Now that the Garcia’s have forced the opening of the SP Building, they are moving on to new false promises of what will accomplish planetary clearing.
This time, it is the “LRH Hall.”
But note the admission about the “success” of the SP Building and the people “pouring in” from “all over the world” for GAG II …comparatively, this is still a trickle that will soon reach epic flood proportions.
You just have to wonder WHEN any of these future epic floods and planetary clearing juggernauts ever come to pass? Don’t these people notice?
And now The Next Big Thing is that you have to give us money for an “LRH Hall” because if there is ONE THING that will achieve planetary clearing, it is a state-of-the-art hall to gather Flag public in. For some reason the Shrine and Ruth Eckerd haven’t made it a reality. Clearly, the Shrine is just too old. Ruth Eckerd isn’t that old but the green room is just not up to ideal green room standards and there are no permanent ideal phallic backdrops which must be why it isn’t pulling the planet through. Can you imagine just how much better the pretended stats and expansion will look in our “own” ideal hall?
This is pure idiocy.
And it is presented with a totally straight face. Just like they kept telling everyone for years that it was their failure to give enough money that was preventing Super Power and Cause Resurgence from being released in order to clear the planet.
They are outdoing the old joke about peddling “waterfront” property (swampland) in Florida.
Anyone want to upgrade their status?
“This year we are celebrating the 30th Anniversary of the IAS!
The live event will be held either the first or second weekend of October, so please note both weekends on your calendar. The celebration begins on Friday, in the Grand Marquee on the grounds of Saint Hill. This is the night we review our accomplishments for the year and get briefed on the upcoming major strategic plans and actions to go forward in the coming year. It is also the event where we acknowledge the newest IAS Freedom Medal Winners.
On Saturday afternoon is the Global Salvage seminar and tours of Saint Hill Manor. In the evening is the spectacular IAS Anniversary Patrons Ball with awards presentations to all Patron statuses. There is truly nothing in this world that compares to the IAS Anniversary Patrons Ball. It is most the elegant awards presentation ceremony of all times.
On Sunday you can tour the London Ideal Org and also see the first Hubbard Communications Office on Fitzroy Street. That evening is the Annual Charity Concert where all the proceeds from the tickets sales are donated to local charity in keeping with an LRH tradition.
For assistance with upgrading your status in the IAS, travel arrangements and ticket prices you can contact me at [email protected]. I am looking forward to seeing you this year at Saint Hill for the 30th Anniversary of the IAS!”
Miriam Bright
Public Officer
Membership Office WUS
Well I think the “SP” building speaks for itself actually!
I feel very sorry for almost everyone mired in the mesh of lies and misdirection that is the Church of Scientology. But there must come a time when those still in go “what the fuck?”
Imagining that the future of humanity can be impacted by a building/museum is just IDIOCY. You are a fool if you think that is the case. Even if it were the case, how many buildings/halls/museums can you name off the top of your head that will put this LRH Hall to shame?
I can think of at least 50, from the Carnegie Hall, to the MET in New York, Sydney Opera House, Royal Albert Hall, the Bolshoi, La Scala, Covent Garden, St Peters, and the list goes on and on.
A building, by itself, has NO power. And NO influence. If it did, the world would still gravitate around the Pyramids – if you’ve never been, you won’t be able to appreciate their power, even today. But guess what, the world doesn’t look to the Pyramids for doingness, or havingness, or any other madeupwordiness. Or what about the Coliseum in Rome? – sure, it’s now a ruin, by it’s mind-blowing.
Compared to any of these – and at least 1000 more elsewhere – this new LRH Hall is NOTHING. It means nothing. And it will have no impact whatsoever, not even on those people living less than 5 miles away.
So when will any common sense prevail inside the bubble? When will those in realize that this whole thing is an intricate lie designed to enslave them and capture their money? And those whom the Church has manage to collar – intelligent and wealthy people – when will they sit up and notice and go, hey, what the fuck, not only have I been lied to and fooled, but this all amount to naught?
Doesn’t this sound familiar?
I don’t know how the Sea Org has the audacity to make the public provide the buildings for them to deliver service in. While making it illegal to marry one of them.
This anti marriage to people not on staff means ” We Are Not Together”. Provide a home for us we, yet, are not together. Buy us a home you can never sleep in.
When the truth is, we that fell upon this path for a moment, we belong together.
Excellent point Oracle! Not only do they not allow you to marry someone outside the SO, but you can’t even interact with Non-SO on your libs day (other than direct family). YOu can’t take a ride from a public, can’t go to parties with public, can’t interact with public. I asked WHY? I was told because the SO is superior to everyone else and that they are putting ethics in on the planet and as such they have to be 3 feet back of society’s head and not interacting with them because if they do, they become equal to and not above these public, so how will they then have Ethics Presence and altitude over them enough to Sec Check them? I kid you not, this is word for word was I was told by the HCO guy over the EPF. I then said, well if you can’t see any of your old friends, then who can you hang with on your libs days? He said the same people you work with in the SO. Yuck, I thought, that’s who I need a break from! And when I saw how SO treat each other, it is horrible. How they can be so nice and respectful of public and then scream obscenities at each other and slap and punch and treat other inhumanely, it just boggles the mind. And I have witnessed the screaming and denigrating of each other in the SO. So to be willing to take public’s money for the buildings and then turn them over to Davie, and yet not let the public who they took money from marry non SO, it’s insane.
When I was on staff at the base, the staff were calling the public “pool pigs”.
I guess Christian love was other practices.
OMG, “Pool Pigs”??? What do they mean? Like they hog up the pool or something? Even though I don’t know exactly what is meant by that term, I literally felt the superior and arrogant and critical attotide and mutual out ruds on public while they continue fleecing them! I used to hear staff call them, “professional pcs” but “pool pigs” is even worse.
“So you – yes, YOU, my friend – have a gift that you can give to the world.”
L. Ron Hubbard.
“A gift”. And, of course, everyone knows that he was talking about MONEY. That is what LRH intended to be every Scientologist’s “gift to the world”, right?
I mean, can it get any more fraudulent and sickening than this?
