Despite the “best efforts” of the church of scientology, the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences announced today their “short list” of films up for selection in the Documentary category for this year.
Dave’s footbullets seem to have had the appropriate effect. Going Clear is one of the 15 included in the short list.
Looking forward to January 14th to see if Going Clear is one of the final nominees.
Regardless — this is the first time in history that any scientology related film has been on anyone’s list for anything — let alone an Academy Award (after already having won numerous Emmy’s)…
This film changed the landscape for scientology. And if it never wins another award (unlikely if you ask me), it has been TRULY Epic, Monumental and a Watershed (using those hackneyed scientology adjectives correctly for once).
Such good news.
Actually, this is the second time: Upon its release, Battleship Earth swept the Razzies, an award for worst movies. It garnered 7 of them. This ties it with “Showgirls” for the all-time “record.” A true watershed, epic, phenomenal “achievement.” Looks like “source’s” writings, Travolta’s OT career powers and Miscavige’s consulting did not “die in vain.”
Yes, I said that in my 11:42AM post.
And you were right! Great minds think alike. Hope it bore repeating anyway.
There is something politically incorrect in mentioning the cult classic Showgirls in the same breadth as Battlefield Earth 🙂
Miscavige’s consulting. “Let it die” – the sequel to, “Let him die”. Miscavige squirming in his chair soon. Watch for updates!
It’s great to see that “wogs”, all over the world, are stepping up to put ethics in on David Miscavige the Sea Org.
That crimes against humanity will not go unchecked, just because someone is not is not part of that culture.
That, is having the ability to care about others, regardless of the circumstances they find themselves in.
Before people become a Scientologist or any other identity, they become part of the group of mankind, at birth. Mercy and compassion, and the ability to care about others, is what ensures the security and future, and safeguards the lives of the men women and children on this planet.
You can always fall back on your fellow man, and someone will catch you.
Hi The Oracle, A beautiful post. I needed it. Thank you. Love, Ann.
Very cool post! Thank you.
Hi Mike and all, Congratulations on the nomination for Going Clear. I remember waiting forever it seemed to TiVo the movie last Feb, I think. To now see that it is up for this award is wonderful.I just think the documentary is so tremendous, it stands alone. To all the brave warriors who worked so hard to bring the story out into the sunlight, Love,respect, and I will be cheering all of you on as hard as I can.Ann.
Gibney et al, and Going Clear is up against some very good competition. Does Hollywood secretly hate $cientology? And are ‘they’ ready to do something publicly about that hate? Tune in on Oscar night and see.
The lie is dead,
consumed by projector lights
Hollywood’s silver screen holds the story true.
One copy-cat cross falls like lead. The lie is dead.
Bring on the awards. Bring on the celebrity.
The con is exposed.
Magic that once belonged to the church is now again ours.
The church robs identity to make one a prisoner of thought
thought disguised as his own.
Such can only fail, no tale left to tell.
The messiah and his followers are lost.
Look who the celebrities speak for now,
look who is listening, see.
And my heart sings as my hands applaud
please nominate mine please nominate me
All I am is one man free and one man free
is no match at all
for this, the sinking cult of scientology.
Scientology, a study in entropy.
Scientology, a study in how to make science fiction seem real to people.
Scientology, a study of ruination, degradation and spiritual constipation.
Wow! That’s what Hubbard had!
Scientology: a study of how to get you to buy things you don’t need.
What’s truly epic is that the movie was made without the repercussions suffered by Paulette Cooper, Richard Behar or Graham Berry. Yes, they called Wright and Gibney names, but so what.
Sticks and stones can break my bones, but your scifi bullshit can NEVER hurt me.
Forgive me….but I didn’t read thru all the comments, so maybe someone has already put this out into the universe…..but….I vote for 3-time Oscar Nominee TOM CRUISE…to PRESENT the award for BEST DOCUMENTARY…on FEB 28, 2016…at the 88th OSCARS! Ohhhh….the sweet, cosmic irony of this film possibly winning the highest award from Hollywood. Can’t wait for the Oscars!!!!
