This is a cheat, partly because I am traveling today, but more because I think Tony Ortega has literally said almosgt everything I wanted to say about the second showing of the film at his blog.
He recounts my thoughts after last night as we sat together and I felt able to watch it more objectively than the first time.
The art of this film is how it is woven together into a cohesive picture. The problem with this film from scientology’s perspective is that they will NOT be able to convince people that everyone in it is just lying (audiences will make their own value judgments about the credibility of those who are interviewed) when what they say is confirmed and reinforced by the church’s OWN words, footage and documents.
Miscavige’s Nuremberg rally style events and Shermanspeak will finally get the broad public exposure they so richly deserve. And anyone of sound mind will have a hard time getting the image of a raving, power mad cult leader out of their minds. Same with Tom Cruise and the infamous “IAS Freedom Medal of Valor” footage. So too the footage and words of L. Ron Hubbard. They glaringly confirm the belief that so many of the general public have that there is something wrong in the church of scientology. The interviews give context for, and set up the most damning things of all — the things the church cannot deny because they are THEIR words and images.
The film is still talk of the town. There was a guy outside the theater offering $300 for tickets last night. I doubt he found a taker. There are THAT many people wanting to see this.
Well…… wanted to run with the big dogs. I guess he is now, just not in the way he envisioned.
yep, the little pooch is in the dog pound.
IO Thank you
I love you basketballjane 🙂
The RTC Thought Police Mossad are working 24/7 to keep the sheep from busting down the corral.
Mike, this is a reply to Carcha above,
Since obviously you don’t have a clue about the history of Religion, and you are so arrogant as to assume that there is no other technology or knowledge about the mind and spirit, you might want to pan out your attention off Ron Gospel, and take a look at the larger subject of Consciousness, and learn something new.
Excerpted from
Mass Exodus from religiously critical lecture in UK
August 21, 2014. Acharya S/D.M. Murdock
Psychologist Dr. Sue Blackmore has an article on Dawkins’s site about how a recent lecture of hers on (religious) memes created quite a stir, with 100 people or so fleeing the room.
The mass exodus evidently occurred mainly because the audience was full of badly educated religious devotees from other parts of the world. She could never have prepared anything skeptical to appeal to them. Showing one of the Danish Islam cartoons certainly WOULD cause many to walk out, however, so that’s a no brainer.
Outside, some young Muslims were waiting for me. I was angrily told that I’d made them feel ignorant.
Of course, because they ARE extremely ignorant. But why do they care what this one woman thinks about them? Because they are also extremely insecure in their unfounded beliefs.
Obviously, if she’d been speaking to EDUCATED NON-believers, that wouldn’t have happened. There are still billions of religious fanatics on this planet, despite all the best efforts.
An important illustrative case, however. We freethinkers remain unsafe and in the minority on a world full of religious idiocy and barbarism.
As religious simpletons ostracize us, we need to continue to make it clear that we do not accept THEIR views of reality, which are not only largely false but also quite deleterious. The problem then lies with them reproducing and passing along their dumbing-down brainwashing to the next generation, which, as we know, is the most effective way in spreading memes that cannot easily be changed or removed.
Cheer up, Sue. Your efforts will not have been in vain. Despite the response from the ignoramuses and fanatics, the memes you put forth likely have stuck somewhere in their brains, as well as those of more intelligent and better educated individuals.
This documentary could definitely undermine DM’s leadership status and if that happens then more show business people will publically leave or slink away which would reduce the enthusiasm of the whales to give money, since it would not be as glitzy as before. And I am certain that the Church is running mainly on whale donations now and has been for many years. If the whale money dries up then the Church is dead and DM will go live in Bulgravia and bribe the police.
Mike, I just want to thank you for all that you do here. Your blog, and Tony’s, are daily visits for me.
Can you handle it Daveyboy? People are paying to see a movie with Mike and Tony in them. Conversely, extras have to be paid, and staff and public have to be coerced and brow-beaten to show up at a Sci event.
Good point edge
Davey and friends have spent enormous funds for years to advertise the lie that critics have been paid by Big Pharma to lie about Church atrocities.
Now people are collectively paying HBO an enormous amount of money to see the Church lie about their atrocities.
Karma is a bitch Davey boy.
Wonderful news that there are so many people who want to see the film at the festival. I can’t wait to see it myself. I hope Alex Gibney gets nominated for another Academy Award.
This film was so hard-hitting, it was difficult to watch at times. For two hours the audience was riveted to the screen. When it was over, two different people – one in front and one to my left put there arms around me and held me. When Alex asked all of us who were in the film to come down on stage with him and his production team, there was a huge standing ovation. It went on and on which seemed like an eternity. There were questions and answers with the audience which had to be cut short because of another film scheduled to show. Then another unbelievable thing happened, about a dozen of the Sundance volunteers linked hands and formed a circle around all of us, including Gibney and Larry Wright and escorted us out of the theater as scores of audience attendees came down to speak further with us. People were grabbing my hand and telling me and others they were so sorry about what happened, and “are you OK?” and how is your son?; did you daughter come back?; They told me how they cried when they heard things I said. These were very compassionate, caring people. People would stop me and tell me things like: I had no idea what was going on in that church. Thank you for telling your story. It was an amazing experience. I know why DM is so afraid. This film tells a story like no other. The stories told by the 8 were each uniquely horrifying in their own right. Get ready. The world is about to change.