I haven’t checked to see if it is, but I saw someone wish you a Happy birthday Mike
If it is your birthday then I truly wish you a happy birthday, if not then when it is the time is right the sentiments will be the same
I was once a vociferous critic of yours (and marty’s), these days I delight more in seeing and understanding the process we are both going through, me as a never in … you as ….
You are doing a grand job shining a light. Not only on slappy and Co$ but also on all our personal blindspots (often by reflecting off that which we dislike in others).
Fundamentalism, no matter the subject or intensity is not conducive to personal growth
Wishing you many happy returns of the Day and the strength, courage and humour to carry on
I still applaud the Garcias for forcing the opening of the SP building. If Miscavige had it his way, the building would be in mothballs forever, constantly in need of fundraising while possibly paying pittance fines to the City of Clearwater. Thanks to him, the ridiculousness of the cult is apparent every single day:
We’re open to everyone!
Everyone who’s a Scientologist…
Every Scientologist with an ID card…
Every Scientologist with an ID card in good standing…
Every Scientologist with an ID card in good standing willing to surrender his/her smartphone.
As for this latest addition to the real estate portfolio, I remember reading that it’s not necessarily stupid people who get scammed, but the people who insist they are too smart to be scammed. Good scams don’t just try fooling you intellectually, but emotionally.
Forgive me for being rational and logical… but… if $cientology was doing as well as Davey Makemerich was claiming – you know, straight up and vertical, and millions of members going up the bridge, etc – then why wouldn’t $cientology be able to cover the cost of a ‘hall’ merely from the proceeds (you know, the compulsory donations) of auditing and other courses?
Some smart people are showing their idiocy here…
Whenever I see the pictures of families, especially with younger children, I cringe because they will be the disconnected and destroyed families of the future… Nothing’s going to stop those kids from “looking at the internet” as they grow older and have non-scn friends… Hopefully the church fully implodes before that.
To JP. Thank you for putting that so clearly.
Re: Worker Orientated: I was RPFed in 93 or 4 by a FB Finance Officer. Some lady in her 60s that could not see or hear very good – she had an assistant who ‘interpreted’. Well she came in Treasury one evening and after inspecting the paperwork (which I always kept in PT) she told me I was to figure out who was the most worker orientated crew member amongst the AOLA staff. She promised to return the next day and ‘I better have an answer’. We I thought and then re-read the PL about this and then thought some more. I was in a fog as to why in the world she wanted to know such a thing and wouldn’t it be better if one read the data files or something from a much more trained viewpoint then mine? Well she did come back the next day and when I did not have an answer she started checking into my accounting and claimed I was spending org admin supply cash on my kids videos and personal items. Without confronting me with the evidence (which at that point I would have asked her to notice the bottom of the receipts where the personal items were subtracted and the lesser figure was the amount accounted for. But no…) I was immediately whisked off to the PAC RPF as THE MOST WORKER ORENTED STAFF MEMBER AT AOLA.
Haha when I got off the RPF with a comm.-ev a few months later (my darling husband 8Ced the Comm-Ev getting done fast) the same exact exec called me over to the FB and asked me if I would take her post as her replacement. I just looked at her straight in the eye and said “What, me the most worker oriented staff member at AOLA!?” “No way!”. She had a good sense of humor – she laughed and I drove back to PAC in time for some of dinner.
Good sense of humor? Woman sounds like a fascist bitch to me.
+1 LOL!
As an outsider looking in ( I was never a scientologist, just an interested observer) it seems to me that the SP building will never be big enough and will always need donations to keep building extensions.
All the time that members are being excommunicated and declared SP’s won’t there be a need to keep expanding the SP building to house them in order to keep them away from the fewer and fewer Scientologists in good standing, or have I misunderstood in my thick wog limited view of the world what the SP building is for 🙂
P.S It does seem very generous of your C.o.B to buy and renovate a building to house opponents of the so called Church he runs, he must be a true humanitarian to do this.
One thing this list tells us is that despite the dead Orgs here, they are clearly doing better than the rest of the world. Half of those that donated were from the US and 90% of the big donors. If Scientology is growing globally then there would be a better balance.
Dirge for Dave to be sung to the tune of Londonderry Air.
Oh Davey boy, the psychs, the psychs are calling
From glen to glen, and down the mountain side
The summer’s gone, and all the roses falling
It’s you, it’s you must go somewhere to hide
But don’t come back when summer’s in the meadow
Or when the valley’s hushed and white with snow
It’s I’ll be here in sunshine or in shadow
Oh Davey boy, oh Davey boy, you ruined the show
But when ye rant, and all the flowers are dying
If you are dead, as dead you well may be
I’ll come and find the place where you are lying
And kneel and say you never cared for me
And you shall hear, though soft I tread above you
And all your crimes well known for all to see
For I will bend and whisper get some auditing
And I shall wait until you show humility.
That’s very good, MJ!
Now you’ve got me going, MJ:
Oh, Davey Boy, the Whales, the Whales are leaving –
Um – so far so good but its late. More later 🙂
Nice start Aquamarine. I thought of this: The stats are down, and all the orgs are falling It’s you, it’s you the blindest of the blind.
‘For I will bend and whisper get some auditing
And I shall wait until you show humility.’
…from your mouth to Her ear, MJ…
How sweet the sounds Aurora.
You´re a poet!
Thanks Birgit, you honor me.
Beautiful use of words. Copactic all the way,
Thanks Oracle. What’s copactic?
What a story! I held my breath reading it. This woman has real courage. Wow, Jillian!
Truly Jillian shows such courage and bravery. Just as Leah Remini’s story inspired her to leave, I hope Jillian’s story inspires others to leave too.
Another Building scam.
As my OT8 friend likes to tell me:
“All churches have eras.”
“We are in the Fundraising Era of our church.”
Hey Pep,
“Eras” are probably like those “phases” kids go through.
Ya know like boosting cars, running guns and selling drugs.
Instead of Fundraising lets be more precise.
Like the Extortion and Protection Racket Era.
Remote – you made me laugh today! Seriously.
Glad I could 🙂
That is funny… the era of fund raising. Hilarious.
I have an OT VII friend that, in 2005, was very, very convinced that “massive floods of people” would be coming to CW when the SP Building was complete (when enough funds were raised).
