An article in THR today:
As usual, Scientology is shooting itself in the foot.
They send goons to screenings and have Freedom “reporters” doing clumsy, noisy investigations.
Contacting Academy Members to try and influence them not to vote for Going Clear is such typical ham-fisted Miscavige “PR”.
He never ceases to amaze. HBO should send him a large fruit basket when Going Clear is nominated. And they should take out a full page as in the NY Times thanking him for his contribution if it wins Best Documentary.
And if it does win, and I get a chance to say anything about it, I will personally thank him and Tom Cruise for making it all possible.
Meanwhile, a few selected bits from the article are worth noting (read the whole thing, the article itself in the most influential trade publication is a good indication of how well this stunt is going over).
The Church of Scientology really doesn’t want Alex Gibney to win an Oscar for his documentary Going Clear.
Since the film — a scathing critique of the controversial church and its celebrity adherents, including Tom Cruise and John Travolta, based on Lawrence Wright‘s best-selling book — won three Emmys in September, the filmmaker says he has been the subject of an increasingly hostile harassment campaign that has included a Scientology-backed “documentary” and outreach to members of the Academy’s doc branch, the group that selects the Oscar contenders.
How typical.
Karin Pouw, a spokesperson for the church, acknowledges that “Freedom has been reaching out for some time for a piece about Alex Gibney’s propaganda film.” But, she says, “this has nothing to do with the Academy.”
Miscave-o-mouth sounds as believable as ever “this has nothing to do with the Academy”? So why are they contacting Academy Members?
On Sept. 28, Gibney was entering the Linwood Dunn Theater in Los Angeles for a talk about his career to the International Documentary Association when a man named Randall Stith approached and told him he was making a movie about him. (According to IMDb, Stith has directed two films: Dead Wrong: How Psychiatric Drugs Can Kill Your Child and Making a Killing: The Untold Story of Psychotropic Drugging. Scientologists adamantly oppose psychiatry and its associated medication.) Stith stayed for the screening of Going Clear, after which he, Taglieri and another Scientologist, Norman Taylor, spoke out during the Q&A session against Taylor’s ex-wife and former Travolta handler, Sylvia “Spanky” Taylor, who appears in the film.
Funny, Randy Stith’s wife is the former DSA LA Org (ditched when the command team came in) and has done a lot of work at Gold. Norm Taylor was part of the USGO back in the heyday with Duke Snider and Henning Heldt. Pat Murray, the cameraman in Palm Harbor was also a former Gold Cameraman. These are just random people…. Riiiight.
“What is clear to us in all of this is that Alex Gibney can dish it out, but can’t take it,” Pouw says. “He’s exceptionally thin-skinned to the point where he tried to censor and shame anyone criticizing him at public events. One would think a documentarian would be more tolerant and open minded.”
This is SUCH a classic Miscavige line. Anyone who knows him will recognize it. The most thin-skinned person this side of Kim Jong Un, Miscavige always accuses others of his own insecurities and failings. What is it that Alex Gibney supposedly can’t take? He responds to these people very civilly. He is polite and engages with them. Which brings up the question — where is Miscavige? He NEVER appears anywhere for anything. Or even Karin Pouw these days. Not seen alive for years now.
At an Oct. 2 screening of the film at the Muvico 10 in Palm Harbor, Fla., less than 30 minutes from Scientology’s spiritual headquarters in Clearwater, a heated exchange took place during a Q&A with former high-level church members Sara Goldberg and Mike Rinder, both of whom appear in the film. Goldberg’s ex-husband and another Scientologist entered into what moderatorMike Deeson calls a “screaming match,” aggressively attacking Goldberg’s and Rinder’s personal lives and saying people in the audience should visit to find out more.
“It’s really pretty bizarre to me that they just keep doing this crazy stuff that is such a clear-cut demonstration of the veracity of both Larry’s book and Alex’s film,” says Rinder.
Pouw counters that the church can’t comment on the actions of its individual members, “any more than you can assign to the Catholic Church the protest actions of any Catholic who feels strongly about an issue.” She acknowledges Norman Taylor, whom she calls “a prominent Los Angeles lawyer,” attended the L.A. event and challenged Gibney on why the filmmaker did not “check with him to confirm the lies” Spanky Taylor told in the film.
Hahahaha — this is the funniest line of all. Remember when this was the line they used for the “Squirrelbusters” in Corpus Christi? They maintained that bs all the way til Bert Leahy stepped forth and spilled the beans, the letter from Allen Cartwright was exposed and then Tommy Davis was caught lying through his teeth in deposition about going to try and recover JB. Then scientolo9gy admitted “yes, they were being funded by the church and we did know what they were doing, but it’s “free speech.””
