I was out for a drive last night and passed through downtown Clearwater.
Three things of interest.
1. I happened to be there at 7:45 and there were a few people in front of the Ft Harrison and a couple of cars, but not many. And a few walking from the Parking Structure down by where the tent used to be (it was packed up for the 74,319 yard journey back to the UK in 612.3 shipping boxes weighing it at the equivalent of 73.8 fully grown Indian elephants). But certainly not the big influx of people for “Flag Graduation” one would expect at the Mecca of GAG. Perhaps Voldemort has given up on Graduation now that he doesn’t have anything to pre-sell.
2. The Coachman is being fumigated and is entirely covered in a yellow and white tent (maybe they had leftover stuff from the Grand Marquis Event Superdome and Voldemort decided he missed it so he had them drape it over the Coachman to remind of the “greatest moment in history” when he announced GAG II). Actually, its being done by Haskell pest and termite control. Must have had some serious issues in there. Of course its empty now as everything is in the Cathedral/Mecca/SP building. But really, is this up to Sea Org standards of cleanliness to have to fumigate the entire building for infestations?
3. A new sign for “Extras” on the pole outside the Cathedral/Mecca/SP building. Taking bets on what this is about:
a) Shooting a new video of GAG “successes” using actors?
b) Shooting a video to show the success of the new building and need it to look full and there aren’t enough people to do it?
c) There is a new sandwich shop opened called “Extras” that got permission from the church to put their sign on their lamppost in front of the C/M/SP building?
d) Some other explanation…
I did follow the arrow and it lead to the parking lot behind the Peace Memorial Church with a sign “Extras Parking.”
Mike, please keep up your posts–whatever they are about. Driving through beautiful downtown Clearwater, flying over CW, even what the heck they serve in the Lemon Tree or the latest and greatest stupid little restaurant…..there are a lot of us who aren’t through the crabby “look what idiots they are” stage and who want to vent. We want to make SURE a lot of on-lookers get what’s going on. From the Tech alterations to the extras signs and everything in between. You are right on, my friend. Please make sure the hits just keep on comin’.
And also thanks for the coverage of the events and room to post about the Texas court procedings.
Mike regarding tent move great parody of Mistatistics phobia
Dolphin Tale 2 is filming in Clearwater still. That’s most likely what the extra’s sign is for. It’s worth noting that the Church will most likely NEVER use a Scientologist in a tech film again to avoid doing re-shoots. The Orientation film was just re-released. I doubt they would be shooting any tech films in CW. I doubt they’d be shooting any long-term-use videos in CW. And for any short-term use promo videos why bother using extras? Just my thoughts.
Hey Guys, lighten up on the extras sign. Let’s not be too literal and serious. It’s called having a sense of humor.
Lighten up? Jeez, I was answering the post.
Don’t take offense, just read the earlier posts leading up. No matter which reply I hit, my comments always fall to the bottom on my computer.
The Extra sign posted in front of the SP building lends a touch of irony, which Mike was humorously referring to. He ended it with “taking bets” on what it could mean, mixing some past truths.
Another person, not you, was taking this far too seriously.
Have a great Monday and week.
When I reply to a comment it generally shoots to the bottom, sorry. I figured out it only does it on one of my computers, so maybe I need to update something.
(Reply to The Invisible Man says)
WHen I was at Flag I did this a number of times and it worked out for me- I would just start doing something and say it was my area/job etc. I was in one of the big courserooms and there were so many people cleaning in there that they started arguing over how to clean the blinds and whatnot. I looked out the window and noticed one of the walkways was vacant so I went and staked a claim to it. Then, since I had something like 30 minutes every day and an hour or more on friday night to clean it I really cleaned it. I buffed out the brass and made the whole thing spotless. The floor tiles were immaculate- not a speck of dust or a spot. I had been cleaning a car dealership as a moonlighting job before I arrived so I had some “tech”. It had a nice selection of things to clean- glass, brass, tile etc. It was my little zen rock garden. I can see cleaning carpet fibers, but it doesn sound like much fun. I sort of grabbed myself a bit of freedom and I would just clean my area to my own standards. The IC (D/CO for OOTs?) gave me props at muster and then wanted me to go around and debug the other areas of the building. WHen I went around I just found the problem to be people getting in each others way and arguing about cleaning blinds and stuff. Basically you dont need 500 people to clean a building. If you do have 500 people you have to organize them and assign hats. If you do that you can clean that building in five minutes.
