It is now official.
Scientology’s latest censorship effort has inevitably proven to be another in their long series of PR footbullets.
The screening of Going Clear on Friday 2 October will begin at 7pm at Muvico Palm Harbor.
After the screening, the theater manager has set aside 45 minutes for Q and A and both Sara Goldberg and I will be happy to answer questions.
In addition, renowned Tampa CBS affiliate investigative reporting veteran Mike Deeson has agreed to be the moderator for the Q and A session. Mike adds his 30+ years of Bay area credibility and formidable journalistic reputation to the proceedings and we are honored to welcome his participation.
Come out and support this Emmy winning film.
And make a statement that you do not agree with scientology’s attempt to censor what movies residents of Tampa Bay can see.
I look forward to seeing you there.
Note for those in Tampa, the film will also be showing at AMC Veterans 24 starting on 2 October:
Once again, it would be hard to argue that this has turned out to be what one may call a “PR triumph” for the “church.”
Over 5 million people have watched it on HBO alone. That is at least 150 times the global scn membership. The film is the product of a 2x Oscar winner (when Tom Cruise has yet to get his first one) and a Pulitzer winner (something that Freedom magazine contributors won’t have to worry about receiving, ever). 94% of top movie critics approve of the film (3% approved of Battlefield Earth). Three Emmys were awarded, and the film is eligible for Oscar honors. It was the talk of the Sundance film festival and is currently in theaters in all the top film markets in the country. It’s also getting TV play in various European countries as well as Britain.
As far as PR is concerned, the “church” finally became desperate enough to cull its various anonymous hate web sites for materials on some of the persons presented in the film, and posted those materials on its own web site. Finally, what everyone knew all along is official: These hate sites WERE “church” properties! Further denials have become pointless. The cult’s videos, full of unsubstantiated attacks on persons and void of substantive issues with respect to the film, may work in the scn bubble. Outside of that, they are a laughing stock comparable only to the utterances of a third-world dictator or Islamic extremist.
Closer to Ground Zero, all monkey business notwithstanding, it’s good to hear that the film will be shown in the Clearwater area. Maybe not in downtown Clearwater, but the presence of Mike Rinder, Sarah Goldberg and a reporter of Mike Deeson’s caliber will make the drive more than worthwhile.
As far as foot-bullets are concerned, it is safe to say that the cult’s ham-fisted PR efforts haven’t hurt the film makers’ efforts of reaching a wide audience any. It’s good to hear Gibney now openly speaking about a sequel. As far as sequels are concerned, it should be a much more economical and enlightening investment than OT IX/X, and a lot more authentic and credible at that!
I’m watching Going Clear right at this moment and I heard that John Travolta thinks his fame came to him because of Scientology? I see Jason Beghe is a former member ( love him in Chicago PD) and he left in 2007, Chicago PD started in 2014. Scientology didn’t get him that roll, he did. So much for that theory. Where’s he now? Haven’t seen Travolta in anything lately, or Kirstie Alley either. I’m a huge fan of Leah Remini and think that her and Mike Rinder and all the ex Scientologists are making the public aware that Scientology is a cult, and David Miscavage is a criminal
(a party favor, in shared celebration:)
From The Underground Bunker:
…Now two theaters in the area will be showing the movie.
If that doesn’t sum up Scientology PR, we’re not sure what does.
-And, from the shared camp of doubt,
if that doesn’t sum up delusional leader, I’m not sure what does.
If you and Danny show up at the Q and A, just think how much credibility Mike Deeson can lend to your popehood. After all, you can’t bump Billy Joel and attract a crowd of a million to Madison Square Garden.
Looking forward to it!
I’ll be there Mike and hope to get a hug after. I have no idea what question I may ask, so will just wing it. So fine how thing turned out and an added bullet to their feet.
Hi deElizabethan,I am so happy you will be at the event for “Going Clear” Love all your posts- hugs to all give one from me to Mike too.XO Ann.
This makes me wish that I lived in Florida. I would be there. What an opportunity to expose the greedy cult and make the truth known. I am proud of you Mike for all you are doing to expose the lies that David Miscavige and the Cherch of Scientology are so fond of telling. I live in Austin, TX now and hope that an opportunity such as this will occur here.
Dean — happened last nite. Larry Wright did a Q and A after the first showing in the theater there Friday night.