Oopa was supposed to be Oops but admitting to two mistakes in one day was almost too much. It’s what I get for showing off in public by pretending that I really know what I’m doing with these confounded. hand-held devices.
RB, your contributions have earned you lifetime typo-ethics protection. 😀
Another blow to the midget DM. Nothing can stop us now. HURRAY FOR GOING CLEAR
“…this is the first time in history that any scientology related film has been on anyone’s list for anything.” Well, that’s not true. Battlefield Earth won seven competitive Razzies (out of ten nominations) and was later awarded an honorary eighth award as “Worst Drama Of Our First Twenty-Five Years”. It’s a Razzie record that may never be broken.
You’re right, Espi! Only at Target 2 can they surpass it. And they don’t call them the “Razzies.” They call it the “Spazies!”
Dave’s got all the OTs on it, postulating that it won’t win — no problem!
I’ve got this one, RM: POSTULATING! POSTULATING! POSTULATING! POSTULATING! Man, this is just way to hard. I’m going surfing…
Alex Gibney and Lawrence Wright strolled in and applied a heavy boot to an already weak door that was separating Scientology from the world. That door was fear. They kicked it in.
There were always the brave ones who spoke out/reported: Mike, Marty, Tony, Wise Beard Man, Anons, Karen and Jeff, Paulette Cooper…I could go on and on. They did the grunt-work of chipping away at the door, Alex just finished it off. People are less afraid to report and/or speak out about Co$ today. Do we have a ways to go? Yes. But we’re getting there.
Once you take away a persons fear, a media outlets fear, the public’s fear of Scientology, they are a toothless, slimy Cartel and they hold no power over you aside from a bunch of cash they can spend to harass certain people and even that is becoming a comical joke. (know that I’m not making light of what people who are harassed go through, just the bungling of it by the Tiny Twat.)
That’s some heavy competition in that category Alex but my money is on you and this magnificent film.
Dave, you’re a joke.
Hmmmmm….NOLAGirl, you just gave me an idea: Scientology Cartel. Like any other cartel operating here or in Central and South American, it’s brutal, it imprisons its own people, it forces its clergy staff to work 112 hour weeks for pennies and hour, it sells nothing but misery AND, you are NOT ALLOWED to leave on your own…And if you do, The Scientology Cartel sends out a team to find and bring you back. With or against your will.
Sounds right to me OSD.
Well said Nolagirl! Dissemination when used for good is truly a wonderful thing! I predict at the very least, it makes the shortlist of nominees and there is nothing ShortArse can do to stop it.
Lawrence Wright and Alex Gibney have done more to make Scientology known to the world than any other person or group. I know. I nominate them as candidates to receive the Freedom Medal of Valor!!!!!!!
‘group I know’, not ‘group. I know.’
That’s ok RB. ‘Senior moments’ will continue in your life until…..ummmmm…..until…..ahhhh….crap, I forgot.
Oopa! Is that not a toast in Greek? Or am I the dumbest guy around?
Stream of consciousness talk happens more and more in our senior years also …:)
You mean to tell me, Mary, that there’s a stream somewhere named Consciousness? Hey, that’s pretty cool: The Stream of Consciousness. How peaceful and bucolic! Please let me know if it happens to be near me.
? what?
Yes, watch out for those streams.
You know! That stream we’ve been posting about! Wake up, Mary! I know it’s pretty good stuff, but, yeah, we were talking about that Stream of Consciousness that everyone’s talking about. I just wanted to find out if that stream is near me. It sounds like an incredible place to relax! I hope it’s in a forest….
You won’t find it near you. In LA everything is concreted in (IE: it’s solid) and near Hemet all you can find are flash floods …… of unconciousness.
No! No, Coop! You’re just a hater! I believe in that magical stream! I mean, the name itself is magical: “The Stream of Consciousness” that everyone on this planet is talking about! I think Mary came across something spectacular! Hey, I’m just sayin’.