Nice job Chris Mann. That’s the version of “make it go right” that I like to apply, aka getting lemons and making lemonade.
P.S. And to Mike, I bow to the master of tact and civility.
Please continue. You’re a model for us all.
Though I don’t know Kevin Tighe personally, and I’m sure his heart is in the right place, his pedantic and adversarial tone is starting to sound vaguely reminiscent of somebody else on this blog.
Photographs, for the most part, lack context. How many remember the infamous photo from the Vietnam War era of South Vietnam’s General Loan summarily executing what looks to be an informant in civilian clothes? I think we can all agree it is a horrific image. Now how about if I told you the man General Loan executed was Viet Cong Captain Bay Lipo, who had beheaded people, been caught in the act of gunning down policemen, and killed the family of one the General Loan’s friends. I don’t think that justifies General Loan’s action but it sure puts it in different context.
Last week I was out a local Thai restaurant with my wife. There was a group at another table having a wonderful time, lots of talking and laughing, etc. After a few minutes it became obvious they were Scientologists currently on lines at Flag. Were they brainwashed? Were they really unhappy but didn’t know it? Maybe one of them just won the lottery. Maybe they were relieved to be away from Flag for a few minutes. Who the fuck knows. It’s a sliver (snapshot) of time. There was almost no context.
IMHO very little in this life is black & white. It’s mostly shades of gray. Get some context before you jump to a conclusion.
There was plenty of context. Just additional omitted data. There have been numerous instances of hiring extras and actors for videos and events that have been well documented in the past. You had additional information that you contributed and that was appreciated and I acknowleded you.
To continue to lecture as if you are somehow so much smarter than everyone else doesnt serve you well.
Mike: Who gives a flying fuck whether the Church hires extras or has tents over the Coachmen? It’s boring bull-bait bullshit. Stick to the vital stuff. Please.
Well, I don’t know, I think there are people who are interested. The fact of hiring extras IS significant. Didnt happen to be the case here, but it has been in other instances. So too the state of the buildings in Clearwater. I didnt make this into a significant, earth shaking announcement. Merely a curiosity of “I happened to be driving through Clearwater.”
If it doesnt interest you, don’t read it. And certainly don’t waste your time commenting. You clearly have far more important things to do.
I hope that someday your daughter will reconnect with you because of the pressure that has been brought to bear on the RCS forcing it to change.
I am doing what I can to accomplish that.
And you?
Mike – The next time let me know a day in advance, and I’ll fly down to stand on the corner and wave, so at least there will be a person in the photo. The Co$ ideal seems to be all building, termites, no people. Lights, camera …STOP! I mean, really, it looks like the Langoliers hit the place. I think that’s very informative. – Carcha
Thank you Carcha.
K.Tighe – people are interested in hiring xtras and actors for films, pictures, etc. Because frankly, how long has this been going on. Stupid, naïve cool aid drinking me just found out about this, thanks to this blog, recently! So, yeah, thanks MIKE and the rest of you for your frank insight!
And Kevin if you don’t line what you’re reading, please stay out.
This will be my final comment on your blog.
I highly respect what you have done as a whistleblower which has had much value to many but I think the ongoing gotcha bullbait blogging is unworthy of intelligent conversation on the subject of Scientology. IMHO had there been an internet in the 1950s, 1960s, 1970s & early 1980s then you as a blogger could have easily written entries with the same or similar titles as some your recent entries:
“Hubbard Predicts the Future”
(In 1960 Ron said the world had ten years at best. There are many more examples of LRH predictions that never came close to happening)
“Straight Up & Vertical Not!”
(Ron said Boston was St Hill Size in 1976. Total bullshit. There are many more examples of claims of incredible expansion there were false)
“We Deliver What We Promise”
(Oh really. Show me one actual Clear per Book1. There are many more examples)
Here’s a new one that could have been from the 1960s:
“First Clear declared SP”
I think you get the idea.
Be well,
P.S. It’s comments like, “And Kevin if you don’t like what you’re reading, please stay out.” that just make me shudder. Deja Vu all over again.