Maybe he will re-asses this prediction of “floods of people” and his own personal situation (he’s still on 6 months checks) and stop feeding the monster?
There is always hope. He is a good friend (we were both on the Apollo in 1972-73) and I hate to see him suffer like this.
Robert – yes there is always hope. This same friend of mine has undergone some pretty big personality changes since she did OT7 and OT8, including “Clear” a couple of times. I noticed the biggest change immediately when she came back from the Ship after 8. This was not for the good either. I am actually very concerned about her and believe she may actually have some form of early onset dementia (her Mom has it pretty bad) but don’t know how to approach this with her. She wouldn’t receive this from me well at all though and would try to handle it through more auditing at Flag. Medical issues being a whole different subject here…
I’ve heard and seen the cognitive dissonance time and time again – new and old timers alike. I HAD a very good friend who knows “things are off the rails” tell me that even the Catholic Church went through a reformation. Sigh.
Annabelle – Well, there was a period called The Reformation.
It was not within the Catholic Church itself and is also known as the “Schism” in western Christianity, where the Protestant faith arose as a separate religion from Catholicism. In a nutshell.
My point here is that I’ve noticed while being in Scn, there are many references made to the Catholic Church. Your friend gave an example of many I’ve heard. I find this to be a paradox of sorts. When it suits them, they make references of similarities, as if to make Scn more relevant in the world and comparable in scale to Catholicism. Which it simply is not in terms of parishioners anyway. The RCS is currently working hard on that real estate though, to catch up with the Catholic Church, which owns God knows how much.
The other side of the coin is that I’ve heard more than several Scientologists rail against Catholicism and Christianity in general, including Islam and Judaism too. The whole “God is a lie” etc, etc. I don’t need to go on.
Seems to me they want to have their cake and eat it too.
New Whales can be isolated and love-bombed, but that’s rare. GAT auditors and Sups are a pretty nasty bunch and even their ranks are declining. Too few wins for auditors and PCs and they just bail. Too few wins at the bottom of the Bridge is why the orgs are empty of people (potential Whales).
Advertising Whale’s contributions to try to get additional small donor contributions can fail badly, especially if the Church’s vast wealth is exposed. The small donors might give up trying to match status with Whales and also the Church’s wealth might make their $25K patron status look stupid.
I think this is a lot tougher sell. With Superpower, at least the “marks” got false hope. The hope of an opulent hall? Just doesn’t have the same snap. Logic would dictate that more faithful will come to the cog that the regging for huge projects is perpetual. Sometime soon the 12th monkey will prevail and a mass exodus will ensue. My postulate anyway.
When the Co$ loses it’s tax exempt status, GAT is going to stand for GOLDEN AGE OF TAXES! And like Jerrico, the walls will come tumblin down…..
Now that’s funny 🙂
To add to that there is probably a big fat promotion from CTCC Chairman to a full fledged Tax Crud and raise in Pay Grade for Revenoo Agent Dave.
You earned it bi……..lil’ guy.
Get a paira lifts while your at it 😉
Boy, *everybody* called this one. As soon as the “solution to planetary clearing” (the SP building) was opened, there would be yet another “solution to planetary clearing” announced. Sure enough, here it is.
And man, am I ever sick of the words planetary, expansion, and evolution. What a crock of steaming shit.
You can probably thank after-event surveys for that. Those were at some point found to be buttons. Its PR tech applied to Church public.
Me, too, Gus Cox. How we’ve been bamboozled over the decades. ‘Clearing the planet’ is another one I never want to hear again. It’s been about to happen for four or six decades and is a load of horse manure.
Why do they need a new hall to broadcast their events live around the world? Hasn’t the big bad unenlightened “wog world” been doing this sort of thing for a couple of decades now? Are we supposed to ooh and aah about this?
And as for broadcasting the events live…I don’t think so…the paranoid prick will never let an unedited event be broadcast. Why, some CICS cameraman might just catch the smirk on his face as the faithful applaud his latest epic, correct order of magnitude accomplishment! (What does that even mean?)
Silly wabbit. The game isn’t to send their message around the world. The game is to trap parishioners so they can’t escape in a venue where they can be drained of every cent they have.
The drainage can’t be accomplished through a TV screen.
“For some reason the Shrine and Ruth Eckerd haven’t made it a reality. Clearly, the Shrine is just too old. Ruth Eckerd isn’t that old but the green room is just not up to ideal green room standards and there are no permanent ideal phallic backdrops which must be why it isn’t pulling the planet through. Can you imagine just how much better the pretended stats and expansion will look in our “own” ideal hall? ” – PS Bring your own toilet paper – unlike the Shrine and Ruth Eckerd halls, the LRH Hall does not come with its own bogrolls!
What is most interesting to me is all of the names NOT on the list. The fact that they have to go to Italy to beg for money when the largest concentration of Scientologists in the world is in downtown L.A. is telling.
Beautifully put, Aquamarine.
It’s hard not to get the impression that these whales are extraterrestrial aliens who have hijacked Scientology.
In other words maybe Cappy Bill was right and the Marcabians actually did take over.
I mean the last few years I was in. I found it hard not to get the impression that many of the staff and public I knew had been replaced by pods straight out of Invasion of the Body Snatchers (a movie I highly recommend which in my opinion encapsulates the Church of Scientology today) and began asking myself:
“Who are these people?”
Especially after reading Bayback’s Bloviations about this glorious “Cathedral” and how this ostentatious edifice is going to somehow clear the planet somehow.
Maybe he figures that all these Earthlings will be in such “shock and awe” in other words *overwhelmed* with the “power and the glory” of these so called “Cathedrals” that they will be totally entranced.
Who knows?
Do I feel any sympathy for these whales who are in fact “contributing” to the destruction of the Church of Scientology?
Not really.
Since most of them have *contributed* to the soulless undead carcass the “Church of Scientology” is today by like Cruise and others like him demanding *extravagant* and opulent structures in order to impress the public.
Parading around like some overdressed zombie.
Also by suborning WISE and HCO to twist the Ethics and Justice Codes in their favor. They have placed them in the dominant position of the Church of Scientology food chain.