RB… I know you must be used to having to take responsibility for absolutely everything in the world, but when it comes to real world people like me, typos are ok and expected. Most of us over a certain age (me included) make lots of typos. I guess the difference is that I wasn’t in a cult that mentally, emotionally and verbally (at least) beat me up about not being “perfect”, whatever that is in Scientology. Now you are in the real world you don’t have to keep apologizing and NO ONE is going to write a knowledge report about your typos!! Love reading what you are writing so keep it coming, typos and all!!!!
Going Clear, based on Lawence Wright’s book is a remarkable documentary and all the people who spoke in it deserve all our praise and support. It boggles my mind that this cult doesn’t even pay taxes and does nothing except trapping people in counterfeit dreams and abusing them utterly. They dare talk about human rights, what an irony!
I’ve mentioned it before but “number of times” and all of that 🙂
DO NOT MISS “SPOTLIGHT” — not a documentary but based in the true story of the abuses of the Catholic Church — a team (AKA as SPOTLIGHT) of investigative reporters for the Boston Globe relentlessly pursued leads about priest abuse mainly of young boys but girls were not immune. The expose happened in 2002. The Cardinal was removed from Boston but not excommunicated. Nope. He’s now at the Vatican. Sound familiar?
One wonders HOW could the Catholic Church continue to exist after this expose?
Easy Deep pockets of the good old boy network. Enormous wealth of the Vatican. Shame of the victims, cover ups. Buying off of judges and lawyers.
THAT said — there are reforms extant now within the Catholic Church. Pope Francis genuinely seems like he’s trying. He’s hated by the ultra conservative Catholics and it’s a wonder he’s still alive.
Not 100% of that faith is evil. Mankind seems to need/like/wish for something greater than himself/herself … a reassurance that EVERYTHING doesn’t go to star dust at death.
NOW I’m betting that SPOTLIGHT will get plenty of nominations for an Academy Award.
Which means LOTS of people will see the movie.
I am continuously going into bookstores all over the area where I live, asking for Leah’s book and also mentioning SPOTLIGHT which happens to be playing in my tiny town AND telling them about GOING CLEAR.
In small towns in New England people really don’t know ANYTHING about scientology other than it’s a “Hollywood religion” — which is just, as we know to absolute TIP OF THE iceberg.
So I say — oh it’s MUCH worse …
The parallels between the Catholic Church and Scientology are remarkable. Scientology is just a scaled down version. I’m sure the percentages of child abuse, death, drugs, disconnection are probably the same.
Remember the Catholic Church has a “membership” of 1.2 BILLION. Scientology in it’s hay day was probably never more than 100,000 —
The parallels between Jehovah’s Witnesses & scientology are remarkable too! Like the cult of scientology, the Witnesses protect rapists and child molesters instead of going to the authorities. The also practice disconnection (shunning) and they teach their flock to not to associate with the secular world.
Expect the unexpected…
Now we’re talk’n…
Yeah, but, I wasn’t expecting anything. Will I still get something?
“Everything comes to those that wait.”
That’s a stupid saying really. I want it now! is far more appealing.
Oh, ok, cool. So I will get something. Good.
Well it deserves an Oscar as it conveyed many truths about what scientology really is.
So, congratulations.
No doubt the DM, TC, and the other Hollywood members are in the full WHISKEY TANGO FOXTROT mode over this. Although I normally avoid award shows like the plague I may what this year’s telecast. (Too bad I can’t drink anymore.) 🙂
(BLEEP!) Watch! Watch! Watch!
And speaking of drinks.
Oh, Leslie! You can’t drink anymore? Tell you what, I’ll have a couple of glasses (if not the entire bottle) of a good Cabernet in your honor. How’s that?
Sure, go ahead.
Actually I can drink in moderation, but I won’t take the risk.