Fare well Kevin.
I take it you think those post titles would have been appropriate for Hubbard but not today?
And had I been in this position then I would have been writing them just like that.
If you think that writing those sort of things is likely to bring about change in the current state of the organization then I disagree with you. It is a MUCH easier gradient to get people to look at the CURRENT scene and recognize the outpoints than to try to blame LRH.
Shudder away all you want. I simply observed that if you think what I am writing is irrelevant and a waste of time, its easy. Don’t read it. And don’t waste time commenting on it.
But I have enjoyed a lot of what you have written and will miss your comments.
Some day we will finally meet face to face.
Personally I like the plain, naked photos. They are what they are. It’s the quantity of all the small bits of data provided, that are adding pieces to the complex puzzle, that is the demise of corporate scn. Interpretation is and should be up to each individual to do for themselves.
Maybe the sign is supposed to say “Extra Parking”? And for whatever reason, an “s” was appended? You can’t count on anybody, let alone Scientologists, spelling or phrasing anything correctly any more. Our syntax is broken.
See? I didn’t spell “appended” right!
Alternate route to planet two for the Kool-Aid crowd.
Chris Mann,
“throwing a frisbee around on your lunch break, etc. Security would stop you. You would seen insane.” That made me laugh, because honestly, it’s so true! Security guards spy on the public at Flag. I know this because I caught one red-handed in my room going through my personal effects during the middle of the day. Bizarre, since I have no drug, psych or criminal history and did nothing to warrant such an action. Maybe he was just curious or interested in some weird way, or he was ordered to do it. I don’t know the inner workings of Security there.
Regarding the Coachman, perhaps the tented building is to cover up the lack of bodies coming and staying at Flag these days. More people will be grouped closer together, so it gives the appearance of a fuller Base. Public will never think of this, as tenting for fumigation is not uncommon afterall. It might get a little weird when the tent covers the Coachman for an inordinate period of time though.
Naw, noting like all that. The Coachman is where OT IX is being piloted.
Seriously though. I just realized that DM IS going to have to hide in Bulgravia once the upper level zombies realize that they were fleeced via Bridge retreads because Davie refused to tell the truth about the OT levels. Jensen and the like still have enough money to hire some competent hit men.
Very true. Not sure how many times the VIIIs will need to return to the ship for their set ups for IX and X. They have already processed the cream of the crop once but of course more sec checks will no doubt continue to produce ‘stellar’ gains.
Yo Dave,
How about a special sec check rundown to address the whole track as a ploy for the OT Levels that do not exist? That might entice the sheeple to join you for a glass of the Kool Aide on the promenade deck!
I think Davie will release OT IX and X, but they aren’t real OT IX and X. They are the other parts of OT VIII that he has been withholding for years. The OT VIII that is being done now on the Ship is the last step only of OT VIII and the first two steps are not done. So the first two steps of OT VIII done out of order is what will pass for IX and X. That is IF he has enough VII’s left to sell it to. I doubt there will be enough to sell to by that time.
Its amazing what you can see if you look.
Reading all your comments is real fun!!!
except when you use abreviations (“OMG” is Oh my god? or Organisms modified genetically?) hahaha… fits for fantoms…
Thank you Mike for letting know the situation; in France we have no idea of what is going on in Flag, except the “forced” haleluiahs from the squeezed OTVII cleaned from any fantomatic O/W.
Have a nice sunday !!!!
A little off topic here.., just wanted to personally thank you Mike for keeping those text messages after all these years. Regardless of some may believe, I think you and Marty probably do the most to bring about effective change and to stop the abuses. If you are reading this Mike, I say god bless you for all that you do!
Looking at the Pictures I feel sadness.
One of many things I disliked about Flag was that you weren’t free to walk around or god forbid stand and chat for a few minutes and get some space.
It s should be a friendly, inviting space like a university campus or similar where there is some freedom and and open environment – throwing a Frisbee around on your lunch break etc. Can you imagine? A security guard would come and stop you. You would get “written up”. You would seem insane.
….Or, they are shooting Dolphin Tale 2 and have been for the past three months.
That’s correct. With the opening of The Capitol Theatre and the new aquarium moving forward, downtown Clearwater no longer revolves around the goings on in Scientology. I highly recommend the same to one and all.
