be stilled; where there is knowledge, it will pass away. 9 For we know in part and we prophesy in part, 10 but when completeness comes, what is in part disappears. 11 When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put the ways of childhood behind me. 12 For now we see only a reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known.
13 And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.
Mike Rinder says
These comments are just too long. You need to start your own blog.
You sort of miss the point – all Dani was saying is that he cannot afford to keep the rent paid and the lights on without some income. This is what he does to get that. it’s simple economics, not philosophy.
Xenu Party Pants says
Road to Reason did a great Pregame Show for going clear. Mark Ebner and Chris Shelton did an awsome job! https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Adcnym-hvAE
John Locke says
“There is only one wildcard — can there be enough media and political pressure brought to bear that the government takes effective action to put an end to the abuses.”
No. Unless it involves children, there is really not much happening that is criminally illegal. Ya, DM could get fined for spending lavishly on him self. But, that is about all. The rest is adults voluntarily going along with religious doctrine or being kicked out of the religion. NOTHING that the gov can get involved in per the 1st Amend. It only involves a few thousand people out of >300 MILLION. The Bill of Rights is operating as designed.
I think that you are your friends ideas about what DM will do are extremely likely to happen. He’ll suck the blood out of the remaining cetaceans before they bail. Then he’ll set up shop outside the US at some point just so he is out of reach of upset former scn’ers from the States
Mike Rinder says
Well, I think the IRS has an obligation to end taxpayer subsidized abuses of human rights. Though I generally agree that it is a seriously long, hard, uphill road for any government agency to do anything about scientology or anyone else that can claim First Amendment protection. It’s why I said it is wild card.
John Locke says
I totally agree Mike that the IRS SHOULD, under existing Fed law take away the tax exempt status. That wasn’t what I was referring to as that is not a 1st Amendment protection (income tax exemption is a privilege not a right). I’m just referring to the religious practices. There isn’t really anything else the Church is doing that is criminally illegal. Including the vague (violating human rights of its adult membership). That is tossed around but isn’t really in play
Mike Rinder says
We are on the same page…
doloras says
Another big problem is that the “Citizens United” and “Hobby Lobby” decisions of the US Supreme Court make it clear that, as of now, for-profit business and religions are no longer distinct entities. Maybe a legal challenge to Co$ 1st Amendment privileges will have to wait for a court which takes separation of church and state more seriously.
John Locke says
doloras, the non-existent separation of church and state clause has no play as Scn is NOT a gov agency. Also, “Citizens United” is also not an issue (as that just made what was “law” for the last 230 years remain the same). i.e. – would require a constitutional amendment
Jens TINGLEFF says
Sure, other than the occassional infiltration of governments, the undercover agents in banks smoothing the path for the credit cards / loans to buy $cientology and pervertion of the course of justice. Not a lot to see.
Although those are really quite difficult to prove without some good first hand evidence. So, they’re wild cards, too.
Jens TINGLEFF says
Found this after I replied above. In enlightened jurisdictions the original criminal offence (not calling an ambulance) is “non-assistance to persons in danger” – which really describes it well – and I don’t know what the cover-up is, but the execs may not have acted alone, making it possibly a conspiracy.
I certainly had not heard this before – how many more stories like this are out there?
“Elli Fordyce says:
March 31, 2015 at 5:03 pm
In 1967 when the ethics formulas started being revised, published, talked about and used at MMO, we had a little casper milktoast kinda guy who’d been in quite a while but was not very confident on any dynamic. He’d been doing part-time finance duty and was given a condition of Liability, not sure why but I think some errors in the books. He reinterpreted that in his head as Treason and went spiralling down, took a bottle of aspirin (with a weak heart and not very healthy) and then came and confessed to the 2 women running the tiny org (6 staff, mainly part-time). They assigned my ex to take him to the john to eat mustard and throw up while running a process like “you put that body in that chair,” or something like that. That went on for hours, Finally the guy died and the 2 execs gave us all our stories, called the police and covered it up. Never forgot that.”
Jose Chung says
This could be a Game Show question with no answer, David Miscavige is completely unpredictable.
I would eliminate anything rational to begin with.
Round up the Usual Suspects comes high on the list.
Beat up the Staff closest to him.
Beat up anyone who cannot fight back.
Blame long standing enemies for time to think of something.
Rally the Whales with disaster PR in some far off place in the World to divert attention.
Start drinking prized Scotch being saved for first Billion Dollar donor ( one million USD per bottle)
Beat up the Staff again for good measure.
Beat up anyone who cannot fight back again for good measure.
Blame long standing enemies again.
Order Freedom Magazine to Dead Agent HBO with lies of greater magnitude
Go on SCUBA trip on the Freewinds with newest out 2 D.
Put some rookies in charge of mess back in Hollywood ( all new names)
Take the COB phone off the hook on the Freewinds.
That’s my most sincere best guess Mike.
Hope you are doing great.
Rick Argall says
Great Post Mike and love your list Jose Chung.
dankoon says
Hypothetical? Jesus, Mike, I will bet anything that some flunky in COB’s office is putting this post into target form right this minute. You have given COB his marching orders. The problem of getting in new people does remain, however. I would suggest doing some conditional targets to survey the Amish and Mennonite communities in Pennsylvania, Ohio and Indiana and find some new ground to plow. If you see buggies in the parking lot of the Cincy Org anytime soon, I want a finder’s fee.
John Locke says
Dan, if DM wants new members in the US all he has to do is set up shop near our Southern border. THOUSANDS of teens cross every day near the major metro areas there. There are his new SO members at least…
Kevin Tighe says
I saw a non Scientologist I know yesterday. This person has never had any antipathy toward Scientology. She originated she watched the HBO documentary, was truly horrified and could not sleep that night. She wanted to know if it was accurate. I told her, yes, unfortunately it was very accurate.