Hi deanblair06, Great to meet you.Liked your post.I live in Baton Rouge,La and I would love to see an event here too.However” very do not ever be critical of religion “here.It would be quite funny to see the reactions from the good folk.I am so proud of Mike and his work as well as all in ” Going Clear” and behind the scenes.Another film would put the icing on the cake.Always,Ann.
Mike, this is fabulous.Not to get airy-fairy on you but I’ll be there with you in spirit. I know you and Sara are gonna rock!
Hi Aquamarine, Good to see your post this am. I am airy-fairy most of the time! LaughterLove,Ann.
Just bought my ticket on-line….can’t wait!!
When the Anointed One succeeded in getting the film pulled I’m sure his jubilation echoed through the halls! We’ve all seen how partial he is to blowing his own trumpet. Now with the film opening about twelve miles away it seems like Lady Fortune was just setting him up for another one of her cruel twists of fate. That fickle lady kicked him off the mountain top and every time he lands on his ass, she kicks him again as if to say, “Don’t get comfortable mister, you haven’t reached the bottom yet!”
Hi Roger Hornaday, As usual a wonderful,post.The picture I had of Lady Fortune kicking you know who off the mountaintop priceless! Btw he might not want to head for Hawaii I know for a fact the Goddess Pele would kick his butt into her Volcano on the Big Island! Love,Ann.
The only way to improve on these proceedings would be to run an Underground Railroad from Clearwater to the movie theater. So if you see any Sea Org hitch-hiking toward the theatre, be sure to pick them up–they’re too poor to provide their own transportation. Time to free the slaves!
Hi Todd Cray, Wouldn’t that be wonderful? Like when beautiful and incredible Tory Christmen hope I spelled that right,offered to pick up Sea Orgers in LA that may want to get out.I too know how hard it is to plan an exit strategy especially when certain eyes are on you 24/7. I send out a strong Intention that if any Sea Orgers in decide to blow I would be glad to give them a bed,good food and a place to de-stress even this far away in Baton Rouge.Love,Ann.
And now the show is on miscavige’s home turf. At least he doesn’t has to pay travel and accoms for his surveillance teams on this one, nor cut down any trees.
Rip ’em a new one Mike. The big difference between you and them is that you just have to be you. Being honest is a luxury no scientologist can afford.
It must really sux to be a scientologist, especially one in Clearwater right now.
Hi FOTF2012, Well somehow my post to you disappeared into the great unknown.I’ll try again.I loved your post.It gave my coffee and me a turbo jolt this am.Always look forward to your viewpoints.Love,Ann.
I have a question. Will prior photos for admission passes be required, and if so, where and when can we get our photos taken and how long will it take for the pre-approval, the badges, and what will the cost be? Also, after the film and Q&A, will the doors be opened immediately, or will there be a closed door tea and cookies informal gathering and opportunity to contribute more to this endeavor?
I’ll be there!!! I’ll be the one with the bells on.
But Mary! You ALWAYS have bells on! That’s what I love about you!
That’s funny Mary. I wear bells on my tenny shoes – makes me feel like I have company with me 🙂
It just don’t get any better than this!
Ol’ Miss Cabbage is going to go through a lot of indigestion medication.
Hi John Locke, Yes the old COB better book a truckload of that indigestion medication and an extra bottle of his finest! Love,Ann.
His antacid intake is through the roof, John. I’m surprised he doesn’t have an ulcer….or maybe he does.
Nothing a single malt won’t overcome with persistence. Drink up Davey boy, “I hear the pipes a call in.”
This is very interesting. I wonder what’s going to be the outcome. I look forward to an update on your and Tony’s blog.
Any chance an invite could be sent to members of Scientology? Perhaps a free showing (we could all chip in) since they can’t afford to watch the movie. I mean, wouldn’t Scientologists want to see how Mike’s life has gone downhill since leaving Scientology.
Hi mikefixac, Good to meet you.Your post is on point and yes I would love to see the faces of some still ins as they contemplate Mike’s life going down hill! Better keep those TRs in team! Always Ann.
Free entry with a valid IAS card ?
Haven’t they got photo ID only yet? Or perhaps DNA testing, they must be shit scared of who might walk in on them these days.
Opps, wrong event – I was meaning a scio event with my comment. I’m adversely affected in many ways…
I do wonder how many scio’s will be sent there incognito though.
“Scientologists want to see how Mike’s life has gone downhill since leaving scientology.” Mikefixac, my band put on a 4 hour show last night and I’m just now crawling out of my bed at 11am. Waking up to your comment just made my day!