Wow Sara, I’m moved just reading your description – so many good people out there. My sincere wish is that you and your family are reunited this year.
Wow Sara…. you are truly Golden. All my love and respect to you and Sheldon.
On my way to work this morning I turned on the radio expecting music. To my surprise it was a movie critic who had been at the festival talking about the Alex Gibney documentary on Scientology and how well done it was. Wow! Wait until the full HBO release. The flow of truth continues to snowball.
Very good. I truly hope the momentum continues long and hard. Having the public wait until March to see it, although annoying, is a smart move. It’ll re-ignite the public interest in an avalanche.
I sense there’s an anticipation like ‘waiting in ambush’ for those keen to see miscavige’s response when it truly goes viral in March.
Suck it in Davey boy – 2015 is like a breath of fresh air… for honest people that is.
Oh Davey boy, the media is calling
From Hollywood and all points in between
The whales have gone and all the sheep are bleating
It’s time for you to give back all that green
And don’t come back
We’re tired of your speeches
That nasty smirk with eyes of steel cold chrome
Your time is done and now you are so busted
Oh Davey boy, oh Davey boy it’s time to go
After to speaking to a few whales these past few days..not so fast. 1) they didn’t even know the film exists because of course they don’t look on the internet, and 2) after I mentioned it they looked at freedom web site only and said see….. Given these ads and commercials have already totaled over $1M the next step has to expose the big whales like Duggan so the inflow of cash stops. How does his board feel about Scio as a threat to their business?
Give ’em a little time Pete2.
Possibly Dave’s first ‘no show’ event, as his personal middle finger salute to LRH on his 104th birthday.
Shorty Slappy sold his sacks of shit to sheeple. If Shorty Slappy sold his sacks of shit to sheeple, how many sacks of shit did Shorty Slappy sell?
47. But he has a warehouse full of upgraded sacks just waiting for release.
Damn, that’s a lot of shit – he should get an honest job and go into the fertilizer business.
freeze dried, ‘just add water’
So along with the warehouse 8 super meters, he now has warehouse sacks of shit waiting to sold. Would that be correct?
a shitload of Dave……
wow,bigger crowds
A bit off topic but fun.
I was in the area so I decided to drive by the Int Base. My thought as I passed it was a quote from Dante: “All hope abandon ye who enter here.”
I stopped for lunch in nearby San Jacinto and asked my waitress what was that Gold place up the road. “Oh, that’s Scientology, very hush hush. It’s private. I think maybe they brainwash or bring their converts there. I hear Tom Cruise goes there, maybe owns some property. Very hush, hush” she said.
As you can see the church’s PR is solid.
My evaluation of the base? All those at Int are Out Int. My simple handling is GET OUT!!!
The media on this has been wide; every time I open my Yahoo e mail tree is a a new article on this explosive exposure.
DM can’t control, nor stop this onslaught, which is more than welcome for most of us who want the abuses and crimes to be fully exposed, seen, and ceased.
Thanks Sylvia. So Dave, how do you like them apples?
Yo Dave,
Might wanna stock up on the Rolaids good buddy. I have a hunch the old gut is going to be in a real roil in the days ahead. Hell, by the time you need to get on your box for Ells B-Day event you might even consider Kaopectate to stay in control ….. of your shitty shrinking cult.
Just sayin again, when HBO rolls out for general viewing the day after your Chairman on a Box delivery, I’m thinking about declaring cult ugly week for you bro. Say hi to Tom when he calls to say WTF are YOU gonna do ?????
Thank you Silvia. I don’t know John Travolta personally or his wife but they seem to be lifers to me. I get the idea that if they were to pay attention to the information in the film, they would be devastated. Just my impression because they are trotted out by the church frequently to cheer lead.
The avalanche of publicity rolls on. I have seen a variety of video clips of you over the years. Many of them were probably post-production products from multiple shoots, which can be assumed to have been edited. But I just watched the AP footage from Sundance.
I have heard a lot of people speak, but very seldom have I heard anyone extemporaneously utter complete sentences in rapid sequence to form a coherent paragraph and never interject an ‘uh’, an ‘er’ or an ‘um’.
It really is remarkable.
“Mike got all his training from me.”
Office of the cob
These are 76 photos of Hollywood’s who’s who at Sundance.
Gibney’s standing room only screening with standing ovation is something that probably did not go un-noticed by this group of Hollywood A listers.
If you don’t think peer recognition or condemnation matters in Hollywood, just look at the faces at the Academy Awards…. who get’s an Oscar… who get’s recognized by their fellow actors…. all this is extremely important for them.
On March 16th, Tom Cruise will be recognized by his fellow actors as using his talents to promote Miscavige’s reign of terror… Before that, on Friday March 13, is LRH Birthday.
Will Tom be at Miscaviges March 13th birthday bash? Or will Tom be bashing Miscaviges atrocities on March 16???
I have no idea, but it will be interesting and many eyes will be on Tom to see what he does March 13th… No one except Koolaid drinkers will give him a pass…
In Los Angeles “Going Clear” is the talk of the town. Yesterday, I was in 4 places- one of the largest commercial casting facilities, they gym, offices of a production company and lunch at a restaurant on Sunset Strip. I seldom bring Scn up publicly, just because I get tired of taking about it; but in EACH of these places, I overheard the conversation of others about “Going Clear” and had to chuckle to myself. I think this has opened a floodgate of bad PR. These will be an interesting few months for the church, indeed.