I’ve met some of these Patrons of Scientology and I can tell you that many of them make David Miscavige look like a choir boy in their avarice and thirst for power over others.
So sorry I can’t sympathize with how these people are being taken or “conned”.
What they are giving the Church is probably a fraction of one percent of their net worth.
I mean if they aren’t bribing what’s left of Scientology “Management” to do their bidding they are probably lobbying Congress to pervert the Constitution and the Law like Brian Zwann and Digital Light who didn’t let the 4th and 5th Amendment get in his way for making a buck or the Feshbach clan who seemed to be teflon coated as far as the SEC is concerned in regard to manipulating stock and insider trading.
The Church of Scientology has become nothing but a den of thieves.
The political situation and the different special interest groups here on Earth would be enough to complicate the situation. We do not need aliens to fuck it up. Maybe there are. Who knows. But how you define aliens? How long one has to be a resident here on Earth to be regarded as native, aborigine?
I’d say they’d have to leave on Earth for at least 5 years legally before getting their Earthling naturalization certificate 😉
Seriously though I tend to agree that we are quite capable of screwing things up on our own without any alien intervention.
According to Ron in the “Role of Earth” there are supposed to be alien bases in the Pyrenees.
If they do exist I doubt if they are any more than outposts of some kind.
Personally I doubt if any alien would be all that interested in us.
Again referring to what Ron said in the “Comm Cycle and Auditing” least of all the Marcabians.
Even if they were in my opinion they’d have enough proxies here on Earth to carry out thier alleged intentions (according to Robertson) that they wouldn’t need to intervene.
Take David Miscavige and his enablers which is very germane to this discussion since includes people like the Baybacks, the Cruises, the Jensens, the Feshbachs, the Zwanns et al.
It seems that they are capable of bringing down the Church all on their own without any overt help by the USG, Smersh or anybody else which pretty much goes what Ron says in the Freedom Mag article on Cultural Destruction:
Excellent LRH article – I really enjoyed it. I thank LRH for sharing his insight into the use of Intelligence tactics to accomplish political goals. I wish more would take the time to inform themselves about this sort of thing because when you know, you can now see it in action every day. The thrust he describes in this article is even more evident today than in 1969. A prime example is the New World Order tentacle – Agenda 21 – now in full swing.
“It’s hard not to get the impression that these whales are extraterrestrial aliens who have hijacked Scientology.”
Laugh out loud funny! I’m under a similar impression. I’m convinced the Marcabs have taken over the church. I’m convinced Ron was aware of the plot and I’ll find “secrets” in the 10 volume Mission Earth. And Meade Emory is probably a Marcab. too. And most of the IRS.
Meade’s was probably Fifth Invader 😉
Yeah ME was a fun read.
I think he had Davey down as Lumbar Hiist or something like that and Soltan Gris was probably OSA.
Especially in one scene in the series where Soltan is trying to be inconspicuous by blowing shit up and leaving a swath of destruction in his wake.
I think Soltan Gris is Davy. Davy has got a boss, I’m convinced of it. Jettero Heller is without a doubt Pat Broeker. Annie is probably hidden in there, too. Sarge is. He’s about 3 or 4 characters.
I’ve met so few people who have read those books. They so raunchy (and funny) the church will never re-issue them. I buy mine on Amazon Kindle for about 4 bucks each
Emory as 5th Invader fits in well with my world view.
It’s funny, Robert Vaugn Young edited those books and wrote some of material in them. I’m surprised they haven’t recalled them for the shredders
Disgusting, how they appropriate these pithy and poignant LRH quotes to apply to their off-policy money grubbing.
Here is a question upon which I frequently speculate: How many of these still-ins, both Whales and ordinary sheep alike, have actually in some wise actually become hip to the Ideal Morgue, Gag II and SuperPower scams, but are, for their own reasons, still going along with the program, still donating, outwardly agreeing how great it all is, etc.?
Well, “When in doubt, communicate”, as LRH said,and I’ve always agreed with that advice, so here’s some comm to anyone lurking here who happens to fit into this above category who are lurking here:
Hello Well done for lurking here. Any data you get here is for you to analyze and accept or reject. As you undoubtedly already know, any data you get ANYWHERE is for you to analyze as to its validity, and then accept or reject.
From my own experience, I’ll share with you that back in the day, for about a year and a half I still contributed financially to the Church of Scientology while at the same time in doubt about whether I should or not. I was doubtful but afraid of calling attention to myself while at the same time covertly gathering data from the internet. I decided I needed data and that I deserved data. I told no-one what I was doing. I just kept gathering data, gathering data. At the same time, I was on a Basics course, ostensibly fine with everything, but keeping my eyes and ears wide open, both in my own org and at events, spotting outpoints and pluspoints, mostly saying nothing, just observing and adding my own direct observations to what I read on various blogs. I read everything and correlated it to my own personal experiences with the tech, with admin and policy, and with the staff delivering it. This was a process for me. After a while, based on my data gathering and personal observations, I quietly withdrew my financial support and faded away. That was what I decided and how I did it. This process for me took several years.
That said, whatever you ultimately decide after conducting your own data gathering process in your own way is your own business. Its your life. I am simply applauding the willingness to look, the courage to query, and the ability to press thru one’s fear of bad things happening if one is caught doing so.. We each of us have the right to know. More importantly, we, each of us have the right to not-know! Lies fold up when they are looked at. Truth remains truth when it is viewed. That is all. Thank you.
Good job Aquamarine, nice post.
A long time ago I had a conversation with one of the Fund Raisers pictured above. I asked why the church was still regging for Super Power when they already closed enough donations to build it. The reply was – because it’s an income line. This Fund Raiser looked at me like – hey….we’re not going to stop a flow of money to the church. Well….that closed me. It closed me to never donate to that project or any other project the church was touting again.
Would you want others to have similar gains to yours?
War Horse, I’m never going to drink coffee while reading your comments again. This is the second time I spit it out laughing!!!
The promo pieces in the post made me very, very sad when I realized I was looking at LRH Hall donors and instead I could have been looking at every fully-interned Class VI made in the past year. Certainly those photographs represent enough MONEY for that many Class VIs to have been made.