Anyone knows that these actions are not random and uncoordinated. These people would be declared if they were doing this without permission. Going to an SP Film, consorting with SPs in the audience AND generating bad media coverage isn’t looked upon lightly by Mr. Miscavige.
He literally does not know what to do and is flailing around like a fish on a dock.
UPDATE: Just saw another piece on Huffington Post on the same subject. And here is the latest quote from Miscave-o-Pouw;
In an email to The Huffington Post, Scientology spokesperson Karin Pouw described claims of a campaign against the movie as “yet another publicity stunt by Alex Gibney to try to get an award.”
“We know Alex Gibney is obsessed with his awards, but we aren’t,” Pouw wrote. “We wouldn’t even know who the Academy members are. This only proves he can dish it out, but can’t take it.”
Absolutely amazing. THEY send people to screening to create a ruckus and have the Freedom “reporters” doing loud investigations (while not identify where they come from) and then when the media picks up on it they say it a “publicity stunt by Alex Gibney to try and get an award.” Hahahahaha.
And then the best line of the day “We know Alex Gibney is obsessed with his awards, but we aren’t” — this from the guy who proudly tells the world HE won Ted Koppel an Emmy for interviewing him. And even has it framed on the wall of his office. Talk about obsessed…
Hahaha … obsessed with awards? Karen makes it seem like the Church is above such things. But isn’t the church always boasting as loudly as they can about how many “this or thats” has been awarded to LRH or the Church — I seem to recall many such awards or recognitions being given, 95% or more of the time in some country I have only distantly heard of. If anyone is more status-crazed and chasing recognition it’s the Co$. Isn’t such an OSA stat?
Excellent article Mike. Many thanks to all.
“He never ceases to amaze. HBO should send him a large fruit basket when Going Clear is nominated”.
Absolutely, Mike, and a fruit cake from us. Its the least we can do, right guys?
Hi Aquamarine,I agree with you,the least we can do for David Miscavige,all the better for us.Love,Ann.
Yes, it will be interesting to see the lucky guy or gal Miscavige chooses to face the press and publicly defend Co$ in this huge sit. Probably one of the lawyers, I’d think.
“He literally does not know what to do and is flailing around like a fish on a dock.”
There isn’t one, single, workable handling for the Alex Gibney Going Clear Situation because what is in the documentary is all TRUE.
If it were NOT, CO$ would be suing Gibney, Wright, HBO – anyone and everyone connected with the film whom it would be possible to sue, suing to kingdom come.
If there were even one teensy lie, CO$ would be in rip-roaring legal mode
But Miscavige CAN’T sue because he has no case.
And his Whales and Sheeple who, fools that they be, or, due to being forbidden to see the film, BELIEVE that GC is “all lies”, have their eyes trained on Miscavige, waiting for him to DO SOMETHING ABOUT THIS.
So Miscavige is trapped in an awful kind of – what’s the word? “Must reach, can’t reach”…”MUST do something about it, CAN’T do anything about it”.
And so he flails. An apt metaphor, and a brilliant article, Mike.
Edit: An apt simile.
If i’m not mistaken Randall Smith also directed ZZ Top’s “She’s Got Legs”
Oh God I can just imagine the Tone 40 commandments these idiots are drawing up to assault the Academy voters with. What fun it will be to read the accounts of these interviews, if they can get them! Since they can’t communicate in any forum in any tone other than hysterical, the outcome of this initiative of theirs will be high comedy treasure! Can’t wait!!!!
Amusing that they try to claim they are not interested in awards. Anyone else remember those events where they trot out the awards and recognitions they have apparently received? My guess is that they badgered people until they were given these awards – “They want a certificate?” “Give them one quick it might get rid of them”
Awards? OMG! If you take a dump, you get an award in this cult! Awards? They’re awash in giving out awards! Can anyone say Ideal Org awards? What a crock! Their name should be changed to Church of the Never Ending Awards…
When Hubbard wrote dianetics, he made claims of super human ability for the state of clear. When those power’s didn’t pan out, Hubbard said the reason was because of BT’s .And when that didn’t work out it was because of PTS/SP. And so on ad infinitum .There is a saying it goes like this some times the simplest explanation is the correct answer . And the simplest explanation is there is no such thing as CLEAR or OT.Yes I hate to state the obvious it’s all BULL SHIT .
That is written in stone: The simplest explanation is the correct answer! No question. And, Gary, you absolutely right! There is no such thing as Clear or OT. It was all made up! With no reach whatsoever! There’s nothing there. These people who are still in have been enslaved by their own minds. And, again, the only thing that works in scientology are the lawyers and PIs.
You’re absolutely right OSD.That’s the only thing that works.