Pepper says
A couple of my kids work in large companies with over 1,000 employees in LA. They both told me that on Monday morning everyone was talking about watching ‘Going Clear’ and was shocked by it yet said it was so good.
McCarran says
Yay! 🙂
edge says
I think it is long past time for Tom Cruise to ask himself if Scientology and his close friendship to Dave has actually helped him professionally and personally:
-That video of him at the IAS event where he laughs like a maniac set to Mission Impossible music is now over the 10M view mark.
-His couch jumping on Oprah to demonstrate his new zeal for life after marrying Katie Holmes definitely damaged his career
-Calling out Matt Lauer and Brooke Shields on psychiatry (I can definitely see this being done at Dave’s direction) made him look to be an asshole, and it probably damaged his relationship with Steven Spielberg as he was doing this while supposed to be promoting War of the Worlds.
-Outside of the Mission Impossible series, none of his films have been monster hits, certainly not on the level of higher profile comic books movies in the sci-fi action genre
-It is now well known how Scientology broke up his marriage to Nicole Kidman to try to get him back in the fold.
-He lost his wife Katie Holmes, which doubled as a massive blow to Scientology with the way Katie and her father expertly navigated the proceedings.
-Damaging articles on how the church picks women for Tom, such as Nazanin Boniandi. For such a devout Scientologist, this doesn’t speak well of his people skills.
What has he gotten in return for all this? A one-of-kind chintzy medal from COB himself saying TC is “the best Scientologist he knows”?
I agree Mike, that Dave’s current priority will be Tom Cruise and the other high-profile whales like Nancy Cartwright. Stroking their egos with an us-against-them narrative (while making a play for money) will be his strategy. Maybe I’m hoping against hope, but I really hope they take stock of the situation.
pedrofcuk says
I am really impressed Mike that you managed to get ‘sharknado’ into your piece. Brilliant!
McCarran says
Yea! Me too!
Gus Cox says
I was giddily pleased that Mike used the correct word “stanch,” with respect to hemorrhaging. I had respect for him before, but even more now 🙂
Ah, such trivial things can make my day 🙂
And HBO has one more subscriber – watched it on HBOGO – my jaw dropped when I saw some of that footage – that asshole Miscavige aggressively writing on some folder, and walking down a hallway somewhere, and Him with Marty. How the hell did Gibney get that??
I was thoroughly impressed with the film as a whole, and with every individual who was in it. I have to give a hearty “Good Show. Jolly Good Show!” to all involved!
Mike Rinder says
That footage came from an A&E show. You can find it at Loki Films. The woman who produced that piece for A&E, Heidi Ewing, has become a highly regarded documentarian. One of the few people who would license footage to Alex.
Potpie says
Possibly a telling sign will be what the OTC reports look like from this point forward.
If of course they report the truth in numbers. But even then it won’t be hard to spot their
diminished enthusiasm. Sure it will be business as usual but that underlying uneasiness
might just show it’s ugly head.
Espiando says
The numbers I’m interested in will be the Mintzmeat coming out of Flag. If we don’t see any Jeffiegrams for a while, you know that the numbers have torpedoed.
The snake dies if you cut off its head. Flag is the head of this noxious little serpent.
Mike Rinder says
I have some, just havent had time to post them. Things are going along swimmingly at the friendliest place in the world…
Newcomer says
Well one stat will be in the stratosphere: Raw public talking about $cientology…… up by 100,000!
TrevAnon says
Someone give Alex Gibney a Freedom Medal of Valor! 🙂
Aquamarine says
Right! Eat your heart out, TC. Finally, public, in the millions, really WILL be “reaching” for Scientology.
Gus Cox says
All the Scientology Media Productions (KCET Studios) money-begging letters boast about how everyone will hear about Scientology once you cough up the dough to finish the place.
I hate to tell them this, but their mission has already been accomplished. I don’t think there is anyone in the developed world who hasn’t heard of Scientology. Well Done, COB Sir!
Michael Mallen says
Hey, Dave can use it at his next Nuremberg rally. Straight up and vertical. Heil Shorty!
SpiritInTheMaterialWorld says
HBO = Haters Box Office
If one gets nothing out of Scientology or finds something that they disagree with then LEAVE and close the door behind you. However, if a loved one does get something out of it and is not bothering you – then don’t hate on them or attack what gives them solace. Who are you to evaluate or try to run their life. SUPPORT YOUR LOVED ONES.
By putting up a blog, with a donate button and then obsessively hating, joking, name calling and ridiculing another person’s religion would make the blogger responsible for creating the HATE. Stirring up hate with blatant lies, half truths and innuendos to get that “donate button pushed” or to sell a book, or to seek notoriety or celebrity at the expense of hurting others, is quite sick, but seems to have become the “American Way”.
It would seem to me that if MR et al has personal, inside knowledge of criminal acts such as wiretapping, human trafficking and blackmail being perpetrated by DM – this would be the ideal time to name the “who done it”, it would certainly be a dream come true for the “vortex of haters”; as, once confirmed, this revelation would be proof positive to bring him and the Church down in ruin.
You would think that Marty, being the second highest ranking officer in the Church for many years, and having sat in on so many private, battle plan meetings with DM and crew to defeat the IRS, that he would have some juicy inside information and solid proof to back it up. Further Mike Rinder, being THE spokesperson for the Church for so many years, and having attended many “private strategy meetings” to handle the press and the BBC documentary, that he too would also have some heavy inside skinny to bring down DM, and the Church – as that seems to be what they are promoting for self gratification. I call upon them to speak up, do not be cowards…. give us the BEEF. Give us the WHO, WHAT, WHERE, WHEN and WHY. You made a very serious claim that MR ordered the “bug on Kidman” – who did he order to carry it out???
Since wire tapping is a criminal offense I would call upon State Law enforcement agents and/or the FBI to take formal statements from each of these guys to get to the bottom of this allegation. Marty stated that he ordered it to be done, Rinder confirmed this on the Megan Kelly.