“Donors” get lauded and promoted and memorialized. Class VIs don’t.
From what LRH said on the BC lectures, he intended Class VIs to be Clearing Auditors. If the “church” was making Clearing Auditors at the same rate it’s making “donation statuses” and Idle Orgs, then “clearing the planet” would be a reality. But no, Scientology gets what it concentrates on.
POT, I feel sad too whenever I think of what all this money could be doing to make auditors.
“I am really glad you are there. I am glad you are my friend”. L. Ron Hubbard.
Using what Hubbard wrote as a closing line in one of his 1950’s diatribes as an implied endorsement
for use in these ongoing scams is reprehensible obscene and at the same time very telling.
It reminds me of how Miscavige has cleverly extracted very moving music from his Gold Base musicians/slaves as a back drop to Hubbard’s statements pulled out of context from early lectures during events to massage and stir up people’s support and enthusiasm. It’s very very clever mental and emotional manipulation thats going on here. The cultural strait jacket fits snugly and once it’s on, the unsuspecting Scientologist is “worked” and milked much like a parasite slowly extracts blood from it’s host.
For your edification, and amusement (apologies to OTV!!!is great, he’s heard it before):
A claimed to be true quote:
“Hey Yogi:, Let’s go to that great restaurant.”
Yogi Berra: “Naw. Nobody goes there anymore. Its too crowded.”
Soon Miscavige will be using that same line to explain why, well you know….
I don’t want to harbor bad thoughts about these people. I really don’t. Like thinking less of them just because they have to squeeze into dresses sized Ultra-mega Plus. Or sport a fashion sense that would make Lady Gaga blush. It’s what’s inside that counts. And even if they seem more than vaguely reminiscent of Prussian aristocracy under the Third Reich, who am I to judge? Nobody’s perfect.
I need help.
😮 Yes, it is what’s inside that counts. I hope they all get to experience their true selves soon.
Gotta love how Richard Lowe makes it sound like coughing up money is the new L rundown. How deluded can you get? “I just burned all my money in the yard – I’m so blown out!!!”
So funny. :o)
L for loser.
What I can’t wrap my mind around, MJ, is this is just so very blatant, how can they not see? Hubbard even wrote a PL about NOT fundraising. Do they not know their own religion? OR, is their brainwashing that good? I wish I could attend FlagDown! I hope the people who do attend post on this blog.
Wish there were an easy answer Dude. I know in my case it took a long time to get the wool out of my eyes. I feel that the power comes from LRH, people have some great wins because of recognizing truth for themselves, then identify their gains with the church no matter how off the rails that organization becomes. It’s done using gradient scales until you have something like Black Dianetics.
Astute comment, MJ. It is done by gradients. How do you cook a frog? Start him boiling very slowly by gradients. That is what Dm has done to our tech and church.
And I find the dish quite inedible.
I heard it tastes just like chicken…
The end result being the cult member becomes chickenshit.
scientology411, after reading your post I”m LMAOFROTF! Now that’s some funny shit! Thanks for the smile and laugh!
well there you have it…..those listed are the ones that will keep this scam going!!!!
Happy Birthday, Mike. Many happy returns.
But they aren’t walking out and demanding
a refund. Do you mean to say all us little
ole people who don’t have their wealth aren’t as
intelligent, loyal, hardworking, self sacrificing
with good qualities. Right….Ben was intelligent
enough to not tell you he was getting commissions
on IAS donations.
You wanna see some hardworking, self-sacrificing people
in Scientology….go talk to real auditors and staff who worked
their asses off to grow Scientology into a juggernaut in the 1970’s.
Dave’s personal GAT = Gratitude absent thetan.
Well, they are actually. Obviously not these specific people (at the time of the promo anyway), but a lot of people out now were “these people” if you know what I mean.
One small exception to my previous post: I’m not as warm to the big “whales”. Some of these rich guys I sense are “out ethics” and I dont know what their connection to Scientology is- what they get out of donating, but some of them give me the creeps for some reason. Like the guy who I think makes money investing in psych drugs.
However, I just wish people would get off the enemy game. It’s an internet thing. If you really wanted to do something you would get in comm with these people. Look them up and give them a call and convince them to leave.
I don’t know what it is about Scientology. People get stuck in a game being an enemy of it. Even people who never did any Scientology spend the rest of their lives obsessed with being an enemy of it. That’s strange in my humble opinion. I mean, people can do whatever they want and I’m sure there are stranger and less worthwhile things to do because life is funny that way, but still, I don’t get it. There’s an HCOB where he says Scientology can “key people in” even if they don’t study or participate in it. That basically they see some bit of Scientology from afar and reactively confuse it with some past subject or group from the “whole track”. That made sense to me when i was in the Church. I realize it is a bit nutty, but based on the way some people act I cannot entirely dismiss it.
There are forums on the internet where people who have never been involved in Scientology and know nothing about it write back and forth for hours and hours about what other people write about Scientology. I responded to a guy on Tony Ortegas blog and said I wasn’t his enemy. He replied that it was his goal to destroy me by whatever means necessary- over Psych drugs. I said if he thinks psych drugs help him then it’s not my business and I’m not his doctor. Nope, not good enough, he has to “destroy” me. So, do you want to destroy these guys? Whats your game? What are your goals?
Let me add- I’m not saying this about you Potpie. i dont really know anything about you. I was just “ranting”, as they say. Later on I plan on doing some raving after I wash he car and do some grocery shopping.
MOst of these people are successful, intelligent and very able people. They have many good qualities. They are loyal, hardworking, self sacrificing and they are doing what they think is right. They really need to see and confront the actual scene. Thats the problem. These people are not the enemy.
I’m a little “ARC broken” with guys like Ben who regged for the IAS as I didnt know about the commissions they were pocketing. Also I feel like some of these people are donating for status. But other than that I think these guys just need some enlightenment on what is actually going on in the Church. Ironically if they truly supported the aims and goals of Scientology they would walk out of the Church and demand a refund.
How many decades will it be before this Hall is opened? All, the while the CoS regging for upgraded status. The newbies have no historical perspective but any long term Bubble members are willing participants in delusion, the ability to look being long lost. Sigh!