Double Yayyy!!
And then there is all the talk about “Going Clear” at Sundance on KFI Radio, KABC Radio, . . . Scientology has become fair game with no back-off from the media. (Dave, Hint: you can listen to the programming archives online.) Hollywood is snarking about it.
Ahhh, TDG, so wonderful to hear those words. They’re like a cold glass of lemoned iced tea on a hot day. Remember those old commercials from the 80’s where the guy takes a gulp of iced tea and falls backwards into the swimming pool with a refreshing splash? That’s what I’m talking about, yes siree! I chuckled with you when I read them. And my favorite part… “OPENED A FLOODGATE OF BAD PR”. It’s about GD f***ing time! Well TDG, I hope you don’t mind if I repost your music to my ears.
TDG wrote: In Los Angeles “Going Clear” is the talk of the town. Yesterday, I was in 4 places- one of the largest commercial casting facilities, they gym, offices of a production company and lunch at a restaurant on Sunset Strip. I seldom bring Scn up publicly, just because I get tired of taking about it; but in EACH of these places, I overheard the conversation of others about “Going Clear” and had to chuckle to myself. I think this has opened a floodgate of bad PR. These will be an interesting few months for the church, indeed.
COB: Send Rinder to the RPF.
Minion Assistant: But sir, he’s no longer in the Sea Org.
COB: Listen you CICSMF, get it done.
Minion Assistant: Yes sir.
Mike, did the film change your opinion about LRH at all?
$300 for a ticket? For that price he could get a bootleg copy and snort it!
What you have here is an unscupulous multi-billion dollar corporation masquerading as a religion trying desperately to maintain its power and income by destroying any individual or news organization that exposes its lies and crimes.
Thanks Mike, to you and all those brave individuals who have given the finger to miscavige and the abusive cult he commands.
All of the decent people trapped in that prison of belief will eventually thank you as well.
HBO’s plot has worked. I’m going to order it just so I can see the Documentary as soon as it comes out.
Well said LDW.
They will scream “taken out of context!”
I hope lots of people see this as time goes by, and I hope that many learn what can happen to a person’s mind and identity inside a cult. Cults seem quite popular these days, so I believe these lessons will come in handy for society at large.
Mike, this is indeed a watershed moment in the history of Scn – and there will be others this year! Thank you for being such an Outstanding Voice.
This is a brutal Australian tv piece about the film worth watching. About 7 minutes.
Watched it! Now I’m doing a jig.
When will the general public be able to see this movie?
March 16 on HBO
Too bad they couldn’t have released it on March 13th. What a way to celebrate LRH’s birthday. Oh well, the wog world wouldn’t get the irony. But COB would have been hopping mad.
The west coast LRH Birthday Event is scheduled for about March 15 at the Dolby Theater (formerly Kodak Theatre) in Hollywood. Good spot to promote the film; protest, hack, helicopter, . . .
So happy this film is getting such a positive response! And thank you for all you’re doing to expose the truth Mike – believe me as a former member it’s greatly appreciated.
Oh and hope you had a great time at Sundance!
Mike speaking at screening (video):
Way to go Mike!
Live in SLC and tried to get tickets via e wait list on line. You can sign up 2 hours before the showing… within 10 seconds of wait list was full. Former church members like myself should have our own showing…only fair after the tens of thousands wasted on auditing and donations 😉
Why the silence? Your minions are thrashing about in the dark. Unable to bootleg a copy to actually see the film?
Double Wow Mike
For those hit, hunted, harassed and disconnected, March 16th will be a day of reckoning.
Finally our story can be told to ordinary folks that were never “in”…. March 16th will be standing room only because Miscavige is going to Attack Attack Attack between now and March 16th to make sure the audience grows 47X more than HBO expects. And, Mr. Gibney and company, please get ready to receive more nominations and awards than anyone has ever received for a documentary. Particularly from these esteemed organizations:
Academy Award for Best Documentary Feature
Golden Globe Award for Best Documentary Film
Critics’ Choice Movie Award for Best Documentary Feature
Independent Spirit Award for Best Documentary Feature
(Marty’s home turf): Dallas–Fort Worth Film Critics Association Award for Best Documentary Film
(Mecca home town) Florida Film Critics Circle Award for Best Documentary Film
German Film Award for Best Documentary Film (by an American)
(Greatest concentration of Scientologists in the world) Los Angeles Film Critics Association Award for Best Documentary Film
From your mouth to God’s ear!
I always try to see these things as my son might see them and think of them. Of course, those still in IT won’t be able to see it because of the same fired removed bitter defrocked apostates singing the song of Mike and Marty – the two main SP’s that we out here are all PTS to. But another “damning” thing about this film is that Alex Gibney dared to aire OT III material. My son will be aghast. This will prove even more how evil Mr Gibney has become at the hands of M&M. So my will close his eyes ears and mouth to it. But seepage cannot be prevented. This film will seep like crazy and will seep into the ear slits allowed to remain open of those still in IT and this seepage of truth will weave its way into the mindset of some of those remaining. They will leave. The damn will break from too much seepage and too many departures and then it will be over.