The Church has “called out” all the haters by promoting the videos on their website. It would appear that DM or the Church have nothing to hide.
It appears that hate and bigotry will make some quite delusional and blind to a point where they just can’t see, or can’t assimilate the fact that on the video Marty is actually spitting, punching, shoving, and screaming at people who are much smaller than he is, and smashing someone’s personal property. Out of the blue and unprovoked it was Marty who started the barrage of attacks against the Church.
Are the hate filters over the eyes of the haters blocking out the cuts and bruises on Mike Rinder’s ex-wife. Also, 7 or 8 of the people in the documentary filed lawsuits for personal monetary gain and LOST. That has to say something to rational thinking people. These are the friends and co-conspirators of HBO, a supposedly liberal agenda channel. HBO = HATERS BOX OFFICE ….
At this point, why does HBO or MR withhold “THE” proof that would remove DM from power. Just give us the “WHO” ACTUALLY DID THE ILLEGAL WIRETAP? It is a felony, lock up the person who did it!
The slick film hustlers know that no one can prove that these allegations did NOT occur; this is America, shouldn’t the accusers have to PROVE up their statements, or does hate and bigotry rule the day for the right price?
MR made a claim that HE gave the order – WHO WAS IT THAT CARRIED OUT THE ORDER, were they paid? By whom? Its now on YOU.
Mike Rinder says
Well, one ting I agree with you on: SUPPORT YOUR LOVED ONES.
That’s my kids. Both born into the SO and raised in the SO with no understanding out of the outside world.
As for who did the wiretapping, why don’t you ask the consigliere? That’s who Marty said he told to get it done. I would only be guessing as to who that consigliere was. But the church doesn’t need to guess. Neither does Miscavige. You are on the wrong blog. You need to be over at Marty’s. Or perhaps you could go to the blog the church runs or one of their websites and pose your question there.
You have some strange ideas that this information is somehow “THE” proof that would remove DM from power? Because he told someone to tell someone to “get it done”? Hahaha. You obviously live in a bubble.
Zola says
Oh, so you admit that Mike and Marty were highly placed church officials… doesn’t that go against the church’s statement that they were simple, low level employees? Either you are lying or the church is lying… what do you say?
doloras says
The Scientology Money Project blog makes a well-informed guess that the wiretapper was Anthony Pelicano.
Michael Mallen says
Happy trolling. Continue doing what you’re doing.
Aquamarine says
Happy trolls to you
Until we meet again.
Happy trolls to you
Keep trolling on! ‘Til then,
Happy trolls to you, ’til we meet again.
John Locke says
LMAO! Miss Cabbage is cranky this a.m.!
Pepper says
Right. Someone got up this morning and put their cranky pants on.
nomnom says
For some of us who have first hand experience with the violence, criminality and duplicity in behind-the-scenes Scientology, a post like this almost leaves me speechless.
The amount of mental gymnastics required to not see the elephant in the room is quite something.
There are so many out-points, leaps of logic, omitted facts, etc that this would be an excellent example for a study of the Data Series.
Newcomer says
Hit a chord have we? Consider this:
” Whenever we’re really winning the squirrels start to scream. You can tell if somebody is a squirrel. They howl or make trouble only when we’re winning.
Spectacular success can quadruple the number of complaints. ”
I think you are screaming …….. and howling……… Dave. Note that Mikes blog has seen a quadruple number of troll visitors and you whiners are sure doing a lot of complaining these day!.
Low Flying Drone says
It so interesting to see a Scientologist on this blog just spewing lies. I love that line
“Also, 7 or 8 of the people in the documentary filed lawsuits for personal monetary gain and LOST. That has to say something to rational thinking people.”
Actually these are the people featured in Going Clear:
Jason Beghe
Tom DeVocht
Sara Goldberg
Paul Haggis
Mark “Marty” Rathbun
Mike Rinder
Spanky Taylor
Hana Whitfield
I don’t know if Spanky or Hana ever sued Scientology but certainly the others did not.
This is a window into the mind of the Sheeple. Filled with hate, anger, lies, false accusations and generalities.
Even all the capitilization which represents shouting when used in this way, shows the frame of mind of the writer. He or she is here to scream and shout at Mike Rinder, to berate him and accuse him. And throw in a few outright lies as well.
If it was not so sick and deciant it would be sad.
Mike Rinder says
The only person who has sued is Hana as part of a failed Class Action lawsuit brought back in the 90’s I think.
spirit says
“This is a window into the mind of the Sheeple. Filled with hate, anger, lies, false accusations and generalities. ”
Very true, and if you look at LRH’s policy on how to do his “dead agenting” trick he doesn’t say to tell the truth.
Gene Trujillo says
Isn’t “hate and bigotry” what Miscavige shows in his apparently constant homophobic tirades? That’s pretty much why Haggis got out, right? So, this is an example of “accusing others of what one is doing”. Fact is, your organization does horrific things – like TORTURE Mike Rinder, did you see him when he got out of the hole? – without remorse. We are simply calling out the sociopathic behavior, where you are using your religion to excuse disgusting things like human trafficking.
RK says
I can understand how upsetting all this can be, but no one is attacking you. People do care about their families and friends, but the Church’s disconnection policy has everyone fearing for them. My child’s uncle defriended her on Facebook after she criticized one of Tom Cruise’s movies, saying that she was attacking an “upstat Scientologist” and therefore he couldn’t be connected to her any more. It has become that insane. There are horrible things going on, but no one in the Church can speak out or object without being declared an SP. As one of the people in the movie stated, speaking out is a peaceful protest. We are all involved in a non-violent protest of things that are wrong with the Church of Scientology – the abuses of its public and staff, and, due to its non-profit status, the American public in general.
theosismanides says
Ι am happy that some (obviously) church members are coming out now in the open, even under a nickname, to tell us to give them proof.