Mike’s life since leaving the cult has been bad and sad. He has a wonderful wife and two (?) great kids. He has a beautiful home. He respected around the world. He’ll never be in the Hole (which continues to not exist) again. The dwarf prick will never lay another hand on him. HE HAS A NORMAL LIFE! He can go to movies like the rest of us. He can go to restaurants. Truly a sad and pathetic life…..
And he wouldn’t give it up for anything.
I remember hearing SO people say if you ever leave scientology, you’ll die within 6 months. Or come back in a disabled body. So, Mike? Aren’t you ashamed of leaving now? Or…are you laughing your ass off right now!
Hi OSD, Love your post.Yes I remember that disabled body bit too,and the die within six months.Well as you know I say I would be dead if I had stayed in six months longer than I did when I left and my body may have cancers roaming around but I’m far from disabled yet!I’m sure Mike is so happy he blew also although my heart breaks for his family especially kids even grown still in.Off topic but your life sounds so amazing your Mom what kind of modeling did she do and did she work in Hollyweird? My pet name for it.My Mom would get up and decide to go paint in the fields never mind she had 4 kids at home with me being far the oldest at 8 at the time.My Dad had such a high powered career he was traveling for the financial industry world wide,so his solution was English nannies as Mom would just take off.That is why I have British phrases at times in my posts,I was much closer to the nannies than my Mom.Love,Ann.
Great news, Mike! And thank you for going to answer questions afterwards. You’ll be great. Wish I could be there.
And THANK YOU also to Sara Goldberg for going there too to field questions. You’re doing a great thing and have already done a great thing by being in the documentary!
Cindy, we ALL wish we could be there! I hope the Q & A is filmed.
Foot bullet indeed… Very fucking cool. Mr. Deeson brings incredible credentials. Mike and Sara, please tell us about the q&a will be recorded and shown,
Mike , here is idea : maybe put a link for Pay-View … because there must be lurkers that are on “ready to escape/blow” drill, and are afraid to go and watch movie in theater….. afraid of googling – but reading your blog…. give them A link….. tnx.
big hello from LRHs Bulgravia.
Excellent idea…and Mike, it would be wonderful if you could upload the Q and A to Youtube. Thanks
Hey koki, Bulgravia’s not too bad. Of course it’s a figment of his wild imagination, but, I still live there.
Yupiii…these are great news!
Love it!!!!!!!!
Standing Ovation for Mike and Sara.
Great news! Although Regraded Being pointed out yesterday, that the movie theater is in the middle of nowhere where no one lives–bwahahahahaha–I know that there will be a great turnout. See you there!
Wow. I wish I could be there. I’m sure there will be some great audience interaction.
Thank you, and the wonderful Sara Goldberg for doing this, Mike. I hope it will be recorded for the larger
ex-Scientology community.
Perfect, ,Mike. Put the poor miscavige in the same position as elrong décades ago, I mean, stealing victims money to buy some ranch or island in the carribeans, that could help to stop some of his very rich victims to buy new “ideal morgues”.
When a lie is repeated often enough…it takes on the guise of truth. I believed a lot of stuff during my 10 year stint…I wanted to…then I HAD to. I’m supposing It was something in me that desperately needed acceptance that lured and held me. When I finally woke up to the culture of fear, punishment and back-biting around me, about 5 years into my sentence, it then became apparent that I had to leave. It took another 5 years for me to work out the manner and get the spine to escape (I’m a slow learner). The ‘church’ makes trusting (gullible?) people into degraded beings and therefore is able to control them. It’s absolutely masterful at it. In the end, families are destroyed, and the staff zombies filled with enforced hatred of anything other than ‘do what LRH says’. I believe they’ll be playing the same destructive game until there’s no one left. They’ll die in defense of a lie.
Mark Twain said “It’s easier to fool someone than to convince them they’ve been fooled” I know, me too
Hi Rheva Bittelman Acevedo, I am most pleased to meet you. Your post was so telling and true and I felt for you reading it which I did more than once.As each link on the chain joins,like the posts on Mike’s Blog,even though we may fuss at each other or not totally understand another viewpoint the chain gets stronger and stronger! May it one day bind the cult and it’s COB. Thank you for giving me your story.Love and admiration,Ann.
Hi Rheva, I think you speak for all of us!
…and me.
I can sure relate to what you wrote, Rheva.
If there were such a thing as whole track psych technology used to control people and destroy their individual common sense and critical thinking ability, it would be Hubbard who brought it to Earth — Hubbard, a wolf in sheep’s clothing.