Davey was painfully hurt
When critics panned Battlefield Earth
But the praising of Gibney
Exploded his kidneys
While pounding his fists in the dirt
The answer is there
all covered in glare
The money is fine, its never been mine
I’m as frightened as hell
but hell is cool
then. think of place you’re never been
With that I make a tech so fine you’ll always be mine
I lie to survive but so do you,,,
otherwise I’m fine when your money is mine.
Davey sought group adoration
While living off stolen donations
He hung out with Cruise
In his nice John Lobb shoes
Perfecting the tech of castration
Davy and Lou went up the hill to fetch a pail of water. Each had $1.25. Lou came back with $2.50….
Hi BlindersOff, Thank you for your spot on verse and your posts. Great stuff! Love, Ann.
Thanks dear Ann.
Congratulations to Alex Gibney, his associates, the ex-scientologists who were brave enough to come forward and tell their stories, especially HBO who showed it, and many, many others who helped him in his very noble endeavors to stop human rights abuses.
david miscavige must be preparing the DA packs and videos to be used by MAA’s and Ethics Officers everywhere to handle all those parishioners who watch the Oscars and then the subsequent sec check questions to handle the overts of those that did watch and the crimes they committed that prompted them to watch the award for best documentary.
Looking forward to the DA packs on Oscar himself:
“Oscar has never paid child support”
“Oscar is associated with bitter apostate Paul Haggis”
“Oscar has never had a hit record”
etc 🙂
“Alex became friends with Oscar after a ‘Taxi To The Dark Side.'” What does that tell ya?
Oscar was convicted of having under aged sex with a very young Emmy! The news is all over Hollywood now. It’s a total scandal! Because of all the fallout, the show will now be known as the Meyer’s. But, I’m pretty sure Alex Gibney will, in fact, win the Meyer for best Documentary.
And Dave will get the weenie!
(gasp!) You mean to tell me he didn’t have one before??? That he’s been faking it this entire time??? No wonder there are few pictures of Shelly smiling…
Hollywood has put you on notice.
BTW, Today’s Wall Street Journal has a full page ad for Macallan, Single Malt, “Rare Cask”, available in limited quantities. You may want to stock up NOW.
It is such an exciting time
Wait until Gibney walks up on stage with his staff to receive his Oscar. The excitement level will be through the roof!
That’ll be a high I’ve never experienced or a joy only surpassed with the birth of my kids.
Yeah, well, when he does win, I’m sure my son will be watching and I’ll have to tell him that his birth was the second greatest event in my life. Through his screaming, I’ll be saying: Alex won! Alex won! Alex won! Thise is THE greatest day in my life! He’ll get over it like he got over the fact I sold him to a passing gypsie family when he was in is snarky years. Hey, they get over it….
This is very good news
I just hope when Co$ starts running the negative trade ads the IRS starts doing its due diligence and getting some kind of clue to what’s happening…
So there really is a Santa Claus. Nice present.
Yes. Yes, I Yawn, there REALLY is a Santa Claus. And he’s come to hate a certain dwarf….
Cheering hard for “Going Clear”.
This is wonderful news. We can only guess at the ramifications but whatever they are, it can only be good for the world and very bad for Miscavige and $cientology.
Surely the still ins will find it hard to ignore this and to not see the film? It’s relatively easy to ignore the “entheta” on Internet. But this?
Hmmmm….puckering comes to mind.
If Going Clear is nominated, I can imagine Mr. Cruise trying to use his industry clout to make sure that it doesn’t win the Oscar…and that will be when the bubble surrounding TC will burst, when he finds out just how unpopular Scientology has become.
I imagine TC will say to the media, you don’t understand:
First there is LRH, then there is DM, then there is me.
Big beings-r-us
Yeah, Big beings in really small non-manly bodies. Those two should try out for roles as the “little people” in The Wiz…
being wiz
While they’re taking a wiz. Then becoming the wiz…
Be the wiz, Danny, be the wiz.
The Academy is just being GLIB!
Isn’t it REALLY about time to do that ‘candid unscripted’ interview now, Tom?
