Apparently he is already an “Ideal Org Staff”, though Port Elizabeth, after 20 YEARS of trying, is not close to even purchasing a building in order to be “ideal.”
Once again, it is clear that this has simply become a catch-phrase in scientology. And these poor people say it as if it means something. “Going ideal” is as empty a concept as “Clearing the Planet.” It means absolutely nothing.
How do we know?
After 20 years, there is a long list of “ideal” orgs and nothing has changed in the world. During this time, scientology has shrunk. It is a fraction of the size it was in the 80’s. They haven’t opened a NEW org in forever. There are a LOT less Missions. Scientology is truly disappearing up its own asshole, but still the cry goes out “Let’s make an ideal _______ (city, state, country, continent)” as if it means anything at all. There are many “ideal countries” (their definition is all the existing orgs in a city, state, country etc have new buildings) without it causing a blip on the radar. Remember when ALL of Florida “went ideal” and all of “Southern California” and then “all of California”? And these are the two strongholds of scientology in the world. Nobody even noticed. Drive past San Diego “ideal” org or Stevens Creek or Orlando. They are literally deserted. And that’s not to mention the REALLY empty places, like Perth or Malmo or Basel or Frankfurt….
But they are going to keep the fundraising train rolling, even though they know it’s heading off a broken bridge. Why? Because it’s “command intention” and they’ve been TOLD this is a successful program despite the evidence that is before the eyes of every single scientologist on earth. They believe.
It’s sad.
I live in South africa…. and literally no one knows about scientology except if they say “oh thats that show on tv with leah remini, right? And that other guy?”
I live in Canada, and we have a very small portion of our population are Scientologists (around 2500 out of our 37.5 million population). We have an Ideal Org in Guelph, ON (which was formally in Cambridge/Toronto, ON). I noticed there is absolutely no identifying signage there, or at the local “chapter” of Scientology in my province (NS). What is the reason for a complete void of visible signage at the locations in Canada? In Canada, Scientology is not a federally recognized religion, and I’m not entirely sure they’ve ever lobbied for that in any real way – is this why they are doing Scientology on the down-low here? Wouldn’t they want to increase their numbers here?
The ideal org is in Cambridge. They have a large sign out front. The location in Guelph is a liaison office of some kind.
I know this post is somewhat O/T. But I just read something very intriguing on Tony Ortega’s blog and I feel a need to bring it up here in this forum.
Tony discussed the legal machinations going on between Danny Maserscam and the women who claim he raped them and Tony wrote, “(Judge) Kleifield made the rather stunning decision that Masterson himself could take part in the arbitration if he wanted to.”
I cannot imagine what he would do in the way of participation. Would he stick his thumbs in his ears and squeal at the ladies like a child would do while singing that old rhyme, “Nyah Nyah Nyah Nyah Nyah”? Would he expect that would cause the ladies to cry and maybe run away from the court ensuring his victory of a kind?
Honestly. I can’t for the life of me imagine what he could do that could possibly be qualified as “participation” except maybe engage the ladies like a child would do on a kindergarten playground. How else could he participate with these victims? It just makes absolutely no sense to me.
Seriously, I would really love to know what people think he might possibly try to do in this court proceeding that could be considered as his “participation”. Everytime I think on this, I just draw a blank.
However, one of the ladies participating is named Bobette Riales. Surely no one here could have imagined I would not have something to say about her. Is it possible that she has some relation to Lorena Bobbit? Is it possible she may decide to participate in a manner similar to the way Lorena participated with her ex-husband?
Is there any way we can watch these proceedings live? Can we stream them somehow?
I hope you all realize that I’m just trying to add some humor to this otherwise bleak story. I sure do hope some of you might get a laugh out of this post.
I totally remember those programs. Ugh. Another program…again???!!! Ugh. The pressure goes on the staff to recruit, to get money, to get more money, and yet… nothing changes. Staff still don’t get paid, we worked longer hours, had less sleep, and eventually received another “mission: screaming at you that you are worthless and don’t work hard enough for all they give you…ugh. But hey…if scn isn’t fun it isn’t scn right? That’s what “they” say.
Do you mind my asking, do Sea Org members all live communally? Do they have their own residences? I would think not, since they get $50 per week. Do executives live communally?
Except for Dave!
Hello, yes Sea Org members live communally. Unless married you share a room with other people of the same sex. You are not allowed to ever enter the room of someone of the opposite sex (unless you are married to that person).
You eat in the canteen at the same time and with everyone else. You have attendance roll-calls three times a day including the week-ends. Saturday morning though is for cleaning your berthing area, if you are lucky and have passed the inspection, you can get a couple of hours free.
In Copenhagen, the management organisation had renovations on Sunday from 09 to 17.00…
This applies for everyone except Dave…
Does this answer your question?
Qanon’s failed predictions appear to me similar to the alluring ideals and failed promises of Scientology’s ‘ideal’ campaigns. Both involve elements such as magical thinking, prophesizing of a transformed future, and ignoring or rationalizing of unmet promises and expectations, with the outcome that remaining true believers continue on with what appears increasingly detached from reality and ridiculous from the outside.
Someone on Tony Ortega’s blog made a VERY interesting point – DM has to keep the Ideal Orgs program open as that’s all he knows: it’s the only original idea he’s ever had. He can’t kill it, or even just let it quietly fade away, as in his eyes, that would mean he’d failed at running Scientology; therefore, we have all these tinpot little orgs and missions ‘going Ideal’, all to keep his ego afloat. Astonishing, really.
The Basics repackaging of books and lectures were another one of david miscavigeâs brilliant ideas.