This is Theo Sismanides, no nickname, Mr. or Mrs. SpiritInTheMaterialWorld, from Athens, Greece. Served 9 years in the SO and still a Scientologist. If you want to see my write up in the Freezone go google my name and read its 3 parts.
Now hear this if you want evidence to Who did it, does it and will keep doing it.
I personally have been persecuted for my insistence on the application of the Translations HCOBs (Translation Series) which were not applied and there was no intention to be applied by Mgmt back in 1999 when a “major” research was done in LRH materials on translations, but the HCOBs still were… not applied.
Not to say anything about GAT I and GAT II, and all other alterations of the tech. Let’s stick to this one. How come Mgmt allows SO members and the Director of the Translations Unit in Europe to be persecuted and sent to the galley for insisting that the HCOBs should be applied? Who runs the show? Miscavige. So, there you have it. We have come to such level of corruption and evilness where SO members cannot apply Standard Tech in the SO because of Mgmt and Miscavige. Do you dig this? Or do you still have things to say? Rationalise upon it as much as you want.
There was no way to find a communication line to Mgmt, at any cost much less GET ANYBODY TO HELP ME APPLY LRH!!! THAT’S INSANE! Getting answers from RTC reps about a Hidden Data Line! And from ED Int’s Communicator that ED Int’s letter to me (Guillaume Leserve then) who in his letter acknowledged the fact that I was right and the those HCOBs were NOT being applied (LRH says their non application was the Why for Europe’s non expansion in LRH ED # 5) should not be taken as an… order!!
What do you have to say about that? If you ever dare to appear here, much less answer to us here again. And what about Mgmt cutting down the SO’s 2nd dynamic back in 1996 by a “Flag Order” issued by ED Int? Where do you guys live? Come on hypocrites? You just bow to Miscavige and left us all deserted. Never desert a comrade in need. Where is your Code of Honour? You are hypocrites who just bow to their ruler. You don’t do Scientology, you just follow orders.
So, Mike Rinder and Marty Rathbun having their lives as human beings destroyed by the Beast that you bow to, stood up against him and spoke out. And they get a reaction from the world. And if what they said is Hate for you, Hate is the wavelength Homo Sap answers to and Miscavige will answer up to. Because that’s where it starts. There are hundreds of Scientologists who point their finger to Miscavige with evidence. I am one of them and my evidence is the LRH HCOBs and Standard Tech, if you remember that one.
So Standard Tech does not interest Homo Sap at all. But if you are a True Spirit in the Material World and a Scientologist that’s your first concern, and so you should just ask me what the hell happened and how I was declared for insisting on the application of… HCOBs.
So, have you heard of the Freezone and the Indies? You will be hearing of us. We are tough Spirits. We don’t forget easily or be hypnotised or become PTS neither to Miscavige nor Hollywood.
We are the “third side” of the coin!
If the Church is the one side and the opposite side is what we saw in the HBO doc and all that lot, there is such a third “side” to a coin, indeed, however unnoticed it goes. The circular surface between the two sides of the coin is in fact the part (side) which connects the two opposite sides and gives the whole thing a 3rd dimension (reality). If it wasn’t for it there wouldn’t be any side to a coin, because there would be no significant coin, for example. It would be so thin that it would be insignificant.
We are the “third side” of the coin, the one connecting the rigid but affluent church (which doesn’t belong to Miscavige or any squirrel or tyrant) and the subject of scientology in an unaltered form to the world. We are meant to be unnoticed but we certainly in our “circularity”… are infinite. We are the Circle, the Infinite Circle, connecting the two flat sides… And the sides are… flat, finite! The Circle isn’t.
Ron Dolittle says
Theo, thanks for your point of view which parallels mine but I couldn’t come up with the correct metaphor.
I like the tech and it always worked for me, it saved my life. I had great Nots auditors who loved us and the feeling was mutual.Management on the other hand can kiss my ass because they could fuck up a three car funeral. I am of the opinion that bad management was instrumental for every failed civilization since history was invented.
Gerhard Waterkamp says
SpiritintheBubble, have you ever wondered why the Church is not putting up a decent spokesperson to address the media? I mean in any other case of a major public dispute like this it is standard, that both sides speak up.
You say the church has nothing to hide, yet there is a long list of officials asked to participate in the documentary lead by David Miscavige himself that declined and did not take the opportunity to tell their side of the story. I think media of all kind are hot to hear from David Miscavige directly and have him for an interview. Instead the Church puts up these pages on their websites that truly qualify as attempted character assassination and hate pages. That is their answer to everything: Everybody who says something negative about the Church is a liar and hater. In my book, that is non-confront and hiding. While pompously claiming behind closed doors to save the world the same leadership does not even have the guts to face the world. Those are the worst cowards the world has seen, a big mouth and no balls.
The people in the film speak the truth and the film was only able to scratch the surface in describing the raging insanity of the Church. You know that, you are in it and I am sure you have seen your fair share of it, but rationalized it one way or another. It is time to wake up. If you see anything good in the church, than you have to confront the bad with open eyes, as the bad will destroy everything in the end.
Raindog says
Hey Spirit in the Material World!
Now that you called Mike Rinder out on the bruises and cuts on his ex-wife why don’t you review the church video again? With such battery, a dislocated shoulder that needs surgery, dripping blood, and what not, why in tarnation didn’t she file criminal charges? Why did the paramedics come and leave? They are claiming felony assault on the video, but no charges were ever filed.
And what are you doing here anyway sir? Don’t you think you should post on Freedom Mag? You could really whip up some consent with like minded individuals.
Michael Mallen says
There you go again Raindog, pissing on his parade.
McCarran says
I sort of like it that he/she is posting here. It reminds me of what I’m dealing with when I think of using logic to talk to someone who is still in the church of scientology.