The media ought to deluge CO$ HQ with invitations for “Karen Pouw” to appear for televised interviews or face-to-face press conferences with reporters —- to force CO$ to show “her” face….
I’m surprised that the media haven’t called DM’s bluff on this “Karen Pouw” alter-ego charade by now….
Any spokesperson for any major organization MUST do some face-to-face interactions with reporters to be taken seriously….show your FACE, “Karen” dear…..
Ya know, I wonder if Tom Cruise and other Scientologist celebs will be pressed into service by DM for the lobbying effort on the Academy?
And it will be more interesting to see if these celebs will even attend the Academy Awards if Going Clear wins ( maybe they’ll excuse themselves to run to the restrooms during the portion of the show when Going Clear is announced and wins? That would spare TC and other CO$ celebs from being shown in awkward cutaway audience shots during the acceptance speech, etc.)
Yes, It would be interesting to see…
I doubt those two (TC and Johnny boy) will show up. As Bruce said, it would be very awkward to be in the audience when Going Clear wins the Oscar. They’ll actually have to see parts of Going Clear. Besides, neither has won an Oscar.
Saving face is the name of the game for TC nowadays, so The Academy Awards, the actual presentation, would be forbidden ground, most certainly. Same self-condemnation forbids DM from being seen or heard in public.
Mark A Newell, I’ve been really curious about this since the word “Oscar” was breathed in connection with the GC doc. If its nominated, will TC, JT and KA et al be forbidden from attending the Academy Awards? Especially TC, Mr Hollywood himself, banned by his cult from the Oscars?
Maybe he’ll pull a Marlon Brando and announce that he’s boycotting the Oscars because of the slurs to his Church, as the Brando did back in the ’70s because of Wounded Knee.
Gee, what if, like Marlon Brando, Tom Cruise and/or MIV are nominated for things and WIN?
Who will be TC’s Ms. Littlefeather? Can’t wait to see how this all unfolds!
Yes, all three
I guarantee
will be, collectively, NO-shows.
Just as the abominable M would not be caught dead near a microphone,
ever, if Tom Cruise appeared as the documentary calls out the church out for wrecking lifes and families and getting rich off the deal? Hollywood is pissed off, let me tell you. They would gang up on him, right there in the theater, drag him first out of his chair and then up to the stage, and say,”HEY, Tom, what the hell? What do YOU have to say for yourself, mister?”
Tom, naturally, has run this scenario over his narrow mind.
No, you won’t see him there, he’ll be eating his popcorn elsewhere. Maybe with best pal Dave, not. Dave would not be best company that night, another safe bet.
Hmmmmm. “Self condemnation forbids DM from being seen or heard in public.” And here I thought it was it was a manic fright of the Wog world.
Mike, i am winning in life in direct proportion to my gradient extraction from the tentacles of greed. A daily part of it is living vicariously through you; to more people than you know, you are showing us what a hero does, what courage is, and are setting a fine example and I am daily pleased as punch that you are experiencing this avalanche of “win” that you so rightly deserve for all of your brasen activity!
Going Clear gave me hope and great expectations! I almost expected mass demonstrations and lynch mobs gatherings for COB and cohorts, thats how powerful was the expose!! Instead it was rather quiet..the church themselves made all the ruckus! The world watched and seemed to nod their collective heads and say, see we always maintained they were a bunch of nutters. Alas no protests or clamours for DM’s head in any meaningful way. So it felt anyway. Anti climax? Yes and no. Glad the truth was in the mainstream and so masterfully executed but where was that BIG impact I wondered?
With the 3 emmy win I do believe the world has woken up – ABOUT FRIKKEN TIME!
Oscars here it comes! The walls of Dave’s Soddom and Gonnoreah are crumbling and I love the sound of corporate Scn’s death bellow! Thank eee cobeee!!
More powerful than protests will be the future impact when the bubble dwellers attempt to get someone to stop and take a stress test. Or buy Dianetics.
The clamours for DMs head are instead the snide comments and the open snark toward all future dissemination.
Now, when someone tells a friend…: ‘I’m thinking of going to this church to take a class on how to improve my communication skills’
Someone else will say ‘I have a documentary that you should see…..’
Also, I hope there will be a Going Clear, part 2 that exposes the abuses…..then the.real protests will be.begin
“Going Free”
I humbly pray Alex and Jim Carrey become closer in the very near future…
You know, it would be so simple for everyone if they’d just come out and admit they’re doing it. Just have Karin Sockpuppet say something like, “We didn’t appreciate the treatment of our religion or our founder in this film, and following the directions of our founder, we are taking active measures against it that stay within legal boundaries and do not violate anyone’s freedom of speech.” I think that would shock every one of us here, so much so that we’d give them a pass. Refuge in audacity sometimes works.