Tom: No, Steve, it’s not! Just leave me the fuck alone! I’ve got enough on my plate with not seeing my daughter in over 2 years! And my religion is just getting hammered from people who don’t know what they fuck they’re talking about! So, Tom, you can just take that ‘candid unscripted’ interview and shove it! If you think I was crazy on Oprah’s show, just try bring up this subject with me one more time!
“… You see, Steve, I’m here; dave’s here… No wait. Dave’s here… Or is it LRH? Oh hell, I’m waaaay up here….”
(Knocking on a door several times)
Person: Yeah, who is it?
Person: It’s me, man, I got the staff!
Person: Who?
Person: It’s mean, man! Open the door, I think the cops may have seen me!
Person: Who?
Person: It’s me, Dave! I got the stuff! Open the door!
Person: Dave?
Person: Yeah, yeah, it’s me Dave! OPEN THE DOOR!
Person: Dave’s not here……..
One of THE greatest classics of all time. Dave’s Not Here.
I can see the acceptance speach now
“I would like to thank David Miscavige, Tom Cruise and Scientology who this film could not have been made without.” He turns and salutes a picture of DM and says Hip Hip Hoora
I would love to see him call out Cruise with him in attendance, which is why I don’t think Cruise will show. Although Gibney wouldn’t “dare” do such a thing in “his vicinity”.
Actually, if it does win, the opportunity to educate the, I believe, millions watching worldwide of the abuses of the cult would be epic, monumental and indeed a watershed moment in the downfall of scientology.
Thanks Mike for all you have done to forward valuable information.
There is a hidden attitude in the Church, that people out side of the Church, should not know anything that goes on in there. Because it is “out P.R.” or, “Out reality”.
Malarkey. I can understand wanting to keep a gradient on the upper levels. But the day to day culture and how it behaves, it’s attitudes towards others, and it’s actions, should be public knowledge.
They are after all, driving on highways, using the courts and other public services such as police and firemen and teachers and health care, and not paying taxes for any of the benefits involved with being a member of this culture. Yet they sponge off the culture and need the culture to survive. Contrary to narcissistic attitudes, they are not surviving “in spite of” being in this culture. Doubt they provide their own electricity, gasoline, lights, heat or grow their food. They certainly do not build roads to drive on or airplanes to fly in. They do not sew, or farm. They are living on the grid.
The false reports, lies, illusion and fraud those people wallow in, in the name of ‘religion” is shameful. The losses people get set up for because they are uninformed, are not justifiable.
Those who forward valuable information and truth are not suppressive people. Their product is knowledge. And there is a HCOB where Hubbard states the product of Scientology, is knowledge. The fact that David Miscavige feels obligated to harm attack and suppress people that help others to know, is as twisted as it gets in this “religion”.
All of you who share, teach, enlighten and inform, are plus points in this theater. It is you that belong here and have a right to be here. It is you that help people to know how to know. And I am grateful for each and every one of you.
+1! Outstanding post!
I agree.
Hahahaha the Chult is being “Exposed” to the world at last. Due to the multiple foot bullets of that psychopathic little shit’s effort to shut it down. Free advertising little Davey, you little turd.
Congratulations to all involved in the film , well deserved all the way around!
Wy isn’t there a LOVE button for this article!
I feel the same way. This LOVEly news is making my night.
So happy for Dave. He’s always wanted to be well known in Hollywood circles.
Careful what you wish for, Dave.
They seem to know ALL about you.
Yo Dave,
I’d say it’s about time for an interview good buddy. You know the drill; you get to be interviewed and swoon the audience with your suave and charismatic personality. Set the record straight big guy, no one else can do it like you.
Yeah, Davy boy, Coop is right! It’s time for you to man up for the second time in your life. And, I’ll tell you what, squirt, I’ll even supply the apple box for you to stand on so the audience can at least see your hair….See? I’m not such a bad SP after all!
Would love to see either Tom or John be the one to announce,”And the Oscar’s goes to”……..
You just described my perfect dream setting. With Tom Cruise being selected to give out the Oscar.