Dave’s dysfunctional delusional digs deeper.
This supports the idea that Russia is now the second largest source of donors to Scientology, but Miscaviges’s dependence on the US market (for suckers) remains overwhelming, which is good news as the main long term danger is that Scientology will expand in non-Engish speaking countries where its misdeeds are not well known. There is a lot of money in some of these places nowadays, and soon there will be many people in them who are looking for new meaning after making the unwelcome discovery that mass prosperity does not cause mass happiness, just as there were in America in the 1950s and 1960s.
The Duggans are PTS to CI as the richest whale should be the biggest donor to everything.
If they’d waited long enough, COSMOD could have been an IDEAL Missions Group and Steve Besio could have been its Grand Benefactor!
“Individuals and groups are doing their part
to ensure all Scientologists know about and
support LRH Hall”
Really?? Know about & support a building?
I remember a time gone by where that statement
could end with….know about and support each
other by ensuring all Scientologists know and
understand the value of training and processing.
Wow….what an old fuddy duddy I would be to
those beautiful people donating to a building.
It surely would be an ARCX to them….imagine
this….you fly an ARCX on one of these cash
cows and it would be….yah there’s this guy who
started talking about enlightening people on the
values of training and processing….really upset me.
Taking it further it ends up….No Understanding.
Big 3 swing fn with VVGI’s. Even a cognition…
I just realized how important this building is because
we have so many people that just don’t understand.
End of Session….Floating TA at examiner.
Excellent article about Jillian Schlesinger:
Yes indeed an excellent article and that is why these blogs have value; we spread the word that individuals don’t have to jail themselves in the sociopath’s bubble anymore; they have a choice and somehow we will give them a hand.
So glad she made it and hope many more will follow her, I really do.
It’s inevitable.
Wow. Harrowing story. So happy she made it out and that she has support group.
Moving, and well told. Thank you for posting that, and thanks to Mr Spies and vocativ.
Sounds like she was describing a life in hell.
Well done, Jillian. Thanks for posting, Mike.
I have a son in the SO and I’m wracking my brains as to how to let him know that if he wants to get out, I’m available for him. I’ve got an angle to give him that hopefully won’t arouse any suspicion – from him either. He’s a koolaider and where he is, he hasn’t a clue about Idle Morgues, Miscavige’s lies, and the rest.
Thing is, he doesn’t have a clue as to where I’m at.
They actually found donors. In this day and age. Well, god bless them. If I’d known the bricks of my house would clear me, I’d have invested in it long ago.
Right, Dollar Morgue. If I’d known that a Cathedral could clear me I wouldn’t have passed up a visit to Notre Dame when I was in Paris.
I didn’t, and honestly, it was better than a session. )
This whole thing reminds me of a Monty Python skit.
First I should acknowledge your magic wit in writing all this, it sure makes me laugh.
Now, lets go to more serious matters, under the Pollack’s notes: “We look forward to completing the fundraising, building the Hall and handing it over to Int Management to bring us all together from all parts of the world and to again wave their magic wands to make that world a better, saner, etc”
Int Management? Really? How many are left under the tyranny of Black Heart but himself?
Magic Wands? Are you kidding? It should read: and bring down his whip to swat it at staff that had not met their quotas so DearLeader can keep increasing his own bank account. Anyway, very serious and very solid messages are all over this promo, all evidence of the bubble’s lies and treachery.
They are also going to need more titles for the whales, such as the Unique Most Loyal Meritorious Glorious Magnanimous LRH’s Friend award, or something like that.
Thank you Mike.
Here we go again satisfying Der Leader’s ego.
having built his Reichstag, now it’s time to build his Nuremberg to hold his rallies.
I bet the cost will be astronomical, and they go through at least a dozen designs and consultants (unless they have already learned their lesson and run away, or get paid IN FULL upfront)
The “museum” will be the only place LRH exists in RCo$ as Davey boy re-writes everything including history
It’s time to behave like sheep sheeple, miss the pen and run!
Baa, baa, black sheep,
Have you any wool?
Yes, sir, yes, sir,
Three bags full;
One for the master,
Who calls himself dave,
And none for the staff folk
Who all live like slaves
MJ, that is genius!
Aw shucks Jane. 🙂
Stop it, MJ!!! Stop being a better comic than me!!! It makes me want to be a donor to Hubbard Hall!
Oh, no! I can’t find words to say anything else. This is lunacy and LOOK at all these people falling for it. Oh, no! Unbelievable. I’m flabbergasted.
Really sad to see so many apparently intelligent people being duped.
What a con.
I wonder if this need for a hall has anything to do with the Garcia case.
Because the FH auditorium has enough room. Otherwise they could just use all that empty space in the SP Bldg.
I don’t know why they need another hall. What do you mean, Annabelle, that maybe this has to do with the Gacia case? Is it just to show that the money regged for the SP building is now being put to build another building (and not to buy new motorcycles and cuff links and tuxedos for the midget?) You are right that they could use all the empty space in the SP building or the FH. Whatever they do though, it must have a roof overhead so that they can’t be bombed with helicopters flying with the letters, “Where’s Shelly?”
“Look, Judge, we needed all that money for that bldg and now we have had to resort to asking for even more money to accommodate the influx of all of our new and old members for a hall.”
Don’t forget the staff present for Dave.….0…
ARE the essences of a true group participation and contribution? (I don’t think so because I can name a number of insane and vicious groups where there was much of both) Is “duty motivation” truly the highest motivation one can have on that scale? (I don’t think so, because again, I can name a number of insane and vicious groups where most members were “doing their duty.”) Are Scientologists really the best people on each of the continents? Is it true that EVERY decision one makes to spend money on another dynamic’s activity instead of giving it to Scientology, a decision that indicates one is “PTS to the middle class”? etc etc etc (dilettantism and its opposite characteristics in KSW among many other things).