The only problem there, Espiando my good man, is that the plan is far too rational.
It’s woven into their collective DNA to not do that! They HAVE to come out swinging (due to the midget). They HAVE to shoot themselves in the foot over and over again. Otherwise, they’d be OFF SOURCE.
The Academy wishes to acknowledge David Miscavige for his relentless efforts without which this story would not have been possible.
Massive Applause from the audience….
I’m totally captivated
I was captivated once, but I escaped…
Just wanted to say a big ” Thank you ” to Alex Gibney, keep up the great work, how in the Hell can he top “Going Clear”
The only way Alex Gibney can top this, is if, and its a big ‘IF’, McSlappy feels compelled to pop out from under his bed and debate Alex Gibney. But as we all know, McSlappy is just a cowardly little bully boy and would need a diaper to appear in public.
Oh, he would need more than one diaper to appear in public…
I’m willing to bet on it that Going Clear will receive the Oscar for best documentary.
Now, with $cientology doing its bit to promote the film, it’ll probably win a few additional awards to boot!
I’m sure that the Academy will do its own investigation into the scene between $cn and Mr Gibney and others, in any case, if they haven’t done it already. Hopefully, the cherch threatened the Academy and got a few backs up, just to help things along. Lol!
“yet another publicity stunt by Alex Gibney to try to get an award.” …Karin Pouw
Isn’t this the same approach the church took with Leah Remini? At that time Karin (Dave) stated, “It comes as no surprise that someone as self-absorbed as Leah Remini with an insatiable craving for attention would exploit her former faith as publicity stunt…”
I guess we are to conclude that there is no valid objection to Dave’s church; instead anyone with a big voice is merely trafficking in “publicity stunts” to gather either awards or attention.
Apparently there has NEVER been a valid objection to Hubbard or Miscavige or Scientology as a whole and if you ever had an objection it was because of something bad (you don’t know about) regarding yourself was speaking on your behalf. Scientology has never apologized for anything but in reality has done nothing to cause it to propitiate. Do I have that about right?
Thanks for creating all the buzz. Good to see you in full panic mode so long before the Academy Awards.
This bodes well for the entertainment and popcorn industries. Have you pulled Int into all-hands damage control yet?
If Tom is removed as a voting member of the Academy for his inhumane activities, will he accept a gig to be the presenter for the Best Documentary Academy Award?
Seeing Mike, Tom DeVo and the other rock stars on stage with Alex giving their wins and thanks, will the sheeple conclude that this is the ‘Special Project’ that most of your Executives have been working on for the past decade?
Will you be showing one of one of your reruns at the Fort Harrison on the night of the Academy Awards?
Do you think that all of this buzz will make it necessary for the Academy to move the Awards the Microsoft Theater and sell tickets to fill up the nearby Staples Center to non-members of the Academy due to popular demand?
Jeeezzzzz, this is a game changer. Really looks like you are totally fucked this time. Will you still call yourself the COB after the Academy Awards? Will Karen Pouw ever be seen in public again? How is Lou taking all of this?
The more ‘Pow” spits lies and comments, the more it proves what the film exposed: abuses, undercover attacks and all from a church that supposedly is saving the planet.
But if this promotes the film, please keep at it so people won’t step into your greedy cult.
When I read your comment, I thought … “Ka-POUW !!!!”
Take that, SPs & CICSs! Ka-POUW!!!
Keep in mind, everyone, that Alex Gibney has enough material on El Con for a second documentary. Can you imagine the reaction of a second doc excoriating the cult AGAIN? It will be one hellava collective meltdown…
“Talk about obsessed is right. David Miscavige is all about trying to reg, harrass and force peoplebto donate all their money for what? An award! This guy is classic at doing what he accuses others of doing. Classic!
David Miscavige is holding on to his copper grounding rods for dear life.
( he thinks being connected to copper ground rods give case gain, honest I’m not making this up)
Smear the academy, oh that’s the Prize scotch doing the thinking.
CC Int SRD student on ice at the morgue, killed herself you say ?
I smell smoke, is someone having a Bar B Que in Bldg.50 ?
Is the place burning down, another bottle of scotch for the COB.
This will make a great sequel to Going Clear, Amen.
“…Pat Murray, the cameraman in Palm Harbor was also a former Gold Cameraman.”
I can’t believe that Pat Murray is still in the cult, and that he would do something like this.
Me too! He’s a really great guy that should know better. I wonder if he got caught reading the ‘heretical basics’ (Mike, Marty, and Tony’s blog, Hawkins book, Wright’s book, Many’s book, Jenna’s book, etc) and had to deliver an effective blow!