It rejoins what LRH wrote somewhere: give a game to the people. If not, they will turn against you. He removed the Birthday game. The only way to remove the Ideal Orgs would be to replace it with something just as meaningless…
This is the perfect way for him to amass a fortune. On people’s back…
O/T. The new book “Secrecy: Silence, Power, and Religion” by Hugh B. Urban has a chapter on Scientology:
“Chapter 6: The Third Wall of Fire
Scientology and the Study of Religious Secrecy in the Twenty-First Century”
“Secrecy: Silence, Power, and Religion” by Hugh B. Urban.
University of Chicago Press;
First edition January 5, 2021
264 pages
eTextbook â $30.00
Hardcover â $95.00
Paperback â $30.00
* * * * * BEGIN INTRODUCTION * * * * *
Product Description
The powers of political secrecy and social spectacle have been taken to surreal extremes recently. Witness the twin terrors of a president who refuses to disclose dealings with foreign powers while the private data of ordinary citizens is stolen and marketed in order to manipulate consumer preferences and voting outcomes. We have become accustomed to thinking about secrecy in political terms and personal privacy terms. In this bracing, new work, Hugh Urban wants us to focus these same powers of observation on the role of secrecy in religion.
With Secrecy, Urban investigates several revealing instances of the power of secrecy in religion, including nineteenth-century Scottish Rite Freemasonry, the sexual magic of a Russian-born Parisian mystic; the white supremacist BrĂźderSchweigen or âSilent Brotherhoodâ movement of the 1980s, the Five Percenters, and the Church of Scientology. An electrifying read, Secrecy is the culmination of decades of Urbanâs reflections on a vexed, ever-present subject.
About the Author
Hugh Urban is professor of religion and comparative studies at the Ohio State University. He is the author of several books, including Tantra: Sex, Secrecy, Politics, and Power in the Study of Religion, The Church of Scientology: A History of a New Religion, and Zorba the Buddha: Sex, Spirituality, and Capitalism in the Global Osho Movement.
* * * * * END INTRODUCTION * * * * *
Hugh is a great scholar and has insight into Scientology. I hope Tony Ortega reads the book and treats Hugh fairly this time.
The Ebook is too expensive.
I am going to buy the hard back. I will let you know.
I forgot to mention that all of those homes I listed for Little Leader should be really ideally ideal for him. After all, they are very spacious and so he would have plenty of room for all of his female prisoners.
He could lock them into all the bedrooms and torture them to his heart’s content.
He could even bring back Shelley and make her the “House Mother” who could be certain to keep all the other prisoners in line.
Above all else, no one in these houses are allowed to say a bad word against Little Dave. So, like all other members in the scam, they would have to make up their own secret code language so they could express their true feelings about him without anyone who might be listening ever catching on.
For example, the word “zunt” would really mean “runt”. This would be a way they could call him names and the fact these two words rhyme would help the prisoners remember what the code words mean.
You get the idea? Maybe you could help these prisoners by making up a complete code language so they could talk about the little slurp without any fear. BTW, “slurp” is the code word for “twerp”. See what I mean?
It would be perfectly legal, too, as long as he did not pay them. We know he won’t do that; he doesn’t pay anyone. Bring back Shelley and post her as Madam to his brothel and he would be all set.
No need to thank me, Dave. Just the next time you see your diving buddy “Captain” Napier if you could mention that I am still talking about him on-line almost 19 years after he told my wife that I was going to die and took me away from my doctor in a failed attempt to make himself right I would appreciate it. You still using that “Apollo” (brand name) BC? Shane and I worked on it in around 2000. If it needs any more work, give me a call. I can adjust it so that it is just perfect.
I think He needs a gender change operation.
Yo Dave,
Mize well get into valence good buddy!
If there was just one news item that I could somehow pipe into all their compounds for all their members to see, I think my first choice would be that story about Lorena Bobbit. Remember her? That would give Tiny Dave and his tiny member something to worry about.
Of course, someone would have to supply some tiny magnifying glasses to all the ladies who might decide to try and confront Dave about his dismal treatment of Shelley.
Come to think of it, maybe if that story and a magnifying glass could somehow be made available to Shelley, exciting developments could be the result. You think? (assuming of course that Shelley’s eyesight is good enough).
Here are some homes that I believe would make Ideal locations for the Dear Little Leader. Many of these homes are pink. I hope he likes pink.
Mike, I don’t think it’s sad at all!!! They are the ones ones who created this monster! So tough shit!!!!!
I am waiting for the Ideal Bankruptcy sale. It will be epic and change the course of Humanity. Plus I’ll get a crapload of galvanic skin detectors.
Checked it out and found that Port Elizabeth is the safest city in South Africa. If the story is anything like Flag in Clearwater, they will soon have homeless.
Yep, we cannot ignore the evidence that it truly doesn’t work.
Maybe Hubbard needs to come back. Wouldn’t THAT prove it all?
Well, I’m not holding my breath for that. I already know.
OBVIOUSLY the birthplace of the “Joberg” is filled with too many DB SPs for “Command Intention” to be carried out in a timely manner. Too many CICSs.
OR Davey-Boy⢠is running yet another one of his scams, the only result of which is the massive increase of funds in bank accounts only he can control..
I never got a Joberg (security check). On a question like, “Do you have any doubts about L. Ron Hubbard?” I probably could have skated by. If he said he once drove an atomic powered race car my attitude might have been, “Who knows – maybe.”
(Thank you – Your needle is floating”) haha
NAILED IT, Mr. Mike.