I would be curious to know if Hey Spirit…, thinks that the accusations of physical assault 100’s of times by David Miscavige are all lies and how much reading or talking to all of those with that accusation he/she has done? Just curious. It’s so interesting to me.
On a sort of related note: I watched Mea Maxima Culpa today and the parallels between that and what is going on with those OUT and those IN are fascinating and the willingness to “not care” about abusive priests and the victims being motivated by greed, etc., and the secrecy imposed by the Vatican on down – so eerily familiar. I highly recommend this documentary (also by Gibney).
Anyway, I think our visitor here can’t wrapped his mind around the head of his religion, the salvation for mankind, being a sociopath and actually doing real harm to his religion. When it all goes to shit, he/she will blame us SP’s, Big Pharma, The Psychs.
Pepper says
Hi Spirit.
Thank you for reminding me that it’s time to send in a donation to Mike. I haven’t done so since Christmastime and it’s time to send one in again. I appreciate your interest and concern for the support of Mike’s “Something Can Be Done About It” Blog via the donation link. I’m sure Mike does too.
Thanks again,
Pepper says
Spirit in the Material World – not just “Spirit”
LDW says
I just have one questions to ask you Mr. Material man.
Where does the money that gets donated to IAS go? What does it get spent on?
I dare you, or any one of you boys to demand to see the books.
You know, Alex Gibney did a great expose of Enron. How dare he have these six or seven bigots say such bad things about Mr. Lay. Why, Mr. Lay made a lot of people a lot of money. He was a great guy.
The only difference between the IAS scam and the Enron scam is that Gibney is exposing miscavige and the IAS before they all get indicted. Oh, and Mr. Lay was never accused of and never did beat his staff.
الشيخ دانيال الجعفري (@shaykhdaniel) says
Hi Les,
Not sure you saw it in the comment thread of the other post, but I was hoping there was some way I could get in touch with you with some follow-up questions.
M Greene says
They get bonded? LOL, so this just strokes the whales as being so very important. I bet there are some whales not answering their phones. A little advice, don’t answer your doors either.
Never-in Lurker says
Thanks to your friend who suggest you post this, Mike. Your well-educated guesses about what is going on behind the scenes are of great interest. Any thoughts on how “Going Clear” might effect life for the Sea Orgers at Int base (or elsewhere)?
Newcomer says
No effect. They won’t see it or know about it. Business as usual.
RolandRB says
The whales will no longer be bathing in the glamour anymore after this until this becomes old news and I am sure that this will hit income in the meantime. How much it will hit income and how much it will hurt is the big unknown here. It will range from being a setback all the way to a financial disaster.
Quaoar says
Miscavige keeps the Whales inside a protective bubble regarding Scientology. However, the Whales do not spend the majority of their time inside the Scientology bubble. The Whales did not become Whales by eliminating their contacts with the world at large. They cannot possibly remain ignorant of the charges in Going Clear that are completely in conflict with their pampered beliefs. They will question, loudly, with their voices and their money.
Miscavige has a monumental damage control effort on his plate that, given his personality coupled with the inherent weakness of Scientology to deal with external forces, will likely be inadequate. I do not think that time is on his side. The damage has been done, irrevocably.
I vote “financial disaster” coupled with “organizational disaster” – catastrophe theory in action.
lynnfountaincampbell says
The Whales could possible slip away silently and change their phone numbers, and then the wee leader would have to use his PI’s to track them down.
Michael Mallen says
May they all head for the high seas leaving Captain Ahab high and dry.
Aquamarine says
Agreed, RolandRB. I’m neither celebrity nor whale yet my primary emotion as regards myself and this cult is pure embarrassment that I was ever associated with it. I forgive myself personally but from purely a “PR” standpoint it isn’t something I’d disclose casually to a new person in my life.
The embarrassment that will be experienced by the famous Whales and uber-wealthy Celebs due to being associated in the minds of their publics with David Miscavige and the Church of Scientology will be IMO the prime factor in their wanting to immediately distance themselves from the cult, and believe they will try to do so.
But, of course, the powers that be will not like this and, in their desperation will begin pressuring, nagging, and even threatening the Patricians, just like they always have the Plebians.
This surprisingly disrespectful and unwelcome treatment from their usually love-bombing, ass-kissing staff will turn the Patricians off even more, because they’ll begin to cognite that they’re not really special after all, they’re not important, that the love-bombing is all a contrivance to get money, that “COB” doesn’t give a tinker’s damn about any of them as people, as beings. They’ll realize that the staff cow-tow to them because they’re terrified of their seniors and of Miscavige, and the Patricians will cognite that just like the Plebians, they are there to be USED. Period.
And I don’t think they’re gonna like that.
I know I didn’t.
Jens TINGLEFF says
Sure “Going Clear” will become old news. But that will be just in time for the Louis Theroux documentary to come out 🙂
Nate says
Petition for US Citizens to direct the IRS to do a full review of Co$ tax exempt status:
Roxy says
Nate, there’s another petition here at We the People to get the IRS to revoke Scn’s tax exemption: https://petitions.whitehouse.gov/petition/revoke-scientologys-tax-exempt-status 6642 signatures so far and many more needed.
Idle Morgue says
It was time to get Tom Cruise’s ETHIC’S ruthlessly in and ‘Going Clear’ was the ticket! VWD Mike Rinder and gang who had the courage to do this documentary! Thank you again!
Personally, I think Captain Blackheart David Miscavige distanced himself from Tom Cruise a few years ago when Katie Holmes delivered a blow of such MAGNITUDE to Tom Cruise and Scientology – it shook the leader and the Actor / Oat Tea Mission Impossible guy to the core.
Tom Cruise’s Scientology PR has totally backfired and his “being a Scientologist” did more harm than good for sure.
Thank you Tom Cruise for helping us take down the evil cult of Scientology, Sir!