But Hubbard was just a man, deeply flawed and mentally ill, who nonetheless, through charisma and a savvy knack for manipulative psychology, “got us.”
Glad you made it out, Rheva.
Hi Rheva — nice to see you here! It’s been a LOOOONG time….
Welcome to the sunshine, Rheva! So glad you escaped. Your post was very powerful. “They’ll die in defense of a lie.” That powerfully sums it up and is a sad commentary. By the way, are you marred or do yu know Bob Acevedo? Is he out too? He was a great SO Course Sup! And a great person. He married me and my ex.
So glad you’re out, Rheva! Nice post.
Hi Rheva. We don’t know each other but I loved your comment. I’m a slow learner too..
“The ‘church’ makes trusting (gullible?) people into degraded beings and therefore is able to control them.” I’ve had plenty share of that and so happy to be away from them and to educate others.
This is very exciting. Seeing the film in a theatre with a big screen is a more interesting experience than at home on HBO. Hope many can make it out to the showing. Looking forward to meeting whoever can make it.
Prepare yourself dreamrealty…..the big screen experience also includes a big screen shot of LRH’s mouth full of rotten teeth
Not very cause over the toothbrush
Hi Mike,How I wish I could wing my way to the showing of “Going Clear”… I will be there in spiritThe Q&A is spot on and so glad the moderator is who he is.Great! Perhaps the Q&’A might be filmed? Anyway I send you love and send all working so hard with this love and light as well.Much applause to everyone! Always, Ann.
Enjoy the evening! Hopefully COB will order some suckers, I mean some OTs to the theater to engage in some ‘confront and shatter’. Then the real fun will begin!
I don’t know that COB could chance sending the OTs to the movie though…… they might learn something
Hi Chee Chalker, I have not had my coffee yet so read the suckers part stopped to check the brew and had a picture of assorted lollies! OTs are much better! Love you love your post.XXOO,Ann.
Ann, you’re also so kind and welcoming to everyone…..I feel like I know you in person!
Hi Chee Chalker, I feel like I know you in person too.Would that we all here could have an enormous gathering somewhere when the curtain falls on the cult’s incarnation with David Miscavige,Oh the laughing, tearing up and hugging I would give you all.Love Always,Ann.
If some OTs go and cognite during the movie, can they get a protective escort? And maybe do a Jeff Walker and have the police accompany them back to the base to pick up their stuff?
Glad evil will not triumph because good people did not remain silent.
Here’s to overflow crowds and the Q&A going long and making headlines.
“Here’s to overflow crowds and the Q & A going long and making headlines.” ALL OVER THE WORLD.
Wonderful! Wish I could come! (Do you know if the Q&A will be filmed?)
I agree with Marylou, Mike. The Q&A should be filmed. I’ll even volunteer to do it!
Yay!! xxx
Great way to turn their footbullet into a footgrenade. Thanks to you and Sara for doing this!!!
Thank you for doing this Mike, it’s amazing to me how the Co$ doesn’t learn from its PR mistakes.
Perhaps this is because COB “doesn’t make mistakes”. His perfect plans are executed by “sp’s counter intention to command intention.”
Hi Cre8tivewmn, Hear,hear a wonderful post! Thank you.Love,Ann.
Right. And COB “duplicated” Hubbard in always being perfect. Religions that have a foundational belief in the perfection of their master’s revelations tend to be unable to evolve. Such rigidity is a sign of a system unable to evolve — a system built to fail. Unfortunately, such totalitarian, supremacist systems can inflict a lot of pain, suffering, and even death during their preening strut across the stage of history.
Hi FOTF2012, I loved your post! My am coffee got a turbo jolt too! Thank you so much.Love,Ann.
Yeah, some kind of Leader, this guy.
What is that saying, that identifies a person unable to learn from his own mistakes…
Goes like:
Doing the same thing over and over expecting different results is _______ .
Now everybody wants to see the film, just to see what the fuss is about,
Thanks again, Dave.
What’s great is that the film actually dipicts the church doing this very sort of thing, attacking the critics and suppressing the media, making enemies out of everyone, mass litigation, etc. – Now I have to go watch it again.
Dave has a 9th grade education.
Slapped his PC on auditor internship was removed,never finished.
Hi Jose Chung, Thank you for your post.When I wrote David Miscavige years ago from Asho F the one letter I got back,I still remember was not the best spelling for his age. Now I know why.And now I also wonder how many misunderstood words he carries from all his fixing up of Ron’s tech.Always like your posts.Ann.