They’re doing the debug checklist.
d)…they are hiring extras to reduce the deafening echo that the last few public are complaining about?
Before a property can qualify for a mortgage, it has to be termite inspected. If that property fails the inspection, it has to be fumigated. Maybe there’s a potential buyer, or they are getting ready to list it. Or perhaps they are putting the Coachman Bldg. up as a possibility for swapping purposes with the City. Or maybe they just need to get rid of the termites, roaches are killed as collateral benefit.
Or maybe one of Cruise’s family walked inside, and said they saw a cockroach.
As soon as Federal Agents seize the Church’s assets, the city will be able to purchase whatever it wants as it goes on the auction block.
Extras: Dolphin Tale sequel filming.
Thanks for the info Kevin. Most likely explanation of all….
The signs point to where extras for the Dolphin Tale sequel can park their cars during filming. It was the same on SP building opening day.
I’ll go out on a limb here.
I say Dave is getting really anxious about the defections and has decided the handle for the situation needs an effective Dead Agent pack to show the folks still bellied up to the kool aide bar he means business.
So he has a bunch of extras inside the fumigation tent showing how a real man handles full blown SPs.
OK …… thats pretty far out there but wanted to let you know Davey that this is not a simple ‘situation’ you are dealing with here. It is a predicament. Situations have solutions. Predicaments only have outcomes. Your outcome is known and your days as leader of the fastest growing cult on the planet are numbered. And so are the days of the cult. The only unknown at this time is the exact number of days you have left. Cheers good buddy.
Wow! Straight up and vertical for pest infestations!!
Cause over matter, energy, space and time.*
*termites excluded
Lets I opened the biggest Walmart in Florida.
Huge Grand opening.
Two weeks later have the place bagged to kill roaches
It’s insane,worst possible management
Its not the Cathedral that is bagged. Its the Coachman building down the street that was emptied when everything moved into the Mecca/SP building.
If the Coachman does have termites, it’s Interesting that they would move everything out before fumigating. If the items were infested, they are just transporting the problem to another building.
Unfortunately from personal experience, we left all furniture in the house to make sure any pesky termites were killed. We were going to sell a pool table, and made sure it was fumigated before selling it, so as not to possibly introduce the little critters into someone else’s home.
Dear Mike,
Sorry about that ,Big Buildings in giant bags all look the same .
Its a sign for where they are going to dump the 10,000 “extra” meters that no one wants?
They have a lot of left over GAG 2 certs and this is where the “extras” go?
As they are now dealing with human trafficking and have too many hungarian, russian or chinese recruits and so they are putting the EXTRAS there…
Its certainly not for an influx of Scientolgists going up the bridge thats for sure
That tent? Oh, that is for the new GATIII rundown where all the OT VIIIs get together and run out the Building Thetans.
What I am sure about is that this is the most important cockroach-killing campaign in the entire whole track history of this plus any other earlier Universe.
Check with some realtors to see if the place is in escrow. Liquidating some real estate to add to the legal and extras slush funds.
Wow, the decline seems to be accelerating. Could it be that this is the year we see the church majorly collapse?
I’ll bet they just love you cruising around their Mecca at night. Please be safe. Bring a bodyguard or at least a witness with you on your adventures. Central park might be safer these days,
It’s OK, I have Jack with me….
RTC has its own pest control company…
🙂 specializing in the eradication of squirrels and other pesky critters….
But only if those critters have the temerity to project their psychotic desire to persecute and harrass others upon His Holiness–as if He would deign to stoop to such pedestrian and base behaviour……
Perhaps the marching semi colons made their way back and fumigation was necessary
1. Flag building is being smoked out for cockroaches.
2. DM has left Flag.
I saw someone standing inside the Super Power Building!!!! Wow!!! It’s really open!!!!!!!!!! And the lights are on!!!!!! A Clear Planet is just across the street!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh, I think I’m going to die from the overwhelming win over the evil psyches!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
“Ghost Town Tours of Clearwater Scientology. Ladies and gents, Scientology was once a thriving and beneficent religious philosophy … until something very mysterious occurred right here at what was touted as the spiritual mecca of the western world. And some say it still is … populated by ghosts! The original Scientologists rebelled against the church, and some say, cursed it for corrupting their religion. The church declared them to be evil, and refused to acknowledge them. They became known as The Order of Bitter Defrocked Apostates.