Roger says
Well written. I think your in his head and know him pretty well.thats all he knows how to do. Lie and ask for more money.
Michael Mallen says
LRH to Dave: “Faaaaaaaa-lunk”
Newcomer says
Yo Dave,
Rewatch ‘Kill Bill – Vol 2’. Note the part where Uma is in the box ……. underground. That’s you good buddy. Only what you are in is not quite the same. You’ve heard of quicksand ….. how about quickshit?
Well now you have really stepped in it Dave. This time its quick Daveshit. It’s gonna leave a mark good buddy! El Con is comin back and is he pissed!!!!!!
Aquamarine says
“Faaaaaaaa-lunk”. 🙂
cindy says
Great article, Mike. I think you really know him and have predicted exactly how he’ll react. And even though tech says there is to be “no hidden data line,” there will be one when he invites only the whales into a room for the hidden meeting “for your eyes only” where they read the ref and have to give it back after they read it. That is now how the goldenrods are handled. They are kept locked up and only brought out on a need to know basis and even then you have to read it in front of the MAA and then give it back. We do need to keep Scn in the news for the negative press to build on this tsunami and hope that the IRS tax status is taken away.
statpush says
The cherch really cannot ask its members to contact new public and FSM them into the org. The first thing they will be met with by the general public is a long list of embarrassing questions about Going Clear, which members will be woefully unqualified to answer. If the cherch did do this, they run the risk of existing members becoming very curious and having bad thoughts.
In many ways this is like a grand chess match, Scn vs. The World; the only difference being whenever the cherch makes a move, it is met with 20 simultaneous moves. Any move they make will be scrutinized and dissected within hours and broadcast across the planet. Any internal document or communication will immediately be leaked and become the daily topic of discussion on dozens of blogs.
I think this situation has become so overwhelming for the cherch, that they are beginning to realize that their safest move is – NO MOVE. In other words, they may just play dead.
Michael Mallen says
Checkmate mate!
statpush says
Exactly 🙂
Newcomer says
Well that will be the first time they don’t have to lie about it!
McCarran says
Espiando says
I never thought that binge-watching The Red Green Show would have helped me here, but I have the feeling the cult is going to change its motto to that of Possum Lodge: “Quando Omni Flunkus Moritati” (pseudo-Latin for “When all else fails, play dead”).
zemooo says
Red Green was a much better philosopher than Lron. I expect that in the general media, $cientology will continue to play dead. Or send out Karin Pouw-grams. Which are brain dead.
lynnfountaincampbell says
Woohoo! No more body routers on Sunset and Vermont. 😀
Dio says
Got a little chuckle from reading your blog this morning.
I doubt if the government can do anything with the cos.
They know from experience that dealing with the cos is like getting into a pissing contest with a skunk.
Or pissing into the wind.
Anyone that does not know scn, or know it as well as an insider, does not know their tactics.
The only body (group) that can take on cos and DM is an intelligent and competent group (with the right skills) of comparable magnitude.
The only way or best way to deal with the cos and DM is probably the way it is going now.
Educate the public on the truth.
Dry up the sources of money.
Promote the fz orgs.
Build better bridges. (Most important to build better bridges.)
If you can’t build a better bridge, you flunked scientology.
Start from scratch.
Hubbard’s formula for finding the data to develop dianetics and scn was to research everything that was done in history on mind improvement, treating mental illness, life improvement, self improvement, personal development, religion, philosophy, spirituality, etc.
The same thing has to be done from today’s perspective. Learn from his successes and mistakes.
Do it in a new unit of time.
Question everything.
Apply the data (the spirit of the idea) in “How to study a science” to the nth degree.
Use Carl Sagan’s baloney detector. http://www.inf.fu-berlin.de/lehre/pmo/eng/Sagan-Baloney.pdf
When researching, remember to research all the other work that has been done by all the thinking people who left scn and did their own thing, worked to improve it, and developed new systems, new processes and new bridges.
Research all the critics.
Then build upon all what you learned.
Pericles says
Only in this case, it’s obviously the squirrels that are in the cherch. The biggest squirrel of all being Capt(ha) David Miscavige and his squirrely GAT I&II. All who bought and continue to buy this crap are just as much of a squirrel as their poor excuse for a leader. THIS IS ALL SUCH A JOKE! Sad really…..
And even if it is a speculation, he is going to have a hard time with Cruise. Since last Sunday the media has gone viral on the unusual friendship between Black Heart and his pet, Tom C; some articles had even said that TC career is over as no fan will want nothing to do with an artist that is involved in such abuses.
TC is having a real problem – his career, in a world full of media, performances, interviews and so on versus his belief in scientology BECAUSE of his friendship to Black Heart.
TC may not have watched the film, but lets hope his agents and others did and they will tell him something about it. It is an uncontrollable tsunami and ain’t stopping.
Michael Mallen says
Mission Impossible has become an ominous prophecy for Dave’s BFF.
Katherine says
That’s what i was wondering, Silvia. His career versus scientology. I wonder if push came to shove, which is more important to him? I have no idea, but it is interesting to think about.
threefeetback says
Good to see that you are attempting to wiggle out of your predicament and extricate yourself form Dave by selling off your Scientology ralated properties. You can see the signs of the times better that the LRH dupe.
Just a few questions. Now that the cat is out of the bag about you and Dave, are you sure that you are going to get the 13 million that you are asking for your property off Muhulland in the Hollywood Hills? After all, this is now a stigmatized property; as a secretive Scientology retreat. Isn’t it more likely that it will be sold off a s a teardown, much like O. J. Simpson’s place off Sunset Blvd., due to its stigma?
Good on selling off you NY apartment for a cool 3 Mil.
You may get a good price for the Telluride, Colorado, property; but it has been languishing on the market. Will you be cutting in JB as a partner on that venture?