” I wonder if he got caught reading the ‘heretical basics’ (Mike, Marty, and Tony’s blog, Hawkins book, Wright’s book, Many’s book, Jenna’s book, etc) and had to deliver an effective blow!
Maybe they threatened to disconnect his kids?
But they sure don’t need a guy with Pat’s Hollywood qualifications to hold a camera for an attack video like that.
Pat did the underwater lighting for Cameron’s “The Abyss”, and the lighting for a whole lot of 90’s movies like “Liar Liar” and all kinds of other big budget studio productions. He is a total Hollywood pro, constantly working.
Just look at this IMDB page:
I’m afraid that the kool-aide factor here is the only thing that would really explain Pat Murray holding a camera for this. It’s so disappointing to me,
I really looked up to the guy, and in the back of my mind, I always thought he was out.
GET YOUR FO 38 IN!!!!!
I won’t rest until “Going Clear”
is part of the first training new Scientologists watch to have transparency on what they are really agreeing to unwittingly. Then it’s believer beware and they accept responsibility KNOWING the facts!
I’d like to see a law that demands all recruits must pass a Critical Thinking entrance exam before entering, before the “church” can accept any donation or labor.
“We know Alex Gibney is obsessed with his awards, but we aren’t,” Pouw wrote. “We wouldn’t even know who the Academy members are. This only proves he can dish it out, but can’t take it.”
I didn’t get the full impact of this statement till I read it in context in VF. It reads precisely as a denial out of one side of the mouth and a claim of vindication for doing it out of the other, in the same breath. Truly amazing.
It’s mind boggling to wonder how and why Miscavige keeps making these gaffs on wide open channels for all to see. Maybe Hubbard was right, Miscavige is busy doing himself in.
His ego is sooooooo huge, it keeps getting in the way. And there’s nothing to stop it.
It is dumbfounding…to a rather amazing degree,
-but then it is revealing, this pattern of repeating the same mistakes over and over…
It is an indication that all the cards have been played. We are watching the end-game of a losing battle of chess. I remember playing that sort of game in high school – you are forced to make moves in a game you just wish would be over already.
– Hubbards old playbook is still gospel for the new leader too thick to adapt to a hardening opponent. I think that is precisely why Dave’s sorry tactics, perhaps brilliant to him, look so ludicrous when veiwed by the rest of creation.
The leader, after all, is no leader at all. He is a follower.
He is molded clay, puppet on a string connected to a dead master. He is heartless and ruthless and all kinds of aggressive but those are traits of the master’s design, the cards have been played out from the deck that Ron had stacked up. He is doing only what he was trained and has trained himself to do. Attack the enemy. Be relentless. And all the rest. Life inside the bubble is just that way. You don’t quite see things as well from in there, often until time becomes quite late, indeed.
Meanwhile, today, I get to see this picture of Alex and Lawrence, sitting together is casual executive style and looking rather regal, if I may say. Just look at them. The picture tells a thousand words without a single pixel in motion. Almost looks like they’re waiting for Christmas morning. I think they have this Miscavige character pegged down rather well, don’t you?
Alex Gibney “obsessed with his awards”? Methinks not. Methinks the cult doth protest too much and it be Pope Pottymouth of Hemet with this obsession. Methinks.
Hey Dave,
Having a little trouble with your operating basis?
Perhaps you should try this one:
When nothing is done, nothing is left undone. — Lao Tzu
Today I was in a conference call, and got to listen to an insightful exchange between a just out of law school attorney and a seasoned attorney.
Newbie: “Eric asserts his sister is embezzling money from the company.”
Seasoned: “We are willing to listen those allegations from Eric, please tell us what you mean.”
Newbie: “I just told you, he thinks she’s taking money.”
Seasoned: “Perhaps you are not aware of how the process works, you need to come up with specific instances where money has turned up missing or the bank balance was not right to back up these allegations or there is no basis for your foundation.”
Emails, out of the blue rebuttals, attacks and and responses like this from “Karin Pouw” are simply jumping on well reasoned logic and attempting to refute it with hysteria. Where there is no basis for the attack, or where the people attacking something as lies haven’t even seen the film they are attacking, they are only driving the point of the film further home with every attack they make.
They would be so much better off if they simply kept their mouth shut.
The same thing happened when Debbie Cook’s famous New Year’s email went out. I heard KA drinkers denouncing her to the hilt. I asked a few of them, “did you read the email?” They looked shocked at that and proudly puffed out their chests, “Of course I didn’t! I would never…” I replied, “Then how do you know her allegations are false?”
There you go again, Cindy! How many times have I told you not to use logic!? When you do it, it just short circuits their minds and they start to babble and drool. It can really get messy when you insist on using it.