Thank you to everyone out here who has taken part not only in this film but in their own statements against this cult.
I am sorry your son in still trapped.
As a Never In, I always thought this stuff about keeping secrets until you are ready for them was a bit fascist.
Its not as if there were record number of cases of pneumonia after South Park first aired its episode.
I hope your son leaves a failing totalitarian organization soon, and remembers who has always and will always love him
I agree with the slight “seepage” into the cloistered koolaid drinking folks.
But, it will be a complete deluge for those not yet fully indoctrinated. These are the Scientology newbees, and the non-Scientologist supporters, particularly in Hollywood. They will have NO such restrictions about seeing this documentary. They will look at Gibney’s film in awe.
If you didn’t notice, Hollywood has become the heart and soul of Scientology. This is thanks to Tom Cruise, John Travolta and Miscavige’s penis envy of Tom’s lifestyle or penis or whatever…
So, besides “seepage” the Cloistered Koolaide drinking staff will see empty seats all around them and the life boats full Hollywood people escaping while Miscavige is on A deck singing the same old expansion song…
On March 16 there will be ice on A deck and it will not be for Miscavige’s scotch…
Your son might be out sooner than anyone thinks…
Good take, Robert. 🙂
And the number of newbies and those who just show up once in. While who disappear is bound to have some impact on those who are fully in. When you see friends and acquaintances disappearing in droves, you are likely to start asking questions.
But that’s what I would do. As a ‘Never In’ i can’t really understand how those who are in, and sold on Scientology really think. I can only guess.
This film will be avoided by the devout, but the brilliance of this being on HBO means that many Kool Aiders drinking WISE business who cater to non-sciborgs are going to first get an ear full and then when they cannot discuss the film having not seen it the clients who aren’t in will flee! It is just too creepy to have your veterinarian, chiropractor, etc., tell you that they are forbidden from watching “entheta.”
Tee hee…hard to avoid having outed yourself by littering your waiting with TWTH and tone scale posters!
This is all incredibly exciting stuff, Mike. Some questions for you, given the explosive nature of this doco and the wide audience it will be playing to – What do you reckon will be the church’s next move? We’ve seen the “standard” embarrassing attack-attack-attack strategies, clearly these are horribly inadequate to address the situation. If I know DM, we can expect more of the same.
But even the most zealous church member hopped up on Kool Aid will start to think all is not well over-the-rainbow. What to do, what to do? Close ranks and become even more insular?
And finally, by your estimation, what would have to happen for DM to step down?
DM step down? If he was in an orange jump suit he would micro manage from a payphone in the jail..
Maybe he would become Warren Jeff’s new biatch in jail. I hear Jeffs like small, petite, dimunitive types. He’d have to curb his swearing though.
DM is not main reason. LRH and his “religion”, IS THE REASON. so glad this is going viral. Mike,thank you for this blog. you are doing excellent job.
Big hello from LRHs Bulgravia.
Oh dear me Dave, what’s the current game plan?
Look at the bright side: you can use this film as evidence to show that you were unduly influenced and abused by a conman for your insanity plea.
I think he missed a semicolon or two. Yeah, that’s the ticket!
Michael, I’ll see your colon and raise you a semicolon!
OSD, I’ll keep my colon and give you Dave’s liver.
Definitely much more Scotch!
Dude’s gonna need a case!
He’s probably on the floor right now, or tucked into bed in a blackout.
Find Lou,
Kick her ass for not properly handling Gibney and those other C*&k S*#@&*s like I told her to do. Dammit, do I have to do everything myself?
Or he could get the golden era musicians or jive aces to perform Misirlou non stop as part of their A-E steps.
Damn Dave, you have to beg people to come to your events. Gibney has them outside begging to buy tickets off someone. Bahahahahaha!!
I’m just going to sit with that happy thought for a minute. 🙂
When you put it like that, it’s the gift that keeps on giving!
When I read your FB post last night about the guy offering $300 for tickets, I couldn’t help but wonder if it was a PI hired by the COS desperate to get in to see the film himself, then realized that he probably wouldn’t have offered so little. He would have been ordered to see the film at any cost to find things to attack. I hope if it was a PI, he failed.
I also hope the film gets a broad rather than limited theatrical release after it great opening now that it has proven to be such a hit. That would be awesome.
I am hoping the same thought about a broad theatrical release, but then does HBO get the rewards they deserve for investing in Gibney?
I don’t know s–t about the industry.
I know I live where there is a Sundance theater and a Film festival in April.
I am hoping that our film fest will be able to pick up this documentary.
You know enough to pass Economics 101 and hit the nail on the head!
I don’t think they will do a broad “theatrical” release. This is an HBO documentary. It will be aired on HBO worldwide on March 16th. I’m sure there will be “legs” afterwards… in DVDs and Streaming. I would be surprised to see it “four-walled” in brick and mortar theaters. Hmmm…. but maybe they might try for an Academy Award. I don’t know. I just expect it to be on HBO in March. Can’t wait to see it!
I think HBO has a good reach. The cherch will promote it with all of their flailing about and agonizing death throes. As news spreads the curiosity of the remaining public will finish off the cult.
But Dave should be happy since the bashing has only proven just how effective His GAG II has been!!!!