“There remained within the church, it is claimed, an astounding 12,000,000 followers whose wills were twisted off course..In one of the greatest mysteries since the Roanoke Colony disappearances, over 12,000,000 people vanished into this very building and were never seen again! Speculation is that a door was opened to a spirit world via an oiliness table and a gravitron in a sacred ritual, commanded by Black Heart Leader. The ritual was unsanctified, and it all went horribly, horribly, wrong, stranding 12,000,000 souls between worlds, trapped in a bubble which they are as yet unable to break free of, condemned to haunt the hallways, wailing woefully in the wafting winds of wonder-wander … OMG! I’m channeling one of them … the ghost of Sherman!! … We’re going to take you into the black heart of the building, up on the fifth floor where a totem stands in the middle of a modern-day Stonehenge circle. It is believed these souls still gather there every Thursday night at two in the morning to worship, whirling about the totem in disembodied form at breakneck speed in a donut ectoplasm of ecstatic ebullience eternally unenturbulatable ever expanding … OMG! it’s happening again!! Begone Sherman! … they’re trying to gain The Super Power, and free themselves. So put on your shades, and get a grip on your souls, because we are going up to see them! Be sure to check your valuables at the door because these souls are prone to pickpocket.”
My dog is looking at me funny, and backing slowly away, making noises. Maybe I’d better stop. I don’t think anybody really believes this. Another empty building. Yay.
Fumigating the Coachman? That’s very odd. Do you think they are filming something in there?
When I was in the OOT program at Flag we cleaned every inch of the Coachman within an inch of its life. There were hundreds of us and we cleaned daily and did a big white glove on friday. It was the cleanest place on earth. It was like one person per five square feet with like six hours a week to clean it.
Also, there was no food there that would attract bugs, the area around it is paved and I believe the building is concrete. I’m trying to imagine why it would need fumigation like that.
Also, when they needed “extras” Gold just herded up trainees. Why would they use extras?
I remember that too. It was totally insane. It got to the point of cleaning the fucking carpet fibers with a fine toothpick size brush and a bottle of bleach.
Glad to know they are fumigating that building. In the late 80’s I was doing an all nighter and spotted an animal running loose in the building. It looked very pesky and I called 911. A staffer from the Church picked up the phone! What a shock to realize I could not reach the police department dialing 911!
Anyway, it was someone from security and he hustled right over. I showed him the closet the animal had run into and he opened the door and it was sitting right there. It had wings and a shell and long antennae.
Little beady eyes. The size of a mouse. Looked oddly like a giant cock roach. But it was some kind of other animal native to the area. Not even the kind of thing you could squash without making a mess on the floor and walls.
He ushered it out.
A + B. Why let good money go to waste? Alternatively, the person who was supposed to take down the sign was RPF’d before the SP event was over and their replacement hasn’t arrived yet.
I vote for “a” and “b” on the extras. Hiring extras to make things look fuller than they are is, in Scn terms, alter-isness — a lie. And this from the most ethical group on the planet!
Of course, inside the bubble, a lie is okay if it promotes the greatest good for the greatest number of dynamics. And since Scientology is the greatest good for the greatest number of dynamics, it cannot tell a bad lie in service of protecting or promoting itself …
This looks very fishy to me.
I mean for the most important event on the whole track it’s the cockroaches
are getting handled and still no public people ?. Only exception is the Movie extras who pretend
to be Scientology public people have their own sandwich shop.?
Call me a funky old timer but has David Miscavige given the Whole Track a BAD NAME ?
Bitter Defrocked Apostate who is unemployed and lives in front of a computer
It would fit Miscavige’s pattern of action for him to compute that the only way to help a cockroach is through forced exteriorization.
“Call me a funky old timer but has David Miscavige given the Whole Track a BAD NAME ?”
Short answer: yes.
As a brand, Scientology is by now pariha.
They’re just a shade above Jonestown…and falling fast.
….and the only difference is not enough people have died yet. WAKE UP you Scn robots! Get the heck outta there any way you can.
He’s not only given the WT a bad name, he’s given Dios mio a bad name.