Same thing happened to me, Cindy. My org’s EO asked me if I had received the email from Debbie Cook. I said I had not, which was true although I didn’t offer the information that I had read it on Marty’s blog. She told me it was “entheta and enemy line”. UTR at the time, I told her, well, in that case I was glad I hadn’t received the email. Inwardly, I was shaken up. Debbie Cooke’s precise quoting of LRH policy “entheta”! Her telling people to concentrate on buying their training and auditing “enemy line”! Simply incredible. I was already UTR but this comm cycle with an org terminal removed any shred of doubt lingering in my mind about Co$ being completely cuckoo.
One Flew Over the Cuckoo….
Slightly off topic but the same reaction when Katie Holmes ran out on Tom Cruise. The faithful were peeved: Who does she think she is? I hate her, what a bitch. She’s after his money, etc. They overlooked the fact that Katie was staying quiet about Tom and not talking to the press, which she could have done (not that it would necessarily help her cause). When I would point this out, they would just shrug their shoulders and dismiss the point. It didn’t matter: Katie was bad, Tom was good.
the mind perceives what it wants to perceive
Hey Dave, kind of weird when the wogs have to do a noisy investigation and present your comm ev findings and recs in theaters across the world isn’t it? Where some of your human abuse and human rights crimes are laid out the table.Injustice recoils. You can’t get around that. It is divine nature. Each person has the divine gift of agency to choose good or evil. You made some really bad choices. Non optimum choices. Because you have been very out ethics. And your gross out ethics has bought ill repute on the Church. We have not caused things we permit. You have bought all of this on the Church under your command, and by your own clenched fists.
Death is nothing, but to live defeated and inglorious is to die daily.
Napoleon Bonaparte
On behalf of the masses you set up for losses, you set up to live defeated and inglorious, you have become that which you created. The effect of that you have caused. This should resonate with you.
Happy trails D.M.
Wisdom on display……terrific.
I agree. Wonderful post, The Oracle.
Right on, The Oracle.
If I was ever going to write a CS for a card carrying scientologist, it would have to be something like this:
A “Tell me something the church of scientology has done to you?”
B “Tell me something you have done with the church of scientology?”
C “Tell me something the church of scientology has done to another or others?”
F “Tell me something the church of scientology has done to itself?”
Repeat A, B, C & D over and over to EP i.e. no longer a member of the church of scientology.
Obviously it’s ABC&D – not meant to be an F in there. It’s a restimulative subject hey?
Do not fly the rudiments before running, but make good and liberal use of correction lists such as L1Cs, 53s etc. where needed after the process has began.
It amazes me how Miscavige keeps attempting to position himself with the Catholic church and comparing himself to the Pope. If I’m not mistaken the Catholic church regards Scientology as a work of the devil. I doubt the Pope would give him the time of day.
I think the Catholic Church thinks of Scientology like it’s Star Wars. Hubbard is Jabba The Hutt (Jabba The Hubb?), Miscavige is Salacious Crumb, and then there’s his court of toadies…
Well the Catholic Pope eats with his staff, shuns all the fancy trappings, drives around in an ordinary Fiat car with his windows down and is aware of the plight of the poor. McSlappy, you have an excellent role model in the real Pope.
He’s humble and gracious, doesn’t need to pursue escapees, engage in dirty low life tactics, bankrupt people, mock and jeer at them while making them suffer on an invented viciously cruel and sadistic RPF and the RPF’S RPF
Maybe McSlappy might like to eat daily with his staff when they are on lower conditions for not making enough moneeeeeeee? Maybe McSlappy might like to have to run everywhere all day for not making impossibly insane targets?
Re: the update to the post…….the real irony regarding Ted Koppel’s Emmy is that SOB does not realize how bad SOB looked during that show. Miscavige is the object of ridicule.
That NO ONE, except maybe the Tom Cruise of today, believes an ounce of the garbage Miscavige spewed forth that evening.
And now, with the internet, everything can be fact checked with the click of a mouse. SOB used to bank on the fact that no one would bother to fact check his ‘Siberia USA’ story or any of his other claims.
Now everyone can see SOB was lying and even got the facts wrong.
Epic fail Chairman of the Board.
PS….. It is also painfully obvious when you take a picture with everyone else seated and you are standing that you are not taller than the others. Especially when the seated individuals come up to your shoulders WHILE SEATED.
And the fact that you never stand next to anyone (unless they are close to your height)…you always make sure they is a giant gaudy trophy between you and the others.
Can’t have the flock notice the whales’ 12 year old daughter is taller than you, now can we……
A person comfortable in his own skin wouldn’t care who was talker or shorter
True dat. Two of my best friends are roughly Dave’s height, and I stand a majestic well-over-6′ They are two of the coolest dudes, and have absolutely no hangups about their height. We joke about how if we ever robbed a store, the cops would describe us as “Mutt and Jeff” suspects.