Yo Dave,
Stats are up good buddy on number of articles about your crappy cult. Don’t forget to see the documentary and be sure to comfort Tom in his hours of need. Maybe you could offer him a free ARC X session or an L1C to take the sting off! Well, now that I think about it, better charge him for it, after all, he’s got the bucks……….and besides, he OWES you for all you have done! You’re the man Dave, go take a dump and enjoy the day.
Sorry Val. HBO invested in this as content for their network. They are not in the theatrical release business. They want more subscribers. This film is going to garner them some…
Ahhh…. the “bitter little apostates on the fringe of the internet…” Hah! I’m grinning from ear to ear. Wonderful, Mike!
What’s the old joke? Where does the 1,000 lb gorilla sit? Wherever he wants to. 🙂 Those little bitter apostates are becoming Godzillas.
Excellent zana, I love Godzilla! I want to acknowledge Anonymous, because those naughty little cyber mischief makers were first to notice the rcs’s strong effort to squelch the infamous Cruise video, of him arrogantly making an ass of himself. Talk about a correct target, the simple perception of some internet fringies, that the rcs was hiding something and suppressing information. And the rest is history.
I’m hoping HBO will get their Netflix competitor service up and running so I can watch it (we dumped cable for Netflix six months ago). It would be worth signing up for one month just to see Going Clear.
Hallie: Thanks for the nice words regarding me and my tribe. We appreciate you Exes, because you gave us guidance when we started this seven years ago that was invaluable, as well as exposed us to the never-ending laundry list of human rights abuses that the cult engages in. We do not forgive them for this. We do not forget what they’ve done.
DM: Expect Us.
This might not be news to anyone, but this movie is the lead story on Access Hollywood tonight. Way to go, Mike!
BTW, I always loved ” We Stand Tall”. It’s fun to look back at it from this perspective. You did your fun sweater proud.
Everybody who wore an ugly sweater ended up in the Hole. Only one person was supposed to wear an ugly shirt for that video.
I am soooo happy L Ron Hubbard’s true personality will be getting the cold light of day shined on it.
Soooo happy.
It’s not enough to know how crazy Dave is. It’s important to know who he learned how to keep power and destroy enemies from.
You cannot fully separate Scientology from Ron. It’s his mind, thoughts and cosmology you are being imprinted by.
It’s not science and it is not a physical product that can be separated from its creator/inventor.
Some of these cosmologies and attitudes are still rolling around in your head and you think they are your view point. They are Ron’s.
It’s not easy separating out the lies from truth. The first step to being able to differenciate the real from the unreal is to allow yourself to be critical with Ron.
Not just say, “oh well he was only human,” or “he said he was just a man,” or “he left us the tech and that is different from Ron.”
Maybe run this process:
1)Have a critical thought about L Ron Hubbard
2) answer it
3) thank you
Keep repeating this process until you are comfortable, have a cognition with VVGIs
I’m serious. Do it!
Brian, you are a man after my own heart. I’m also so thrilled that the truth about Ron Hubbard is out! I’m so tired of the many of the Indies, at least in my part of the world, South Africa, still not willing to accept that it’s not Madscavige but Hubbard’s culture. The are intent on “protecting LRH”. They wish to preserve his “good” reputation.
It’s Hubbard that Madscavige learnt it all from and Hubbard’s policies that are being applied to the letter, at least, Fair Game and Disconnection.
I’m also so tired of the reasonableness of people, the theatie wheatiness about Hubbard. I can’t stand it anymore!
It’s time. It’s Hubbard. And it has been revealed. Can’t wait to see the documentary.
One Indie koolaider told that all that he’d read, including Piece of Blue Sky and Barefaced Messiah, were all negatively slanted and did not represent the true nature of the man, Hubbard, or words to that effect.
Well, I had no answer for him. I hope he gets to see the movie and what the man himself had to say about the abuses.
Negatively slanted? I would have asked the Indie Koolaider, what the true nature of a man is that lies about his education, his war record and his family?
And orders children to be locked up below decks in the anchor room. One very twisted man.
Good process Brian! I suggest it be run until the hypnosis breaks. A good sign you are getting close is when you no longer have justifications for your actions.
Self: Yes, I was stupid. Yes I was unwilling to look. Yes I felt as though I had answers that the rest of the world did not have. Yes, I knew best. Yes, I wanted to support a cause and make a difference. Yes, I agreed the only way was in and through $cientology. Yes, somehow Elron had figured it out and I just needed to study. Yes, I believed ………………………..
Glad that is over. Good Gawd!!!!
Welcome over the wall.
Thanks for writing this.
HAHAHAHA. You have been vindicated!
Knock, knock there to the True Believers. see if you can spot SOURCE in all this insanity.
DM: Knock knock.
TC: Who’s there?
DM: Dave.
TC: Dave who?
DM: Dave Miscavige!
TC: Who?
DM: Open the door you CICSMF!
TC: Security, get this Dave McScavenger outta here!
Why use a “Hubbard” type process to resolve your internal conflict with the man’s status in your life? I’m sorry to offend, but It sounds so cliche. I’m reading about the horrors of concentration camps by survivors on this anniversary of the liberation of of the camps. Suffering enormously as the surviving children grew up, the ones that fared better made themselves talk about their experiences with family and friends. Though Scientology membership could never even approach that level of horror, I’m hoping that this movie will be the start of conversations between family and friends and allow people to heal and recover themselves.