Once you have consolidated your real estate portfolio (unlike Dave), you will still have the Beverly Hills mansion. If you decide to bolt from creepy Dave, you will need to pull a “Katie” on selecting your new primary residence. But then again, will you cut in JB as a partner in the proceeds?
Getting back to the newly stigmatized Hollywood Hills glorified llama farm that you spent a mint on (much like Dave does with his Idle Morgs) to call it a “European style villa”, you may need to take a loss (think: money pit).
This memo will not self destruct, even if Dave does.
Brian says
The uncomfortable and inevitable situation with Cruise and Travolta is they are out in the world.
Can you imagine all of their friends around them that are not in and watched HBO? They are all talking about Travolta and Cruise with concern.
And what about those close friends or family that “need” to talk to them about the state of affairs.
As with Milestone 2, the world around Scientologist’s is heading at them with the most dangerous thing to Scientologist’s:
Michael Mallen says
They should do what LRH did in one of his lecture demonstrations. When asked ‘What is Scientology?’ Ron simply initiated the CCH process ‘Give me that hand.’
Doug Parent says
Good point Sylvia. It’s not what Tom Cruise is going to do, it’s his industry contacts that are going to be withdrawing their support as well as his fan base. Cruise will inherit by association much of the public vitriol that ultimately has it’s final target with Miscavige. He can either ignore, attack or flee from this. Either way, it’s not going to end well for Tom Cruise unless he can “handle the truth”.
McCarran says
Gawdd! I would think that Tom Cruise is so tired of the shit, that he would just step back and take a look at the fact that since he became BFF’s with David Miscavige, his life stinks.
Emilio says
Not a step back on our fight! While I respect the philosophy of Scientology (to me the auditing is equal to someone with real friends talking about their problems and healing), the economic model that they follow and the oppressive disconnection policies are cult like and need to be eradicated from their system.
I have to disagree with your statement Mike, you predict that Miscavige will tell Tom: “Tom, it’s you and me against the world — as usual. Us big beings have a mighty cross to bear” …… I would replace the “big” with “short” Us short beings…. because at 5’1″ and with no other power than totalitarian abuse, Mr Miscavige is simply a glorified Napoleonic midget that would have a very tough time confronting face to face 99% of the male population…
Alanzo says
Mike wrote:
“There is only one wildcard — can there be enough media and political pressure brought to bear that the government takes effective action to put an end to the abuses.”
Double-underline that statement with a red pen.
nomnom says
I think the more realistic short term wild card is if there are going to be any celebrity defectors.
Any big name announcing their resignation could well trigger an avalanche.
iamvalkov says
Not only a whale or two stepping away from it, but possibly also suing to get their money back, somewhat a la Garcia.
McCarran says
Nomnom, I don’t have much hope for TC or JT doing this but maybe Priscilla Presley speaking out. She’s not a big name but she is a name and on the heals of Going Clear and would be a nice touch.
thegman77 says
I would not count on the government – state or Federal – to do anything. In truth, they don’t really care and they’ve got far more “problems” to solve dealing with their own lack of funds and how to keep the flow going. The leaving of any major celeb – and there really aren’t many longer one could call “major” – would get the most media attention. But a really large whale could rock the financial boat significantly.
Chris says
I’m not so sure about that — I mean, you may be right but I really hope that the internet shitstorm has become so powerful that not even that slimy weasel Miscavige can possibly control or spin it. This doc has gone viral and beyond. Too many people know about it and are outraged — and I doubt that outrage is going to die down any time soon. I’ve always thought Tom Cruise was as crazy as a shithouse rat and I’ve never been a particular fan — but NOW? I’m making it a point to boycott everything he touches. And I’m also disseminating word about CO$ as far across the internet as I can get it to go.
In a perfect world (and one I hope I live to see), Miscavige and CO$ will not only have their tax exempt status stripped from them, they will be called to account in criminal courts and destroyed utterly.
This is an evil, destructive, malignant cult run by obvious lunatics. But lunatics can be dangerous and there comes a time when they must be stopped. I think that time has come.
david29073 says
Like Deep Throat said in Watergate…”Follow the Money”. If the money stream can be shut down, then it’s just a matter of time. I think that if a strategy can be developed to keep the pressure on with articles of negative press for a sustained period of time, maybe, just maybe, the IRS will rethink it’s scientology tax free assignment and people will start to leave in droves.
My only suggestion is to keep up the pressure and continue to keep scientology in the news in a very negative light for as long as it takes. This can not just be the flavor of the week, but a sustained effort, along with a sustained effort to inform the “whales” that the emperor has no cloths and doesn’t need money to buy new ones.
Michael Mallen says
Bart Simpson is their only hope.
threefeetback says
Until Dave shows up as the Valley Girl.
Michael Mallen says
That I’d pay to see!
Robert Almblad says
Follow the money is correct.
I believe that LRH intended (with the policy on EXCHANGE and other similar policies) that when services declined because they were as squirrelly as Miscavigology, then the income would drop for services and the need for money would be a self correcting device and management would have to get back to replacing the Mission network, etc… in order to survive.
But, with the creation and institutionalization of the IAS and other “straight donations” entities, there WAS a way to at least temporarily get around the EXCHANGE PL.
To stop this IAS rip-off monster, it will take extraordinarily bad PR and government intervention. I think we are getting a lot closer to stopping the IAS. Miscavige has got the best bad PR I have ever seen of a $ billion company and I think the government will soon be on his heels in hot pursuit…. unfortunately, government intervention will NOT be public at first. So, we will not know about it, but Miscavige will be dealing with it… if he can.
Nickname says
From what I understand it didn’t take government intervention in South Africa when 8 whales “blew.” I think it was 8. Just took a cognition.
LDW says
Memo to hungry IRS agents: Potentially a couple of billion in underpaid taxes here. Look behind the curtain.