Tom: (Opening the envelope): And the winner is…….Going Clear. (massive applause).
Tom: just standing there stunned. And then he starts yelling and moving his hand up and down and saying: HERE’S LRH!! HERE’S DAVE!!! HERE’S ME!!! HERE LRH!!! HERE’S DAVE!!!! HERE’S MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE. DON’T YOU PEOPLE GET IT????????????????????
Me too. I’d love for Tom to be presenting the Oscsars for documentaries and even to hear him announce the title and see him squirm in discomfort over saying the title will be good. And if it wins! To see him have to give it to Alex Gibney, wow, what a moment. And the reporters and media will have a heyday with Tom and John and Kirsty and Jenna and any other celebs over this. Get your popcorn ready.
Yes! My cup runneth over…
You know, I’m thinking that if GC is nominated, TC and JT and the gang just may be FORBIDDEN by The Dwarf to attend the Oscars And if they are, it will be so much fun to hear them explain WHY they won’t be attending. So enjoyable to listen to them explain how of course they haven’t been forbidden by their church to attend! Pure coincidence that each of them made that same decision…ooooh I can’t wait!
That’s awesome!! Snap!
Maybe Miscavge will become confused and try to accept the award when it wins, claiming a great achievement for Scientology.
Seriously I hope Tom Cruise is there when it wins and the camera zooms in on him
I can see DM lurking under the seats biting peoples shoes, he hears his name called and like Gollam he runs up the isle on all fours saying “my precious” he lunges at Alex and steals the award. He starts to stroke it like when the creature was falling in to the volcano. Kinda a fitting end to this fiction story.
Yeah. You know, it’s someone who nips. Like, “I took a nip of brandy last night.” So we call these people Nippers. Geez, I Yawn, I thought you would have known this. I’m just glad I could be of service to you!
dm comes across as a vicious little rug rat to me.
He truly needs to be sent to his room without supper!
And with a solid spanking….(which he may or may not enjoy…)
Hi DMSCOHB, It is good to meet you. Your post made my day! Terrific images, thank you. Always, Ann.
Hi Yawnalot, Another post to make my day. Thank you a perfect image! Love, Ann.
At the Oscars “…DM lurking under the seats…” I’m dying here 🙂
Thank you, I wiil admit that at first I had so much hatred towards you. That must have been because you were in thr intelligence branche of that damnn church
I must say I am in your hands Mike
Cats never admit defeat, neither do Daddy’s… pick another handle bro and face the world with gusto of your own making.
“I must say I am in your hands Mike.” Yeah, well, get a freakin’ room!
OSD, I think that was Cat Daddy’s way of communicating that he no longer harbors bitter feelings toward Mike.
Oh, this wasn’t, in fact, a romantic overture? My bad…But they should still get a freakin’ room!
cogratulations to all who helped make this film, especially alex gibney.
Especially Lawrence Wright without whom there would be no documentary.
Can’t forget to thank Tommy Davis…. If it were not for his brilliance, showing up with boxes and boxes of materials in response to Paul Haggis NYer article, we may never have made it to this moment!
Mike….do you think Tommy Davis will ever join us on this side?….
Mommy would not allow it!
Besides, Dave is an ankle biter and Anne is the bearer of dog treats.
Are we talking about Tommy “The Weasel” Davis? He’s a putz!
Tommy: “Disconnection does not exists as you’re describing it.” Well then, DESCRIBE IT FOR US MORON!
I think its within the realm of possibility. Look, who would have entertained the possibility that Marty Rathbun, Mike Rinder and Debbie Cooke would ever leave? Tommy Davis and Jessica might even be UTR now and in agreement to keep quiet about it. Just saying.
Edit: Tommy Davis and Jessica might even be OUT now, and in agreement to keep quiet about it.
Thanks, Mike, for decapitalizing the czerch. It’s long been deserved.
F’ing awesome!
hurray for Hollywood!
Fer shur!
Hip hip hooray
Stop, Robert! You’re giving me flashbacks…