Good point RK. But looking is looking. One of the reasons that Scientology stuck is because it directed a persons attention within to look.
It is foolish to say that all auditing is hypnosis. Some definitely is. Seeing one’s problems as BTs for instance. That is hogwash. Concepts may run during these dream therapies but can be dangerous for some. My X wife ran OT3x for 3 years. She was a celebrity. She became homeless.
But when we look at known states, states that address our own reality, it really does not matter how we look. As long as we do.
Giving the command “have a critical thought about L Ron Hubbard” cannot harm. It can only release the hypnosis of year after year after year after year after year after year after year of being asked the question, “have you ever had a critical though about L Ron Hubbard.”
The only reason Scientology had any workability is because souls have the capacity to differenciate. And also to cognize chains of associated events to find causes of states of mind.
There was cheese in Scientology no doubt. But it is that spring loaded THWAP on the neck that wasn’t in the promo.
Have a critical thought of L Ron Hubbard. Have as many as you need to feel your independence rehabilitated. On the other hand if you feel I am a hater, then you are not ready. He still owns your mind. That’s ok to. We’ve all been there.
I am sorry but I don’t have a critical thought of great importance coming to mind regarding Hubbard. In all this year in scientology (40), I didn’t have to supress criticism against Hubbard (except I thought he was too fat, And it would injure his health). I liked him very naturally, enjoyed his lectures, disliked the ethics book (this i had to withold!).
And I am not a kool aid drinker, almost never was. When Miscavige went in power. Then I had to withold criticism. I couldn’t stand him at the first glance. This little piece of fascist was very easy to spot for someone who was not blind and had historical knowledge and experience of this kind of beast. I stayed in the damn church with this withold for thirty years while many of you dared to see the monster only very late. Thanks to Marty Rathburn who had the courage to say high and loud what i was thinking secretely.
But because I still think there is more positive to Hubbard than negative, I’m not an “indie kool aid drinker”. I was at some point an auditor who could help a PC, but I never bought the ideological bullshit about third and 4th dynamic even if sometime I got regged for IAS (deep regrets!). While in the church I thought independently and had to avoid sec check, I really was a bad group member, an “SP” and I am still one in this new agreement where we are supposed to realize how bad was Hubbard. I wouldn’t like to have now to withold that I still like Hubbard!
And the hate I feel for Miscavige is soo intense… So your process of thinking a critical thought works so well on this little piece of fascist. And my biggest dream it to see him thrown in the street by the scientologists and spit on. Sometime i don’t use the right adjective, I have not enough vocabulary in english.
Thanks for this FG.
There is no doubt the body of the Church has its brain in David Miscavige. But there is also no doubt the body was build with the DNA from LRH.
And what can one say other than the brain also is build by the body’s DNA.
Fundamental Indies are funny in that they refuse to look at the real scene. They say the DNA and its creator are pure gold, while the product of the DNA turns out to be venomous. They live in a mental “Rons’ Disneyland” of their own creation. And they know it. Some steadfastly refuse to even come to my house because they feel just my presence may put a shadow on their Disneyland. 🙂 They desperately want to hold on to their flimsy fantasies. And I think they have every right to do so, as long as they do not have the arrogance to judge others.
“Ron’s Disneyland.” Well said. Everything shining and perfect… just don’t show the RPF and the RPF’s RPF that uses slave labor to keep it all shiny and bright. Don’t know the kids being punished in anchor lockers. Just the gleaming outside singing, “It’s a Small World…”…. ahhh… “We Are the IAS…” thanks Gerhard.
Gerhard, you say you expect others not to have the arrogance to judge, but look what judgmental statements you have made. If I disagree with you, am I then in Disneyland according to you? Come on, you’re smarter than that. I’ll come over if you have wine. 🙂
Brian, I can’t wait to see the documentary, including “negative” disclosures about LRH…but frankly anyone with a curiosity about LRH can go on the internet and see way more negative stuff about LRH than this documentary could ever possibly disclose.
LRH deserves his own 2 hour documentary on his and his follower’s bullshitting and rewriting his history. It’s a monumental achievement unparalleled in the history of modern times… Working Title of this documentary : Never have so many intelligent people been so thoroughly bullshitted by LRH and his followers. Ha.
But, I don’t think this will change anything for “ins” or “outs” or “X’s” etc…. Kool Aide drinkers will not look at anything negative. End of story. Those that are “out”, already have more access to LRH’s bullshit factory than this documentary could ever unearth… so, don’t look for worshipers of LRH getting informed and finally disillusioned about Scientology. The “ins” can’t look. The “outs” have already looked. . What we are seeing with “Going Clear” documentary is the utter destruction of Co$, Radical Church of Scientology and the Miscavige Mafia. Sit back and enjoy it for what it is… it’s good fun to watch…
There will be no more public going “in.” Unless they are insane or stupid to start with. I would think that pretty soon those smart whales will start to question some stuff. Even if just a few can see it and break free. It’s the unraveling that will surprise us. How it unravels and how quickly it happens.
good point Robert!
Robert I think there will be a feature length movie or a 6 hr mini series. Going Clear has given the all clear to Hollywood.