Good post Robert
Mark says
Yes, continued pressure. Remember the Narconon lawsuits. The Paul Haggis point about Scientology organizations exercising political influence, for years, in direct violation of IRS statutes prohibiting tax-exempt religious organizations from engaging in that activity. The unwillingness of Miscavige or a lyingtology spokesperson to be interviewed or show a public face. The human-trafficking, the RPF, the empty orgs, the phony stats, the money-grubbing, the smear sites, the harassment of critics and ex-members, the policy of disconnection, the organization´s long and sordid international history of criminal activity, the lack of substantive rebuttals from Cruise and Travolta, the whack alliance with NOI, and…on and on, ad nauseam. Keep shining a light on and communicating about ALL of this sordid shit!
I Yawnalot says
Well said!
Wayne Borean aka The Mad Hatter says
Which raises a question – does the alliance with the Nation of Islam bring in any cold hard cash?
Mark says
When I was at FCDC, NOI members were doing the Dianetics weekend seminar and some Division 6(in plain English, introductory-level courses), so I assume that activity generated some income. Dr. Alim Muhammad, the
Nation of Islam’s Minister for Health and Human Services, was getting auditing in the HGC there back in 2010-2011.
I left staff in May of 2011, so I don´t know what´s happening at that org currently.
I would love for some intrepid journalist to interview Farrakhan and ask him how much money he has been paid by Miscavige so far…
McCarran says
I agree with you Dave, we have to keep the pressure on – be relentless – resolute – resolved.
Mark says
McCarran: All done with…INSOUCIANCE!
Newcomer says
” There is only one wildcard — can there be enough media and political pressure brought to bear that the government takes effective action to put an end to the abuses.”
Of course this is a longshot given the condition of our government and it’s propensity to support the 1% ers. Dave no doubt is one of that elite group and WILL grease the palms of the officials as necessary and as He is able to accomplish with his tax free account. I thought the outcome of the Garcia Case was odd given the facts but maybe the judge was simply acting in accordance with ‘the law’.
I will be contacting my representative to at least push on the political rope for what it is worth. As for public perception ……. in my community, $cientology will not see any new recruits. And so we work.
Meanwhile, my daughter Haley turns 33 today. She has been in the cult since she was 16 and has now endured 17 years of cult life. I hope she will wake up soon.
marie guerin says
Hi Coop , birthdays and holidays are tough. My niece just turned 37 and is in the same circumstances.
Best to you and hope you will get a phone call soon .
Newcomer says
You too Marie!
McCarran says
Yea, that’s hard on us Coop. I do have a lot of hope that we will have our kids back one day and we will have to help them unburden more than 1/2 their lives wrapping their minds around crap that took their true thought processes and creativity away.
NOLAGirl says
“But he doesn’t have another “international event” scheduled til June and the hemorrhaging must be stanched sooner than that.”
I expect there to be an Ideal Org opening soon (paid for by Miscavige, he who has to do everything) to show all the “expansion”. At which he will say something smug about no matter who attacks, they keep expanding blah, blah, blah.
Then he will go back to his hide-away and drink Scotch and mumble about how Rathbun and Rinder fucked everything up for him. While outside of his bubble inside the bubble…the buildings will remain empty and people will more rapidly slip away.
You may have your few cowed adherents Dave, but basically you’re done here. Look for Uncle RICO to be knocking on your door one day. He does have the fucking rank.
Mreppen says
Nola, correct. Valley Org after years will be Christened Ideal. Dave will let it be known to David Wilson that he had to bypass his pathetic ass to get it DONE.
Richard Grant (@richardgrant) says
Wilfried Handl reported in the Bunker yesterday that the ideal org in Basel, Switzerland, is now scheduled to open sometime in April (no exact date was specified) after originally having been scheduled for the end of February. Basel has a tiny Scientology field, so they raised money from all over Europe to pay for this org.
My own question is: Will Miscavige appear at any ideal org openings that (may or may not) happen between now and Maiden Voyage? Or will he snub them like he did in Pretoria? That might be an interesting indicator of how far his paranoid, bunker mentality has progressed.
IRS Watchdog says
IRS Complaint form…you can report Scientology abuses while keeping your identity secret….http://scientologymoneyproject.com/2014/04/18/time-to-13909-the-church-of-scientology/
Pete2 says
In the comments section someone highlighted the few areas that the IRS looks at; however, most of our complaints would be in the fraudulent donation area. It is evident Miscaviage uses the money for personal uses but I would not have firsthand knowledge of this. Does anyone have any comments on this?
Jens TINGLEFF says
Production of attack videos and buying of advertising attacking “Going Clear?”
Chris Thompson says
Good post Mike. Insightful and funny.
Michael Mallen says
We’re not playing some minor game in Miscavology. The whole agonized future of this planet, every sheeple, seal and robot depends on how much cash you give right now to Dear COB. In the immortal words of BFF TC, “So whaddya say? Are we gonna clean up this place?”
iamvalkov says
Or, as reges have been known to say in the past, “COB has a situation…….”
Michael Mallen says
It’s a Hill 10 made out of a pile of manure with the usual suspects throwing out more shit.
Chris says
Just as aside, I would be curious to know how many new subscribers you’ve attracted to this page in the wake of Going Clear being aired. Many, I suspect. I just found it and subscribed myself, but I will be inviting everyone I know to sign up and learn for themselves.
EXSO says
Mr. Mallen,
Were you Course Sup at CCI in ’89?
Michael Mallen says
EXSO, you can have Mike give you my email.
Garis says
Update! “Going Clear” had best premier viewer numbers for an HBO documentary in nearly 10 years. Almost 1.7 million on Sunday night!
Inspired says
Great, great stuff, Garis. Thanks for the news. I’m sure this is only going to get betterer and betterer!
I must see about getting here to South Africa! Our digit service provider does show HBO movies so there’s a connection there already. I hope HBO promotes and that my provider gets in on the act.
I’ll make a phone call.