What’s wrong with living in front of a computer? It’s cold out there! =)
Regarding the “extras”…We know they use extras because Scientologists make poor film actors since they leave and get critical and then films have to be redone at great expense. So, does this mean that a person who acts in a Scientology film is never allowed to become a Scientologist? It would have to, wouldn’t it?
So just for argument’s sake, let’s say Scientology really is the answer for every human being and that without it, the individual is doomed (which is what the scriptures say). Well then I guess they just decide to just doom some people this lifetime so they can promote Scientology so the church can make money.
Such a kind, caring and compassionate cult.
On my last (and final) trip to Flag I learned that members who had once before been in the Sea Org could not be included in “photo shoots” being done around the Base. I asked the reason and for a reference to policy and always get brushed off. Maybe this is another reason they have to hire extras.
Maybe DM is “Breaking Bad” and using the fumigation as a cover for the largest Meth Lab in the world.
Shouldn’t go there, but wouldn’t that be … rich! Miscavige manufacturing and dealing drugs to fund his cult, over-the-top lifestyle, and growing legal budget.
If only…
I just got my “29th Anniversary Commemorative Edition” of Impact Magazine… It has all the new “status” “achievements.” Basically the Whale Count.
Here’s the New Whale Count (I’ll spare you the “…status that is rightly revered for advancing us in great strides toward achieving our aims…” horse shit for each level) (except I couldn’t help myself on a couple of them):
Patrons Meritorious = 52 people
Silver Meritorious = 28
Silver Meritorious with Honors = 20
Gold Meribullshittus (“…a level of contribution that imparts a whole new meaning of the word ‘commitment…'” ) = 39
Gold Bullshittus with Honors = 11
Platinum Meritorious = 25
-with Honors = 16
Diamond Meritorious (…”a truly exalted plateau…” ) = 2
-with Honors = 5
Patron Laureate (this “brings us to what sets an IAS contribution above all other philanthropic acts on Earth…” = Craig and Sally Jenson
Platinum Meritorious with Honors (this is a new one, for “those who play the big table for exceedingly high stakes” = Sheila and Alan Atkinson-Baker.
I don’t know how much each of these stupid statuses costs, but they are a shitload more than the lousy $50K for a measly Patron.
Now this is probably a high count, since I generally included all the names including family, so maybe 2-4 people were on one donation level, but still, that’s a lot of goddamned money the Prophet of Scientology, He Who Must Not Be Named, Chairman of the Board Religious Technology Center Mr. David Miscavige is raking in for delivering absolutely nothing other than a few pins and gawd-awfully gauche trophies.
As long as He has idiots like these, He won’t need to be getting into the drug business. Shit, the Cartels probably wish they could make cash this easily. “Thanks for the quarter-million. Here’s your pin, trophy, and photo with COB.”
Oh, wait. None of the photos included COB. Hmmm, I wonder why that is?
What a racket.
As we are seeing with almost all orgs, there really are only the staff and a few kool-aid drinkers left. Now we see it at Flag. Extraordinary!
Perhaps they aren’t fumigating the Coachman. But instead filling the building with unrecognizable crowds. So they had to keep it on the down-low.
It’s amazing what they will do to full the few people left into thinking the ship is still sailing. They do have really nice deck chair arrangements.
Nah…it’s disguised and going to be the CW Hole. TONS of CW people to put in there—whoo-hoo! No windows, no escape. They haven’t even had a taste of it yet!
Breaking Bad TV Show reference for those who don’t know. I am joking! lol
M.Fisher – My first thought when seeing that building, are Mr. White and Jessie hiding out – too friggin funny!
Maybe DM is trying to corner the Meth market and he has Walter White and Jesse Pinkman and a team of RPFers cooking in the Coachman. The Termite Tent is a brilliant cover right?? 🙂
LOL. 😀
Cuz it’s blue, Bitch! I mean Captain Bitch!
The pest control tent is simply a symbolic metaphor intended to remind one and all that Our Holiness the Diminutive will NOT abide by no squirrels (not to mention palmetto bugs) !!
was going to suggest they were fumigating to rid themselves of squirrels, you beat me to the punch though. 🙂
The Co$ are squirrels and they have fleas
Hell, the Palmetto bug should be the Florida State Bird!