Hollywood film makers, do you get it? It’s ok now. You don’t have to be afraid of Scientology black ops or lawyers as much as before.
6 part mini series. Just like Public TV did with the Mao Years.
There is soooo much more to be told. Soooo much more.
There is so much today about the abuses of religion: the condemning of gays, the only way mentality of fundamentalists and the ever present evil of radical Islam.
America, you do not have to go to Yemen to fight religious extremism. You’ve got Scientology right under your friggn nose.
Show the world that you are not a hypocrit America, that you only look outside your borders to fight religious bigotry, hate and violence.
Our own American families have been under the onslaught of our own USA bred evil: L Ron Hubbard’s Scientology.
Make it good.
Just so this will appear at the bottom of the thread here:
Of all the critics of LRH I have not heard ONE of them come up with their own philosophy, Not one.
Of all the critics of LRH I have not heard ONE of them come up with their own data and processes, Not one.
In short, of all the critics of LRH I have not heard ONE of them come up with anything even resembling something better, Not one.
When one of the critics starts their own religion, gets a best-seller, writes volumes of processes, and gets hundreds of thousands of people to pay attention to them, maybe I’ll listen. Maybe I’ll go digging around for every single mistake they’ve ever made, and focus on that. Maybe I’ll make up funny names about them, like Fryin’ Brian, or Conan the Conman, or Albumbled. RK the Root Kanal, Gearhead Watercamp, Zanie Zana … real intelligence.
Seriously, tell me something about your philosophy. Come on … that should be EASY for you!
… then I can insult you – not matter what you have to say.
You all remind me of another group of “critics” from another period of history, those who opposed Christianity.
Well, by this logic you have no right to support LRH. Looked at from that perspective this is not a very convincing argument.
Aw shucks, did we upset you? Go ahead and make fun of me if it makes you feel better.
Carcha, I would love to talk to you about my philosophy. But it is not just mine. Would you like to hear it?
So you essentially want a critic to become another guru in order to listen to them ?
By that logic, if I am addicted to a drug, I will only listen to an addiction conselor’s arguments against my drug of choice only if he can offer me a a new and better drug, and never explore the reasons for my addiction.
The question I have for you is, why do you need any of these “processes” and “philosophy” in the first place ? The vast majority of the world manages just fine without them.
Why would anyone need scientology or something like it ? What actual, measurable outcome of people who practice scientology is better than that of the rest of the world ? Outside of its own unvalidated tests ?
One can learn from history. Recently I listened to a interview with someone from East Germany. (GDR) He told some interesting perspectives why East Germany ceased to exist. His story basically is that some stable data the society had been built on had been shaken. A major one had been that KPDSU (Soviet Union Communist Party) is always right. As soon as perestroika had been started by Gorbachev the GDR leaders did not want to follow that line and had to admit or introduce that KPDSU is not right all the time. Another stable datum had been that the imperialistic West never wants peace. That one had to be corrected as with that dogma it had been impossible to negotiate with the West. So those core stable data shaken had been the real reason of the downfall of East Germany.
May that be right or wrong is not the point. That would be another discussion.
But looking at that documentary I thought about Scientology. And I had been looking at some similarities.
Scientology is also based on some core stable data. Like “tech is always right” or “LRH is source” which translates to “LRH is always right”. A bit sloppy formulated to shorten the text. The downfall or the start of major problems inside Scientology could be traced to destruction of that stable datum.
Lets remember RJ38 I think, which had been seen to be a fake. Not real LRH. Many peoples stable datum had been shaken. I had been at the event myself that played that tape. Many OTs did wonder what is going on.
That is just one sample of shaking the stable datum “LRH”.
May it be or may it not be but another stable datum is that without LRH Scientology does not work. Has nothing to do with pray to LRH or bow. If your trust in LRH is shaken then you cannot progress or have success with it.
So, Scientology after LRH (not his body death) is failing.
The first nail in the coffin of the death of Scientology is that one: LRH is not LRH but … (what you can look at on the net extensively)
That true data about LRH in the documentary are only important for Scientologists. If there is still some Scientologist or Ex Scientologist then it would be important to have a look. But I think there is no more Scientologist or Ex Scientologist that still has the stable datum LRH.
There is another point: it is not important if those documentary or documented data about LRH are true or not. Almost no one here could tell as almost no one has first hand knowledge. So, those informations in that documentary are only “stable data” = things you can or cannot believe in. A Scientologist or Ex Scientologist can now fill the shaken LRH datum with those from the documentary and finish the cycle Scientology. Until he has doubts….
Could be an endless cycle in the future. (in case that you can envision future existences here on Earth or elsewhere) The only way out I can see is to look for yourself. Not at a screen. We had been looking at screens for ages long telling us what to think or not to think.
I do not think that documentary starts or finishes the “utter destruction” of Scientology.
Have a look at history. Even the Knight Templar still exist today as a group.
Schorsch – At least you are trying to be analytical – and headed in the right direction, looking at stable data. Try some that are more historical (man is a spirit, there is an after-life, others do exist, emotions vary, communication is possible). I have great admiration for LRH, and I trust him, but if he had written that he was God Himself, I would have wished I could talk to him about that for a moment. I have simply found that what LRH wrote is true, that processes work, that gains are made – and it does anger me to see people who are too stupid to appreciate something try to destroy it.