I insult ol’ five-foot thirteen about His shortness all the time, only because I know He hates it. My two buddies wouldn’t even give a shit and would just hit me back with good insults of their own!
Miscavige is just fucked up, and hates being mocked whether its about His minuscule physical stature, His microdick, His heavy consumption of Scotch, His copper rods… whatever. It doesn’t matter. I mock Him and laugh at Him because He’s just an asshole and it pisses Him off! lol.
I believe it speaks to his general insecurities about himself.
He’s insecure about his height……no one can be taller than him
He’s insecure about his lack of education…… Anyone with an education is derided (why bother with a WOG education?)
He’s insecure about his status as an ecclesiastical leader…… He refers to himself as the ‘pope’ of scientology as if he is the equal to the real Pope
He’s insecure about his wealth…. He makes sure he has the best of everything and all others get next to nothing…. He even has a nicer limo/SUV than Tom Cruise (according to comments he made to Ton DeVocht ….’he’s (Tom Cruise) a punk….mine is nicer than his!’
The one thing Miscavige cannot control is his height…..he can beef up and get in shape, he can wear beautiful clothes and shoes, he can dye and puff up his hair, but he cannot postulate a few more inches.
Not very cause over MEST
“Can’t have the flock notice the whales’ 12 year old daughter is taller than you, now can we”
Bwaaaa ha ha ha ha!
Going Clear’s three Emmys were awarded during the separate (non-televised) Creative Arts Emmy ceremony, it wasn’t a part of the primetime TV broadcast…but the Oscars are really the ultimate nightmare scenario for CoS, the Documentary Oscar is awarded during the show, which is televised to a huge worldwide audience in 200 countries…
Of course this is why The Owner his shitting his shorts. If Going Clear wins the Oscar, Alex Gibney will take the stage and, in all likelihood, loudly call for the rescission of Scientology’s tax exemption. He has made this particular issue the centerpiece of his public commentary on the subject of the movie, and I am sure he would make a point of it if he gets this unique chance to speak to the world about COS. .
Would someone please refresh my memory and add links to the Allen Cartwright story and Tommy D lying about JB in a dep?
I remember Tommy being deposed and trying to squirm his way out of it and his general nastiness. Did Tommy deny.he was sent to retrieve the ‘bad boy’ John Brousseau? (‘You’ve beema bad boy JB….’)
If they’d just shut up, it WOULD be old news. But no… David “Can’t Let it Die” Miscavige has to keep selling tickets for the rerelease just in time for awards season. VWD, indeed.
The Owner’s best and only real option for how to respond to any public attention on his church is always radio silence. Anything he says in response to anything is always worse than saying nothing.
Indeed, Mike!
I remember Claire Headley saying that the megalomaniacal DM had a fake EMMY statue made for himself to display in his office after his disastrous appearance on Nightline. Gawd, so pathetic!
I believe it’s a particularly snooty committee who selects the Oscar nominees for documentary. If the church wants that committee to ignore Gibney’s film the best approach would be to just be quiet about it. Now they have almost forced the committee’s hand to nominate it as the committee will not have it appear they’ve been pressured. Besides, the film is Academy Award caliber anyway. Curious to see what the New York Film Critics do first of December when they start off the awards season.
The rules were changed several years ago, now all members of the documentary branch of the Academy are allowed to vote for the nominees for Best Documentary, and all Academy members can vote for the winner (members no longer have to prove attendance at documentary screenings to vote, they are provided with DVD’s of the nominated films).
Thank you Kathy. That’s good news and it explains why popular documentaries started being nominated instead of strictly obscure ones nobody ever heard of before.
The credit goes to documentary filmmaker Michael Moore, who sits on the Academy’s governing board and was instrumental in getting the rules changed, specifically so more popular and widely seen choices would be nominated.
I guess it’s very true then, a scientologist cannot do nothing about anything.
They just can’t help themselves. It just like a dog with a cat. The dog knows it’s going to be scratched on it’s most sensitive part, its nose, but just goes ahead and harasses the cat anyway.
I think the sad point of scientology’s reaction is that they are not really communicating to the outside world at all, they are simply communicating to and within themselves in an attempt to show each other they are doing something and to alleviate any chance from being targeted by miscavige’s rage internally. Such is the insanity within the church of scientology. They have followed miscavige to hell already, they just don’t know it yet.
The Cof$ has come full circle and is a reactive mind, chock a block full of fears, depressions and other ugly stuff.
The opposite of the church of scientology is, “serenity of beingness.”
Scientology is the proverbial scorpion hitching a ride across the Nile on the back of a frog. Yes, it will drown if it stings the frog, but Miscavige and crew just gotta do what comes naturally.