Every group/nation/religion has its own culture, its own ethic and ideals and yes, its own myths. LRH was very saavy in establishing MANY of these to sort of “pre-empt” members of the CoS who might not want to do as they are told. The above points (and many others re: ethics and “the group”) are used continuously to make people wrong and to control their behavior and always their money. It was like that in 1971, my firstfull year on staff (though much much harder for the powers that were to accomplish I might note). The myths in any group are extremely strong. IT DOESN’T MATTER WHAT “REALITY” IS FOR THE FOLKS WHO ARE OUTISDE THEIR GROUP ….. I just watched a debate where a noted and much degreed ‘creationist” was arguing on scientific facts that Earth is only 6,500 years old and that The Book of Genesis is literally true.
So all the folks who accept all their group’s myths as true are living in “their bubble.” Try even a PLEASANT discussion with a hard core Christian as I did recently. I was eventually told that I’m simply not seeking God with enough fervor, otherwise the Holy Spirit would bring me “the truth,” End of discussion.
The great disappointment in Scientology is that we who got involved were under the impression that it was a religious philosophy of REASON, “heuristic”, based on observation and sanity. And maybe it did start out that way … or maybe it didn’t. But LRH didn’t WANT it that way. He wanted to be “source.” He is Moses, the lawgiver, Jesus the savior, and also The Buddha. And what he says is simply the truth.
So anyone I observed, including myself, in order to STAY in Scientology, simply moves into this universe, accepts the myths and all the controls and insanity that goes along with them. Mike, do you REALLY wonder why these people think that the “new thing” will “clear the planet”? Do you really wonder why these people apparently don’t notice that some orgs were bursting at the seams in the 1970s with students training to be auditors (TO clear the planet) and that now the Scientology 3-D game is one of fundraising and buildings? They either accept the myths or they leave. (and maybe there ARE the lurkers, the under the radars, who are caught in limbo – I do know of two long time OTs who just sort of pretend to still be in, while not doing anything anymore, how many more? I don’t know. But they won’t show up in these fundraising succeses, that’s for sure).
The moment a person accepts myth and the idea that all truth comes from the source of THEIR religion, the cycle starts to what it has become today in Scientology. Miscavige is now the source of what is good and proper in Scientology. Scientologists REQUIRE a breathing human being to hand them down their orders and truths. If not him, it would have been somewhat else. HOW COULD IT HAVE BEEN ANY DIFFERENT REALLY? (that’s a rhetorical question; I don’t think in the Scientology Universe as created it could have been)
Without abusing my soapbox space here, permit me please to add just a couple of more examples I think are very important to the above point of accepting the myths in the bubble. Most of you have read LRH’s comment on “poor woikers” and of course, his comment in KSW about democracy just being about degraded novels and income tax or some such. Again, see how he sets up 3-D interactions IN ADVANCE. If you point out destructive or unfair working conditions, then you are disagreeing with Ron, you are a commie, promoting “poor woikers.” If you aren’t in agreement with organization policies and especially orders being enforced with no discussion or agreement from the staff, then you are disagreeing with Ron, you are a “know best” and can’t duplicate KSW. So of course, people learn to shut up (and they learn this from group ethic VERY QUICKLY in Scientology). Ron WANTED to be an autocrat. He ALWAYS got rid of any personality in the CoS who brought TOO much attention to themselves (even his son and his auditors). Miscavige? One can only stand in awe of what Debbie Cook must be “made of” to have lasted SEVENTEEN freaking years as one of his top juniors.
Perfect comment, JP. LRH set the tone here to not being able to disagree with very much. He was autocratic and ruined many people, destroying their lives, on either a whim or bedause they disagreed with him. He got people ‘back’, too. Miscavige was well trained and is doing the job exactly right – per LRH.
Sounds spot on to me.
Joe P,
One thing: LRH did say that he was Source, but as Source, he also advised, on a number of occasions in different wordings, in various lectures and so forth, that we should not take his word for something being true or workable but should see for ourselves. Now, however at variance this may be with other things he wrote or said, he still communicated this see-for-yourself-just-don’t-take-my-word-for-it concept enough for me to consider it “Scientology”. It always indicated to me that this was the correct way to operate in life. I call it “Scientology”.because LRH said it enough times so that for me it IS Scientology. I’m not trying to be right about it though. I’m just for doing what works, no matter what we call it.
Also, I should add that I have never been in the SO or on staff, so I’ve never experienced being continually and fascistically ordered to comply without question to orders, Command Intention, etc.
Knowing myself, if, as a rule I had been subjected to that kind of treatment I would have 1) blown, and 2) mentally fused Scientology the Organization with Scientology the Subject.
“….that we should not take his word for something being true or workable but should see for ourselves.” He was very clever in saying this and maybe even meant it at the time. It certainly gave us a false impression that we had Power of Choice, when in fact, we had none at all.
We were prevented from doing ‘other practices’, for one. We were “investigated’ if we had family who weren’t Scientologists. How many times have I been asked to repeat over and over again that a son of mine didn’t object to my being in Scientology – and on the cans?
What about this statement of LRH’S, “Scientology is seniour to life itself.” Wow. How could we look anywhere else?
There is much of this type of ‘planting’, which is brainwashing, for sure. We didn’t dare to agree with any other philosophy. I couldn’t do astrology, or hatha yoga for exercise, or have acapuncture. If I had a friend or family who worked in a bank, I came under scrutiny. And…. and…. and.
If I didn’t want a process or agree with anything, I had CI. If I didn’t go to an event, this was frowned upon. If I didn’t bow down to authority, the SO, phew, this was serious…
I can’t remember right now all the other instances of the subtle brainwashing but they are there and they are many.
Aquamarine – I’m in complete agreement with the way you operate – I aim to do the same myself. And I am familiar with those LRH references, mostly from the early 1950s from his lectures on education. I like them so much that I have transcribed parts of them into a journal. Ron says to question authority, to be suspicious of any teacher who says he is always right and not to be questioned AND that it is necessary for any student to be able to and given the option to REJECT data that he has been given. Of course in Training and Duplication, LRH says the goal is to reach realization, where the data is yours because you know it for yourself to be true, not just because Ron has said so. Personally I think that much of what LRH wrote and said is pure gold, stuff I apply every day in my life to lead a happier and smarter life.