Dear Carcha:
Here are some stable data (and the plural of “datum” is “data”, not “datums”) regarding L. Ron Hubbard:
1) It was L. Ron Hubbard who said that LGBTs should either be “cured” or “eliminated, quietly and without sorrow.”
2) It was L. Ron Hubbard who claimed that he won 27 medals during WWII. The actual count was 4, at least two of which were service medals given to everyone.
3) It was L. Ron Hubbard who claimed knowledge of nuclear physics greater than most Ph.D.s, and used that “knowledge” to promote Dianazene (useless) and the Purif (more harmful than good).
4) It was L. Ron Hubbard who said that all the world’s evils can be traced to psychiatrists, and that psychiatric medication was simply a tool to control humans.
I am a gay US Army Gulf War-era veteran with a degree in physics, and I take psychiatric medication (and have had my own type of wins off them). Give me reasons why I shouldn’t hate L. Ron Hubbard’s guts with every fiber of my being. He has personally offended me with those four actions on a core level.
You see, Carcha, most people protesting the cult are doing so because of the numerous abuses. I do so because the cult that I’m protesting is the cult of personality surrounding L. Ron Hubbard. This includes Indies who still worship the ground that he walked on.
When it comes to the work of L. Ron Hubbard, I follow Alfred Jarry’s recommendation: it’s not enough to destroy the structure, the ruins have to be destroyed as well. And if you’re caught up in the damage, oh, well. Tough.
Carcha, the truth cannot be destroyed. Whatever good there is in Scientology will withstand the onslaught of criticism.
Truth does not mind criticism nor doubts. Truth actually says,”bring on the criticism and doubt.”
Unlike Ron’s view that wins can be damaged by SPs and criticisms, truth kicks criticisms ass because, if it is true, and the criticism is unbiased, truth becomes validated and vindicated through inquiry.
Ron hated criticism. Made it a High Crime. And SP in the same catagory as Hitler. That is the philosophy of Tyranny.
The reason we are here could be placed squarely on Ron’s fear of criticism. Whatever good there is in Scientology has been publically mared because of his personal fears and phobias.
Criticism is not destruction. Criticism is not attack. That is Ron’s view.
If an auditor, on his own, helps people to resolve their own suffering, that is the only way to rehabilitate this craft.
BUT…………. There are many demons to exorcize from the subject. And denying that Ron had much to do with it will actually keep society from seeing Indies as sane or valid.
At this point being a Ron apologist will only hurt the cause of the Sciwbtologist.
That is because there is an elephant in the room and the true believers have been trained, brainwashed, to consider criticism an attack. That is Ron-right there-in your head talking.
Mike – I love yours and Tony’s assessment of the film. Before seeing it, I was expecting a heavy amount of interviewing of 8 individuals. The film isn’t that at all. There is tons of the church’s own footage. Alex puts it together in an extremely intense way.
The church’s attempt to characterized the interviewees as part of lying cabal doesn’t hold any water. And, any relatively sane individual will see the church for what it is. It is literally impossible for me to conceive of any non-kool-aid addicted individual agreeing that the interviewees are a bunch of conspiring liars.
The church’s own footage of miscavige and his dictator style rallies and the interviews with hubbard – especially the one where his teeth look quite disgusting speak for themselves. What comes out of both of their mouths is enough to revolt any sane person.
Then you throw the fantastic enactment of the ot3 story on top of that and there will be few people in the world that would even care if the interviewees were lying or not.
I truly hope that Tom Cruise has the balls to watch it. If he does – it will be very hard for him to live with himself.
He has gone from the #1 movie star in the world to a punch line. 10 years ago he was #1 on Forbes list as the most powerful celebrity in the world. Now he is not in top 100.
After reading my comments (and being contacted by a good friend) I want to apologize to anyone else that was offended. The film is very intense.
You have nothing to apologize for. You spoke your feelings at the moment. Anyone offended needs to grow up.
Sheldon, I also saw nothing at all that was offensive in your remarks. In any case, you look great in the photos and kudos to you and the wife for your work here. I haven’t seen the movie yet of course, but my congratulations to Sara for getting her and your very important story on what will be an internationally viewed film.
Nothing you said was offensive. You were there, you lived this experience, don’t apologize.
Good post Sheldon! I feel sorry for Tom Cruise. It is going to really hurt if he ever finds out the truth. His kids know – his ex wife knows…#1,#2 and #3. What is it going to take for him to wake up? Is his Ego that big and fragile? I saw ‘Rain Man’ a week ago. He needs to remember where he came from and wake up! People are getting hurt and he could do some damage to this evil cult – possibly take it down!
Mike Rinder – you looked great during the interview. Good job!
Thanks everyone for making this such a huge success!! Down with Scientology. Long live Lawrence Wright and Alex Gibney!
Chill Sheldon, we’re all just communicating here, but thanks for caring. You’re awesome.
It must have been so validating, so vindicating, so thrilling for you all! You all deserve all the best, and the fight is nearly won! Blessings!
That’s what is so great about today …………… you and Tony provide a great one, two punch on the path of Alex Gibney’s wrecking ball of a documentary. Thank you for all you do!
This is fantastic news. Another woman tweeted a picture from inside the lobby of the second show you went to. Lines everywhere. She thought the showing might have been oversold! Brilliant!