“Flat” Murray was the Chief Gaffer in Cine at La Qunita. The nickname came from his tendency to light the set like they do on TV: everything lit, i.e., flat.
Flat Murray. That’s fucking funny!
“The most thin-skinned person this side of Kim Jong Un, Miscavige always accuses others of his own insecurities and failings. ” You got that right, Mike! VWD on another great expose article.
Maybe Leah should file a Missing Person’s Report on Karin Pouw. I suspect she has been in the Hole for a year or more and that David, “let him die” Miscavige, has been writing all the responses and using her name. That is so transparent. We should take out a big billboard in LA near the complex where the SO can see it saying, “Where’s Shelley?” and another one, “Where’s Karin Pouw” and “Free Heber.”
Also, “Where’s David Miscavige?”
Haha! I’m surprised he hasn’t trotted them out at any events recently, with all of the press stories about them being missing/unseen in years.
More choice quotes from Scientology’s “media center” appeared in a article today called “Inside the Fascinating Oscar-Season Subplot Involving Scientology”
Now THAT’S entertainment!
Comedy GOLD! You literally couldn’t make this up and have it be as ridiculous as the “responses” (read “accusations”) Miscavige’s fertile little mind can conjure up.
Didn’t the Co$ pay a VF contributor/writer to get the inside scoop on stories before they were published?
SOB is still mad he’s not invited to the VF Oscar party like his bestest buddy
John Connolly – as revealed by Marty Rathbun
Well, maybe Tom Cruise can take Him as his date!
Whoa! Just read the write up in the Hollywood Reporter! I guess at this point, NO ONE pulls punches anymore. The article was devastating.
Thanks so very much Alanzo!
Just keeps getting better and better! Now a new statement from Miscave-o-Pouw to HuffPo added to end of the post.
Mike, I loved how you and Sara Goldberg stood with dignity against the attacks of the alien bubble dwellers
Of course they didn’t even see the documentary, but they made fools of themselves. “Go see Freedom” the more people see it the more they will understand how far from reality the “Church” of Scientology is. Freedom is a mag of the most incredible bad taste one could imagine. I think Miscavige should get a present or an award from HBO as an outstanding PR contributor. The more he does, the more people hear about going clear and want to see it.
“Freedom is a mag of the most incredible bad taste one could imagine.”
So true! And it boggles the mind that they are so insensitive they can’t see it. Of course, it’s a matter of “The Emperor’s Clothes” as no one would dare point it out to Miscavige.
How many escapees has said that the beginning of the end of their adherence to the church was when they were presented with Freedom Mag in a dead agenting pack? Countless. I think Miscavige needs a little learning how to learn.
I’m no one dares to tell him that about the Freedom mag either.
I meant “I’m sure no one dares…”
The further down the toilet bowl, the faster the swirling… The frequency of the PR disasters mirror that.
The false reports that omit from the place are spectacular. The Going Clear doc has witness’ that are giving personal accounts. If they are lying why hasn’t the church sued them?
The church does not address the witness testimony they only discount it as “being old news” and attacking Gibney for bringing the testimony to the public.
If “old news” doesn’t count and doesn’t matter, why are they wining about Xenu from 75 million years ago?
Why do they keep the files of people’s confessions under lock and key FOREVER?
Why are they replaying the video of David Miscavige over and over and over from a 1993 IAS victory event?
If “the past” was not important to them, they couldn’t even sell Dianetics!
I forget the official name of the stat but maybe Karin is just trying get the Number of Scientology Mentions in the press up. If so KUDOS to you Karin. Straight up and vertical.
Like a fish on a dock–priceless, Mike!
Great minds think alike. I read the article and had a mental image of a large grouper flapping and gasping for air on an empty dock.
In my image there are lots & lots of people on the dock, all with the faces of the victims of scientology, staring down with dispassionate eyes.
I had a mental image of my ex-girlfriend flapping and gasping for air on an empty dock. I mean, she was a great girlfriend, but, she was always a little fishy….
i wish there was a less graphic way of asking what you ate next,
Classic. It is getting kinda pathetic that they are so out of touch with reality that they can’t see how ridiculous they are. But I guess that is a good thing since it just keeps more people away!
The trolls infesting the comments on sites like People and THR are exactly the same. Every comment they make confirms what everyone says about them. It’s uncanny.
Cathriona White
…rest in peace…
Cat, once your body quit, you instantly stepped into an amazing world separated only by energy, frequency & vibration! It’s pretty cool, isn’t it! Nothing really ever dies, it’s just transformed…
All trolls are the same ones, with the same mind set, sitting in a room full of screens with a supervisor approving their comments. Sad huh?