Yet LRH did change his tune from the above data (and essay Personal Integrity, where what you observe to be true for yourself is a key). In the early 50s, those who disagreed with past lives had to leave, in the early 60s, those who disagreed with an emphasis on MWHs had to leave. I’m certainly not saying LRH wasn’t correct here on this data. I’m saying you agreed with him, or you couldn’t be in Scientology. By 1970, when I got into Scientology, it was accepted that EVERYTHING Ron said was true, no other point of view even conceivable. If you didn’t understand something or were confused, YOU had misunderstood words (and many people did, no argument there). In a few years, the possible reason for not fully digging what LRH said was previous false data which clashed with what you learned in Scientology. There were crashing mu’, and always of course YOUR our ethics scenes. But one never questioned LRH. And I can give you some specific and humorous examples of when gross typos were considered true because they had LRHs name on them (and then the Red books came out with the corrections – LRH hadn’t written the weird things at all …. but they were true because they allegedly “came from Ron.”)
In 35 years of giving and getting thousands of checkouts (I was a course supe for many years as well as a CS), I never once ….. never ONCE …. ever heard anyone on a checkout EVER disagree with ANYTHING LRH had written or said. I myself got to the point where I would read something that did seem weird to me , like aptitude is established ONLY by definitions, for example, and I could figure out “how it was true” and could pass any checkout, even though I didn’t actually think the datum was true as absolutely written.
And styling himself as “source” ….. well, you’re gonna have to think about the effect of hearing that thousands of times over the years and what it really means and the effect it has on people.
None from South Africa I’m pleased to see. We’ve woken up!
Congratulations on being the first ideal continent!
Hi Maven. Or are all bled dry? There’s no more money coming in for the next Idle Morgue, they’re scaping and I think somewhat stumped.
Perhaps you are right, though. I certainly hope so. I glean that there is more of an awakening in South Africa. Just how big it is has yet to be discovered.
Oh, the old man would be so proud. Just what he wanted, more MEST. And isn’t that Gentile family something? Those kids are getting a true education on what the Cof$ is all about. Love the LRH quotes too – always good for a few bucks. But what really moved me most were the tuxedos.
Hey MJ, re presents for Dave. How the hell did you get pictures of all my cars?
I think one of the squirrel Busters sent me an instagram.
Someone needs to get in touch with the extensive Ribisi family, which includes the well known musician Beck as well as Kirsty, JT, TC and let them know this is their big chance to contribute to THE thing that will make SURE scientology booms “to the moon”
Go for it windhorse!
I see the Mappins of Camelot Castle Hotel are throwing away more money that’s needed to renovate their business and reputation.
For a fleeting moment I thought this was about supposedly intelligent people giving cash to build a HALL! Ha. Must be some sort of cryptic metaphor or euphemism. What’s this post really all about?
It’s actually about agriculture. Dave and Lou are trying to evaluate whether the sheeple should be brought into the barn for a shearing or whether it is time to butcher the whole lot and move on.
After seeing those IRS forms showing over 1.5 billion in property and 2 billion estimated in cash, Im sorry but all I can say is – Suckers! You are falling for the con again!
Maybe someone can get ahold of the email list of these donors and send them copies of the IRS 990 forms. Maybe some of these sheep will wake up that there is more than enough money to build this Hall if it is really needed 30 times over with the cash on hand.
Wouldn’t want to deprive Dave of any of his hard won earnings now would we?
The really odd thing to me is that they all LOOK so intelligent!
Intelligence and judgement are not correlated. This circumstance, in combination with the widespread failure to understand that it is so, is one the fundamental flaws of our species.
There are whole classes of bad ideas which appeal primarily to people of above average intelligence and/or education. Such people are more likely than others to be interested in ideas which purport to offer deep answers to fundamental problems, and they are well-equipped to use intellect to explain away the conflicts between their chosen idea/ideology and observable reality.
At the societal level dumb people aren’t responsible for anything: all major problems are caused by intelligent people screwing up.
I recently read an interesting article about a financial con man that made an interesting point about conning people. He said that he only targeted smart people because they had the money. His key to success was targeting the emotionally vulnerable. Sound familiar?
In my experience, the intelligent are more susceptible to offerings of ‘esoteric, secret, inner-teachings-of-the-planetary-elite’.
You are probably right, Aurora. Some of these intelligent folk also believe life is a variety of chemical reaction which originated in an unaccountable explosion out of a previously non-existent particle, and that their higher selves belong in a parallel universe they recognise but dumb people can’t; they are sure of this because they worked it out mathematically and from observation, and it’s been verified by others elsewhere (with whom they did not confer) using the same maths and observations. Two eggheads make a right: if they think it, it must be true. They are of course, far too savvy to fall for that ‘if it’s true for you’ nonsense. Their special, accidentally unique biological nature qualifies them to chant their esoteric formulae and incantations, such as ‘metrication,’ ‘socialism,’ ‘financial instruments,’ ‘the rule of law,’ ‘Heisenberg,’ ‘university bursary committee,’ ‘funding application form,’ and other such things far beyond our ken.
I wonder who will make the last donation to these scams? They have no new people that are totally uneducated about the scam, except non-English speaking people in far off places. So, today they just suck the money out of the current members. Rinse and repeat.
The “LRH Hall Key Member” Gentile family is very new to the scam. They started at NY Org around the end of 2010 with Dianetic auditing for the parents, and the whole family got sucked in during 2011. It was a textbook case of getting a wealthy family love-bombed and completely encircled by the bubble as fast as possible. They got the best attention and never had to wait for any service. I supervised the older kids on the Children’s Comm Course, and we did *everything* to make sure that they always had a great twin to work with, which of course meant pulling regular public off their own course work to work with them. They clearly were blinded by all the love and excellent service, which was done so they would never feel any discontent or be able to believe that anything about Scn could ever be destructive. And as you can see, it worked! They are the rare cash cows who have been involved for less than 5 years.
It proves that in the bubble Jews and Gentiles can all get along.
The love will run out with the money. By that time they will have donated their kids.
By that time they will have donated their kids. – Literally, as in sacrificing them to the sea ogres
Are David and Joanne Gentile related by marriage to David Miscavige’s twin sister, Denise Miscavige Gentile — the sister who was arrested last year for possession and sale of marijuana and DUI?